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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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10 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Beating and shooting, this is making me sick:

After Nugget nipped at 2-year-old Ensley, Eason sprung up, grabbed the dog by the throat and slammed it on the ground.

We’re told Eason then began beating the dog inside the house, allegedly hitting it in the throat and throwing the french bulldog into a kitchen table.

The dog was wailing while Eason rained punches down on the animal’s head, and everyone in the house was too terrified to stop him during the attack.

Eason then picked up the lifeless dog and threw it out the front door, before walking inside the house and grabbing a pistol and shotgun, and then returning outside.

We’re told after the dog was shot to death, Eason returned to the home with his hands and clothes “covered in blood.” We’re told Jenelle was home at the time, but the scene was so intense and traumatic that nobody said anything to Eason.


Sources close to the situation tell us they believe Eason had been plotting to kill Nugget, and believe the entire incident was premeditated.

Oh my god, I feel ill. This is ten times worse than I thought. Somebody get this rotten pos before he goes on a rampage.

Also want to change the name of this forum to reflect community feeling re Jenelles continuing employment.

  • Love 23

Jenelle used to be just an extreme hot mess, but this whole season and last season, she really has crossed the sociopathic, psychopathic line. She is an accessory to her husband murdering a dog , sets Kails products on fire, has shown to be neglectful and at the very least emotionally abusive, .. and oh yeah, she is married to a raving lunatic who is abusive to children and animals. I don't care about her life because honestly, that girl has been a horrible human being from day 1 and she hasn't matured a bit . Everything is always everyone else's fault and she never takes responsibility for anything she does or anything her husband does. David is 100000 % a lost cause and those poor children are suffering and will most likely grow up to be violent. How could they not be? Their entire lives are surrounded by chaos and abuse. How they are still living in that home is beyond me . I used to joke about David killing someone someday, but I I truly believe he will. MTV is showing all of those girls that they can do ANYTHING (except make porn apparently) and not be fired. Jenelle can't even film a scene without David threatening to show up at the location. The joke would be on them if MTV ever truly fired Jenelle.. but if it hasn't happened yet, my guess is it never will.

  • Love 19

There was recently a high profile animal abuse case in my area:

"Mount Clemens — A judge Tuesday condemned a Utica man's "unbelievable cruelty" and sentenced him to 3-6 years in prison for torturing and killing his adopted dog.

Alexander Gerth, 23, was given the prison time by Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Richard Caretti, who told him: "Words are inadequate to express the depth and breadth of your cruelty."

Gerth pleaded no contest last month to killing and torturing his 2-year-old pit bull mix, Sterling, because he "wasn't getting along with him."

Authorities say Gerth once bragged that he punched the dog in the head so hard that the animal urinated and defecated "all over the place." The dog was stabbed three times and left to "slowly" bleed to death in Utica's Grant Park on a cold day in January.

Assistant Macomb County Prosecutor Anthony Sorrentino asked the judge to exceed the sentencing guidelines by 27 months for Gerth, saying it was a reasonable request considering "what he's done to this animal." The guidelines called for a sentence of two to 21 months."

Sorrento also requested restitution from Gerth for the $223.90 cost of a necropsy on Sterling and that Gerth be barred from owning an animal again. The judge agreed and also ruled that Gerth cannot own a gun.

Caretti said he could not in "good conscience" follow the sentencing guidelines in the case. The judge said Sterling looked to him for love, shelter and food and "instead he was a victim of your unbelievable cruelty."

The judge told Gerth that serial killers like David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer started down their "path to infamy" by abusing animals.

"Let's hope my sentence discourages you from such behavior," said Caretti. 

The judge said he had not seen such a "despicable" case in his years on the bench.

Edited by suzeecat
Some was cut off my original post

That reminds me there was a story 2 years ago about a guy getting jail time for doing donuts in his truck on the ice when the truck broke through the ice.  His dog, who died, was still int he truck.  He received 180 days in jail.


I'm beginning to think the sheriff in Jenelle's county is too much of a chicken to confront David.

