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S06.E08: Obsessive Habits

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The randomly invited rock climber instructor hired to escort Whitney on her hike had her completely and accurately summed up in minutes. She's a stubborn woman, convinced she knows best, who has no idea of what is involved in even a basic hike, let alone a hike at high altitude. It seems to be an attitude he's run into often.  I enjoyed the way he rolled his eyes, and then shrugged off her refusal to listen to him when he told her to slow down. I appreciated the way he largely ignored all her wailing and whining, and was matter-of-fact in his encouragement.

He's right that she starts speeding up in order to get it over with - she does that with all her workouts.  And since she never has enough technique or stamina or strength to do all of whatever she's trying to do, the only result  is that she burns herself out, and winds up sobbing on the side of the road, or the equivalent.

Edited by Ketzel
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6 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

Oh how many times I've said this to myself.  No body shame to her means let all your fat rolls hang out every minute of the day and forever others to see them.  So gross.  Dignity please!!!!

She is so gross @Snarkastikate!  Dignity passed her about 20 sports bras ago (that are not used for sports),  4 fat rolls and 250lbs ago! 

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Would have loved to see her her going downhill!  In my experience is easier walking uphill than down.  Much more dangerous, it's hard to fall up.  Looking at her huff and puff herself up this slippery rocks I was waiting for the trip down.  Color me disappointed!

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1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’ve been struggling with this. When I was young and thin I thought I was fat. Fast-forward 25 years and last year I was very overweight. I lost 40 lbs which was great. But I still have at least 30 to lose. I have to remind myself I don’t look as good as I think I do. Just because I’ve lost a lot and I’m wearing jeans 4 sizes smaller than before doesn’t mean I’m not still fat. I have to remind myself that I’m not there and be happy with my progress. 

I'm the same way. My weight was perfectly normal when I was younger but I always felt 10 lbs. too heavy. Now, for some reason (denial?), I imagine myself lighter than I am. I hate being photographed now. 

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22 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

The randomly invited rock climber instructor hired to escort Whitney on her hike had her completely and accurately summed up in minutes. She's a stubborn woman, convinced she knows best, who has no idea of what is involved in even a basic hike, let alone a hike at high altitude. It seems to be an attitude he's run into often.  I enjoyed the way he rolled his eyes, and then shrugged off her refusal to listen to him when he told her to slow down. I appreciated the way he largely ignored all her wailing and whining, and was matter-of-fact in his encouragement.

He's right that she starts speeding up in order to get it over with - she does that with all her workouts.  And since she never has enough technique or stamina or strength to do all of whatever she's trying to do, the only result  is that she burns herself out, and winds up sobbing on the side of the road, or the equivalent.

That trail is beautiful and looks like a lot of fun. It's a shame that Twit just barrels along completely disregarding the beauty and her companion. 

I really do think Jessica is over Twit's bullshit drama. I'd love to hear what she really thinks of this whole charade.

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3 min in and I am already annoyed but loving the daddy snark at her rock climbing video. I only watch this trash for the forum!

Jessica she is lying to you...Whit eats all day every day.

Hanging rock? Too bad this isn't Australia then she might disappear along with those girl in "Picnic at hanging rock"

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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35 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

People may find me pathetic but I love hiking, but I love to hike the trails that people in moderate shape and familes take....they are nice and safe and can still be challenging if I keep at it for a few hours. I also love nice and safe family cross country skiing paths. I am not trained for a "challenging climb" and really just enjoy a steady pace and being outside among nature. I don't see why Whit feels the need to do these dangerous (for her size) challenges.  What is wrong with simply being active at a steady pace? Exercise should be enjoyable...not punishment. I certainly don't want to put myself at risk and would feel even worse if someone put themselves at risk to save me.

Not pathetic at all. I think Hanging Rock is on the easy side of intermediate and it’s what I prefer too. But we’re not trying to prove to everyone how simply FABULOUS we are. I leave that to Mt Whitney who would never ever worry about rescuers having to haul her fat ass down. I’m eagerly awaiting the Alaska trip. I’m a thousand percent certain she’ll claim to break or sprain something. I really hope Todd will be there to mock her sand tear her down a few pegs. 

