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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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3 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Nonsense. People are being accused without any proof.

It is character assassination, there are no mileage here.

I feel sorry for them. 

Co sign. Jason's parents came across to me as happy, healthy, positive nurturing people who were thrilled to gain a daughter in law and a granddaughter and expand their loving family.   They do not deserve any of the character assassination they are receiving . 

I wish them every enjoyment with their son and granddaughter and any future grandchildren they may be so fortunate to have. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 13

They better be happy with Bryn cuz I don't see any woman crazy enough to jump into bed with Hoppy now.  He's a train wreck.  And he's a poor train wreck.  Women do crazy with money.

Who knows? As we have seen with Luann, there are women out there who will put up with anything just to not be alone. Even putting up with Jason and his parents.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Lol. WHo would want to deal with the baby mama?

As far as Jason, he will find someone, Imo.

He might be able to find someone, but he had better stop acting like a crazy loon, obsessed with his ex-wife. The only kind of gal a guy like this could find is another crazy loon. I have no doubt they are out there - women pen love letters to guys on death row, so there is hope for him. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

He might be able to find someone, but he had better stop acting like a crazy loon, obsessed with his ex-wife. The only kind of gal a guy like this could find is another crazy loon. I have no doubt they are out there - women pen love letters to guys on death row, so there is hope for him. 

While he is no Menendez, I have to agree with you that he is nuts.

I hope that he will consider therapy. OTherwise, Brynn's stepmother will be another nutjob.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

He might be able to find someone, but he had better stop acting like a crazy loon, obsessed with his ex-wife. The only kind of gal a guy like this could find is another crazy loon. I have no doubt they are out there - women pen love letters to guys on death row, so there is hope for him. 

Did he get any takers on Bumble? This was when he still lived in the apt he defrauded Bethenny out of for 4 years

  • Love 4


I do think that expecting others to deal with your animal in THEIR home is a problem (Ramona should never be allowed to bring her dog anywhere!).  Cookie was at HER home and if his guests didn't like it they didn't have to be there.  Cookie is also Bryn's dog.  This comment isn't on the truthfulness of B's story, just how I see animals and their place in the home.  I have cats so they go no where except the vet where they are more than welcome!  

That said I was at a business once and the owner had their pitbull in the waiting room.  I LOVE all animals but this bastard wasn't just nipping, he was full on biting and I was yelling to get this beast out of the room.  I took my business elsewhere after being ignored.  I have been in a cage with a tiger, coyote, bobcat, held a primate but the only time I have been truly afraid was this pitbull with no social skills.


But that's still putting a pets needs above the needs of others.  So a dog should be allowed to bark, nip, act out, have no restraint just as long as they are in THEIR own home? And it's understandable when it's "certain" people and there's "something" about some people that gets that kind of reaction from them? I was just talking more in a general sense. There's just waaaay too many "acceptable" justifications why it's "not a big deal" when an animal acts out and so much scrutiny about "what did the human do to provoke it" that amazes me and that I sometimes find unreasonable and a bit obnoxious. Followed by the "oh well, my fur baby comes first" and if you think your nipped at ankles are more important then that's says something about YOU.  I find those sort of attitudes a bit much.

I get that their living situation was all kinds of messy but that still doesn't excuse a dog that goes after people. I'm not a fan of defending unruly pets and aggressive behavior. That's what creates unfortunate accidents. And considering the situation wasn't an ideal one to begin with she shouldn't have expected Jason to bend over backwards for a pet that isn't his. Some people would consider what he did perfectly fine because he didn't harm the dog. I'm sorry unless it was some slum lord kennel I really can't picture doggy abuse and mental anguish, my non pet brain just doesn't see things at that elevated level. I mean I use the rec center for my sons child care so maybe I'm just hard core like that?  But I do side eye Beth more cause she didn't make sure HER pets needs were met and decided to be stubborn because of the nature of their living arrangement and allowed someone she knew wouldn't give Cookie the same amount of attention and leeway as she does to deal with her. She left Cookie in what some may think is a vulnerable position. That's on her.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 6

Yes, it was unkind to put Cookie at the kennel since he was around, imo.

However, Cookie was not his responsibility.

What would have happened if she bit someone?

B made the wrong assumption that he would take care of her property. (Which cookie is according to NY law)

Thankfully, no one or no dog was injured.

