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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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Since we're revisiting season 4 and the question of Lisa's guilt with respect to Brandi's tabloid narrative, I'd just like to reiterate glowbug's point that, from what I recall, Carlton's version of that incident was definitionally exclusive to the yarn Brandi was peddling. Brandi was visibly chagrined at the finale party that Carlton was not supporting her because, by Brandi's account, Carlton had directly witnessed the salient parts of the episode under discussion . . . And from the clips I watched of the leaked Vimeos, Erika was the only cast member present in Dubai who was not aggressively inserting herself into the Lisa pile-on. Even Kathryn was unable to resist her propensities toward messiness and was joining in the round robin (albeit in a weird, borderline nonsensical and potentially defensible way). So I'm unsurprised that Lisa is not coming for Erika.

  • Love 3

Slightly OT but I saw Lisa on an episode of Almost Royal and thought her appearance was funny. She seems like she catches on to the joke fairly quickly but it's still amusing to see the irritation simmering underneath as they questioned her. When the people claim to have never seen or heard of any of her shows you can tell that she's a little ticked. 

I'd all but forgotten about that show but guess what I'm watching tonight!

  • Love 2

Maybe Lisa isn't really going for Erika because she thinks Tom is okay and figures if Erika is around next season that she'd be able to work with having her around especially if they're interacting along with their husbands. 

LOL, you said "ticked";-) I can see her being ticked if people have claimed not to have heard of her shows. Seriously, do people not research people they are going to work with....rude. I can see people not having time to watch them but to say you haven't heard of them is insulting.

I'm pretty sure the actors playing the interviewers were aware of her shows and were just messing with her to see how she'd respond. She actually tells them that they should do research before conducting an interview lol. They also asked her what the hardest job she ever had to do was and she starts talking about how hard it is to clean and how she's supposedly had to cover for people if they've called in sick or whatever. Somehow I can't see Lisa cleaning tables if some member of staff were to not show up but I guess anything is possible. 

  • Love 4

Maybe Lisa isn't really going for Erika because she thinks Tom is okay and figures if Erika is around next season that she'd be able to work with having her around especially if they're interacting along with their husbands. 

I'm pretty sure the actors playing the interviewers were aware of her shows and were just messing with her to see how she'd respond. She actually tells them that they should do research before conducting an interview lol. They also asked her what the hardest job she ever had to do was and she starts talking about how hard it is to clean and how she's supposedly had to cover for people if they've called in sick or whatever. Somehow I can't see Lisa cleaning tables if some member of staff were to not show up but I guess anything is possible. 

Now see, I can picture Lisa doing that AND grumbling the whole time she did it. LOL I can also see the person that was a no show, unless they had a really, really good excuse for missing work, getting an earful/lecture about their responsibility from Lisa the next shift they showed up. LOL 

  • Love 4

I totally agree with you about the victim thing - it infuriated me throughout Season 4 and the start of Season 5; LVP was perfectly comfortable leading/instigating/participating in attacks on others (Kyle, Adrienne, Joyce), but as soon as the tables turned, she wept and cried and played victim, claiming to be oh so baffled as to how anyone could think anything negative about her ever.  "Yes, I brought up Mauricio's affair on camera, and said that he and Kyle used friendships to get business, but HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK I would say anything that would hurt your marriage?"  Um, LVP, because you did it? On camera? That's why? I hate being treated like a moron.


I will wait to see how the last few episodes play out, but I admit to being interested to see how LVP handles the end of this season.  On twitter she's been playing the victim card, dropping little hints that sound like Season 4 redux - it was so mean, so terrible, she was so victimized. So my warning bells are pinging. But in her blogs - especially this one - she has been, for a change, direct and forceful, funny and unapologetic.  I thought the shade on Lisa Rinna, while possibly mean, was hysterical and I kind of liked it.  Say what you will, there's no doubt that Lisa Rinna and Eileen (and I believe definitely Yolanda, although she wasn't on the trip) CAME FOR LVP this season.  Whether or not it was warranted, I don't know; but it happened, they did it, and LVP gets to fight back.  I much prefer fiesty, mouthy LVP to "poor widdle me" LVP.  If you're leading the pack, LVP, then LEAD IT and don't whimper in the corner.

This is pretty much the way I feel about it as well. I like seeing LVP feisty, not acting confused as to why anyone would imagine her capable of doing such things. It was easy for some to believe she would want to hurt Kyle in S4 because we had seen her delight in hurting Kyle. What's not to believe? Her tepid response to Brandi's accusations - which was mainly to whisper to Brandi that she loved her and would never hurt her, just added fuel. She was much more angry about talk of a bankruptcy than she was about tales of tabloids in a suitcase.

