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S13.E21: Reunion Part 3

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15 minutes ago, bagger said:

I guess kelly and vicki haven’t made up 


Now THAT'S a clapback. I get tired of hearing Vici shame the other women about not working, about being divorced - hello three time divorcè, or about their intelligence when she a.) Is clearly resentful she has to work so hard for her lifestyle, b.) isn't the poster child for relationships - the cancer scamming twitch, and c.) has less of grasp of language than my son did at seven. Let's not even get started on her greedy and judgemental take on Christianity.

Kelly proves that almost anyone can be redeemed on these shows, I've despised her since she first came on. But there is such a difference in her since divorcing, that I'm willing to give her another try. On the other hand, Vicki will never wash off the stink of being a cancer scammer. No matter how relatively inoffensive she is. And lest we forget what a pile of dung she is,  she's there with more potentially life destroying rumors, that she's admitted she lied about, of drug abuse.

  • Love 23

I'm trying to figure out what area of advertising Kelly might have worked in for 10 years. I can't see her in client services (those are the peeps who rep the accounts, for those of you not familiar with the industry), because anyone successful in CS needs endless patience and diplomacy; nor do I see her as a creative (writers, editors, art directors) because I feel like we'd have heard about her talents by now. Ten years -- maybe she started as an admin and got a few promotions to some mid-level slot?

  • Love 8
On 12/10/2018 at 8:32 AM, melkel14 said:

For all the crap that Gina and Tamra flung at her, I think Shannon controlled herself very well.  She was also willing to admit and cop to a lot of the things they were talking about.  I think it shows growth!  She seemed to be the most self-aware of the bunch.  

I think all Shannon ever is aware of is Shannon 

  • Love 12
23 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

It says a lot about this season, that three of the housewives picked a situation involving Shannon as the one thing they regretted about this season. 

While Kelly said she felt bad for saying that David was a saint for dealing with Shannon, I thought it was pretty rich when she actually said it. Did she watch herself during the seasons she was married to Michael? He was a saint for putting up with her.

Has Emily ever shared before they she is on anti anxiety medication? If she had before this reunion episode, I missed it. I have a couple of friends on meds for anxiety, and the struggle is real. But damn, Emily has a lot of nerve comparing her mother to Shannon, who is going through a contentious divorce. Presumably Emily's anxiety is a disorder and not situational,, as Shannon's divorce it. Emily needs to zip it. 

Who ever came up with the nickname Gina Casita, thank you! It is perfect. However I hope to never have to type the name again, as I hope Casita is one and done. Whenever she is on my screen with her various facial contortions, this is who she reminds me of: 


Finally someone else who remembers Madame! My husband thinks its funny but, tries to pretend it's over the line, when I privately compare certain plastic surgery faces with cheek filler to her. 

Edited by red12
  • Love 15
On 12/11/2018 at 2:57 PM, MatildaMoody said:

I think if it were anyone other than Tamra I would give them the benefit of the doubt. But, being so familiar with Tamra's MO, I don't buy that Tamra ever actually tried to address her issues with Shannon. I think Tamra liked there being this unresolved thing because it gave her a convenient card to play when she was ready to get rid of Shannon. That card would lose it's power if Shannon were the least bit aware that Tamra had an issue with her. Instead, Tamra could use it to lure in the new girls, trash talk Shannon, and get sympathy from the other women all with Shannon thinking that she has a devoted and supportive friend in Tamra. That way, Tamra can let the others blindside Shannon and still keep her hands clean. 

I also don't think Tamra was all that upset that Shannon wasn't constantly checking in with her about Eddie. Mainly, because I don't think that Tamra was really all that interested in what Eddie was going through herself. But, like Shannon's neediness it gave her a really convenient card to play if she needed to be the victim.

I have to agree.  Tamra was a fucking bitch to Shannon.  I’m ready for someone to take her down, or watch Eddie leave her on camera.  She is a snake.

I HATE Gina so much, and I’m tired of Emily discussing the “legalities” of every situation.  They both were a bust.

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, red12 said:

Finally someone else who remembers Madame! My husband thinks its funny but, tries to pretend it's over the line, when I privately compare certain plastic surgery faces with cheek filler to her. 


She looks a lot like Brandi from BH.


