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S06.E07: New Kids on the Dock

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I love Below Deck and this season is great because you have the perfect combo of people you can like (like Ross, Ashton and Adrian) and not like  I do not watch BD Med because of Capt Sandy, Hannah, Adam and basically everyone.  I was thinking how wonderful Amy would have been for these guests considering she is genuinely sweet.  I bet Kate is wishing she was there.


Would you rather:

  • Bosun
    • Alex
    • Chandler
    • Nico
  • Stew
    • CJ
    • Rocky
    • Jen
    • Caroline

I am in the Midwest but if you are in California, hope you are not effected by the fires.

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I wonder about that too. How will abysmal service going to be reflected in the tip.

You don’t want to slight the crew members who did a good job like Kate and the Joker.

Plus I don’t think Captain Lee should go around saying he is going to eat Chandler’s ass. 

He might be into that.

Why give him a reward for crappy service? 

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16 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I was thinking the same thing - I was also wondering that if a tip is offered, would Captain Lee accept it?

Of course he would accept it as well as giving profuse apologies for all the wrongs that happened. This particular charter is turning into a shit show, but it must also be partially due to the editing monkeys. They aren’t showing what Kate did for the kids or any other small moments that make up for the crap service. We hear them (the charter guests) whine that their drink order was put in 10 minutes ago only to have Kate come through with them i.e. the cucumber jalapeño mojito proseco drink. That’s not a wham bam drink to make for a group of people. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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Short of being told that rainbows and sunshine come out of her butt, I think Kate and Josiah are treating Caroline with kid gloves to say the least. Hard to put a finger on what exactly Caroline wants.  At this point, when asked "how are you feeling? " I think all Kate wants is a "I'm okay- I can get through today fine" or "I'm dying and need to go lay down immediately." What Caroline is giving her is the rundown you would give your school nurse when you want to get sent home. So, idk why Caroline won't preserve what's left of her dignity and GO HOME.

Chandler is always shown snacking while staring off into space or napping. This guy is less than useless. I agree at this point it's on Captain for exhausting all his idioms & double entendres instead of just finally getting rid of the problem. All this has happened and we didn't even have our "man overboard" episode yet!?!! Yikes! 

I have three kids, ages six and under. We've been on a cruise before. They enjoy swimming pools more than anything. They eat your average kid-friendly fare. At the end though, you need a vacation from the vacation because kids on vacay are f'n exhausting! I'd think If these individuals are that wealthy, they'd be able to afford a nanny & bring her. HOWEVER- I completely and totally respect their hands on approach with their kids. The kids were well behaved enough. The parents were teaching "please" and "thank you." I appreciate that they didn't just toss them to a nanny. It's about time we've seen kids on deck. I'd bring the kids to Disney or another cruise or even a resort in a heartbeat if we could afford it. This yacht though?- I personally wouldn't. 

The broken glass on the previews?! Yikes! I hope the father(s) have a captain's license because they should be about to own a yacht!!! No f'n way my child cuts their foot on glass and it gets explained away!! Unacceptable on every level. 

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Caroline and Rhylee seem to have the same problem with accepting feedback.  Both need to question and talk over and explain what they are thinking.  Rhylee seems to also always do it in a snotty manner.  Both need to realize they are the bottom of the pecking order and just give an affirmative.  The Rhylee/Ashton and Caroline/Josiah interacts were pretty similar, the deck one was just more aggressive.  

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1 hour ago, annewithaneee said:


I wonder if the cast is allowed to bring (legit, prescribed) Xanax on board with them. It's a controlled substance, and they're overseas, so maybe not -- but I feel like Caroline could benefit from a decent handful of them.

You have to be allowed to bring your medications, no matter where you are.  Remember first season, Kat was loopy at dinner service, and she told the captain it was because of Xanax - he made her show him the bottle (or package).

Seems like many of the stews suffer from anxiety.

ETA - just remembered KATE was arrested for having Xanax that wasn't prescribed to her.  Not while on charter, but in "real life."  

Edited by heatherchandler
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18 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Caroline and Rhylee seem to have the same problem with accepting feedback.  Both need to question and talk over and explain what they are thinking.  Rhylee seems to also always do it in a snotty manner.  Both need to realize they are the bottom of the pecking order and just give an affirmative.  The Rhylee/Ashton and Caroline/Josiah interacts were pretty similar, the deck one was just more aggressive.  