If he was a total dick, he could have petitioned for time with the dog. It happened to one of my friend. The ex was that spiteful.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Lemons said:

That's not the issue. Hoppys mother was in another state, a state where she is not registered as a notary. The content of the documents wasn't relevant. 

Plus why would anyone take their notary seal with them out of state?

Well I'm pointing out that I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

Why wouldn't she bring one? Maybe she new she would be notarizing something and brought it.

The point is that if someone sees being a notary as someone that verifies someone's identity by following certain procedures and does just that then where is the malice in that? The state to state thing didn't register to me so I don't find it hard to believe it was an oversight.

I think it's more of a stretch to assign some hugely illegal intention behind a notary seal. It's not like the notary made the document impenetrable. You would think this was some Newman/Redford con operation.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Lemons said:

This wasn't in response to your post. It was about another post about notarizing for family members. It's allowed in some states, but not recommended if the notary has an interest in the document. 

My point about Bethany claiming forgery.  It's not about a judges decision. It's more about public opinion. She states she didn't sign it and Jason and his mother would be the only ones who witnessed her signature. Jason's mother has a reason to lie. Jason has a reason to lie. It gives Bethany's claim more weight. 

And Beth actually lies on the regular.

I find it so curious how the chaos in Jason and Beth's tanked relationship and tumultuous divorce gets reduced to Mamma Hoppy and Jason being the worst people that walked the earth instead of what it is.

Beth's a bitch. Jason, whether he was or became or is becoming one is an asshole. Petty lines have been crossed due to selfishness and stubbornness and yet this narrative that it's all about the bred and raised by wolves Hoppy family that is to blame for it all.

It's amazing. This family, from what I saw on the show was run of the mill. A close, tight knit loving family whose family values and traditions sent Beth completely over the edge (Da Fucq?????) is now transformed into some believable bad dealing family ring. Because Beth the saint had a bad reaction to their dedicated family model?????

It's truly mindblowing.

I get that it's not a recipe for more "modern" thinking "independent" individuals in this day and age but at the same time it's hardly archaic or cruel to have a family so invested in each other that they come off as overbearing. Their major sins are that the Hoppy's are a tight family and apparently Jason was a bit of a mama's boy. THE HORROR!!  That's now turned into enough reason to assign even more machiavellian  intentions with this family as the saga continues.

Can't it just be that Beth and Jason was a huge mistake and the Hoppy's reactions to her display just that?

If a bitch like Beth happened to my family you better believe that I wouldn't be her biggest fan and I wouldn't be worried about my complete disregard for her showing in public. Don't like you not gonna pretend I do and if you got something slick to say Imma put ya in ya place. Point. Blank. And we ALL KNOW Beth ALWAYS has something to say so nah.

Plus I still haven't heard or seen anything that this family has done that went beyond any basic discord. I mean what has the family done to her that the Hoppy's are also attacked so strongly? I'm at a complete loss as to why the Hoppy's are connected to such a degree when it comes to the divorce. I mean, is it cause we know they are being supportive to their son during this whole ordeal? There's this sense that they've contributed CONSIDERABLY to the conflict between Jason and Beth and I'm just wondering how that's the case?

  • Love 13
13 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Unfortunately we have all been bad bad little posters. This stuff is spread out over the seven seas.  But I believe in the last episode thread someone looked up all the charges and included links to the various statues etc. There is in fact one felony charge. 

Whatever the outcome is after this goes to trial, Bethenny and her current set of lawyers need to pursue fraud charges against Carole & Jason Hoppy. There is no statute of limitations. He lived in that apartment fraudulently for 4 years under invalid documents. The fact that this was done across state lines makes it federal and the value of the apt at the time of purchase makes it grand larceny. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Co sign. Jason's parents came across to me as happy, healthy, positive nurturing people who were thrilled to gain a daughter in law and a granddaughter and expand their loving family.   They do not deserve any of the character assassination they are receiving . 

I wish them every enjoyment with their son and granddaughter and any future grandchildren they may be so fortunate to have. 

I so agree with you on this. 

IMO part of B's success was due to the barrage of articles and pictures that were in the news and also all of us that posted and saw her in a positive light during those early years. I have said before that I would love to hear from Julie, her assistant, as I think she probably handled all of that (and may even have posted with us) and did so in a much more positive way.  Now I think the same blue print is being used but casting everything negative against anyone other than B. 

Jason's parents seemed to me exactly as you described. 

