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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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That is possible but Alexia's bite was the 4th one we know about and Kyle didn't name the dog at all. Kim outed herself and Kingsley and then we started to hear about the other bite victims. Heck, Brandi said that Kingsley bit her when Kyle/Mauricio expressed their concerns about the dog, the same season production hired the trainer that was also bitten by Kingsley, so there was already a record of the dog's aggressive behavior on film. Also, when the 3rd known victim (the 80 year old family friend) was bitten, an ambulance was called to Kim's house because they could not stop or even slow down the bleeding from the bite, so there would be a record with the authorities on that bite, which happened after the trainer but before he bit Alexia. I don't think Kingsley was put down until AFTER the 3rd victim filed a lawsuit against Kim for her bite, which happened in June AFTER her arrest at the BHH for Public Intoxication which all happened AFTER the reunion was filmed. At 1 point, Monty posted that Kingsley was alive and well around this time on his IG account.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Kim must have known that 4x the charm, and may have wanted Kyle to keep Alexia's bite hush-hush, and make it sound less severe than it was. I think the way it came out on camera trapped her and she knew it was her own damn fault and wanted Kyle to minimize it. We all know how that turned out!

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Yeah, that's what I meant. Kim must have known that 4x the charm, and may have wanted Kyle to keep Alexia's bite hush-hush, and make it sound less severe than it was. I think the way it came out on camera trapped her and she knew it was her own damn fault and wanted Kyle to minimize it. We all know how that turned out!

If only the stupid, irresponsible fool had done as the trainer told her to do with Kingsley, maybe, just maybe this all could have been avoided. IMO, Kim loved that the dog would bite anyone that came near her, she loved that he defended her no matter what she did and because of that he was put down and because of that I will never have sympathy for her. We rescued a Great Pyrenees a few years ago, he was a beautiful 10 month old pup that ended up weighing 190 lbs by the time he was 2 years old. We didn't know when we took him in that he was abused by his previous family, they beat him and fed him drugs and alcohol every day they had him, 8 months. Long, sad, story short, he ended up with brain damage and even though he was loyal/loving to our family, he tried to kill anything/anyone that came into our yard, everything from butterflies to the meter reader. We had to make the heart breaking decision to put him down when training AND medication failed BEFORE he actually bit anyone and he was only 3 1/2 years old. IMO, there is a special place in hell for those that abuse/neglect animals and what Kim did was neglect Kingsley by putting HER twisted needs before his needs which put other peoples lives in danger.

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... IMO, there is a special place in hell for those that abuse/neglect animals and what Kim did was neglect Kingsley by putting HER twisted needs before his needs which put other peoples lives in danger.

First of all, sorry for your loss. It had to be an hard decision to make :(

Regarding the part of your post I quoted, I just can't imagine how she's alinated her children, if I project the -lack of- education of her dog to her children :/

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NEWS/  Kim Richards' Ex-Husband Monty Brinson Dead at 58 After Battle With Cancer


by MIKE VULPO Sun, Jan 24, 2016 8:39 PM


Monty Brinson's battle with cancer has come to a sad ending.


After sharing several poignant messages on Instagram in recent days, Kim Richards' ex-husband has passed away at the age of 58.


"We have lost Monty Brinson after a brave battle with cancer," Rick Hilton announced on Instagram Sunday evening. "His heart was as big as the moon and he was loved by all he met."

Kathy Hilton's husband added, "He will be sorely missed. I love you always!"


In the days leading up to his death, Monty kept fans updated on his condition while also sharing a sense of optimism that he would be alright no matter what happens.


"Even though I'm facing death eye to eye which instead of being scared or pity, I'm embracing it as I go forward with this journey," he shared on Instagram. "I pray my journey helps others in what lays ahead of them through their struggles."


Kim also appeared to share that same positive attitude when she posted a tweet for fans before the weekend.


"Hi Everyone...I've missed U all," she wrote. "Thank you for all  the Love and Prayers for Monty! Your messages touch my heart. XO KIM."


Although they were only married from 1985 to 1988, fans of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills knew the couple remained close. In fact, the pair never missed out on important milestones and family events.


"Always know your in My Heart. I love you so much. We have come so far, let's keep it going," Kim wrote after celebrating Monty's most recent birthday. "I'm right by your side forever!"


As the family begins the grieving process, perhaps those close to Monty will find strength in the gratitude he expressed for everyone in his life.


"I'd like to thank all the people who have crossed my path," Monty shared in one of his final posts. "You've all touched my heart. May everyone have a blessed night and much love to everyone sweet dreams Monty."


Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire family during this difficult time.



