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S09.E07: Surprise


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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

No I don’t think he’s controlling at all. (We are in agreement). This is normal parental jealousy which happens more often than people talk about. And is certainly likely to happen to a step parent who really has stepped up and is parenting 100% but gets none of the legal or social recognition of parenthood. 

Doris is right though- they need to document everything Adam has ever done because heaven forbid if Chelsea dropped dead tomorrow, Adam is still her legal parent and would have “dibs” over either set of grandparents or Cole, that would have to be worked out by a judge. Aubree is 9 though so as she ages her opinion and routine would be taken into account. 

Yes for sure (I didn't think you were saying he was controlling either, just to be clear), Doris is right. And they're right to be worried. I'd be terrified about the legal ramifications, because Adam as the default parent would be a NIGHTMARE.

I'm just always a little weirded out by the number of kind of unnecessary conversations that happen with Aubree/in front of Aubree- seems like a lot for her.

  • Love 4

Nova was so cute when she saw Stella was out of the hospital. 

Luis - you gotta do better than a sad emoji for your daughter, bro. 

Jenelle, it's going to take a lot more than yoga to bring peace to your life. I found it hysterical that she was ostensibly worried about Nathan fighting wth and abusing his girlfriend in front of Kaiser. Like he doesn't see that shit on the land. 

But,Nathan,you ain't off the hook either. Hanging up on your mama??? Truth hurts, I guess. 

The week's episode really should have been called,  "Parade of Hypocrites." Because Kail was right up there with Jenelle. EVERY. SINGLE. COMPLAINT she had about Jo could have been No speaking about her. She clearly makes more, yet he's been paying for years. Why shouldn't be rectify the situation?

I don't know if Jason really needed to go to the dentist with them all,but it was nice seeing him getting along with Cory.

However, did my eyes deceive me, or did he really combine a camo shirt and a blazer????

I was SO impressed with Chelsea this episode. She truly has matured. She went from discussing EVERYTHING in front of Aubree and trying to push he into feeling a certain way to letting her make her own decisions, including what to discuss on camera. I think it takes a lot of discipline, as a parent, to be certain of what is right; but let the child get there own their own. Well done.,

  • Love 19
21 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Nova was so cute when she saw Stella was out of the hospital. 

Luis - you gotta do better than a sad emoji for your daughter, bro. 

Jenelle, it's going to take a lot more than yoga to bring peace to your life. I found it hysterical that she was ostensibly worried about Nathan fighting wth and abusing his girlfriend in front of Kaiser. Like he doesn't see that shit on the land. 

But,Nathan,you ain't off the hook either. Hanging up on your mama??? Truth hurts, I guess. 

The week's episode really should have been called,  "Parade of Hypocrites." Because Kail was right up there with Jenelle. EVERY. SINGLE. COMPLAINT she had about Jo could have been No speaking about her. She clearly makes more, yet he's been paying for years. Why shouldn't be rectify the situation?

I don't know if Jason really needed to go to the dentist with them all,but it was nice seeing him getting along with Cory.

However, did my eyes deceive me, or did he really combine a camo shirt and a blazer????

I was SO impressed with Chelsea this episode. She truly has matured. She went from discussing EVERYTHING in front of Aubree and trying to push he into feeling a certain way to letting her make her own decisions, including what to discuss on camera. I think it takes a lot of discipline, as a parent, to be certain of what is right; but let the child get there own their own. Well done.,

OMG!!! The camo shirt and blazer was EVERYTHING!!! Is that an everyday outfit for Jason? He wears scrubs to work. Leah has halfway decent fashion sense these days. She needs to help him, stat!

  • Love 3

Stella looks a LOT more like Nova than she looks like Luis.  Was Devoin talking to Briana at any point during the time that Stella was conceived?

Kailyn is a complete hypocrite. She agreed to drop child support and then kept taking it for another year? I would fucking miss $5,000 too. Especially if it was going to my ex who constantly went on vacations, was trying to win a new boy toy, built a pool, and continued to ask me to watch our kid AND his half siblings with a frequency. HE deserves that $5k just for babysitting his kid's step siblings.