We have seen LVP push back hard when she feels she has been wrongly accused like she did with Adrienne. She was angry about the accusation, not hurt or insulted. That was what was missing in S4 when the victim card was played. I like seeing this side of her. I don't know if I believe her or not, but she should fight hard if it's not true. More than anything, I hope she doesn't just make this about her. If Lisar is lying, she is hurting Kyle as well. LVP had zero sympathy for how hard it was for Kyle to hear such stories in S4. She was angrier at Kyle for believing those things than she was at Brandi for saying them. This will always be the thing that sticks out to me and I believe says the most about LVP. In this case I hope she recognizes that while it is hard for people to keep going after her, it is equally hard for Kyle to continue to be put in a position where she is being used as a tool in these games. I hope she doesn't simply demand undying loyalty from Kyle, but assures her that she loves her and would never hurt her. What Kyle seems to want more than anything is a level playing field in this friendship. She will no doubt remind LVP that she loves her. She will no doubt do the thing she does with Kim and offer support and tell her she will forgive her anything. She might also ask questions to try to get to the truth. This is what a person would do in this situation. I hope that doesn't amount to her being disloyal or a bad friend in LVP's mind - even for a minute. I just hope LVP says the same back to Kyle - that she loves her and would never hurt her. That they moved past all the negative stuff that got in their way in the past - and is genuinely concerned about Kyle's feelings in all of this.

  • Love 5

I love the way that LisaV, Eileen and LisaR especially are revving up for a clash in the reunion, but there was something more that I loved about this show -- the gowns in Dubai!!!  I want dibs on Lisa V's!  I thought it was a cut above in elegance with the way the white draped down the body and the black beading set off the bodice.  Perfection!

  • Love 2

There are two kinds of dogs, the kind that gnash teeth, spit and bark - from the safety of the porch, then there is the mean Emm Effer that makes you cross the street because that little bastard can jump the fence and really go about protecting their turf?


RIGHT? I have PTSD from a little weener dog named Turbo. Everyone new you did not pass His Yard. 

  • Love 1

One observation?


Have we EVER seen lvp in a 'vulnerable' position? Everyone else has at least one meltdown per season and  I don't remember the Iron Maiden shed a tear for anything..


I don't know if I'd call it a meltdown but she let her guard down enough to let us see her cry and light up a ciggy.  I believe it was in Puerto Rico when they all 'ganged up' on her. For what, I don't remember. Probably because she was playing chess.

  • Love 1

One observation?


Have we EVER seen lvp in a 'vulnerable' position? Everyone else has at least one meltdown per season and  I don't remember the Iron Maiden shed a tear for anything..

Lisa in Puerto Rico showed a combination of vulnerability and fleeing.  When she was confronted on the beach she ran to Ken and in a little girl voice said something like, "they are being mean to me!"  Then that evening, during the discussion about Brandi's accusation about the tabloid, Lisa and Ken fled from the restaurant and we saw vulnerability (IME) when Lisa, with a shaky hand, took the cigarette from Ken and then took a deep drag.  Then apparently in the wee hours of the morning both Lisa and Ken fled the hotel which also meant that they were refusing to keep filming.  Then once they were back in LA, Lisa tearfully relayed her ordeal to Carlton.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 5

Lisa in Puerto Rico showed a combination of vulnerability and fleeing.  When she was confronted on the beach she ran to Ken and in a little girl voice said something like, "they are being mean to me!"  Then that evening, during the discussion about Brandi's accusation about the tabloid, Lisa and Ken fled from the restaurant and we saw vulnerability (IME) when Lisa, with a shaky hand, took the cigarette from Ken and then took a deep drag.  Then apparently in the wee hours of the morning both Lisa and Ken fled the hotel which also meant that they were refusing to keep filming.  Then once they were back in LA, Lisa tearfully relayed her ordeal to Carlton.

 Thanks, I will take that as a crack in the armor.

It's so stupid that for years Kyle has been saying to Lisa that she never apologizes, or takes responsibility, and she manipulates behind the scenes, etc.  Now Lipsa and Eileen are screaming it from the rooftops, but Kyle is backing off.  Why?  Just what really did achieve their detente, and apparent new "friendship?"  What do they have on each other, or are both simply too battered and bruised by going after each other in the past that they decided to let other cast members fight for this season?

  • Love 4

It's so stupid that for years Kyle has been saying to Lisa that she never apologizes, or takes responsibility, and she manipulates behind the scenes, etc.  Now Lipsa and Eileen are screaming it from the rooftops, but Kyle is backing off.  Why?  Just what really did achieve their detente, and apparent new "friendship?"  What do they have on each other, or are both simply too battered and bruised by going after each other in the past that they decided to let other cast members fight for this season?

