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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I hate to say it, but I agree with everyone saying Dave shooting Nugget isn't going to be enough to remove the kids permanently. 

I'm not an expert on the system, but I thought there had to be a laundry list of documented, proven incidents before that becomes a possibility. CPS is out there on a regular basis, but the cases are always closed, and neither David nor Jenelle has ever been arrested or convicted of child abuse. 

I think the State's hands are gonna be tied and that means Ensley and Maryssa aren't going anywhere. Kaiser might fare better because he has paternal family actively fighting for him. 

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I hate to say it, but I agree with everyone saying Dave shooting Nugget isn't going to be enough to remove the kids permanently. 

I'm not an expert on the system, but I thought there had to be a laundry list of documented, proven incidents before that becomes a possibility. CPS is out there on a regular basis, but the cases are always closed, and neither David nor Jenelle has ever been arrested or convicted of child abuse. 

I think the State's hands are gonna be tied and that means Ensley and Maryssa aren't going anywhere. Kaiser might fare better because he has paternal family actively fighting for him. 

Agree. I think Kaiser has a decent chance of staying with Nathan as long as Nathan is actively trying to keep him. Jenelle always squawked about getting Jace back but never followed through with any of it so as long as there is any kind of opposition to getting Kaiser back, I think she'll let him go.

But yes, Ensley and Maryssa are going back, if CPS even takes them to begin with. And honestly, as awful as living with David would be, they might be (physically) safer with the status quo than if anyone tried to fight him for custody. I don't want to spell it out here, even though I think it's true, just because it's such an awful thing to think or say, but Ensley and Maryssa could easily become collateral damage (physically, not just emotionally) if that psycho feels threatened.

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14 hours ago, kicksave said:

She could leave if she wanted to...MTV could whisk her out or hook her up with a safe place to live. She is irresponsible and negligent for staying in an abusive relationship that has resulted in the cruel death of a pet and long term emotional damage to her children. Just the fact that she has allowed her husband to accumulate and openly brandish guns and assault rifles in front of her children is evidence of gross neglect. I’m sorry but she does not deserve to have custody of her kids...she could leave with Ensley and divorce him but she won’t. She’s a dysfunctional mess and marrying  this guy was the worst mistake she’s ever made...and she’s made a lot of mistakes. 

I remember back in my Women's Studies college courses - the first day the teacher started a list on the whiteboard, asking us to name the reasons why women stay with their abusers.  Most people said lack of options, lack of money, afraid for their lives, etc.  No one got the number one reason - LOVE - they love them.  Everyone says, hey, you can leave, you have options and support, but they forget she LOVES David.  That is why she is sticking with him.

It is really hard to convince someone to leave someone they love.  I am sure we have all had that friend who stays with a jerk (not always abusive).  It will take her falling out of love with him.  

I have to say I am just happy Kaiser is not there.  Worried about the girls, and the animals, too.  

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Yes, in most cases I would always say to stick with your husband and definitely choose him over a tv show... but not in this case. The TV show is much more beneficial for her than this lunatic. I don't care what happens to Jenelle in life and it sounds cruel, but this isn't just a young, immature girl. She is a grown adult who is bordering on evil and doesn't seem to think twice about how she treats her mother or how her kids are treated or about anything other than the asshole of the moment that she's with. Case in point- when she decided to skip out on going to jail because she just COULDN'T miss the Kesha concert. It was certainly entertaining as a viewer to watch that, but is there any other person in this world as dumb as she is? I honestly can't think of many. I also feel like anyone who can choose to stay married to someone like David is just psychopathic and deserves what she gets. 

Also wondering how Jenelle is going to be paying for all these lawyers to get her kids back without her MTV money. Marriage boot camp is not going to provide her money forever , especially since the girl is literally ALWAYS in court. I read a statement from her that everyone is always doing things to her and she is so sick of the drama. That's another thing about her is that she can never and will never accept responsibility for anything that happens in her life. She thinks her life is so dramatic and chaotic for no reason. She truly is a classic narcissist.

Marriage Boot Camp is NOT hiring Jenelle and David to appear on their show. They put out several statements about this.

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Hi y’all. I (and many of us here) have been saying for years that this is not going to end well. 

Barb was right when she said David was the worst boyfriend Jenelle has ever had.

I’m so glad Kaiser isn’t on The Land. I really hope Ensley and Maryssa get out, too.

Part of me worries if David doesn’t take this out on Jenelle and the girls, he will take this out on Barb. I’m especially worried about this if CPS places Ensley with Barb. MTV should be ponying up for Blackwater (or whatever they’re called now) level armed security guards for Barb for the next few days/weeks, especially if the courts give her temporary custody of Ensley.  Heck, MTV could even spring for a nice AirBnB in the area where Barb lives for her and her household to hide out in for a while just in case (it would probably be cheaper than armed guards, too). In any case, I feel like MTV has some moral obligation (hahahaha, I know, they don’t have morals, but still...) to try to protect Barb and the kids that are with her. (And I agree with other posters that this is a rare case where it seems like Ensley would be better off with strangers who work with CPS rather than a family member, at least for everyone’s physical safety.) 

