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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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I have a problem with someone like LuAnn (if she isn't having a legitimate addiction crisis right now) taking a space in a rehab from someone who actually needs it.

Do these fancy spa rehab places screen for people who might be going for BS reasons or do they not care as long as they get money?

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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27 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yeah, that's why I think this is way too convoluted of a reason. Carole's blog threat was about things that Carole had witnessed. For Carole to know anything about the trust situation, we have to believe it was discussed in front of Adam by either Luann or Noel, neither of whom seem *that* close to Adam. They would have to discuss a rather dry topic with Adam. Then Adam would have to raise the topic with Carole, and Carole would need to remember it, all so that Carole can spring it on Luann at the reunion?

Sorry, I think Luann is just embarrassed by the whole mess and avoiding dealing with it. 

I don't think there's any concern that Carole in particular would delight in revealing even more of Luann's sordid deeds. 

Let's not forget that Carole hates LuAnn.   However I think you're right.  

The Noel/Adam/Carole trust thing isn't believable.  

11 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I have watched it, thereby giving me adequate fuel for my decision to avoid it like the plague.

Thank you.  That's what I thought too!

7 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I have a problem with someone like LuAnn (if she isn't having a legitimate addiction crisis right now) taking a space in a rehab from someone who actually needs it.

Do these fancy spa rehab places screen for people who might be going for BS reasons or do they not care as long as they get money?


IMO They just care about the money.

Edited by AnnA
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10 hours ago, Taralightner said:

Oh, Lu! I won’t begrudge her going back to rehab. Mental health is a real, serious issue. She’s getting help. I am glad she’s doing that. Not coming to the reunion? Ummmm... separate issue. She COULD come, even for a few segments, to address some of this with her obligation (the show) and the fans. I fear this move will remove at least one of the two. 

Maybe she’ll reconsider? 

Paging @WireWrap

This should get her kicked off the show

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Just now, ShawnaLanne said:

This should get her kicked off the show

We'll see, but I doubt it.  Kim Richards went to rehab I think 3 or 4 times, and was arrested twice before Bravo cut the cord.  If Luann fixes her chit, and doesn't appear to be abusing a substance, she'll probably be fine.  

She's not a Countess, but she plays one on TV.  She'll be a'ight.

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5 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

We'll see, but I doubt it.  Kim Richards went to rehab I think 3 or 4 times, and was arrested twice before Bravo cut the cord.  If Luann fixes her chit, and doesn't appear to be abusing a substance, she'll probably be fine.  

She's not a Countess, but she plays one on TV.  She'll be a'ight.

I find the timing of her rehab suspicious It's not the rehabs, it's how she orchestrates her participation in the reunions after having a tough season. Last year she announced her divorce from Tom right after the reunion and this year she is missing it all together.

I believe part of the established social construct between reality 'star' and reality viewer is the reunion. There the fellow housewives get to confront each other, and break the 4th wall, viewers send in questions, and Andy /to a degree/ acts as a viewer surrogate. Questions are asked and responded to. Not always answered, but we the viewer get to view the interaction. 

There, in my mind, is no point in having any of the women on if they don't attend the reunion. 

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There are too many things to comment on in the LuAnne thread right about now, but just a few  responses...

I'm guessing Victoria is more attractive in person than on TV.  Andy says LuAnne is very pretty but I don't see it so much on film.  I imagine she's prettier live than on tv so it could be that the same is true for Victoria.

I also find the timing of LuAnne entering rehab twice suspicious.    Could be she will ride the wave of her Florida fiasco and blame her house-behavior on addiction.  On the flip side, she has been through a lot and now her kids are even against her.  That'd be enough to make me go on a bender or two.

I don't think we know the full story where LuAnne is concerned, so I'm reserving judgment about the house situation until we know more.

Edited by Jextella
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8 hours ago, mwell345 said:

She will not be attending the reunion.




From the link MWell posted:

“Recent additional family stress was a catalyst to her taking a break,” Frankel says.

Well, that is as delicately phrased as you can put the bald truth ("Her kids and ex sued her ass off for cheating on her divorce settlement.") 

@Mindthinkr -- is this the "things come in threes" animal moment you were expecting?  First Cookie, then Biggie, and now Bethenny with a lame duck? ;)

Edited by film noire
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18 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

The reunion won't be the same without Luann! Who else is going to say what we all are dying to?

Everyone hit SM.  The ladies are girding for battle as we speak.