Edited by Reality police
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I’m rewatching this part, and I have never seen anything uglier than Gina, her facial expressions and attitude, and Tamra’s chest.  Tamra obviously never uses sunscreen and it looks like her boobs have attached to each other.  They looked horrible.

I don’t know how Shannon kept from knocking Gina’s teeth out with her hateful performance on the reunion, and I hope Shannon NEVER forgives Tamra for backstabbing her and using her pain as a storyline.

  • Love 11
On 12/10/2018 at 10:14 PM, Medicine Crow said:

What is wrong with Shannon's mouth?  She looks like a baby bird when she talks!!  Or has she always looked like that & I didn't notice?

When she had her eyelids pulled up, she must have had her lips plumped up soon after.  It looks horrible.  Her natural lips were perfect.  Look at Persilla Presley and Meg Ryan.  Beautiful women who effed up their lips for good.

  • Love 3
On 12/11/2018 at 7:39 PM, bagger said:

I guess kelly and vicki haven’t made up 


I guess it would have been too much to ask for Kelly to reply that it is true that she does not currently hold a job or a career, as she has invested wisely in the past, and she is doing just fine financially, whereas Vicki's finances and purported "job" are dubious at best.  

Vicki is passive-aggressive.  She's dumb.  She's phony.  She's oblivious.  She contradicts herself.  I could go on and on.  Kelly had a lot of punch to pack, but this "clap back"?  Is so insulting.  Kelly should be ashamed of herself.  Instead of solely going after Vicki, who is fair game, she demeans all people who are not college educated and working in certain professions, and blames deadbeat dads on their ex-wives.  I guess she was absent from college on the day they taught punctuation and sentence formation.  Kelly, do yourself a favor and acquaint yourself with a semi-colon, a comma, an apostrophe or a thesaurus (just one out of the four would satisfy me) before you continue to brag about your college education.  Oh, the irony.  Would Vicki be a better or more virtuous person if she'd gotten a degree from University of Phoenix, or even Harvard for that matter?  And Kelly's going after the fact that Mike Sr isn't around?  What should he be around to do, exactly?  Raise bi-coastal children in their thirties?  Push the hair out of Vicki's eyes?  Michael Gunvalson (the son) has said out of the gate, in season one, that his dad is "kind of a loser."  Way to go below the belt.  What's wrong with insurance brokers?  Are they on a lower moral plane or plateau than people who have bought real estate on their own (which I don't believe for a second that no one assisted her or did the vast majority of the leg-work for her), and invested in stocks and...wait, sorry, I am re-reading this...start-ups?  Like, outside of Jolie's lemonade stands?  Mark Cuban better sleep with one eye open...

I wonder what she thinks about the homeless people who she feeds at the soup kitchen if this is what she is saying about an upper-middle class divorced woman.  Resorting to insulting the tens of millions of people in this country who are undereducated, didn't marry rich, and who earn their living by working, rather than reaping the fruits of their investments just to get revenge on one person is bullshit, and it's just fucking snobby. If Heather DuBrow had said anything remotely approximating this at any juncture over the course of her tenure on the show, she'd be raked over the coals forever.  But it's ok for Kelly to say because she's "crazy"? Nah.

23 hours ago, SCS said:

I'm trying to figure out what area of advertising Kelly might have worked in for 10 years. I can't see her in client services (those are the peeps who rep the accounts, for those of you not familiar with the industry), because anyone successful in CS needs endless patience and diplomacy; nor do I see her as a creative (writers, editors, art directors) because I feel like we'd have heard about her talents by now. Ten years -- maybe she started as an admin and got a few promotions to some mid-level slot?

She could have worked in reception.  As long as she reported to work at an advertising firm, she could have been changing the toner and have technically "worked in advertising." Lol As you said, she doesn't seem to have the capacity for much else.  I would also bet good money--seed money--that she did not work full-time in advertising for ten consecutive years.  This reminds me of Teresa Guidice haveing a "degree" in fashion marketing from Berkeley College or something.

21 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Which is a great father?

IKR?  Well at least we can safely guess that while Kelly was graduating from college for ten years (I always thought graduation ceremonies were long and drawn-out, but day-um), her degree wasn't in English. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

She and Shannon both seemed subdued. I wonder if they (as we say in the south) "took a nerve pill." 

I’m pretty sure Shannon took a Xanax.  It wouldn’t kill her to get a temporary script to help her get herself in control.  

