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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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How much you want to bet she will cry and play victim. She will bring up how people have been "mean" to her by calling her a "diva" and "spoiled brat". I wonder does Vegas have their odds up.

If she was offered it two years, then why she crying now?? They offered her first crack ages ago.

I don't think that's how Kelly will act. I think they'll walk out together, hand in hand as usual, but not dancing. She'll look kind of meek and sweet. Then she'll talk about how upset she was at the news, to be losing her partner, blah, blah, and she needed a few days to gather herself and process (I always hate when people use that term) the information. She'll thank all the people who sent supportive messages, the staff and thousands of viewers. Then she'll say how she is so happy for Michael, even though she is sad to see him go. Then after host chat, she'll put on a happy face and try to make the rest of the show business as usual.

My theory is pretty much what she should have done in the first place.

Time will tell!

I have watched all the various incarnations of the show since Reege started it in SoCal many many years ago. I was totally on board when Kelly was chosen as co-host and I really enjoyed her for the first few years. It seemed like the on-air rapport was genuine and that Kelly was genuine in appreciating her good fortune. And then she evolved into a snippy little wench and a shameless self-promoter. My take on this recent event is that she stole Michael's turn in the spotlight away from him. A week that should have been about him was turned into being all about her. Classic narcissistic behavior. I do not believe that GMA offered her anything, at any time. I think we would have heard about it, from her, if there was an offer. She would have humble-bragged about turning it down. Carrying the "Goliath" book so that the cover was easily seen and legible and photographed ... was laughable and pathetic. Her current contract runs through the 2016-2017 season, right? I hope that they make zero effort to renew the "little fella" and that s/he gets bounced ASAP.

  • Love 11

I don't think that's how Kelly will act. I think they'll walk out together, hand in hand as usual, but not dancing. She'll look kind of meek and sweet. Then she'll talk about how upset she was at the news, to be losing her partner, blah, blah, and she needed a few days to gather herself and process (I always hate when people use that term) the information. She'll thank all the people who sent supportive messages, the staff and thousands of viewers. Then she'll say how she is so happy for Michael, even though she is sad to see him go. Then after host chat, she'll put on a happy face and try to make the rest of the show business as usual.

My theory is pretty much what she should have done in the first place.

Time will tell!

One thing is for sure it will be rehearsed.

  • Love 1

For those wondering why so many of us seem to delight in Kelly's acting out...For me, I worked with network talent - in that very building! once upon a time.  Every last one of them understood that every word and action uttered and taken needed to be calculated to adhere to the image they worked night and day to achieve.  With few exceptions, they were typical folks, just like you and me - except for when the pressure was on for whatever reason.  A few were all-consumed by how things would look, as opposed to being "real."  These were the ones us worker bees could not stand.  


Anyway, Ms. Ripa, from Day One (as told to me), was slavish in developing, and adhering to, her personna.  She was as calculating as they came.  By no means was she a stone beyotch.  But, that lady knew precisely which side of her considerable bread was buttered - and where to get the butter!


Now, as they all do when shite happens, she is pretending like she is just one of us, put upon by "the man."  She is desperate to devolve all of this into the personal.  This is the lie.  This is the conceit which engenders such disrespect and animosity from me.  Everything was just great when she was on top.  Raise a pinky finger for Reege?  Not on your life!   She played the game for all she was worth for decades.  She does not get to change the rules now that she does not like them.  But, just you watch and marvel at how hard she tries!


She is now in a special hell that celebrity on the way down find themselves in.  All those wonderful friends and buddies she has made?  She knows good and damn well none of them will make any meaningful effort on her behalf.  Have you heard or seen a single one of these speak up to date?  :)  

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 9

Well, that's interesting! I wonder if she got wind of the negative feelings about her walk-out.


Those half dozen posters on previously.com made the difference.  I am not a slave to the entertainment media, but every story I saw on ET, CNN, and Access Hollywood was decidedly pro-Ripa. Plus, nearly every media story I have seen has squarely pointed to ABC as being the Bad Guy. The only "negative feelings" came from the always present social media trolls, most of whom hide behind fake/anonymous profiles and most of whom have never made a positive, productive posting about anything that ever happened in the world.


Tuesday should bring the best ratings for Live in a decade.  