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13 hours ago, SCS said:


And here's where I deathlessly cry !!!horseshit!!! -- not at you, mwell345, just at the absurdity of above^^.

Lu has a publicist, she has at least 1 attorney and she has a grown daughter -- but she's authorizing Bethenny to speak on her behalf? Bethenny and Lu have -- seemingly -- been more congenial this season than in the past but no way in hell are they tight. Bethenny being the authorized spokesperson has to be a Bravo demand -- as in All right, Luann --we'll let you out of the reunion and go along with this BS rehab story but you have to agree to let the cast member with the highest profile be the person out front sharing updates. This way we get maximum coverage and your paycheck is protected.

I watched the Berserkshires Slut/Whore/F- - - doll episode last night. It is CRAZY how Beth eviscerates Lu, and Lu forgives, moves on and allows Beth to speak on her behalf regarding Rehab, Part II. Beth shrieks, “You f- - - everybody!!!” I really don’t know a lot of people who could move past that. 

54 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

The reunion won't be the same without Luann! Who else is going to say what we all are dying to?



Is there a chapter in Class with the Countess about pronouncing other individuals’ names any which way you please? Radzi-ville, Sawn-ya....

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15 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Wow. That photo of Lu, Vic, whoever that guy is and that scary looking woman with her boobs hanging out is something that I can’t even find words for. Who, in her right mind, would post a photo like that? I am too old for this world now.

Bottom line is the money.  I was at a high-end rehab for 3 months, and I witnessed them kicking out countless patients when their insurance stopped paying or their checks bounced.  It started being a big joke, “Who’s gonna get the boot today?”

Edited by farmgal4
I meant to reply to someone else’s comment. Obviously I messed up. Sorry!
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On 7/14/2018 at 8:53 AM, AnnA said:

I can't deny that this is a juicy story but it's easily resolved.  Chances are LuAnn will set up the trust and explain away the  delay by saying the kids can't touch the money until 2026 and since she would likely administer the trust anyway it's not a big deal .  There was no rush - no harm no foul. 

The idea that this will cause LuAnn irreparable damage is nonsense.   She's a HW and a falling down drunk, sleeps around HW with an arrest record to boot.  

 Yup! Lu caused the damage to herself by not fulfilling her part of the divorce agreement in atimky manner.

There can be (more than likely) lost of interest if the money from the trust (that wasn't set up) was too have been invested.  

The kids need to be made whole.They are due half of what the house sold for minus the Count's portion of any outstanding liens at the time of the divorce that were rolled into the new mortgage. They are due interest on their portion of the money from the sale that was to have been put into a trust.

While I understand the Count not wanting to throw out his kids and "new ex" from the family home it should have been sold at the time of the divorce and the household set up at a new house.

With Lu spiraling down one can't blame the Count and kids for filing the lawsuit. One can blame the Count for not forcing the sale, splitting assets and setting up the trust himself. One can blame Lu for her inaction and neglecting her duty to her ex and kids.

She made her bed....

While Lulu's rehab part deux is a good thing in itself it does give her a bit of time to avoid the issue and put the lawsuit on a different burner. It's not going to go away and will rear it's head when she gets out. Another stressor. I hope her lawyers and accountant are now working with the Count's and kid's legal counsel towards getting it resolved without going to court.

Edited by Giselle
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Sorry I can’t do links but I just read something in the Daily Mail. They’re reporting that on July 3 (the day after she posted her 6 months sober photo with the Count) that she got sloshed and disrupted a Hamptons charity piano recital. She also got very “touchy-feely” with some patrons at the bar. Of course all this is allegedly but I think it rings true. Add that to what’s going on with her kids and I suspect she 1) went back to spa-hab to avoid the reunion 2) maybe is going to work harder at sobriety 3) It’s a temporary haven while she meets with her lawyer (or phone calls with) to get a game plan going for settling this lawsuit with her children 4) makes super sure that when she goes in front of a judge in Florida she will have her act together 5) avoidance of all of the above issues. Remember that these are the only ones that we know about. 6) it keeps the paparazzi and news agencies away at more than arms length

Im sensing a pattern developing. The Florida thing happened just before Christmas and now this July 3rd. She needs a calendar that doesn’t show the holidays. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry I can’t do links but I just read something in the Daily Mail. They’re reporting that on July 3 (the day after she posted her 6 months sober photo with the Count) that she got sloshed and disrupted a Hamptons charity piano recital. She also got very “touchy-feely” with some patrons at the bar. Of course all this is allegedly but I think it rings true. Add that to what’s going on with her kids and I suspect she 1) went back to spa-hab to avoid the reunion 2) maybe is going to work harder at sobriety 3) It’s a temporary haven while she meets with her lawyer (or phone calls with) to get a game plan going for settling this lawsuit with her children 4) makes super sure that when she goes in front of a judge in Florida she will have her act together 5) avoidance of all of the above issues. Remember that these are the only ones that we know about. 6) it keeps the paparazzi and news agencies away at more than arms length

Im sensing a pattern developing. The Florida thing happened just before Christmas and now this July 3rd. She needs a calendar that doesn’t show the holidays. 




