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S09.E06: Cry It Out


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19 hours ago, eskimo said:

I thought Leah was mostly complaining that Jeremy doesn't make Addie a priority when he's home, and that Addie (Leah) initiates most of the phone calls.  Was it true that when Jeremy was dating that one girl in another state, he would go to her on his time off, rather than go be with his little daughter?  I can totally believe that Jeremy isn't any more than mildly interested in Addie, even when he has the opportunity, but what do I know?  I already deleted the show, but I don't think Leah said anything about Jeremy leaving his job, she was mostly saying Jeremy doesn't call to let Addie know he's thinking of her.  It was her stupid boyfriend who said he would find another job in that situation.  But then again, maybe Leah doesn't give Jeremy the chance to call first.  She should have told Addie that daddy's working right now, and they'll have to wait to call when he's off.  Maybe he figured he already talked to her so he didn't need to call in the evening?  It probably wouldn't dawn on him that Addie might begin to feel that he will only talk to her if she calls him.  Anyhow, the fact that Jeremy's first public reaction is to talk about having dirt on Leah, so she better shut up, rather than saying he calls her 4 nights a week and spends as much time as he can with her when he's off, says a lot to me.  I don't like him anymore than I like her.  He doesn't appear to be that great of a dad, and it's not because he's away for his job.  

I also noticed that Leah's boyfriend always wants to be the one talking when discussing what's going on.  They have zero chemistry imo.  

Poor Stella, thank God that infection didn't get into her blood stream.  Sepsis is super deadly.  My dad nearly died from it after having shoulder surgery.  A little girl in our small town got it a few years ago and they thought she'd lose her hands, if she lived at all.  It's no joke.  Glad she's OK.  

I bet Chelsea and Cole ditch that black SUV stat, now that they live on a dirt road.  I see light colored vehicles in their futures.  The visible dirt's probably driving her nuts.   

I do want to be fair- Leah never suggested that Jeremy quit his job. 

I agree with you though- I think Jeremy does want Addie provided for, and wants her to be healthy, happy and know who he and his family in an emotional sense but Jeremy has ZERO interest in the day to day caregiving regarding his child. I think Jeremy’s priorities are 1. Work, 2. What he wants to do, 3. What his GF of the moment wants to do, 4. Addie and quality time with her. He’s got no problem chatting with her or taking her on outings occasionally but she’s not the center of his world by any means. 

I am not saying this is right but I know a lot of parents like this, so I’m not surprised by his behavior. He may be more interested in Addie when she’s older and might share interests with him but maybe not. 

Again- I’m not saying this is ok! I don’t think Jeremy’s stance on parenting has changed at all since Addie was born and this was the kind of Dad he always aspired to be. If Addie grows up and wants a more in depth relationship with him that’s going to hurt. 

  • Love 17
11 hours ago, Rebecca said:

It’s been said many times and many ways but - fuck Jenelle. Could she be more self absorbed in delusion? And Kristen can fuck off too, she’s so annoying. All this babying and placating Jenelle is making me sick. She deserves none of it. I’d love to see how “stressful” her life would be working 40 hours a week at McDonald’s instead. They surely don’t give a fuck what food is her favorite. They also won’t care about any of your issues outside of work. No one cares about your favorite food or what you like, “dude”. Tell MTV they can’t come to your birthday party “no more” while you’re at it. Grow the fuck up, you sound 12.

YES! All this groveling to Jenelle makes me sick. Cut the cord and let her go. She wants respect? Really? OMG! She doesn't respect anyone and especially MTV producers and staff! I'm so sick of her, her drama and her horrible husband. What a whiny little bitch she is. MTV should fire all of them and just dump this show and the Teen Mom show too. These "girls" are all in their late 20's now! Enough! Prediction...when this show stops she'll end up stripping at some cheesy strip club in Wilmington. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

I don’t think Addie is actually going to resent Jeremy. I just don’t. She very well may resent LEAH for talking about this shit and other stuff on national TV, however. And echoing others, Jason needs to shut the fuck up about all of this, for sure. Imagine Jeremy’s girlfriend talking about Leah’s “past” drug issues and how that may affect Addie? And Leah just eats it up. Every guy sucks but the one currently having sex with her. 

I had someone argue with me on Twitter that Addie absolutely will resent Addie.  She knows from experience.  🙄 Please.  My parents worked hard for what little we had. I only grew to appreciate it more the older I got.  Now it’s my turn to take care of them.  

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

For real, he is such a wuss. Kids feed off energy, so he probably made it worse for Watson by having an emotional breakdown in the hospital room. Chelsea should've been the one to go in.

Maybe he didn't cry until after Watson was put under? My daughter had oral surgery a few days before Christmas and I was so calm and brave in front of her. I wasn't allowed in the room, so after they wheeled her down the hallway, I lost it. It's hard when it's little ones like that! I thought it was sweet that Cole said he was never really emotional like that until he had kids. 

5 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

This kind of thing can happen when you pull your panties to the side for some loser you just met at the club.

Agreed. Briana made her bed....well, alleyway. Whatever. But I still think Luis is a punk. He didn't wrap it up. He's a father now and he should take responsibility. How can you look at that sweet face and not care? It breaks my heart. 

2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I am tyring to imagine my kids' faces if a teacher said, "who's dads work pipes?"

The 14-year-old in me was vacillating between making a crack-pipe joke, or one about "laying pipe". 