  • Love 9
On 6/6/2017 at 8:05 AM, Yours Truly said:

As a CURRENT notary in VA.

I've abbreviated the process to:

Check ID, Verify Identity, Notarize, Keep log.

Granted I'm not called on too often to notarize and it's almost always the same type of docs that I need to notarize but to be honest I sign whatever docs are in front of me and all I've ever done was verify the signers identity. Never have I checked to see if the documents have to do with business in another state and now that I think of it the advisors here do business in many different states so who knows? I don't review the paperwork. It's an official looking document that needs a notary seal.  I trust that the advisors know what they are doing and are confident my notary will serve their needs.

All I know is that I would have never thought to check about the state thing because I'm under the impression that my responsibility stops at verifying the person is who they say they are. Nothing more, nothing less. 

It's interesting hearing your perspective. We just completed some financial docs and used a local notary. The notary skimmed through the docs before stamping and I was offended. I didn't know if notaries have any obligations to maintain confidentiality, if this info could be used for future marketing purposes (since most are employed at banks), or if could be shared with another gov't agency for tax or other purposes. I thought a notary was just to verify the person signing was the correct person to avoid fraud. 

  • Love 1

One thing that has amazed me about this whole fuck-for-all is the division of opinion and views on the thread.

One thing I learned to NEVER do was to take a side in a marriage battle royale.

There was always ONE side that was acting like a total asshole - usually the one that whines and cries about how badly THEY are being treated/have it made - during the fuck-for-all of a divorce.

IT's funny that people are quick to jump on Jason's ass about the divorce, when beffy is the only one (not) talking about it?

I want the transcript of the trial.

The loser should be burned at the stake.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Whatever the outcome is after this goes to trial, Bethenny and her current set of lawyers need to pursue fraud charges against Carole & Jason Hoppy. There is no statute of limitations. He lived in that apartment fraudulently for 4 years under invalid documents. The fact that this was done across state lines makes it federal and the value of the apt at the time of purchase makes it grand larceny. 

An interesting idea. Though I imagine Beth would get a whole new slew of nasty emails in return..

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

On BEA he stated how wrong therapy was.  Neither he or his parents believe in therapy.  He understands that Bethenny needs to be fixed and was fine with her going to therapy.  But he didn't need it.

I didn't remember that, but Jason and his parents could use some therapy: first, to deal with the loss of Bryan and second, to understand how overbearing and intrusive they were being about seeing Bryn. I get it. She is their only grandchild and they are from a generation and town where people tended not to stray too far from home. I'm sure that as the Hoppy parents were growing up, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents probably lived no more than 20 miles away. That was not the case with Jason and Bethenny. Additionally, Bethenny's work kept her very busy. She and Jason were going to need some time to bond as family with Brynn.

But sometimes if you've grown up a certain way, you don't realize that it doesn't work for every family. For example, one of my sisters in law was acting weird when my parents wanted her kids to spend a couple of weeks visiting them over summer. She was sure this must be a new thing because she never did that growing up. I had to remind her that she and I (and my brother) are all first generation immigrants. Our grandparents lived on a different continent. I told her that many of my friends visited their grandparents over the summer.

Unfortunately when Bethenny tried to make a point about needing some time bond as a nuclear family, Jason was quick to throw her dysfunctional childhood back in Bethenny's face. I don't know if Jason had many married friends in New York who had children because they might have helped to explain Bethenny's point. Actually, I think he might have agreed with the point if someone other than Bethenny made it. The two of them didn't have nearly enough time dating and getting to know each other and learning how to compromise with each other.

Trust, this does not mean that I think Bethenny was blameless in the unraveling of their marriage.

For the most part, I think that the Hoppy parents were decent small town people. And I think Carol Hoppy probably thought there was reciprocity in other states for notaries.

  • Love 12
43 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

It's interesting hearing your perspective. We just completed some financial docs and used a local notary. The notary skimmed through the docs before stamping and I was offended. I didn't know if notaries have any obligations to maintain confidentiality, if this info could be used for future marketing purposes (since most are employed at banks), or if could be shared with another gov't agency for tax or other purposes. I thought a notary was just to verify the person signing was the correct person to avoid fraud. 

Some documents I deal with have signatures or prompts or more info/initials interspersed. Or she might be checking that  a doc numbered or 12 pages had all 12 pages.

