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S09.E05: Shutting Down


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2 hours ago, druzy said:

Kaiser running to give the security guy (I forgot his name) a hug shows how safe Kaiser feels around him.

It seemed to me that Kaiser had sweeter moments with the security guy and talking about missing Nathan ("Tomorrow, can we go to Daddy's? and "I might start crying for Daddy") than he did with Jenelle. Any affection he showed toward Jenelle was initiated by her; He WANTED to give the security guy and Nathan's mom a hug.

Edited by SweetieDarling
missing letter
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It's sad with Jace as well, but I guess Kaiser is just so young and seems like a pretty happy boy- it breaks my heart how neglected he is. I know Nathan is no angel, but he really does seem to have real affection (nice for a parent to have - ya think?!) for his son. I just seem to remember so much footage of him (baby K) being shoved in his crib with a bottle sometimes and just ignored.

  • Love 14

 Jenelle and Lurch are irredeemable trash programmed to self-destruct. How else can you explain a guy who sought out a woman for her money and to live the high life but tries to impede her fron maintaining said money and lifestyle every chance he gets?

That last segment us why I can't hate Barb.   Glad she got that off of her chest and said what we've all been thinking.

What school allows children to attend with open toe footwear? 

So Kail invested a huge chunk of her savings into something that depends on her fame to be even remotely profitable? If MTV cancels this show, no one will give a shit about Pothead.

I hope Kail's sister realizes she is being used for filming because Kail basically has  no one to film with.

Leah's house...all I could think of is mold!

What do you  need a vacation from, Briana?

ETA: I thought Jenelle had Nathan's number blocked and all communication went through Lurch? What changed where Jenelle attends a pick up alone and acts down right cordial to Nathan and Doris? 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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Welcome baby Layne!!! Love seeing her with her siblings. 

Kail, on the other hand, is using her sibling for a storyline. Run, Mikaila; you in danger, girl. 

Leah's house.. Yikes. I'm glad the girls can stay with Cory while that gets handled. Victoria is on some shit. All that rocking in the carpet place was making me dizzy. 

What is with Brittany and this dude ALWAYS needing backup during their visits??? Shirley had to feel like a real 3rd wheel. 

Also, Brittany needs to quit whining about doing it all on her own. She LIVES with her mom and sister and they are very involved with those girls. 

David continues to find ways to influence filmimg. And Jenelle is so terrified that she flips out on producers instead. I empathize with Barb's pain, but when is enough enough?

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51 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

Why was Leah’s sister rocking back and forth while they were talking in the carpet store? Did she have to pee? What the hell was up with that?  Leah was doing it too but less noticeably.  Seemed so weird.

I noticed that too! Were they itching for a fix? Victoria looked like she was crawling out of her skin. 

I wonder if Kail ever threw her sister that baby shower? Their conversation came across as two people who really didn't care if their plans followed through. 

Brianna's made-for-tv relationship? Yawn. You could tell Shirley wanted to be like "Why are you even bothering?" but remembered she had to stick to the script and act like this actually has a chance of going anywhere. 

So Barb and MTV know Dave is beating the shit out of Jenelle, and no one's doing anything for the sake of the children. Nice. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I noticed that too! Were they itching for a fix? Victoria looked like she was crawling out of her skin. 

I wonder if Kail ever threw her sister that baby shower? Their conversation came across as two people who really didn't care if their plans followed through. 

Brianna's made-for-tv relationship? Yawn. You could tell Shirley wanted to be like "Why are you even bothering?" but remembered she had to stick to the script and act like this actually has a chance of going anywhere. 

So Barb and MTV know Dave is beating the shit out of Jenelle, and no one's doing anything for the sake of the children. Nice. 

Yes.  They had it this past weekend in Waco or Dallas.  I know the sister lived closer to Waco. She posted pics on her snap and Instagram.  

Edited by Mkay
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So I was struck with how pretty Mikayla is and how distorted looking Kail is now thanks to fillers and knives. In the pic above at the shower, Kail looks good but man in the regular filming she really does not look attractive at all.

That is a really good point about the water damage in Leah's house- I sure hope someone  she deals with has sense  and recommends reaching out to insurance and truly checking for the mold remediation. ( I do remember her mentioning mold but knowing her, she will figure if she wipes it with a paper towel it's fixed). Say what we will, but Leah for some reason does have a lot of support between the baby daddies and their families as well as hers. I guess that goes to her credit? And omg I also was wondering what was with the swaying her sister was doing. That was dizzying to watch!!!!!!!