Although I will never forget Chelsea's mom shout whispering "DOES ADAM KNOW ABOUT COLE?" at some kid event, she has a point. Chelsea needs to formally arrange this shit in case something happens. UGH. What a terrible thing to have to consider. 

  • Love 24

And DO NOT EVEN get me started on that damn "Skippy Jon Jones" book. One of my friends got me that book for my kid. 

Nope. I read it to my kid once and I cringed. I can't. Like if the latinx person who lives in this house wanted to read it to our kid, that's cool. I'm not that person. 

Of COURSE Kailyn is reading to Isaac. And his Spanish pronunciation is fine. Who the fuck is she to criticize that? When did you ever speak Spanish, Hulk?

  • LOL 1
  • Love 10
27 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Kailyn is a complete hypocrite. She agreed to drop child support and then kept taking it for another year? I would fucking miss $5,000 too. Especially if it was going to my ex who constantly went on vacations, was trying to win a new boy toy, built a pool, and continued to ask me to watch our kid AND his half siblings with a frequency. HE deserves that $5k just for babysitting his kid's step siblings.

Sing it sister!

  • LOL 4
  • Love 1

I apologize in advance for the long rant, but I’ve been under quite a bit of stress lately and watching this show reminds me that, overall, I have my life together quite well!  It’s been pretty cathartic for me tonight lol.

So here it begins. What does Briana have against bras? And will somebody please tell her to stop making out with Nova?  Nova is a sweetie and I hope she somehow makes it out of that weird cycle she’s stuck in.

Why did Jason have to drive Leah’s car to the dentist? She switched seats with him when he showed up! Is his masculinity so fragile that he can’t be driven down the block by a woman? And why did they have to talk about Leah’s relationship woes in the car right in front of Addie? I’m glad that Jason and Corey were kind and respectful towards each other.

I thought that Chelsea and Cole were being completely inappropriate in regard to Paislee’s adoption in front of Aubree, but I became less angry with them when it was brought up that if something happens to Chelsea that Adam would be de facto guardian.  It made me understand their urgency more, but they still need to make arrangements while keeping Aubree’s current best interests in mind. And then they kept pushing it and I was infuriated with them again.  At least Randy seems to be the voice of reason.

Kailyn explains to her friend that, using the typical formula, she could pay up to $10,000 a month to Jo, yet she’s still outraged that he’s asking of a $1,000 a month? Also, “He’s paid $30,000 in an eight-year period. I could owe that in one year!” So Kailyn thinks there are thirty months in a year.  Interesting.  Also, the fact that her lawyer came up with a much lower number she could owe per month ($2300/month, I think?) makes me think that Kailyn may be lying to her lawyer about some of her additional income sources.  Or she’s terrible at math.  Or she exaggerated in the first place for sympathy and/or drama. Or she was lying the entire time. Who knows with this chick?

But at least she wasn’t talking about it in front of her kids! (See Leah and Chelsea above) But, I think she’s media savvy enough to realize that that’s a good thing to mention on camera that she doesn’t say anything in front of them, and I doubt she actually keeps it in around the kids when the cameras aren’t around.

Nathan- At 27 years old, I have only ever known one per in my life who wore a Mohawk hairstyle.  He did this from around 7-9. No grown ass adult is going to be taken seriously while wearing one, especially in a courtroom. To Nathan-  I’m sorry that I, like Doris, can’t give you the “positive affirmation” that you desire so much.

I’m so glad I don’t have people like this in my own life.

  • Love 18
27 minutes ago, CDC said:

Kailyn explains to her friend that, using the typical formula, she could pay up to $10,000 a month to Jo, yet she’s still outraged that he’s asking of a $1,000 a month? Also, “He’s paid $30,000 in an eight-year period. I could owe that in one year!” So Kailyn thinks there are thirty months in a year.  Interesting.  Also, the fact that her lawyer came up with a much lower number she could owe per month ($2300/month, I think?) makes me think that Kailyn may be lying to her lawyer about some of her additional income sources.  Or she’s terrible at math.  Or she exaggerated in the first place for sympathy and/or drama. Or she was lying the entire time. Who knows with this chick?

