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Batwoman in the Media: Send the Bat Signal

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Done to raise money for BLM...

The Plague Nerdalogues: Camrus Johnson as Jaime Lannister 
It's Komplicated    Jul 6, 2020

FYI: To watch other actors' monologues for free, go to The Plague Nerdalogues website.


The Plague Nerdalogues began in May 2020 as a way for actors of all stripes to flex their geek muscles during a specific moment in time: The two-pronged assault on the status quo by the coronavirus and the uprising against systemic racism. Those performances -- nerd actors doing monologues from beloved nerd media -- were used to raise money, first for No Kid Hungry, then for Black Lives Matter.

The intent was always to make these monologues available to the public, free of charge, after a certain amount of time ... and so we are.

If you are so moved, feel free to donate to Black Lives Matter, but it is not necessary.


Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, Lantern7 said:

Good luck, Javicia. I wonder if she’ll get the level of hate mail like Ruby. Also, you think Ryan gets Kate’s seat at the Super Friends’ table?

She TOTALLY will.

While I still think it is stupid to do a complete recast...I'm cool with her casting and hope that she brings mroe to the role than Ruby was able to. Not surprised that they went with a black actress, I was expecting it. Glad that she is in her 30s and not another young 20 something.

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I saw her on "God Friended Me" she was good from what I saw, though I gave up on that show after a few episodes. I guess she also "understands Berlanti Productions set culture" or however that article a few weeks ago was worded - that they were looking for a WOC who they already worked with, presumably so they don't have some of the issues allegedly RR had. David Rappaport also basically confirmed that it would be someone Colton Haynes knew/of recently. 

I'm also happy they cast an openly LGBT actress again. She does seem excited. I really hope she doesn't get a huge amount of hate for playing a black lesbian lead and a controversial recast/new character. 

@Lantern7 I assume that eventually she'll get Batwoman's seat for crossover purposes. How she actually fits into Kate Kane's friends and family will be a different story. 

Edited by Featherhat
40 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I was still hoping for a Kate Kane recast.

I was hoping the same.  I'm willing to keep an open mind on the recast and from what I read so far, people like this decision.  But there are a LOT of dangling story lines that they would need to resolve with. Her dad, Alice, Sophie, Julia, Mary, Luke, "Bruce Wayne"...even with the SuperFriends, especially Kara. This is very much a reset and fanwalking that Kate suddenly disappeared isn't enough for me.  The only alternative is that Riley is from one of the few existing Earths that are left. 


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Not familiar with the actress, but it looks like she has a solid resume, so hopefully she will hit the ground running and be comfortable with heading the ensemble.  I'm hoping they did some chemistry tests and stuff with the supporting cast, and will play off of them well.

But sadly, my next thought was "Yeah, I hope she either avoids the internet/social media or knows what she is getting into, because this casting choice will no doubt make certain vocal sections of the internet act like bigoted assholes."

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While I still think it is stupid to do a complete recast...I'm cool with her casting and hope that she brings more to the role than Ruby was able to. Not surprised that they went with a black actress, I was expecting it. Glad that she is in her 30s and not another young 20 something.

I was annoyed when I heard they were looking for someone younger for Ryan so I'm glad that they cast a 30 something. If they cast someone noticeably younger than Kate it could make it even harder for them to fit in with Kate's supporting cast. 

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So now, she's the first Black woman to lead a superhero show, if I'm not mistaken. [ETA: I was mistaken; Regina King in Watchmen was the first.]

I also wanted them to just recast Kate Kane, but I'm not upset at this casting. Helps that I know her from GFM.


4 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

She TOTALLY will.

While I still think it is stupid to do a complete recast...I'm cool with her casting and hope that she brings mroe to the role than Ruby was able to. Not surprised that they went with a black actress, I was expecting it. Glad that she is in her 30s and not another young 20 something.

I was not expecting a Black actress, honestly. I for sure thought it would be another white actress or someone brown-ish at best.

Hopefully, with a slightly older actress they re-write that "Ryan" backstory that was with the casting description.


4 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I've never seen her in anything but I like her enthusiasm so I'm on board.

There are still episodes of God Friended Me up on CBS's website; but I don't know if that role would really show how she would do in this show, as the lead.

Edited by Trini
12 hours ago, Trini said:

Hopefully, with a slightly older actress they re-write that "Ryan" backstory that was with the casting description.

I feel like they should be rewriting that backstory since that just adds to bad racial stereotypes.

Good for the actress! I did see her on God Friended Me, so I do think she will do a great job with the role. I am one of the people who has thought that recasting would have been better, just because there was so much story with Kate and now that'll be done (unless they're planning to recast later, since Ruby doesn't seem to be coming back ever) but I am willing to give Javicia a shot, since I know she's a capable actress.

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OK, I know I can be shallow as hell but.....I think Ruby Rose has a very beautiful face but Javicia is STUNNING. Holy moly, I for sure will be tuning in whenever the show comes back just so I can watch her. If she is at LEAST as good an actor as RR (low bar), I'll be entertained. I bet she's a better actor though. I just hope hope hope with all my heart that the character of Mary get's to stay, she's been my favorite all along. Congratulations to Javicia, I wish her well!