I too was kind of wondering why Shirley is there with Briana and her love. Even the kayak it was the 2 of them and then Shirley by herself. I didn't pay great attention but does Briana drive? (I seem to notice her as the passenger with her mom and with Shirley- maybe is that why Shirley is with the loving couple?). Yes it was comical when Bri was talking about how busy her life is with bathing the girls when she gets home from work and feeding them dinner and putting them to sleep. What is her job? I thought she lays around the house and hunches her shoulders and argues with her mom. Then she puts on make up and styles her hair once a month. Am I wrong? sorry , I don't watch so faithfully so maybe I missed all the discussion and airing of her doing other things.

Jennelle and Barb. It;s just really sad. and frightening.

  • Love 4

Oh I forgot to add very importantly--------------when Leah was remediating the water damage with ther beau -----  I noticed that she had at least taken the time to put on the eyelashes.

I guess it's a good thing because the original filming with her and her mama - she had not a drop of make up and she had the mamadawn eyes. not a good look. (but still- who wears false eyelashes to clean the house???)

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9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder if Kail ever threw her sister that baby shower? Their conversation came across as two people who really didn't care if their plans followed through.

Gawd, I was cringing. Kail making her sister's baby shower all about KAIL. "I'm your older sister, I get to do these things like plan your shower. What was your name again?". Feh.

8 hours ago, eskimo said:

Holy shit Leah, call your homeowners insurance agent stat.  Do not, repeat, do not attempt to take care of that yourself.  Water is more damaging that what you can see.  In 2013 our filter housing for our well cracked and flooded just one level of our cabin.  The entire first floor had been wet, but that seemed to be it.  We weren't sure if it would be covered and figured we might be eating a $10,000 bill to replace all the flooring and sub-flooring on the entire first floor.  We called our HO Ins and thankfully they did cover it, but the damage was crazy.  Come to find out the drywall and insulation wicked the water 3 1/2 feet up the wall.  We couldn't even tell just by looking at it.  All the lower cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen had wicked water as well.  It was $48,000 in total.  The insurance company would only cover for future mold issues if we had it professionally remediated.  Everything 3 1/2 feet down was stripped to the studs.  Everything. 

And here she is in her basement, poking at a bulging water blob above, talking about how it drained to the basement through her ducts.  I'd bet the drywall and insulation on 2 floors have been wet, and could be growing mold that she wouldn't know about for years.  I really hope this whole 'I've got so much to do because I've got to clean up my house' was all just for the cameras, and the disaster cleanup crew was waiting down the street.  If she's too dumb to have had insurance then she better take some of her six-figure income and pay for professionals to at least clean that up. 

Right? I was screaming. She needed to call her insurance agent and Service Master, not apply her lashes, call her boyfriend, and wander around poking at her ceiling. Why was there still stuff piled in the corners while they were pulling up the carpet? Why were they pulling up the carpet at all? Call someone to handle this shit, dummy.

2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Raise your hand if you think Brianna will get pregnant again?  [raises both hands]

Well, don't forget, Brianna thinks each successive baby daddy should be an upgrade from the previous baby daddy. John seems like a nice guy and he's actually gone out with Briana, in public, not just hooked up with her behind a dumpster.  He's a goner.

Kaiser breaks my heart. That is all.,

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 19

It’s odd that Briana & John avoid spending time alone together. Anyone know if they are still together? 

Not a Kail fan but her boys are seriously sweet ! Isaac melts my heart !

i will rejoice the day Jenelle leaves David and spills all! I still believe if MTV continued to film him they could get the footage they need in order to actually prove everyone’s suspicions about DV. They can do nothing without solid proof. 

I wonder why Mary didn’t also keep Watson... also seemed strange to me that the hospital let Chelsea home at 5cm dilated.

Why didn’t Leah get professionals in to fix her house seems to be the obvious question cropping up here. It’s not like she can’t afford it. I do find her and Jason quite cute together! I wonder will their temporary breakup be filmed..

  • Love 7

Other than Kaiser's obviously natural affection for everyone except his mother, the thing that stuck out to me was him informing Jenelle that "Dad said don't say bad stuff about you." I'm not sure how to interpret that--Nathan told Kaiser to not speak badly of Jenelle? Nathan told his mom/girlfriend not to badmouth Jenelle around Kaiser?--but whatever the case, it speaks to the hostile environment Kaiser's trapped in. He's such a sweet kid, always has been (I remember a scene of him comforting a crying Jenelle when he was much younger), and it hurts to think that his sweetness could end up being tarnished by Jenelle and David. Barb keeps putting emphasis on Jenelle as the victim, Jenelle as the one who stands to lose everything, but it's the kids whose childhood and perception of the world is going to be framed in the scope of domestic abuse. Not to get too personal here, but I know what that's like because I've been that kid and I've lived that life, and it doesn't ever leave you, not ever. It's increasingly hard for me to watch the show as the kids get older, knowing that all the awful things they're hearing and seeing will stick with them.

  • Love 12
21 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

No interest in dirty looking Brianna and her new boyfriend that she looks at with the googly eyes of a 14 year old girl. Fast forward.