I think the Ick got darted with animal tranquilizer.  Probably thought she was a lady squatch.

  • Love 15
15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Vicki is passive-aggressive.  She's dumb.  She's phony.  She's oblivious.  She contradicts herself.  I could go on and on.  Kelly had a lot of punch to pack, but this "clap back"?  Is so insulting.  Kelly should be ashamed of herself.  Instead of solely going after Vicki, who is fair game, she demeans all people who are not college educated and working in certain professions, and blames deadbeat dads on their ex-wives.

I read this differently.  Vickie lacks education; doesn't matter where you get it, she is uncouth.  Kelly directs this as no college education?  I'm cool with that.

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, albarino said:

I read this differently.  Vickie lacks education; doesn't matter where you get it, she is uncouth.  Kelly directs this as no college education?  I'm cool with that.

That's cool, and I agree to disagree.  What is puzzling about the way you seem to posit Kelly's theory--that the state and source of Vicki's lack of couth is rooted in lack of education--is that self-professed "college educated" Kelly's cruel remarks are about as uncouth as it gets.  Kelly's own words nullify the idea that college education is a sufficient or delineating factor between couth and uncouth.  

It's kind of like saying, "This person uses rude words, likely because they have never been to church.  I go to church every week, so none of you fucking jerk-offs can question my words." The irony and lack of self-awareness that this speech and Kelly's speech demonstrates is of the highest caliber.

None of this excuses Vicki, of course.  I think they both (all) need to learn to communicate at a higher level.  It's getting gross.  

I think this whole question essentially comes down to whether the people in question have class.  The best definition I have ever heard of class is "kindness."  I don't see much (or sometimes any) class between these women.  Sometimes I feel that joining the show is a classless act.  The classiest OC Housewife I can think of off the top of my head is Jeana (not Gina, y'all!  Don't throw things at me!).  And she is not there anymore.  

  • Love 5

Actually, I think the original Tammy was the classiest OC ho.  She was fairly under the radar, she was friendly with pretty much everyone, she remained friends with her ex, even when she didn't want to get back with him (Duff? he had some stupid name), and when her kids had serious issues due to the death of their father, she took them right off the show and got them help.  She didn't stay put and sacrifice their needs for the money.  

  • Love 13
On 12/11/2018 at 5:39 PM, SCS said:

I'm trying to figure out what area of advertising Kelly might have worked in for 10 years. I can't see her in client services (those are the peeps who rep the accounts, for those of you not familiar with the industry), because anyone successful in CS needs endless patience and diplomacy; nor do I see her as a creative (writers, editors, art directors) because I feel like we'd have heard about her talents by now. Ten years -- maybe she started as an admin and got a few promotions to some mid-level slot?

I can see her in ad sales—I’ve known some pretty aggressive people on that side.

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, smores said:

Actually, I think the original Tammy was the classiest OC ho.  She was fairly under the radar, she was friendly with pretty much everyone, she remained friends with her ex, even when she didn't want to get back with him (Duff? he had some stupid name), and when her kids had serious issues due to the death of their father, she took them right off the show and got them help.  She didn't stay put and sacrifice their needs for the money.  

Even though I didn't enjoy her time with Billy, I thought Quinn was pretty classy compared to this bunch.  

Edited by Natalie68
  • Love 9

How can I put this gently?  Well, I can't, as I lack couth at self-selected times and enjoy it: fuck Icki the idiot with a chainsaw, and not gently.   She can take her busted can of biscuits cancer-scamming, seared Spam-faced self off the goddamned show if she wants to try and get into some kind of duel about legitimate careers.   She'd disinter the corpses of a million activist nuns for a ducat - or their SSNs, to claim policies on their eternal souls.   Fuck her and fuck the apolgias, and LOgenuineL at that.  Please.   The ho is a relic, a walking ghoul-remnant of the worst of American culture, the "perfect vaginer" (thanks, Crooks!  Enjoy the teef!) equivalent of the Slade Smileys who thought they were boiling-hot shit until the payments came due on the NINJA loans.   And unlike Ms. Dodd, Queen Bitch has spent every season insisting she's smarter, savvier, more literate in the ways of business and the world, than everyone else.   She's nothing.   Just Joanne the Scammer with less of a stache and much less charm.   The only fitting end of this series will be her in an assisted care facility with the bills prepaid until 2075 and zero visitors.

