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See this is what I don't get. Why do people and organizations keep involving Tom in stuff like this? At this point logically his inclusion should be poison. Sure he's a "big star" but he's a tainted one. Not that I'm comparing their situations otherwise, but you don't see Bill Cosby dragged out to introduce stuff just because his name is known by everyone in the world. A lesser version of that should be applying with Cruise. Organizations like NASCAR should understand by now that the whiff of Cray-Cray accompanies him, even if not the whiff of outright evil like with Cosby.


I suppose the connection here being exploited is Days of Thunder.  Tom slathered his Cruise juice all over the NASCAR organization when they made that movie, and then the actual movie gained fans back for NASCAR.

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See this is what I don't get. Why do people and organizations keep involving Tom in stuff like this? At this point logically his inclusion should be poison. Sure he's a "big star" but he's a tainted one. Not that I'm comparing their situations otherwise, but you don't see Bill Cosby dragged out to introduce stuff just because his name is known by everyone in the world. A lesser version of that should be applying with Cruise. Organizations like NASCAR should understand by now that the whiff of Cray-Cray accompanies him, even if not the whiff of outright evil like with Cosby.


I suppose the connection here being exploited is Days of Thunder.  Tom slathered his Cruise juice all over the NASCAR organization when they made that movie, and then the actual movie gained fans back for NASCAR.


Cruise may be cray-cray, but he's still a celeb.  His name brings attention and that brings people, even if it's negative attention.  I know plenty of people who simply don't care about the Scieno connection - - as far as they are concerned, they want to be entertained by his movies and that's all they care about.  I'm sure there are also people that are just waiting for him to jump a couch again.  Cruise is generally always worth the price of admission. 


Although recently he has been rather low key and I imagine he (or more likely his PR team) is desperately trying to rehabilitate his image.

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Cruise may be cray-cray, but he's still a celeb. His name brings attention and that brings people, even if it's negative attention. I know plenty of people who simply don't care about the Scieno connection - - as far as they are concerned, they want to be entertained by his movies and that's all they care about. I'm sure there are also people that are just waiting for him to jump a couch again. Cruise is generally always worth the price of admission.

Although recently he has been rather low key and I imagine he (or more likely his PR team) is desperately trying to rehabilitate his image.

That's how I always felt about Leah. I was a fan of hers in spite of her affiliation with scientology.

I didn't really know she was a scientologist until her wedding and birth shows on VH1. I couldn't understand how somebody as vocal as Leah didn't make a sound during her labor and delivery. I did a little (pre Google) research and read about the silent birth nonsense.

That's when I started reading about scientology.

I just heard about him and his mom running. I thought they went broke from the legal fees, how does she think they'll survive while on the run? These people are crazy. He gets a light tap on the wrist, not even a slap, but a tap, for killing 4 people and they still run?

I hope they find them both soon and put them both in prison. Entitled assholes.

Do they have other kids?

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I just heard about him and his mom running. I thought they went broke from the legal fees, how does she think they'll survive while on the run? These people are crazy. He gets a light tap on the wrist, not even a slap, but a tap, for killing 4 people and they still run?

I hope they find them both soon and put them both in prison. Entitled assholes.

Do they have other kids?

I think he's their only special snowflake.

Thank goodness.

Imagine if they had had a "gang" they could have trained.

Looks like the little shit was videoed violating his probation. And the video was posted on Twitter and went viral.

BIG red flag.

Big enough to make RichieRich run for his life. A violation, I think, would be his ticket to prison.

I was so incredibly disgusted by this case. As most sentient beings were.

Hope they catch him and throw his entitled ass in prison. And throw away the key.

  • Love 6

I didn't watch the episode because I knew it would enrage me. Are his parents still married? It seems like it shouldn't be difficult to track them down. There has to be a money trail.

This case slightly reminds me of a case ten years ago. The woman was drunk and on her phone and killed another woman. She got off on probation and the judge ordered that she had to carry a picture of her victim in her purse. The woman and her attorney were outraged that the victim's family chose a picture of her dead on the autopsy table. Total lack of remorse.

ETA: Under the circumstances I don't mind saying this - that is one homely kid.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 5

He's extremely homely. I'm sure the only reason he had friends and girlfirends was because of his money.

I agree that there has to be some kind of money/paper trail. I'm just wondering where they got the money to flee when I've read they're broke due to legal fees.

