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S06.E06: Fat Hating is Real

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7 hours ago, aliya said:

He has an assault, and an assault against a police officer at that. I don't think that's going away, tho employers may worry about it less over time if there's nothing else on his record.  

That's what puzzled me.  He got the delivery job, which I would think to be much harder to get with a criminal record, than it would be to get housing, especially if someone else's name is also on the rental application.

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5 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

She tends to inflate everything she does, then cries and wails when she fails (if she doesn't call in sick to the event). If she'd portray things more realistically, it'd be easier to have some empathy for her. And maybe, even like her. 

Speaking of basic aerobics instructor - how many people are left in that dance class - 4? Imagine you sign up to be in the class. Yeah, you wouldn't mind being on TV, but you are a big girl and would like to be around other big girls while you exercise and take lessons from a big girl. Sounds good except the big girl in charge can't commit to anything, doesn't actually dance, and doesn't take her work seriously enough to be actually concerned about her students' progress. 

'Hate' is such a strong word to describe one's feelings about another human, and yet...

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2 hours ago, auntjess said:

For a 2 bedroom,  and 1 lousy bathroom?  Sounds like a lot to me.  I'd check around my area, but I'd have ads following me forever.

Here in Portland that'd be a steal. We have a rental property that is 2bd, 1ba in an okay but not great area and we charge more than that. I always picture places in the south (save Miami et al) as being cheap as heck though so, if I thought any of this were real, I'd do some digging too. 

I think that basically all Whitney's interactions are staged and fake except those with Todd. She gets so huffy and bitchy with him that they strike me as real, and as the real her. Which reminds me: she may espouse that the only thing people hate more than fat people is fat people who don't hate themselves, but she assuredly doesn't live that. Between the crying, the abusive eating, the borderline-personality behavior, and the lamenting that she's alone and no one will love her, I think we've rarely seen someone on reality television who hates herself more. 

Edited by Pachengala
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Yesterday I missed the first 20 minutes so I am just catching them now. I almost choked when Whit said something like “he seems really in love with Chelsea”. Whit must be watching a different Buddy than I am because they have zero chemistry. They don’t even touch or really look at each other. Usually when there is a new in love couple you can tell just in how they look at each other. It just seems so fake, if it isn’t fake then it just seems so sad.

Edited by fountain
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I wonder if Buddy got an attorney to assist him with those criminal charges.  Man, I know it's very difficult to get any kind of consideration with prosecutors when it's an assault on a law enforcement officer, but, it sounds like he's still got some serious convictions. I know he explained it, but, to assault an officer......man...it really should be a red flag for his girlfriend. It's not like he was drunk at a party, he WAS THE BARTENDER!  He's supposed to be in control and sober.  Unbelievable. 

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Wowsa Buddy just becomes more and more appealing as time goes by.....assaulting a police officer? Hawt.  The way Buddy tells it the cop 'grabbed my arm and my drink splashed on him.'  Talk about minimizing his behaviour, the cops were called for a reason. He really learned to take responsibility for his actions in rehab didn't he? The risk for relapse is high.

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19 hours ago, Taleeya said:


One more thing - the date.   She had no idea it was a date,  yet she apparently wore that outfit.   Thinking of previous outfits she has worn for event with her parents,  that is probably the dressiest I have ever seen her......   And that kiss creeped me out.   If I was set up like that,  I might arrange to see someone again, but that kiss was hella awkward.

I agree she knew it was a date.... I thought she looked nice in the pantsuit.

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6 hours ago, krushin said:

Yeah I was pretty sure Hunter was gay even before seeing this.  Holy shit, when he's in drag he looks just like Whitney.

Haha you're right!  Before I read your comment I wondered what Whit had done to make herself look so weird :D


1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I guess I shouldn't be shocked at the way Buddy announces that he has a FAMILY to take care of. OMG.....Wouldn't it make more sense to get settled with a good job, apartment and sobriety and THEN bring others on board.  His girlfriend looked quite uncertain when they were standing in the house they can't afford.  When will it hit her that she's made a terrible decision?  

My guess is when the TLC paychecks stop coming!

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4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

That's what puzzled me.  He got the delivery job, which I would think to be much harder to get with a criminal record, than it would be to get housing, especially if someone else's name is also on the rental application.