12 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Is it confirmed that “Ryan” is a completely new character?  Or are we still thinking it’s a stand-in for another comics character name, like “Tina” was?

They have hinted more on the completely new but I'm still thinking the latter because they swerved a fair bit of the backlash (though definitely not all) with the Tina=Dinah thing. And there was a lot of "you fired Ruby so you could shove your own OC in there!" going on. 

I do hope they change the backstory, even if she really is a completely new character, because that was every cliché there is. It already helps that they cast slightly older. 

Edited by Featherhat
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Good for them to finally get a replacement, still won't change my mind about watching the first episode and then moving on to next show out there.

Also, at a shallow/hedonistic/whatever note, will the Batsuit be changed (color/appereance)? Because, it would be really weird for the new Batwoman to be seen at night with the current KK costume. But that's just me. I personally would want something from Batman Beyond.

On 6/3/2020 at 2:58 PM, Starry said:

I've said it before. The show is at its best when it focuses on Kate's relationship with her family. That powerful emotional connection with Alice, Jacob and Mary will be lost. And I am one of the few who was actually rooting for Kate and Sophie to work things out and get back together. Now that won't happen either.

I don't even know what to say. I may give it a chance if they cast a woman of color in the role. It would be nice to finally have a non-white female protagonist but I am not counting on that either.

They heard me!

I agree about the backstory and I am still not sure replacing the character is the best idea but I am sold on the actress. I hope things work out for the best.

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I still think that people are underestimating how AWESOME Caroline Dries is. I remember the comments and thoughts that people had pre-Batwoman because CW, comics, Arrowverse, Ruby Rose, etc, and in one season, Dries had already created a compelling, watchable, intelligent, better-than-average type of show with heart, intrigue and fantastic characters and character interaction than one normally sees. As I knew she would. I have zero doubt that whatever she has planned for season 02 will be just as good... if not better because I find it quite easy to believe that this Batwoman will be better than Rose as an actress (not that high a bar to cross).

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If the show can convincingly pull off a new character as Batwoman, then more power to them but it's still risky enough though considering how every character is deeply tied to Kate Kane.

Agreed. I'm confused as to what happens with the rest of the cast. I mean everyone else is so tied to Kate, it just seems very odd to reboot the Batwoman character rather than recasting.

I'll give it a chance of course - I do like this show but I will miss all the stuff between the sisters {twin and step}. Even Papa Kane's insane obsession with Batwoman won't seem quite as meaningful when it's no longer his daughter. And what of Tommy as Bruce? The new character isn't Bruce's cousin ... how will that connection be as important with some rando person taking over the Batwoman mantle?

I guess we'll see.

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So are we thinking mini time-jump to start season 2.. With an explanation as to where kate is/went... 

Also looming fwd to Javica's "miles morale moment " when the average joe on the street realizes that batwoman is now a sister... BW may need to go Holland at the Black Lightning writers room on how to capture the essence properly

I don't mind the backstory as it pertains to somewhat uncomfortable racial stereotypes.. Mainly because 1. There are folks out there caught up like that and 2. We got Sophie and Luke who went a totally diff direction, personally I'm good with all kinds of characters as long as I can see some balance... 

On 7/9/2020 at 1:57 AM, Trini said:

I actually did want one of the cast from God Friended Me to show up on one of the DC shows, but I wasn't expecting Javicia!



She's going to have to cut her hair if she's to wear the cowl? My main problem is that my favourite aspect of the show is the relationship between the sisters (including Mary) and Jacob, with a new and unrelated Batwoman we lose that. 

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19 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

My main problem is that my favourite aspect of the show is the relationship between the sisters (including Mary) and Jacob, with a new and unrelated Batwoman we lose that. 

This so much. I have nothing against the actress, I'm just really hating everything they've leaked about the story, and I liked the story they were telling before, which seems like it will have to be scrapped.

Also, I'm kind of sick of skinny glam femmes as the only lesbian represented on tv. I'd expect a superhero to be a little more muscular and I'd like to see some lesbians that actually look like the lesbians I've been around all my life, at least once in a while. I mean, she's gorgeous, but the character is supposed to be a superhero, not a supermodel. Ruby Rose is not my type, but she's a type I recognize. I liked that both Kate and Sophie were credible as real world people I've met, and didn't look like they were photoshopped and made for the male gaze.

Edited by possibilities
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17 hours ago, Trini said:

That shouldn't be necessary. I'm more worried about "Ryan's" everyday look, since there are very few (if any) hairstylists that can do Black hair in Vancouver. I'm guessing Javicia will be in a wig most of the time.