I really hope maybe there’s some random cousin or aunt/uncle on David’s side who is sane and who knows the kids but doesn’t have “beef” with David who is stable and kind. Maybe Ensley & Maryssa could be placed there without David completely losing it at them/putting them in danger (and also because I kind of hope Ensley & Maryssa, at least, get to stay together and because is Barb is honestly too old to take on raising another child for 16 more years). 

Ugh. I‘m worried about the girls but also about Barb & Jace depending on how this all shakes out & how David’s crazy temper flares. Nobody better let anything happen to Barb & her household. I’ll be forever pissed at & hold MTV at least partially responsible if it does. 

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Ok so I can't delete this inappropriate smiling emoji for some reason, so please forgive me if it seems like I'm smiling at a potential murder suicide.

I don't think Jennelle deserves to be violently murdered! She's made terrible decisions at great cost to innocents, but wishing her to be terrorized and shot dead seems a little...much. David I'd like to see in jail forever and I wish it wouldn't take the crime we all know he will commit eventually to put him there. 

I think he likes to kill, and that more than the prepper bullshit is why he has a farm. I think he likes to slaughter the animals and build himself up by saying he's a provider or some shit. But he just likes to watch living things die. I guess this is where I say JMHO, but it sure feels like stating a fact.

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Maybe it is me......but, it is about time serious charges were brought up against Janelle and her husband.

Jace and David’s daughter are old enough to ‘testify’ and tell authorities what is going on in the home. CPS has ALL the information about the abuse. Jace has never sugar coated on TM2. 

Authorities are shit, though.  

Long time ago I said this.....but, if you are in a domestic violence situation.  Tell the authorities your husband is abusing the dogs (cats).

That gets an emergency reaction out of them.

Never mind if you and your children get beat to a pulp on a daily basis. 

You are getting arrested....tell them you are having chest pains.  They gotta take you to the hospital. You need 911....ASAP.....tell them someone is unconscious. They gotta come in 5 minutes.

I will never forget how the 911 operator treated Amanda Berry. These emergency  people ain’t shit!

And, someone is going to end up dead on The Land.

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6 minutes ago, The Mighty Peanut said:


Ok so I can't delete this inappropriate smiling emoji for some reason, so please forgive me if it seems like I'm smiling at a potential murder suicide.

I don't think Jennelle deserves to be violently murdered! She's made terrible decisions at great cost to innocents, but wishing her to be terrorized and shot dead seems a little...much. David I'd like to see in jail forever and I wish it wouldn't take the crime we all know he will commit eventually to put him there. 

I think he likes to kill, and that more than the prepper bullshit is why he has a farm. I think he likes to slaughter the animals and build himself up by saying he's a provider or some shit. But he just likes to watch living things die. I guess this is where I say JMHO, but it sure feels like stating a fact.

I agree with you.  I don't like Jenelle at all, but I am disturbed by the idea that she deserves to die.  It makes me deeply uncomfortable.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I hate to say it, but I agree with everyone saying Dave shooting Nugget isn't going to be enough to remove the kids permanently. 

I'm not an expert on the system, but I thought there had to be a laundry list of documented, proven incidents before that becomes a possibility. CPS is out there on a regular basis, but the cases are always closed, and neither David nor Jenelle has ever been arrested or convicted of child abuse. 

I think the State's hands are gonna be tied and that means Ensley and Maryssa aren't going anywhere. Kaiser might fare better because he has paternal family actively fighting for him. 

But David didn't just shoot the dog out in the woods, he viciously battered the dog first. He's considered the most dangerous person in three counties. I'm not sure if this is because of his arsenal that he videotaped and posted online, or his threats to shoot any trespassers, his thinly veiled threats against the president, or because of the arsenal and laundry list of proven and unproven crimes he's committed, along with his drug use. He clearly has severe psychological issues and has no business raising children. Any agency that would give children back to him is as fucked up as he is.

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North Carolina authorities were reportedly looking for Jenelle Evans and David Eason after they failed to turn their daughter Ensley and David’s daughter Maryssa over to CPS last night. As The Ashley told you yesterday, a judge signed an order on Monday to have both girls removed from the Easons’ care.

Although Jenelle and David refused to turn their kids over to authorities, they did bring the girls to another location and place them in the care of someone else. Us Weekly is reporting that the girls are at the home of their paternal grandma, Laura Jo Eason, and while that may very well be the case, The Ashley has not been able to confirm it.