A place hiring for a delivery job probably won't go to the expense of running a background check, and most job applications ask if you've ever been convicted of a felony, to which he can truthfully answer no.  Property management companies very often run credit and background checks.

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7 hours ago, sATL said:

well , if one can get a $800 2/1 house on a 1/2 acre, with a 2 car attached  that is definitely is a bargain. I image the common areas  (family room/kitchen) a decent size .

They don't need a half-acre lot and a 2-car garage.

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Hi everyone,

New poster. I watched the first two seasons and then after the ski incident in the third season I bailed. It just became too uncomfortable to watch and Whitney's true colors started to show. Not to mention Lennie gave me serial killer vibes. I'm working my backwards and watching last season concurrently with this seasons.... I just watched the Hawaii/8k episode... Sweet baby Jesus in a manger and FFS is all I can say that hasn't been said in the thread about it. I do feel my life would be complete if I could watch Todd twirl and see Tal in a coconut bra every day.


As far as last night's cluster fuck, it would warm my heart if Todd, in an unscripted moment, vandalized the bus.

Whitney summoning her best hand wringing, distressed tone when asking Heather if she could be friends with Chelsea. Bitch, get over yourself and what the fuck makes you think she wants to be friends with you? Not particularly impressed by Chelsea. Buddy, you traded down. However, she did show some basic common sense and intelligence when viewing the house with Buddy and hearing his grand one year plan. Her face said," I'm getting my ass out of this rancid RV and ghosting you as soon I'm back home."

Whitney totally knew about the unoriginal blind date setup. I did see the episode when she was setup with the supposed cousin. Ho had her best bitch face on from the beginning. She was moderately more polite to this guy they offered 50 bucks and some of Babs'macaroni salad to pretend to be interested. Could she have made it more obvious she was offended that they would think this dude was a good match when she made an exit smelling like pickle juice to confront Babs? She was condescending and blatantly feigning interest at the dinner table. Dude is polite, can string together a full sentence, has an actual career and seems to bathe. More than we can say for her, Lennie or Buddy.

Edited by Kelly88
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On 2/5/2019 at 10:21 PM, Joan of Argh said:

So Twit says to Buddy "Chelsea gonna say" who's the sweaty FAT BITCH?"

So twits refers to herself as a fat bitch but when it's sprayed on the side of RV it devastates her???

Maybe it was left as a compliment. ;)

Also, how many times have we heard Whit say “skinny bitch”? What’s the difference? Both should be considered body shaming but of course, the rules don’t apply to Whitney. 

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How many times did Twit say"BGDC"?

Enough to make me sick,  and then laugh,  cuz its not REAL!!! 

Successful tour, my ass.

Run Todd, run free! 

Twit was horribly rude, crude, AND tween-mean to her parents.  Im surprised she didn't roll her eyes like middle school kids. Or did i miss it?

Oh yeah, the pickle juice dripping on her?  Lovely smell, but then when you don't shower for a week, who can tell?

I also hate it when people look at you when they are putting food in their mouth. Twit is an ill-mannered jerk. 

I agree with Kelly above on Chelsea thinking,  Im outta here. This fat, stupid loser (Buddy, this time) is pathetic. Chelsea will be the butt of many mean bullying  jokes if she stays, cuz Twit and the friend with purple hair are (in Twit's vernacular), jelly, jelly, jelly! Lol. 

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12 minutes ago, Dot said:

Episode ratings

#34 of Tue Top 50 cable shows

0.27 share. down 0.02 from last week

1,046,000 viewers

I Am Jazz (#22 this week) continues to outpace MBFFL.

How is Dr. PP and 600 Lb doing?  Those are my favorites at the moment.

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Gah... Whitney describing Chelsea to Heather: “She’s cute, but not all of this (gesticulating to Heather’s face and body). You’re like the hydrangea and she’s the bush.” (paraphrase)

For someone who promotes herself as “No Body Shame” and a feminist, this was really disgusting. Yes, women love to tell each other how much prettier they are than some other girl... in eighth grade. Yet another sign of all of their arrested development. Why does Heather need to hear that she’s prettier than Chelsea? What does that accomplish in helping Heather move on? And how is comparing women based on appearance empowering, Twit?

She does so many horrible things each week, but, for some reason, this one stuck in my craw. 