  • Love 1

For those wondering why so many of us seem to delight in Kelly's acting out...For me, I worked with network talent - in that very building! once upon a time. Every last one of them understood that every word and action uttered and taken needed to be calculated to adhere to the image they worked night and day to achieve. With few exceptions, they were typical folks, just like you and me - except for when the pressure was on for whatever reason. A few were all-consumed by how things would look, as opposed to being "real." These were the ones us worker bees could not stand.

Anyway, Ms. Ripa, from Day One (as told to me), was slavish in developing, and adhering to, her personna. She was as calculating as they came. By no means was she a stone beyotch. But, that lady knew precisely which side of her considerable bread was buttered - and where to get the butter!

Now, as they all do when shite happens, she is pretending like she is just one of us, put upon by "the man." She is desperate to devolve all of this into the personal. This is the lie. This is the conceit which engenders such disrespect and animosity from me. Everything was just great when she was on top. Raise a pinky finger for Reege? Not on your life! She played the game for all she was worth for decades. She does not get to change the rules now that she does not like them. But, just you watch and marvel at how hard she tries!

She is now in a special hell that celebrity on the way down find themselves in. All those wonderful friends and buddies she has made? She knows good and damn well none of them will make any meaningful effort on her behalf. Have you heard or seen a single one of these speak up to date? :)

I am not at all surprised to hear this about Kelly. She doesn't seem like a typical bitch , but she reminds me of those coworkers who are basically narcissists who pretend they are so so humble . They smile and act all sweet to those below them, but in reality they are worried about climbing the ladder and will stop on anyone with their very expensive spiked heals .

It's obvious to me that she is totally into self -promotion and really is not worrying about anything but her when other huge ego is hurt . Clay was a jerk to her but when I watched the show that day it was obvious that Kelly didn't like the fact that he had an audience full of very loud fans. and he basically was not kissing her butt and instead giving her the same schtick that she would give old Regis .

Clay and Kelly were basically two narcissists fighting for attention, and he had a cheering section. He was not right to cover her mouth, but she would do that and worse to Regis as a "joke".

Her little whining season the next day was awkward and childish and showed what a very fragile ego Ripa has.

I also remember her being super tacky when her husband was nominated for a daytime Emmy and lost to his costar. Mark was actually very gracious when he lost and looked truly happy for his costar. Kelly was understandably disappointed that her husband lost, but the next day when they had a long and detailed host chat about the Emmys, she didn't even mention that a cast mate won, which she would normally do .

She just seems to have this very unrealistic view of things. Like the world is supposed to always be what she wants it to be, and if it isn't , she is not obligated to suck it up and think of the other person's feelings.

She has had it very easy. Fell into a job as a teen, and the network has kept her employed for decades. She knows how to kiss up and self-promote. She even found her husband on the soap she was on.

Nothing has been a struggle for Kelly like it was for Regis

There is such a contrast beteeen Kelly and most everyone on Live. I am sure she isn't horrible , and seems to have a kind personality - as long as the world is revolving her way.

The rest of the staff including Gelman seem to have to work and suck it up . They also seem way more real, even if they are annoying. That includes Michael. They still talk to Regis and go to his parties.

When life comes way too easy, sometimes it makes people very spoiled and unrealistic.

Whsn her contract is up, Kelly will probably finally have her first taste of reality in the business . I don't doubt that Disney/ABC is already thinking about the new make cohost duties with a new female host .

Edited by marmalade
  • Love 6

The few mainstream sources I've checked have been fairly even-handed in their reporting, imho.

CNN, CNN. And the NYTimes printed her "I'll be back" email.

"Addressing the “Live” staff, she said: “(Sorry for this late Friday night email). I wanted to thank you all for giving me the time to process this new information. Your kindness, support, and love has overwhelmed me. We are a family and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning. Love, Kelly.”

Like they had a choice re: giving her "the time to process..."

  • Love 4

Those half dozen posters on previously.com made the difference. I am not a slave to the entertainment media, but every story I saw on ET, CNN, and Access Hollywood was decidedly pro-Ripa. Plus, nearly every media story I have seen has squarely pointed to ABC as being the Bad Guy. The only "negative feelings" came from the always present social media trolls, most of whom hide behind fake/anonymous profiles and most of whom have never made a positive, productive posting about anything that ever happened in the world.