But at least she wasn’t talking about it in front of her kids! (See Leah and Chelsea above) But, I think she’s media savvy enough to realize that that’s a good thing to mention on camera that she doesn’t say anything in front of them, and I doubt she actually keeps it in around the kids when the cameras aren’t around.

She was bragging. Angrily. Because she knew the camera was there and she wants Jo (and everyone else) to know she makes enough that she might have to pay 10k a month. 

Sure, Jan. 

  • Love 23
8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I'm happy for Chelsea but dear God, I've never seen someone so eager to pretend to the world that she never had a child by somebody else. Just live with it and be happy 

Chelsea won’t be happy until she has convinced Aubree & the world that Adam never existed and Aubree is Cole’s daughter, period. The lack of acceptance that that fairytale is not reality is honestly shocking. She will continue to push  Aubree, if not explicitly then subtly, until she gets what she wants. 

All of this goes back to the same point- she thinks 8/9 year old Aubree is 18 year old Aubree, who should be included In adult discussions and who should be put on the spot and asked to make huge decisions, and who should be told things like the Paislee issue -which was not affecting Aubree in any way and could only serve to confuse / upset her, as it clearly did judging by poor Aubree’s demeanour in the car and at the cabin. 

Using language like “quit pissing him off” to a child is nauseating and inappropriate, but nothing compared to the content of what followed. 

Cartoon character Cole was painful in this episode, trying way too hard. There’s no such thing as perfect parents. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Jason driving Leah's car is weird. WTF?

I didn’t find that so weird as some people just enjoy driving more than others. I do find it extremely irritating that Leah couldn’t manage to / didn’t want to take her children to the dentist herself. There are plenty occasions that she might want her bf involved in, in order to integrate him into the family, but surely a routine dentist appointment isn’t one.  

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Regarding Jo/Kail, I can kind of see both sides. First, it's Kail's fault for trying to be slick and not cancelling the support order when they went to 50/50. But I'm kind of side-eyeing Jo as well. You can't afford to get your A/C fixed, but you can afford a dog? I also don't see Isaac's lifestyle as being drastically different at Jo's versus Kail's. It's not like he's in a rusted out double-wide while she's holed up at the Vanderbilt estate

Agreed. We know Kail makes more money but I also think Jo is full of shit. They both make enough to provide for Isaac separately, and with 50-50 custody, realistically neither requires child support from the other. Jo could have made that argument instead of looking for a payday. I get that the law in that state provides for this, but that doesn’t mean he has to go looking for it thereby jeopardising a good co parenting relationship. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

For real...I'm not saying people can't have pride, but you didn't exactly grow up as royalty or work your way piecemeal out of poverty. You're rich mostly out of pure luck? Calm down about "just having a Suburban," if you hadn't gotten pregnant at 16 you'd probably have a lot less than that.

Who is this bitch bitching about a fucking suburban and why is she bitching, those things cost up to 80 grand. What just because it wasn't a Range Rover, Mercedes or a fucking Escalade (which is just the pricier of the Chevy/GMC model). There is nothing wrong with driving a surburban, oh Chris must not like it, must not be classy enough for him. Kail needs to take 20000 seats with her she's too good for a surburban attitude.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 23
9 hours ago, Christina87 said:

OMG!!! The camo shirt and blazer was EVERYTHING!!! Is that an everyday outfit for Jason? He wears scrubs to work. Leah has halfway decent fashion sense these days. She needs to help him, stat!

I was SO confused by that choice. Leah had a fairly nice sweater on. I wondered if they were going to go on a date? At first I just saw a blazer and a dark shirt under. But as he was sitting at the table, talking to her, I started zoning out on their inane conversation and focusing on these light patches of green that I thought I was seeing. I said to myself, "Is that....camo???" Maybe THAT'S why he hasn't met Germy yet. He might get accused of stealing an item of his camo clothing. 