Honestly, it's such a great question. I think they just realized they really care about each other and the rest of it is nonsense. If I were Kyle, I would probably feel a bit victorious. She was slammed for years for daring to say such things about LVP, and now others (who were liked before they started saying it) are saying it as well. The thing is, she fell for it before when Brandi tried to lead her down that path. She got burned. I think that now they do what they need to do for the drama of the show, but they are a united front. Until next year, that is.....I am convinced that next year will be very different. Which I hate. I love them together.

  • Love 4

It's so stupid that for years Kyle has been saying to Lisa that she never apologizes, or takes responsibility, and she manipulates behind the scenes, etc.  Now Lipsa and Eileen are screaming it from the rooftops, but Kyle is backing off.  Why?  Just what really did achieve their detente, and apparent new "friendship?"  What do they have on each other, or are both simply too battered and bruised by going after each other in the past that they decided to let other cast members fight for this season?

In all honesty, I really do think LisaV and Kyle like and care for each other and have a real friendship that extends well beyond the show. I think somewhere along the line, they realized that their friendship meant more and they started to listen to outsiders, be they fellow cast members or viewers, less and less. It has been nice to see it happen.

  • Love 5

I still firmly believe Kyle led Brandi down that path, not the reverse.


Maybe they do have more of a real friendship now, I don't know.  I know I don't like the side of Lisa that Kyle sometimes brings out, the cackling mean girl crap, but they usually don't allow that side to show on RHBH anymore.


I think there is more to it, but maybe you guys are right. 

  • Love 2

I still firmly believe Kyle led Brandi down that path, not the reverse.


Maybe they do have more of a real friendship now, I don't know.  I know I don't like the side of Lisa that Kyle sometimes brings out, the cackling mean girl crap, but they usually don't allow that side to show on RHBH anymore.


I think there is more to it, but maybe you guys are right.

I think that Brandi became beyond jelly that Kyle and LVP were getting tight again. The joint bday party for Mauricio and Ken, frolicking in LVP's pool (which Brandi commented on). Kyle was beyond giddy - she was getting what she wanted. LVP was calling her again. Brandi couldn't stand it so she decided to remind Kyle of the terrible things that LVP had said about her. She told Kyle she had been right about LVP being manipulative. Told her she had seen it way back when. She knew just what to say to make Kyle start doubting things. I have zero illusions that Kyle can be a mean girl. She can be. I just don't think LVP is more so when she is with Kyle. I think she is more playful and carefree when she is with Kyle. When she was with Brandi she was saying horrid things like Mauricio and Kyle only kept LVP and Ken around as friends for 10 years for a future house listing, talking about tabloid rumors in the press, laughing with Brandi when she made racist comments, gossiping about the state of Adrienne's marriage, and of course delighting in hearts on place cards. Or defending the outing of a surrogacy because "you shouldn't come on a reality show if you have secrets". All things she did while hanging with Brandi. Maybe she is just a mean girl, regardless of who she is hanging with?

  • Love 8

I think that Brandi became beyond jelly that Kyle and LVP were getting tight again. The joint bday party for Mauricio and Ken, frolicking in LVP's pool (which Brandi commented on). Kyle was beyond giddy - she was getting what she wanted. LVP was calling her again. Brandi couldn't stand it so she decided to remind Kyle of the terrible things that LVP had said about her. She told Kyle she had been right about LVP being manipulative. Told her she had seen it way back when. She knew just what to say to make Kyle start doubting things. I have zero illusions that Kyle can be a mean girl. She can be. I just don't think LVP is more so when she is with Kyle. I think she is more playful and carefree when she is with Kyle. When she was with Brandi she was saying horrid things like Mauricio and Kyle only kept LVP and Ken around as friends for 10 years for a future house listing, talking about tabloid rumors in the press, laughing with Brandi when she made racist comments, gossiping about the state of Adrienne's marriage, and of course delighting in hearts on place cards. Or defending the outing of a surrogacy because "you shouldn't come on a reality show if you have secrets". All things she did while hanging with Brandi. Maybe she is just a mean girl, regardless of who she is hanging with?

I think they all have "mean girl" sides to them, as most of us do when we don't like someone or are defending our friends to their detractors. When LisaV and Kyle are goofing around, they aren't mean, nasty, lying, trash talking or are trying to hurt someone, they are just joking around and they tend to do it to each other more than anyone else.


As for the comment about "secrets/coming on a reality show" that holds true for all of them, every single HW on a Bravo HW show, because if it is out there in cyber world, it will be brought into the light by someone, be it another HW, a FOH, some obscure hanger on or some blogger/viewer, it will come out. It is a fair and honest warning that every HW on these shows need to acknowledge.