PS: For those wondering about my personal saga: I had my last chemo infusion yesterday, have two more weeks of chemo pills to take daily, a scan at the end of the month and in mid-March, I’ll get the results and hopefully get my life back! 

I have recently started to frequent this forum more regularly so I had not idea you were going through all this====but I will heartily wish you great strength and solid healing.

  • Love 8

Chelsea looked great walking into the hospital to give birth.  Didn’t even look pregnant. Tiny belly. Watson looks like Aubrey!

How can someone spend $50,000+ to rebuild their entire body but cannot bother to look clean afterwards?

 (At least Farrah is always made up and dressed nice.  Same for Sophia. Clean nice home, too).

Brianna is on the phone talking about Stella beating on Nova.

Well, it is because you are still popping out kids without upsizing your home! 

Season 2 or is it 3??? And, you can’t even at the very least rent a house??

Give those girls a safe yard to burn some energy! 

Nah!  She is on vacation with her next baby daddy talking about how he feels about kids!

Bragging about how he has not met the girls trying to look responsible. 

Well, how can he meet the girls when you are always with him and not home?! 

Where is Britney???

  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

PS: For those wondering about my personal saga: I had my last chemo infusion yesterday, have two more weeks of chemo pills to take daily, a scan at the end of the month and in mid-March, I’ll get the results and hopefully get my life back! 

Sending good vibes your way! Congrats on being close to the end of your treatment!

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Before reading your lovely comments...

This is becoming such a quick watch for me now. I FF through so much of the show that maybe I see half of it….

Kail making a big deal about 3rd grade. Just don’t get it. Rehash of the visit with the pregnant cousin/sister/whatever she is with the security guy… fast forward. I don’t understand why she had to sit Isaac down five minutes after he came in the door and fire questions about his first day. Jesus. Leave the kid alone to settle down and reflect on the day. He’ll tell you stuff later probably. 

What was up with Leah’s house? The water was off but while she was out for a day or whatever then came back and there was a leak? That flooded the entire house? How does that happen?  Was she popping pills, left the water running and headed over to the guy’s house for the weekend or what? Color me confused. Giving Ali and iPad Pro with no protective case? Yikes.  Leah looks stoned the entire episode to me.

Forwarded past Chelsea because I already know what’s she’s going to talk about: Baby-uh, doctor’s appointments, gave birth, happy famileeeeeee-uh. Okay. Congrats but it’s uninteresting. 

Kaiser hugging the MTV security guard in a more sincere way than Janelle. Poor kid wants to be with Nathan and his mom and not these two disgusting people. Makes me so sad.

Janelle is in a very dangerous situation. It’s really quite unbelievable to see that even with what we “know” and have seen parts of on the show, that that apparently is not enough to pull the kids from that house. It must be killing Barb to have them getting along and then boom! the 911 call and how Janelle is back to being vicious towards her again. I fault her for not doing everything she can to disallow Jace from going to that house again. 

No interest in dirty looking Brianna and her new boyfriend that she looks at with the googly eyes of a 14 year old girl. Fast forward.

PS: For those wondering about my personal saga: I had my last chemo infusion yesterday, have two more weeks of chemo pills to take daily, a scan at the end of the month and in mid-March, I’ll get the results and hopefully get my life back! 

Hoping all goes well for you. 

Regarding Kail:

Glad I am not the only one who felt Kail's conversation with Isaac came off as more of an interrogation than anything. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

What was up with Leah’s house? The water was off but while she was out for a day or whatever then came back and there was a leak? That flooded the entire house? How does that happen?  Was she popping pills, left the water running and headed over to the guy’s house for the weekend or what? Color me confused. Giving Ali and iPad Pro with no

I would like to know more about this as well.  Leah seemed eerily detached in the aftermath of her home being destroyed.  I would be beside myself in hysterics and the stress of it all.  Getting her home and belongings repaired and replaced is going to be a monumental task and she's all like "oh my".  I would really like to know what happened. 

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So which version of Brianna is most annoying?  Brianna who thinks she's some badass, for some reason?  Brianna who whines that she 'does it all by herself' after picking useless men to father her children (and has massive help from mom and sister)?  Or Brianna who is in a new potential relationship and is all twitterpated?  They all have their merits as the most annoying, but after last nights episode I'll go with version #3.  Just like with Javi, we get lots of hair twirling and staring off into the distance, while talking about how she doesn't knoooowwwww what the future holds with this random person who doesn't live anywhere near her.  While she's risking pregnancy with this new person.

Edited by eskimo
to add
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7 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I would like to know more about this as well.  Leah seemed eerily detached in the aftermath of her home being destroyed.  I would be beside myself in hysterics and the stress of it all.  Getting her home and belongings repaired and replaced is going to be a monumental task and she's all like "oh my".  I would really like to know what happened. 

