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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I'm not saying Jenelle can't have fun. But that's all she does. She has her own manager and is seen in all these photo ops, she really believes her own hype. I feel so bad for the boys because there will be all these pictures of her out and about and not with them

I will say it: Jenelle can't have fun. Her life has been nothing but fun and partying, when she isn't arguing or getting arrested. Seriously, this girl has had more time off from being a mom than any true mom out there. How many of you with kids (including myself) have ever had as much time to themselves as this bitch? My 24th birthday was a simple dinner with my two kids right beside me at a restaurant surrounded by my immediate family. Nothing outrageous. As for vacations, I was 27 years old before I took my first family vacation as a parent and guess what? My kids were with me and my husband. It was another two years before we went on a vacation. Never did I have three vacations in less than a year. I had bills to pay! I remember one of my siblings taking my kids for the weekend out of town to visit family. Oh my gosh. Time to myself! What did I do? I decided to do some major spring cleaning in my house. I didn't have time to clean the months prior because I worked full-time!


No, just no. Jenelle can't have fun. Fun time is over. It should have been over long ago. She should be working full-time and showing her kids what it is to be a parent full-time and how one puts the needs of their children first and foremost.

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Jenelle is requesting a jury trial for her assault charge against Nathan's GF. This is happening in 2016, so if you live in the area, get an excuse Ready now.

No wonder these people have no money...

Oh man, I hope Kesha goes back on tour so we can all relive the "but I have these feathers in my hair" conversation.

Jenelle is requesting a jury trial for her assault charge against Nathan's GF. This is happening in 2016, so if you live in the area, get an excuse Ready now.

No wonder these people have no money...

Oh man, I hope Kesha goes back on tour so we can all relive the "but I have these feathers in my hair" conversation.

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Nathan is worried Jenelle won't let him see Kaiser for Christmas.


She had a big birthday party this past weekend in NYC. Looks like she was likely paid an appearance fee. New boyfriend was with her.


It takes a lot of money to look that cheap. She looks like a stripper. Fake boobs, fake hair, fillers.

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Looking at Jenelle's recent pictures, she clearly had some type of fillers injected into her face. She had a flat, thin face before and now her cheeks are plump and full. In addition to the duck pout, I think that's why she looks so different.

Somewhere on the internet is a post with her shilling for the doctor that's been pumping her full of fillers. I don't remember exactly where I read it. Maybe someone from here posted a link? Maybe that doctor can open a side business with Jenelle's lawyer. They can advertise that they'll keep your ass out of jail and make you look like a stripper so you'll be more classier when you go to court.

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If she doesn't watch out, she will end up looking like Farrah. I don't understand why 18-30 year Olds get plastic surgery. I just don't get it. We all have things we don't like about ourselves but sometimes those things are what others love about us. The way they spend money on plastic surgery by the time they are 50 they won't be able to move their face and look like the cat lady. And it's a damn shame that this money should be gping elsewhere but what do I expect, these women are selfish

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If she doesn't watch out, she will end up looking like Farrah. I don't understand why 18-30 year Olds get plastic surgery. I just don't get it. We all have things we don't like about ourselves but sometimes those things are what others love about us. The way they spend money on plastic surgery by the time they are 50 they won't be able to move their face and look like the cat lady. And it's a damn shame that this money should be gping elsewhere but what do I expect, these women are selfish

Off topic, but has anyone seen JWoww lately? Yeah...WOW and not in a good way

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Jenelle used to look to me like a prettier Kristen Stewart, if that makes sense. The drugs started seriously ruining her looks and then she ruined them more with all these cosmetic procedures. All the money spent on cosmetic procedures could have been put in a college fund for Jace or Kaiser (or shit, a therapy fund); pay for a nice vacation or two for Barb; hired a cleaning lady or assistant to help Barb out; or kept Kiefer in hoodies and Nathan in nipple-exposing shirts for the rest of their lives (cause let's be real, we know she would have spent that money on her "soul mates" rather than her kids or mom who is raising her son).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Jenelle posted a video of herself at Sea World (taken by her latest love).  No kids, of course.  The comments are great:


- Oh I wonder what Jace and Kaiser thought about the sea lions! Oh wait…
- Those little boys must be so tired now after their day of seashell collecting, bicycling and now sea lions!
- It’s so great that their mom takes them on all her vacations! They are such lucky little boys!



Edited by Bella Roche
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Jenelle posted a video of herself at Sea World (taken by her latest love).  No kids, of course.  The comments are great:


- Oh I wonder what Jace and Kaiser thought about the sea lions! Oh wait…

- Those little boys must be so tired now after their day of seashell collecting, bicycling and now sea lions!

- It’s so great that their mom takes them on all her vacations! They are such lucky little boys!