  • Love 4

From the way things are looking, Pinky is letting me down.  I've always thought of her as the crème de la crème, the diamond in the trash (or at least the CD!), the Queen.  Time and again I've watched Kyle be willing to cut her hand off to be more like LVP.  Now, though, LVP is giving me pause, making me question her motives.  I'm shaking in her boots.  This show would be like a used car lot full of wannabees without her at the helm.  PLEEEEEZE, Pinky, get your act together!!!

Edited by Lura
  • Love 3

A part of me dreams about this: Lisa entices Brandi back into her fold, she´ll start by bumping into her somewhere (I don´t know where elites run into trash but I´m sure there´s such a place in LA) and she´ll smile a little sad smile at her, Brandi´s heart will start pumping faster, she´ll think "is it me she´s looking at, can it really be?" Later on she´ll find herself going over to LVP and then Lisa will tell her "I saw you and just started thinking about the fun times we used to share, I couldn´t help being a bit nostalgic". Brandi will be gone by then but Lisa will bring it in for the kill with "and Ken, you know, he misses his hot little girlfriend" and laugh. By that point she´ll have Brandi changing camps and all of Yo´s dirty secrets will be a part of Lisa´s arsenal.

  • Love 4

A part of me dreams about this: Lisa entices Brandi back into her fold, she´ll start by bumping into her somewhere (I don´t know where elites run into trash but I´m sure there´s such a place in LA) and she´ll smile a little sad smile at her, Brandi´s heart will start pumping faster, she´ll think "is it me she´s looking at, can it really be?" Later on she´ll find herself going over to LVP and then Lisa will tell her "I saw you and just started thinking about the fun times we used to share, I couldn´t help being a bit nostalgic". Brandi will be gone by then but Lisa will bring it in for the kill with "and Ken, you know, he misses his hot little girlfriend" and laugh. By that point she´ll have Brandi changing camps and all of Yo´s dirty secrets will be a part of Lisa´s arsenal.


You may have just written the plot line for S7.

  • Love 5

Just to seal the deal, Lisa can invite Kim and Kyle over for a "mending fences" dinner, where she´ll secure Kim as well as can be expected from a loose cannon.


One by one they´d fall, Erika would be easy pickings by then, and soon Lisa and Erika´s husband will be exchanging compliments over dinner.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 4

I read Lisa's blog and I wasn't really impressed. It occurs to me that for someone who's barely shed a tear on camera, she likes to talk about the copious tears she sheds when the cameras are off. And she's always crying because people are so cruel, treat her unfairly, and bully her. And now she's making up nicknames like a grade schooler. I think her blog is just as childish as Eileen's.

And this doesn't apply only to Lisa, but I'm tired of them taking pot shots at each other after it's too late to address things at the reunion. Lisa's always been particularly good at that.

  • Love 6

Just to seal the deal, Lisa can invite Kim and Kyle over for a "mending fences" dinner, where she´ll secure Kim as well as can be expected from a loose cannon.


One by one they´d fall, Erika would be easy pickings by then, and soon Lisa and Erika´s husband will be exchanging compliments over dinner.

Yeah my fantasy is a Lisa V-Kim alliance with Lisa siccing Kim on Lisa R while Lisa V looks on from the sidelines (natch) swathed in diamonds and stroking one of her black swans. Edited by quinn
  • Love 4

It happened in the initial conversation, the group one.

Thanks, that is what I thought.


When that was happening there was something in the way lvp was interacting with ED that made me go, hmmmmmm.


I got the vibe that lisa was angling for ED to spill the beans about some, if any, shenanigans that might have arisen from the make out sessions on the show?


The reason I say that? I get the feeling that lvp thrives on the salaciousness of the people around her, but because her life is boring, looks down her nose at the goings on. She wants to know what is going on, then judges people when she finds out?

  • Love 2

Thanks, that is what I thought.


When that was happening there was something in the way lvp was interacting with ED that made me go, hmmmmmm.


I got the vibe that lisa was angling for ED to spill the beans about some, if any, shenanigans that might have arisen from the make out sessions on the show?


The reason I say that? I get the feeling that lvp thrives on the salaciousness of the people around her, but because her life is boring, looks down her nose at the goings on. She wants to know what is going on, then judges people when she finds out?

I don't think she looks down her nose at anyone, to me that was a rather normal question about what happens when co-stars have intimate scenes on any TV show or movie. How do they handle scenes like that, how do they keep it real looking even though they are faking it......these are normal questions that other actors have been asked. LOL

  • Love 5

Someone with a better memory can tell me when LVP and ED were talking and ED mentioned her making out with her co-stars. A scene of her with some guy in the shower was dubbed in....Did that happen with the group or in their face to face about cheating?