  • Love 11

Please sign and share this petition, demanding that justice be served. And that Columbus County Animal Control and the District Attorney, file and press animal cruelty charges.


Emails of the executives and marketing people at MTV:















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22 hours ago, Mkay said:

Nugget was never a threat but I don’t see how he can claim Nugget acted aggressive if he carried him two acres away to shoot him.  The threat was over.  He should be charged. 

Exactly. It's not like he killed an animal IN THE PROCESS of harming his child. 

4 hours ago, suzeecat said:

This makes sense, otherwise, why would he have even bothered to film the interaction between Ensley and the dog?  He was just setting up and building his case.  He probably coached Ensley on what to do. 

I watched the video and I could SWEAR I heard him saying something like, "good girl" when she was getting all up in the dog's face. 

2 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

MTV’s response?  They’re saying the decision to fire David awhile back is now “cemented” due to this act.  Wow, how brave of you, MTV.  

They need to fire Janelle, but I think they’re genuinely concerned about her welfare and will probably continue filming her as a warped way of protecting her.  They’re also probably hoping she leaves him, which means they could keep Janelle on the show, and also, of course, bring some drama.  Gross.  If that happens, I’m out.  

Right, because David is still profiting from MTV, whether they film him or not. 

  • Love 19

The only way MTV is going to do something substantial is if they suffer financially or their reputation takes a hit with the artists of the music industry. I think that major celebs who are animal lovers would have to start boycotting MTV events (such as their Movie & Video Awards) for MTV to finally end this show. Someone should tag Taylor Swift & other animal loving celebs to take a stand against MTV enabling this behavior.

  • Useful 3
  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

There was recently a high profile animal abuse case in my area:

"Mount Clemens — A judge Tuesday condemned a Utica man's "unbelievable cruelty" and sentenced him to 3-6 years in prison for torturing and killing his adopted dog.

Alexander Gerth, 23, was given the prison time by Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Richard Caretti, who told him: "Words are inadequate to express the depth and breadth of your cruelty."

Gerth pleaded no contest last month to killing and torturing his 2-year-old pit bull mix, Sterling, because he "wasn't getting along with him."

Authorities say Gerth once bragged that he punched the dog in the head so hard that the animal urinated and defecated "all over the place." The dog was stabbed three times and left to "slowly" bleed to death in Utica's Grant Park on a cold day in January.

Assistant Macomb County Prosecutor Anthony Sorrentino asked the judge to exceed the sentencing guidelines by 27 months for Gerth, saying it was a reasonable request considering "what he's done to this animal." The guidelines called for a sentence of two to 21 months."

Sorrento also requested restitution from Gerth for the $223.90 cost of a necropsy on Sterling and that Gerth be barred from owning an animal again. The judge agreed and also ruled that Gerth cannot own a gun.

Caretti said he could not in "good conscience" follow the sentencing guidelines in the case. The judge said Sterling looked to him for love, shelter and food and "instead he was a victim of your unbelievable cruelty."

The judge told Gerth that serial killers like David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer started down their "path to infamy" by abusing animals.

"Let's hope my sentence discourages you from such behavior," said Caretti. 

The judge said he had not seen such a "despicable" case in his years on the bench.

Who could give a first-person account like this besides Janelle?

Did she give this account to the press, and if so, what does that reveal?  Or did she tell a friend, who then relayed it to the media?

Also, what’s Barb going to do?  Still stick with her “Janelle has to figure out David is a POS on her own” philosophy?  Probably.  Anything to keep Janelle on the show so the checks keep coming...

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, JerseyGirl said:


After Nugget nipped at 2-year-old Ensley, Eason sprung up, grabbed the dog by the throat and slammed it on the ground.

We’re told Eason then began beating the dog inside the house, allegedly hitting it in the throat and throwing the french bulldog into a kitchen table.

The dog was wailing while Eason rained punches down on the animal’s head, and everyone in the house was too terrified to stop him during the attack.

Eason then picked up the lifeless dog and threw it out the front door, before walking inside the house and grabbing a pistol and shotgun, and then returning outside.