Edited by Lura
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I am sorry to hear that.  And, as much as I dislike Kim, I sincerely hope that his passing does not send her into a downward spiral.  I hope that her family and friends are there for her, to keep her strong and away from any temptation.  This will be a very difficult time for her, and it will be easy for her to give into her demons.  I hope that does not happen.

  • Love 17

I am sorry to hear that.  And, as much as I dislike Kim, I sincerely hope that his passing does not send her into a downward spiral.  I hope that her family and friends are there for her, to keep her strong and away from any temptation.  This will be a very difficult time for her, and it will be easy for her to give into her demons.  I hope that does not happen.

I hope Kim remembers that it is time to be there for Brooke and Monty's other two daughters.  Monty had some amazing comebacks and was there for Kim against all odds.  it would be great if Kim involved herself in a project right about now.  I fear months of ruminating and they many never get Kim back.

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Kingsley was alive as of August of 2015 (source: The Daily Beast). I can't find a single article suggesting he was being or had been put down--only speculation in April when he was taken and subsequently released by animal control. My guess is he was re-homed in secrecy, hopefully to someone more equipped to handle a dog with aggression issues. I assume this is illegal if CA has a 3-strike rule, but...is anyone surprised? 


I'm sorry to hear about Monty and I hope Kim has a support system for herself so that she may provide support for the others affected by his death, and can turn off the white noise of the moral police and focus on healing her own disease.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Why isn't Kim with Monty  I would think with her devotion and his present condition she would not want to leave his side.


Having sat with my father-in-law during his last weeks and his death from lung cancer, I can only say that I'm glad Monty was not with Kim at the end.  Kim is not strong, as we know, and this is an especially precarious time for her with her addictions.  IMHO, the less she sees of the end, the better off she will be.


As for the "weird" posts by Monty toward the end of his life, one has to consider that he had suffered a stroke, had brain cancer, and was undoubtedly on morphine by then.  Those three factors would make it virtually impossible for Monty to write a sensible few sentences.  He was not "himself" when they were posted, and I feel that he shouldn't be judged by their content or their grammar.  How well could any of us write in a state like he was in?  I am glad that his family was deleting them because they knew that he would be embarrassed by them if he could read them under normal circumstances.

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He seemed like a kind, loving man.


What a blessing it was for everyone who loved him to have him keep his hopefulness, and that kind and loving nature until the end.  His instagram has been just beautiful and inspiring throughout his fight.  He was able to live quite a bit longer than the doctors predicted, and he spent that extra time spreading as much love, true grace, and compassion as he could. 


Everyone dies differently, everyone fights cancer differently.  His way was a gift to his family,  his friends, and to many people who never knew him in person as well.

  • Love 12

Having sat with my father-in-law during his last weeks and his death from lung cancer, I can only say that I'm glad Monty was not with Kim at the end.  Kim is not strong, as we know, and this is an especially precarious time for her with her addictions.  IMHO, the less she sees of the end, the better off she will be.


As for the "weird" posts by Monty toward the end of his life, one has to consider that he had suffered a stroke, had brain cancer, and was undoubtedly on morphine by then.  Those three factors would make it virtually impossible for Monty to write a sensible few sentences.  He was not "himself" when they were posted, and I feel that he shouldn't be judged by their content or their grammar.  How well could any of us write in a state like he was in?  I am glad that his family was deleting them because they knew that he would be embarrassed by them if he could read them under normal circumstances.

Mostly what the Monty weird posts showed me is that he was Kim's biggest fan and would defend her to the ends of the earth and did not seem to be angry with any of Kim's family.  The one weird post and it might go more to his sense of humor was the one with the staircase and God speaking to him.  My guess is the last message was probably something he asked the family to convey. 


From reading his Instagram he developed a legion of positive followers who were supportive and even near the end he seemed to care about them. 


RIP Monty Brinson and know you had many who loved you.

Having sat with my father-in-law during his last weeks and his death from lung cancer, I can only say that I'm glad Monty was not with Kim at the end.  Kim is not strong, as we know, and this is an especially precarious time for her with her addictions.  IMHO, the less she sees of the end, the better off she will be.


As for the "weird" posts by Monty toward the end of his life, one has to consider that he had suffered a stroke, had brain cancer, and was undoubtedly on morphine by then.  Those three factors would make it virtually impossible for Monty to write a sensible few sentences.  He was not "himself" when they were posted, and I feel that he shouldn't be judged by their content or their grammar.  How well could any of us write in a state like he was in?  I am glad that his family was deleting them because they knew that he would be embarrassed by them if he could read them under normal circumstances.

Mostly what the Monty weird posts showed me is that he was Kim's biggest fan and would defend her to the ends of the earth and did not seem to be angry with any of Kim's family.  The one weird post and it might go more to his sense of humor was the one with the staircase and God speaking to him.  My guess is the last message was probably something he asked the family to convey. 