7 hours ago, CDC said:

I thought that Chelsea and Cole were being completely inappropriate in regard to Paislee’s adoption in front of Aubree, but I became less angry with them when it was brought up that if something happens to Chelsea that Adam would be de facto guardian.  It made me understand their urgency more, but they still need to make arrangements while keeping Aubree’s current best interests in mind. And then they kept pushing it and I was infuriated with them again.  At least Randy seems to be the voice of reason.

I didn't see it that way at all. They initially told her about it off camera. On the way to the cabin, Chelsea said, "One of the things we have to talk about...." HAVE TO. I think MTV told her it needed to be discussed. So she asked Aubree if SHE wanted to be part of that discussion. Aubree said "no" and they respected that. Chelsea talked about it with Randy instead, which made sense.

The only moment I cringed was Cole loudly declaring his willingness to adopt Aubree. I like Cole and I think his intentions were good. I think he just loves that kid and feels very protective of her. And I'm sure it stings that Adam gets the title, while doing absolutely none of the work. I think it gets to him sometimes. So I think he said that out of love, but he needs to have better sense. 

Other than that, I thought they handled it very well. I don't think they're pushing anything. Even back during the initial conversation in their kitchen, with producers, Chelsea said something along the lines of - "We know what WE think is best for her, but he have to let her make that decision on her own." And I never really saw her deviate from that stance. I was proud of her.

2 hours ago, BARISTA said:

I didn’t find that so weird as some people just enjoy driving more than others. I do find it extremely irritating that Leah couldn’t manage to / didn’t want to take her children to the dentist herself. There are plenty occasions that she might want her bf involved in, in order to integrate him into the family, but surely a routine dentist appointment isn’t one.  

Re: the dentist. If she was taking ONE kid, I'd think it was silly. But she was taking all three and Ali was having a tooth pulled. What if they needed to call her back for Ali or Aleeah, but Addie still hadn't been called back yet, or was done with her appointment? As someone with 3 kids close in age, I understand the desire to have a "helper" at the dentist. Luckily, the front desk girls at our dentist are super amazing and will watch my kids. But I don't know that every place is like that. 

29 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

If that's the case, Karl can at least pay back the 30K Jo has paid during this so called 50-50 custody.

And I think that's precisely why Jo filed. For all we know, he'll drop it once he's been reimbursed. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I was SO confused by that choice. Leah had a fairly nice sweater on. I wondered if they were going to go on a date? At first I just saw a blazer and a dark shirt under. But as he was sitting at the table, talking to her, I started zoning out on their inane conversation and focusing on these light patches of green that I thought I was seeing. I said to myself, "Is that....camo???" Maybe THAT'S why he hasn't met Germy yet. He might get accused of stealing an item of his camo clothing. 

I didn't see it that way at all. They initially told her about it off camera. On the way to the cabin, Chelsea said, "One of the things we have to talk about...." HAVE TO. I think MTV told her it needed to be discussed. So she asked Aubree if SHE wanted to be part of that discussion. Aubree said "no" and they respected that. Chelsea talked about it with Randy instead, which made sense.

The only moment I cringed was Cole loudly declaring his willingness to adopt Aubree. I like Cole and I think his intentions were good. I think he just loves that kid and feels very protective of her. And I'm sure it stings that Adam gets the title, while doing absolutely none of the work. I think it gets to him sometimes. So I think he said that out of love, but he needs to have better sense. 

Other than that, I thought they handled it very well. I don't think they're pushing anything. Even back during the initial conversation in their kitchen, with producers, Chelsea said something along the lines of - "We know what WE think is best for her, but he have to let her make that decision on her own." And I never really saw her deviate from that stance. I was proud of her.

Re: the dentist. If she was taking ONE kid, I'd think it was silly. But she was taking all three and Ali was having a tooth pulled. What if they needed to call her back for Ali or Aleeah, but Addie still hadn't been called back yet, or was done with her appointment? As someone with 3 kids close in age, I understand the desire to have a "helper" at the dentist. Luckily, the front desk girls at our dentist are super amazing and will watch my kids. But I don't know that every place is like that. 

And I think that's precisely why Jo filed. For all we know, he'll drop it once he's been reimbursed. 

