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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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Unrelated to current discussion, but something else about the Duggars that gets on my nerves:


JimBob refers to his father as "abusive" because he wasn't religious enough for his liking.  Meanwhile, he subscribes to a cult that actively tells children and women who are being abused to hide it, lie, or worse, are told "pray harder because you deserve it." 


I wish someone would tell JimBob "well you should have prayed more and tried to be a better son."  See how he likes that line of reasoning when applied to him.

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You know, I don't think that Jim Bob and Michelle have had great sex, as conception is their goal and that can be pretty stressful...also, you can just about count the number of times they have had it from the number of children they have, after Josh, of course and this insanity began. I don't think Jim Bob "bothers" Michelle when she is "expecting" and he has a lot of pent up energy waiting for her to birth, yet again and wait that abstaining period after delivery...I think their sex life might really be quite poor.

It also bothers me to no end how those two hold hands blissfully ignorant of the crowd behind them acting as if they are walking down the street totally alone with each other..Michelle doesn't really seem to care if her kids are ok behind her. I know, if I were especially in a foreign country, camera crew OR NOT, I would be holding two of my little kids' hands and my husband would have the other two little ones. They are their responsibility, not the other kids' responsibility. They should still be the "buddies" of the youngest 4. Not responsible parents at all, IMO.

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JimBob refers to his father as "abusive" because he wasn't religious enough for his liking.  Meanwhile, he subscribes to a cult that actively tells children and women who are being abused to hide it, lie, or worse, are told "pray harder because you deserve it."


I was just in court to do a divorce for a client.   The hearing before me was still going on. It was a divorce based on domestic abuse.  The wife testified that her husband had gone in her closet and removed all her pants.   She was only allowed to wear skirts and dresses - regardless of the weather.    He looked over her shoulder when she was on the computer to see what she was doing.   She couldn't go anywhere without him, not even to choir practice.   He wasn't part of the choir but he came along anyway and sat there while she practiced.      The actual physical abuse was glossed over in one sentence of how many times he actually laid hands on her.   Does any of this sound familiar?

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It also bothers me to no end how those two hold hands blissfully ignorant of the crowd behind them acting as if they are walking down the street totally alone with each other

That always bothered me about their duckling "line up" in public.  Walking in front of all the children.  I only have three kids, but when they were small and we were out, especially in an area I was unfamiliar with, I wanted them in front of me, where I could see them. I could walk beside my husband *and* protect my children.  What a concept.

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Look see! We've done it. I know how to put part A into slot B & now we're doing it all the time. We gets to have the sex whenever we want & none of y'all can unless you're married & then you're probably doing it wrong or don't do it nearly as good as we do. We do it so good we have eleventy billion children. That's some good sex there don't ya know. Bet you wish you was banging as much as we're banging. Hey look kids, we can have sex & you can't. Sex. Sex sex sex. We love it. Feels good. Aww, but none for you. Wanna watch us simulate sex? We'll show you. Mmmm, sex.

This made me chuckle because you know that's how they think. Jim Bob, the short,scrawny, homely country bumkin gets to screw the hot cheerleader Michelle. These two make me sick.

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I almost think Michelle wants a disabled or injured child. After all, think of how much attention she'd get from being the "martyred mom" selflessly (ha!) raising her burdened child. She'd think it would be an FU to the pro choice movement.


Agree - MeChelle is lining up for Munchausens-by-Proxy.  Whether it's positive or negative, MeChelle welcomes any and all attention.

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I don't understand why Michelle would almost want a disabled child? She wouldn't be the one raising that child, Jana would be saddled with that responsibility, now FOR SURE for LIFE. That would be downright mean of Queen Michelle to do that to a child and to Jana, as we know it would be her as the "chosen one".

I just watched the episode where irritating  voice Priscilla got married and the family went to Florida for the wedding.  


I'll tell you what really pissed me off-Jim Boob and MEchelle went ahead and left Janderella and Joy there to care for all the littles, pack and take them on an airplane.  Why the heck did these two have to go ahead?  There is no excuse.  None.


And poor Janderella (who obviously had been drinking a lot of koolaid that day) made some comment about being thankful that they left her there to do all this work so she could learn how to do it.  Something silly- can't remember the exact comment.  You already know how to do it Jana.  You've been doing it your whole life. 

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I don't understand why Michelle would almost want a disabled child? She wouldn't be the one raising that child, Jana would be saddled with that responsibility, now FOR SURE for LIFE. That would be downright mean of Queen Michelle to do that to a child and to Jana, as we know it would be her as the "chosen one".


She would want it because the attention would be nonstop for even longer than it was with Miracle Baby.  Leghumpers' awe would increase.  She would get to be an "expert" on yet another situation that she knew nothing about (because, as you say, it would be Jana's responsibility). 


In short, because Michelle is a very selfish person.

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The fact that they think it's cute to talk about 'Duggar time" constantly.  They say it as if it's cute and okay for them to always be late to things.  It's not.  It is quite rude.  