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On 2/1/2019 at 12:10 PM, Dot said:
  Reveal spoiler

Her RV was assuredly  "vandalized" by the film crew as a part of the script. Note: no paint on the van itself. No paint on either face. No paint drips as would happen with a spray can attack rather than a paint brush. This was done, probably in daylight, probably with Twit overseeing to ensure they didn't touch her beautiful face.

Don't read the above if you think the van was vandalized.

am I the only one who had todd did it vibes.  the pink, his face is ok and how she was a total bitch when he was like, I need to grow up and create a life for myself once this high school drama show is over.  Time for Todd to do todd, bye bitch.  I think he had to paint it on the bus and she still ain't going to get it

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On 2/5/2019 at 8:18 PM, John M said:

$1,500 a month in rent is "kind of out" of your price range as a single mother and nanny along with your plant delivering boyfriend without formal education, trade school and a criminal record?

Yeah. It's not "kind of".

And really Whit, you are incapable of the basic "adulting" so shut up about needing to "check in" on your parents, it's not cute.

ikr, that was twice my house payment when I was ten years younger than them.  fuck. I thought I never had my shit together, until I started watching reality tv.

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On 2/5/2019 at 8:18 PM, John M said:

$1,500 a month in rent is "kind of out" of your price range as a single mother and nanny along with your plant delivering boyfriend without formal education, trade school and a criminal record?

Yeah. It's not "kind of".

And really Whit, you are incapable of the basic "adulting" so shut up about needing to "check in" on your parents, it's not cute.

ikr, that was twice my house payment when I was ten years younger than them.  fuck. I thought I never had my shit together, until I started watching reality tv.

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Between the crying, the abusive eating, the borderline-personality behavior, and the lamenting that she's alone and no one will love her, I think we've rarely seen someone on reality television who hates herself more. 

I think you nailed it, and the comedian nailed it in the episode where Whitney confronted her: "For someone who says they're the happiest they've ever been, you sure cry A LOT."

That was a couple seasons ago and not much has changed. I've long suspected Whitney is a closet self-hater and that many of her antics--meant to make her look confident--have the opposite effect and only show how unhappy she is. Many things in this show many be staged or faked, but all that crying isn't. 

ETA--anyone else having problems with the quote they want to use and a different one appearing when you reply? Happened to me twice now.

Edited by TurtlePower
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I think the dinner guest actually liked her, you could tell he thought she was pretty.   fuck you have to settle bitch.  he called talking to glenn "interesting" so maybe the dude is not a controlling jerk a la daddy.  he was obviously pretty hungry for a woman, but fuck so is she if she if she is getting off at the fertility clinic.  I know nerds can be off putting,  awkward and goal oriented but it's not like she doesn't have problems either.

On 2/5/2019 at 9:54 PM, mybuddyspence said:

What was up with good bye scene after dinner? The hug, then the awkward kiss.

bro is hungry and she is not in to anyone who is not the hawaiian rock...

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On 2/6/2019 at 12:37 AM, sATL said:

Glen said the "blind date" was a Marine buddy's son... so does that mean Glen was a United States Marine ? If so for how long ?

Structure - discipline - military - order - appearance - athletic - strong minded... with courage...first to fight

{reserving the right to add to this list characteristics that haven't rubbed off on Whit}

ugh the brother is a mess too

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On 2/6/2019 at 1:19 AM, sATL said:


Actually - I didn't think $1500 wasn't too much to ask for a house on a 1/2 acre, 2 car attached garage in what seemly seemed like a quiet tree lined  neighborhood street, where the owner is initially trying to sell.  It does make me wonder what has this women been paying in rent. She has a child (and an active dating life) so I would think she would be in a 2 bedroom where she lives.  Sad to say, many apt rentals now  run close to mortgage payments.

How long does a misdemeanor stay on your record before it can be attempted get expunged ? If it can't be then Buddy is going to have job/renting trouble dogging him for the rest of his life.

that street was cracked to hell, reminds me of where i did relief work in mexico. only a matter of time before the markets drop out.  2 bedrooms only that price. here in the north houses are bigger, cheaper,  brick, the roads are paved despite the salt.  

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24 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

Since Whitney always seems to be on a faux-quest for new physical challenges, I would die and go to heaven if the show took her to an ice rink. What I would give to see her trundling along on ice skates!
Oh, show, let this happen SOON.

