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S01.E14: Happy Cecil

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The Kids Are Alright

Happy Cecil (Season 1 | Episode 14)

8:30PM EST | ABC

Mike and Peggy are stunned when they learn that Father Dunne has a girlfriend and decides to leave the priesthood. When the associate pastor, Father Abdi, is put in charge, Mike and Peggy do their best to adjust to the new changes until Peggy gets an idea for how to get rid of him. Meanwhile, Frank loses the church keys entrusted to him by Father Abdi and must find them before anyone else does.

Original Airdate:  Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Now that I think on it, while I understand the development between Cecil and Mike, I was anticipating a conversation with Lawrence over leaving the  seminary. I wish we’d seen the conversation between the former father and Lawrence. Or had a Mike / Lawrence moment because i don’t think Mike is completely over Lawrence’s decision - not after his snide remarks in Vietnam.   Missed opportunity.  And as much as I loved the scene with Mike praying with Cecil, I would have loved to see Lawrence in prayer with either his father or Cecil. Though he left the seminary Lawrence exhibits his spirituality- like in the Love List.  

  • Love 4

It seemed the focus was more on the adults in this one, and maybe that was why it wasn't quite as fun.  I know they showed Cecil in the first episode bemoaning his life while calling bingo numbers, but his decision to leave the church and marry the widow was really fast.  

Peggy bonding with the associate priest over manipulating Frank was an interesting twist.  

It seemed a little out of character for Timmy to use the Communion plate/paten as a ping-pong paddle.  That story would have been more believable if Joey had swiped it.  I think Timmy would be more worried that God would smite him. 

I'm editing to add that I really think they missed an opportunity to show us a little more about Joey.  If he'd stolen the paten, and then shown some momentary regret or concern (especially if something strange happened like a back-firing car mistaken for a lightning strike) he'd be a little more layered.  So far, he's the only one of the boys (besides the little ones) who seems completely superficial.   

Edited by Phebemarie
I wanted to avoid making two posts so close together.
  • Love 4

I didn't enjoy this ep either, mainly bc of Peggy's actions/attitudes with the priest from Africa and breaking up the couple. Just came across as a legit awful person. It's always a fine line with her character between funny and awful and this week it leaned to the awful side.

I loved the  fact that Frank wrote his own confidentiality agreement.

I don't know anything about attending Catholic church so it's interesting seeing snapshots, like the paddle things. Sorry I don't remember the name.

  • Love 3

I enjoyed seeing more of Peggy's growth this episode. Earlier she relented towards -- and even befriended -- Wendi and now the power of prayer inspired shamed her into undoing a wrong made out of selfishness. Plus she's speaking to an African! Next thing you know she'll be admitting to Mike that she's happy.

Mike has crept up to become my favorite character lately: "I'm going to treat Father Dunn like any other neighbor; with a curt gruffness that allows no follow-up questions."

  • LOL 1
  • Love 15

It seemed like Frank's character kind of backslid a bit in this episode.  Then again, growth in real life happens often in baby steps.  

While they resolved the happiness of the priest and his girlfriend, I feel sorry for the poor daughter.  She just got kind of brushed off, and it would really hurt to think your new stepdad pulled the plug on your father and then stepped into his life.  I hope that Cecil and her mother figure this out and let her know that's not the truth. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I am curious, too. 

“She wore Shalimar to Earl’s wake.”

That line got me!  My grandma wore Shalimar and I can still smell it when it’s mentioned.  A few years ago my mom and I were out testing perfume at a department store and I asked the lady if she could spray some Shalimar on a test strip for me.  She had to track down the bottle LMAO!  😊

  • Love 4
On February 20, 2019 at 6:37 AM, cleo said:

I didn't enjoy this ep either, mainly bc of Peggy's actions/attitudes with the priest from Africa and breaking up the couple. Just came across as a legit awful person. It's always a fine line with her character between funny and awful and this week it leaned to the awful side.

By "legit awful person" do you mean sociopath?

  • Love 1

Mike's line was my favorite..."He used to be Father Dunne.  Now he's just a randy old goat named Cecil."

I grew up Catholic.  In 1972, if our priest had quit and started shacking up with a parishioner it would not have been shrugged off.  There was a rumor about our priest and one of the nuns, who took a walk together around the parking lot every night, which was enough of an eyebrow raiser.  When that priest transferred churches, he made sure the nun got transferred, too, so the rumor mill may have been right.

Edited by Angeltoes
  • Love 5

Joey: "Now that you are not a priest anymore, I've always wanted to ask - this is all a bunch of nonsense, right?"

What does Lawrence do?  I remember Mike telling him that, even though he left the seminary, he should still get some kind of education.  I forgot, did they ever say if Lawrence enrolled in college?  Or does he just sit around commenting on things?  

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, shura said:

What does Lawrence do?