Keep in mind banks do have to report a lot of things/transactions. Or she could have been shady as eff! ;-)

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, robroy said:

Some documents I deal with have signatures or prompts or more info/initials interspersed. Or she might be checking that  a doc numbered or 12 pages had all 12 pages.

Keep in mind banks do have to report a lot of things/transactions. Or she could have been shady as eff! ;-)

I am pretty sure that B had a real estate attorney to close on the transaction in addition to a closer that represented the title company.

I doubt very much that B is going to sue the Hoppy. First of all, there seems that they are not guilty of anything and more importantly, they have limited assets.

Beth, imo would never be foolish enough at this time of her life to start a legal battle with them. It is just stupid.

In addition, once she has cooled off, she might finally realize that Brynn needs love not conflict.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

But that's still putting a pets needs above the needs of others.  So a dog should be allowed to bark, nip, act out, have no restraint just as long as they are in THEIR own home? And it's understandable when it's "certain" people and there's "something" about some people that gets that kind of reaction from them? I was just talking more in a general sense. There's just waaaay too many "acceptable" justifications why it's "not a big deal" when an animal acts out and so much scrutiny about "what did the human do to provoke it" that amazes me and that I sometimes find unreasonable and a bit obnoxious. Followed by the "oh well, my fur baby comes first" and if you think your nipped at ankles are more important then that's says something about YOU.  I find those sort of attitudes a bit much.

I get that their living situation was all kinds of messy but that still doesn't excuse a dog that goes after people. I'm not a fan of defending unruly pets and aggressive behavior. That's what creates unfortunate accidents. And considering the situation wasn't an ideal one to begin with she shouldn't have expected Jason to bend over backwards for a pet that isn't his. Some people would consider what he did perfectly fine because he didn't harm the dog. I'm sorry unless it was some slum lord kennel I really can't picture doggy abuse and mental anguish, my non pet brain just doesn't see things at that elevated level. I mean I use the rec center for my sons child care so maybe I'm just hard core like that?  But I do side eye Beth more cause she didn't make sure HER pets needs were met and decided to be stubborn because of the nature of their living arrangement and allowed someone she knew wouldn't give Cookie the same amount of attention and leeway as she does to deal with her. She left Cookie in what some may think is a vulnerable position. That's on her.

I get what you are saying but I am wondering WHY he had to lock Cookie up?  Why not let her stay with Bryn and tell his parents to stay out of Bryn's room?  Why not call B or B's assistant and say look, she's not in a good mood and I would prefer she stay somewhere else?  If I remember from the report of this he didn't tell B where Cookie was.  Cookie may have some issues but she is a senior dog and he didn't have to be a dick about it which is exactly what he was doing.  It was also his daughters dog and at that point they were all residing at the apt.  The parents didn't seem to have a problem with Cookie when all was happy between the B and J.  It sounded like it was more to hurt something B loves than protecting his parents from Cookie.  

  • Love 9

I am pretty sure that B had a real estate attorney to close on the transaction in addition to a closer that represented the title company.

I doubt very much that B is going to sue the Hoppy. First of all, there seems that they are not guilty of anything and more importantly, they have limited assets.

Beth, imo would never be foolish enough at this time of her life to start a legal battle with them. It is just stupid.

In addition, once she has cooled off, she might finally realize that Brynn needs love not conflict.

She did when she bought it.  Her company purchased it through a trust.  This legal document was a second trust with an attorney that Jason knew and she had never met.  He felt that he needed protection in case, god forbid, something happens to Bethenny then the corporation would just take the apartment.  So Bethenny has said that she thought that is what the trust did.  In fact the new trust gave Jason half ownership.  I agree that she deliberately is not involving Jason or his mother in the lawsuit.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I get what you are saying but I am wondering WHY he had to lock Cookie up?  Why not let her stay with Bryn and tell his parents to stay out of Bryn's room?  Why not call B or B's assistant and say look, she's not in a good mood and I would prefer she stay somewhere else?  If I remember from the report of this he didn't tell B where Cookie was.  Cookie may have some issues but she is a senior dog and he didn't have to be a dick about it which is exactly what he was doing.  It was also his daughters dog and at that point they were all residing at the apt.  The parents didn't seem to have a problem with Cookie when all was happy between the B and J.  It sounded like it was more to hurt something B loves than protecting his parents from Cookie.  