Jenelle and David’s mom have had a strained relationship over the years. Right after the news broke that David had shot and killed Jenelle’s dog, David’s mom posted about it to her social media, causing Jenelle to rage-post about David’s mom on her own social media accounts.

CPS is still investigating and the kids will remain out of their parents’ care until further notice, though. But The Ashley can confirm that there are no more kids currently in the care of Jenelle and David. It is not yet known if CPS will seize the children from their current location(s).

As The Ashley told you, the couple left their home on The Land on Tuesday, but returned Tuesday night. (David and Jenelle returned home, but it is unknown if the girls were with them or not. It appears that they may have taken the girls to the other location yesterday and returned home solo.)

Jenelle was spotted at a North Carolina courthouse on Wednesday morning with her lawyer. The Ashley hears that Jenelle’s lawyer has been attempting to get the CPS investigation squashed but has not yet been successful.

Radar Online reports that “Jenelle is meeting with the kids at social services this afternoon. It is supervised visitation. She asked and they are going to allow it.”

Jenelle and David are currently back home on The Land.

Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, has been contacted, and was supposed to be taking temporary care of Ensley. However, she does not currently have the two-year-old in her care.

David’s son Kaden is no longer allowed to visit his father. David was not allowed to associate with his son (with ex Olivia Leedham) for most of the boy’s life. In 2017, Olivia began allowing visitation between David and Kaden, but stopped after the 911 call made by Jenelle in October 2018 went public. Olivia went back to court to get David’s visitation with Kaden discontinued, and earlier this month, a judge sided with Olivia, ruling that Kaden would not have to go to his father’s.

Edited by druzy
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Has animal control tried to find or have they located sweet little Nugget's body?  I f*king see red whenever I imagine how that puppy was tortured.  At least being shot (presumably in the head) is a quick death.  If they ever locate the body, someone should be able to tell if he was beaten first.

As long as the kids and other animals are safe, I could not care less how David and Jenelle are annihilated.  

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As happy as I am she is no longer on Teen Mom 2, I would LOVE to see the complete meltdown of these two that must be happening on the Land right now. (assuming there is no violence, of course!!) The lack of personal responsibility, the "it's not fairs", the "leave me alones", the "dudes"......woulda been somewhat entertaining after all the years we have spent wishing she would finally have some consequences for her actions!

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Ugh, this is why Jenelle is such a garbage person. It sounds like the kids have to be removed from David only- so if she ditched him, even temporarily, she could keep her kids (at least her bio kids).

I'll tell you what, if Mr. Tatum was accused of something horrible and CPS got involved, even if I was 100% CERTAIN that the accusations were false or grossly exaggerated, you can bet your ass I'd toss him under the bus with 0 regrets if that's what it took to keep my kids. Sure, I'd feel awful about it, but I would do it. And if the situation was reversed, I'd expect him to do the same, even if that sucked that he wasn't standing by me, because at that point our kids would need him more than I would.


Radar Online reports that “Jenelle is meeting with the kids at social services this afternoon. It is supervised visitation. She asked and they are going to allow it.”

I'm honestly surprised she even asked CPS if she could see her kids  Maybe Ensley was wearing Jenelle's favorite hairclip or something and Jenelle wanted the chance to snag it back.

Or it could be one of the unfounded stories reported and not true.

7 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

How come ‘The Ashley’ knows so much?  

Is ‘The Ashley’.........Barbara?

I think she knows of few of the producers or other crew members. She has used family members of the TMs before I think but a lot of them aren't that reliable.

Edited by Tatum
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I know somebody already said this, but I think it bears repeating - all this is happening because Jenelle publicly disclosed that David killed her dog.  If she hadn’t done that, nobody would have known, and everything would have remained the same.  

She lost her job, she lost her kids - all because of her social media post.  She is so stupid.  

R.I.P. Nugget.  

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

I don't think Jennelle deserves to be violently murdered! She's made terrible decisions at great cost to innocents, but wishing her to be terrorized and shot dead seems a little...much. David I'd like to see in jail forever and I wish it wouldn't take the crime we all know he will commit eventually to put him there. 

I don't think anyone deserves to be violently murdered.  I honestly don't.  We, as a society, shouldn't condone it.

That said ... would anyone really be surprised if it played out that way?  (Rhetorical question, no, no we wouldn't.)  That doesn't make it right or just, but at the same time, it's an entirely sad and depressing pattern of behavior that we're all too familiar with.

1 hour ago, Zoupysales said:

Has animal control tried to find or have they located sweet little Nugget's body?  

Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation offered up $10K reward for info/remains.  There's a sick and cynical part of me that thinks Jenelle may take them up on it when she realizes she's gonna be facing some additional legal bills soon.

16 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

I know somebody already said this, but I think it bears repeating - all this is happening because Jenelle publicly disclosed that David killed her dog.  If she hadn’t done that, nobody would have known, and everything would have remained the same.  