Do they really think they can run and hide forever? They'd rather look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives than have him on probation for ten years? These people are insane.

Another thing that makes no sense is that their house is empty. Do most people empty their homes and take all of their belongings when they flee from the law?

  • Love 3

With this injured party refusing to settle and insisting on a jury trial Ethan, and his mom, might have felt the noose tightening.

WOW. Article about 16 year old Lucas McConnell who refused settlement. Up for Texan of the Year!

False identities can work well for long periods of time.

Are we sure they're broke? His dad's company, Cleburne Metal Works, or whatever, had a healthy (multi-millions annually) income and I don't think settlements can exceed a certain percentage of profit. Cleburne is on the hook because the murder-vehicle was registered to them.

  • Love 2

I'm in the Dallas area and the outrage around the little affluenza shit running is palpable. Nobody is really surprised, but still furious all the same. From what I've heard, the parents are no longer together, the dad is cooperating with the authorities but claims he has no idea where they've gone, and apparently most believe the mom and kid are now out of the country and have been for weeks. But most local cops think he'll be caught soon--apparently they expect him to screw up and try to contact friends and use social media.


ETA, NewDigs, both of those articles you linked to are from 2014.

Edited by emma675d
  • Love 4

I'm disgusted, but not the least bit surprised, that Little Affluenza Shit-or "LAS," as I'll call him-has not only shown his ass again  (on Twitter, no less) he's on the lam with his mama, who refuses to take responsibility for her own actions, which is one of the main reasons why LAS is so fucked-up in the first place.  Like mother, like son. Given their track record, chances are they'll get caught way sooner than later and the next judge had better throw the book at both of them.

  • Love 2

I'm in the Dallas area and the outrage around the little affluenza shit running is palpable. Nobody is really surprised, but still furious all the same. From what I've heard, the parents are no longer together, the dad is cooperating with the authorities but claims he has no idea where they've gone, and apparently most believe the mom and kid are now out of the country and have been for weeks. But most local cops think he'll be caught soon--apparently they expect him to screw up and try to contact friends and use social media.


ETA, NewDigs, both of those articles you linked to are from 2014.

Have there been any updates on a trial date for Lucas McConnell? I've not been able to find anything on that. And that concerns me. Been over a year and a half since their intent was made public.

Bolding mine

He's extremely homely.

I'm sure the only reason he had friends and girlfirends was because of his money.

I agree that there has to be some kind of money/paper trail. I'm just wondering where they got the money to flee when I've read they're broke due to legal fees.

Do they really think they can run and hide forever? They'd rather look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives than have him on probation for ten years? These people are insane.

Another thing that makes no sense is that their house is empty. Do most people empty their homes and take all of their belongings when they flee from the law?

Yeah, a face only a mother could love. ;-) And if anything he's grown out of what good looks he might have had.

I didn't know the house had been emptied.

Yes, 149 out of the 560 sheltering at the Iraqi church were accepted into Slovakia.  They were sheltered at a barracks of sorts.  They were under 24/7 surveillance and not allowed to leave the barracks for at least six weeks.  For some reason, cooking was forbidden, so they were served like a school lunchroom.  These arrangements are temporary, and the refugees seemed grateful and positive.

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I finished Troublemaker last night. Overall, I enjoyed it. However, I felt it was a little too light on what she was actually spending money on for Scientology. Like what were the courses for.  I didn't think it was as shocking as she advertised, but part of that could have been because I watched the interview and have been reading here.



I already knew enough about COS that  I was only shocked on a couple of things.  COS requires you to pay and pay and pay to go up levels.  That is where her money went.  You aim to go to the highest level and cross the bridge to get clear.  This takes hundreds of thousands of dollars (if you have it!), if not they take what they can milk from you.  

I got that part, but I was referring (very vaguely, sorry) to things like what she was actually learning in the courses.  It felt like the beginning of the book, she explained more about actual Scientology, but then it became just more about her life. Like when she was there for 2.5 - 4 hours a night, what was she supposed to be learning?


Also, where does she really think Shelly Miscaviage is? 