I think the first time LVP was asking about Vince and Eileen on the set for a scene, if they kissed and then it went into the affair business.  There was a second conversation where Eileen talked about her character's story arc with a guy  in the shower and LVP asked about it and Eileen said not all that juicy because you are more worried about how the scene looks-Eileen in a talking head something about maybe Vanderpump would like to do the scene.  I don't think Eileen and LVP have had a one on one conversation other than the one in the Hamptons where Eileen was stumbling all over herself for an apology.

  • Love 5

LVP life is boring?!? In what universe? Come spend a day with me, I'll show you boring.....grocery shopping, meeting with the landscaper, browsing PVT. But tonight I have a very exciting social event, it's called high school girls soccer. Have you EVER seen high school girls soccer???

Two restaurants, two TV shows, taking are of all the "animals", three horses - two minis and one nag - her dogs, birds, sheep, all her causes...


Women's soccer would be a little more interesting if they let them pull hair once, per game. After that? Yellow cards!


Nothing is boring if you do it with a smile in heart and your eyes open to the world around you.

  • Love 4

When El said boring, I agreed because I think her life with Ken is rather boring.  He's so dull....walking around holding Giggy.  Yeah, I get that she loves him but God help me if my husband ends up walking around carrying a little dog dressed to the nines (I get the dog has a skin condition but at least put him in a football jersey or a fun t shirt from time to time). 


I understand that Ken is getting older and appears to be not in all that great health.  That's life.  You can love and be in love for many years but it can get boring and tedious at times.  

  • Love 1

When El said boring, I agreed because I think her life with Ken is rather boring.  He's so dull....walking around holding Giggy.  Yeah, I get that she loves him but God help me if my husband ends up walking around carrying a little dog dressed to the nines (I get the dog has a skin condition but at least put him in a football jersey or a fun t shirt from time to time). 


I understand that Ken is getting older and appears to be not in all that great health.  That's life.  You can love and be in love for many years but it can get boring and tedious at times.  

Just FYI, at home, Giggy is in simple style doggie T shirts, not the OTT outfits he wears to events.


  • Love 7

Just FYI, at home, Giggy is in simple style doggie T shirts, not the OTT outfits he wears to events.


OK.... But he still carries Giggy around in OTT outfits in public.  Oh, and he brings him to dinner parties and lets him sip water out of expensive wine glasses.  Get a babysitter.  I love dogs as much as anyone but no, a dog doesn't join the table at my fancy dinner party.  That's a little too much. :)

  • Love 2

OK.... But he still carries Giggy around in OTT outfits in public.  Oh, and he brings him to dinner parties and lets him sip water out of expensive wine glasses.  Get a babysitter.  I love dogs as much as anyone but no, a dog doesn't join the table at my fancy dinner party.  That's a little too much. :)

I thought it was interesting Ken said he accompanied LVP so he didn't get the rehash at home.  I am under the impression Ken wants another restaurant between SUR and PUMP.  I don't think he is done with expanding the restaurant empire.

  • Love 4

OK.... But he still carries Giggy around in OTT outfits in public.  Oh, and he brings him to dinner parties and lets him sip water out of expensive wine glasses.  Get a babysitter.  I love dogs as much as anyone but no, a dog doesn't join the table at my fancy dinner party.  That's a little too much. :)

I'll admit, if in some alternate universe I had a dinner party where I was inviting Lisa and Ken, I think it would be fun to have Giggy in attendance too. 

  • Love 7

Just FYI, at home, Giggy is in simple style doggie T shirts, not the OTT outfits he wears to events.


I used to wonder if that little dog could even walk! And that is one of the cutest darned little clips I've ever seen. Actually a day brightener. Thanks!

I'll admit, if in some alternate universe I had a dinner party where I was inviting Lisa and Ken, I think it would be fun to have Giggy in attendance too.

Heck, Lisa and Ken could stay home and send Giggy. Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4

I used to wonder if that little dog could even walk! And that is one of the cutest darned little clips I've ever seen. Actually a day brightener. Thanks!

Heck, Lisa and Ken could stay home and send Giggy.

They have shown him walking at home a few times.


I like Lisa and Ken and would also love to have Giggy over for dinner. LOL

  • Love 5

At the risk of being morbid, Giggy is so loved by Andy and Bravo and I'm thinking of Sonja's funeral for Coco--can't you guys see Giggy having this super elaborate funeral that's attended by a bunch of Bravolebrities?

Oh my - this is hilarious! They would be falling over themselves to attend!  Who would be snubbed?  hahaha. So funny!