Edited by nytonc
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19 minutes ago, nytonc said:

I leave that to Mt Whitney who would never ever worry about rescuers having to haul her fat ass down. 

Oh, she worried! She even asked her escort if he would be able to carry her 330+ pounds back down the trail if she couldn't make it. (He waved away the question, which was ridiculous on its face. Did she really expect to be piggy-backed out if she got too tired to go on?)

I guess she learned her lesson on the ski slopes when the camera crew couldn't (or wouldn't) lift her, and Lennie couldn't lift her, so she needed to ask.  But yeah, she certainly didn't show any signs that she gave a damn about the effect of a potential rescue on the rescuer.

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Why even invite the man if she wasn't going to listen to the man? I cant stand the way she does all that huffing and puffing like she's exerting so much energy.

Im unimpressed girly.

She told us - she brought him in case she needed to be carried down! Ahahahahahahahahaha!😂

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4 hours ago, Yokosmom said:

I don't understand why she isn't using a walking stick. 

I don't either. Does she think that shows a weakness or something? Because I don't think of it that way at all.

I used to go horseback riding in some very hilly areas, and some people liked hiking the horse trails. A lot of them had those walking sticks that look like ski poles...while I am not a hiker myself, I certainly did not immediately think "Oh that person can't do it on their own", quite the opposite...I thought "That person is a serious hiker".

I guess if there's a stupid and dangerous way to do something, Twit will find it. She puts no planning into anything. Check out the Hanging Rock trail and what it would take to complete it? Nope. Listen to the guide you paid to accompany you? Nope. 

And, she plans "Whit-a-thon" (narcissistic hag, names made-up events after herself) and when Jessica mentions the altitude, she says "What's altitude?" OMG...idiot. Did she think that was cute or something, to play dumb about it? I don't believe anyone on the face of the Earth doesn't know that doing activities at higher altitudes are more difficult. I'm no hiker or climber and I've certainly heard of it, for God's sake. 

Maybe she's playing dumb about it so if she can't complete activities in Alaska, she can use the altitude as an excuse. Oh, I didn't take the altitude into consideration...🙄

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2 hours ago, Julyolo said:
2 hours ago, Julyolo said:

I think the production team detests her. Some of these shots they take of her rear end and legs are just disgusting!

2 hours ago, nytonc said:

I bet at least one of the production ppl was dying to shove her off the rocks!

After 6 seasons of Twit's whining, screeching, bullying & narcissism, the prod. crew are now writing murder plots for her to perform in -- and keeping their fingers crossed.

Edited by Dot
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When her parents said they're concerned about what she has planned for Alaska, she responds that she isn't going to let what happened in Hawaii stop her, and she can't just sit at home and not try anything just because her feet might hurt?

Seriously? Still going with the "ow, my feet!" excuse for what happened there?

Twitney, no one believes your crap excuse about that 8K in Hawaii. That debacle came about because you were overweight and miserably out of shape. It had nothing to do with your fake foot injury.

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I wonder how much editing had to be done to show us the hiking segment. In reality, Whit probably walked for 10 minutes with 30 minute breaks in between and then was air lifted and placed on the rock. It was really rude of her to ignore the guides suggestions. God forbid she listens to someone with knowledge and experience. 

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I haven't seen this episode yet, but from your comments I can probably not bother. Once again, Twit has already given away all the plot lines in her IG acct last year. I don't understand why TLC allows her to do that.

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2 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

That debacle came about because you were overweight and miserably out of shape. It had nothing to do with your fake foot injury.

I’d be totally willing to believe her feet hurt like holy living hell given the weight she puts on them combined with her being miserably out of shape.  I’m surprised she doesn’t injure her feet every time she stands up.

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Hanging Rock park has at least 10 trails, maybe more. If Whit took the Hanging Rock trail, it's only 1.3 miles. Why is this such a big deal? Because she had to go uphill at times and climb some stairs? She was carrying on like she was hiking 20 miles! 

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If Whitney wants to "redeem" herself after the Hawaii debacle, all she has to do is lose weight.  Simple.  Now that would impress people.  She doesn't need to go on a hike, do indoor rock climbing, ride a bike or anything else to try and perpetuate the myth that you can be 350 lbs and healthy.   Just. Lose. Weight.