Thanks for making the point. If for some reason this dog had become so out of control and dangerous that he simply had to get it out of the way, then tell someone. Even if I hated someone I would give them a heads up in a similar situation. He could have even said it all dick-like if he wanted to. Told her she was a horrible person for daring to leave the dog in its own home and expecting for him to look after it (if that is even what happened). Told her the little monster had to be taken away because it had gotten out of control which proved that she was a terrible pet owner. Tell her she was probably just like Bernadette in that regard. But tell her. Tell her what he did. The whole point of the story is that he took the dog away and wouldn't tell her for hours where the dog was. I know that it is vital that any and all shitty actions of Jason's be explained away because Beth is terrible and what is a poor guy to do. I totally get this is the deal with many.  But the very idea that there is any justification in the world - any at all - for keeping this information away from someone for hours just amazes me. You would think the one thing everyone would agree on is that doing such a thing is the act of a total and complete dick-head. That doesn't change Beth. People can still hate on her all day long for whatever reason they like. But for the love of God, it seems strange to not just say Jason was just wrong here. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

She did when she bought it.  Her company purchased it through a trust.  This legal document was a second trust with an attorney that Jason knew and she had never met.  He felt that he needed protection in case, god forbid, something happens to Bethenny then the corporation would just take the apartment.  So Bethenny has said that she thought that is what the trust did.  In fact the new trust gave Jason half ownership.  I agree that she deliberately is not involving Jason or his mother in the lawsuit.

Well, in the case of Bethany's demise since she is the only owner I would expect that he would inherit the apartment anyways.

this story does not make sense. 

When trying to lower your tax rate goes completely wrong.....

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

She did when she bought it.  Her company purchased it through a trust.  This legal document was a second trust with an attorney that Jason knew and she had never met.  He felt that he needed protection in case, god forbid, something happens to Bethenny then the corporation would just take the apartment.  So Bethenny has said that she thought that is what the trust did.  In fact the new trust gave Jason half ownership.  I agree that she deliberately is not involving Jason or his mother in the lawsuit.

Beth's company did not purchase the apartment through a trust.  The property records show that the apartment was purchased by Molly Hayden who was the trustee of MYC Trust from the previous owner.  That is the infamous trust.  The mortgage was also taken out in the name of Molly Hayden as trustee of MYC Trust.  Molly Hayden was Beth's assistant. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Well, in the case of Bethany's demise since she is the only owner I would expect that he would inherit the apartment anyways.

this story does not make sense. 

When trying to lower your tax rate goes completely wrong.....

Trusts don't lower your tax rate. Most "famous" people buy property through trusts for privacy reasons. 

  • Love 4

Thanks for making the point. If for some reason this dog had become so out of control and dangerous that he simply had to get it out of the way, then tell someone. Even if I hated someone I would give them a heads up in a similar situation. He could have even said it all dick-like if he wanted to. Told her she was a horrible person for daring to leave the dog in its own home and expecting for him to look after it (if that is even what happened). Told her the little monster had to be taken away because it had gotten out of control which proved that she was a terrible pet owner. Tell her she was probably just like Bernadette in that regard. But tell her. Tell her what he did. The whole point of the story is that he took the dog away and wouldn't tell her for hours where the dog was. I know that it is vital that any and all shitty actions of Jason's be explained away because Beth is terrible and what is a poor guy to do. I totally get this is the deal with many.  But the very idea that there is any justification in the world - any at all - for keeping this information away from someone for hours just amazes me. You would think the one thing everyone would agree on is that doing such a thing is the act of a total and complete dick-head. That doesn't change Beth. People can still hate on her all day long for whatever reason they like. But for the love of God, it seems strange to not just say Jason was just wrong here. 

Such a dick move on Jason's part.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I didn't remember that, but Jason and his parents could use some therapy: first, to deal with the loss of Bryan and second, to understand how overbearing and intrusive they were being about seeing Bryn. I get it. She is their only grandchild and they are from a generation and town where people tended not to stray too far from home. I'm sure that as the Hoppy parents were growing up, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents probably lived no more than 20 miles away. That was not the case with Jason and Bethenny. Additionally, Bethenny's work kept her very busy. She and Jason were going to need some time to bond as family with Brynn.

But sometimes if you've grown up a certain way, you don't realize that it doesn't work for every family. For example, one of my sisters in law was acting weird when my parents wanted her kids to spend a couple of weeks visiting them over summer. She was sure this must be a new thing because she never did that growing up. I had to remind her that she and I (and my brother) are all first generation immigrants. Our grandparents lived on a different continent. I told her that many of my friends visited their grandparents over the summer.