  • LOL 1
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13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Agreed. Briana made her bed....well, alleyway. Whatever. But I still think Luis is a punk. He didn't wrap it up. He's a father now and he should take responsibility. How can you look at that sweet face and not care? It breaks my heart. 

Yeah- no one is saying Briana made good choices to have unprotected sex with Luis, but Briana’s poor choices don’t obsolve Luis’ responsibility toward his own child. He too chose to bring a child into this world, she was sick and he didn’t care- that makes him scum. His lack of care is a reflection on him not Briana (who is actually doing things like taking her child to the doctor).

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

Javi and his new girlfriend make me roll my eyes so hard!!! Why are they on my screen? And why does MTV film them? I didn’t need to see his lame ass wife waddle her ass around on that soccer field and then javi telling her how good she look while she works out 🙄

I was wondering if Javi was throwing shade at Kail here, if Kail didn’t work out during her pregnancy. Wouldn’t surprise me he is so sneaky 

  • Love 5
On 2/18/2019 at 10:42 AM, Rebecca said:

As for his job, Leah knew what he did when she chose to have a baby with him immediately. It sucks if he’s coming home to the area and STILL not seeing Addie, though. If true, what is his possible justification for that?! Ugh. And “works pipes” made me laugh, it’s got to be specific to the area because I don’t think kids in my area would even know what that meant. Or they’d say a plumber, not someone working on the pipeline.

Yeppers, she knew what his job entailed when she couldn't wait to get knocked up by him date him years ago.  

Parents have to work to provide.  I was a single parent to Mini Persnickety and worked my ass off to make sure she had everything she needed and most of what she wanted.  She understood from a very early age that mommy had to work.   On my days off, it was 100% quality time with her and she looked forward to it.  

Anyone who tries to guilt a parent for having to hustle to financially provide for their child(ren) is a damned fool.  

While money may not be everything to a growing child, but I'm certain decent housing, food, electricity, and all the rest of life's necessities are equally important.  

It's the quality, not the quantity, of time one spends with their child(ren) that matters.

I'm judging by Allie's obvious love for her dad and wanting to see more of him that the quality of the time he spends with her is quite good.  

Not that I don't think Jeremy is an utter douche tool, but I'm not going to judge his parenting based on statements made by Leah and her latest paramour.  

18 hours ago, druzy said:

Addie's attitude isn't cute anymore.

Her attitude in many ways is similar to Grace...who is referred to at Casa Persnickety as "Rhoda."

Hopefully the school never has a penmanship medal at stake in either of those girls' classes.  

17 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Ha! How did Devoid get an apartment before Briana? 

Can Leah non mom-drive? Most mothers i know can carry on a conversation with the kids in the backseat without staring in the rearview.  Eyes front Leah.

Ugh, Sister Persnickety was such a driver, except she also juggled a cup of hot coffee (not in a travel mug) whilst rear-view mirror driving.  

Absolutely frightening that probably a lot of drivers have these same potentially dangerous habits.

17 hours ago, Linny said:

"I want some fucking respect, dude. Like, I want some fucking respect." Jenelle Evans, eloquent as always, giving voice to the rallying cry of all self-important twits. You get what you give, sweetpea, and respect ain't never been it. Cry all you want about MTV's misleading footage, it's YOUR words and YOUR actions (along with your scary hulking husband) that are to blame for all your misery.

Jenelle, you moron.

As Bethenny Frankel said ages ago, "They can't use what you don't give them."

Maybe just trying to be at least a somewhat decent human being and your edits would be better, Jenelle.  

17 hours ago, druzy said:

Leah's boyfriend needs to shut up. 

How does he manage to say so many words and yet make no real point (nor make any clear sense)?

When he was blathering on last night about the relationship with Addie and her dad, I was really wanting to reach through the screen and drag the words out of his mouth.  

Thinking on his feet, so to speak, is obviously not his strong suit.

Well, I guess that's stating the obvious given his choice of company in Leah.  Anyone looks like a potential Mensa candidate conversing with her.

17 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kail's hairstylist/rent-a-friend couldn't have given two shits about Kail's personal drama. The look on her face was like "Your appointment's over, why are you still here?". 

Kailyn to said hairstylist:  "I'll give you a big tip when I leave...just pretend you're even remotely interested in whatever I say and interject a grunt every now and then to pretend that you're listening, okay?"

17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Isaac really looks like Jo when giving his mama a stank face.

The look on his face when he bit down on that pierogie was absolutely priceless.  

16 hours ago, SuzyQILoveYou said:

I'm glad Nova's getting to spend more time with her dad. Lord knows she needs time away from the coven and that apartment of effing doom. That place would depress and stress out anybody. And she really does light up when she's around Devoin, and he lights up around Nova too. I'm so glad to see he is getting his shit together now. He's really grown on me; I like him.

I always liked Devoin, too.

I'd have to rewatch the season where Briana was introduced, but I seem to remember any time he did try to come around and visit, those women would run him out of the house, literally and figuratively.  

15 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Frosting and cold soup.

And Cheetos.  

14 hours ago, Rose Haze said:

When Kail was chatting with her "friend" I didn't like that she called out her sister for not making an effort to build a relationship. Why put that out there? Besides, maybe the sister did want a relationship but felt awkward reaching out to her long-lost sister who happens to be on a reality show. 

Hell, she's probably seen Kailyn in action watching this shit show and was trying to fly under the radar to avoid her.  