That would be excellent!! Whitney doesn’t know the meaning of the work “challenge”. I was watching an episode of Family by the Ton last week and one of the women was truly amazing. She had weight loss surgery but had lost a lot on her own before that. She was dedicated and working hard. She decided on a challenge too. She trained for a Spartan Race. She actually trained for it. She showed up. She didn’t whine. She didn’t complain. She finished. She didn’t have to be carried off. She didn’t even really brag. She said she was proud of herself (and she should have been), but she didn’t require constant praise and worship for her accomplishment. She knows what a challenge is. It was extra ironic since that show is on TLC and it keep having commercials of Whitney doing her “rock climbing challenge” that we know was Whitney going up two steps and falling. 

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On 2/6/2019 at 5:39 AM, Barbara Please said:

The spray paint incident is as real as BGDC. 

I’ve had more chemistry with a pair of shoes than Buddy and Chelsea  have for each other. When Buddy said he loved her Chelsea flatly mumbled a deflated response of “love ya.”  Chelsea, you got airtime, so it’s time to turn’t it out!

Todd is such a mega diva. I love it. 

What kind of bad ass vandal carries around hot pink spray paint?..... Todd?  I

ikr todd so did it

I can see why he likes chelsey, she is happy and positive,  ready to move on from their mistake,  heather is still in high school drama mode, whitney can only be so close to this other girl blah blah

I think Whitney and buddy are in same aa group,  every one keeps talking about having people in their corner suddenly,  sounds  strange psycho babble to suddenly apear

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On 2/6/2019 at 9:04 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I don't know. I didn't watch last night but I was thinking about the title of the episode and now this quote from Whitney. There are always going to be assholes. But in general, I don't think Whitney is hated because she's fat. People hate that she's telling other people it's medically and physically not a problem to be morbidly obese. People hate that she doesn't bathe. People don't hate her because she doesn't hate herself. People hate that she's narcissistic. If she was a decent human being who cared for others, wasn't obsessed with attention, and tended to her personal hygiene, but happened to be fat, the vast majority of people who can't stand her now wouldn't hate her. 

I was watching the girls at heathers talk about buddy new gf and it was the same as any group of mental teenagers who are adults. they could be real housewifes, don't watch show but pretty sure same shit, anyone ele know people like this and just find them mentallyrics draining.   I think a lot of reality shows are the same psychologicaly just based on a different sub culture.   

everyone liked nada, she was fat but nice.  she felt shame for how the avi situation affected her parents. 

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On 2/6/2019 at 11:37 AM, Dot said:

I thought she peed on the couch. She had been talking about needing to go to the bathroom shortly before she sat down.

And, pee or sweat, why should Chelsea "just throw a blanket over it"? Twit left the mess; she should take responsibility for cleaning it up.

Wait -- did I just ask Twit to take responsibity for something? Never mind.

It was sweat, right?  it had to be... what group of normal people pee on stuff unphased on tv....

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On 2/6/2019 at 1:00 PM, TurtlePower said:

This. Let's not forget how she exaggerates her "dance career": more like basic aerobics instructor for the disabled.

She tends to inflate everything she does, then cries and wails when she fails (if she doesn't call in sick to the event). If she'd portray things more realistically, it'd be easier to have some empathy for her. And maybe, even like her. 

i think gay hunter would explain a lot, he probably has no idea himself,  if he does he probably is an addict because he has to play it straight while hooking up with Maddy on the weekends.    hunter is not allowed to be gay according to glenn, 

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53 minutes ago, qtpi17 said:

This season is really boring me. Are Buddy and Chelsea still "together" in real time?

No. And Buddy appears to be back in Twit's house. (If he's notiving there, he's sure spending a lot of time there.)

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Random thoughts
📌 Yet another clue pointing to my belief that they were only on the RV a few hours here & there for filming: no one would have let Buddy drive 12 hours nonstop without taking turns sitting beside him to ensure he doesn't fall asleep. Or, since Chelsea is so in love with him, maybe she would have sat in the passenger seat the whole 12 hours. Whatever, no one is going to sleep while another drives 12 hours.
📌  Buddy takes a job as a plant nursery delivery guy. He will later be in AK, on a Carribean cruise & (currently) on a month-long road trip to & from the West Coast. Can we assume that job was fiction? And that the only paycheck he receives comes from TLC? 
📌 Twit, in talking about her tour being so successful that she now has a "dance dynasty": "I can't reach my back [to pat it]." Hell, girl. You can't even reach your hoo-hah to wipe it.
📌 Twit sez, "Buddy is an appendage I can't quite shake off." Since all her "dance" moves are shaking & twerking, it should be very easy to shake Barnacle Buddy off.
📌 Glenn & Babs' notion of an ideal date for Twit shows what they really think of her. Babs telling Twit to dress up & apply some  lipstick also shows what I've mentioned before -- Babs thinks Twit dresses like a bag lady.
📌 I'm tired of Glenn demanding a grandchild from Twit. Get a clue, Glenn. Your gay son is equally capable of reproducing. Better maybe, if Twit's really as close to being sterile as she claims PCOS causes.

