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S03.E15: The Waiting Room

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9 hours ago, buckboard said:

I also didn't get Toby asking someone to contact his parents.  He couldn't take 5 minutes to call his family?  Was he sitting staring at Kate the entire time that he couldn't do it himself?

Right? She must have been sleeping some of that time. He couldn't call his parents and in-laws while she rested and give them updates? Hell, he could have updated them all at the same time with one text. And I think I might be annoyed if my son had his in-laws who I've met once(?) call me to tell me this momentous news instead of calling himself.

Edited by ams1001
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6 hours ago, Cementhead said:

I missed the promos you guys are referring to that said we would be left speechless.  Did they really say that? 

Yes, they did, in that super-serious-drama announcer-guy voice. And now I'm wondering if the guy behind that voiced turned away from the microphone after recording that line and said, "Really? Did you actually see the episode?"

Edited by ams1001
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23 hours ago, coconutpie said:

First of all, never have I seen so much screaming in a hospital waiting room since the Bravermans. There is no way they would allow all that nonsense. Second, at least the Bravermans made me cry happy and sad tears every episode. This was so boring and dull, I felt no emotion about the baby at all. 

yup! the bravermans redux. unfortunately, the bravermans got on my last nerve and with one exception, never made me cry. sad to say, after the first season, the same has been largely true for the persons.

  • Love 4
On 3/12/2019 at 7:08 PM, CleoCaesar said:

Miguel and Madison, run far away from these people. You are too good for these immature, tiresome drama queens with their stupid monologues and neverending selfishness.

What a boring, pointless episode. Of course they weren't going to kill off Kate or the baby. So what was the point of it?



  • Love 5
2 hours ago, debraran said:

Years ago, another hospital near me had beepers that they'd give family to tell them when they could come in, so they'd go get dinner downstairs, etc. Now with cellphones, it's not as needed.

My mom had surgery last year (right around this time, actually) that took a few hours and my dad said they have an electronic board that lets people in the waiting room know when a patient is in surgery, an estimate of how long it's expected to take, when they move to recovery, etc. And I live in the same town and my brother lives half an hour away; we were told we didn't need to take the day off just to hang out in the hospital, so we went to work and my dad texted us periodically with updates (and also to tell us how bored he was). Then my mom didn't want us to visit at the hospital, either, so we waited a couple days until she went home and visited her then. 

And no one else could go sit with Kate, either, during all that time? Obviously not all of them at once, but a couple at a time? I doubt they were actively treating her for 26+hours straight. She was probably hooked up to a bunch of monitors and IVs and just waiting. (Unless she didn't want them there, of course. Which I wouldn't blame her.)

Edited by ams1001
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1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

My answer to the game is lemons.

I love chocolate creams.  Chocolate lemon, orange, raspberry, strawberry...could eat them all day long.

And to the poster who said chocolate on chocolate is redundant...I submit chocolate truffles with a drizzle or dusting of chocolate.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, cameron said:

Seriously Rebeccas's remark about not naming your child until you met them.  Had both boy and girl names picked out as soon as I knew I was pregnant.  Didn't hurt my double degree college son one bit.

My mom* had her names picked out before we were even conceived. (Also the genders, the order in which she'd have them, and the age gap. I was not going to be a boy. She already had her boy when I was born.)

*I half-jokingly asked my dad once if he had any say in our names. He just shook his head (he and my brother have the same middle name, though). 😉 

1 minute ago, Crs97 said:

But would lemon flavor count?  I was thinking more of dipping a lemon slice into chocolate or ranch.  Maybe I don’t fully understand Miguel’s game, but I appreciated the distraction.

Lemon Milano cookies from Pepperidge Farm are actually pretty good. I was a little skeptical when I first saw them, but of the fruit flavored ones, they turned out to be my favorite.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Randall is only a momma's boy because he was raised to be a momma's boy.

Deja is headed down that same path.

We need an entire episode of whatever the hell happened to Kate's dog.   Who has him and how was his life after living with the Pearson's.  I will never forgive Kate for giving him away.  It wasn't the dog's fault that Jack died.  Plus I think Kate completely disrespected her dad by giving the dog away.