You're right!  Except, I find that with Rhylee, she really has no problem expressing her thoughts, very straight forward (she's correct in a lot of her thoughts/statements, but she still kind of grates of my nerves).  Caroline, on the other hand, especially when speaking with Adrian, sort of "dances" around what's bothering her, throwing out little hints, and then, hoping that the other person will coddle her and try to get her to talk.  She'll start expressing herself and then say "Oh, forget it", or "If you can't figure out what I'm saying, never mind" - which is kind of passive-aggressive to me.  

Caroline definitely is a sympathy-searcher - she wants everyone to feel sorry for her.  I get that she has a lot going on at home, but if her home situation was that bad, she really should not have taken this type of job.  I just think she's really unhinged and needs some professional help.

Rhylee, on the other hand, seems to be having major problems accepting her role as the lowest member of the crew deck, and is also having a difficult time with Chandler, who is still being such a complete asshole, in spite of the talk he had with Captain Lee.  

It's making for interesting TV, especially on Bravo, which has been horrible lately, but it's sometimes hard to watch without wanting to slap someone through my TV screen!   ;-)

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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Rhylee, on the other hand, seems to be having major problems accepting her role as the lowest member of the crew deck, and is also having a difficult time with Chandler, who is still being such a complete asshole, in spite of the talk he had with Captain Lee.  


Rhylee is right a lot of the time, but doesn't seem to realize that being right doesn't make her correct.  She can't accept that most of the time it isn't her place to comment or question or explain.  Chandler is useless, but imagine someone on the deck crew talking to the captain like Rhylee talks to Chandler or even Ashton or Ross.  Most of the time it isn't what she's saying but when and/or how she's saying it.  Also, I hate typing her stupid name.

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Rhylee is actually working very hard; whereas Caroline seems completely befuddled by simple tasks (pina fucking colada anyone?).  And Rhylee is truly being treated like shit by Chandler; whereas Caroline wants it to appear that way.  


I dont think Adrienne was trying to one-up Caroline’s misery (which by the way, I’d give him the win on that one given his dad had been gone a month and Caroline’s family issues appear to go back years), but rather him saying, you have to separate your personal from your work.  He mentioned more than once that her attitude was affecting the whole boat.

Caroline never should’ve been cast though, this is just not a healthy person.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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13 minutes ago, nr65000 said:

As far as taking small children on vacation, I am all for it, however I honestly would be terrified to have little kiddos on a yacht like this.  Even with life jackets there just seems to be so many opportunities for a child to fall overboard and nobody notice.  There are lots of adults on board which also makes it more likely that the "I thought they were with you" scenario might happen.   I'm sure precautions were in place to ensure it didn't happen but it just made me nervous!

This is my reason exactly! I feel it Is an adult oriented vacay. And making the mood better after messing up seemed to entail throwing abundant alcohol at the adults. That's not so good when littles need constant [sober] eyes on them. 

My immediate thought for Kate to make up for the mess that was snorkeling was to get some sort of person on board to watch the kids so adults can cut loose. Even a musical entertainer or anything to keep kids wrangled.

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Kate and Adrian were both posting pretty positive things last night on Twitter about these guests, so we must only be seeing the bad stuff.  They do seem surprisingly polite even when left to fend for themselves without towels or water.

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16 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Rhylee is right a lot of the time, but doesn't seem to realize that being right doesn't make her correct.  She can't accept that most of the time it isn't her place to comment or question or explain.  Chandler is useless, but imagine someone on the deck crew talking to the captain like Rhylee talks to Chandler or even Ashton or Ross.  Most of the time it isn't what she's saying but when and/or how she's saying it.  Also, I hate typing her stupid name.

Yes - that is exactly what I was trying to say - and you hit the nail on the head!  She just doesn't get that she should just keep her mouth shut and do her work.  Questioning your boss is the fastest way to piss that boss off - we've seen it time and again on this show!

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Caroline is is like a raw nerve or a sore tooth.  Just over sensitive and hurt by everything around it, whether offensive or not.  She's so frazzled and overwhelm by drink orders that not only can she not handle doing service, but we've seen multiple occasions where she can't even coherently relay the requests to Kate -- she just ends up sputtering and babbling.  On top of making mountains out of molehills at every perceived slight because of the oversensitivity, she's also paranoid.  I do, however, love that she builds these imagined problems up in her head and then apologizes to smooth the problem over and no one knows what she's talking about because they are normal and didn't even know they were in a fight with her.  Add her need to be coddled and to have everyone see and acknowledge her pain to the neurotic, overwhelmed, and paranoid mess and she's really just not cut out for anything in the service industry, let alone something high pressure like yachting.  