📌 And why doesn't Twit call out Glenn when he goes there? She had no problem calling out Glenn for making her run a race as her ticket to HI but not her brother. MBFFL is supposed to be real life for the Thore family. Why are they so careful to avoid the obious: Hunter is gay, dammit.

📌 I've said plenty already about the graffiti on the van, so I'll just recap here: the only vandals were the film crew & Twit was fully aware of it.


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47 minutes ago, Dot said:

Random thoughts
📌 Yet another clue pointing to my belief that they were only on the RV a few hours here & there for filming: no one would have let Buddy drive 12 hours nonstop without taking turns sitting beside him to ensure he doesn't fall asleep. Or, since Chelsea is so in love with him, maybe she would have sat in the passenger seat the whole 12 hours. Whatever, no one is going to sleep while another drives 12 hours.
📌  Buddy takes a job as a plant nursery delivery guy. He will later be in AK, on a Carribean cruise & (currently) on a month-long road trip to & from the West Coast. Can we assume that job was fiction? And that the only paycheck he receives comes from TLC? 
📌 Twit, in talking about her tour being so successful that she now has a "dance dynasty": "I can't reach my back [to pat it]." Hell, girl. You can't even reach your hoo-hah to wipe it.

She also couldn’t reach her ass to do that FM dance  - quite the “dance dynasty”
📌 Twit sez, "Buddy is an appendage I can't quite shake off." Since all her "dance" moves are shaking & twerking, it should be very easy to shake Barnacle Buddy off.

She doesn’t want to shake him off. The only real part of this entire show is that she wants Buddy.
📌 Glenn & Babs' notion of an ideal date for Twit shows what they really think of her. Babs telling Twit to dress up & apply some  lipstick also shows what I've mentioned before -- Babs thinks Twit dresses like a bag lady.

Babs is right.
📌 I'm tired of Glenn demanding a grandchild from Twit. Get a clue, Glenn. Your gay son is equally capable of reproducing. Better maybe, if Twit's really as close to being sterile as she claims PCOS causes.

I think Glenn wants Twit to get a life and in his mind that includes a spouse and children but I think the constant demand is plot driven. 

📌 And why doesn't Twit call out Glenn when he goes there? She had no problem calling out Glenn for making her run a race as her ticket to HI but not her brother. MBFFL is supposed to be real life for the Thore family. Why are they so careful to avoid the obious: Hunter is gay, dammit.

📌 I've said plenty already about the graffiti on the van, so I'll just recap here: the only vandals were the film crew & Twit was fully aware of it.


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18 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Gah... Whitney describing Chelsea to Heather: “She’s cute, but not all of this (gesticulating to Heather’s face and body). You’re like the hydrangea and she’s the bush.” (paraphrase)

For someone who promotes herself as “No Body Shame” and a feminist, this was really disgusting. Yes, women love to tell each other how much prettier they are than some other girl... in eighth grade. Yet another sign of all of their arrested development. Why does Heather need to hear that she’s prettier than Chelsea? What does that accomplish in helping Heather move on? And how is comparing women based on appearance empowering, Twit?

She does so many horrible things each week, but, for some reason, this one stuck in my craw. 

I thought what was worse was her relaying to Ashley the whole," Aw, babe" situation. Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds. I think that whole exchange between Buddy and Chelsea went over her head. Based on their inflections and giggling I interpreted that as getting a laugh out of people who say "babe" all the time to their significant other. I may be totally wrong though.

I would also like a moment of silence to appreciate the Twit Shit Fit tantrum she would throw were the situation reversed. She would pull out that whiteboard again to detail how Heather is disloyal and breaking " girl code."