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Ugh...this bitch's behavior with animals! Sitting there ripping that poor cat's matted hair out with her hands? Ever heard of clipping the mats out so it doesn't hurt the cat? Or, and I know this is terribly shocking DimWhit, maybe brushing him so he doesn't get mats in the first place?

I'm sorry but I had to have my beautiful Maine Coon kitty put down today and that scene really got to me...he was NEVER all matted up because HE. GOT. BRUSHED.

If he had gotten matted fur, I certainly wouldn't have pulled his hair out in clumps with my hands.

I would really like to pull some of her hair out right now! Then maybe the idiot could figure out how that feels to that poor cat.

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For a woman who spends at least 50% of this show in sports bras she really needs to get better ones. I think some company that makes really good ones should give her some for advertising because if they can keep all that in place and I don’t have too see Whitney’s boobs  flap around anymore I most certainly know they could keep my gals in place on a run. It would be a win-win for everyone.

I think Whitney drinks a lot of calories and I can believe she doesn’t eat and then crashes and binges. Starbucks coffee and a 9pm binge can totally keep you fat. Sure Whitney works out but weight management is pretty much all diet. I think Jessica is trying to get Whitney to eat meals and not binge. She said Whitney avoids eating and then eats junk food or maybe it was fast food that she mentioned. It is pretty easy to eat a ton of calories but not a huge volume on junk food. It is Whitney who is trying to fool us, Jessica admits the truth.

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Sasha888 so sorry for your loss. I know just how you feel. I had to let my Main Coon kitty go in Dec after 12.5 years of love. I would never in a million years have pulled his fur like that! He loved his brushing and he did sport a cool lion cut once.  I’d be right next to you pulling Twatney’s hair out to see how she liked that!!

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6 hours ago, nytonc said:

I bet at least one of the production ppl was dying to shove her off the rocks!

Did anyone get a screenshot of how many people were up on the rock with her at the end. There was a shot from far away and at least 5 other people were up on the rock on the edge, maybe making sure she did not fall and the got the money shot of her making the big moment. They were there in one shot and hen disappeared during the final one. 

I don't get this trip to Alaska. Have no idea how it will redeem her from having trouble in a 5 or 8k last year. I'm sure she could just run a local race to redeem that. Watching that family by the ton there was a 400lb women a few weeks ago that was 1 month after weight loss surgery doing the spartan games in NC or GA. Whitney could have joined her.  

I also do not get this obsession with Todd, if she is not talking about Buddy and his blow addiction, she is complaining about Todd. If she complains about him so much why is she begging him to come of the trip and back to her "class". It does not seem like any of her friends are that excited including her parents  go to Alaska. I's guessing that it was picked by the producers and not Whitney. The first thing I thought of was the altitude. It is sure is not good for her mom post stroke to travel on a plane for 12 hours and have such a dramatic change in altitude. I have a vascular condition and just to travel between cities where I live sometimes I have no choice but to be above 7,000 feet sometimes as high as 10,000 and it feels like a weight on your chest and makes you feel like just walking is hard until you get used to it(and I have a normal BMI). I can imagne we will see Whitney gasping for breathe like Homer Simpson trying to climb that mountain with his applesauce bars!

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7 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

3 min in and I am already annoyed but loving the daddy snark at her rock climbing video. I only watch this trash for the forum!

Jessica she is lying to you...Whit eats all day every day.

Hanging rock? Too bad this isn't Australia then she might disappear along with those girl in "Picnic at hanging rock"

     Did you notice how absolutely crushed  NitWhit looked when daddy disparaged her “Whit- Athon”?  It always disgusts me how desperately she needs his approval for all of her hare - brained schemes. 

     I do have to agree with her on one thing however, that over - the - top act of sexual aggressiveness on Buddy’s part was a bit too much to believe.  ( And apparently she’s right, because in the previews for next week, he calls her and tells her they broke up! )

     I just saw that movie again on TCM awhile back!