Unfortunately when Bethenny tried to make a point about needing some time bond as a nuclear family, Jason was quick to throw her dysfunctional childhood back in Bethenny's face. I don't know if Jason had many married friends in New York who had children because they might have helped to explain Bethenny's point. Actually, I think he might have agreed with the point if someone other than Bethenny made it. The two of them didn't have nearly enough time dating and getting to know each other and learning how to compromise with each other.

Trust, this does not mean that I think Bethenny was blameless in the unraveling of their marriage.

For the most part, I think that the Hoppy parents were decent small town people. And I think Carol Hoppy probably thought there was reciprocity in other states for notaries.

I agree with your points. My in-laws are like the Hoppys and it caused a lot of friction the first 8 years or so of my marriage.  I didn't grow up in a family like that. My grandparents were first generation and they raised my mom that you move where the jobs are.  So, I grew up 7 hours away from my grandma and my uncles were spread out (one in a different country and the other on the other side of the US). My husband's family all lived in the same town and my MIL wanted us over every weekend. It caused major issues until we moved out of the country.  Hah, take that!

I don't think Bethenny is blameless but I don't think she is to blame for everything. I do believe that Jason is doing a lot of harassment or else she wouldn't be bringing up that she had a notebook of all the emails. That's too easy to be called out on. I just feel bad for Brynn since she is the real loser in all of this. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Thanks for making the point. If for some reason this dog had become so out of control and dangerous that he simply had to get it out of the way, then tell someone. Even if I hated someone I would give them a heads up in a similar situation. He could have even said it all dick-like if he wanted to. Told her she was a horrible person for daring to leave the dog in its own home and expecting for him to look after it (if that is even what happened). Told her the little monster had to be taken away because it had gotten out of control which proved that she was a terrible pet owner. Tell her she was probably just like Bernadette in that regard. But tell her. Tell her what he did. The whole point of the story is that he took the dog away and wouldn't tell her for hours where the dog was. I know that it is vital that any and all shitty actions of Jason's be explained away because Beth is terrible and what is a poor guy to do. I totally get this is the deal with many.  But the very idea that there is any justification in the world - any at all - for keeping this information away from someone for hours just amazes me. You would think the one thing everyone would agree on is that doing such a thing is the act of a total and complete dick-head. That doesn't change Beth. People can still hate on her all day long for whatever reason they like. But for the love of God, it seems strange to not just say Jason was just wrong here. 

I just really wish we knew where this storage room was. A lot of apartment buildings in NY have them in the basement. It is basically like dog kennels for people's stuff because it is usually chain link fencing with a gate that you padlock shut. If that was the storage room that he put Cookie in, I would be beyond mad.  Stick Cookie in a spare bathroom or bedroom, if you must. If the "storage room" was just a big closet in the apartment then that is different. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I just really wish we knew where this storage room was. A lot of apartment buildings in NY have them in the basement. It is basically like dog kennels for people's stuff because it is usually chain link fencing with a gate that you padlock shut. If that was the storage room that he put Cookie in, I would be beyond mad.  Stick Cookie in a spare bathroom or bedroom, if you must. If the "storage room" was just a big closet in the apartment then that is different. 


diado, on page 79 in Beth's thread is a blueprint of Chez SG. There are several closets and a pantry, all of which could be dubbed storage rooms. I agree with you: Cookie inside the apartment, not a big deal. Cookie in the basement or garage, prick move by J.

  • Love 3

I would like to see these emails he's sent her, that caused her to file stalking charges. Like I'd like to see the context, like whether it was a constant back-and-forth between the two of them sending nasty emails to each other, or whether it was mainly Jason sending her that and Bethenny didn't usually respond. If it was mainly Jason, why couldn't she just block him? Like block his texts and emails and have the drop-offs coordinated through one of your assistants. Email/text/somehow let him know that you no longer feel comfortable communicating with him via email and text due to the craziness of his messages and that, from now on, all discussion of Bryn and drop-offs will be communicated through your assistant. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I would like to see these emails he's sent her, that caused her to file stalking charges. Like I'd like to see the context, like whether it was a constant back-and-forth between the two of them sending nasty emails to each other, or whether it was mainly Jason sending her that and Bethenny didn't usually respond. If it was mainly Jason, why couldn't she just block him? Like block his texts and emails and have the drop-offs coordinated through one of your assistants. Email/text/somehow let him know that you no longer feel comfortable communicating with him via email and text due to the craziness of his messages and that, from now on, all discussion of Bryn and drop-offs will be communicated through your assistant. 