Also, Jo paid for Isaac's health insurance separately from the child support. 

I knew this wasn't  a money grab like Kail tried to frame it as but Jo forcing Kail's  hand. Javi had to do the same thing in order  to get her to drop  the PFA.

ETA: living in a 300,000 house and driving a Suburban when you make over half a million a year isn't  beneath you, it's smart. It's  called living below your means. How do you think rich people stay rich,?

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 19
12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Seriously Leah? Why the hell would Cory, Jason or Jeremy have to accompany you to a dentist appointment? Do kids these days really need that much hand-holding for routine cleanings and a simple tooth pull? They're desperate to manufacture drama out of anything, aren't they?

I simply don't understand why the entire family has to show up for everything. Its the first day of school! Its our first visit of the  year to the pumpkin patch! The kids have to go to the dentist! Except that Leah is notoriously bad at handling things, especially medical procedures. She was a complete fail at helping Ali cope with her anxiety over her impending extraction. It would have been but the work of a moment to calmly tell Ali that the nice pretty hygienist would be right there with her, the dentist would numb up her gum beforehand and she would not feel a thing. (When my son was little I took him to the Pediatric Dentistry clinic at the dental school I worked at--their strict policy was NO PARENTS in the room with the child, and I think that is a good policy. They are the professionals and nervous, anxious parents fluttering around would probably make things harder to handle.)

11 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Did I clap when Jo exposed Kail's financials? Yes, the hell I did?  Get money, Jo! 

Hey, Kail! You played yourself because an agreement was reached between you and Jo to stop the support order but because you think you're  slick or maybe you were too busy  trying to buy Chris Lopez's affections, that you didn't  and he's been paying for close to a year.  Jo wants his money back and this is the only way to get it. 

Jason and Corey shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and kept it moving. See, Kail. That's what  mature people do when it comes to their exes new partners.

Doris was about to say something that Nathan didn't  want the audience to know hence the hang up. 

I love how Brittany reminds her sister of her reckless choices.

Ugh. Kail. There are many, many things to dislike about her, but one of the ones I dislike the most is that she seems to think that everyone on earth needs to consult her before they do ANYTHING. Remember her outrage that the news of her pregnancy was "leaked"? Get over yourself, Hulk. She is so utterly repellent in every way.

11 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Um, those every-other-week vacations aren’t cheap, y’all.

THANK YOU! "I'm just a hard working single mom!" Honey. Most of us who live and work in the real world aren't jetting off to Hawaii on a whim whenever we please. Jesus Christ.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, CDC said:

Kailyn explains to her friend that, using the typical formula, she could pay up to $10,000 a month to Jo, yet she’s still outraged that he’s asking of a $1,000 a month? Also, “He’s paid $30,000 in an eight-year period. I could owe that in one year!” So Kailyn thinks there are thirty months in a year.  Interesting.  Also, the fact that her lawyer came up with a much lower number she could owe per month ($2300/month, I think?) makes me think that Kailyn may be lying to her lawyer about some of her additional income sources.  Or she’s terrible at math.  Or she exaggerated in the first place for sympathy and/or drama. Or she was lying the entire time. Who knows with this chick?

My favorite bit was when she was complaining about having to go to mediation where they DEFINITELY wouldn't work anything out (because Jo is so unreasonable) and then a hearing and the related attorneys' fees for all of that, and in the next breath saying "F you Jo" instead of just calling him and trying to work it out outside the court system.  You wanna take it the hard way, Kail, you get to pay for it.  

  • Love 17
40 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

My favorite bit was when she was complaining about having to go to mediation where they DEFINITELY wouldn't work anything out (because Jo is so unreasonable) and then a hearing and the related attorneys' fees for all of that, and in the next breath saying "F you Jo" instead of just calling him and trying to work it out outside the court system.  You wanna take it the hard way, Kail, you get to pay for it.  

I laughed very loudly during that scene. "We have to go to mediation, which won't work!". Right. Because you will be damned if mediation will work, Kail! The only thing Kail wants is her way. She can never, ever bend an inch or see anyone else's point of view. Its all about making points with her. And fine, if she loves the fray, then enter into it with gusto, and pay the price, whatever it is. Don't whine and bitch about it.