Somebody from the show said in an interview that the season takes place in the summer so that all the kids are out of school. Maybe Lawrence is waiting for Fall semester at a local university? But even Eddie managed to get a temp job: "Hey, look what someone threw out!"

Thanks for the answers to "I'm the pastor now."

  • Love 1

I thought they were all supposed to take place in the summer too, but then they had a Valentine's episode.   In another thread someone mentioned that the Xmas episode was supposed to air later but the network forced them to air it when it did.  Sure brings up some questions though about what the heck Lawrence is doing. In the Vietnam episode, he was clearly between the seminary and college.

Edited by Cowgirl
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

Mike's line was my favorite..."He used to be Father Dunne.  Now he's just a randy old goat named Cecil."

My favorite line too. That being said, this was my least favorite episode. I am not Catholic, but most of my family is/was, and I think a priest stepping down and moving in with a woman would cause a major scandal now, let alone in 1972.

I usually like Peg's snark, but I thought the manipulation with the woman's daughter was awful. I mean, she basically said the priest killed her father! I did like her conspiring with the new priest though on how long to let Frank suffer for losing the keys......

  • Love 4

A mediocre episode but they all can’t be winners.  This show has been hit more then miss so I can forgive the occasional bland episode.

i did really like when Father Dunne and Mike were talking and Mike was genuinely surprise that Dunn thought of him as a friend and was the reason he made the change.  I am paraphrasing a bit because I don’t remember the exact line but Mike talking about his family said something like “You heard all my horror stories.”  And Dunne answered him “Yes and it sounded wonderful.”

Also just for the record no matter how Catholic you are when you are a kid fun supercedea religious devotion.  There is no doubt in my mind a bunch of unruly boys would use a religious object for sport.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 5

I too wonder what Lawrence is doing. Other than sitting on the couch and playing with his hair (that cracked me up). The episodes skip around in time, like Christmas or Valentines (when Mike told the kids to fill up on water at school to save on the water bill). Of course it took some time - until Mailbox, before we knew what Eddie’s job was. But Lawrence has to be doing something. There is no way Mike would just let him sit around and not have a job. He’s always got a book (I’d love a Lawrence/William book discussion scene) so maybe he works in a library... or in a nursery with plants (kinda hippy). 

Edited by Bteam
52 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

Thank you! I said this in the forum a week or so ago - I love him but it’s starting to bug me - hopefully the show addresses this soon!

He’s my favorite as well, but yea. We see him sitting at the dining table, sitting on the couch (watching tv with Eddie and the baby) sitting in chairs, sitting on his bed- boy sits a lot. He also leans a lot. He leans on dressers and kitchen counters.   The only action we’ve seen is the basketball game- though it was nice when he ran after Pat. I’m thinking of starting a drinking game. Every time there is a scene where Lawrence is leaning, take one shot. Every time there is a scene in which Lawrence is sitting, take two shots. I’d never make it to the end if an episode. Any who- we need to see that there is more to him. 

  • LOL 1

I hated this episode. The priest is a character we saw a few times for a few scenes, so there's no emotional investment in him and his crisis of faith. Devoting a whole episode to him was a misstep. While the one scene with the priest and Mike praying was nice, and I like that the show shows that Mike is religious and they're respectful of it; he's not mocked for his belief in God. Still, it was seemed only tangentially about the rest of the family.

It's not that easy to leave the priesthood. I had a friend whose father was an ex-father who had fallen in love with her mother. It took forever for him to be released from his vows so they could marry. There's no way Father Dooley would say, "I'm leaving" and shack up with a woman that quickly. That did make a mockery of the priest and his vocation. Also, it isn't likely that the junior priest would suddenly be elevated to pastor. More likely, the diocese would assign a new pastor to the church. In the 1970s, vocations were still relatively strong, so the parish most likely had more than two priests, not just one they had to "import" from Africa. (I know growing up, my church had four or five priests on staff.)

Joey has gone from charming miscreant to felon. Really? His first thought when Eddie brought home the ping-pong table was to set it on fire and roll it into traffic? Ugh.

I've come to the conclusion that rather than the summer of 1972, we're seeing vignettes of the family throughout the year. They've had episodes take place on Valentine's Day, Christmas, and the school play (which had to have taken place during the school year).

  • Love 4

I agree with others that this wasn't my favorite. I think it concentrated too much on outside characters and the kids weren't as prominent (I think William had 2 lines). And Peggy was a bit of a monster even if she came around at the end.

I do hope next season starts the school year as I think that could open up a lot of storylines for the kids. I do want to see what Lawrence does. I assume he will be in college and I can imagine the fights with Mike as he decides to major in Psychology or Sociology.

And Happy Birthday to Paul Dooley (Father Dunn) who is 91 today!  He looked really old in his last episode, but I thought this one he looked younger (make-up?) and he definitely is sharp for his age!