  • Love 2

So I've been trying to figure out what exactly went down with LVP and Lisar and I think the only thing I'm 100% sure of is that LVP is telling the truth in that she did say "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." There is no way I believe her words were "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" She's not that transparent or stupid. What isn't clear is her intent when she made that statement because it could have been said in different ways. LVP could have been saying, as she claims, "[Phew] I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it" (insert relieved tone of voice). Or should have said it, as Lisar remembers, "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it. [Why didn't you?]" (insert accusatory tone of voice). Kyle said in Dubai that she believes LVP used the words "I thought" rather than "Why didn't" but she believes her intent was malicious. Kyle just isn't explaining herself well, and Lisar and Eileen (who wasn't even there) are hurting their own case by focusing on the words used rather than their meaning.


I believe that Lisar believed or came to believe that LVP meant it maliciously and in her memory she has twisted LVP's words to be "Why didn't" instead of "I thought", which is less ambiguous. I truly believe she believes that LVP said "Why didn't". I have to wonder if Lisar always believe that LVP's intent was malicious or did she later come to that conclusion because it fit Eileen's narrative that LVP is manipulative, a narrative that was beneficial to Lisar because she could use it to shift some of the blame onto LVP for the Munchausen comments. If she believed at the time that LVP was being malicious it begs the question of why she didn't tell Kyle sooner. She and Kyle are friends IRL so it doesn't make sense to me that she wouldn't tell her at the time that LVP was trying to throw her under the bus. I think it's more likely that in talking with Eileen she came to this conclusion much later. That doesn't mean LVP's intent was ever innocent (I don't know) but it's likely to me that Lisar took it innocently at first (and likely for quite a while), which does give some credibility to LVP's claim that it wasn't meant maliciously because memories get less accurate over time. However, the fact that Kyle initially assumed LVP was being malicious and called her out on it at the time (which LVP doesn't deny) lends credibility to the assertion that LVP wasn't saying it innocently, though if she did mean it maliciously I don't know why she would bring it up to Kyle at all. 


The fact is we'll never know her intent and Kyle is fine with it either way so these ladies should all move on. If LVP is as conniving as Lisar and Eileen think she is then there has to be other more recent examples of her manipulation. This issue is not going to be the one that brings down LVP and it only makes Eileen and Lisar look bad because the subject doesn't care and they're arguing the wrong point anyway.

  • Love 8

So I've been trying to figure out what exactly went down with LVP and Lisar and I think the only thing I'm 100% sure of is that LVP is telling the truth in that she did say "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." There is no way I believe her words were "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" She's not that transparent or stupid. What isn't clear is her intent when she made that statement because it could have been said in different ways. LVP could have been saying, as she claims, "[Phew] I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it" (insert relieved tone of voice). Or should have said it, as Lisar remembers, "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it. [Why didn't you?]" (insert accusatory tone of voice). Kyle said in Dubai that she believes LVP used the words "I thought" rather than "Why didn't" but she believes her intent was malicious. Kyle just isn't explaining herself well, and Lisar and Eileen (who wasn't even there) are hurting their own case by focusing on the words used rather than their meaning.


I believe that Lisar believed or came to believe that LVP meant it maliciously and in her memory she has twisted LVP's words to be "Why didn't" instead of "I thought", which is less ambiguous. I truly believe she believes that LVP said "Why didn't". I have to wonder if Lisar always believe that LVP's intent was malicious or did she later come to that conclusion because it fit Eileen's narrative that LVP is manipulative, a narrative that was beneficial to Lisar because she could use it to shift some of the blame onto LVP for the Munchausen comments. If she believed at the time that LVP was being malicious it begs the question of why she didn't tell Kyle sooner. She and Kyle are friends IRL so it doesn't make sense to me that she wouldn't tell her at the time that LVP was trying to throw her under the bus. I think it's more likely that in talking with Eileen she came to this conclusion much later. That doesn't mean LVP's intent was ever innocent (I don't know) but it's likely to me that Lisar took it innocently at first (and likely for quite a while), which does give some credibility to LVP's claim that it wasn't meant maliciously because memories get less accurate over time. However, the fact that Kyle initially assumed LVP was being malicious and called her out on it at the time (which LVP doesn't deny) lends credibility to the assertion that LVP wasn't saying it innocently, though if she did mean it maliciously I don't know why she would bring it up to Kyle at all. 


The fact is we'll never know her intent and Kyle is fine with it either way so these ladies should all move on. If LVP is as conniving as Lisar and Eileen think she is then there has to be other more recent examples of her manipulation. This issue is not going to be the one that brings down LVP and it only makes Eileen and Lisar look bad because the subject doesn't care and they're arguing the wrong point anyway.