I was watching the episode where they go to volunteer at the fish fry.  Poor Janderella was in the kitchen slaving away, trying to make some quesadillas or something on the stove- lots of them- as Jim Boob is yelling how they need to go now.  MEchelle is doing nothing of course.  Jim Boob tosses in something like "oh thanks Jana for making everyone a snack but we've got to go now".  Get your lazy ass up earlier and make your kids a proper meal before you travel and don't leave it up to your slave Jana.  


They were late of course and the sound man was sitting outside and then lying on the concrete waiting for them.  He finally said, "I'm bailing."  just before they pulled up.  I find it so rude that they could care less about everyone else's time. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
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After watching the Jubilee funeral fiasco, I realized they did much more for this funeral than for the funeral of Boob's father. Granted the elder Duggar may have decided on how his funeral was to be carried out (very simply). But the whole Hee Haw Gang seemed more emotional over a fetus that was ?18 weeks old than they did for their grandfather who they knew their entire lives.

I noticed on the Priscilla wedding episode, when the gang arrived at the church in Florida, Boob made some comment about it was good to see the Kellers & the Wallers. I forget his exact words, but it came across like the Duggars were as important in the wedding as the Kellers & the Wallers. Well I guess they were since they were the opening act with the screechy violins.

One more thing to gripe about --the poor little girls having to wear the leggings under their dresses. It's one thing in the cooler months but they have to be roasting in the summer with long tight leggings on under a layered dress.

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The late thing is one of my top annoyances with them. Not only because it is fecking rude and inconsiderate of other people's time. But....it just isn't necessary. You have how many teenagers/adults in that house? You have triple the amount of people who could help get things going, compared to an average household. And you still can't get it together? I have a 6yo, a 4yo, and a 3yo. I am early to everything, and since my husband works a lot I am usually doing it by myself. They like the use having a big family as an excuse for being late. But, if anything, I see it as a reason they should be on time. Maybe not in the beginning, but now that there are so many older ones? There is no reason for that shit.

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After watching the Jubilee funeral fiasco, I realized they did much more for this funeral than for the funeral of Boob's father. Granted the elder Duggar may have decided on how his funeral was to be carried out (very simply). But the whole Hee Haw Gang seemed more emotional over a fetus that was ?18 weeks old than they did for their grandfather who they knew their entire lives.


When I watched the episode today, JB said in his prayer that they had her for 16 weeks.  

Oh my gosh, my tardiness rant must have really stuck with me - I had a dream that I was trying to get all 3 of my kids ready so I could drop the oldest off at school (which is funny, because we homeschool) and we were running really late. I was tying shoes and looking at my watch and having a panic attack, yelling at my oldest - "They're saying the pledge right now!"

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Ghoulina- that was too funny about your being tardy dream. I'm finding myself reading things in the paper or seeing things on TV & wondering how the Duggars would relate to that situation.

For example yesterday I watched the original Flipper movie, circa ?1964. Good wholesome family movie. Except the Duggars couldn't watch it cuz the dad, who was a fisherman, went around shirtless in a lot of the scenes. Can women be defrauded by this in their culture like the men can with women exposing their parts? And there were scenes of his son & his friend, a girl, in their swimsuits.

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Did anyone notice in the show last night they showed an old picture of the parents and first four kids - Michelle was wearing this bright yellow top that was practically a tank top! I was totally defrauded by her upper arms.

I don't think she bought into the super fundie modesty rules until a few pregnancies messed up her cheerleader body. Typical.

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The recent increased coverage of the Duggars has really reminded me of how annoying they are.

Every time they show flashbacks from the early specials, I cringe to see those pilgrimmy outfits the females all wore. I would love to hear Michelle's explanation for why the kids all wear trendy clothes now. I know they used to sew clothes, but they could have made modest clothes that weren't so costumey.

I hate how they're constantly bragging about how modest they are, which in itself strikes me as immodest. Couple that with the constant sex talk, which is neither modest nor appropriate. People like the Duggars think people like me are going to hell, but you would never see my parents talking about my sex life on national TV (if we had our own TV show, which we never would because we're not total famewhores).

I hate that they act like they're better than everyone else when it comes to finances, but it's likely that we, the taxpayers, picked up the tab for Josie's birth.

  • Love 5

The recent increased coverage of the Duggars has really reminded me of how annoying they are.

Every time they show flashbacks from the early specials, I cringe to see those pilgrimmy outfits the females all wore. I would love to hear Michelle's explanation for why the kids all wear trendy clothes now. I know they used to sew clothes, but they could have made modest clothes that weren't so costumey.


When I saw the preview for this season, with everyone tiffed and well-dressed, I immediately thought back to the early days when they used to sew their own clothes, every girl practically wore the same type of pattern -- it looked dowdy, old fashioned and actually gave credence to their claim to be frugal. Nowadays, it's a whole different story. I think them modernizing their wardrobe went a long way to them staying current. 

Not only is it rude to be late but constantly late shows a total lack of respect for another person's time and in my opinion is controlling.