Thank you to Kung Fu Bunny for turning me on to Watch What Crappens.  I hope Gina Casita (LOVE) gets herself an Ungather and Divorce sign set from TJ Maxx, along with no alimony and a dx of the clap.

Emily Stank Face needs a shrink.  And meds.   And maybe a divorce?

When did Shannon get Pat Healy's teeth (There's Something About Mary).   Ugh.

When did Tamrat's boobs fuse into one baguette-shaped menace?   Good god.

For those missing Mme Dubrow: I checked out her podcast and beyond her vapidity and outsized materialism, homegirl is boring.  So boring.   Ugh part deux.  Or deuce, as Autocorrect correctly suggests.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 12
On 12/12/2018 at 3:38 PM, red12 said:

Finally someone else who remembers Madame! My husband thinks its funny but, tries to pretend it's over the line, when I privately compare certain plastic surgery faces with cheek filler to her. 

Who knew that Madam would be the model that so many women chose to look like...Brandi, oy vey...the camera used to love her.

  • Love 11
On 12/10/2018 at 7:16 AM, bichonblitz said:

Yet, when she found out about his affair she still wanted the marriage to work, which may I say, she subjected us to for an entire season, then when the marriage fell apart again she was devastated and still wanted him to stay. 

I would like to know where the relationship between Shan and Tam stands now. They have to be speaking again or there won't be much of a new season, right? 

After this season and seasons past, what more can they do or say?  I think they have hit it all.  It would be hard to look at Vikie and Tamra all over again.  Been there, done that.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

How can I put this gently?  Well, I can't, as I lack couth at self-selected times and enjoy it: fuck Icki the idiot with a chainsaw, and not gently.   She can take her busted can of biscuits cancer-scamming, seared Spam-faced self off the goddamned show if she wants to try and get into some kind of duel about legitimate careers.   She'd disinter the corpses of a million activist nuns for a ducat - or their SSNs, to claim policies on their eternal souls.   Fuck her and fuck the apolgias, and LOgenuineL at that.  Please.   The ho is a relic, a walking ghoul-remnant of the worst of American culture, the "perfect vaginer" (thanks, Crooks!  Enjoy the teef!) equivalent of the Slade Smileys who thought they were boiling-hot shit until the payments came due on the NINJA loans.   And unlike Ms. Dodd, Queen Bitch has spent every season insisting she's smarter, savvier, more literate in the ways of business and the world, than everyone else.   She's nothing.   Just Joanne the Scammer with less of a stache and much less charm.   The only fitting end of this series will be her in an assisted care facility with the bills prepaid until 2075 and zero visitors.

For those missing Mme Dubrow: I checked out her podcast and beyond her vapidity and outsized materialism, homegirl is boring.  So boring.   Ugh part deux.  Or deuce, as Autocorrect correctly suggests.

Oh my God, now that was a read.  Holy cow.  Hilarious.  Kelly should seriously contact you and pay you to Tweet on her behalf.  Good to hear that Madame Heather is her good old authentic self.  Glad that the home that is situated in a manner so that she can literally look down on the rest of us is working for her.  

1 hour ago, Neveragain said:

I see you’ve met my mother-in-law 

Y'all are on fire tonight!  I only wish I got half this enjoyment out of the show!

  • Love 12
On 12/12/2018 at 6:41 PM, Mu Shu said:

I’m pretty sure Shannon took a Xanax.  It wouldn’t kill her to get a temporary script to help her get herself in control.  

I think the Ick got darted with animal tranquilizer.  Probably thought she was a lady squatch.

I'm fuckin dying here!  Oh, the mental picture this conjures up!

  • Love 3
On 12/12/2018 at 6:19 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Well at least we can safely guess that while Kelly was graduating from college for ten years (I always thought graduation ceremonies were long and drawn-out, but day-um), her degree wasn't in English. 

I grew up blue collar and put myself through college later than most people.  I can't stand people who look down their noses at anyone who does not possess a "a degree."  The fact that Kelly can't put together a grammatically correct paragraph tells me everything I need to know about her "higher education." 