LisaV tried to explain it to Kyle in Dubai, the "I thought" comment, and Kyle wouldn't let her finish her explanation and I think that is how Kyle handled it the first time around as well and Lisa didn't want to fight over something so minor/silly, so she let it go. I also don't believe that had LisaV signed on with Rinna  about Yolanda/Munchausen off camera, Rinna would have called her out when she poo poo'ed her on camera at the pony lunch, which Rinna did not do. AND, I don't think Rinna felt Lisa was manipulating her or using her at any time until Eileen convinced her otherwise. Is Lisa innocent of never stirring the pot, NO, but in this instance, I do believe she is innocent.

  • Love 14

I love LisaV. I have loved her since season 1. That said, I am not blind to her faults. I know that she is just as shady as the other women on the show. The thing that I like about her is that she still manages to come out the other side strong - sure she is showing more and more battle scars at this point - but she still comes back strong and keeps it moving. 


That being said, I also love LisaR and Eileen. I like LisaR's upbeat attitude and that she was such a shameless fan of the show before she ever got offered the gig. I like Eileen, because seriously? Kristen was the best character ever and I love that she has no shame about her dated fashion and unwillingness to spend money just because of labels. 


What I don't like is the perception that I as a LVP fan I am not aware of her shortcomings. I read a lot of blogs recapping the show (shameless plug: Please read Ronnie Karem's recaps at TrashTalkTV! Yes, he is a friend of mine, but he is also HILARIOUS), and I hate when certain bloggers assume that just because I am a fan of LVP, I do everything I can to defend and minimize her behavior. I feel like as a fan, I can also clearly see where she is the wrong. I find it offensive to my intellect that there is an assumption that as a fan, I believe she can do no wrong. I can list plenty of times when I thought that she was in the wrong, but I can also still love the fact that she played it just right. 


All of these women have publicists, PR staff, and most likely, at least one person helping them out with their Social Media accounts. They are all trying to manipulate the image they portray to the audience. Just because I respect the way LVP uses her resources to stay relevant on this show, and keep her other show, and manage her business interests, doesn't mean I am a blind worshiper at the feet of LVP. 


I like that when LVP feels wronged she may resolve the issue and move on but not be as trusting of the person she felt wronged her. I don't think that is holding a grudge so much as being smart. She is strategic, which many people label manipulative. I get it. But, I have always felt that the only thing she manipulates is her own television image. The other women, complete with their publicists, PR staff, and possible social media helpers, have the same ability and just never use it to their advantage. I don't think that automatically makes LVP more manipulative than the other women, it just makes her savvy enough to use the resources at her disposal in the right way. I love and respect that about her. 


When it comes to Eileen and Rinna, I think that they both believed they could do the same thing since they have both navigated Hollywood for years. Rinna thought that she could leverage her friendship with Kyle and LisaV, and Eileen thought that she could leverage her friendship with Rinna and her burgeoning friendship with LisaV to keep them both from looking bad. 


The problem is that they both jumped the gun. They each had a moment on camera when they felt like they had said too much. They both went into an immediate mode of "how is this going to play out when the season airs?" So, they both started trying to find a way to make it more about LisaV being manipulative than they did about letting things drop so as not to give them more life.


I think that Rinna was initially fine and saw no malice in any of the conversations she had with LisaV and Kyle. But, as she got more and more uncomfortable with the idea that SHE was the one who brought Munchies on camera, her perception of all of those conversations she participated in seemed more and more sinister. 


I think that Eileen was uncomfortable talking about how she and Vince got together on camera, but not enough to actually say so until she stewed on it for a few days. I think that while she was stewing on it, she imagined how the conversation would play out when she addressed it with LisaV (haven't we all done this before?) and didn't get the response she wanted and so she kept stewing and each time she met with LVP she got more and more angry - at herself at first - for accepting the initial apology and again not speaking up when it was actually happening - and then later as LVP refused to play into it she started projecting that on the LVP. 


I think both reactions are reasonable. They are the kind of responses that I have dealt with most of my life. In Eileen's case, I can name at least 50 instances where I personally wish I had spoken up in real time about how uncomfortable I was rather than stewing on it. In Rinna's case, I can also identify with having hung myself out on a limb and realizing that the people I thought were my cohorts were watching me dangle rather than getting a ladder.


In Rinna's case it is weird because she actually saw LVP and Kyle defend her to Yolanda and seemed to express gratitude for it in her blog in real time, only backtrack (while still trying to own her behavior) on her blog as we enter the last part of the season. Also, Rinna is no stranger to reality television, so it seems weird to me that she feels she was manipulated when she knows that they are all being manipulated by production and their off camera alliances. 


