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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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20 minutes ago, Stusan said:

Did your hopes and dreams get flushed away, or did they float away in swamp water on the laaaand?

ETA: Actually, by the looks of the laaand, they wouldn't float away, they'd just swirl around in a non-draining cesspool. 😏

Cesspools living in a cesspool. It's quite poetic, really.

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I understand it takes an average of 7 attempts for a woman to leave her abusive spouse.

We have a couple of mitigating factors here...one of them being that Jenelle is an abusive partner herself and another being the tv cameras, but what attempt are we on now? This most recent one had to be attempt #4, right?

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People make mistakes.  People even make huge mistakes.  I would be more inclined to show Janelle and UBT more compassion if they learned from their mistakes or even if they took a modicum of criticism without flying off the handle.  I  am not sure if I would have known enough to ask questions if I was buying “The Land” but that is why I don’t make any large purchases without asking my father first. I am a light touch.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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On 3/10/2019 at 10:43 AM, BitterApple said:

I can't even imagine the amount of mosquitoes they're going to have with all that standing water surrounding the house. What a miserable place.

And snakes - which is what I thought of when I saw those boys playing in the woods, which I don’t think they are too young to do but they need to be taught about snakes, etc. out there in the swamp!

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16 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

And snakes - which is what I thought of when I saw those boys playing in the woods, which I don’t think they are too young to do but they need to be taught about snakes, etc. out there in the swamp!

That's what I immediately thought of, too. Copperheads and Cottonmouths are everywhere in the swampy parts of North Carolina. Rattlesnakes live there, too. If the new chickens live long enough to go out to the chicken coop, they're going to become snake bait. My friend in California finally gave up and gave her chickens away because the local rattlesnake population set up housekeeping under her chicken coop. You can't blame the snakes, to them it's like finding a 24/7 diner.

I remember Jenelle saying they  had THE LAND sprayed for mosquitoes after someone tweeted about how horrible her wedding and reception was and mentioned the swarms of mosquitoes.

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18 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

And neither of her useless parents could bother to wash her face and hands.

2 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Such model material!


Looks like she might have a bruise around her wrist. Like if a parent was grabing her around the wrist and pulling her. Or maybe a too-tight rubber band?  Either way not the kind of bruise well looked after kids could easily get. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
I promise I can spell better than Leah.
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I'm procrastinating and spending too much time reading about these morons. They bought a bunch of day old chicks and instead of setting them up in the garage or Jenelle's drug shed, they have them in the house. We know how the swamp monsters pay no attention to the kids and go out to the shed or zoom around on the quad making stupid videos for Instagram. When the kids are left in the house  unsupervised,  those baby chicks will be irresistible and will get 'hugged' to death.

When our daughter was 2, I had two baby chicks in a box in the house. My neighbor showed up and gave them to me very unexpectedly.  I had to go out to do chores and set up a spot in the barn for the chicks. My husband was watching tv and he was supposed to keep an eye on the daughter and chicks. He fell asleep and I came in to find two dead chicks and a 2 year old trying to figure out why they wouldn't wake up. She didn't do anything wrong, she was being a toddler. I was pissed at my husband for weeks. The chickens at Casa Swamp don't have a chance.

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21 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I'm procrastinating and spending too much time reading about these morons. They bought a bunch of day old chicks and instead of setting them up in the garage or Jenelle's drug shed, they have them in the house. We know how the swamp monsters pay no attention to the kids and go out to the shed or zoom around on the quad making stupid videos for Instagram. When the kids are left in the house  unsupervised,  those baby chicks will be irresistible and will get 'hugged' to death.

You know these assholes will get sick of them when they're not cute anymore or when they're done with them for a cute baby chick Easter photoshoot and just kill them (just so UBT will feel like a real man) or let them go to fend for themselves.  

21 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Looks like she might have a bruise around her wrist. Like if a parent was grabing her around the wrist and pulling her. Or maybe a too-tight rubber band?  Either way not the kind of bruise well looked after kids could easily get. 

I rarely notice anything but noticed that right away.

22 hours ago, toodywoody said:

I'm going to hell, most of you already know this, so here goes.....

Big head and her eyes are too close together and David is her father. Not a cute kid.