  • Love 12
On 12/10/2018 at 12:07 PM, smores said:

This.  Tamra is, can be and has been horrible.  But, she's also like a stopped clock and sometimes isn't wrong.  This situation with Shannon is one of those stopped clock times, she's not wrong, Shannon IS self-centered and spent this past year being ME ME ME.  We saw it play out on the show, we heard Kelly and Vicki corroborate it, and most tellingly, Shannon didn't deny it, she pulled her telltale "Wow! Wow! Thaaaat's how you feel? Wow"  Which means "That shit is true, but I can't believe you're putting me on blast in public for it"  When she sees something as wrong, she has no issues pushing back (even if she's actual misreading the situation), think "I start charities!" or plate throwing at the Quiet Woman.  

Everything is about Shannon and her pain, and how hard things are for her.  And how people don't understand how hard it is for her.  When Tamra initially brought up her not asking about Eddie's procedure, she told her "It must have been an emotional day"  Well, sure, but it was for Tamra too, and you should have at least been embarrassed that the 1 day she was really freaked out you couldn't put your stuff aside 25% to ask about her stuff.  It's been the Shannon show 24/7 for how long?  She flat out admitted she couldn't even take 2 mins to remember "Oh, Eddie's thing is today, how did it go?" before launching into that day's litany about David and her pain.  Because it was too hard for her to care about another person that day.  And then when people bring it up, she's sorry SHE is such a burden for THEM.  So, it's really about her again, she's not sorry for how alone her friend felt, it's a passive aggressive dig.  

Shannon does acknowledge her stuff more now, compared to when she was first on.  She also offers apologies, but, she then pretty much goes right back to the previous behavior, so they tend to ring hollow.  She apologized to Gina and Emily, for example, for not taking the time to get to know them (because she had so much going on? which, what? again, it was me, me, me), but, at the reunion, it came out that she just really didn't like them so couldn't be bothered with them.  And, I don't believe the women need to be close friends or HAVE to like each other.  That's dumb, but they are coworkers, and they need to be cordial.  I have coworkers I can't stand, but, I'm polite to them.  I know if they are married, I know if they have kids, I ask if they are doing well, if I know one just graduated, I say congrats and I ask what their plans are.  The usual polite chit chat that you maintain, but it doesn't typically extend beyond that.  I also have coworkers that are some of my closest friends, they're like family and know pretty much everything about me.  But, when we're all together (we work in a bunch of different locations), we stick to conversations that everyone can participate in, and everyone is treated as friends, even if it's someone one of us doesn't care for.  That's what Shannon doesn't seem to get, it's cool to not want to vacation privately with Gina, but, when you're at a meal or something for work, you need to be engaged and listening when she speaks, not checking messages and talking shit while she's speaking.

It's as if Shannon believes her suffering is so much more intense and unbearable than anyone else's.  She has said outright that she's entitled to feel her pain and speak her truth.   I think what Shannon means by that is she knows she's being a tiresome complainer, but people better listen to it anyway, and goddamn it, they better be sympathetic too, or there'll be hell to pay (the wide-open mouth and the "wow ... wow" when they don't, she's shaming them for their hurtful callousness).  I used to be a fan, but now I see the spoiled 4 year old sitting there.  (David wasn't wrong about her -- it's obvious upset and insufferable is her default setting but he's still a shitty dick.)

Edited by Anne Thrax
  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

It's as if Shannon believes her suffering is so much more intense and unbearable than anyone else's.  She has said outright that she's entitled to feel her pain and speak her truth.   I think what Shannon means by that is she knows she's being a tiresome complainer, but people better listen to it anyway, and goddamn it, they better be sympathetic too, or there'll be hell to pay (the wide-open mouth and the "wow ... wow" when they don't, she's shaming them for their hurtful callousness).  I used to be a fan, but now I see the spoiled 4 year old sitting there.  (David wasn't wrong about her -- it's obvious upset and insufferable is her default setting but he's still a shitty dick.)

I am not on anyone’s side when it comes to divorce unless I hear both sides.  I would love to hear David’s side, plus Bethenny Frankel’s ex husband Jason’s side.  Both these women seem to have faults.  Gina also.  I’m sure men will not leave the home and children unless there are very good reasons, no?  Although I like Shannon and Bethenny, I can see a guy getting disgusted with them over time.  We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, only what they tell us.  Just curious to hear exactly what they have to say.  David seems happy with this new chick.  She must be carefree and easy going.  Something Shannon was not.