I was glad that Jack went in after him and saved him.  I would have done the same thing for my pets.

What do you mean in regards to Randall?

2 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I've had this exact thought for a few weeks now. There's a total disconnect between teen Randall and adult Randall. I see nothing at all of teen Randall in adult Randall. Really makes me wonder WTF happened. 

Then again, I see very little of S1 Adult Randall in S2 Adult Randall and S3 Adult Randall. 

The Randall hate around here has always astounded me and it's pretty much the only place I see it. Randall's not perfect but he tries damn hard. When it comes to being a husband, a father, or generally just trying to help people. Self centered and entitled sounds more like Kevin to me.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does Rebecca think that Kate will not be able to really manage with the babies care, due to her size? Is that the real reason for their move?

There’s nothing that indicated to me that Rebecca thinks Kate needs help with the baby because of her size. I think she wanted to be near what may be her last grandchild and then finding out that Kate went into labor so early really pushed Rebecca into wanting to be there to help take care of both her daughter and her preemie grandson. Taking care of a full term newborn is exhausting but Kate will be going back and forth to the hospital every single day for weeks or even months which will be emotionally and physically draining. She is going to need all the support and assistance she can get and Rebecca has no reason not to go to California.

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I find myself comparing this episode with the "family therapy" episode in Season 2 which was SO good.  In that episode, it felt like things that needed to be said were said and then it circled back to loving each other.  But now, nearly everyone is acting out and some (esp. Randall) are so far removed from their original characters that I'm feeling really disconnected from the show.  It pains me to say so because up until this season, I was a huge fan.  I'm going to stick with it, but it's definitely not as good a show as it used to be.

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, ThisIsMe said:

I find myself comparing this episode with the "family therapy" episode in Season 2 which was SO good.  In that episode, it felt like things that needed to be said were said and then it circled back to loving each other.  But now, nearly everyone is acting out and some (esp. Randall) are so far removed from their original characters that I'm feeling really disconnected from the show.  It pains me to say so because up until this season, I was a huge fan.  I'm going to stick with it, but it's definitely not as good a show as it used to be.

They really did a number on the Randall character. 

  • Love 10

I don't think the family is aware that Kate even has a friend named Madison. They know about her problems getting pregnant, that she delivers singing telegrams for a living, that she doesn't have much of a life. They never have substantial conversations with her. Compared to her brothers, she exists to applaud their accomplishments but isn't expected to have a life that includes people they don't know.

  • Love 6

Toby not calling his parents might not be a matter of time but due to overwhelm. I don't think the writers wrote it like this but it would be consistent with someone who has depression to get so overwhelm that a partial or almost complete shutdown prevents them from doing the "social" thing. It is common on any neurodivergent person.

I get it the Randall would fly to be near Kate. But why Beth? They were just having an argument about how hard it would be to be with the girls, how they could not afford a babysitter, then they both just leave? I know, they needed the drama and to continue the discussion but the writers could have done better.

I Know people who choose baby names before birth and I know people who wait until they see the baby. My brothers and I all had different chosen names before we were born. I know people who don't even define the gender of their babies. I don't have  problem with that. 

  • Love 4

We typically had a list of 2-3 names and then decided at the hospital.  We always ended up staying with our top pick, but while pregnant we told people the list if they asked.  We knew too many people who said their favorite name and then heard lots of criticism.  We found saying you aren’t sure but listing 2-5 names as possibilities blunts the critique.  I had no problem with Kate telling Rebecca they weren’t sure yet, especially when she said she had doubts right up to naming him.  Also makes sense to me.

  • Love 4
On 3/12/2019 at 9:41 PM, Blakeston said:

The "Kate wants to see Miguel first" thing was funny, but man was that a dickish thing to do to poor Miguel.

He just sat there for hour after hour, supporting your family during a brutal ordeal - good time to make a joke about how unpopular he is, right to his face!

Personally, I didn't think it was funny at all. I almost cried when I saw how sad it made Miguel. And same with Madison. If it were my best friend in the hospital for me, she'd probably be in the room with my husband and me.

And when Kate was looking up talking to Jack, I was just waiting for her to say the words I sometimes say to my mom or dad in heaven, "Mom, Dad, I don't know if it works like this, but could you pull a few strings up there for...whatever is going on". 