My money says Kail will, as she does with everything, find a way to make this baby shower all about her.  Ugh.

13 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Pierogies are delicious. I’m glad Kailyn is having her kids try different foods, so there’s that. Just to end this depressing post on a positive note. Lolz.

I like pierogies, too, but I really wish it would show Kailyn at least occasionally feeding those kids vegetables.  

The dinner of chicken nuggets and dipping sauce was pretty dismal.

2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I don’t think Addie is actually going to resent Jeremy. I just don’t. She very well may resent LEAH for talking about this shit and other stuff on national TV, however. And echoing others, Jason needs to shut the fuck up about all of this, for sure. Imagine Jeremy’s girlfriend talking about Leah’s “past” drug issues and how that may affect Addie? And Leah just eats it up. Every guy sucks but the one currently having sex with her. 

I'd pay good money to watch that fuckery unfold.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • LOL 5
  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah- no one is saying Briana made good choices to have unprotected sex with Luis, but Briana’s poor choices don’t obsolve Luis’ responsibility toward his own child. He too chose to bring a child into this world, she was sick and he didn’t care- that makes him scum. His lack of care is a reflection on him not Briana (who is actually doing things like taking her child to the doctor).

It's really pathetic that the extent of his reaction was "let me know what happens." If he couldn't afford to fly down, he could've at least sent some money for food, gas, a gift for Stella etc. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, kicksave said:

YES! All this groveling to Jenelle makes me sick. Cut the cord and let her go. She wants respect? Really? OMG! She doesn't respect anyone and especially MTV producers and staff! I'm so sick of her, her drama and her horrible husband. What a whiny little bitch she is. MTV should fire all of them and just dump this show and the Teen Mom show too. These "girls" are all in their late 20's now! Enough! Prediction...when this show stops she'll end up stripping at some cheesy strip club in Wilmington. 

"I don't need MTV!!!"

Glad to know, Jenelle....don't let the door hit you in your odious ass on the way out.

I want to know why MTV insists on keeping her if she's just so malcontent.

And if Jenelle were serious about not needing MTV (HA, like she could earn an income any other legal way), she should just just flounce a la Farrah Abraham.  

As for knowing her favorite food, I couldn't tell if she meant "friends" or "producers."

In either case, I could give subzero fucks about her (or any of the other women) favorite food.  

She needs to take that wrecked train she's riding and ride off into her delusional sunset.  

  • Love 19
6 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Well, “your” clearly not someone who knows “alot” about grammar and spelling. I feel sorry for “my self” that this guy makes way more money than I ever will and doesn’t have the mountains of student loans I have. Sigh. Lol. But, please, share what you know, Jeremy!

His errors are ALL I can see. Just pathetic.

  • Love 6

I am just now watching the episode, and I'm having the best laugh I have ever had in my life!!!!

WTF is Jenelle blathering on about? She doesn't need MTV? She has other things going on? What exactly?

And the viewers have never, in a decade, seen who she "really is?" Ummmm, she has a choice while the cameras were on to be her "real self." If we haven't seen who she really is while she's been on a reality show for ten years, it's her damn fault!

and way to prove to everyone that her husband is an abuser. When she started going down the list of friends she never sees anymore, I was thinking, "has she never googled abusive relationship? She is proving that she is in one by describing all the red flags!"

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

Nova is a weird child... I feel bad that she continues to be crammed in that tiny ass apartment with the coven, guess that would make anyone weird. 

I think she’s a normal, if quite shy, child in weird circumstances. First there’s the aforementioned coven, whose loud and brash temperament she does not share. Then there’s the cameras on an already shy child. She’s basically the only child on the show who hasn’t grown up with cameras in her face since birth, since this is only their second season. She probably remembers life without all these cameras and people in her face. That has to be weird. I was extremely shy as a child and I would’ve straight up freaked out if cameras and random people appeared in my fifth year and intruded into my home and school and everything else. 

5 hours ago, Mkay said:

I had someone argue with me on Twitter that Addie absolutely will resent Addie.  She knows from experience.  🙄 Please.  My parents worked hard for what little we had. I only grew to appreciate it more the older I got.  Now it’s my turn to take care of them.  

Exactly. My dad worked 2:30-11:30pm so he was gone by the time I got home from school and usually sleeping when I got up for school. I basically only saw him on weekends but he also owned a realty business and did that on the weekends too. I don’t resent him! I’m thankful. I had a great childhood. And I remember shopping with him alone “for fun” exactly one time in my entire childhood. I actually laugh at the idea of him taking me to Walmart or whatever for my enjoyment like Jeremy does with Addie. This is going to sound way harsher than I mean it to but...Leah hasn’t had a dad so what does she know about that relationship?

3 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

And Cheetos.  

Cheetos are not to be eaten on the table, though! Cheetos are to be eaten directly off the floor! Refer to the heartwarming tale that Delta Dawn told in season 1 of how she used Cheetos spread out on the floor to get Leah to walk. And then we see Leah putting them on the floor for the 1 year old twins a bunch of times and I puke. 

2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

He just isn’t* too bright, is he?


2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

WTF is Jenelle blathering on about? She doesn't need MTV? She has other things going on? What exactly?

A little thing called “saving lives.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? According to Jenelle it’s what she does. 🤣 

...or, like, a YouTube channel, dude.