Note the image of Bethenny in above. She looks good and unusually . . .  refreshed.

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20 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry I can’t do links but I just read something in the Daily Mail. They’re reporting that on July 3 (the day after she posted her 6 months sober photo with the Count) that she got sloshed and disrupted a Hamptons charity piano recital. She also got very “touchy-feely” with some patrons at the bar. Of course all this is allegedly but I think it rings true. Add that to what’s going on with her kids and I suspect she 1) went back to spa-hab to avoid the reunion 2) maybe is going to work harder at sobriety 3) It’s a temporary haven while she meets with her lawyer (or phone calls with) to get a game plan going for settling this lawsuit with her children 4) makes super sure that when she goes in front of a judge in Florida she will have her act together 5) avoidance of all of the above issues. Remember that these are the only ones that we know about. 6) it keeps the paparazzi and news agencies away at more than arms length

Im sensing a pattern developing. The Florida thing happened just before Christmas and now this July 3rd. She needs a calendar that doesn’t show the holidays. 

Well there are some red circled court dates on that calendar to remind her of consequences.

2 minutes ago, SCS said:




Note the image of Bethenny in above. She looks good and unusually . . .  refreshed.

What did she do to her teeth and lips? It all looks Kyle-esque.

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27 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sorry I can’t do links but I just read something in the Daily Mail. They’re reporting that on July 3 (the day after she posted her 6 months sober photo with the Count) that she got sloshed and disrupted a Hamptons charity piano recital. She also got very “touchy-feely” with some patrons at the bar. Of course all this is allegedly but I think it rings true. Add that to what’s going on with her kids and I suspect she 1) went back to spa-hab to avoid the reunion 2) maybe is going to work harder at sobriety 3) It’s a temporary haven while she meets with her lawyer (or phone calls with) to get a game plan going for settling this lawsuit with her children 4) makes super sure that when she goes in front of a judge in Florida she will have her act together 5) avoidance of all of the above issues. Remember that these are the only ones that we know about. 6) it keeps the paparazzi and news agencies away at more than arms length

Im sensing a pattern developing. The Florida thing happened just before Christmas and now this July 3rd. She needs a calendar that doesn’t show the holidays. 

Her upcoming court date in Fla doesn't require her presence, so I don't think that plays into her reentering rehab. I do think the lawsuit is THE cause of it though. 

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1 hour ago, Giselle said:


What did she do to her teeth and lips? It all looks Kyle-esque.


It's hard to tell but Bethenny is smart by having (seemingly) smaller more frequent tweaks rather than the bigger obvious ones (see: Ramona massive boob job and whatever she had done a few seasons back that left her right eye sloping upwards (looks like it's settled a bit, finally.)

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We may never know if Luann went to rehab after her arrest because it was her rock bottom OR to soften her sentence with the court. She declined to self identify as an “ alcoholic “; which in treatment circles means denial usually. 

Apparently her friends tried to set up an intervention at some point. Lu had to be an absolute wreck when her family filed the legal papers against her, and fell off the wagon- hard! 

One thing is certain - her boozing days on RHONY are over. I feel like she was keeping open the option of drinking again after the first incident but now it is obvious she has a true problem. 

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I know that we can't take the Daily Mail story as gospel, but I suspected that there just might be a story looming, hence the dash to rehab.  Given that Luann has been openly non-committal about sobriety, it's not terribly surprising that she elegantly stepped off the wagon, if she did.  It would also help to explain the filing by the Counts/kids.  They don't trust her behavior, and they shouldn't.

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17 hours ago, AnnA said:

Ha Ha So I've heard.

I just can't relate to the cast - probably because they're so young.  