Fuck this chick is nutter.

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Apparently last week Jenelle's soulmate of the moment called the police on Barbara when she and Jenelle got into (verbal) fight.


Also, Jenelle went to Florida to talk to Dr. Miami about getting her chin "shaved" (according to Snapchat).

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Sooooo she can spend money on her fucking chin shaving and move another fucking dude in and still can't bother to get her shit together to get her first born. What a fucking waste.

Yes she pisses me off and I know that all she cares about is tacky tattoos, dick, talking about how stressed she is, and her latest trips.

She is not a mother and does not deserve the fame she has received. Barb has raised Jace and I hope MTV money is making her life a little easier

Edited by toodywoody
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I don't want her to ever get custody of Jace. How many boyfriends have been paraded around her son since he has been born? Jace is what six or seven now and there have been at least that many in and out of his life?

I know I'm talking about Jenelle here. It is sad that she and women like her care more about their latest soul mate instead of providing a stable home for their children. I checked out her instagram and that pissed me off. All sorts of pictures of her and then some of her and the Roll, barely any of Jace in the past month or so. And I know there should be pictures of her since it is her Instagram, but it is the type she is posting that pissed me off. I couldn't even go any further than around a month because it was pissing me off so much

There is this girl I used to work with. She has a little girl around 3 or 4, she quit about seven or eight months ago and within that time has gotten pregnant, dated three soul mates and is no longer with the one that got her pregnant and was said to not kept the baby and is on the third soulmate.

While it is her life, I fear for the kids involved in the lives of people that are like this. There is no stability for their children and these men and women are constantly looking for their new soulmate. They are opening up their children to these people by bringing them around their children and there is the potential for their children to get hurt. I just wish they would think of their children instead of themselves.

And this is coming from someone that got pregnant and stopped my partying and did not parade anyone in and out of her life. Sure it was lonely, but I saw my friends do this and their children get attached to the latest live in or husband, only for bad things to happen and then them break up.

I just wish most of these girls would be smart with their money and quit going on a cockhunt. I wish they would focus on their children and their well being. Leah and Jenelle, specifically .

Edited by toodywoody
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I've been re-watching on Hulu and I'm currently On season 3. I keep yelling at the TV in practically every Janelle scene. Man, I thought Farrah was bad! At least Farrah seems to love and care about her daughter. Janelle is just a miserable human being. Is it wrong that I wish someone would just beat the living crap out of her?!?!

  • Love 2

I've been re-watching on Hulu and I'm currently On season 3. I keep yelling at the TV in practically every Janelle scene. Man, I thought Farrah was bad! At least Farrah seems to love and care about her daughter. Janelle is just a miserable human being. Is it wrong that I wish someone would just beat the living crap out of her?!?!


eh.. I think Farrah is just a better faker. I agree Jenelle is just straight up miserable, though. I kinda think she has had the living crap beaten out of her at least a couple of times, if the tabloids and arrest records are correct. It doesn't seem to make any difference in how she treats people or who she picks to be in her life.

Why is this chick in miami?

Some of the Teen Mom sites are saying she's down there to see Dr Miami like Kail. Word on the street is that she's going to have her chin shaved. If she's stopped posting daily pics of her newest soulmate and herself on Instagram, I'll bet she is down there to have cosmetic surgery. Someone asked her if she was having a butt job and she replied saying she doesn't have any fat to pump into her ass.

I'm not good with posting links but according to Radar Online Jenelle returned from her Florida trip only to find her car gone from the airport parking lot. Turns out Nips helped himself to it. She was going to file auto theft charges against him, but couldn't since his name was on the title too. Had to settle for larceny.

I'm sure ol' trusty Dustin Sullivan is glad she's back in North Carolina again!

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I'm not good with posting links but according to Radar Online Jenelle returned from her Florida trip only to find her car gone from the airport parking lot. Turns out Nips helped himself to it. She was going to file auto theft charges against him, but couldn't since his name was on the title too. Had to settle for larceny.

I'm sure ol' trusty Dustin Sullivan is glad she's back in North Carolina again!

I know Nathan's a jerk and this was a jerk thing to do, but damn if it couldn't have happened to a better person than Jenelle. I admit it, I laughed and thought "Haha! Go Nathan!"

Then I remembered these two idiots have a child together (and kids with other people too)......


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I'll begrudgingly admit Jenelle has gotten herself into great physical shape. Of course, when other people raise your kids for you, it's easy to find the time to work out.

I'm guessing Dr. Miami told her he couldn't help her with her chin shaving, so she decided to scrap the idea and go home.

