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Sonja Morgan: Don't Call her White Trash

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So, everyone on this show is doing a terrible job explaining the whole "Sonja may lose her house" thing. She was sued by that film company and lost. She was supposed to pay them 8.5  million, the lawsuit put her in a shitty financial position so she declared bankruptcy (a Chapter 11) which is to restructure her assets. The film company countersued and won so her original judgment of 8.5 million was not allowed to be written off by the bankruptcy, the film company then filed a lien on her assets meaning she can't get any loans on them and cannot sell any of them without first paying off the 8.5 million to the film company. The reason that everyone keeps saying "She could lose her house" is that the film company could in theory foreclose on those liens, but they probably won't because foreclosure sales never actually make the full market price of the property and I'm not even sure the house is worth that much. It appears she owns the house outright so it isn't a bank possibly foreclosing, it's this judgment lien, which like I said probably won't foreclose. According to this she's renting it out for $25,000/month so I'm going to guess that she's come up with a payment plan or something. Let me know if any of that was confusing! 

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I try not to think too much about Sonja's perilous situation, because it is scary. I like her and I think she's funny and has a good heart, but she seems vulnerable to me. Ladies like her, who trade on looks and luck and sex appeal, need to have good money skills to survive in old age, and she is terrible with money, it seems.

IMO, Sonja really only has luck....don't see her attractiveness in the least.

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Hi, everyone—I'm new to this forum but have watched several of the HoShows religiously and think their attractions are that of a train wreck.


As for Sonja-with-the-sexy J, she is incredibly immature. Watching her is like watching a four-year-old who thinks she is adorable (but isn't). She is painful to watch, truly pathetic IMO. She's delusional. Kristen's husband is a turnoff for me, but his advice to Sonja was spot on: she cannot focus on any one thing and thinks every nutty idea that flits through her brain is going to be her salvation, even if she does nothing to make it happen. She lives in the land of magical thinking —and waaaay too much booze.


I hope her daughter is at a boarding school, because living at home with a mother like Sonja would be close to abuse. Serious neglect and horrendous values. 

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Really. That's a stretch. A big stretch. When you say dealer who thinks of a diamond dealer? And why would they call the cops for someone selling diamonds? That's not against the law.


You know what she means. I know what she means. Cody know what she means. To bad they don't do crossovers. I would have loved to have seen Kandi or Nene react to that one. Ha!

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Since I've only seen the "first look" I can't really say for certain, but my memory of the timing was that they all sit down outside to get their nails done, Cody puts the packet of Swarovski crystals down, Sonja goes on about how expensive they are, Cody opens up the packet and Sonja is remarking about how many there are, how high quality they are, they're folded in a paper packet and loose like you would transport Diamonds and Sonja says something about how her neighbors are going to look down and think Cody's her dealer. 


I'd be totally with you if they weren't on the subject of the crystals when she said it, but for a person like Sonja it wouldn't surprise me to have her think of dealers as diamond dealers and not drug dealers.


Yes it is illegal to sell illegal diamonds, for a variety of reasons, they could be stolen or they could just be conflict diamonds. 

Tulip, she has a great figure and can be charming at times, though. It so much lately.

Cheeto...yes, she does have a great figure....guess, I've had a difficult time understanding her motivations at time; however, I think she may drink a bit too much, and that is affecting her behavior.

Hi, everyone—I'm new to this forum but have watched several of the HoShows religiously and think their attractions are that of a train wreck.


As for Sonja-with-the-sexy J, she is incredibly immature. Watching her is like watching a four-year-old who thinks she is adorable (but isn't). She is painful to watch, truly pathetic IMO. She's delusional. Kristen's husband is a turnoff for me, but his advice to Sonja was spot on: she cannot focus on any one thing and thinks every nutty idea that flits through her brain is going to be her salvation, even if she does nothing to make it happen. She lives in the land of magical thinking —and waaaay too much booze.


