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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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10 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

And I wish Chelsea herself would straight up say that to her...along with a couple of "cunts" and a "leave my father's name out of your herpes infested mouth" thrown in for good measure. Too bad Chelsea is an actual adult, and not a psychopath. 

Oh LET THIS HAPPEN! I've been good all winter. All 7 fucking months of it.

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

It IS the weekend. They seem to get worse on the weekends or the Monday following. 

It's not the weekend yet!  Although drug addict weekends expand both backwards and forwards until they meet on Wednesday, so I guess it is. 

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42 minutes ago, akr said:

It's not the weekend yet!  Although drug addict weekends expand both backwards and forwards until they meet on Wednesday, so I guess it is. 

I think "Jenelle time" & "Amber time" could be the subject of a college thesis paper. Jenelle totally pulled an "Amber" with Papa Randy though...she said something along the lines of "I didn't have TWO kids in the car!" which reminded me of "OMG, the LIES Gary tells! He says I only saw Leah twice! I saw her THREE times!!!". I miss the innocent days of MTV when Dianne from Fat Camp would fall down three times, but sprain her ankle four times. 

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7 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

How can you tell? I'm just asking because I've never heard/read anyone say they could tell by looking at a toddler that they've been around a lot of second hand smoke. (I don't doubt that Ensley has been, though.)

Pure speculation.  Ensley looks slack jawed, spacey-eyes and droopy.  If it were any other kid I wouldn’t even comment, but since she tested positive for drugs when she was born ...

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My favorite part is “gun scandalS”. 

I don’t know why mtv won’t spare themselves the headache and just fire her now, there’s no way she isn’t going without David (although no question she would leave her kids behind and say it’s “for work” without batting an eye.

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6 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I love Jeremy ranting on their dumb asses! I'm back to TeamGerm. I hear Leah is too!;)

She is playing "hiding the pickle".  lol

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17 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Jenelle's off her game. There are over 300 tweets calling her out for dissing Randy and referring to herself as a young girl and she  hasn't deleted them and blocked  the people yet. She must be holed up in her shed refueling with whatever her drug of the day is.

Twitter doesn’t work that way. You can’t delete other people’s tweets, and if you block someone, their tweets to you are still visible to everyone who hasn’t blocked them. We can’t see who she has blocked. 

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On 5/3/2018 at 9:49 PM, Kazu said:

UBT wanted Jenelle to shoot, go to jail, and he then has her out of his hair while having all access to her money while he calls up all the girlfriends over to spend the night on The Land.

This is the most plausible theory yet. Why would a loving, protective husband send his wife and step child onto the property of a stranger who has been driving menacingly? That don't make no sense.

21 hours ago, druzy said:

This and another photo recently have included comments that the redness around her neck is bruising. I can definitely see redness.

12 hours ago, Mkay said:

Couldn't she get a doctor's note? David won't let her go without him.

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2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

This and another photo recently have included comments that the redness around her neck is bruising. I can definitely see redness.

I definitely see that redness, too. It could be bruising, but it really reminds me of dermatographia. I have no idea whether Jenelle has this, but if she does, those marks could have simply come from her or Ensley inadvertently scratching her there. It also could be weird sunburn from sloppy sunscreen application, but she's kind of tan so that seems less likely. Do we know whether David is right- or left-handed?

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, SimonSeymour said:

Okay. So, I’m a criminal defense attorney in Chicago. Here, if the police are going to arrest you after an incident like this, they would have arrested her at the time. If they had not, there would be no investigation by detectives/interviewing  witnesses later. The matter would just be finished, because it’s not a murder, home invasion, etc. 

That said, the Chicago police have WAY more important stuff to deal with than a road rage incident. It’s entirely possible that in a smaller town, the police would wait to arrest a person until after more investigation. 

But, I’m not at all hopeful that she’ll be arrested. :(. 