A nice thing: Loved seeing Ashley again and actually thought Heather looked cute with purple hair.

Edited by Kelly88
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19 hours ago, Kentuckydaisy said:

I think gay Hunter would explain a lot. probably has no idea himself,  if he does he probably is an addict because he has to play it straight while hooking up with Maddy on the weekends.    hunter is not allowed to be gay according to glenn, 

I think my biggest, for lack of a better word, gripe with Whitney is she has no appreciation whatsoever how luck she is that both her parents are alive. I'm a few years younger than Whit and lost my dad when I was 22. Babs also had a potentially life threatening stroke. You would think that would wake Whit the hell up. Not to mention Ashely had an addict for a parent, Heather lost her father when she was young and Tal'a father recently passed away. What I wouldn't give to have him back even if I felt annoyed at times by them. Parents generally do that. Not to mention they have supported her financially when many parents would have said," tough luck" years ago

Im not challenging anoyone, but how do we know Hunter is gay and an addict?I saw the social media post in full makeup. Not doubting, just curious. What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall to those family dynamics when they were growing up. Not a huge fan of Babs however I do like Glenn at times. Definitely agree that both would not be thrilled with a gay son. 

Sorry for hijacking the post everyone and, despite being a supposedly tech savvy millenial, I haven't learned the art of replying to multiple posts simultaneously. Apologies if that annoyed anyone 🙂

Edited by Kelly88
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22 hours ago, Kentuckydaisy said:

It was sweat, right?  it had to be... what group of normal people pee on stuff unphased on tv....

People with incontinence that can't help it, which I suspect she might have at her weight.

I am just so disgusted over the "swamp ass" thing.  I can't get it out of my mind.  I need brain bleach for sure.  Can you just imagine how much she would stink after several days?  And then she hugged Chelsea.....vomit! 🤢  But I don't for one minute believe that she couldn't take a shower in that RV.   She didn't look that tight in it that she couldn't have managed to do something.  Once again she was just drawing attention to herself.  

20 hours ago, Dot said:

 Glenn & Babs' notion of an ideal date for Twit shows what they really think of her. Babs telling Twit to dress up & apply some  lipstick also shows what I've mentioned before -- Babs thinks Twit dresses like a bag lady.

I'm glad you said that because I thought it was just me.  He seemed like a nice enough person but lacked somewhat in the personality and looks department.....even next to her.  If my parents fixed me up with a guy like him I'd wonder what my parents really thought of me and be a little insulted.  But we all know this was a set up for the show only so I don't believe for one minute that her parents were serious about fixing her up with him.

22 hours ago, qtpi17 said:

It would be nice if people would reply to multiple posts in one post of their own, rather than responding individually to EVERY SINGLE POST. 

I have no problem with it and I see it done regularly all around the board.  Sometimes it's too hard to collect all the quotes into one post, plus one ginormous post is arguably just as annoying to some people.  Some of us don't have the time to reply to everything every now and then and have to do it all at one time, but miss the window to have our posts merged together by the system.

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:47 AM, 3girlsforus said:

That would be excellent!! Whitney doesn’t know the meaning of the work “challenge”. I was watching an episode of Family by the Ton last week and one of the women was truly amazing. She had weight loss surgery but had lost a lot on her own before that. She was dedicated and working hard. She decided on a challenge too. She trained for a Spartan Race. She actually trained for it. She showed up. She didn’t whine. She didn’t complain. She finished. She didn’t have to be carried off. She didn’t even really brag. She said she was proud of herself (and she should have been), but she didn’t require constant praise and worship for her accomplishment. She knows what a challenge is. It was extra ironic since that show is on TLC and it keep having commercials of Whitney doing her “rock climbing challenge” that we know was Whitney going up two steps and falling. 

If only Whitney were like this, she'd be..........likable! Instead, we get half-assed attempts at said "challenge", lots of crying and braying and excuses as to why she could not perform well (that is, if she shows up at all and doesn't 'break' a toe). If Twat-Waddle does wind up finishing, by golly she's an expert! Number One! And she won't let anyone forget it! 

Seriously, the producers must dislike her as much as some of us do. 