Yeah she's unfortunate.  She's got Jenelle's too close eyes and shitty brows.  That's in addition to her egg head.

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On 3/12/2019 at 12:21 PM, mscav said:

I'm going with you. That poor child got the worst of each parents features. I think she is the most unfortunate one on the series.

That would be a tie between her and Lux.

4 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

The swamp has been transformed into a farm!


Oh dear god....we all know how this is going to end.

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As with all of the other animals that had  the misfortune of depending on Jenelle to care for them, the chickens will soon disappear from Instagram. Jenelle will ignore questions about them for months, then will say they ran away. Like she did with Pumpkin. After ignoring a zillion questions online, someone asked her about Pumpkin in an interview. She claims they came home one day and she was gone. Sure, Jan.

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On 3/12/2019 at 11:05 AM, lovesnark said:

And neither of her useless parents could bother to wash her face and hands.

Remember her tossing Kaiser in his crib without washing his face or hands, when he had just used his hands to eat dinner? That scene still bothers me, no caring mother puts their crying baby in it's crib without making any effort to wipe ketchup and grease off first. Just ice cold.

This little girl could be cute, if her useless parents took any interest at all. Outside Instagram. And this baby never smiles, not really. I've never once seen her looking happy. That is most certainly a dragging bruise around her wrist.

Edited by blubld43
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6 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think Ensley edges out Lux because her face looks like it's melting while Lux just looks like a 45 year old Dominican man suffering from an endocrine disorder.

Yep, I am going to hell, too!

Oh my this is just too much- well not toomuch but just accurate and articulately expressed. Totes!!!

Now my question is- how old is Ensley? I didn't realize she was so big- I thought the picture was one of Jenelle as a toddler. seriously- I thought E was still a baby. I guess I have not been watching too diligently huh!

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54 minutes ago, mayvenne said:

Oh my this is just too much- well not toomuch but just accurate and articulately expressed. Totes!!!

Now my question is- how old is Ensley? I didn't realize she was so big- I thought the picture was one of Jenelle as a toddler. seriously- I thought E was still a baby. I guess I have not been watching too diligently huh!

Ensley turned 2 in January.

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9 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Ensley turned 2 in January.

Wow I guess with the delay in airing and my not following so closely, I thought she was like 6 months old. She looks older than 2 ( to me ) in that photo. Maybe it's her hair.  I am comparing her to my granddaughter  yes I am old- who is about 6 months older. I guess at least in that picture, Ensley just looks big.  Now that I look at the face, she does look baby faced. No comment on the messy face or stylin' as I know any of that can be a battle with a 2 year old. Not saying Ensley is parented with love and or care but I will give a pass for the messy face and hair. 🙂

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I know generally you're never supposed to compare kids because they all develop at different rates. However, my son is 4 months older than Watson and Ensley. He and Watson are pretty well matched developmentally - talking, personality, expressions. Ensley is not. She is delayed. Something is just not right with her. And it will never be addressed by the swamp things. See how they handled her unfortunate head - UBT will never believe he created a child that needs intervention.

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Toddlers are hard to wrangle to wash their hands and faces. But, Enchilada looks like this all the damn time. She's always dirty, wearing dirty clothes and looks like no one ever bathes her or washes her hair. Jenelle can lose me with her "country living" bullshit. Unlike the swamp things, my kids were raised on a real farm and got farm dirty every day. But, they took a bath every night, slept in clean beds and sometimes went through a couple changes of clothes a day. Kaiser and Enchilada always look like they've been wearing the same clothes and sleeping in them for a week at a time with no bath.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Toddlers are hard to wrangle to wash their hands and faces. But, Enchilada looks like this all the damn time. She's always dirty, wearing dirty clothes and looks like no one ever bathes her or washes her hair. Jenelle can lose me with her "country living" bullshit. Unlike the swamp things, my kids were raised on a real farm and got farm dirty every day. But, they took a bath every night, slept in clean beds and sometimes went through a couple changes of clothes a day. Kaiser and Enchilada always look like they've been wearing the same clothes and sleeping in them for a week at a time with no bath.