  • Love 8
On 3/12/2019 at 9:41 PM, Amethyst said:

I thought something was seriously wrong with Rebecca besides being scared.  She looked unconscious before she yelled at everyone to shut up.  She could have done that without the longwinded speech, though.  Just saying. 

I think so too. And remember in fast forward episodes we have seen Randall and Tess going to see a close female (they've used feminine pronouns) - her, she, etc.) who we are lead to believe is in a place they don't want to see her in.  My thought is that Rebecca is starting to show signs of dementia, Alzheimers or something along those lines. I also think maybe the move to CA could be to be closer to a certain doctor, trials or facility.

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On 3/13/2019 at 1:31 AM, SadieT said:

Hasn’t Miguel had a similar "outsider" conversation with Toby? Miguel is like the official Pearson family ambassador who has to perform community outreach and comfort all the people the Pearson cult hurt with their “no outsiders” mentality.

Yes, Toby, Beth and Miguel had quite a bit of an episode dedicated to a little Pearson Outsiders get-together for coffee or drinks or something. My mind went right to that when Toby said Kate wanted to see Miguel first. I know they're all made-up characters, but that just still burns my ass on Miguel's behalf!

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, kilda said:

Also I totally have noticed that outlets look like surprised faces before and now I'm wondering if that makes me weird.

I have always thought the front grills/lights of cars look like faces. And it really surprised me a few weeks ago, my 28 year old daughter was talking and told her husband how her mom always said cars have "friendly" or "mean" "Faces". The other day, I saw a car's grill/lights and it shocked me how much it looked like a storm trooper's helmet in Star Wars.  So, no, Kilda, you're not weird. Because if you are - I'm SUPER WEIRD! LOL

Edited by llewis823
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On 3/12/2019 at 10:13 PM, cmpbl said:

So what was supposed to be so special about this episode. Other than the baby being born the rest of the episode was just like every other episode. I'm so glad Rebecca went off on Kevin and Randall, not everything is about them.

This is why I try to avoid previews of shows during the week. I went into this one blond, and I’m glad. No, this ep didn’t leave me speechless, but I did enjoy it and found it intense. I enjoyed the family drama moments most. 

  • Love 4

I actually didn't think the nurse handled things well.

Letting the family know that the doctor is in emergency surgery, and then brushing off any questions about who was in surgery, was a bad way to play that situation.

If you're not allowed to say if Kate is in surgery, then explain that you're not legally allowed to say it.

And if you simply don't know, then explain, "I don't know who he's in surgery with."

At least that way, you're letting the person know that you actually listened to their question, and you're telling them everything you reasonably can.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

We typically had a list of 2-3 names and then decided at the hospital.  We always ended up staying with our top pick, but while pregnant we told people the list if they asked.  We knew too many people who said their favorite name and then heard lots of criticism.  We found saying you aren’t sure but listing 2-5 names as possibilities blunts the critique.  I had no problem with Kate telling Rebecca they weren’t sure yet, especially when she said she had doubts right up to naming him.  Also makes sense to me.

Why would any prospective set of parents care about what people thought about the names they have chosen for their baby.  They are the ones having the child, not the other people.

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, cameron said:

Why would any prospective set of parents care about what people thought about the names they have chosen for their baby.  They are the ones having the child, not the other people.

Because some people worry about offending their own (or their spouse's) heritage.  My husband is Ashkenazi, and in his culture, you're not supposed to name a child after someone who is still alive while there's no hard rule for Chinese (it's just not common, since each generation has its own "generational name" - Dad and son could technically both be "Ming," but dad (and his siblings) will have a different middle part).  Our little guy, therefore, shares a first name with my husband's late maternal grandfather, while his middle name is the same as my dad's.  The first part of his Chinese name is the same as one cousin and the second, another.  I think my parents picked that because it's easy for me to write (haha).  

I think his family is pickier about "tradition" than mine - my family could care less (for names, anyway.  That can't be said for some other issues...like my son's 100 Day party)!  

I hope they portray NICU storylines accurately!  Like only allowing certain relatives in at a time.  The handwashing.  Even down to over-worked, cranky nurses.  