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I didn't seem him as trying to compare or one-up her. I thought he was trying to say - "We ALL have our shit. You either put it aside and work, or leave and deal with it."

That's how I saw it, too. He's grieving, his father recently died, for chrissakes! And yet, he presses on and does his job. If Caroline is having trouble dealing with her mom's health maybe she should take a leave of absence and stay close to her. 

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19 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Yes - that is exactly what I was trying to say - and you hit the nail on the head!  She just doesn't get that she should just keep her mouth shut and do her work.  Questioning your boss is the fastest way to piss that boss off - we've seen it time and again on this show!

She has to question her boss because he is a raging douchebag. I have a lot of respect for her having the restraint to not kick his prick ass, which she could probably do.

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Is this the first season no one in the cast is trying to hook up with another, It could be they are one female short with having one of the strews be male this season or that none of the female cast being likable, yes Kate is ok but I don't count her since she does not hook up with crew on charter at least not that I can remember.

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5 minutes ago, fifty8th said:

Is this the first season no one in the cast is trying to hook up with another, It could be they are one female short with having one of the strews be male this season or that none of the female cast being likable, yes Kate is ok but I don't count her since she does not hook up with crew on charter at least not that I can remember.

Ashton tried with Rhylee just last week. 

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33 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

She has to question her boss because he is a raging douchebag. I have a lot of respect for her having the restraint to not kick his prick ass, which she could probably do.

She's been the same way with Ashton and Ross.  He can still be a douchebag, but it doesn't negate her flaws.

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16 minutes ago, fifty8th said:

Is this the first season no one in the cast is trying to hook up with another, It could be they are one female short with having one of the strews be male this season or that none of the female cast being likable, yes Kate is ok but I don't count her since she does not hook up with crew on charter at least not that I can remember.

Rhylee's prickly, Caroline is crazy, Adrian is a creeper, Chandler is douchey, Ashton is well intentioned but kind of a meat head, Ross seems like he just wants to keep his head down and work and earn that coin for his kid, Kate is Kate, and Josiah is the only gay one.  Not a lot of relationship options, but as we've seen, some of them aren't above trying for a drunken hook-up.  I think Adrian would try for a sober hook-up given more options or if he thought he had a chance with Kate.

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42 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

She has to question her boss because he is a raging douchebag. I have a lot of respect for her having the restraint to not kick his prick ass, which she could probably do.

She has to question him because he is micro managing her.  Any deviation from his dictates is seen as failure.  So she begins to require detail for every task.  This gets to the point where you can't tell if it's the chicken or the egg.  I suggest that if Ross or Ashton was receiving the same crap in the same tone from Chandler they would come to physical blows over it.  So they can both just take a seat.  It's not them so it's easy to say let it go.

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12 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:


Have you seen Caroline's Twitter? It may change your outlook on her. It changed mine. The girl is batshit. She tweeted (then deleted) this rant about how she thinks Kate and Josiah were plotting against her by isolating her! 


She's also actively commenting on Facebook (Below Deck's official page - within comment sections). I think she gets sent home - I can't imagine someone who is hoping to return for another season would get this invested on Social Media and would be dogging her coworkers as Caroline is. Too bad BDM Capn Sandy wasn't on the boat - then she could have coddled Caroline and taken up for her... (note. sarcasm). She needs some help. Or at the very least, to not be on reality tv.

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Caroline is a pain in the ass. She keeps saying that "everyone was saying she was faking her injury" when that is absolutely not what she overheard. She looks to be a picking a fight at every opportunity (as is Rylee to a lesser extent TBH).

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when Caroline greeted the guests in the morning up on the sun deck and asked them "can I get you some coffee?" all I could think of was that if I were on a fancy pants yacht there damn well better be some good self serve coffee somewhere that I can get the moment I am upright! None of this waiting around for someone to get it for me.