I agree. I saw a picture of Jace and Kaiser not long ago, Jace had just been brought to Jenelle by Barb. Jace was clean, shampooed, wearing appropriate clothing and shoes. Kaiser, on the other hand, looked so unkempt, not cared for, he wore long pants that were stained, pilled, and too short, and no shirt. His hair looked like it's never combed.

And now Ensley has a bruise encircling her wrist. These children need to be removed, I guess it's going to take something serious to get proper attention.

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6 hours ago, mayvenne said:

Wow I guess with the delay in airing and my not following so closely, I thought she was like 6 months old. She looks older than 2 ( to me ) in that photo. Maybe it's her hair.  I am comparing her to my granddaughter  yes I am old- who is about 6 months older. I guess at least in that picture, Ensley just looks big.  Now that I look at the face, she does look baby faced. No comment on the messy face or stylin' as I know any of that can be a battle with a 2 year old. Not saying Ensley is parented with love and or care but I will give a pass for the messy face and hair. 🙂

My daughter's about 6 months older than Ensley too. She'll be 3 in July and she looks tiny, tiny compared to her. I don't know if it's because Baby Birdee comes from smaller stock than the Easton/Evans herd or because her hair's not as long or thick, but it always surprised me how old Ensley looks.

Baby Birdee is also pretty articulate. She can tell us about her day (who bit whom at day care, who didn't make it to the bathroom to potty, who got sent to time out and what they did--daycare is a hotbed of gossip) and what she wants. We can understand what she's saying about 75% of the time. I never seen that from the pics and video of Ensley. It makes me sad for her and makes me wish someone would actually model proper speaking for those poor babies. And maybe read them some books. 

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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I’m slow (like Kyle) - what am I looking at? The fact that Ensley looks like Jenelle on a bender? That it appears that she’s kicking Kaiser? I’m not sure what is happening. Do you know what it’s from?

They are swinging together on the swing in their yard.  A person on twitter zoomed close to Ensley because she thought something looked off with her mouth/facial structure.  

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35 minutes ago, Mkay said:

They are swinging together on the swing in their yard.  A person on twitter zoomed close to Ensley because she thought something looked off with her mouth/facial structure.  

Okay, thanks. She always looks off to me. 😬 I looked at the post and someone pointed out in the comments that the pictures are old, Jenelle had already posted from that same day.

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15 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I’m slow (like Kyle) - what am I looking at? The fact that Ensley looks like Jenelle on a bender? That it appears that she’s kicking Kaiser? I’m not sure what is happening. Do you know what it’s from?

Is it me or does her left (our right) nostril looked like it's filled to the brim with snot?

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On 3/14/2019 at 10:35 PM, Mkay said:

They are swinging together on the swing in their yard.  A person on twitter zoomed close to Ensley because she thought something looked off with her mouth/facial structure.  

Well I keep looking at her teeth and mouth too. But it is because I am going to hell. She always looks sick to me, full of snot, running a fever and dirty.

Edited by toodywoody
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Is Radar really that hard up for “stories” that they make a bogus article about Ryan from TM? Apparently! So there’s this article from Radar that has nothing to actually do with Ryan, but is about a few lawsuits filed against the jail he’s in over the years (I would guess that most jails and prisons have at least a few - valid and bullshit - over the years). Jenelle posted it as clickbait and now Mackenzie is in a tizzy! 

“I’m over this,” Mackenzie began her open letter to Jenelle — which she wrote over a screen cap of Jenelles Instagram post. “Honestly, I’m sick of seeing this click bait bullsh*t. I think you have enough drama going on in your own life to worry about what’s going on in mine.”

Mackenzie then reveals that she has actually gone to bat for Jenelle in regards to her controversial husband David Eason, which is indeed a rare thing. “I’ve never even met you and I actually stood up for you when asked how I felt about your actions and decisions supporting your husband. Well b*tch this is mine and I will support and defend him.”

Mackenzie concludes with a bit of snark: “But hey, anything to make a buck, huh?”

Lol at Mackenzie trying to act like she expected more from Jenelle! She posts clickbait about everybody. Mackenzie is really trying to get some positive comments and likes for once by starting drama with the person hated most on the franchise. 