Tuesday should bring the best ratings for Live in a decade.

The half dozen or so of us trolls on previouslytv.com plus the hundreds of posters on sites such as People, Us Magazine, The Daily Mail, and every other website with stories on Michael's departure. The comments are overwhelmingly critical of Kelly and her walk-out. Some will throw in ABC's role in the mess, but that it doesn't excuse Kelly's unprofessional behavior.

Public opinion can play a big part in what happens in TV land. And I have read and seen some criticism of Kelly's walk-out by legitimate news sources. The situation was bungled by most everyone involved.

On a positive note, how adorable is Prince George in his little bathrobe?! ;-)

Edited by MzTori77
  • Love 7




Those half dozen posters on previously.com made the difference. I am not a slave to the entertainment media, but every story I saw on ET, CNN, and Access Hollywood was decidedly pro-Ripa. Plus, nearly every media story I have seen has squarely pointed to ABC as being the Bad Guy. The only "negative feelings" came from the always present social media trolls, most of whom hide behind fake/anonymous profiles and most of whom have never made a positive, productive posting about anything that ever happened in the world.

Tuesday should bring the best ratings for Live in a decade.



The half dozen or so of us trolls on previouslytv.com plus the hundreds of posters on sites such as People, Us Magazine, The Daily Mail, and every other website with stories on Michael's departure. The comments are overwhelmingly critical of Kelly and her walk-out. Some will throw in ABC's role in the mess, but that it doesn't excuse Kelly's unprofessional behavior.


Public opinion can play a big part in what happens in TV land. And I have read and seen some criticism of Kelly's walk-out by legitimate news sources. The situation was bungled by most everyone involved.

On a positive note, how adorable is Prince George in his little bathrobe?! ;-)


First of all, I'll object to the use of the word "trolls" to describe anyone posting on this site. I've seen nothing that appears to have been posted strictly for the purpose of being inflammatory; rather, intelligent, conversational posts by people expressing genuine opinions. Not agreeing with those opinions doesn't mean those posts are "trolling." I also wonder how one determines that most these "trolls" have never had a positive post in their lives. That's quite the omniscient assumption.


Second, the media's stance is of little value. As MsTori77 points out, the average folks who show up daily for their full-time jobs at regular worker wages, regardless of whether they agree with management's actions are the ones that count. They're the ones who'll watch, or not watch the show, the ones who determine whether or not advertisers choose to continue to support the show with their dollars. ABC will not base future decisions on what media outlets have to say; it's all about viewers and the money they represent.


However I do agree that Tuesday's ratings will show a substantial increase (if she can extend her hissy fit till Thursday, they're into sweeps)...and Prince George in his bathrobe is the cutest thing, possibly ever.

  • Love 9

IMO Kelly has taken the high road in all of this.  So what if she took a couple of extra days off to deal with a situation where she was treated badly?  


I have no idea why ABC thinks that Strahan is all that.  His history is sordid and unsavory.  He is a jerk.  I have not watched LIVE since they made the mistake of bringing him on board.


Kelly is the star, not Strahan.

  • Love 1

Those half dozen posters on previously.com made the difference.  I am not a slave to the entertainment media, but every story I saw on ET, CNN, and Access Hollywood was decidedly pro-Ripa. Plus, nearly every media story I have seen has squarely pointed to ABC as being the Bad Guy. The only "negative feelings" came from the always present social media trolls, most of whom hide behind fake/anonymous profiles and most of whom have never made a positive, productive posting about anything that ever happened in the world.


Tuesday should bring the best ratings for Live in a decade.

We must be reading completely different articles. She is being portrayed as the brat she is.

Are you referring to us here as social media trolls? You specifically mentioned this site.

IMO Kelly has taken the high road in all of this.  So what if she took a couple of extra days off to deal with a situation where she was treated badly?  


I have no idea why ABC thinks that Strahan is all that.  His history is sordid and unsavory.  He is a jerk.  I have not watched LIVE since they made the mistake of bringing him on board.


Kelly is the star, not Strahan.