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24 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

She's also actively commenting on Facebook (Below Deck's official page - within comment sections). I think she gets sent home - I can't imagine someone who is hoping to return for another season would get this invested on Social Media and would be dogging her coworkers as Caroline is. Too bad BDM Capn Sandy wasn't on the boat - then she could have coddled Caroline and taken up for her... (note. sarcasm). She needs some help. Or at the very least, to not be on reality tv.

I agree with you, I think she's going home. Especially after reading her twitter, which is bonkers. The breathalyzer charter dude wrote something that she posted and responded to calling him a pathological liar.  It's pretty bad. I see no reason for Kate to be present at the firing of anyone but her so it seems all signs point in that direction. 

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I need the recipe for the jalapeño Prosecco drink the guests requested. Looked so good. Also why doesn’t Caroline know how to make any drinks? That’s the #1 way to keep guests happy!!

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2 hours ago, fifty8th said:

Is this the first season no one in the cast is trying to hook up with another, It could be they are one female short with having one of the strews be male this season or that none of the female cast being likable, yes Kate is ok but I don't count her since she does not hook up with crew on charter at least not that I can remember.

I don't know the reason but I find it very refreshing! No sex, hook up or jealousy drama. Just plain old bitching and backstabbing about who's not pulling their weight and who doesn't like who,  just like you find in most places of employment. 

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Caroline is the worst. I don’t even feel sorry for her anymore; I just want that shaky, stuttering lunatic off my TV. She just seems like an awful human being who is completely into herself and how she can manipulate others into paying attention to her. She is severely damaged. Overhearing Kate say, “I don’t think she is lying” quickly became “Kate thinks I’m lying!” If Kate and Josiah excluded her I wouldn’t blame them in the least: no one wants to be around someone so relentlessly needy and negative and manipulative. I can certainly see Adrian thinking she brings down the entire ship. That’s what toxic people do: they are not satisfied until everyone around them is just as unhappy as they are.

Did Chandler deliberately turn off his radio? There was absolutely no excuse for the experience the guests had. That goes for Ashton and Ross, too. How do you boat away with everyone’s shoes and towels and stuff and not notice? What a couple of idiots. They did try to get in touch with Chandler repeatedly, but as usual, he wasn’t there. Given what the guests paid to charter to this yacht, that was inexcusable.

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1 hour ago, Maire said:

I need the recipe for the jalapeño Prosecco drink the guests requested. Looked so good. Also why doesn’t Caroline know how to make any drinks? That’s the #1 way to keep guests happy!!

It’s just a spicy cucumber mojito with a Prosseco floater.

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Below Deck really has produced some asshole deckhands/bosuns.  I totally forgot about CJ!   Below Deck Med had Bobby and that dickhead bosun in the first season.   Bobby was really awful.  Nico was awful.  Kelly and Eddie actually seem like two of the better guys.  

I actually like this cast minus Caroline and Chandler.  

Ross is playing the waiting game to take over as bosun.  I can’t see Chandler staying on board if that does happen.

I don’t think it’s fair to judge Rhylee for being sensitive and being snappy.  The girl has been treated like crap by her bosun and probably feels as though her every move is going to be under scrutiny by him...never mind he can’t pay attention to anything else.  She’s bound to be hypersensitive to the other guys.  I find it strange that Chandler barely bat an eye when he was told a deckhand had gone over his head to Captain Lee and it wasn’t Rhylee.

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Kdawg 82, no it was not meant to be shag, marry or kill but more who would is the worst and how desperate would you be to have the other as Bosun or Stew


Would you rather:










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3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I do, however, love that she builds these imagined problems up in her head and then apologizes to smooth the problem over and no one knows what she's talking about because they are normal and didn't even know they were in a fight with her.

You totally nailed Caroline. She's living in her own narrative and she'll involve you in it whether you are aware or not!

This is the week I back away from defending Caroline. Up until now, I felt she was a decent but sensitive person brought low by an unfortunate illness and being the butt of Kate and Josiah's little clique. But this episode,  I was really surprised to see her up and about at all, because Kate said '2 days'. It didn't feel like 2 days, so maybe we lost one as viewers. Regardless, Caroline is immediately alighting on new ailments that impede her from working. In the previews for next week, she's clutching her chest and coughing. just what you want the server on your yacht holiday doing while they bring you your cocktail and mixed nuts. Kate is going to love this. And the very last image in the preview i saw was Kate and Cpt Lee with their interview faces on and Kate turns ever so slightly toward the camera and gives this evil look. I'd say this is where Kate gives Lee the ultimatum that was played at the beginning of the season, the 'it's her or me'.