This article sums up the jail lawsuit clickbait article and the Mackenzie and Jenelle “drama” nicely all in one place: https://starcasm.net/teen-mom-mackenzie-edwards-attacks-jenelle-eason-over-ryan-edwards-clickbait/

Edited by Rebecca
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On 3/19/2019 at 11:58 AM, Rebecca said:

Is Radar really that hard up for “stories” that they make a bogus article about Ryan from TM? Apparently! So there’s this article from Radar that has nothing to actually do with Ryan, but is about a few lawsuits filed against the jail he’s in over the years (I would guess that most jails and prisons have at least a few - valid and bullshit - over the years). Jenelle posted it as clickbait and now Mackenzie is in a tizzy! 

“I’m over this,” Mackenzie began her open letter to Jenelle — which she wrote over a screen cap of Jenelles Instagram post. “Honestly, I’m sick of seeing this click bait bullsh*t. I think you have enough drama going on in your own life to worry about what’s going on in mine.”

Mackenzie then reveals that she has actually gone to bat for Jenelle in regards to her controversial husband David Eason, which is indeed a rare thing. “I’ve never even met you and I actually stood up for you when asked how I felt about your actions and decisions supporting your husband. Well b*tch this is mine and I will support and defend him.”

Mackenzie concludes with a bit of snark: “But hey, anything to make a buck, huh?”

Lol at Mackenzie trying to act like she expected more from Jenelle! She posts clickbait about everybody. Mackenzie is really trying to get some positive comments and likes for once by starting drama with the person hated most on the franchise. 

This article sums up the jail lawsuit clickbait article and the Mackenzie and Jenelle “drama” nicely all in one place: https://starcasm.net/teen-mom-mackenzie-edwards-attacks-jenelle-eason-over-ryan-edwards-clickbait/

the cynic in me is thinking Mac is trying to engage Jenelle in a fight for more clicks and publicity.

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14 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

the cynic in me is thinking Mac is trying to engage Jenelle in a fight for more clicks and publicity.

I agree. I think she also likes playing the victim and Jenelle makes a good “villain” generally. It’s weird though, this article is literally just about the “hell” Ryan “could be” going through with no support or facts about Ryan at all, it just talks about the past lawsuits against the gel. It seems like a stupid article to get in an uproar about. If anything it would possibly make people more sympathetic to Ryan’s situation. It’s like Mackenzie was waiting to pounce on something, anything, for attention.

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EXCLUSIVE! An Update on the Custody Case Between ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith Over Their Son Kaiser


The custody court battle between Teen Mom 2 stars Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith rages on, as Nathan continues to fight to get his son Kaiser away from Jenelle and her booted-from-TV husband David Eason! The Ashley has obtained some updates in the case.

The current season of ‘Teen Mom 2’ has briefly covered Jenelle and Nathan’s battle, but much has been going on behind the scenes that MTV has not been allowed, or has chosen not to show. The Ashley’s sources tell her that, despite how it appears on-camera, Nathan is still fighting very hard to obtain full custody of Kaiser, but is now being much more discreet about it.

“Basically, he realized that it is a bad idea to put everything out there on television and social media like he and Jenelle used to do,” one source said. “He does not let the cameras capture all of what’s going down, and he no longer posts about the case on Twitter because he was advised not to.”

Behind the scenes, though, Nathan and his mom Doris Davidson have been working hard to get full custody of Kaiser. They have been working on the case since Nathan originally filed for full custody back in July 2018.

“Better put on your more classier court heels, Jenelle! This is gonna be a looong battle!”

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“Nathan is asking for full [custody], and to have only supervised visits for Jenelle,” the source said. “He is also still asking the judge to keep David away from Kaiser, which means that David would not be allowed near Kaiser when he is visiting Jenelle, should Nathan get what he’s asking for in court. Despite how it looks, Nathan has not dropped any part of what he was asking for originally.” 

Earlier this year, Nathan blasted David in a series of tweets, claiming that David was responsible for bruising found on Kaiser. He also posted some disturbing photos of the bruises on Kaiser’s body.

On ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Nathan stated that his mother had filed to become the intervenor between Nathan and Jenelle in the case, but the show did not reveal if that was granted.

The Ashley’s sources tell her that Doris was, indeed, named the intervenor in the case, and, surprisingly Jenelle did not put up much of a fight on that. (The Ashley hears taht Jenelle and David were present for that court date.)