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She knows she has to admit to some sort of disordered eating , and finds it less shameful to say she doesn’t eat all day than that she eats too much. Conveniently she leaves out the fact that she consumes a lot of very high calorie coffee drinks. 

What she needs is intensive therapy. 

In real life , Buddy did go to Alaska , so let’s see if he flies out to meet them after Chelsea dumps him. 

Edited by SneezeWeasel
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Jessica said that Twit goes long times without eating then gets hungry and makes french fries.    That I can believe.   Her going 24 hours without eating I don't.  I hate how she bulldozes her way through things.   Slow down!    On the previews for the next week they show Twit running and Tal yelling about her pacing herself.  Why does she do that? Why can't she just walk with everyone normally?     

Now that Todd isn't helping teach the "class" it's all Twit so of course there is extra wiggling, twerking and boob rubbing.   

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10 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I don't either. Does she think that shows a weakness or something? Because I don't think of it that way at all.

I used to go horseback riding in some very hilly areas, and some people liked hiking the horse trails. A lot of them had those walking sticks that look like ski poles...while I am not a hiker myself, I certainly did not immediately think "Oh that person can't do it on their own", quite the opposite...I thought "That person is a serious hiker".

No kidding. I know a woman who  finished the Appalachian Trail last year. Clearly in shape and an experienced hiker. She uses walking/hiking poles. But Whitney just goes running off like a moron. 

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13 hours ago, sara1025 said:

I'm a bit confused by the whole "you need to eat more times a day!" lecture, it sounded like the way a doctor speaks to an anorexic, "you only have to eat 2 more times today, that's it! You can do it!". How does anyone believe she only eats once a day? To maintain her body weight, if she only ate once per day she would have to eat like 5,000 calories in that one meal, how is that possible without her stomach rupturing? I noticed how Jessica also said "she never really snacks" like it's a bad thing, yet Dr. Now says how snacking for obese people is a BAD thing. I don't think eating more times in a day is going to solve Whit's weight problem...

She said Whitey was only eating one meal a day which increased the chances she would eat the wrong types of food and over eat as well. Eating small meals throughout the day does get your metabolism working at it's maximum level and it keep you from getting so hungry that eat junk because it is easier and faster.  I think the trainer is right. I think even though Whitney was eating only one meal she was likely eating way too much and the wrong kinds of foods.  

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6 hours ago, silverspoons said:

cuingDid anyone get a screenshot of how many people were up on the rock with her at the end. There was a shot from far away and at least 5 other people were up on the rock on the edge, maybe making sure she did not fall and the got the money shot of her making the big moment. They were there in one shot and hen disappeared during the final one. 

I don't get this trip to Alaska. Have no idea how it will redeem her from having trouble in a 5 or 8k last year. I'm sure she could just run a local race to redeem that. Watching that family by the ton there was a 400lb women a few weeks ago that was 1 month after weight loss surgery doing the spartan games in NC or GA. Whitney could have joined her.  

I also do not get this obsession with Todd, if she is not talking about Buddy and his blow addiction, she is complaining about Todd. If she complains about him so much why is she begging him to come of the trip and back to her "class". It does not seem like any of her friends are that excited including her parents  go to Alaska. I's guessing that it was picked by the producers and not Whitney. The first thing I thought of was the altitude. It is sure is not good for her mom post stroke to travel on a plane for 12 hours and have such a dramatic change in altitude. I have a vascular condition and just to travel between cities where I live sometimes I have no choice but to be above 7,000 feet sometimes as high as 10,000 and it feels like a weight on your chest and makes you feel like just walking is hard until you get used to it(and I have a normal BMI). I can imagne we will see Whitney gasping for breathe like Homer Simpson trying to climb that mountain with his applesauce bars!

What I don't understand is why she didn't learn from that experience. Why does she make these last minute decisions about what she wants to do. This should be planned way ahead of time so she has plenty of time to train for these ventures.  She did make it up the trail but it was very difficult for her. If she had more time to train she wouldn't have issues.  She chooses to do these things that she has absolutely no training for and therefore sets herself up for failure.