  • Love 19
40 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I think she’s a normal, if quite shy, child in weird circumstances. First there’s the aforementioned coven, whose loud and brash temperament she does not share. Then there’s the cameras on an already shy child. She’s basically the only child on the show who hasn’t grown up with cameras in her face since birth, since this is only their second season. She probably remembers life without all these cameras and people in her face. That has to be weird. I was extremely shy as a child and I would’ve straight up freaked out if cameras and random people appeared in my fifth year and intruded into my home and school and everything else. 

Exactly. My dad worked 2:30-11:30pm so he was gone by the time I got home from school and usually sleeping when I got up for school. I basically only saw him on weekends but he also owned a realty business and did that on the weekends too. I don’t resent him! I’m thankful. I had a great childhood. And I remember shopping with him alone “for fun” exactly one time in my entire childhood. I actually laugh at the idea of him taking me to Walmart or whatever for my enjoyment like Jeremy does with Addie. This is going to sound way harsher than I mean it to but...Leah hasn’t had a dad so what does she know about that relationship?

Cheetos are not to be eaten on the table, though! Cheetos are to be eaten directly off the floor! Refer to the heartwarming tale that Delta Dawn told in season 1 of how she used Cheetos spread out on the floor to get Leah to walk. And then we see Leah putting them on the floor for the 1 year old twins a bunch of times and I puke. 


A little thing called “saving lives.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? According to Jenelle it’s what she does. 🤣 

...or, like, a YouTube channel, dude.

Hahahaha slightl O/T, but it's always so exciting for a kid to go shopping with their dad! My dad and I had a tradition where we went to Walmart on the evening of the last day of school to celebrate! He let me get basically anything I wanted on those trips, and the first time we did it, we got new backyard furniture. He had a truck at that point, so my mom was shocked when the truck pulled up in the driveway with a swing and several chairs! Although my dad worked pretty normal hours, he played sports every evening, and most of the time on weekends. Even as a young kid, I recognized that he was doing that so my mom could stay home with us, and I also realized that he deserved to do things that he found fun in his free time, like sports. My mom never would have tried to guilt trip him into giving up his sports, because he was an amazing dad (very much like Randy, and a dentist to boot lol!) who spent good quality time with us often. Since he set his own schedule, he was able to come to important things, even lots of our basketball games growing up! I used to love when he'd come to my high school JV games in a slightly bigger town, and the two of us would go to O'Charley's after. 

Back on topic, just because your dad is busy working, and even if he (gasp!) spends some of his free time doing other things he enjoys, it doesn't make him a bad dad! Quality time really counts, and even busy dads can create occasions to have that. No part of me looks back and thinks that my dad was too busy for me, or absolutely anything other than him being the best dad in the world! Now, Jeremy does have some douchey qualities, but I think he does love Addie, and spending quality time with her will only get easier as she gets older. As long as he keeps consistently making an effort, Leah should realize she is lucky. It sounds like maybe Jeremy could do better with the calls / FaceTime, but I have no issue with him not seeing Addie every day. 

  • Love 9
On 2/18/2019 at 11:15 AM, BitterApple said:

druzy, thank you for posting the links. 

I really hope Kail is sincere about getting to know her sister. Something tells me this wouldn't even be a storyline if Chris was still in the picture. And of course she can't be civil and say a polite "Hi, nice to meet you" to Lauren at Lincoln's practices. Keeping everything awkward is Kail's way of staying in control. She's exactly like my late grandmother, who was never happy unless everyone around her was miserable.

Kailyn is a petulant bitch and sincere about nothing. I do think she feels lonely since she's driven everyone away with her collagen filled rage. Everything else you posted is spot on! Straight up storyline. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Yeppers, she knew what his job entailed when she couldn't wait to get knocked up by him date him years ago.  

Parents have to work to provide.  I was a single parent to Mini Persnickety and worked my ass off to make sure she had everything she needed and most of what she wanted.  She understood from a very early age that mommy had to work.   On my days off, it was 100% quality time with her and she looked forward to it.  

Anyone who tries to guilt a parent for having to hustle to financially provide for their child(ren) is a damned fool.  

While money may not be everything to a growing child, but I'm certain decent housing, food, electricity, and all the rest of life's necessities are equally important.  

It's the quality, not the quantity, of time one spends with their child(ren) that matters.

I'm judging by Allie's obvious love for her dad and wanting to see more of him that the quality of the time he spends with her is quite good.  

Not that I don't think Jeremy is an utter douche tool, but I'm not going to judge his parenting based on statements made by Leah and her latest paramour.  

Her attitude in many ways is similar to Grace...who is referred to at Casa Persnickety as "Rhoda."

Hopefully the school never has a penmanship medal at stake in either of those girls' classes.  

Ugh, Sister Persnickety was such a driver, except she also juggled a cup of hot coffee (not in a travel mug) whilst rear-view mirror driving.  

Absolutely frightening that probably a lot of drivers have these same potentially dangerous habits.

Jenelle, you moron.

As Bethenny Frankel said ages ago, "They can't use what you don't give them."

Maybe just trying to be at least a somewhat decent human being and your edits would be better, Jenelle.  

How does he manage to say so many words and yet make no real point (nor make any clear sense)?

When he was blathering on last night about the relationship with Addie and her dad, I was really wanting to reach through the screen and drag the words out of his mouth.  

Thinking on his feet, so to speak, is obviously not his strong suit.

Well, I guess that's stating the obvious given his choice of company in Leah.  Anyone looks like a potential Mensa candidate conversing with her.