I watched the show while Kelly was off pouting. Michael is funny and seems down to earth. He has 3 television gigs, so IMO, he is the much bigger star. Kelly only dreams of having his career. I haven't watched GMA in years, but plan to check it out when he joins. Kelly better start saving her $$$$ because I doubt her contract will be renewed, and she isn't qualified for anything else....and who would hire her after this debacle? I dare say every working person has had to deal with management decisions they disliked, but had to show up and work and you know....do their job. Kelly has zero sense of the real working world and is a terrible example to her children. The show nearly crashed and burned when Kelly was left to host it alone, so a star she is not.

I still think Valerie Bertinelli should have replaced Kathi Lee. Somewhere Regis and Joy are smiling!!! Karma baby!!

  • Love 3

Michael is funny and seems down to earth. 




This does not sound like someone who is funny and down to earth to me.


Who cares if the judge dismissed it.  Where there is smoke, there is fire.

  • Love 1


From the National Enquirer:

"According to divorce papers obtained by The ENQUIRER, Jean claimed the vicious beatings occurred only while the cou­ple was dating and stopped after they wed.

But she testified during a domestic violence court hearing that one of the worst attacks happened at his parents’ home in Germany in Easter 1996."

Really???!!!!  C'mon now, we're really digging deep here.  I am forever & always pro-woman, but some women don't deserve my allegiance.  She married him after he beat her up???  Give.me.a.break!!!  Let's stop dishing the dirt here.

  • Love 3

Kelly better start saving her $$$$ because I doubt her contract will be renewed, and she isn't qualified for anything else....and who would hire her after this debacle?


I think money is the very last thing Kelly has to worry about.  This says she signed a 5 year deal starting Nov 2012, so that is up in Nov 2017.



She has the Colgate commercials -what else does she endorse?

Oh, that's right she had the Electrolux  commercials-as if she really does laundry.She will miss being on TV daily but a lot can happen between now and Nov 2017.


I think the big dust up will be handled short and sweet on Tues.

I think so, too. But how will it ever be the same for viewers, who believed, whether it was true or not, that Kelly and Michael had great chemistry and truly liked each other?

We can't unsee and unhear everything that went down last week. No matter how good she is as an actress, I think most people will wonder how Kelly really feels about Michael and how much tension there is on set.

Four months is a long time to fake it!

  • Love 4
First of all, I'll object to the use of the word "trolls" to describe anyone posting on this site. I've seen nothing that appears to have been posted strictly for the purpose of being inflammatory; rather, intelligent, conversational posts by people expressing genuine opinions. Not agreeing with those opinions doesn't mean those posts are "trolling." I also wonder how one determines that most these "trolls" have never had a positive post in their lives. That's quite the omniscient assumption.



Thank you designing1 for this observation.  Couldn't have said it better myself.  


I think Kelly was listening to the wrong people, Andy Cohen for one; I saw him comment about the debacle and he was quite glib as to what Kelly would be doing/saying about her predicament.  It didn't seem to me he was implying she would be taking the graceful route in any statement that might be forthcoming from Team Ripsuelos but rather something we might see on one of the RH's shows.


I believe she's done herself a huge disservice and it will be extremely difficult to build her brand up again.  

  • Love 2



This does not sound like someone who is funny and down to earth to me.


Who cares if the judge dismissed it.  Where there is smoke, there is fire.

That really has nothing to do with his talent on the show......and the National Enquirer?

If true, it really does matter that the judge dismissed it, IMO.

  • Love 3

Four months is a long time to fake it!


They have May, June, July and Aug left together.


Aren't they off about 3 weeks in Aug? Are Friday show always taped?


So between now and early Aug, Kelly will on be "vacation" and Michael will be on "vacation" so they probably only really have about 6  more weeks of live shows together. It will all be fine.

  • Love 1

I guess I really don't get where Kelly was "blindsided" by all of this.


Ok, I get it that she probably feels like she should have known sooner of Michael's departure.  Then again, I really don't know what the usual working relationship is with management and the employees there at ABC/Disney.  Was she given a heads-up when Regis announced his leaving?


Anyway, I still don't see the big deal here.  It's not like *poof* the next week Kelly will have a new cohost whom she has never worked with before.  Michael isn't just going to up and leave in the next day or even next week.  His departure is MONTHS away.  That is plenty of time for Kelly to have input on a replacement and to try out other cohosts in the chair.