Sure she could block him. So could Dennis, and Beth's assistants (who he was also copying). So could Bravo, who he was also sending emails to. But why should she - or any of them = have to find ways to work around his bat shit craziness? Why is it on them and not on him to stop the behavior? He had a C&D letter sent to him telling him to stop, and yet he continued. Isn't that a clear indication that Beth don't want him to keep doing what he was doing? Don't you find that strange behavior? According to things Beth has said in the past, they have an intermediary who arranges the stuff with Bryn, so there is no reason to be annoying her via text/FaceTime/emails. No reason for him to be all up in her business demanding Life Insurance information. All of that can be done via his Attorney, which is how it has been handled for years. If Beth isn't sticking to the terms of any of their agreements, haul her ass into court and go through the process. He has handled other things through the legal process, why not whatever this was? The man is clearly escalating and it would be concerning to most people on the receiving end of his behavior. Especially if the man had your daughter 15 days of the month. You could block him, but you would still be thinking "what the fuck is going on here" and be alarmed. 

  • Love 14

According to things Beth has said in the past, they have an intermediary who arranges the stuff with Bryn, so there is no reason to be annoying her via text/FaceTime/emails. No reason for him to be all up in her business demanding Life Insurance information.

Ok, I did not realize they have an intermediary.  Although I would be surprised if they didn't.  A divorce that contentious practically requires one.  And I would bet that Bethenny would foot the entire bill just to have it so.  And that makes all this I need to communicate because of our daughter even more wrong headed.  I just can't imagine why his attorney is letting him go forward with this.  It was a decent plea deal that end the end left his record clean.

I forgot one of the emails asked for her life insurance information.  Dang, that's a red flag.

Edited by QuinnM
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Ok, I did not relize they have an intermediary.  Although I would be surprised if they didn't.  A divorce that contentious practically requires one.  And I would bet that Bethenny would foot the entire bill just to have it so.  And that makes all this I need to communicate because of our daughter even more wrong headed.  I just can't imagine why his attorney is letting him go forward with this.  It was a decent plea deal that end the end left his record clean.

I forgot one of the emails asked for her life insurance information.  Dang, that's a red flag.

It is a red flag. My guess would be that part of their legal agreements are that Beth has to keep a certain value of life insurance for Bryn. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think that is fairly common. One would think, however, that their lawyers would be the ones to keep on top of that, and if Beth were not providing what she was supposed to, or refusing to provide information that was necessary for proof of a policy, that you would let your attorney handle. 

Regarding the intermediary, I think it was something they worked out after custody was established. If I remember right, Beth said that Jason would sometimes say mean things to her during the drop off. Something to Bryn like "sorry you have to go with mommy now" or something like that. I could have that slightly wrong. I remember her saying once that they communicated such things through a 3rd party now, although she didn't go into any detail, as is pretty much per usual with the custody stuff for them. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

Something to Bryn like "sorry you have to go with mommy now" or something like that. I could have that slightly wrong.

I remember the paps catching him on what was obviously Bethenny's day.  She's getting out of the SUV.  She's walking towards the school steps.  From the side comes Hoppy.  Hoppy picks Bryn up and walks with her to the SUV.  You see Bethenny reaching for her and he shoulders past her and puts Bryn into Bethenny's car.  Total dick move.  It was the next week that she went back with interference of custody and I bet those pap photos were brought up in court.

The worst part of the pictures was the vile look on his face.  So after that I believed everything she said about him.

  • Love 12
On 6/8/2017 at 3:06 AM, diadochokinesis said:

I just really wish we knew where this storage room was. A lot of apartment buildings in NY have them in the basement. It is basically like dog kennels for people's stuff because it is usually chain link fencing with a gate that you padlock shut. If that was the storage room that he put Cookie in, I would be beyond mad.  

I'd like to know definitively too, but I think her wording is still a big clue. 

She said: "I found out that Jason locked Cookie in the storage unit in our apartment with her dog bed and bowl."

If it weren't a space inside the apartment, I think she would have made that very clear -- if only to buttress up her side of the divorce hearing -- and said something like, "I found out that Jason locked Cookie in the storage unit in the basement of our apartment building with her dog bed and bowl." 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, film noire said:

I'd like to know definitively too, but I think her wording is still a big clue. 