Kailyn to said hairstylist:  "I'll give you a big tip when I leave...just pretend you're even remotely interested in whatever I say and interject a grunt every now and then to pretend that you're listening, okay?"

The look on his face when he bit down on that pierogie was absolutely priceless.  

I always liked Devoin, too.

I'd have to rewatch the season where Briana was introduced, but I seem to remember any time he did try to come around and visit, those women would run him out of the house, literally and figuratively.  

And Cheetos.  

Hell, she's probably seen Kailyn in action watching this shit show and was trying to fly under the radar to avoid her.  

My money says Kail will, as she does with everything, find a way to make this baby shower all about her.  Ugh.

I like pierogies, too, but I really wish it would show Kailyn at least occasionally feeding those kids vegetables.  

The dinner of chicken nuggets and dipping sauce was pretty dismal.

I'd pay good money to watch that fuckery unfold.

My husband went overseas 3 times as a DoD civilian.  The first time was Iraq for 4 month.  The next trip in Kuwait 2008 was for 1 yr with a 2 week trip home in the middle. And again for a year in Kuwait with a 2 week trip home in the middle. The first time we didn’t have a child.  2nd time my daughter was 2. The 3rd time she was 4.  She understood daddy was at work. Thank goodness for the computer video chats.  He worked 12-16 hour days.  He got off at work when it was 3pm here.  If he was extremely tired I told him he didn’t have to video chat. He worked hard all day. I understood.  If he happened to get off before 3pm here we would chat so he and K could talk.  As long as she saw her daddy she was happy.  I never pumped her for “do you miss him” she was all about Clifford the big red dog.  Hahaha if she came to me sad and said she missed him we handled it.  It was his job. Even at 4 if someone asked her where Daddy was she would say “he’s at work.”   If I can get the video to work I will show how we surprised her at the airport.  Leah could handle the situation differently. 

Edited to add, I found the video. If it needs to be move to small talk it’s fine. 🙂  Its blurry because I still had a flip phone. This was at least 8 yrs ago. She didn’t see him at first. That’s why I asked her “look, who’s that?” I hate hearing my own voice with my southern accent. Lol  She hugs him, pulls back and makes sure it’s him, and hugs him some more.  I was holding back the tears.  

Edited by Mkay
Edited to add video.
  • Love 19
11 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Now if Jeremy told her he needs her to stop embarrassing herself over a guy who clearly does not want her....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh god,that would be delicious. "I love Kail so as a friend I'm telling her I need her to put any thought of a relationship with Chris out of her mind and move on. Its for your own good!" DEAD

  • LOL 2
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On 2/18/2019 at 12:42 PM, Rebecca said:

As for his job, Leah knew what he did when she chose to have a baby with him immediately. It sucks if he’s coming home to the area and STILL not seeing Addie, though. If true, what is his possible justification for that?! Ugh. And “works pipes” made me laugh, it’s got to be specific to the area because I don’t think kids in my area would even know what that meant. Or they’d say a plumber, not someone working on the pipeline.

This is so funny to me because I live in an area where the oil/gas industry is a big deal.  Everyone here would know that someone who was working on the pipeline/works pipes was working on a gas pipeline and definitely not think the person is a plumber.  We'd just say plumber for someone working on water pipes/septic systems/your toilet/house pipes, etc. The pipeline and pipes are always oil/gas related unless someone specifically says plumber, water line, water company, etc.  Regional differences are real and there are way more young men I know who work on pipelines/laying pipelines (sometimes away from home, like Jeremy) than who are plumbers, so I'd almost always assume any guy Jeremy's age who did anything with pipes was doing gas/oil pipeline work before plumbing.  

On 2/18/2019 at 8:53 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I would have to be 302'd if I had a toddler and newborn at the same time.

My kids are both toddlers now but are less than a year and a half apart....and *&^# was REAL for a while when the youngest was an infant and therefor, I had a baby and a toddler. Sometimes two toddlers isn't a walk in the park either, but it is infinitely better in a lot of ways (mainly, they can interact together more & the little one can express herself).  But it was also very sweet how much my son loved "Baby" (that's what he called his sister for the first year of her life) and how much he wanted to take care of her.  They started to develop their own little language and jokes as she got bigger. Now they're (mostly) best friends, but yeah....there were a few days/nights when they were an infant and a toddler that were rough, especially since my husband at that time worked nights and I worked days. The kids went to daycare during the day so hubby could sleep, so I basically did everything 5 days of the week on my own- night time feeding/waking with baby, caring for/feeding both kids, getting them bathed, getting them dressed, etc...and let's just say for the sake of my mental health and our marriage (and maybe my husband's life...I kid, I kid), he had to switch to a slightly lower-paying job where he worked days because the infant+toddler thing (and doing it by myself most of the time, plus working) was often a real damn struggle.  Chelsea has a lot of support, so even though I know her struggle will be real, too, I'm sure she'll be fine. 

On 2/19/2019 at 1:19 AM, Rebecca said:

Pierogies are delicious. I’m glad Kailyn is having her kids try different foods, so there’s that. Just to end this depressing post on a positive note. Lolz.

My grandfather was born in Poland (to a Polish mother & Ukrainian father- both from different sides of the same mountain on what would become the border).  I am stoked to hear Kailyn had her kids eat pierogies. They are awesome and I love getting non-Poles/non-Eastern Europeans to try them (they aren't really a thing where I live since we have a scarce Polish population here). I'm going to give Kail a positive mark for this. 🙂

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, monicageller said:

Jenelle is delusional. Everybody knows her favourite food is fettuccine alfredA.