So to me it just seems silly she would pout and "take her ball and go home" for a few days because of this.

  • Love 10

I guess I really don't get where Kelly was "blindsided" by all of this.


Ok, I get it that she probably feels like she should have known sooner of Michael's departure.  Then again, I really don't know what the usual working relationship is with management and the employees there at ABC/Disney.  Was she given a heads-up when Regis announced his leaving?


Anyway, I still don't see the big deal here.  It's not like *poof* the next week Kelly will have a new cohost whom she has never worked with before.  Michael isn't just going to up and leave in the next day or even next week.  His departure is MONTHS away.  That is plenty of time for Kelly to have input on a replacement and to try out other cohosts in the chair.


So to me it just seems silly she would pout and "take her ball and go home" for a few days because of this.

I agree with you. And if reports of what Kelly said in the meeting - something along the lines of, "I TOLD you this would happen! I told you 2 years ago!" - are true, then she wasn't totally blindsided, right? She may not have known WHEN it would happen, but apparently she knew it would happen sometime LOL!

  • Love 3

What is ironic and very amusing is the picture of Kelly with her "war" book. She is still in her designer dress and shoes - probably owned by the show.

I too do not get how she was blindesided.

One opinion piece basically said that this was a sign of how women are treated in the business . So, then why was Regis treated like crap after 30 plus years of working for a company? Why was Gelman kept in the dark if it's a sexist thing?

i don't get what she wanted. Her reaction of "I told you...."sounds like she was bitching for a while because Michael was offered other work with ABC. So, that might explain why they didn't want Michael in the meeting for the spoiled brat's meltdown. They knew it was a possibility, and probably wanted to not have Michael sitting there .

But, wasn't Kelly given a sitcom with ABC when she started, or close to when she started on Live? Thi was not long after she had Lola I think. Why is it ok that she had her other show, and the cast of Live also was expected to guest star on that not so good sitcom?

Are we too believe that if Kelly's sitcom took off, and she was offered other roles she wanted . She would have turned them down out of loyalty to Regis? Give me a break !

Sounds very selfish to have a tantrum when you are told of your coworker's promotion.

Edited by larsonb
  • Love 13

I just want to see if it's going to be super awkward on Tuesday or hugs & kisses?! LOL!!! Will she address it? Will she publicly (lie) and say the press made her look angrier than she really was? Will she be fake or genuie in congratulating him on the news? Basically, I want to know how it will all play out. I'm nosey that way. LOL!!!

  • Love 4

I won't be able to watch it Tuesday, but, my guess is it won't be addressed at all. They will come in holding hands like nothing happened and it won't be addressed. I'm sure Kelly's lawyers have talked to her by now about all the money involved and she'll fall in line. Just a guess, of course.

I think she will address it. I mean, she HAS to! If not, there won't be an elephant in the room, there'll be a herd of elephants in the room! I hold to my guess that she'll address it first thing, show sadness but play nice, and then it'll be back to business as usual after host-chat. Business as usual on the surface, that is. But it can't possibly ever be like it was before.

  • Love 6

She may have felt blindsided in that she was not told enough ahead absorb the info and figure an approach for how she would handle it on the air or personally.  And it was a matter of respect as well.  But we don't know how she is feeling, this is all assumption. 


I think ABC was going for the shock factor for entertainment value and buzz and boy did they create BUZZ!  They gave her a couple of days off, she did not take them.  Another part of the plan to keep this in the news.  


Her warning everyone that Michael was going to be snapped up (not necessarily GMA)  was a no brainer prediction.  


ETA: If she did cancel her trip to Turks and Caicos it may have been to meet with ABC to negotiate something not necessarily because she was too upset to go.  


She has been in the business long enough to understand and deal with this situation.   I do not believe, for one minute, that she is acting out, being bratty or unprofessional.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

They gave her a couple of days off, she did not take them.


We know this how, exactly? 


Another part of the plan to keep this in the news.


I'm sure ABC is loving the ruckus, and wouldn't doubt they're behind at least some of it. If true that doesn't bode well for Kelly's future, though, since I don't think they'd want their star to come off badly...and she is. If they were invested in her they'd be spinning this in the most positive way possible, and that isn't happening.


ETA: If she did cancel her trip to Turks and Caicos it may have been to meet with ABC to negotiate something.