They're actually not that young. White Kanye is the youngest at 25. Lala is 28. Brittany is 29. The rest of them range between 30 and 39. There are cast who are older than Bethenny, Jules, and Kristen when they started on RHoNY. The thing with the VPR cast is that they're older than you realize, but they all act like 23 year olds.

13 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I find the timing of her rehab suspicious It's not the rehabs, it's how she orchestrates her participation in the reunions after having a tough season. Last year she announced her divorce from Tom right after the reunion and this year she is missing it all together.

I believe part of the established social construct between reality 'star' and reality viewer is the reunion. There the fellow housewives get to confront each other, and break the 4th wall, viewers send in questions, and Andy /to a degree/ acts as a viewer surrogate. Questions are asked and responded to. Not always answered, but we the viewer get to view the interaction. 

There, in my mind, is no point in having any of the women on if they don't attend the reunion. 

Andy has said that they'll be talking about Luann during the reunion. I suspect he'll be using the women to source questions for his eventual one on one with Luann. This one better be in the clubhouse and not a breezy gauzy soft focused interview like they did for the divorce. I also suspect that Bravo may be requiring some sort medical necessity letter for skipping reunions in the future. Only Kim Richards and Jacqueline have skipped reunions and weren't penalized. 

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1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Well there are some red circled court dates on that calendar to remind her of consequences.

What did she do to her teeth and lips? It all looks Kyle-esque.

In my opinion, Beth has looked quite beautiful in many recent photos and THs, but this photo is very not good. 

1 hour ago, SCS said:




Note the image of Bethenny in above. She looks good and unusually . . .  refreshed.

Again, apologies to zoeysmom, but it irritates me that Lu gets handsy/touchy-feely with several men at a charity event, when she knows how it feels to be sexually harassed by Russell Simmons. 

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22 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

She also needs someone licensed in NY, not FL. 

Spa-hab (love the name!) might jeopardize the plea deal, especially terms of the timing, but I forget how good it was for her.  I think courts aren't surprised to see relapses, and as long as there aren't additional "issues" (like threatening additional cops), she may be fine.

I do wonder if the location of Spa-hab this time around is in the Catskills. I still think on the last round she went to her brothers in Jupiter and joined a gym.

I also don't think Luann is necessarily an alcoholic - I think if she truly needs rehab it's for something else - pills or nose candy.

If she truly has an addiction issue - it is the best thing for her to go into rehab before she acts out in public again and has another mugshot. When Tinsley made her plea deal - there were certain requirements and constraints. The charges would be dropped at the end of the year  if she did not get into trouble - meaning she couldn't even risk getting a traffic violation or it would have eradicated the plea. Luann's plea might have something similar - she can not get arrested for x months or it would be considered a violation of the plea agreement making it null and void.

As far as the reunion, and Luann using rehab as an excuse to avoid taping - the one she would have been leery of is Dorinda. When the episode aired of Bethenny/Dorinda plane to PR, I remember Luann making some comment on her blog for the week. Dorinda went ape shit. Dorinda also knows a lot more than any of the other ladies about the Luann Tom situation, inclusive of not yet spilling the tea about Tom Luann asking her to go to the Regency to set up the story they wanted her to say to the public. Dorinda and Luann get into in in Colombia - do they really make up? Dorinda is a vengeful bitch and though she might not do the dirty work herself - she has a big mouth so she probably spilled lots of tea to Carole & Ramona.

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On 7/13/2018 at 7:16 AM, Mozelle said:

I still don't have a handle on what's going on, but honestly that Victoria and Noel would also be plaintiffs doesn't truly surprise me. I think LuAnn has largely been hands off with her kids that they probably see her as the person who gave them half their DNA who sometimes is around to be "cool mom." Her major focus has always seemed to me to make sure that she has someone, anyone on her arm, so if this case and filing holds merit, and seeing how she jumped right in with Tom? Yikes. 

I love me some Lou, but even I’m not going to pretend she raised those kids. I remember after breaking up with Tom she said one of the upsides of the divorce was getting to spend time with her kids. I believe my reaction was “Da fuck, you dumb drag queen?” She didn’t even sound ashamed. Like, who doesn’t just abandon their children every time you trap a new man? Oh Lou, no. No, no, no. And I really doubt the Count was any better. I’m pretty sure Noel and Victoria think of their parents as those crazy fuckups who pay their bills and take them to dinner occasionally.

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On 11/17/2017 at 11:53 AM, Mrs peel said:

This is stupid, but I am not sure she darkened her skin.  First, lousy job if that's what she did.  But I think it's a tan, made odd by the matte lighter lipstick.  And if you look at her chest, she has some red as if she was in the sun.