Edited by PRgal
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2 hours ago, Crs97 said:

We typically had a list of 2-3 names and then decided at the hospital.  We always ended up staying with our top pick, but while pregnant we told people the list if they asked.  We knew too many people who said their favorite name and then heard lots of criticism.  We found saying you aren’t sure but listing 2-5 names as possibilities blunts the critique.  I had no problem with Kate telling Rebecca they weren’t sure yet, especially when she said she had doubts right up to naming him.  Also makes sense to me.

we went the opposite way. Once we knew gender at 20 weeks, we made the final call on the name and started telling people. This approach works well if you really don't give a crap what people think--and we fall into this bucket. It gave the members of our family who thought our names were odd (they are traditional names but not super common) time go get over it and any reaction happened well before baby arrived. By the time baby arrived everyone was used to it--plus its easier for people to get you gifts with the baby's name on it :)

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Personally, I didn't think it was funny at all. I almost cried when I saw how sad it made Miguel. And same with Madison. If it were my best friend in the hospital for me, she'd probably be in the room with my husband and me.

I think the Pearsons could learn a lot from both Miguel and Madison.  About kindness.  Madison was there for Kate, and when that couldn't happen, she was out in the middle of the night getting donuts.  Miguel was trying to lighten the mood and help the time pass with a game.  For their efforts they get no respect, let alone thanks.  It wasn't just Kevin in his alcohol withdrawal meltdown, the whole family sat there when he dissed her.  Toby, no matter the exhaustion, reverts to trying out stand-up comedy bits instead of just thanking everyone for spending hours there in support of him and Kate.  Really graceless.  The Golden Rule is not that hard to remember.  Forgiveness is grand but just be kind in the first place.  I sound schoolmarm-ish, but these people grate.  And I have been in many critical care waiting rooms, many times, and never witnessed anything remotely like this.  I think most people instinctively know that acting out personal psychodramas in a place/time like that, only makes difficult things worse.

  • Love 22
6 hours ago, IrishPirate said:

I don't think the family is aware that Kate even has a friend named Madison.

They have to know  - Madison took Kate shopping for wedding gowns, planned the bachelorette party, was a bridesmaid in the wedding, and then was at the graduation party, having created a special "Commence-mint" drink [or renaming a mojito as the bartender pointed out]. So the family has met her on more than one occasion. Really pissed me off that NO ONE stood up for her and asked her to stay. 

Also pissed re Toby's "joke" about Miguel.  I also thought that since he and Miguel have talked about being treated like outsiders, it was even worse...he knew that would hurt M's feelings. 

Everything else that I hated about this ep has been said.  I am seriously considering breaking up with this show. Only thing I've liked this year was Uncle Nicky stuff. And I was not excited by the preview which showed the return of a character that I am SO over. 

Edited by AzraeltheCat
  • Love 15
4 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I think so too. And remember in fast forward episodes we have seen Randall and Tess going to see a close female (they've used feminine pronouns) - her, she, etc.) who we are lead to believe is in a place they don't want to see her in.  My thought is that Rebecca is starting to show signs of dementia, Alzheimers or something along those lines. I also think maybe the move to CA could be to be closer to a certain doctor, trials or facility.

Yes, this is what I am thinking.  The way Rebecca was like in a trance and then commenting on 'strange" things, like the pattern on the sofa looked like bacteria, it seems like she is suffering a break with reality.  She is lucky to have Miguel with her, he is so caring of her, whereas her kids seem oblivious.  

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, mommalib said:

The Randall hate around here has always astounded me and it's pretty much the only place I see it. Randall's not perfect but he tries damn hard. When it comes to being a husband, a father, or generally just trying to help people. Self centered and entitled sounds more like Kevin to me.

I've liked Randall for a long time, but I'm finding that I like him less and less.  He completely ignored Beth's request to pull out of the race, and this was well before she wanted to teach ballet.  Randall needs to understand that there are times in life where you need to sit down.  Not everything has to be about you.  Give someone else (in this case, Beth) a chance.  Randall did not HAVE to run for council.  He needed a new job, but that didn't have to be it.