From Olive Garden, Duuuuuude!!!

So my husband vaguely knows about this show, he has watched it a few times with me. Last night while watching he saw the preview of Kail on that Game of Clones show. He said "wait, isn't she married?" That led me into a 10 minute explanation about Kail's love life, her texting Chris while still married, the miscarriage, not wanting more kids, Javi deploying, her cheating on him with Chris, the divorce, Lux the trap baby, her claiming Chris was the only guy she ever loved which is why all the clones seem to resemble him. 

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Leah needs a storyline, so Jeremy has to become bad dad. I am no Jeremy fan but he works hard  and provides for his child. Leah needs to recognize that, when this show ends and she is broke again, she is going to need Jeremy to be working so she can go back for more child support. Soon, she will be living off the child support from Jeremy and Corey because I don’t for a minute believe she has afinancial plan for the future. At least Jeremy knows his kid loves Walmart, so he takes her where she likes to spend time. No park or McDonald’s for Addie, she has higher standards. Addie is so entertaining, much more interesting than any of the teen moms.

I could swear that in the early years, Leah was complaining about Corey being at work while she stayed at home with the twins. 

I think MTV keeps Jenelle on the show because she always provides some type of controversy and they know, at some point, there was be violence, an arrest or some tirade that will be ratings gold.  

Does Luis’ family have anything to do with Stella? I would think his family would at least show up at the hospital. Most families I know are practically camped out at the hospital when a loved one is in the hospital. 

  • Love 13
10 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Sorry, but I don't give a rat's ass about Javi, his new woman, or their child.  It was all done (quickly)  in order to remain in front of the cameras, which is disgusting in so many ways.

Yeah, you’re probably right about the motives. However, Kail should actually be glad that Javi is still more than willing to be filmed with his new woman and baby— it gives her more of a storyline with Chris not filming and most of her “friends “ cut loose.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah- no one is saying Briana made good choices to have unprotected sex with Luis, but Briana’s poor choices don’t obsolve Luis’ responsibility toward his own child. He too chose to bring a child into this world, she was sick and he didn’t care- that makes him scum. His lack of care is a reflection on him not Briana (who is actually doing things like taking her child to the doctor).

And remember all the shit Briana went through with Luis when she was pregnant and leaning toward placing the baby for adoption?  All his assurances that he would be a good father, that he'd always be there for his baby?  IMO that makes it a whole lot worse that he's bailing now.  Briana didn't want another baby; he strongarmed her into with his promises of support.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

 Addie is so entertaining, much more interesting than any of the teen moms.

Preach! I want an Addie & Lincoln spin-off when they're young, independent adults living in an apartment together away from their families (like Snooki & J-Wow style or something). Heck, I'd watch an Addie spin-off now with her commenting on life. 


I could swear that in the early years, Leah was complaining about Corey being at work while she stayed at home with the twins. 

She did. 

(And she had a bazillion family members to help out with the girlses, who weren't in school yet.  She didn't work outside the home, yet Corey revealed she didn't make dinner, wash clothes, or clean house.  She wasn't complaining about being at home isolated with babies while trying to get housework done, etc.  She was complaining that Corey couldn't come hang out with her all day or go to every single doctor's visit because he had work....not to mention that Leah had a ton of family members and friends who were always around and available to help out.  It's not like she was doing it alone, not that she was doing much of anything at the time.  I definitely remember ranting about Leah having such an amazing support system & free babysitters when I had my infant son with very little support system nearby and both my husband & I worked full-time during opposite shifts.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, Mothra said:

And remember all the shit Briana went through with Luis when she was pregnant and leaning toward placing the baby for adoption?  All his assurances that he would be a good father, that he'd always be there for his baby?  IMO that makes it a whole lot worse that he's bailing now.  Briana didn't want another baby; he strongarmed her into with his promises of support.

Briana wanted the baby for a story line to get back on TM and I'm 99% sure the adoption discussion was for a story line, too (which is disgusting and offensive to potential adoptive parents and all, IMO).  I think she likely would have not placed Stella in the end even if Luis had said "yeah, go ahead and do that." She knew Stella was her ticket on the show and she probably thought Luis would be a bad dad but the cameras would keep him around enough to cause drama that would keep her on the show.  I think she's surprised Luis hasn't been around more (even if he just shows up to get yelled at by the Coven) for the cameras alone.  Luis apparently doesn't want to parent so badly that he's not even going to regularly show up for a paycheck (which she should have known since he has another daughter in New York he didn't ever see or parent).

However, I'm with you that Luis was a POS for not going along with or encouraging Briana to place Stella since he obviously had no desire to parent or even be assed to give AF for a TV show when his child is going to the hospital for an emergency.  If Luis had any sense, he'd have been pushing that adoption story line to become a real thing so he could legally be absolved of having to contribute to Stella financially and since he never intended to parent anyway.  He was an idiot for being against it, even if I doubt Briana was really thinking about placing Stella for adoption. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

My grandfather was born in Poland (to a Polish mother & Ukrainian father- both from different sides of the same mountain on what would become the border).  I am stoked to hear Kailyn had her kids eat pierogies. They are awesome and I love getting non-Poles/non-Eastern Europeans to try them (they aren't really a thing where I live since we have a scarce Polish population here).