  • Love 4
On 12/10/2018 at 7:24 PM, smores said:

Right, she doesn't have to like Gina or Emily.  She doesn't need to be friends with them.  But, it's not being "the kind, good person" that Shannon proclaims herself to be to announce, to their FACES, that she just doesn't like them.  Or to basically tell people she doesn't have time to get to know them or that they are just too new to bother with.  If other people (like Kelly), are ok with that being the status quo, that's a choice Kelly can make, but, it doesn't make it ok or right.  It still makes Shannon an asshole for not at least being cordial.  

Shannon's idea of being cordial to Gina this reunion episode is to say, unconvincingly, "I appreciate the apology".  How clever of her to play it both ways.  In her mind then, she's shown her polite face in public while still not actually accepting the apology. 

Edited by Anne Thrax
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Sure - but some of them seem to think getting some strange pussy is a very good reason, and they find other "reasons" to justify it.

You have a point.  In the office, I’ve seen the bosses having affairs for years; one in particular for 13 years.  I knew the wife.  Finally someone sent her an annonomos letter telling her of the affair.  She lost like 40 lbs from heartbreak.  She decided to stay with him for the sake of the four kids.  Then, you have women who do the same, so.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

You have a point.  In the office, I’ve seen the bosses having affairs for years; one in particular for 13 years.  I knew the wife.  Finally someone sent her an annonomos letter telling her of the affair.  She lost like 40 lbs from heartbreak.  She decided to stay with him for the sake of the four kids.  Then, you have women who do the same, so.

Yeah, I should've said strange pussy and/or strange dick.  Although one is more prevalent than the other.

  • Love 8
On 12/16/2018 at 8:10 PM, Anne Thrax said:

Shannon's idea of being cordial to Gina this reunion episode is to say, unconvincingly, "I appreciate the apology".  How clever of her to play it both ways.  In her mind then, she's shown her polite face in public while still not actually accepting the apology. 

I don't think Gina even deserved that. Gina clearly saw Shannon as the weakest of the OGs and chose to attack as her strategy. Gina tipped her hand, to the point nothing could be denied with going to Shannon after her surgery to fill her ears up with crap.

  • Love 16
On 12/13/2018 at 1:23 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

That's cool, and I agree to disagree.  What is puzzling about the way you seem to posit Kelly's theory--that the state and source of Vicki's lack of couth is rooted in lack of education--is that self-professed "college educated" Kelly's cruel remarks are about as uncouth as it gets.  Kelly's own words nullify the idea that college education is a sufficient or delineating factor between couth and uncouth.  

It's kind of like saying, "This person uses rude words, likely because they have never been to church.  I go to church every week, so none of you fucking jerk-offs can question my words." The irony and lack of self-awareness that this speech and Kelly's speech demonstrates is of the highest caliber.

None of this excuses Vicki, of course.  I think they both (all) need to learn to communicate at a higher level.  It's getting gross.  

I think this whole question essentially comes down to whether the people in question have class.  The best definition I have ever heard of class is "kindness."  I don't see much (or sometimes any) class between these women.  Sometimes I feel that joining the show is a classless act.  The classiest OC Housewife I can think of off the top of my head is Jeana (not Gina, y'all!  Don't throw things at me!).  And she is not there anymore.  

And sometimes I feel that even watching the show is a classless act.  But here I am.......

Edited by Opine
  • Love 18
On 12/16/2018 at 9:10 PM, Anne Thrax said:

Shannon's idea of being cordial to Gina this reunion episode is to say, unconvincingly, "I appreciate the apology".  How clever of her to play it both ways.  In her mind then, she's shown her polite face in public while still not actually accepting the apology. 

IMO, Gina’s apology was fake.  She went after Shannon from day one.  Gina brought absolutely nothing to the show.

I do feel bad for Shannon....having your marriage dissolve due to infidelity on national television...just horrible.

  • Love 10
On 12/14/2018 at 1:43 PM, Natalie68 said:

Even though I didn't enjoy her time with Billy, I thought Quinn was pretty classy compared to this bunch.  

I liked Quinn.  She was naturally gorgeous with a nice figure and a pleasant personality.   Laurie also knew how to behave like a human woman and not a feral beast.   And Gretchen was shallow, but she had social skills and a good attitude.

ick, tamra, Armenian Peggy, and Gina are all a bunch of unringed sows.  Low down trashy asses. 

  • Love 4

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