His district is not where he lives or even has ties except for William, and frankly, I think most viewers would be willing to completely drop that whole storyline (and all things William) with no problem.  So, yes, Randall get another job that allows YOU to care for the girls while Beth teaches ballet.  You WANT to be a councilman in the same way that Beth WANTS to teach ballet.  It's time for her want, not your want.

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, mommalib said:

The Randall hate around here has always astounded me and it's pretty much the only place I see it. Randall's not perfect but he tries damn hard. When it comes to being a husband, a father, or generally just trying to help people. Self centered and entitled sounds more like Kevin to me.

You quoted my post, but I said none of these things about Randall. I simply said I see a lack of continuity in the character over the years.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

we went the opposite way. Once we knew gender at 20 weeks, we made the final call on the name and started telling people. This approach works well if you really don't give a crap what people think--and we fall into this bucket. It gave the members of our family who thought our names were odd (they are traditional names but not super common) time go get over it and any reaction happened well before baby arrived. By the time baby arrived everyone was used to it--plus its easier for people to get you gifts with the baby's name on it 🙂

My daughter and son-in-law did same thing and I liked their name choice, which like yours was traditional but not very common either, although she spelled it by one letter being different from the traditional way and so we had to get used to that. I have and I love her name now, but it is a real PITA with autocorrect! LOL

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

we went the opposite way. Once we knew gender at 20 weeks, we made the final call on the name and started telling people. This approach works well if you really don't give a crap what people think--and we fall into this bucket. It gave the members of our family who thought our names were odd (they are traditional names but not super common) time go get over it and any reaction happened well before baby arrived. By the time baby arrived everyone was used to it--plus its easier for people to get you gifts with the baby's name on it :)

Years ago, I taught with someone who was pregnant with a boy.  She told everyone that they were going to name him a certain name.  We all started referring to him by that name.  She referred to him by that name.  Then she went on maternity leave.  When she came back, someone asked about the baby using the name we all knew.  Turns out that she changed the name.  When we asked why (because she was SO sure about the previous name and loved it), she said that she and her husband thought that the baby didn't "look" like that name when he was born.  I don't know if she got any pre-birth monogrammed gifts.

  • Love 1
On 3/13/2019 at 10:19 AM, kilda said:

Also I totally have noticed that outlets look like surprised faces before and now I'm wondering if that makes me weird.

6 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I have always thought the front grills/lights of cars look like faces. And it really surprised me a few weeks ago, my 28 year old daughter was talking and told her husband how her mom always said cars have "friendly" or "mean" "Faces". The other day, I saw a car's grill/lights and it shocked me how much it looked like a storm trooper's helmet in Star Wars.  So, no, Kilda, you're not weird. Because if you are - I'm SUPER WEIRD! LOL

May I also submit...


Edited by Lovecat
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16 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

Years ago, I taught with someone who was pregnant with a boy.  She told everyone that they were going to name him a certain name.  We all started referring to him by that name.  She referred to him by that name.  Then she went on maternity leave.  When she came back, someone asked about the baby using the name we all knew.  Turns out that she changed the name.  When we asked why (because she was SO sure about the previous name and loved it), she said that she and her husband thought that the baby didn't "look" like that name when he was born.  I don't know if she got any pre-birth monogrammed gifts.

Don't understand how intelligent people can actually think that a baby doesn't look like the name that they had previously chosen.  Understandable if the sex of the child is a surprise.

  • Love 3
On 3/12/2019 at 10:41 PM, Blakeston said:

The "Kate wants to see Miguel first" thing was funny, but man was that a dickish thing to do to poor Miguel.

He just sat there for hour after hour, supporting your family during a brutal ordeal - good time to make a joke about how unpopular he is, right to his face!

I don't think Toby was trying to be mean to Miguel in the least.  Toby's already been shown commiserating with Beth and Miguel about what it's like to be an outsider inside the walls.

  • Love 12
57 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

Years ago, I taught with someone who was pregnant with a boy.  She told everyone that they were going to name him a certain name.  We all started referring to him by that name.  She referred to him by that name.  Then she went on maternity leave.  When she came back, someone asked about the baby using the name we all knew.  Turns out that she changed the name.  When we asked why (because she was SO sure about the previous name and loved it), she said that she and her husband thought that the baby didn't "look" like that name when he was born.  I don't know if she got any pre-birth monogrammed gifts.