Caroline's bizarre SM ranting and attacks on Cpt Lee are further testament to the parlous state of her mental health. I hope next week she's gone, because this environment is clearly unhealthy for her and it's getting uncomfortable. I thought Adrian's attack on her was uncalled for, but I'm coming around to that too. He certainly lashed out at the softest target because he'd had his first bad day. But at this point, Kate, Josiah and Adrian are carrying this charter. It must be infuriating to do the work of others and still get stiffed on the tip. I don't think I've ever seen a primary so righteously angry and certainly never on Lee's watch. Someone is going to pay and they will pay soon. I'm wondering if charter guests are permitted NOT to tip? Imagine the rancour if this happens? Josiah will personally tear Caroline's jugular out with his teeth. Adrian will poison Chandler's cereal. 

There is no way Chandler can survive this, surely. The whole clusterfk with the sharks and stingray excursion occurred because he was unable to remember or action Cpt Lee's direct instructions about details. I was amazed to see Lee micromanaging to this extent, it's never happened before. And sure as eggs is eggs, Chandler is going to turn around and blame his crew for this debacle. But the reason the deckcrew went Keystone Cops on the excursion in the first place was down to the fact that the bosun had his ear piece out at least twice that we saw this episode and missed key information. This alone should get him fired with Lee. What a tool.

I'm still pulling for Rhylee, though. I think Lee is well aware of her work ethic and he knows Chandler is unable to deal with her for no good reason. She has an unfortunate manner, but AGAIN this episode, one of the men said 'thanks Sweetie' to her and Ashton's ridiculous routine of frustration and bitching when she asks for clarification comes directly from Chandler's attitude. I did appreciate Ross at least trying to point out to Ashton that Rhylee asking for clarification is due to their being no game plan on the deck. But this is more about Ross smelling the chum in the water (Chandler) and shifting allegiances stat before Lee bring downs the guilllotine. Ashton, and also Ross to some extent, have been dicks to Rhylee up until now. They are weak men and should be ashamed of themselves. She's continued to work hard and do as asked as far as I can see. She'd be doing herself a service if she COULD just shut up and allow Chandler to walk the plank on his own, but that's not her personality and she's justifiably frustrated at this point. What was she supposed to do last episode when he accused her of leaving her tools on the deck and continued to lecture her as though this was her fault even after she told him she'd cleaned up after herself? he didn't ask Ross or Ashton. I actually hope she set Chandler's lazy ass up with the towels specifically mentioned by Lee not making it to the excursion. I don't get Chandler at all. Maybe he pulled a Casey with his resume?

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3 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Ashton tried with Rhylee just last week. 

Yeah but he was drunk so I don't really count that I don't see a lot of sober tries to hook up.

I miss Captain Lee's Blogs, it has been two weeks without one, I wonder if he is just so disgusted he doesn't bother.

Edited by fifty8th
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30 minutes ago, queenjen said:

What was she supposed to do last episode when he accused her of leaving her tools on the deck and continued to lecture her as though this was her fault even after she told him she'd cleaned up after herself? 

Say "yes sir" and keep on working.

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Caroline should not work with people.  Shame on Bravo for hiring her in the first place. She can't remotely handle any constructive criticism or find what needs to be done, and do it without affirmation from Kate. If she can make Zen Adrian snap then it speaks of the level of wackadoodle they're dealing with. What happens next week looks absolutely horrifying, and a parent's worst nightmare. I'm not sure how the Captain can explain or apologize for that one. 

Chandler is a useless ass. How did he get a Bosun job in the first place? I wouldn't put him in charge of a rubber duckie race. 

OH, and I just LIVE for Captain Lee on a rampage:  Kate: "Captain, Would you like to have some dinner"  Captain L: "No, I'm going to  eat someone's ass for dinner!"

Edited by Barbara Please
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My two cents on Rhylee and her "I'm a Captain" : She's an hardworker -we all see it- and it was -imho- more said as a "Dont' waste time ! I know how to do things, just not HOW to do it on charter yacht ! So, please, let's spare time -even etiquette (and that will NEVER work with Chandler)- go ahead, and teach me FFS !" More due to frustration than anything else, imho again... 