They don't care. They're the Duggars and they're always late because it's so hard having 19 kids. But if someone does it to them all hell break loose

I don't think she bought into the super fundie modesty rules until a few pregnancies messed up her cheerleader body. Typical.

I wonder what Michelle's body look like after 19 kids and 21 pregnancies

They don't care. They're the Duggars and they're always late because it's so hard having 19 kids. But if someone does it to them all hell break loose

I wonder what Michelle's body look like after 19 kids and 21 pregnancies

Well, 19 pregnancies plus the extra stretch of 2 sets of twins. She's short... no where to go but out. I wonder when her abs last came together. Not dissing her for an "imperfect" body. I'm her height and only had 2 pregnancies. Totally worth it but omg the damage! Edited by mimionthebeach
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Did anyone notice in the show last night they showed an old picture of the parents and first four kids - Michelle was wearing this bright yellow top that was practically a tank top! I was totally defrauded by her upper arms.

I think counseling is in order to move beyond that trauma you pervert ;)

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Like when MEchelle had to start squawking at the littles about not touching during the video reenactment because they were only courting. My eyes almost rolled out of my head on that one. Her (and Jim Bob's) obsession with sex is disturbing and unhealthy. Tell us some more about Jill's sex life Jim Bob.


It's so funny to me that they think they are the paradigm of righteous virtue; I think they're a bunch of perverts.

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I was watching The Waltons (I know, sad, huh?) and Erin felt bad about something so decided to go "plain" to punish herself.  Her mother finally said something to the effect that she was "prideful" because she was calling attention to herself.  Something along the lines of "Look at me, I'm so plain".  I immediately thought of the Duggars.  

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I can't stand their parroting the line that they'll have as many children as God sees fit to give them. Didn't that same God give them working brains they can use to determine how many children they can comfortably afford and give a healthy measure of parental attention and love to? People aren't rabbits breeding willynilly, but the Duggars apparently never got the message.

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You all are going to beat yourself into oblivion insisting that the opposite of modest is pride. The opposite of pride is humble, which the Duggars definitely are not. To many conservative Christians, the opposite of modest is sexy. And sexy means whatever turns the alpha male in the room on.

Long crunchy curled hair
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People have made me wait before.  Once or twice, then I tell them not to bother to come.  Last time the friend said, why not, it's only 10 pm and you don't have to work tomorrow.  I said you are already X hours late and I'm not waiting anymore.  I don't want to see you this time, maybe next time.  She lives a couple of thousand miles away and whenever she comes out, she has never been late since.  Let them get away with over and over and they never stop.  I'm not interested.  People have come over an hour and a half late and I have purposefully gone to the movies or something.  Really pisses me off.

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Grandma Sheila, on 23 Oct 2014 - 5:37 PM, said:

Sure! Maybe you can hitch a ride with Jana. I am certain she will be going soon. LOL


In regards to Jana and Journey to the Heart, when she is bad/noncompliant she is sent there as a student/inmate but when she is a good/compliant girl she gets to be a teacher/leader? Do I have this right?

I was watching The Waltons (I know, sad, huh?) and Erin felt bad about something so decided to go "plain" to punish herself.  Her mother finally said something to the effect that she was "prideful" because she was calling attention to herself.  Something along the lines of "Look at me, I'm so plain".  I immediately thought of the Duggars.  

No, it's not sad. The Waltons is a wonderful show. What is sad is that we watch 19 Kids and Counting!

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People have made me wait before. Once or twice, then I tell them not to bother to come. Last time the friend said, why not, it's only 10 pm and you don't have to work tomorrow. I said you are already X hours late and I'm not waiting anymore. I don't want to see you this time, maybe next time. She lives a couple of thousand miles away and whenever she comes out, she has never been late since. Let them get away with over and over and they never stop. I'm not interested. People have come over an hour and a half late and I have purposefully gone to the movies or something. Really pisses me off.

I bet they were not late for the Today show.


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I can't stand their parroting the line that they'll have as many children as God sees fit to give them. Didn't that same God give them working brains they can use to determine how many children they can comfortably afford and give a healthy measure of parental attention and love to? People aren't rabbits breeding willynilly, but the Duggars apparently never got the message.

I hate when they say this. It's basically Biology and common sense 1+1=3

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She is nearly 50. Yes, she looks young. She doesn't dress young but, her face looks great. I think it is all those pregnancy hormones.


Her body doesn't look young, especially in the blue blouse/denim skirt special, but her face looks on the young side of her age. Tanner and makeup may be helping on camera. I wonder if she dyes her hair. Ugh. Another chore for Jana, if she does. 

In today's news is the death of a 19-year-old Marine in Iraq. One thing that should bug all of us about the Duggars is that they are staunch Republicans who espouse patriotism but not a single one has shown any inclination to serve in the military. Josh? No. John David? No. Duggar in waiting Ben? No. Certainly not any of the young women. I'll give Derick a pass because he did spend 2 years in Nepal following his faith on a religious mission. But for a bunch of flag waving, freedom isn't free types, they sure seem content to stay the hell out of harm's way and let others do the fighting.

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