But still stupid.

Maybe I am just getting too old for this nonsense. She loves Diana Ross and the party theme was famous celebrity. People are being too flippin' sensitive. Next the media will roast Sonya for appropriation of a ginger. Surely there are far bigger issues that could be focused on, like say... alcoholism...?

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48 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

They're actually not that young. White Kanye is the youngest at 25. Lala is 28. Brittany is 29. The rest of them range between 30 and 39. There are cast who are older than Bethenny, Jules, and Kristen when they started on RHoNY. The thing with the VPR cast is that they're older than you realize, but they all act like 23 year olds.

Andy has said that they'll be talking about Luann during the reunion. I suspect he'll be using the women to source questions for his eventual one on one with Luann. This one better be in the clubhouse and not a breezy gauzy soft focused interview like they did for the divorce. I also suspect that Bravo may be requiring some sort medical necessity letter for skipping reunions in the future. Only Kim Richards and Jacqueline have skipped reunions and weren't penalized. 

You are so kind, too kind to even equate their behavior with young adults! LOL

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23 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Luann was concerned with the picture Ramona posted - the ladies around a dinner table with empty glasses

This is from Victoria's Instagram - I'd be more concerned with this pic. Look at what is in front of Luann


I am more concerned with the gal on the right. Who the heck is that? Luann looks incredible here.

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19 hours ago, snarts said:

Luann's is pretty direct.  She came back from rehab this season and was very candid and matter-of-fact about her arrest and the details surrounding it.  If she feels she should return to rehab, I applaud her.  Too many people would try to save face and not admit to needing help. 

Great post. As well, I find most viewers appreciate when a celebrity shares their vulnerabilities. We are more forgiving of this as opposed to someone who insists everything is going perfectly (ahem... Ramona).

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I sense that LuAnne hasn't fully recovered from her divorce from the Count and maybe even his desire for an open marriage when they were together.

This may be an unpopular take, but I feel that LuAnne has dealt with a lot of "loss" in her world for many years.  I mean she gained a ton of material things while with the count.  There is that, but on the personal side of things, it seems like she's been losing a ton since the moment the count decided to step out with other women.  Loss of love, fidelity, trust, a marriage, a title (as goofy as it is) and financial freedom.  And while the show was a foot forward in the material world, she lost again with the public demise of her marriage and being knocked down a peg or two from her Countess level.  

Cheating on the Frenchman, being cheated on by Tom, another dismal attempt at marriage, etc.  And likely booze all along to take away the perpetual sting of it all.  And now the kids.

I get that that a lot of the junk she's gone through has been self-induced, but not all.  And either way, at the end of the day, it amounts to several huge losses and a huge life shift.  I think she's carrying a ton of emotional baggage from her time with the Count and hasn't yet accepted her current circumstances.

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On 7/12/2018 at 10:14 PM, WireWrap said:

Some people will still believe the story no matter what the truth is.Oh and if she has been giving the kids money from the initial house sale how much have they gone through and how much should be in the trust for them in the future?

I was always under the impression that Luann is not frivolous with her money. I just can't see her messing with her children's future monies. She understands how important it is to be independent financially.

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On 7/13/2018 at 8:49 PM, WireWrap said:

I agree that we need to hear her side of the story before we make any final decision that she is totally in the wrong. But, she needs to set the trust up as soon as possible to put an end to this before the damage becomes irreparable.

If the Count wants $$ in a trust for the kids, he should have set it up as such. He could have kept half the house in his name if he was concerned about Luann misappropriating funds. I am curious, if Luann invests proceeds from the original home into real estate and makes a tidy profit, is she required to automatically put 50% aside for her children, or does she just set up the 50% of the original home's sale? It must be hard to be accustomed to living in a certain style, only to have it pulled away through no choice of Luann's. Does he pay any alimony, or is the Count title just that, a title but no wealth?

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On 7/14/2018 at 2:43 PM, smores said:

Every semester, mom would pay her half, but dad would refuse.  So, every semester, the friend had to take BOTH parents to court in order to get the bills paid.  Mom would go in and show that she had paid her portion and Dad wouldn't be able to produce evidence that he'd done his part.  He'd be ordered to pay his part or be in contempt and only then would he pay up.  Next semester, same situation.  

The saddest part of your friend's situation is that the dad was more willing to pay his lawyer money than his own kid's expenses. Then again, in 'my life' I'd be telling my kids to get a student loan like I did, lol. 