Edited by xander874
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

It's not that easy to leave the priesthood. I had a friend whose father was an ex-father who had fallen in love with her mother. It took forever for him to be released from his vows so they could marry. There's no way Father Dooley would say, "I'm leaving" and shack up with a woman that quickly. That did make a mockery of the priest and his vocation. Also, it isn't likely that the junior priest would suddenly be elevated to pastor. More likely, the diocese would assign a new pastor to the church. In the 1970s, vocations were still relatively strong, so the parish most likely had more than two priests, not just one they had to "import" from Africa. (I know growing up, my church had four or five priests on staff.)

I was thinking too that it's not just a quick thing to leave the priesthood.  I think I was even more shocked that he just up and shacked up with a woman.  I know that's common now, but doing that in the early 70's was still kind of a scandalous thing to do, and for a PRIEST to do that would be a HUGE scandal. 

I thought that, when Father Dooley showed up at the breakfast table in his boxer shorts and t-shirt, that the two boys would kind of freak out. But, they didn't even bat an eyelash. 

  • Love 5

I was kind of dreading this episode because of the negative comments here, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I thought it was pretty quick action for the priest to be shacking up with his girlfriend, but it's not a documentary, so it's nothing I can't get over.

And it had the little moments I love, like when Peggy and Mike came home from the  party and walked through the kitchen and didn't even notice three of their kids madly searching for something in the cabinets.

Of course Lawrence would say that there's evidence that Jesus was black, and Peggy would point to the "photograph." 

And I like him just hanging around, for some reason.

  • Love 4
On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 3:25 PM, possibilities said:

I don't mean this in a snarky way, and I'm afraid it's going to sound like I do. But I'm genuinely curious: if a priest wants to leave, can the Church really stop him from just walking out?

Technically, no, but a guy doesn't become a priest overnight and priests tend to take their commitment very seriously.  To become a priest usually takes around 6 years of study,  The typical parish priest has a master's degree in theology.  There are also multiple points along the road to the priesthood where the vows are dissected and where the seminarian commits himself to the life repeatedly. Plenty of opportunity to leave during the long road to the final vows makes it less likely that the guys who get to the end are going to change their minds. Then, once they're assigned to a parish, priests take their duties there very seriously.  They feel an obligation to be present for their parishioners and to make sure all of the important functions of the church are covered.  You don't become a priest without a lot of commitment and dedication, not to mention sacrifice.  In general, priests who decide to leave take a long time, often years, to come to that decision and they've usually shared their thoughts with the bishop or other administrators months or years beforehand and spend a lot of time carefully planning so that there is as little disruption as possible at their assigned parish or other workplace.  It's sort of like a member of the military going AWOL; it happens very infrequently.  Most of the priests I've known who left took several years to decide to quit the life, often taking several leaves of absence lasting months at a time first.

In 1972, it would've been unusual for a priest Father Cecil's age to decide to leave. By that point in life, most priests are pretty set in their ways and not looking for change.  And, as others have said, he and his girlfriend would not have been easily accepted by the parish community, nor would the new pastor be excited about the previous pastor now attending his church as a member, since most priests who leave the priesthood still are practicing Catholics.  Most likely, Father Cecil and his girlfriend would've packed up and moved far enough away that they wouldn't have much contact with the members of the parish where they'd been worshipping.  Instead, they'd find a new church where their history wasn't known.

  • Useful 4
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, doodlebug said:

In 1972, it would've been unusual for a priest Father Cecil's age to decide to leave. By that point in life, most priests are pretty set in their ways and not looking for change.  And, as others have said, he and his girlfriend would not have been easily accepted by the parish community, nor would the new pastor be excited about the previous pastor now attending his church as a member, since most priests who leave the priesthood still are practicing Catholics.  Most likely, Father Cecil and his girlfriend would've packed up and moved far enough away that they wouldn't have much contact with the members of the parish where they'd been worshipping.  Instead, they'd find a new church where their history wasn't known.

I was thinking the same things and this is the main reason I didn't like this episode either.  I've known two priests that left the priesthood to get married and both of them were much younger.  Having once gone to and worked at a Jesuit university for many years I've known a lot of priests and it is very rare if not unheard of for them to leave at an older age, even when it is more than obvious to everyone else that they probably should.

One of the priests I knew worked his connections in the church to get out quicker.  He had some damaging information on some of his superiors which worked to his advantage.  He had to move out of state and start a completely new life with his fiancé who later became his wife.  It was a very traumatic and difficult period in his life.  This was in the late 1970s.  He later became an administrator and Theology professor at the university where I worked which is where I met him.  There was no well adjusted transition from priest to lay person like we saw here in this episode and it just didn't feel at all realistic to me.

  • Love 2
On 2/22/2019 at 1:37 AM, SmithW6079 said:

I've come to the conclusion that rather than the summer of 1972, we're seeing vignettes of the family throughout the year. They've had episodes take place on Valentine's Day, Christmas, and the school play (which had to have taken place during the school year).

I think the school play was on or about Valentine's Day.

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