I love her hair like this and I'd rather they didn't change it for the show but I understand that it may not be feasible 🙁

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Batwoman writer Nancy Kiu part of the 'Batgirls!' virtual panel at Comic-Con@Home 2020:


Odds are, when most people hear the name "Batgirl," the first character to come to mind is Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter. First appearing in 1967, she’s been a comic mainstay, first as Batgirl and then as Oracle. But as is tradition in the Bat-family, when things happen, the cowl can been passed from hero to hero. From Stephanie Brown to Cassandra Cain to The Bat Girls, each having a wildly different take on the role of caped crusader. Join Cecil Castellucci (Batgirl - Barbara Gordon), Sarah Kuhn (Batgirl - Cassandra Cain), Bryan Q. Miller (Batgirl - Stephanie Brown), Nancy Kiu (Batwoman - Kate Kane), Marieke Nijkamp (Oracle - Barbara Gordon) and Dr. Andrea Letamendi (The Arkham Sessions) who have brought these different iconic versions of Batgirl to life in a celebration of what makes them different and what makes them Batgirl.



On 7/24/2020 at 3:47 PM, scarynikki12 said:

Might just be DC promotion but maybe a hint we’ll get Steph or Cass? 

Or, and I'm not saying this was 100% the case, SDCC suddenly and at the last minute was like WAIT WHOA WE NEED MORE PANELS OMG OH RIGHT WE'VE DONE COMICS/BOOKS PANELS IN THE PAST WHY NOT TRY THAT and reached out to various publishers who then panicked and found a couple of panelists but not enough and then one of them said wait is Batwoman any good and does it have Batgirl in it and here we are.

(To be fair, compared to certain other YAY WE ARE ONLINE NOW cons that shall go unmentioned, SDCC has been a model of organization, but some of these panels were put together/finalized just last weekend and in at least one case, Tuesday.)

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15 hours ago, quarks said:

Or, and I'm not saying this was 100% the case, SDCC suddenly and at the last minute was like WAIT WHOA WE NEED MORE PANELS OMG OH RIGHT WE'VE DONE COMICS/BOOKS PANELS IN THE PAST WHY NOT TRY THAT and reached out to various publishers who then panicked and found a couple of panelists but not enough and then one of them said wait is Batwoman any good and does it have Batgirl in it and here we are.

Or they wanted to do a Batwoman panel, but with Ruby Rose leaving they were not sure if the show would continue so they switched to Batgirl instead and would include Batwoman if the show was going to continue and they had chosen a new Batwoman. There were a number of Batgirls from the past they could interview as well as a few that are currently on air, like in the Harley Quinn animated series, DC Superhero Girls animated show, and I believe there is iteration on the Young Justice animated show.

Edited by AnimeMania
1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

Or they wanted to do a Batwoman panel, but with Ruby Rose leaving they were not sure if the show would continue so they switched to Batgirl instead and would include Batwoman if the show was going to continue and they had chosen a new Batwoman. There were a number of Batgirls from the past they could interview as well as a few that are currently on air, like in the Harley Quinn animated series, DC Superhero Girls animated show, and I believe there is iteration on the Young Justice animated show.

Based on the people on the panel (and from what Marieke Nijkamp said separately on Twitter) this panel came more from the publishing side of DC than from the WB television/film side. It may also have had something to do with availability and willingness to do online panels - on the one hand, it's easier to get some international people (Nijkamp, for instance, lives in the Netherlands), but on the other hand, the format does take a bit of adjustment, especially for experienced panelists accustomed to/preferring live audience feedback.

There's also the issue that although actors generally have to promote whatever project they're involved in (usually written in the contract), they also usually have to be paid for promotional appearances. Writers don't, although they may get travel expenses comped by the studio/publisher, or receive a speaking fee from some events/conventions. That may have been a factor here, given that WB's film division is having to delay a number of film releases this year, and it's not at all clear when WB's television division will be back to a full filming/release schedule.

I'm sure that under more normal circumstances, SDCC would have had a Batwoman panel (organized by WB's television division) and a Batgirl panel (organized by DC comics), and possibly a panel focused solely on upcoming animated Bats projects.


GalaxyCon's Batwoman Live Experience (Live Streaming for Free)
Saturday, August 8, 2020, at 12:00pm ET

Camrus Johnson, Rachel Skarsten, Nicole Kang, and Sam Littlefield

ETA: I think the Zoom panel with Jurnee Smollett and Javicia Leslie was probably recorded for the big DC Fandome event on August 22.

Edited by tv echo

Promo piece from DC: 'Batwoman is a Deliciously Twisted Story of Family Betrayal'


... That’s a shame because Batwoman is one of the best DC shows on the air right now. It had, hands down, the best debut season of any Arrowverse series since The Flash in 2014, something that’s doubly remarkable considering that Batwoman had its season cut short by our current coronavirus pandemic. It managed to wow us without even getting its grand finale.

However, what’s unique about Batwoman is it didn’t accomplish this by leaning into traditional superheroics. Kate’s gadgets and vehicles are not on par with Batman’s and the show’s action, while fine, lacks the style, scale and excitement of its predecessor Arrow or higher budgeted DC shows like Watchmen. Rather, Batwoman’s strength is in its complex and fascinating family dynamic. ...


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