I hope her daughter is at a boarding school, because living at home with a mother like Sonja would be close to abuse. Serious neglect and horrendous values. 

Yes, indeed...magical thinking is absolutely right on.....think it, and it magically happens, which is certainly not a good way to function.


I've always thought Sonja had a good heart, despite being so wayward and ridiculous, even cringe-worthy at times, so I've always rooted for her. I can't believe the fall she has taken, the difference since scary island, I still recall how intuitive and sensitive she was in being the voice of reason, telling the girls she was sensing that there was something very serious going on with Kelly. Flash to this season, and the moment she said she was a comedienne, I found a more suitable word I would use instead, sadly: tragedienne. Sonja this season was really very hard to watch. I see a woman unraveling. That's why I was very touched by her funeral for her dog. It seemed at least a healthy good step in the direction of recovering her senses and bringing her back to the reality that she can no longer be wealthy Mrs Morgan living in the nineties. She deserves to let herself work towards a happy future, not bury herself under a wistful past long gone.

Edited by Souvlaki
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When Sonja was "on top" she was quick to let Cindy know the pecking order.

I'm not looking forward to her getting sloppy drunk and passing out.

Cindy who? Haha, yeah she was totally dismissive of Cindy. I distinctly remember finding her behavior embarrassingly ill-mannered. Even back then, the delusion was strong in Sonja, the mess hidden more, but still showing. She was going to be a star in the toaster oven biz! The Churchills, Damn it! I don't quite recall any of the women in particular bonding with poor bore Cindy, more like she picked a 'team' and hung on for dear life, like LU on the camel. She couldn't yell loud enough over the ruckus of that season.

And eh, I hate second hand embarrassment. I'm not looking forward to seeing her show her ass again either.

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I can't find the links right now, dammit.  Maybe scoobiedoobs will chime in on this thread and remember what they were.


I lost any sympathy I had for Sonja financially when I read the details behind the lawsuit against her.  She totally scammed those people and even told them Mr. Morgan would be investing in the film.  She abruptly backed out when John Travolta asked for his salary to be paid at the time he signed the contract (apparently very common practice in the industry).  Sonja couldn't cover her financial ass and just walked away from the project, like she was just stiffing someone with the tab for dinner.


I always wonder if a lot of her on-air shenanigans of incompetency and delusion are part of her repertoire to use the footage as her not being of sound mind and trying to get the decision reversed.  Not that I think it would work but I wouldn't put it past her to try it.


Or maybe what with her scene of passing out at the dinner table she'll try to reverse the decision and claim she was a raging alcoholic but didn't realize it and was mentally impaired by her alcoholism when she put that deal together.


I used to have sympathy for Sonja in this matter until I read the actual details of the proceedings and judgment.  She cost a lot of people a tremendous amount of money with her desire to be the next Kathleen Kennedy and her charade bit her in her liposuctioned ass.  

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... That's why I was very touched by her funeral for her dog. It seemed at least a healthy good step in the direction of recovering her senses and bringing her back to the reality that she can no longer be wealthy Mrs Morgan living in the nineties. She deserves to let herself work towards a happy future, not bury herself under a wistful past long gone.

So well said (sad ?)


I really liked what Heather said about "burying more than Millou"... And I think that it's really what she was doing, but not "aware" or strong enough to put up with what she's experiencing to deal with it... So we see now the result of a kind of bad self-medication.


Only my opinion, of course !

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Thanks Diane, yeah, I was so embarrassed for her, she clearly has no self awareness right now. I'm sure the funeral was just a scintilla of forward movement on her part, and I can see that line of thought- maybe thinking about other fond ol' memories at that location, she proceeded onward, and drank a lot to try to cope. Actually, someone made mention she began drinking very early. She seems to drink more excessively each season. Bad, bad idea obviously, all of it. Sounds like a commando cocktail, indeed.

When Sonja first came on the show, there was a lot of talk about her 'hostess' job.  Here's a link that makes it sound nicer than it was.