We’re told after the dog was shot to death, Eason returned to the home with his hands and clothes “covered in blood.” We’re told Jenelle was home at the time, but the scene was so intense and traumatic that nobody said anything to Eason.


Sources close to the situation tell us they believe Eason had been plotting to kill Nugget, and believe the entire incident was premeditated.

JFC. .I can't. I'm so upset I want to puke. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

Beating and shooting, this is making me sick.  TELL ME AGAIN JENELLE

After Nugget nipped at 2-year-old Ensley, Eason sprung up, grabbed the dog by the throat and slammed it on the ground.

We’re told Eason then began beating the dog inside the house, allegedly hitting it in the throat and throwing the french bulldog into a kitchen table.

The dog was wailing while Eason rained punches down on the animal’s head, and everyone in the house was too terrified to stop him during the attack.

Eason then picked up the lifeless dog and threw it out the front door, before walking inside the house and grabbing a pistol and shotgun, and then returning outside.

We’re told after the dog was shot to death, Eason returned to the home with his hands and clothes “covered in blood.” We’re told Jenelle was home at the time, but the scene was so intense and traumatic that nobody said anything to Eason.

I want that mother fucker dead, NOW!!! I want someone to beat him to death the way he beat that poor dog. I cried reading the horrific details. I don't know how Jenelle can be with him after this. I'm not even going to print what I'd do to someone who did that to one of my fur babies, even if it was my husband (who would NEVER harm an animal)

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I feel like I'm watching a slo-mo episode of Evil Lives here.  "BUT THERE WERE SIGNS .... SIGNS ... SIGNS ...." *cut to talking head of a victim describing a beloved pet being killed*.

Fuck these people.  I'm done.  Done with this show, done with OG, done with the new Young and Dumb one they're running.  I'll not be a party to murder.

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Teesky225 said:

The only way MTV is going to do something substantial is if they suffer financially or their reputation takes a hit with the artists of the music industry. I think that major celebs who are animal lovers would have to start boycotting MTV events (such as their Movie & Video Awards) for MTV to finally end this show. Someone should tag Taylor Swift & other animal loving celebs to take a stand against MTV enabling this behavior.

Two advertisers have posted they are pulling their ads from MTV.  🤞🏻

  • Love 21
15 hours ago, geauxaway said:

How do we get the name of this forum changed?  

Well, now that you mention it...

Everyone pitch in their best effort at a new title name for this thread. New title suggestions can be posted here. We'll take the top picks (based on reactions) and put a poll together in a week or so and everyone can vote for the new name. 

25 minutes ago, ravencroft said:

The more I read about what david did, the more my blood boils. Its also making me hold my own precious fur baby even tighter. He is no less than a monster and needs to be tossed in the hole. 

I’m a dog walker and all of my pup client have been getting extra special attention and love. One in particular can frankly be an ass and lives with a young child. The owners taught their son to just leave him alone. Because THAT IS WHAT YOU DO.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, Lemons said:

Why didn't he bring him to the vet so that they could humanely "put him to sleep"?  

Why the hell couldn't he separate the dog from the kids until they found a new home for him or even just bring the dog to the shelter? We may all have judged them for not having yet another of their animals, but it would have been 1,000 times better to beating a dog almost to death in front of small children then shooting it as it tried to run away.

Remember when Jenelle was pregnant with Kaiser, Nathan was in jail, and she had to care for their big dogs alone? She couldn't handle it, the dogs got out, and she basically stood there with no Fs to give as the dogs roamed and ran away. She wasn't even phased they had run away and was like "oh well." Even that - "letting" your animals run away - shows a sliver of more compassion than murdering a dog.  We judged the heck out of her then (rightfully so), but damn, David makes Jenelle look like an animal lover in comparison. 

David didn't kill Nugget because he didn't want him around.  He killed Nugget to terrorize Jenelle (and the kids, probably especially Kaiser) and to drive home that he was in control & he will kill family members. 