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On 7/14/2018 at 7:11 PM, WireWrap said:

He could have sold the property, only his name was on it. Given her 1/2 because it was bought during the marriage and then put his half into a trust for the kids right away. Instead, he comes up with allowing her to sell the house and use 100% of the proceeds to buy a new family home, which caused this mess. Don't get me wrong, Luann should have just placed 1/2 of the sale money (minus 1/2 of all the cost to ready it for sale/upkeep/taxes/insurance) into a trust and only use her 1/2 (minus all the incidentals like the kids) to buy the new family house. This is a mess because neither adult thought beyond the immediate. 

Luann made a good business decision by investing all the money into the new home as she's makes a larger profit as opposed to letting the bank make all that money through loan interest charged.

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17 minutes ago, Chalby said:

If the Count wants $$ in a trust for the kids, he should have set it up as such. He could have kept half the house in his name if he was concerned about Luann misappropriating funds. I am curious, if Luann invests proceeds from the original home into real estate and makes a tidy profit, is she required to automatically put 50% aside for her children, or does she just set up the 50% of the original home's sale? It must be hard to be accustomed to living in a certain style, only to have it pulled away through no choice of Luann's. Does he pay any alimony, or is the Count title just that, a title but no wealth?

I would imagine she would have to put 50% of the marital home sale minus 50% of all cost associated with maintaining the property, taxes, insurance and any updating done to ready the house for sale + accruing interest on that final amount. But, he also allowed her to invest 100% of that money into a new family home, which she did (although not all of that money), as long as she put both kids names on the deed, which she did not. So, I am guessing that she would have to give the kids 50% of the sale of the Sag Harbor home now + the difference between the difference between the final sales amount if the SH home is less than the marital home.

From what I am gathering the problem is also about her wanting to leave that area, Hamptons/Sag Harbor, for a less stressful area, the Catskills but the kids do not want to lose the beach house. This may be about both the trust and not wanting to give up the beach house life style for the kids. 

I read that he did pay child support but I'm unsure about alimony, I believe they had a pre-nup that protected him/his family, not her.

8 minutes ago, Chalby said:

Luann made a good business decision by investing all the money into the new home as she's makes a larger profit as opposed to letting the bank make all that money through loan interest charged.

Real Estate can be fickle and you can lose your shirt there just like with any investment. Also, with these high end homes, they are harder to sell and can take longer to find a buyer and I don't think Luann wanted to wait which is why she already reduced the price once since putting it on the market. 

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19 hours ago, AnnA said:

Let's not forget that Carole hates LuAnn.   However I think you're right.  

The Noel/Adam/Carole trust thing isn't believable.  

Thank you.  That's what I thought too!

IMO They just care about the money.

Hmmm, is that why she's been kind to her and going out of her way to rebuild a friendship with her this season. Which is big of her considering the way Lu shit all over her in the past.  I'm sure there's some devious behind-the-scenes machinations behind those kind overtures.  After all, Carole is evil personified. 


1 hour ago, Chalby said:

Maybe I am just getting too old for this nonsense. She loves Diana Ross and the party theme was famous celebrity. People are being too flippin' sensitive. Next the media will roast Sonya for appropriation of a ginger. Surely there are far bigger issues that could be focused on, like say... alcoholism...?

Yeah!  Hey let's bring back minstrel shows and separate bathrooms too.  I mean, if those snowflakes get upset about it, just tell them to stop being so dang sensitive! 

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35 minutes ago, WireWrap said:


From what I am gathering the problem is also about her wanting to leave that area, Hamptons/Sag Harbor, for a less stressful area, the Catskills but the kids do not want to lose the beach house. This may be about both the trust and not wanting to give up the beach house life style for the kids.

I'm surprised the kids would be attached to the Sag Harbor house.    It isn't far from the Hamptons but it's not a beach community and has only one small beach on the bay.    It's not a party town and caters to an older demographic.   There are more marinas than beachfront and no beach house lifestyle for the kids.  

Edited by AnnA
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14 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Hmmm, is that why she's been kind to her and going out of her way to rebuild a friendship with her this season. Which is big of her considering the way Lu shit all over her in the past.  I'm sure there's some devious behind-the-scenes machinations behind those kind overtures.  After all, Carole is evil personified. 

I don't think Carole is evil personified but I also don't think she rolled in fairy dust and rides a unicorn.    IMHO Carole sought to mend fences with LuAnn as part of her effort to secure allies in her feud with Bethenny.  