I know people do pick names after seeing the baby but that approach has always puzzled me since all babies look like Winston Churchill to me when they first arrive. Pictures of my boys at birth look nothing like them now.

I feel the need to include a more on topic comment: I sometimes have trouble distinguishing between comments on the show on (a) are these critiques of the show--as in "this show is poorly written" or "bad acting"; or (b) is the person saying "this character (if we assume they are at real person) has these flaws that annoy me."

There are a lot of things about the various characters on this show that are annoying, but it doesn't make me like the show less--because they generally feel like real strengths and weaknesses people have. I like a lot of people in real life who can be selfish at times, etc. but all and all they are good. Randall definitely messes up--and I have no issues with people noting those mistakes--but (a) I like him as a character overall but because at his heart he is good; and (b) I think the show is well done for not making him (or anyone else on this show--granted Jack comes the closest) to perfect. I think it's a challenge for a show to have flawed characters that you still want to watch. I think TIU does a good job with that. If you want to see a bad job of that--I suggest Chicago Med which I for some reason continue to watch.

  • Love 2
Just now, RedbirdNelly said:

I know people do pick names after seeing the baby but that approach has always puzzled me since all babies look like Winston Churchill to me when they first arrive. Pictures of my boys at birth look nothing like them now.

I know in my case, my mom was going to name me Tina.  But, when I was born, she decided I was "too big" to be a Tina, because to her, Tina means tiny.  So she changed it.  My sister picked out 3 girl's names and I think she decided to see which one fit best when the baby was born, but I could be misremembering.  She might have finalized beforehand.  Either way, she did pick one of the three.  I tend to agree with you, though.  Most babies look pretty similar.  And, they don't have distinct personalities.  If you were going to wait a year to name, that would make more sense, but then what do you call the baby in the meantime? Baby?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, cameron said:

Don't understand how intelligent people can actually think that a baby doesn't look like the name that they had previously chosen.  Understandable if the sex of the child is a surprise.

I don't think intelligence has much to do with it.  Call it a gut feeling.  I was one of those who had it narrowed down to two, and upon looking down at their angelic (non-Churchillian) faces, one seemed more fitting than the other. 

52 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

I don't think Toby was trying to be mean to Miguel in the least.  Toby's already been shown commiserating with Beth and Miguel about what it's like to be an outsider inside the walls.

I don't think he was trying to be mean, I think he was trying to be funny as he is wont to do, and it bombed. 

  • Love 19
25 minutes ago, Katy M said:

If you were going to wait a year to name, that would make more sense, but then what do you call the baby in the meantime? Baby?

Picabo Street's parents did exactly that--called her "Baby Girl" for the first 2 years of her life.  Urban lore is that she was named Picabo after her favorite game, but more reliable sources say it was for a nearby town.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

I don't think he was trying to be mean, I think he was trying to be funny as he is wont to do, and it bombed. 

And bombing is another thing that Toby is wont to do.

I would have felt differently about the whole thing if he'd made the joke when he was talking to Miguel one-on-one, but to do it in front of the Pearsons (ie, the same people who exclude him) was pretty harsh.

And Miguel looked so surprised and happy when he actually believed that Kate wanted to see him. Ugh, Toby...please think things through in your head before you actually say them out loud.

  • Love 10

My 2 vente

1.  I think the Toby burn wasnt THAT bad. Toby had no idea the Pearsons were having their issues in the waiting room.  For all he knew they were getting along ok with a few lighthearted jokes hear and there. 

2. As someone who works in healthcare it amazes me that people assume everybody who is in uniform and female at a hospital is a nurse.  You have aides, technicians, secretaries, etc.  We dont know that women's credentials (unless I missed a name tag or an introduction).  Also that episode was almost real time. .I believed it started at 430 am and ended at 6. One update in a ninety minute period isnt that unusual. 

Last, Kevin arrogant gesture to get 'a better doctor' would probably be fruitless.  Chances are if he could pull strings that random  doctor wont necessarily have privileges at that particular hospital. 

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