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Adiba said:

As evidenced by the fact that Jo had to pay Kail support before the 50/50 custody agreement, support is not based on whether the parent needs the money. Kail has been making more than Jo for years and has not been living in a hovel and on assistance, yet she was still entitled to, and got, support.

Jo should not have to kowtow to Kail in order for them to coparent amicably. She should be mature enough to do so for Isaac’s sake.

I've been trying to figure out, since they went to 50/50 why Kail *wasn't* paying Jo support, as the point of the child support in that situation is to ensure that the kid isn't living a drastically different lifestyle with one parent as opposed to the other.  I wouldn't say the situation between Jo and Kail was so disparate, but I do think Kail is petty enough to use her money to make sure Isaac prefers living spending as much time with her as possible. And quite frankly, the fact that she was said she's ask the court to stop Jo's payments and then just never got around to doing that for *a year* while his kid spent the summer sleeping in the living room because the AC compressor was busted is peak Kail pettiness.   We already know she's venal and vindictive with her sperm donors when they lost interest in her and move on or in anyway push the imaginary boundaries she's set up for them in her convoluted mind. 

  • Love 18

I think I head Roxanne tell Nova to hug Briana.  Someone says "hug her now please".   That poor kid hates her mother or is so disengaged from her. She was much more excited to see her sister.  Briana has no time for her, that is obvious.  

I fast forward through Chelsea and Leah and mostly FF Briana but caught that part.  I hate watch the others.  

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Does anyone else think Javi isn't into Lauren at all? She was second runner-up in his summer of apparently unprotected sex and she was the one who happened to be ovulating that month. He's a bigger mess than I thought, and she's trying way too hard to pretend it's more than that.

OMG Kailyn is now whining about driving a Suburban and living in a "not great" house, I fucking hate this girl.

Thank you for reminding me of Kailyn's whine fest wrapped in entitlement....so a big ass well equipped Suburban and a huge house with an in ground pool suck now? It's mind blowing how much of a spoiled brat she has become. She's making a lot of money doing nothing but sitting on her ass complaining about her baby daddies and her bio parents. Honestly, I think she lives to fight with people. I don't have a good read on the legal stuff she and Jo are embroiled in but I really don't have much sympathy for Jo who doesn't work (if he does, please correct me) and is sitting around whining about not being able to fix an air conditioner because he's broke. This show has really created some monsters and slackers....and whiners. By the way...what happened to Kailyn's coven of friends that would hang out at her house all day?

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Thank you for reminding me of Kailyn's whine fest wrapped in entitlement....so a big ass well equipped Suburban and a huge house with an in ground pool suck now? It's mind blowing how much of a spoiled brat she has become. She's making a lot of money doing nothing but sitting on her ass complaining about her baby daddies and her bio parents. Honestly, I think she lives to fight with people. I don't have a good read on the legal stuff she and Jo are embroiled in but I really don't have much sympathy for Jo who doesn't work (if he does, please correct me) and is sitting around whining about not being able to fix an air conditioner because he's broke. This show has really created some monsters and slackers....and whiners. By the way...what happened to Kailyn's coven of friends that would hang out at her house all day?

I agree. The way Jo was explaining things kind of lost me. If he said he was going after the year's worth of support he shouldn't have been paying, then yes I get it. However he came at it from the standpoint of Isaac not living as well at his house as he does at Kail's, and I just don't see that. Jo's always been vague about his employment status and Vee doesn't appear to work full time, so as awful as a hosebeast as Kail is, I'm not sure why it's her responsibility to subsidize his household. She's most definitely obligated to pay back the 5k, but beyond that? I just don't see it. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6
On 2/24/2019 at 5:02 PM, BitterApple said:

Classy language, DeBoers. And Cole, you can quit with the virtue signaling, everyone knows you're the world's best everything (eyeroll...). 