Negotiate what? She has a valid contract. Unless there's something in that contract that makes it void should her co-star leave -- which seems highly doubtful -- there's nothing to negotiate.

Edited by designing1
  • Love 2


Hey Everyone. Heads Up!

If you already didn't know, the PTV forums are going to be upgraded Tuesday April 26th, starting around 8:00 am ET.


This means that the forums will be UNAVAILABLE most of the day Tuesday. You will not be able to access the forums.

If all goes well, the forums will be available again sometime Tuesday evening.


So don't panic! Grab a good book! Get some work done! Catch up on your news! Go for a walk! Watch a movie!

When you log on again, shiny new fantastically fast forums will await you!


Just giving you this messsage, in case some of you missed the announcement at the top of the site.

Cheers! HalcyonDays


  • Love 3

We know this how, exactly? 



I'm sure ABC is loving the ruckus, and wouldn't doubt they're behind at least some of it. If true that doesn't bode well for Kelly's future, though, since I don't think they'd want their star to come off badly...and she is. If they were invested in her they'd be spinning this in the most positive way possible, and that isn't happening.



Negotiate what? She has a valid contract. Unless there's something in that contract that makes it void should her co-star leave -- which seems highly doubtful -- there's nothing to negotiate.



In a tweet or statement somewhere, she thanked ABC for giving her a few days off.  


I don't think she is coming off badly.  There are a lot of assumptions as to how she feels and how she is reacting.  We have heard nothing from her other than the statement I mentioned above.   They are not spinning anything.  Facts read.  ABC offered Michael a job on GMA; they gave Kelly some days off, for their benefit (and Kelly's).  It creates more anticipation for Tuesday's show and there is always the hope of attracting new viewers. 


Using the words "negotiate something" was clearly a mistake!  My point is if she did cancel her trip it might have something to do with ABC and not because she was an emotional wreck.  MIGHT  


Bottom line is we don't know anything other than  gossip and rumors.  

  • Love 2

I think if they "gave" Kelly a couple of days off, it may have been because she had a major tantrum, and they didn't want her on the air with her attitude. I think the fact that they didn't want Michael in the meeting is interesting.   


It seems from what Kelly reportedly said about telling them this would happen, and being angry when they gave him the part-time gig, she seems to think she has much more power and somehow has a say in whether her co-star can do anything but sit by her side, until she is ready to let him go.  That seems a bit unrealistic and egotistical.  I highly doubt Regis had to give approval to Kelly's co-starting on the sitcom when she just started working on Live.   


Whether she is being unprofessional is a matter of opinion, but I think carrying around a war book for the paparazzi with a smile on her face, which implies that Disney/ABC is Goliath, and she is David is pretty childish, and unprofessional. No, she didn't go to the press and bitch about them, but she made a passive aggressive statement purposely.  She used the book to bash her employer without saying anything.  


I still think she just called off to protest the fact that she wasn't in control of the situation.  I think she is a bit deluded about her importance or her role at the network.   Reports are they sent her a letter telling her to get back to work, or she'd be in breach of her contract.   If these were planned days off, why the email to staff explaining her absence, and the scramble to find co-hosts from the guest list?


ABC also flew in the woman who used to be in charge of Live to handle things this week - I am thinking "things', include Kelly's attitude and on air behavior.  


I also don't think Kelly is negotiating anything now, but next year, if another blonde who is perky does not feel she owns the show, is shown to be a popular co-host, they may give her the same treatment they gave Regis.

  • Love 3

In a tweet or statement somewhere, she thanked ABC for giving her a few days off.  


I certainly don't think Kelly's statement thanking ABC means that she didn't ask for time off. That really doesn't say anything.

Personally, I think she said, in so many words, that she would not be in the next day, or until she felt like coming back. That's how mad I think she was. What choice did ABC have but to "give" her the days off?

If ABC gave her time off without her asking, then I agree with goldenpuppy above. She had a reaction so bad that they didn't want to chance how she would act on air the next day.

  • Love 5

Ratings, people. This is all about ratings. Remember, May is a sweeps month. Cue the drama.