This isn't to say that I think Rinna is lying or that I think she was actually manipulated by LVP. I think Rinna made a conscious decision to bring up Munchies on camera  in the hopes that it would be similar to her asking Kim point blank if she was drunk or high in the limo. She came into the show completely familiar with the players and even being friends with a lot of them. She knew Kyle for years and defended Kyle about limo-gate when she appeared on WWHL before she was ever a cast member. One of the reasons I used to love seeing her as a guest on that show was because she called out everyone's bad behavior as a fan would. I just think in this instance of Munchies she took it to a level that neither Kyle or LVP ever expressed any interest in going, and then realized why they wouldn't go there after the fact. 


I think if there had been prior discussions about Munchies with Kyle and LVP, Rinna would have said so in her blog after "The M Word" aired. Instead she takes full ownership of what she said and that she had discussed it with her hairdresser. Does anyone else think that there is actual footage of that conversation somewhere? I mean if they filmed her getting her ass waxed, they most likely filmed her getting her hair done too. 


In short, I don't want either LisaR or Eileen to leave the show. I really hate that they are getting so much backlash, mainly because as LVP supporter, I get grouped in with people who think LVP can do no wrong. In a perfect world, I would love to see all of the women minus Yolanda come back next season. Even though, I don't feel like we have gotten to know Ericka, I have a sneaking suspicion that she and LVP would have been friends if she weren't so closely tied to Yo's view of things. And I would like to see that relationship develop with out Yolanda there. 


I would like to see Rinna having fun with LVP and Kyle - separately or together. While I find Kathryn boring, I think we could see more of her shady side in the way she immediately played runtelldat on Ericka to LVP. I also like the fact that she seems to be the only woman on the show who realizes that any two people are going to remember the same situation/conversation differently - especially as time passes. 


Sorry for the rambling post, I just wanted to get that off my chest before bedtime. 

  • Love 15

So I've been trying to figure out what exactly went down with LVP and Lisar and I think the only thing I'm 100% sure of is that LVP is telling the truth in that she did say "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." There is no way I believe her words were "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" She's not that transparent or stupid. What isn't clear is her intent when she made that statement because it could have been said in different ways. LVP could have been saying, as she claims, "[Phew] I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it" (insert relieved tone of voice). Or should have said it, as Lisar remembers, "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it. [Why didn't you?]" (insert accusatory tone of voice). Kyle said in Dubai that she believes LVP used the words "I thought" rather than "Why didn't" but she believes her intent was malicious. Kyle just isn't explaining herself well, and Lisar and Eileen (who wasn't even there) are hurting their own case by focusing on the words used rather than their meaning.


I believe that Lisar believed or came to believe that LVP meant it maliciously and in her memory she has twisted LVP's words to be "Why didn't" instead of "I thought", which is less ambiguous. I truly believe she believes that LVP said "Why didn't". I have to wonder if Lisar always believe that LVP's intent was malicious or did she later come to that conclusion because it fit Eileen's narrative that LVP is manipulative, a narrative that was beneficial to Lisar because she could use it to shift some of the blame onto LVP for the Munchausen comments. If she believed at the time that LVP was being malicious it begs the question of why she didn't tell Kyle sooner. She and Kyle are friends IRL so it doesn't make sense to me that she wouldn't tell her at the time that LVP was trying to throw her under the bus. I think it's more likely that in talking with Eileen she came to this conclusion much later. That doesn't mean LVP's intent was ever innocent (I don't know) but it's likely to me that Lisar took it innocently at first (and likely for quite a while), which does give some credibility to LVP's claim that it wasn't meant maliciously because memories get less accurate over time. However, the fact that Kyle initially assumed LVP was being malicious and called her out on it at the time (which LVP doesn't deny) lends credibility to the assertion that LVP wasn't saying it innocently, though if she did mean it maliciously I don't know why she would bring it up to Kyle at all. 


The fact is we'll never know her intent and Kyle is fine with it either way so these ladies should all move on. If LVP is as conniving as Lisar and Eileen think she is then there has to be other more recent examples of her manipulation. This issue is not going to be the one that brings down LVP and it only makes Eileen and Lisar look bad because the subject doesn't care and they're arguing the wrong point anyway.


This is exactly as I see it too especially since Rinna does this often - she repeats conversations not in their actuality, but in the way she perceived the meaning. It works against her in the sense that she's either a) misreading the intent/tone of the conversation or b) she is arguing over semantics when her argument would be better served to explain why she interpreted the conversation that way.


In the end, Kyle understands the semantics game and likely believes LVP's story but believes Rinna's interpretation was correct but as you said, she hasn't expressed that well either.

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