She lost her job, she lost her kids - all because of her social media post.  She is so stupid.  

R.I.P. Nugget.  

I hate to say this too, but if it wasn't Nugget, it was going to be another animal on The Land.  (Also, I hope no really twisted fuck turns this into a novel aka A Dog's Journey/Purpose/Sacrifice.)

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, The Mighty Peanut said:


Ok so I can't delete this inappropriate smiling emoji for some reason, so please forgive me if it seems like I'm smiling at a potential murder suicide.

I don't think Jennelle deserves to be violently murdered! She's made terrible decisions at great cost to innocents, but wishing her to be terrorized and shot dead seems a little...much. David I'd like to see in jail forever and I wish it wouldn't take the crime we all know he will commit eventually to put him there. 

I think he likes to kill, and that more than the prepper bullshit is why he has a farm. I think he likes to slaughter the animals and build himself up by saying he's a provider or some shit. But he just likes to watch living things die. I guess this is where I say JMHO, but it sure feels like stating a fact.

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone on this opinion. I do think if she decides to stay with him, I hope she doesn't get the kids back, especially Kaiser. But I wouldn't agree that if he killed her that that's what she deserves. Hopefully the courts force her to choose and if she decides to stay with David, she loses custody of both of her boys and they never have to be around him again because he is fully capable of hurting them. 

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

I'll tell you what, if Mr. Tatum was accused of something horrible and CPS got involved, even if I was 100% CERTAIN that the accusations were false or grossly exaggerated, you can bet your ass I'd toss him under the bus with 0 regrets if that's what it took to keep my kids. Sure, I'd feel awful about it, but I would do it. And if the situation was reversed, I'd expect him to do the same, even if that sucked that he wasn't standing by me, because at that point our kids would need him more than I would.

This! It is the only responsible thing to do as well.  I don't care if the charges were 100% false, if the CPS said Mr.LBS couldn't be around my hypothetical children, he would willing be out before the ink dried.  Fight the accusations and petition the courts  but cooperating with the CPS seems to be a no-brainer. 

 I hate that house of horrors and I just wish that Maryssa would be offered a lot of counseling because that girl has most likely internalized a lot of bad feelings. I wouldn't be surprised if she is blaming herself for starting this for not watching Ensley closer, not having the dog with her, etc.  We all know that Jenelle and David are master deflectors and since she is the oldest, I bet all the blame went on her. 

ETA: I also think this recent fleeing of the swamp is to buy Jenelle and David time so the bruises/cuts from the most recent beatings have faded/healed on all three girls.  I also don't rule out that Jenelle also beats the kids when she isn't getting abused.   

Edited by LBS
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Congratulations Jenelle! You stupid fucking POS. 

No surprise she chose current soulmate over her kids. You know - the one she hooked up with less than a month after Nathan dumped her.  IMO - they always seemed to be just her props for Teen Mom and her soulmate trap. Without the show she would have never pursued custody of Jace. No matter how many “loving family” photos she posts on Instagram. 

Now she’s left alone on The Land with an armed, raging, psychotic (guns, bow and arrows, poison darts etc.) POS. He’s probably right now playing target practice with those chickens.

She probably thinks it will all just blow over shortly. Cause she’s fucking stupid. My only solace is how she’ll be depleting her money on lawyers. With no big paychecks in sight. She’s so fucking stupid and delusional she probably thinks there’s another one right around the corner.

My guess is little Kaiser has been singing like a canary. Imagine working at his daycare when they brought him in like nothing was wrong after David murdered that poor dog.

They’ll likely get Ensley and Maryssa back eventually. Hopefully with some sort of ruling about violent, stupid hillbilly arsenal’s (apologies to hillbillies). 

I’m guessing that Barb will be successful getting an order Jace isn’t allowed around David. If Nathan wasn’t such a fuck up himself, he’d probably get full custody of Kaiser too. Let’s see how serious he really is (i.e. moving back to NC from FL and getting a real job).

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3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

How come ‘The Ashley’ knows so much?  

Is ‘The Ashley’.........Barbara?

I’m curious about this too. I always assumed somebody inside production was giving her the “scoop”. Now I’m not so sure. MTV has washed their hands of her for good. Took them long enough after coddling her ridiculous behavior for all these years.

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The documents obtained by Radar noted that David and Jenelle testified in court on April 23, 2019, sharing details about their personal finances, including the fact that David earned a whopping $60,000 - $120,000 per year from MTV in 2017 and 2018, before he was fired from Teen Mom 2 for his homophobic rants.

“Jenelle Eason testified she earned over $400,000 in 2018 as a participant on reality television program,” the judge noted in the court papers. Radar was the first to report that MTV fired Jenelle after David killed her dog.



Go to the second image in the next post to continue with paragraph 16.

Edited by druzy
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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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