You need to come visit me. We do not have a huge Polish population in my town but there is a solid Polish/Ukrainian/Russian presence. We have an Eastern Orthodox church and we have Polonus, a Polish grocery store!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Briana wanted the baby for a story line to get back on TM and I'm 99% sure the adoption discussion was for a story line, too (which is disgusting and offensive to potential adoptive parents and all, IMO). 

I didn't like it one bit when she told Nova that they might "give the baby up."

So, the episode...(which I finally watched on my phone amidst people trying to talk to me about work DURING MY LUNCH HOUR WHILE I HAD HEADPHONES ON, PEOPLE!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!)

Thank you, Jason, for man-splaining back to Leah what she just basically told you.  Although I won't lie that I'm not entirely unimpressed with the fact that homeboy's semi-articulate.

also?  Jeremy did *not* hardly spend time with Addie when he was here...did they or did they not go to WalMart?  Also, am I crazy?  Do we trust Leah's swaying sister to properly look after her?

WTF was that "thug" sweatshirt that Chelsea was wearing?  I don't...think so??? I guess I should just be glad it wasn't a TTM original. I like their boring family stuff...but next week it's back to talking about Adam (in hypothetical terms...thanks very much, Mary.)

Nova was more engaged than I've seen her in a long time...maybe ever.  And right?  Hanging in a living room where there are no toys listening to adults talk is the WORST!

What *things* does Jenelle have going on?  I am so surprised that she never went the Farrah route

Finally, I can't help it, I love Lux!  that's about all I got for Kail...

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I guess the calls quit coming from the motivational speech circuit. Dumbshit could use a job or maybe volunteer. Maybe go read or search the internets for information about Ali's disease?

I don't at all get why she doesn't just become a cheer coach.  She definitely has the personality & expertise for it, and I'm sure the little Holler girls would all look up to her big-time!

  • LOL 3
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2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

She did. 

(And she had a bazillion family members to help out with the girlses, who weren't in school yet.  She didn't work outside the home, yet Corey revealed she didn't make dinner, wash clothes, or clean house.  She wasn't complaining about being at home isolated with babies while trying to get housework done, etc.  She was complaining that Corey couldn't come hang out with her all day or go to every single doctor's visit because he had work....not to mention that Leah had a ton of family members and friends who were always around and available to help out.  It's not like she was doing it alone, not that she was doing much of anything at the time.  I definitely remember ranting about Leah having such an amazing support system & free babysitters when I had my infant son with very little support system nearby and both my husband & I worked full-time during opposite shifts.)

Leah's problem was that she always had these juxtaposing desires - to be provided for AND to have her man around 24-7, heaping his adoration on her. Girl, you can't have it both ways! I think she has matured a bit and come to realize that; but she just can't stop bitching about her the fathers of her children. Maybe she thinks if she finds SOME "flaw" of theirs to point out, HERS will be less obvious?

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Leah's problem was that she always had these juxtaposing desires - to be provided for AND to have her man around 24-7, heaping his adoration on her. Girl, you can't have it both ways! I think she has matured a bit and come to realize that; but she just can't stop bitching about her the fathers of her children. Maybe she thinks if she finds SOME "flaw" of theirs to point out, HERS will be less obvious?

I also think she kind of ...not causes, but exacerbates Addie missing her dad.  Kids her age are easily distracted, they don't really dwell on one thing or another.  Addie could've just been talking about something that happened at school, which led Leah to saying, "oh you miss daddy, don't you?  Poor baby, he misses you too..." and that prompted Addie to want to call him...during the middle of a workday, where it might've even been dangerous to be Facetiming & not paying attention, so he was a little short on the call.

Edited by teapot
  • Love 12
14 hours ago, monicageller said:

Jenelle is delusional. Everybody knows her favourite food is fettuccine alfredA.

I sadly knew this and though of it right away...even the Olive Garden of it all. But I didn’t want to give her the damn satisfaction of actually knowing her basic bitch favorite food and restaurant.

Thinking about it though...that she likes Olive Garden is basically one of her defining characteristics because she’s so devoid of any as a person. We know she can’t be alone, doesn’t give a shit about her kids, mother, siblings or other family members or friends, likes “partyin’ her ass off” “wit her boooooyfriend(s),” enjoys drugs of all sorts, just wants to be left aloooooone (but not really) duuuuuude, and enjoys Olive Garden. What else is there to know? She’s basically a freaking tabula rasa otherwise and changes everything else to suit each new guy. It’s telling that she thinks people knowing her favorite food is somehow important information that really says something about her. Like a small child would think..

Hell, all I really DO know is her favorite food and that I think she’s a sociopath. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 23

Kailyn has become the most unlikable person on this show. Her attitude towards Lauren and not wanting to talk to her or meet her is so immature and nasty. I could see that attitude if Javi had been cheating on her with Lauren and had impregnated her while they were still married...oh wait! that's what Kailyn did to Javi! Put your big girl panties on and be an adult woman and go over and introduce yourself...geez...does she always have to be so mean spirited and bitchy? Lauren is a part of Lincoln's life, whether you like it or not, it would be best for Lincoln to show him that you are making an attempt to be civil and inclusive in the co parenting. She did the same thing with Isaac when Joe became seriously involved with Vee and they moved to Delaware. Not a fan of Javi, I think he's an attention whore and is poor marriage material but he's still Lincoln's dad and Lincoln now has a another half brother...it would behoove Kailyn to make it comfortable for Lincoln to be with Javi and his new brother and that means being a grown up and being a decent person to Lauren. She doesn't have to be BFF's with her but at least be cordial. Quit being an asshole.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Leah's problem was that she always had these juxtaposing desires - to be provided for AND to have her man around 24-7, heaping his adoration on her. Girl, you can't have it both ways! I think she has matured a bit and come to realize that; but she just can't stop bitching about her the fathers of her children. Maybe she thinks if she finds SOME "flaw" of theirs to point out, HERS will be less obvious?