She said: "I found out that Jason locked Cookie in the storage unit in our apartment with her dog bed and bowl."

If it weren't a space inside the apartment, I think she would have made that very clear -- if only to buttress up her side of the divorce hearing -- and said something like, "I found out that Jason locked Cookie in the storage unit in the basement of our apartment building with her dog bed and bowl." 

And see, I read it a different way.  The thing that gets me is calling it a storage unit.  Not a storage space, storage room, or a closet.  I have never heard anyone refer to it as a storage unit unless it is outside of the apartment. 

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

And see, I read it a different way.  The thing that gets me is calling it a storage unit.  Not a storage space, storage room, or a closet.  I have never heard anyone refer to it as a storage unit unless it is outside of the apartment. 

The condos in that building advertise private storage units in the basement. I don't see any room for a storage unit in the apartment itself. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

And see, I read it a different way.  The thing that gets me is calling it a storage unit.  Not a storage space, storage room, or a closet.  I have never heard anyone refer to it as a storage unit unless it is outside of the apartment. 

But then why did Frankel say "in the storage unit in our apartment" if it's not in the apartment? 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 8
21 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Sure she could block him. So could Dennis, and Beth's assistants (who he was also copying). So could Bravo, who he was also sending emails to. But why should she - or any of them = have to find ways to work around his bat shit craziness? Why is it on them and not on him to stop the behavior? He had a C&D letter sent to him telling him to stop, and yet he continued. Isn't that a clear indication that Beth don't want him to keep doing what he was doing? Don't you find that strange behavior? According to things Beth has said in the past, they have an intermediary who arranges the stuff with Bryn, so there is no reason to be annoying her via text/FaceTime/emails. No reason for him to be all up in her business demanding Life Insurance information. All of that can be done via his Attorney, which is how it has been handled for years. If Beth isn't sticking to the terms of any of their agreements, haul her ass into court and go through the process. He has handled other things through the legal process, why not whatever this was? The man is clearly escalating and it would be concerning to most people on the receiving end of his behavior. Especially if the man had your daughter 15 days of the month. You could block him, but you would still be thinking "what the fuck is going on here" and be alarmed. 

That's true. I'd just like to see context of the emails because I'd like to see if these crazy, nasty e-mails were back and forth (like them both sending each other crazy, nasty shit) or if it was mostly 1-sided, with bethenny only occasionally responding. Because anything can look crazy out of context, if that makes sense. 

If he's repeatedly sending her nasty/crazy texts and e-mails without much response from her and she's told him to stop and he continues, then I fully get the RO and he needs to fuck off and get a life. 

I just find Bethenny to be an unreliable narrator, like I don't just take her word for it on how she's treated without seeing evidence/context to the situation. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, SheTalksShit said:

I just find Bethenny to be an unreliable narrator, like I don't just take her word for it on how she's treated without seeing evidence/context to the situation. 

And thanks to Jason refusing to take a plea deal we're going to find out a lot of those answers. He is getting his day in court to explain why he's right and she's wrong. Dirty Laundry on page six. The May court day was rescheduled to June so we don't have to wait much longer. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, QuinnM said:

And thanks to Jason refusing to take a plea deal we're going to find out a lot of those answers. He is getting his day in court to explain why he's right and she's wrong. Dirty Laundry on page six. The May court day was rescheduled to June so we don't have to wait much longer. 

There is probably at least one more continuance or plea offer in this cycle. 

At first I thought just plead to the violation and be done with it but it came with a permanent restraining order, maybe including Jason not going to the child's school that may be why Jason chooses to roll the dice.

I just hope both parents realize all their mutual hate gets back to the child.  I have a feeling, like most children, Bryn is probably telling both sides what they want to hear.  Bryn is seven now, and with age comes access to outside stories, media and the internet.  It is up to the parents to keep their crap off Page Six.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

At first I thought just plead to the violation and be done with it but it came with a permanent restraining order, maybe including Jason not going to the child's school that may be why Jason choses to roll the dice.

The first continuance was the judge being called for jury duty. So unless Jason asks the court usually the court goes forward. And the RO is up in July. So another would extend the RO into Brynns school year. I am too lazy to google the plea offer. But my memory thought it gave him more freedom but a longer probation. So rolling the dice puts him at more risk  

Dang I'm glad it's not my life. 

  • Love 3

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