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Well DAMN! My neighborhood got taken out by a transformer blowing up and starting a fire  so I was off-line and I missed the freaking circus. I phoned my BFF today and she spilled this piping hot tea so I've spent the afternoon blowing up ALL of your notifications. Sorry.not sorry. ALL have great points.  I'm incredibly pissed that Lou won't be at the reunion to answer to ALLLL of the shit over the past year. I've been waiting ever so patiently. 

One...Welcome Newbies! TWO..What the ever loving EFF!!!! Thank you also for the math and legal. Way above my pay grade. What is NOT above my grade is Rehab. Lou beat me out of closest returns! I thought 18 months was bad. (I was a juvie) That is just crazy to me. If she went on a week or two bender, I could see a rational adult getting back on track without checking in. I, personally, think she's been cheat drinking. She looked great so far on film. 

What a damn mess. She really stepped in it for real. She can BS all she wants but  back to back rehab and a family lawsuit of any kind? I hope she gets it together. Next time she will show up on the REELZ network.

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CDAN called it months ago...


April 12, 2018

This looooooong time A list reality star all of you know has been raiding the trust funds of her kids to maintain her standard of living.

(Luann was revealed as the answer today.)

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51 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I'm surprised the kids would be attached to the Sag Harbor house.    It isn't far from the Hamptons but it's not a beach community and has only one small beach on the bay.    It's not a party town and caters to an older demographic.   There are more marinas than beachfront and no beach house lifestyle for the kids.  

But, it is the only house they can crash in for free and it's on the water with a boat dock of it's own.

40 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I don't think Carole is evil personified but I also don't think she rolled in fairy dust and rides a unicorn.    IMHO Carole sought to mend fences with LuAnn as part of her effort to secure allies in her feud with Bethenny.  

She mended fences with Luann because she believes that Luann was genuine about getting herself together, it had nothing to do with Bethenny. Luann and Bethenny were already cozy before Luann returned from rehab (the first time) and Carole reached out to her. 

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26 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

But, it is the only house they can crash in for free and it's on the water with a boat dock of it's own.

She mended fences with Luann because she believes that Luann was genuine about getting herself together, it had nothing to do with Bethenny. Luann and Bethenny were already cozy before Luann returned from rehab (the first time) and Carole reached out to her. 

We can't possibly know that Carole mending fences with LuAnn had nothing to do with Bethenny.  And even if she said that she believed LuAnn was genuine,  that doesn't mean it's true or that she really cares.   Carole hates LuAnn and is just as capable of BS as the rest of them.  Don't forget that Carole was as giddy as a schoolgirl when LuAnn got arrested. 

And yes,  I'll crash at LuAnn's Sag Harbor house anytime!    I don't care if they roll up the sidewalks at night.

Edited by AnnA
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2 hours ago, Jextella said:

I sense that LuAnne hasn't fully recovered from her divorce from the Count and maybe even his desire for an open marriage when they were together.

This may be an unpopular take, but I feel that LuAnne has dealt with a lot of "loss" in her world for many years.  I mean she gained a ton of material things while with the count.  There is that, but on the personal side of things, it seems like she's been losing a ton since the moment the count decided to step out with other women.  Loss of love, fidelity, trust, a marriage, a title (as goofy as it is) and financial freedom.  And while the show was a foot forward in the material world, she lost again with the public demise of her marriage and being knocked down a peg or two from her Countess level.  

Cheating on the Frenchman, being cheated on by Tom, another dismal attempt at marriage, etc.  And likely booze all along to take away the perpetual sting of it all.  And now the kids.

I get that that a lot of the junk she's gone through has been self-induced, but not all.  And either way, at the end of the day, it amounts to several huge losses and a huge life shift.  I think she's carrying a ton of emotional baggage from her time with the Count and hasn't yet accepted her current circumstances.

I agree, but I think she has baggage from the very beginning of her marriage. I think The Count cheated on her very early and she turned the other cheek. I do think she was madly in love with him and wanted to stay married. It was much easier to hide the state of her marriage when she wasn't on a reality show. Then when she got on a reality show, she tried to portray that everything was wonderful and hunky dory. Had he not filed for a divorce she never would have because she knew monetarily she wouldn't have the same lifestyle.

All of the Counts properties and assets are protected under the old money family trust overseas. They got married at the justice of peace. He probably made her sign some sort of post nup.