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1 hour ago, Anlogle said:

What I don't understand is why she didn't learn from that experience. Why does she make these last minute decisions about what she wants to do. This should be planned way ahead of time so she has plenty of time to train for these ventures.  She did make it up the trail but it was very difficult for her. If she had more time to train she wouldn't have issues.  She chooses to do these things that she has absolutely no training for and therefore sets herself up for failure.

Careful, there, Anlogle.   You are trying to attribute logical thinking to Whitney's behavior and that way lies madness. Or at the very least, a sharp headache. I speak from experience. 🙂

Edited by Ketzel
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Okay, I just had to rewind because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This is at about 7 minutes in, when Barb has asked Whitney what on earth she's trying to prove with the Shit-A-Thon. Cut to a TH of Whit saying her confidence was shot after Hawaii, but "I'm in the best shape that I've ever been or possibly can be, so I'm ready to do this ..."


Edited by essexjan
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10 hours ago, Horrified said:

If Whitney wants to "redeem" herself after the Hawaii debacle, all she has to do is lose weight.  Simple.  Now that would impress people.  She doesn't need to go on a hike, do indoor rock climbing, ride a bike or anything else to try and perpetuate the myth that you can be 350 lbs and healthy.   Just. Lose. Weight.

12 minutes ago, Anlogle said:

What I don't understand is why she didn't learn from that experience. Why does she make these last minute decisions about what she wants to do. This should be planned way ahead of time so she has plenty of time to train for these ventures.  She did make it up the trail but it was very difficult for her. If she had more time to train she wouldn't have issues.  She chooses to do these things that she has absolutely no training for and therefore sets herself up for failure.

* In her defense--giving credit where it's due--she has gone from 380 to the 330s. What bugs me as that she acts like she does not care (I think she does) and who knows where she's at currently. Let's hope she is motivated by being able to do more at a lesser weight versus focusing on her appearance. 

* It never fails to shock me how dumb she acts. "What's altitude". Really? Or when she says, "If I had knows how hard.......(insert activity) would be, I never would have done this." Especially with the rock climbing, how could she think for one second that would be a doable activity for a 330-ish lb person? 

As a side note, Jessica is adorable and seems genuine. She's gotta be doing this just for the show. 

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14 hours ago, sara1025 said:

I'm a bit confused by the whole "you need to eat more times a day!" lecture, it sounded like the way a doctor speaks to an anorexic, "you only have to eat 2 more times today, that's it! You can do it!". How does anyone believe she only eats once a day? To maintain her body weight, if she only ate once per day she would have to eat like 5,000 calories in that one meal, how is that possible without her stomach rupturing? I noticed how Jessica also said "she never really snacks" like it's a bad thing, yet Dr. Now says how snacking for obese people is a BAD thing. I don't think eating more times in a day is going to solve Whit's weight problem...

She does eat only once a day. Like I used to do it. I started the minute my feet hit the ground and I stopped the minute I went to bed at night. One long calorie ridden meal. And I only got up to 210 pounds. So her one meal a day is taking a whole lot more calories than I did.

So when you look at it this way, she is not lying.

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14 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I cant stand the way she does all that huffing and puffing like she's exerting so much energy.

She’s like all the men around here where I live with the loud mufflers on their cars and trucks. I guess they think that the louder the muffler the bigger the dick. In her case, the more huffing and puffing, the harder she’s working. It’s all about impressing.

Edited by Kid
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What’s Twits plan in Alaska ? Some way above her physical capabilities type activity ? 

Sorry but she’s just about as big as she was Hawaii when she completely broke down while WALKING 

( Twit couldn’t climb a dozen steps to Harpers birthday gathering ) 


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3 hours ago, SneezeWeasel said:

She knows she has to admit to some sort of disordered eating , and finds it less shameful to say she doesn’t eat all day than that she eats too much. Conveniently she leaves out the fact that she consumes a lot of very high calorie coffee drinks. 

What she needs is intensive therapy. 

In real life , Buddy did go to Alaska , so let’s see if he flies out to meet them after Chelsea dumps him. 

And with the big coffee she buys a big cookie.  But that's not a "meal".  A carton of ice cream eaten in the car is not a "meal", nor is a bottle of wine drunk in bed.  Those pizzas ordered at night?  A "meal".

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