I'm a criminal defense attorney in northern California.  It doesn't work that way here.  Police reports are routinely forwarded to the D.A. who decides if they're going to file charges or not.  Sometimes the DA will request further investigation to be done by the agency, sometimes they'll press charges and sometimes they'll decline to press charges.  It's not at all unusual, however, for a report to be taken and charges to be filed at a later time.  In these cases, there's never an actual arrest.  Of course, in California if a misdemeanor is committed outside of the presence of a police officer, there would have to be a citizen's arrest.  I'm sure this guy would be more than happy to oblige.   I can't imagine them NOT pressing charges if she did in fact go on to his property, ram his vehicles and run over his mailbox.  At the very least, that's vandalism and the most, it's assault with a deadly weapon.

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On 5/4/2018 at 1:42 PM, hoosiermom said:



At first I thought David was trying to call fish with bird noises in that video above. SMH at myself. Guess they are making me crazy too.

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I think Queen Ram is giving Jenelle too much credit. Making it sound like Jenelle is the one with a job lol. She’s a jobless bum, too!! They both take perpetual staycations. Reality TV will never be considered a job in my eyes. Having cameras follow me around while I do “life” is not WORK. I’m bitter.

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I'm sorry if this has been discussed. I looked but I'm still not clear. (We just got these new marijuana pretzels at work and they taste so good, i think i ate too many....)

Was there or was there not a second child in the car, and if so, who was it?

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25 minutes ago, butterbody said:

I'm sorry if this has been discussed. I looked but I'm still not clear. (We just got these new marijuana pretzels at work and they taste so good, i think i ate too many....)

Was there or was there not a second child in the car, and if so, who was it?

Wow. Pot pretzels in the snack room????? I need to go back to work! 

I am almost positive she had her 2 boys on her rampage. 

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5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Anyone want to decode this? The grammar is nauseating. Lol! 

UBT's sister said their mom does all of the cooking and cleaning at the swamp while Jenelle does nothing. And, that Jenelle was high and texting UBT's mom to have dinner ready for Jace when they got home. This was supposedly happening before she went full on psycho and  chased that man to his house.

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On 5/5/2018 at 2:46 PM, lezlers said:

I'm a criminal defense attorney in northern California.  It doesn't work that way here.  Police reports are routinely forwarded to the D.A. who decides if they're going to file charges or not.  Sometimes the DA will request further investigation to be done by the agency, sometimes they'll press charges and sometimes they'll decline to press charges.  It's not at all unusual, however, for a report to be taken and charges to be filed at a later time.  In these cases, there's never an actual arrest.  Of course, in California if a misdemeanor is committed outside of the presence of a police officer, there would have to be a citizen's arrest.  I'm sure this guy would be more than happy to oblige.   I can't imagine them NOT pressing charges if she did in fact go on to his property, ram his vehicles and run over his mailbox.  At the very least, that's vandalism and the most, it's assault with a deadly weapon.

That's the way it works here in WA, as well. Sometimes charges aren't filed for months after a crime is committed. I was a juror for a trial in which the defendant wasn't charged for 6 months after he burglarized someone's home. The only reason I know this is because he went a little crazy when he was on the stand and ranted about it. The prosecutor looked at his extensive criminal history and decided to charge him with burglary instead of the lesser charge of trespass. But, it took time to get there.

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The Ashley is reporting that Jenelle is refusing to go to the reunion in a couple of weeks if David doesn't go.

I suspect she's playing a game of chicken. Or maybe they're too broke to pay out of their own pockets. 

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People are giving Morgan Freeman a lot of shit on Twitter.  I know I tweeted at him and got a lot of likes and retweets and I have all of 12 whole followers.  LOL.  Still radio silence from him, tho.

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35 minutes ago, lezlers said:

People are giving Morgan Freeman a lot of shit on Twitter.  I know I tweeted at him and got a lot of likes and retweets and I have all of 12 whole followers.  LOL.  Still radio silence from him, tho.

Yup. He’s still ignoring it all.  He’s too busy acting just like Jenelle and David with his own twitter rants.

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29 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I just want to say that while Jessica is a MESS, I LOVE that she called Jace "Barb's son."