1 hour ago, AnnA said:

I'm surprised the kids would be attached to the Sag Harbor house.    It isn't far from the Hamptons but it's not a beach community and has only one small beach on the bay.    It's not a party town and caters to an older demographic.   There are more marinas than beachfront and no beach house lifestyle for the kids.  

I don't think it's that the kids are attached to the Sag Harbor house - they are trying to protect an asset. I would love to see the divorce settlement wording - not that I understand legalese. Was the house when Alex signed it over to Luann - paid in full? How much was the house appraised for? The only way for Luann to have set up a trust at the time was to sell the house. Since she didn't sell the house at the time and when she sold it it went for 8M - does she owe her kids 4M plus interest from 2014 to 2019 that would have accrued if the money was put in a trust?

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8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:


I don't think it's that the kids are attached to the Sag Harbor house - they are trying to protect an asset. I would love to see the divorce settlement wording - not that I understand legalese. Was the house when Alex signed it over to Luann - paid in full? How much was the house appraised for? The onlway for Luann to have set up a trust at the time was to sell the house. Since she didn't sell the house at the time and when she sold it it went for 8M - does she owe her kids 4M plus interest from 2014 to 2019 that would have accrued if the money was put in a trust?

I agree with you.    I believe they're protecting an asset too.   That post was in response to one saying the kids wanted her to keep the beach house because they preferred it to the Catskills.  

There has to be a money trail and I'm sure an accountant can unravel it.    If there was an outstanding mortgage on the marital house it would come out of the $8 million making their half less than $4 million.   I'm not sure there would be any accrued interest since the asset was not cash.  Real estate values fluctuate; there's upkeep and maintenance and we also have hefty property taxes here on Long Island.   All the owners should share those costs. 

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I agree that they are protecting their interest in their asset.  There's nothing that I've read that has said they've had an objection to her relocating, only that they are moving to block the sale of the house because she didn't establish the trust/add them to the deed.  Since they legally have an interest in the property that wasn't established, they want to protect that before she sells it out from under them and they lose the opportunity to (for lack of a better phrase) stake their claim.  

I'd imagine the kids have plenty of contacts who have homes at the beach where they can spend time if they want.  It seems like people who have homes in the Hamptons often open them to other people, and they're also at the age to go in for a summer share with friends.  I've seen the show Summer House and if that's what they're all like, then I'd kind of rather cut off my own arm, but, at the same time, in my 20s, I'd have much preferred spending my summer downtime with my friends vs my mother.  Actually, that's still true and I'm nowhere near my 20s.   

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12 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I agree with you.    I believe they're protecting an asset too.   That post was in response to one saying the kids wanted her to keep the beach house because they preferred it to the Catskills.  

There has to be a money trail and I'm sure an accountant can unravel it.    If there was an outstanding mortgage on the marital house it would come out of the $8 million making their half less than $4 million.   I'm not sure there would be any accrued interest since the asset was not cash.  Real estate values fluctuate; there's upkeep and maintenance and we also have hefty property taxes here on Long Island.   All the owners should share those costs. 


3 minutes ago, smores said:

I agree that they are protecting their interest in their asset.  There's nothing that I've read that has said they've had an objection to her relocating, only that they are moving to block the sale of the house because she didn't establish the trust/add them to the deed.  Since they legally have an interest in the property that wasn't established, they want to protect that before she sells it out from under them and they lose the opportunity to (for lack of a better phrase) stake their claim.  

I'd imagine the kids have plenty of contacts who have homes at the beach where they can spend time if they want.  It seems like people who have homes in the Hamptons often open them to other people, and they're also at the age to go in for a summer share with friends.  I've seen the show Summer House and if that's what they're all like, then I'd kind of rather cut off my own arm, but, at the same time, in my 20s, I'd have much preferred spending my summer downtime with my friends vs my mother.  Actually, that's still true and I'm nowhere near my 20s.   


I found an older article that she listed the Sag Harbor House for 6.25M. I'm sure the kids needed the lawyers to freeze that asset while they try to ascertain where their invisible trust money went. It also stops Luann from selling the house below asking because she wants to get out of dodge and plunk herself in the Catskills - taking off with the money once again.

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On 7/16/2018 at 3:00 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Luann was concerned with the picture Ramona posted - the ladies around a dinner table with empty glasses

This is from Victoria's Instagram - I'd be more concerned with this pic. Look at what is in front of Luann


James Kennedy is one my LEAST favorite reality cast members.  Please.  


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