This link has a great photo of Sonja and her daughter Quincy.  I had forgotten they named her Quincy!



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I can't find the links right now, dammit. Maybe scoobiedoobs will chime in on this thread and remember what they were.

I lost any sympathy I had for Sonja financially when I read the details behind the lawsuit against her. She totally scammed those people and even told them Mr. Morgan would be investing in the film. She abruptly backed out when John Travolta asked for his salary to be paid at the time he signed the contract (apparently very common practice in the industry). Sonja couldn't cover her financial ass and just walked away from the project, like she was just stiffing someone with the tab for dinner.

I always wonder if a lot of her on-air shenanigans of incompetency and delusion are part of her repertoire to use the footage as her not being of sound mind and trying to get the decision reversed. Not that I think it would work but I wouldn't put it past her to try it.

Or maybe what with her scene of passing out at the dinner table she'll try to reverse the decision and claim she was a raging alcoholic but didn't realize it and was mentally impaired by her alcoholism when she put that deal together.

I used to have sympathy for Sonja in this matter until I read the actual details of the proceedings and judgment. She cost a lot of people a tremendous amount of money with her desire to be the next Kathleen Kennedy and her charade bit her in her liposuctioned ass.

I was going to say this exact same thing so instead of being redundant, I'll just say I agree.

I don't feel a bit sorry for Sonja. I save my sympathy for the people she scammed.

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Here is one summary of what Sonja did, from a magazine about the film business but posted on the website of the attorneys who represented the producer plaintiffs against Sonja.  Sonja was found liable for fraud, the judgment against her has been upheld on appeal, and with interest her fraud judgment owed to Hannibal Pictures is now $8.5. million.  Those producers did their due diligence, called her bank and verified assets; what I believe happened is that John Morgan was also required to be a signatory to everything, and he refused.  If you read down, it apparently came out at trial that Sonja defrauded other producers in the same way; the interviewer says she did this 10 times, and walked away when required to actually give the money over to finance the project.  In this instance, Sonja also had a friend call the plaintiffs and threaten them. 




I've never been on the Sonja train - and she should be glad about that!  Lady Morgan appears exhausted.  But what I mean is I can easily see her using her status while married and after, before the news of her financial problems was splashed around, to be imperious, demanding and abusive towards other people.  Someone who really believes in 'pecking orders' and tells many, many lies to other people about what she has, gets fired after a campaign of complaints from the wives of the rich married men she was trying to snag during her 'businesswoman/restaurant consultant' (hostess) gig for trying to snag their spouses - but weeps about being dumped after being cheated on, insists that she bought properties on her own before Morgan when Carole finally let the world know there was a first Mr. Sonja -- all of that cuts against her being a nice, decent person for me.  She may be lots of fun for brief periods of time around a cocktail, but I think she's hella rachet.  

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Here is one summary of what Sonja did, from a magazine about the film business but posted on the website of the attorneys who represented the producer plaintiffs against Sonja. Sonja was found liable for fraud, the judgment against her has been upheld on appeal, and with interest her fraud judgment owed to Hannibal Pictures is now $8.5. million. Those producers did their due diligence, called her bank and verified assets; what I believe happened is that John Morgan was also required to be a signatory to everything, and he refused. If you read down, it apparently came out at trial that Sonja defrauded other producers in the same way; the interviewer says she did this 10 times, and walked away when required to actually give the money over to finance the project. In this instance, Sonja also had a friend call the plaintiffs and threaten them.


Damn. I knew about the fraud, but actually reading it and getting up close and personal about what the victims have had to deal with and said about it made it land a lot harder. How they must have felt watching her appearance on national television, presenting herself as she does, I would have been pretty upset, though I gotta say I think if karma exists, it is hitting her hard now. They suffered, guess it's her turn. I hope that all those people she swindled have gone on and still created personal success for themselves.