I was talking to my mother about this yesterday, and she insists that all of this drama is nothing but a ploy for ratings and that they are all in on it. Nothing would surprise me, but I do find it hard to believe that Kelly and TPTB would risk one or both of them looking bad to the public solely for the sake of ratings, but who knows. What I do know, though, is that I would have loved to be a fly on the wall at that meeting about Michael's departure!
  • Love 3

Let's not forget, some of those days off ABC supposedly gave Kelly to "process" Michael's leaving the show (either Thursday-today or Friday-today) were apparently scheduled before the announcement of Michael's leaving for GMA, for Kelly & Mark's family anniversary trip to Turks & Caicos (which was then apparently also canceled). So, technically, ABC really only "gave" her Wednesday & maybe Thursday to "process" things since she already had some of those days off as scheduled vacation.

Something nobody else has mentioned, which I thought was interesting & I noticed, was that the book Kelly was photographed carrying also had the word "giant" or "giants" in the title. Michael played in the NFL for the NY Giants.

  • Love 4



This does not sound like someone who is funny and down to earth to me.


Who cares if the judge dismissed it.  Where there is smoke, there is fire.

While I wouldn't be surprised, since several athletes in full-contact sports (football and boxing especially) have committed horrible acts of domestic violence, 

I'd take everything Jean said with a grain of salt. She and Michael had a nasty, nasty divorce, and they both accused each other of horrible things. Most of which were not true. 



I think so, too. But how will it ever be the same for viewers, who believed, whether it was true or not, that Kelly and Michael had great chemistry and truly liked each other?

We can't unsee and unhear everything that went down last week. No matter how good she is as an actress, I think most people will wonder how Kelly really feels about Michael and how much tension there is on set.

Four months is a long time to fake it!

I think most people understand that Kelly and Michael are performing a job. They have to have a certain amount of rapport on-camera, but they don't have to be best friends. 

  • Love 2

It's funny how she's walking around smirking with a book in her hand to basically put down her employer, and the word "giant" is in the title one day, and is all smiles for the paparazzi in the process, and then a few days later she's writing a sweet email about being 'family', and needing to process information!   Seems like major damage control for her.  


I think she was just angry that Michael moved on - period! They could have told her a week a head of time, and she still would have had a tantrum, the only thing is, she would have been able to pretend that her days off were about something else, rather than needing to be a bratty adolescent walking around NYC streets smirking  and basically sending ABC/Disney a message.


Since some are saying how sexist this move was - even though Gelman was not told ahead of time, maybe we can look at her behavior as racist, since somehow Michael is not allowed to pursue other jobs with the network like she did ,and like Regis did.  She seems like she is treating him like her property, and like she somehow has the right to control his career. 


In the end, it's hilarious how her smirky, in your fake diss of the network turned into her sweet as pie email.


Looks like someone was "given" a few days because ABC had no choice when she was just not showing up.  Then it looks like someone communicated with her people to tell her that she needed to get her butt to work, or risk breaking her contract.   


It was funny that Erin Andrews - another perky blonde was put in her place.  Kind of showing how someone else might be  grateful to sit for an hour in hair and make-up and than talk for an hour, and get paid 20 million a year, and the show would go on!


I think ABC would rather she stayed, it's less trouble, but I do think they sent a message that her childish, bratty behavior was not going to be tolerated anymore, and she had not much of a choice since not many other networks are going to hire her for that salary.


Oh and boo hoo she had to cancel her anniversary trip?  Why?  Maybe it's because she was such a baby she had to spend time dealing with the fall out of her tantrum?   I guess it's major trauma for a spoiled, rich celebrity who just returned from an island vacation two weeks ago to miss another vacation!  So so sad! Poor thing! 

  • Love 7

I think it all comes down to jealousy. Kelly is jealous that Michael is moving on to bigger things. In the end, it will work out in Kelly's favor. She'll get Anderson Cooper or Neil Pateick Harris to be her permanent cohost. They are all besties, so it will be a love fest all around. They can build up each other's egos every day. Gag. This is why I have not watched since Regis left.

I know Kelly would love Anderson Cooper or NPH but do the TPTB want them? i guess she had a little input with Michael but overall it must have been Gelman, Dave Davis and ABC, right? I think Michael had the syngery thing being a jock and popluar jock in NYC. I was just thinking Anderson was a given but I wonder if that's even true?!

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