Chelsea and Cole use a lot of four letter words in front of their children quite freely...as do other teen moms and their significant others. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned person but I just find the use of that language in front of little kids to be low class and irresponsible. Don't be surprised when your kids use this words back at you one day or you get a call from the school about your kid using the F word at a teacher. Think before you speak Chelsea and Cole...morons.

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Jason driving Leah's car is weird. WTF?

Well....in Jason's defense, if I had to ride somewhere with Leah, I'd probably offer to drive, too.  I don't even like to drive, but somehow I trust my own driving skills a tad more than Leah's.  (I know she's not apparently not pilled out anymore, but we've seen her almost nod off while driving and take her eyes off of the road for large periods of time to look in the mirror at the girlses while she talks to them. 

  • LOL 4
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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. The way Jo was explaining things kind of lost me. If he said he was going after the year's worth of support he shouldn't have been paying, then yes I get it. However he came at it from the standpoint of Isaac not living as well at his house as he does at Kail's, and I just don't see that. Jo's always been vague about his employment status and Vee doesn't appear to work full time, so as awful as a hosebeast as Kail is, I'm not sure why it's her responsibility to subsidize his household. She's most definitely obligated to pay back the 5k, but beyond that? I just don't see it. 

Did Vee and Jo ever get married?

15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Poor Aubree looked devastated in the car. I don't think that's the kind of news I would've sprung on a kid the night before a family getaway. I still think Chelsea didn't need to say anything at this stage. As for Cole, he's starting to do too much. He didn't need to loudly announce to a room full of people that he'd adopt Aubree. Just let it play out how it's gonna play out. I think he's buying into the White Knight hype a bit too much these days.

I agreed with Chelsea on everything else, otherwise. Of course it would be in Aubree's best interests to sever ties with Adam, but for whatever reason she's not ready, so leave it alone until she is.

I am SO DISGUSTED with the whole situation.  Aubree's life - her deadbeat father, her half-sister, everything that should be dealt with sensitivity is being splashed out on national TV for everyone to see.  It is being used as a story-line.  This is painful stuff!  How dare Chelsea do this to her daughter??  For a paycheck?  I cannot wrap my head around this!

And Cole is awful, and trying WAY too hard.  He got some people online saying that he is a good guy and now he's working overtime.  He's not bright, so I don't think he gets it.

49 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

I fast forward through Chelsea and Leah and mostly FF Briana but caught that part.  I hate watch the others.  

Ha - I ffwd through some girls and hate watch the others - why do I watch this show????

28 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Chelsea and Cole use a lot of four letter words in front of their children quite freely...as do other teen moms and their significant others. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned person but I just find the use of that language in front of little kids to be low class and irresponsible. Don't be surprised when your kids use this words back at you one day or you get a call from the school about your kid using the F word at a teacher. Think before you speak Chelsea and Cole...morons.

Chelsea and Cole are not intelligent people, they are morons.  It 100% shows how low-class they are.  I mean, I swear, but not in front of my kids.  

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58 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. The way Jo was explaining things kind of lost me. If he said he was going after the year's worth of support he shouldn't have been paying, then yes I get it. However he came at it from the standpoint of Isaac not living as well at his house as he does at Kail's, and I just don't see that. Jo's always been vague about his employment status and Vee doesn't appear to work full time, so as awful as a hosebeast as Kail is, I'm not sure why it's her responsibility to subsidize his household. She's most definitely obligated to pay back the 5k, but beyond that? I just don't see it. 

Maybe that's how his lawyer advised him to frame it? 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. The way Jo was explaining things kind of lost me. If he said he was going after the year's worth of support he shouldn't have been paying, then yes I get it. However he came at it from the standpoint of Isaac not living as well at his house as he does at Kail's, and I just don't see that. Jo's always been vague about his employment status and Vee doesn't appear to work full time, so as awful as a hosebeast as Kail is, I'm not sure why it's her responsibility to subsidize his household. She's most definitely obligated to pay back the 5k, but beyond that? I just don't see it. 

Yeah, I do know he manages rental properties or something and that is absolutely work, but he waited a long-ass time to start doing that. Vee doesn't work full time either, I don't think.