I still have sympathy for her delusional unraveling messiness I suppose, but I won't ever respect her until she rights this wrong. Is there a theif/con artist hanging out in every franchise tree right now? Geesh.

Edited by Souvlaki

I was on the fence about Sonja's movie deal until I read the details.  I do believe Sonja has deluded herself about it.


Sonja also opens up about the business deals that added to her money woes. “I woke up one morning and decided to be a movie producer. I put a slate of five movies together, and I started Sonja Productions. I had a movie come out with Forrest Whittaker and Gabrielle Anwar, and we got two awards, and it was on a roll. And then one of my movie deals, it was one big misunderstanding, and then they sued me and I wasn’t adequately represented, and I lost. That’s ok I’m a survivor. I’ll be fine. I’ll take care of Sonja. What goes around comes around, and the universe always gives back. And I’m such a giver.”


Check out her website: http://www.sonjaproductions.com/#

Y'all have to check out Sonja's linkedin profile




She won NY State Senate Award - Entrepreneurial Lifestyle Brand, Media Ingenuity 2013. C'mon NYS!

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While Sonja Morgan has been putting a positive spin on her bankruptcy proceedings, it looks like things may have been more out of her control than she's admitted. She's talked in the media about considering a sale  of her French villa to help her come out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy, listing it for $7-8 million, but her bankruptcy court documents tell a different story.  


Looks like the much ballyhooed French villa is history now (and for over $1 million less than the price Sonja had listed it), all going towards paying off her bankruptcy judgment.



Looks like the much ballyhooed French villa is history now (and for over $1 million less than the price Sonja had listed it), all going towards paying off her bankruptcy judgment.



Reality hits Sonja.  She needs to hurry up and pay off the judgment-the interest must be killing her.  Here is a story about Sonja's RHONYC earnings: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/06/sonja-morgan-housewives-salary/


Sonja is really lucky and has gotten a lot of positive spin on her 'bankruptcy judgment' - very few outlets explain that the reason she filed for bankruptcy was to get around the fraud judgment, only to find that when the fraud judgment was upheld, she found out that by law, she could not discharge the fraud judgment against her through bankruptcy.  She couldn't walk away because she intentionally deceived the producers and it was a pattern of hers.  It wasn't a mistake in any way; she placed an ad in Variety about having millions of dollars to produce films and encouraged people to come to her to apply for funds she didn't in fact control.  She's been playing games and refusing to pay the people she *lied to and laughed at* again and again for probably 5 years now.  Because that distinction either isn't explained or isn't important to Sonja fans, the threads are always, 'That's sad, she's so nice.'   And I'm thinking, damn, Sonja's such a not-nice person!  She just smiles a lot when she hoists her wineglass or tries to engage in on-camera frottage.  She's the biggest liar and user on the show by a mile.  The meanness she has shown towards LuAnn and Carole this season is probably closer to the real Sonja.  Maybe the 'neighbors will think you're my dealer' crap she said to George's fiance/whatever is part of the real her too. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Sonja is really lucky and has gotten a lot of positive spin on her 'bankruptcy judgment' - very few outlets explain that the reason she filed for bankruptcy was to get around the fraud judgment, only to find that when the fraud judgment was upheld, she couldn't discharge the judgment in bankruptcy.  She's  been playing games and refusing to pay the people she *lied to and laughed at* again and again for probably 5 years now.  Because that distinction either isn't explained or isn't important to Sonja fans, the threads are always, 'That's sad, she's so nice.'   And I'm thinking, damn, Sonja's such a not-nice person!  She just smiles a lot when she hoists her wineglass or tries to engage in on-camera frottage.  She's the biggest liar and user on the show by a mile.

Amen. I agree completely. She is not any better than those thugs Teresa and Juicy IMO.

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Omg, I was loving how John Oliver was interacting with Sonja on WWHL tonight.  He managed to revere her and mock her at the same time.  Brilliant!


She was acting her usual somewhat ridiculous self, but she looked great!



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