Nathan has been putting together his case for months and is ready to battle Jenelle.

“Nathan is going for everything,” the source said. “He tried to just go to mediation with her for so long. Nathan warned her that she didn’t want to take this battle to court because he was going to go all-in. But she would not agree on anything, and refused to drop the ‘supervised visits only’ on Nathan, so he’s not holding back and is fighting for everything he wants.”

According to court records obtained by The Ashley, Jenelle and Nathan had a court date back in February that neither party attended. (The Ashley couldn’t confirm if they were not required to attend, or if both missed it.)

The latest court date occurred on March 11. The court record indicate that nothing was decided, though, due to Doris’ attorney using the date to request an extension from the judge, which was granted. (The attorney apparently needed more time to put the case together.) Jenelle and Nate did not attend that date. 

Court records state that Jenelle and Nathan will have another court date in April, which will “begin the actual custody fight,” the source said. 

In the meantime, The Ashley’s production sources tell her that Nathan has also been trying to get MTV to make good on its alleged promise to pay for therapy for Kaiser. 

“So far, the producers have not paid for any counseling, or set it up,” the production source tells The Ashley. “It has been totally pushed off.”

David will also be spending time in court this month. According to court records, David is scheduled to appear in a New Hanover County courthouse on Monday, March 25 to face the two charges pending against him for the incident in which he self-towed a stranger’s truck. The truck’s owner has refused to drop the charges, and David will face a judge on a misdemeanor charge of “Injury to Personal Property,” as well as a charge of “Tampering With a Vehicle.”

“By now every one of the North Carolina courthouses should have a parking space reserved for us!”

David is also due in another North Carolina county court on April 11, to face a charge of “Communicating Threats.” That charge stems from his altercation with a local real estate agent in January. The real estate agent claims David threatened her with a gun while she was parked near The Land.

He is facing one misdemeanor charge for that case.

The Ashley will update this post when more information is available in either case! 

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

20/20 ran a story on Diane Downs who shot 3 of her kids in the 80's. I know we've mentioned it before but Janelle's resemblance to her is downright scary. Same dead eyes.

Yes I just watched that and was thinking of Jenelle the whole time.  Same eyes, lips and facial expressions.  Also, Diane Downs talked a lot about “me me me, the kids make me feel loved, the kids make me feel happy, etc” rather than “I love my kids, I want them to be happy.”  

Chilling- that disconnect.  The other person that reminds me of is that Chris Watts who murdered his kids, and was in all of the tv interviews saying “I just need my kids home, I wish they would come through the door and give me a hug, just really needed that last night, I couldn’t even sleep last night.”  

On another note- dear GOD I pray that Nathan gets Kaiser- not that he is a great parent, but Doris is, and she has the ability to give him what he needs.  I just want him in a loving home, free of abuse.

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13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

20/20 ran a story on Diane Downs who shot 3 of her kids in the 80's. I know we've mentioned it before but Janelle's resemblance to her is downright scary. Same dead eyes.



According to Chinese medical face reading, when the bottom of the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. 


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Diane Downs and Jenelle even sound alike! It was creepy as hell. 

I had the eyes the showed white on the bottom when I was a kid (oh so many crappy school pictures!).  I was not an alcoholic. 

So the pigs ... I’m guessing she’ll end up with full grown hogs that David will then kill and feed to the family and post for us to see? You just know he’ll be lighting that shit on fire in that pit. Before they both fall into it and blame the pig. 

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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They DO sound alike. I finally got around to watching the 20/20 episode yesterday and it was really jarring how much they resemble each other. I'd always compared Jenelle to Diane Downs because I saw similarities in how they parented - only wanting to be pregnant for the attention and the perceived love the child would give THEM, not the other way around. And they both chose men over their children. They both appeared to be sociopaths. But watching the footage of Diane yesterday - just the way she spoke, her inflection, her mannerisms. Nearly identical to Jenelle. It was really disturbing. 

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12 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

So the pigs ... I’m guessing she’ll end up with full grown hogs that David will then kill and feed to family and post for us to see? You just know he’ll be lighting that shit on fire in that pit. Before they both fall into and blame the pig. 

Or the other way around!

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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