Now, I totally hate Kail (and, uh, she doesn't work full-time either) and I'm absolutely Team Vee/Jo on this one and hope they get everything they ask for...but I've always gotten a bit of a lazy/wanting a payday thing from former aspiring rapper Jo. Again, Kail is WAY worse so nobody needs to jump on me, but I'm not feeling some deep sympathy for Jo or anything in this case. I just hate PFA-every-time-someone-doesn't-do-my-bidding, Suburban-shaming, cultural-appropriation-queen Kailyn enough to want her to lose. Badly. 

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

Chelsea and Cole use a lot of four letter words in front of their children quite freely...as do other teen moms and their significant others. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned person but I just find the use of that language in front of little kids to be low class and irresponsible. Don't be surprised when your kids use this words back at you one day or you get a call from the school about your kid using the F word at a teacher. Think before you speak Chelsea and Cole...morons.

I feel like this must be a Cole thing. I remember Chelsea cursing with her friends during the early seasons, but I never really thought of her as someone who used foul language. I wonder if Cole curses a blue streak, and now Chelsea had started to mimic it. I was so shocked when she said, "let's take down these lame ass stickers!" to Aubree when they moved into their house, because that seemed out of character, and then she dropped several F bombs. If she is doing it to fit in with Cole, it's not a good look. Or maybe, as @heatherchandler pointed out, they are just not too bright and don't realize they're doing it. Maybe they just started watching some show on Netflix with a lot of bad language, and started adopting those speaking habits themselves. Some people are easily influenced and not reflective. Whatever it is, I wish they would stop! I can't imagine that Randy and Mary raised Chelsea in a home with that kind of language. 

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28 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Chelsea and Cole are not intelligent people, they are morons.  It 100% shows how low-class they are.  I mean, I swear, but not in front of my kids.  

Yeah, sorry if it sounds "mean" but they're just...not smart. It's not that they're too perfect to watch, they're just so dim. It's nicer than the rest of the cast, which is basically a drawn-out episode of Maury (or in Jenelle's case, COPS) except for Leah these days, but still.

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3 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I do know he manages rental properties or something and that is absolutely work, but he waited a long-ass time to start doing that. Vee doesn't work full time either, I don't think.

Now, I totally hate Kail (and, uh, she doesn't work full-time either) and I'm absolutely Team Vee/Jo on this one and hope they get everything they ask for...but I've always gotten a bit of a lazy/wanting a payday thing from former aspiring rapper Jo. Again, Kail is WAY worse so nobody needs to jump on me, but I'm not feeling some deep sympathy for Jo or anything in this case. I just hate PFA-every-time-someone-doesn't-do-my-bidding, Suburban-shaming, cultural-appropriation-queen Kailyn enough to want her to lose. Badly. 

It seems like until now, anyone who pointed out that Jo doesn't work wasn't met with an indignant, "but he said that years ago!!! He owns his own real estate business! He probably has a full time job he's not telling us about! HE WORKS!!!" I pointed it out multiple times and consistently got this reaction. I am fully Team Jo on this, buuuut I'm glad people are waking up to the fact that Jo also, like Kail, considers himself above the 9 to 5. 

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8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Maybe that's how his lawyer advised him to frame it? 

I think that is the case. If one looks at child support policy, some states have this way of framing it. Also, Kail would have a slightly better deal in Delaware than PA because Delaware uses a method (Melson formula) whereby the paying parent's basic needs are taken into account before determining support. In addition, she would be given credit for the amount of overnights as well as other children (that are not Jo's) that she has to support. The support payments would not be a matter of just "evening things out." Karl would still likely have enough money for some of her "stravagences" (homage to Ricky Ricardo.)

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6 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Who is this bitch bitching about a fucking suburban and why is she bitching, those things cost up to 80 grand. What just because it wasn't a Range Rover, Mercedes or a fucking Escalade (which is just the pricier of the Chevy/GMC model). There is nothing wrong with driving a surburban, oh Chris must not like it, must not be classy enough for him. Kail needs to take 20000 seats with her she's too good for a surburban attitude.

Careful. Hulk is about to smash. 

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