I am so glad Kaden's mom was able to get that poor child away from David and I really hope David doesn't go looking for him or his mom. She must be terrified. If Jenelle had any sense, she'd leave, too.

Also, I'll say it here and now. If anyone purposely ever murders one of my dogs in front of my kids, I can't guarantee I wouldn't murder that person.  I am so upset for poor Nugget and for those kids. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 23
Just now, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Why the hell couldn't he separate the dog from the kids until they found a new home for him or even just bring the dog to the shelter? We may all have judged them for not having yet another of their animals, but it would have been 1,000 times better to beating a dog almost to death in front of small children then shooting it as it tried to run away.

Remember when Jenelle was pregnant with Kaiser, Nathan was in jail, and she had to care for their big dogs alone? She couldn't handle it, the dogs got out, and she basically stood there with no Fs to give as the dogs roamed and ran away. She wasn't even phased they had run away and was like "oh well." Even that - "letting" your animals run away - shows a sliver of more compassion than murdering a dog.

David didn't kill Nugget because he didn't want him around.  He killed Nugget to terrorize Jenelle (and the kids, probably especially Kaiser) and to drive home that he was in control & he will kill family members. 

I am so glad Kaden's mom was able to get that poor child away from David and I really hope David doesn't go looking for him or his mom. She must be terrified. If Jenelle had any sense, she'd leave, too.

Also, I'll say it here and now. If anyone purposely ever murders one of my dogs in front of my kids, I can't guarantee I wouldn't murder that person.  I am so upset for poor Nugget and for those kids. 

I was talking about the other story where the guy shot the dog after he mauled the baby.

20 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Every new detail is just  worse than the last one. You know he didn't  see Nugget when repeatedly slammed him against the ground, he saw Kaiser, he saw Olivia, he saw Nathan, he saw Jenelle to some extent and anyone else he felt has wronged him. 

That kind of rage is so dangerous.  Animal abuse should be enough to have children taken away from a person.  I'm glad people aren't going to let up on this. 

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I was talking about the other story where the guy shot the dog after he mauled the baby.

That kind of rage is so dangerous.  Animal abuse should be enough to have children taken away from a person.  I'm glad people aren't going to let up on this. 

Ooops! My bad! I didn't realize. 🙂 Sorry!

And I agree....I really fail to see how beating a dog to death/murdering a dog that's the family pet in front of your children isn't child abuse.  I know the family courts and CPS likely won't/can't see it that way (especially without Jenelle pressing some sort of charges/testifying), but it SO is.  It get anxiety just thinking about what it must be like for poor Kaiser & the other kids living in that house with a man who murdered their small dog in front of them. I hope Doris has managed to get MTV money stocked away for therapy for Kaiser, because he is going to need a lot to deal with that kind of a childhood. 

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

David didn't kill Nugget because he didn't want him around.  He killed Nugget to terrorize Jenelle (and the kids, probably especially Kaiser) and to drive home that he was in control & he will kill family members. 

I am so glad Kaden's mom was able to get that poor child away from David and I really hope David doesn't go looking for him or his mom. She must be terrified. If Jenelle had any sense, she'd leave, too.

Also, I'll say it here and now. If anyone purposely ever murders one of my dogs in front of my kids, I can't guarantee I wouldn't murder that person.  I am so upset for poor Nugget and for those kids. 

Exactly. As far as I know, the only child Nugget didn't care for was Ensley. That's to be expected when you combine an unsupervised, untrained toddler with a small dog (or any dog, really). If Nugget was fine with Jenelle and the other kids, then that's not a badly wired or aggressive dog. He could've easily been rehomed to a family with older children or a single woman or a retiree couple. There was absolutely no reason to put him down, other than Dave being a complete psychopath.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Teesky225 said:

The only way MTV is going to do something substantial is if they suffer financially or their reputation takes a hit with the artists of the music industry. I think that major celebs who are animal lovers would have to start boycotting MTV events (such as their Movie & Video Awards) for MTV to finally end this show. Someone should tag Taylor Swift & other animal loving celebs to take a stand against MTV enabling this behavior.