I agree with all of this soooo much, plus great insight there! I bet that's exactly what she's doing...hiding her own flaws!

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

So the father pulling the baby out is a thing now?  I thought men stayed at the head of mom while giving birth.  He can cry all he wants because I don’t know too many tough men who could/would do that. 

BUT I would think that a man might be more into "catching" or "pulling the baby out" or whatever after the first one. It sort of goes with the "make your own crib" ethos that Coleeee has going on. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I sadly knew this and though of it right away...even the Olive Garden of it all. But I didn’t want to give her the damn satisfaction of actually knowing her basic bitch favorite food and restaurant.

Thinking about it though...that she likes Olive Garden is basically one of her defining characteristics because she’s so devoid of any as a person. We know she can’t be alone, doesn’t give a shit about her kids, mother, siblings or other family members or friends, likes “partyin’ her ass off” “wit her boooooyfriend(s),” enjoys drugs of all sorts, just wants to be left aloooooone (but not really) duuuuuude, and enjoys Olive Garden. What else is there to know? She’s basically a freaking tabula rasa otherwise and changes everything else to suit each new guy. It’s telling that she thinks people knowing her favorite food is somehow important information that really says something about her. Like a small child would think..

Hell, all I really DO know is her favorite food and that I think she’s a sociopath. 

Exactly this.  Since Jenelle changes her likes to match her current soulmates' likes, there are few things we do know about her.

Her only constant likes/interests are: Olive Garden, drugs, & yelling (particularly yelling "leave me alone"). I'm pretty sure the crew still knows this about her. And I agree she's a sociopath, @Rebecca.


So the father pulling the baby out is a thing now?  I thought men stayed at the head of mom while giving birth.  He can cry all he wants because I don’t know too many tough men who could/would do that.

It's definitely a thing.  A few of my co-workers/acquaintances who've had babies during the past five years or so have made a big deal about their husbands/boyfriends "catching" the baby at birth. This is definitely a hipster-millenial-quaisi-crunch parent thing. I think it's okay (and I did skin-to-skin with my baby as did my husband after they were born, but we let the certified nurse midwife/OB "catch" our babies because....yeah...not for us and that's kind of why those people were there). It's very much also a thing with the mommy-as-identity-set, so I totally see Chelsea and Cole doing it (no shade at Chelsea there with the mommy-as-identity-set thing). 

(A couple of people I know have even hired birth photographers to professionally shoot the birth in the hospital - at hospitals with big birthing suites with lots of room for more people than I'd want - and to catch the father "catching" the baby.  I personally only had my husband in the room, he didn't catch the baby, and I would never hire someone to take pictures of my babies' birth because WTF, but to each their own.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8
On 2/19/2019 at 6:00 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Kail "needs" Jeremy to step up with Addie? Girl take a seat. This is none of your damn business! God she is insufferable.

No shit. She needs to take 20000 seats and worry about her own whacked out living conditions with her very own love of her life, Mr Mustache Unvaccinated Kid Creator. This is one bitch that needs to look in the mirror and work on herself (and I am not talking plastic surgery work). This bitch has 1 marriage, 3 baby daddies, an unvaccinated Mowgli, chicklet teeth, puffy face and unhealthy eating habits. Worry about your own damn self Kail.

Leah needs to stfu and quit talking shit to her latest about her latest husband. Jeremy could be an Adam or a fucking Ryan, so stfu.

Jenelle, I don't give a flying fuck about your favorite food. This hooker probably doesn't even know her kids favorite foods. I don't watch any show to know anyone's favorite food. I don't watch TAR to watch for people's favorite foods, I don't watch any other reality show to be informed about what someone's favorite food is because I am not going to date them. She comes up with the most random fucking shit. Remember when she would run after Kieffer and try to get in the car saying crazy shit, speeding through traffic trying to dump off Kaiser, her mom not playing yahtzee and not nourishing her. I swear, then the whole respect thing. Have a seat Amber Jr. Sorry, I will never respect her or Amber because I think they are both POS that put the blame for their problems on everyone but themselves, both of them are not 12 anymore, grow the fuck up.

Edited by toodywoody
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23 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Regional differences are real and there are way more young men I know who work on pipelines/laying pipelines (sometimes away from home, like Jeremy) than who are plumbers, so I'd almost always assume any guy Jeremy's age who did anything with pipes was doing gas/oil pipeline work before plumbing.  

Where I live, if a kid said their Dad's job was laying pipes, we'd assume they're involved in the sex industry.

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12 minutes ago, SuzyQILoveYou said:

Where I live, if a kid said their Dad's job was laying pipes, we'd assume they're involved in the sex industry.

Yeah, and where I live, if someone asked about "working pipes" I'd assume they were a glass blower in the marijuana industry!

I've only seen the last half & again have nothing to say & no desire to hit up my DVR to see the first half. This show is played, and as has been the case for the past few years, their social media lives in real time are more salacious & entertaining than anything on the show. 

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