From reading his Instagram he developed a legion of positive followers who were supportive and even near the end he seemed to care about them. 


RIP Monty Brinson and know you had many who loved you.

  • Love 9

Kingsley was alive as of August of 2015 (source: The Daily Beast). I can't find a single article suggesting he was being or had been put down--only speculation in April when he was taken and subsequently released by animal control. My guess is he was re-homed in secrecy, hopefully to someone more equipped to handle a dog with aggression issues. I assume this is illegal if CA has a 3-strike rule, but...is anyone surprised? 


I'm sorry to hear about Monty and I hope Kim has a support system for herself so that she may provide support for the others affected by his death, and can turn off the white noise of the moral police and focus on healing her own disease.

If that is the case, then I am truly happy that Kingsley has been successfully rescued from kim. Hopefully he will finally have a chance to be rehabbed and become someone's beloved best friend. If, on the other hand, he is too far gone for rehab, I hope he will be/was given the most humane end possible - no animal should have to suffer because of the shitty behavior of the humans who are entrusted with their care

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From the beginning, the thing that struck me most about Monty was his seeming lack of bitterness and his determination to sustain hope not only for himself but for others as well.  I wasn't quite sure whether he was a fool who wouldn't accept his own diagnosis or whether he was some kind of an incredible Christian who was determined to help others for as long as he could.  Finally, it didn't matter.  He was Monty, and he was doing something good, so I merely accepted him.  The acceptance grew into incredulity and immense admiration as time went on.  It's a good thing I don't have Instagram, or I'd have begun following him constantly!


It makes sense now why Monty's divorces only meant parting on paper.  Apparently, Monty didn't believe in animosity and discord because his relationships continued until the end of his life.  If marriage wasn't forever, at least love was.  He seemed dedicated to his former wives and his children.


I feel so lucky, or blessed, that the orbit of Monty's life and the orbit of mine came into distant contact for a little while.  Everyone's life is a lesson, and Monty's was a meaningful one for me.  Rest in peace, Monty.



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I thought she was more picky about what she chooses to be in?   Poor Kimberley, she's become her mother's caretaker, meal ticket, and it seem like she has the entire burden of Kim on her shoulders.  Let he be a college kid.  Let her go about her life not worrying that Kim is going to go off the rails - again.  This poor kid. 

  • Love 10

I thought she was more picky about what she chooses to be in?   Poor Kimberley, she's become her mother's caretaker, meal ticket, and it seem like she has the entire burden of Kim on her shoulders.  Let he be a college kid.  Let her go about her life not worrying that Kim is going to go off the rails - again.  This poor kid. 

Well, she WILL worry about her mother, whether or not she's at college.  Kim's carrying on a family tradition by using a daughter as meal ticket though.  Ugh!


Wow for a family who doesn't want their business out there they sure chose unusual avenues of employment.

Seriously.  Kim must be really broke.  I hope her daughter took home a good paycheck.

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What ever happened to staying away from people, places and things that can trigger a relapse?  Kim has learned nothing from rehab.  The stress of filming and maybe showing more raw emotion than ready to do could be her tipping point.  I am surprised her daughter is going along with that shit show.  I just don't see Kim being humble and staying out of the limelight.

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That clip showed how it turned out for everyone....except Kim...lol, like we can't figure out how the script goes. Two of the cast, Natalie and Heidi, were on the same season of Marriage Reality Boot Camp (or whatever it was called). 

All I noticed from the clip was Kim pushing another mother.  I also noticed the word healthy instead of sober.  I see it filmed after the RHOBH stopped filming.  It would be just so wrong if Kim did this show and hadn't attempted to clean up some of her prior messes.

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ParkCirclegirl, on 29 Jan 2016 - 04:31 AM, said:

What ever happened to staying away from people, places and things that can trigger a relapse?  Kim has learned nothing from rehab.  The stress of filming and maybe showing more raw emotion than ready to do could be her tipping point.  I am surprised her daughter is going along with that shit show.  I just don't see Kim being humble and staying out of the limelight.


I'm afraid that by now, there isn't a person, place or thing that wouldn't be a trigger for Kimmie.

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In that podcast Brandi did with Jill Zarin this week, there are some comments about the show Kim is doing with her daughter.  There are a couple of recaps in Brandi's thread for those who don't want to listen to two screechy voices. 


Anyway, Brandi says "I heard it's a shit show." and Jill Zarin mentioned they tried, and a similar show tried, to get Jill and her daughter to do it, offered her daughter a "ton of money, more than she makes in a couple of years" to do it.  Zarin's kid said no way.  Jill of course, was all for it.


I guess Kim didn't like doing it after all.  It was just a little slip from Brandi, she didn't say KIM said it, but who else would have?  Maybe Kathy.

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