Tia Torres from Pitbulls and Parolees (she runs a pit bull rescue) is on this.  She wants that put out of there now.  She has shared the petition so fingers crossed it does some good.  I am sick after reading the entire incident 

  • Love 24
7 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:


After Nugget nipped at 2-year-old Ensley, Eason sprung up, grabbed the dog by the throat and slammed it on the ground.

We’re told Eason then began beating the dog inside the house, allegedly hitting it in the throat and throwing the french bulldog into a kitchen table.

The dog was wailing while Eason rained punches down on the animal’s head, and everyone in the house was too terrified to stop him during the attack.

Eason then picked up the lifeless dog and threw it out the front door, before walking inside the house and grabbing a pistol and shotgun, and then returning outside.

We’re told after the dog was shot to death, Eason returned to the home with his hands and clothes “covered in blood.” We’re told Jenelle was home at the time, but the scene was so intense and traumatic that nobody said anything to Eason.


Sources close to the situation tell us they believe Eason had been plotting to kill Nugget, and believe the entire incident was premeditated.

I cried as I read this. That poor dog. I can't imagine my husband doing anything like this obviously. But if he did I can't imagine how you can stay. I am terrified for those children and all the other animals on that property. 

  • Love 8

This wasn’t about protection. That dog was no threat. This was about retaliation and instilling fear throughout the household in order to control his wife and kids. 

I briefly dated a guy who I once witnessed get violent with his family dog (I cut things off after this incident). The dog was just playfully nipping and growling at him on the couch and he was encouraging the dog to play rough, but I guess the dog got a little too excited and all of a sudden the guy jumped up, grabbed the dog and threw him down and started screaming at him. What was most surprising to me is he took the dog’s rowdy behavior as disrespect...as if the dog was even capable of such a notion. 

I can see someone as insecure and unhinged as David losing it because Nugget did something he didn’t approve of in his house and he felt disrespected as a result and of course he has to prove what a big man he is by shooting a small defenseless animal. Insecure men with guns are so fucking dangerous. 

  • Love 14

I keep torturing myself by reading this thread and I don’t know why. Just since I read last night, the information here today is even MORE disturbing/heartbreaking and I eventually had to skip over several posts detailing what happened. 

I’m a criminal defense attorney and I represent murderers and sexual assaulters daily. But I’m also a HUGE dog lover (currently I have three Pugs, and I’ve never not had at least one dog in my entire life). I won’t take an animal abuse case, ever. I realize that’s sort of fucked up, but whatever. It’s how I feel. 

I signed the petition. 

Edited by SimonSeymour
  • Love 24

Cancel this show.

Replace it with one starting Jax in his new and loving home where he lives with a pet psychic. It can be called “Being Jax: I’ve Seen Some Sh!t.”  The pet psychic can relay all that miracle survivor dog Jax has lived through.  Addie & Lincoln can make guest appearances to snark on the latest gossip, but NO Teen Mom adults allowed (I love Chelsea, but I’m bored with her sweet family except for Pete the Pig...maybe we can also finally get a “Being Pete the Pig” where the Houska-DeBoer humans are minor characters.)

(And TMOG needs to go, too. I don’t even need a show about their pets because everything & everyone on that show is boring.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • LOL 4
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The more I think about this incident (while trying not to think of the specific details), the sicker I feel.  To do what he did to such a small dog is really, really psychopathic.  It wouldn't matter if the dog was bigger, but the fact that it is such a small dog somehow makes it seem worse. 

It makes me think of the serial killer Keith Hunter Jesperson. In the podcast Happy Face, which is told by his daughter, she tells of an incident when she was a child when her dad killed some cats.

The poor kids in this family. All the hell they go through... and they will grow up knowing that people filmed them and profited off their suffering.

  • Love 2

There is a petition to drop Janelle from this show - it looks like it was created after the scene when she pulled out her gun during a road rage incident with Jace in the car ....

"MTV should be ashamed. Child endangerment is not entertainment. MTV needs to drop Jenelle Evans now in order to protect Jace from further trauma."


Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 4

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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