Someone else raising your children, no job, no responsibilities.... heck, I'd be a size 0 if I had NO responsibilities either. As it is, I have to get up at 5am in order to get my workout in, because I have a job, a family and other responsibilities to deal with during the day and after work (it's a slow day at the office today, so I can stalk these boards ;-) )

  • Love 5

Someone else raising your children, no job, no responsibilities.... heck, I'd be a size 0 if I had NO responsibilities either. As it is, I have to get up at 5am in order to get my workout in, because I have a job, a family and other responsibilities to deal with during the day and after work (it's a slow day at the office today, so I can stalk these boards ;-) )


I think genetics and a decent metabolism are also at play with Jenelle (just like with Leah). Frankly I don't see time being very good to her, even if she works out 4 hours a day for the next decade. She has one of those hard faces that doesn't seem like it will age well and I doubt she'll have the money in 15+ years to fix it up.

  • Love 4

I think genetics and a decent metabolism are also at play with Jenelle (just like with Leah). Frankly I don't see time being very good to her, even if she works out 4 hours a day for the next decade. She has one of those hard faces that doesn't seem like it will age well and I doubt she'll have the money in 15+ years to fix it up.

Very true... the smoking doesn't help with the aging process either. All the smokers I know look 10+ years older than their actual age (once you hit about 40)

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According to her Instagram she decided not to have any work done in Miami. Something about working hard to attain the body she has and that being good enough....


Well, on the one hand, I salute her for being willing to do the work it takes to get in shape. On the other, I find it ridiculous that of all the things she needs to work hard on- school, finding a job, getting her ass into therapy, making amends to Barb and Jace, single parenting Kaiser, staying sober, to name a few- the ones she focuses on are her physical appearance and her social media presence. Both of which are fleeting and will be wrecked or irrelevant within the next 10 years.

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Well, on the one hand, I salute her for being willing to do the work it takes to get in shape. On the other, I find it ridiculous that of all the things she needs to work hard on- school, finding a job, getting her ass into therapy, making amends to Barb and Jace, single parenting Kaiser, staying sober, to name a few- the ones she focuses on are her physical appearance and her social media presence. Both of which are fleeting and will be wrecked or irrelevant within the next 10 years.


But if she didn't work on her looks and her online popularity, however would she nab the shallow, brain-dead losers she is ever so attracted to? Is she was to work on being a better mother, daughter and human being, she might have to start dating decent men. Can't have that! LOL

Jenelle is fucking lazy like the rest of them. If she makes it to the gym three days a week, i'd be surprised. Like someone else mentioned, I think she can just naturally stay slim.

She tried to get the chin shaving but the Dr. Miami guy said she'd need a chin specialist. Which would not be free. Now she's talking about how great it is to make your body better naturally. Such BS. You live on TV and social media and then you try to BS people.

Too bad these fucking morons can't work out to make their brains bigger...

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Jenelle is fucking lazy like the rest of them. If she makes it to the gym three days a week, i'd be surprised. Like someone else mentioned, I think she can just naturally stay slim.

She tried to get the chin shaving but the Dr. Miami guy said she'd need a chin specialist. Which would not be free. Now she's talking about how great it is to make your body better naturally. Such BS. You live on TV and social media and then you try to BS people.

Too bad these fucking morons can't work out to make their brains bigger...

I don't know. I'm a pretty fitness-obsessed person, and when I get lazy, I get really skinny. It takes a lot to get me to build the kind of muscle definition Jenelle has, and that sort of thing doesn't happen naturally. The "love of her life" was gym-obsessed, so she probably hopped on the bandwagon. She used to have a fairly average body, buoyed by youth and breast implants, but the most recent stuff she's posted shows real muscle tone. She's definitely been doing something else at the gym besides stalking Nathan.

Eugh, I can't build muscle tone at all.  I eat pretty healthy, I run a few times a week but I still can't shift the fat around my thighs.  


I think that Jenelle has been spending a lot of time at the gym.  What else does she do with her life?  Babysit the Roll (I can't call it parenting) and complain to Babs?  Even a soulless being like Jenelle has to leave the house at some point and not just holiday trips with the most recent love.  She has to look hot for those Instagram pictures!

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At least Andrew left and stayed gone.I'd say that's a whole lot better than giving him to grandma, popping in and out, parading an endless stream of wanna-be-daddies through his life, fighting constantly in front of him, pretending like she wants him back, but doing basically nothing about it, while birthing and keeping another child. Yea, I'd say Andrew wins the parenting battle hands down.

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I just watched the episode where Andrew takes a DNA test to see if he's Jace's dad.

This line from Jenelle still has me laughing 3 hours later...

"I don't know how anybody can have a child and just leave them". Then she went on to say she doesn't understand why he doesn't care.

Oh Jenelle, you stupid cow.

I yelled at the TV at this scene, on my re-watch. I am still shaking my head that 5+ years later she still has no intent of ever being Jace's mom.

  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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