Everyone knows Barb is Jace's actual mom, even UBT's mess of a sister. 

I loved that, too. She's wearing blinders as far as her piece of shit brother is concerned, but I thoroughly enjoy her ripping the slag Jenelle. 

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21 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I think Queen Ram is giving Jenelle too much credit. Making it sound like Jenelle is the one with a job lol. She’s a jobless bum, too!! They both take perpetual staycations. Reality TV will never be considered a job in my eyes. Having cameras follow me around while I do “life” is not WORK. I’m bitter.

I definitely think they were referring to David’s mom when they said “momma Eason” not Jenelle. Everyone knows Jenelle is no mother. 

2 hours ago, Mkay said:

Yup. He’s still ignoring it all.  He’s too busy acting just like Jenelle and David with his own twitter rants.

Yep. I hate Morgan J almost as much as Amber and Jenelle at this point. He’s chief “fucktard” ( I still can’t get over that).

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3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I just want to say that while Jessica is a MESS, I LOVE that she called Jace "Barb's son."

Everyone knows Barb is Jace's actual mom, even UBT's mess of a sister. 

I love that as well. Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

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5 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I loved that, too. She's wearing blinders as far as her piece of shit brother is concerned, but I thoroughly enjoy her ripping the slag Jenelle. 

You know, she and Barb should form a support group of people who can see the bad in anybody except their relatives. Barb thinks Jenelle's booooooyfriends are the problem, while Jessica only thinks jenelle is the problem. They are both just alike in that way! I know it's not easy to admit that your relative is a scumbag, but pushing a pregnant woman out of a moving car would have convinced me!

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

You know, she and Barb should form a support group of people who can see the bad in anybody except their relatives. Barb thinks Jenelle's booooooyfriends are the problem, while Jessica only thinks jenelle is the problem. They are both just alike in that way! I know it's not easy to admit that your relative is a scumbag, but pushing a pregnant woman out of a moving car would have convinced me!

I have wished for years that Barb would completely sever ties with Jenelle and only interact with her when she absolutely had to over things to do with Jace. From what little Barb has said in the few times she was on TV last season, it does sound like Jenelle has no contact with her because UBT says so. After Jenelle's gun packing, rage fueled fuck up last week, I hope Barb has gone to her attorney and Jace won't have to go back to the swamp of horrors anymore. When the swamp things get a divorce, I want Barb to ignore Jenelle just like Jenelle is ignoring her mother right now. If Barb thinks about it, she's GOT to realize that her life is much more enjoyable since contact with Jenelle is limited to scheduling pick ups and drop offs. I sure hope Barb is going to therapy, too. It's incredibly hard to admit that someone you love brings nothing but toxicity into your life. But, if you can do it and stick to not having anything to do with them, it's very freeing and makes life so much better. I had to do it with a woman I'd been friends with for over 40 years. We were like sisters. But, she was like Jenelle in that she was very immature, self centered and jealous and would fly into rages over the dumbest things (sound familiar)? 15 years ago, she had a hissy fit over something stupid and over the phone, called me a cunt and told me to fuck off. I haven't spoken to her since and it's been wonderful. She sent me a package when my dad died and because she's so immature and hateful, I was afraid to open it. I thought it might be a bag of dog crap or something. It turned out to be a nice candle and a card - LOL! I sent her a thank you note but that's the only communication I've had with her. And, it's great :)

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18 hours ago, Mkay said:

Oh sure Jenelle, the heat made your face look like that. ? Yea, ok.  

I am waiting for that chandelier to fall on Jenelle's head when she is bathing.

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Did he really install a chandelier over the bathtub in a fucking mobile home? That's just...soo classy white court heels, y'all.


I don't know how Jenelle let us get by with thinking Leah was the biggest hillbilly on this show for so long.

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Man Janelle looks ROUGH! I took a few shots of her on my HDTV and I bet a 90 day stay she is on some type of amphetamines. I'll go further and say they take Jace's meds. I swear Barb said something under her breath one time about sending 2 pills because she never gets them back.

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