You aren't paying for anything usually. A lot of it is goobledegook. Some are self-help techniques you can get from normal self-help books. Some are "secret" reveals of passages from Hubbard that aren't otherwise in print. Many are eye-rolling tales of ancient aliens who did weird stuff like enslaving people and putting them through weird experiments/tortures (like the now infamous "stuffing them into a volcano and blowing them up" one that most of us have heard of by now, because you know... it's on the cover of Dianetics) and how this has all clung to our essences through reincarnation since then. And as you go higher the bulk of the money is disguised as retreats and seminars--where you might go on a crappy old boat, sit in a circle with other suckers, hear a lecture, get given some study materials, and get to pay $100,000 for the privilege.


If Leah doesn't reveal exactly about those, part of it may be embarrassment, but maybe also a hair of loyalty--certainly not to Miscaviage but perhaps to the idea of secret knowledge she may on some level still thinks actually helped her (it's not ALL aliens--as I said there's a lot of self-help crap tossed in too). Or there may be little to say at all. I mean it's easy to create filler if that's someone's whole job. Scientology invents words and terms, so it can be whole passages about e-metering sessions and purification rundowns and other strange stuff, and we'd only barely be able to follow it. 


And a lot of what they were asked to do I think are repetitive tasks--that's something I've gotten from stories over the years. Doing stuff over and over again.

Edited by Kromm
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Ethan Couch and his mother have been detained in Mexico


It is unbelievable that this kid learned nothing after killing 4 people and getting off with basically a slap on the hand and neither did his mother.  At this point the parents need to be charged with something or at least the mother. 


Watching the original story both parents attitude was this was all in inconvenience to them instead of being horrified at the loss of life at the hands of their son. Which was due to their total lack of parenting. 


I hope the kid has to serve the maximum they can give him.  If he learned nothing from the horrendous thing he did and killed 4 innocent people in the process then there is no hope for him at this point.

  • Love 6
From the now updated link:

"Sharen Wilson, Tarrant County district attorney, is asking that Ethan Couch's case be transferred to adult court. Ethan Couch then would face up to 120 days in an adult jail, followed by 10 years of probation."


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Cruise's wedding was just another illustration of how fucked up COS is.   She became more argumentative as her eyes opened to things she had not seen before.   That signaled them to go after her with 'punishments,' though they would not use that word.  The money they were getting was just par for the course and did not buy her special treatment.  They milked her because she had the income.  

Edited by wings707

Just finished this last night.  Scary stuff.


I still just don't understand how a rational person gets sucked in (I won't hold it against the kids that are born into the religion).  I'm sorry, but any religion where you have to pay $$$ to advance is a red flag to me.  That's so corrupt and I just don't understand how these folks don't understand that.  How they justify buying all these grand buildings while people working for the church are living in dirty motels?  Makes no sense to me.

  • Love 5

Just finished this last night.  Scary stuff.


I still just don't understand how a rational person gets sucked in (I won't hold it against the kids that are born into the religion).  I'm sorry, but any religion where you have to pay $$$ to advance is a red flag to me.  That's so corrupt and I just don't understand how these folks don't understand that.  How they justify buying all these grand buildings while people working for the church are living in dirty motels?  Makes no sense to me.


A desperate need or longing to be loved and part of a group is part of it.   It takes very little to brainwash someone.  Police do it all the time and end up with a confession from innocent people.  It is scary how easy it is.   Very much so.  Leah and her sister were young so it didn't take much to get them on board. 


I find it fascinating and horrifying.  You know Tom Cruise is not privy to everything that goes on and probably thinks defectors are lying.  I hold hope that there is a collapse in the future.  

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The episode about the Dr in Texas last night is sad. I saw the Dateline one a few weeks ago and although Richelle the girlfriend seemingly had nothing to do with it, I really don't like her I get a bad vibe from her. Also, she has the most frozen botoxed face I have ever seen! I live in California so that's saying a lot. When she talked it was like she could hardly even move her mouth. They also kept saying how gorgeous she was, even in the older pictures I really didn't think so.

That poor dr. He looked and sounded like such a nice guy. How stupid of those 2 guys. Just senseless.

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I also got a bad vibe from Richelle. It seemed to me that she did flaunt her new relationship in Dr. DIxon's face and also led him on a bit when he contacted her about possibly getting back together. What was with her wanting to get an engagement ring from both doctors? It did make me chuckle when she thought she was getting a ring from Dr. Dixon and he gave her the tea of the month club gift. She wasn't all that!

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