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On 2/9/2019 at 12:47 PM, Kentuckydaisy said:

I can see why he likes chelsey, she is happy and positive,  ready to move on from their mistake

I'm not so sure ... did you see Chelsea's face at the end? She was NOT happy with the revelation that G'boro's rents are so high, that her Prince Charming is pretty much unable to get a good-paying job/decent housing due to his record, AND they're going to have to take her kid and live with his parents (whom she probably hasn't even met yet). I wonder what the over/under is on her running for the hills?

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9 hours ago, Kelly88 said:

Im not challenging anyone, but how do we know Hunter is gay and an addict?I saw the social media post in full makeup. Not doubting, just curious. What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall to those family dynamics when they were growing up. Not a huge fan of Babs however I do like Glenn at times. Definitely agree that both would not be thrilled with a gay son. 

I'm with you. It seems anytime someone commits the heinous crime of not 100% gender conforming, or spends too much time single, everyone wants to be the first to out them. Maybe Hunter is gay, maybe he's not, who cares? He's not out and it's not our business unless he makes it our business. The guy probably has homophobic parents (although Babs has said it's okay if Whitney is not straight, but who knows if she meant it), let's not make life any harder than it has to be for him. 

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26 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

He's not out

Wait, do we know this? Couldn’t he be out and it’s just not been highlighted on the show? I don’t know either way but I’d actually love it if he were out and the show didn’t make that the pull-quote l they picked for his chyron, all, “Hunter: Whitney’s brother, gay.”

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7 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Seriously, the producers must dislike her as much as some of us do. 

I've tried to watch this show.  How in the world has it lasted six seasons?  She just isn't likable at all.  If she weighed 100 pounds she wouldn't be likable.

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5 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

I'm not so sure ... did you see Chelsea's face at the end? She was NOT happy with the revelation that G'boro's rents are so high, that her Prince Charming is pretty much unable to get a good-paying job/decent housing due to his record, AND they're going to have to take her kid and live with his parents (whom she probably hasn't even met yet). I wonder what the over/under is on her running for the hills?

Greensboro rents are high?? Whaaaaa??? 

As for the over/under --- 90 days? 

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13 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

If only Whitney were like this, she'd be..........likable! Instead, we get half-assed attempts at said "challenge", lots of crying and braying and excuses as to why she could not perform well (that is, if she shows up at all and doesn't 'break' a toe). If Twat-Waddle does wind up finishing, by golly she's an expert! Number One! And she won't let anyone forget it! 

Seriously, the producers must dislike her as much as some of us do. 

Agree with all of this. It is not an uncommon personality trait by any means for people to give up or not follow through on their commitments. I often think Whit sees things as so black and white that she overestimates what her body can handle given her current health.

What does drive me up the wall is that it seems we have to hear as nauseum about how she is never one to give up or back away from a challenge...yeah, ok. I would have some respect for if as in the 8k, for example, she said " Dad, I don't feel my body can handle this right now. What if we agree I will do what I can or we commit to a certain number of hours exercising a week together?" She ask starus laying the groundwork immediately after committing to something with one injury or another. The part that irks me the most is in any situation when she follows through she makes the lives of her family and friends complete HELL.

Edited by Kelly88
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7 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I'm with you. It seems anytime someone commits the heinous crime of not 100% gender conforming, or spends too much time single, everyone wants to be the first to out them. Maybe Hunter is gay, maybe he's not, who cares? He's not out and it's not our business unless he makes it our business. The guy probably has homophobic parents (although Babs has said it's okay if Whitney is not straight, but who knows if she meant it), let's not make life any harder than it has to be for him. 

I totally agree. I cannot see how his SM post in makeup said anything about his sexuality. I certainly hope it didn't come across that way. I've seen speculation for a while that he may gay and I didn't know if there was something I wasn't aware of such as having a boyfriend .

Edited by Kelly88
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13 hours ago, Kelly88 said:

It is not an uncommon personality trait by any means for people to give up or not follow through on their commitments.

I watch My 600 pound life sometimes.  Few days ago there was Sheenah.  Dr. N saw her for about 8 months.  She gained 60 pounds or so in that 8 months seeing Dr. N the whole time.  Cancelled an appt and Dr. N called her to see why.  She blessed him out and basically told him there were other doctors just as good and he just didn't understand her weight gain was water.  He would have none of her BS.   She finally told him if God wanted her to lose weight she would lose weight.  Dr. N told her if she jumped off a building God was not going to swoop down and save her.  She said oh yes He would.  He finally wrote her out of the program.  

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