Maybe she sees this as an opportunity to move in with her BF (whose name escapes me).  

In other news, is there a pool going on this site about how long it takes Briana to become impregnated yet again?  

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2 minutes ago, eskimo said:

So which version of Brianna is most annoying?  Brianna who thinks she's some badass, for some reason?  Brianna who whines that she 'does it all by herself' after picking useless men to father her children (and has massive help from mom and sister)?  Or Brianna who is in a new potential relationship and is all twitterpated?  They all have their merits as the most annoying, but after last nights episode I'll go with version #3.  Just like with Javi, we get lots of hair twirling and staring off into the distance, while talking about how she doesn't knoooowwwww what the future holds with this random person who doesn't live anywhere near her. 

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the Briana who just had to put her baby in daycare because she had to get back to work.  

But then apparently another version of Briana, who supposedly had just returned to work, took all of that time off to have multiple cosmetic procedures which surely had to result in about 4 weeks of downtime off of work for recovery.

So little of anything most of these women do makes any logical sense.  

  • Love 8

I don't think Leah is using any more. I really don't. 

She has always had that kind of monotone, stunted speech. Even when she was very young and first on the show. Also, it's possible she's on a regulated RX that gives her a certain affect. Lastly, it's possible the the time she DID spend using left her with some permanent affects. Or a combo of all of the above. 

But she's not nodding out in her scenes any more. The girls and her home look relatively put together. As does she. Cory doesn't seem to have any complaints. I think she's okay. 

Now her sister? She looks in the throws of addiction right now. They were both kind of moving in the rug store. But I do that; when I'm just standing somewhere talking to someone. I just lightly sway. I don't know....it feels less awkward than doing absolutely nothing. But Victoria's rhythm was much faster and jerkier. It was like she was matching Leah's movement with her own drugged-out pace. 

  • Love 10

Why doesn't MTV just fire Jenelle already? The nasty text messages she sends to the producers, the lying, the lack of any gratitude towards a well paying gig...enough already. Cut her loose. She might have to actually go out and get a job. Not much of a life plan for your daughter, uh Barb? She expressed anxiety over the possibility of Jenelle getting fired from MTV and that "she'll lose everything". Making money by having cameras following you around isn't a life plan Barb. This isn't going to last forever...MTV will pull the plug on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 eventually. All these girls would be wise to save their money and make preparations for another career. Jenelle is a train wreck and her unhealthy and dangerous relationship with David is of great concern...especially for the kids involved. MTV enables these girls to stay stagnate and not evolve. Yes...they have side "projects" that they get free publicity for on the show but how many of these "projects" are successful enough for them to leave the show altogether? MTV is way too tolerant with the way some of these girls treat their producers and staff. 

I was touched by Kaiser's sweet hug for the security guy and his wanting to be with his Dad...it was apparent he did not want to go back to the Swamp and David. It broke my heart to see how much he wanted to be with his Dad and Grandma. 

So MTV hired Kail for their new show "Game of Clones"? Looks like the stupidest show ever...

Brianna's need for a man in her life is sad...instead of running off on the weekends to be with new boy she should be spending time with her daughters and taking Nova to a gymnastics class or dance class. Sadly, Brianna seems to put boys before her kids and Roxanne has to pick up the slack. I did like Roxanne saying she didn't want to meet new guy. 

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, Mkay said:

Yes.  Remember she bought it a season or two ago and she let the kids run around while the owners still lived there. 

So wouldn't she have homeowner's insurance?  Obviously the carpet is ruined and that alone will cost serious money to replace, so why not file a claim?  And if you're filing a claim, why do ANY of the work yourself?

7 hours ago, mayvenne said:

I too was kind of wondering why Shirley is there with Briana and her love. Even the kayak it was the 2 of them and then Shirley by herself. I didn't pay great attention but does Briana drive? (I seem to notice her as the passenger with her mom and with Shirley- maybe is that why Shirley is with the loving couple?).

Briana was driving on the way back from their "camping" trip.  On the way there, Shirley drove with Briana in the front seat and John in the back seat, and on the way back, Briana was driving and John was in the front seat, and Shirley was in the back playing on her phone.


Yes it was comical when Bri was talking about how busy her life is with bathing the girls when she gets home from work and feeding them dinner and putting them to sleep. What is her job?

Something to do with timeshares.  Maybe she sells them?

7 hours ago, mayvenne said:

Oh I forgot to add very importantly--------------when Leah was remediating the water damage with ther beau -----  I noticed that she had at least taken the time to put on the eyelashes.

I guess it's a good thing because the original filming with her and her mama - she had not a drop of make up and she had the mamadawn eyes. not a good look. (but still- who wears false eyelashes to clean the house???)

People wear false eyelashes all the damn time these days.  I don't get it.

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