The more it goes, the more I like her, because she's always been perfect with guests, if I remember it correctly. Helpful, smiling, efficient, at her "place" (so she KNOWS how to do it and what her place is...) She just doesn't accept the lack of competence and leadership of Chandler. I'm 99.5% sure that if the bosun was someone else -Eddie ?- it would have been quite like a "Conny" story... Good learner, team player, fun, efficient, etc....

For my part, I can handle a lot, at the office, but being lectured by an UNCOMPETENT superior drives me crazy ! #beenThereDoneThat

Edited by Diane Mars
spelling... always......
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19 minutes ago, Diane Mars said:

The more it goes, the more I like her, because she's always been perfect with guests, if I remember it correctly.

You're right; she was perfect when the guests came back from the disaster of an outing. Upbeat, friendly, etc. Unlike Caroline who looks like a scared rabbit if more than one person asks for a drink at the same time (even if it's the same freakin' drink!)

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One of my favorite parts was when, Chandler is woken from a nap, or whatever, to hear that the guests are stranded at the shark excursion without drinks or towels.  Chandler then races off in the tender, on his own to rescue them, except he can’t figure out how to get to them.

Instead, Chandler ends up circling around them, causing the guests to wonder if it is perhaps his first day on the job.  Chandler eventually gives up, motors over to Ross, and asks him to take over. 

Of course, I couldn’t understand why between Ross, Aston and Rhylee, that not a one of them thought to bring the dry bags, off of the tender, with the guests on their excursion.  But, as Bosun, and their “leader” ultimately it was Chandler’s responsibility and his fault.  I really am hoping he faces his due comeuppance next episode.

Edited by SweetPotato
Clarity about the dry bags and tender
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3 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Chandler is a useless ass. How did he get a Bosun job in the first place? I wouldn't put him in charge of a rubber duckie race. 

I'm having a bad couple days and this made me LOL! Thanks!

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4 hours ago, 1SimonMom said:

no it was not meant to be shag, marry or kill but more who would is the worst and how desperate would you be to have the other as Bosun or Stew

LoL!! Well sorry (blushing with embarrassment at my reveal) .

I enjoyed Aleks and don't recall too much bad on his part except he had CJ who was insubordinate. I'd take him as Bosun though Lee wouldn't. I think you meant Sam as the stew. CJ was her love interest and deckhand (both equally insubordinate). Nico is immature and we all know Chandler now so, no.

But I would take Sam as stew over the others as she is the least insufferable.  She is cool yet down to earth. Rocky and Jenn were disasters with a wind tunnel between the ears. Caroline?...1 more charter and she may murder someone on board so no freaking way! 

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I'm still confused by the water/towels situation. From the set up shown (somewhat similar to a stingrays snorkel I did in the Bahamas), basically there was a floating dock to which smaller boats could tie and offload their passengers. No beach or picnic area to hang out in. "Dry bags" would imply bags you could swim/snorkel with, but they aren't budget tourists protecting their valuables from being left on a public beach -- why the hell would you take on that bother on a luxury yacht excursion? Take one bag to be left in the dock with a couple of towels and a water each, maybe, but beers and more? Have that in the boat taking them back to the ship.

They definitely blew it not having a crewperson stay, but the show seemed to push the idea that the family would have spent even longer time there and everything was ruined, when the real issue seems to have been that they couldn't leave the moment they were done.

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2 minutes ago, kassa said:

hat bother on a luxury yacht excursion? Take one bag to be left in the dock with a couple of towels and a water each, maybe, but beers and more? Have that in the boat taking them back to the ship.

It seemed like they were actually supposed to be spending a few hours there and they cut it short and while they were on a small dock you can see a beach directly behind them that was close enough that even the kids could swim to it which is probably why they had done the dry bags. 

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1 hour ago, SweetPotato said:

One of my favorite parts was when, Chandler is woken from a nap, or whatever, to hear that the guests are stranded at the shark excursion without drinks or towels.  Chandler then races off in the tinder, on his own to rescue them, except he can’t figure out how to get to them.

Instead, Chandler ends up circling around them, causing the guests to wonder if it is perhaps his first day on the job.  Chandler eventually gives up, motors over to Ross, and asks him to take over. 

Of course, I couldn’t understand why between Ross, Aston and Rhylee, that not a one of them thought to bring the dry bags with the guests on their excursion.  But, as Bosun, and their “leader” ultimately it was Chandler’s responsibility and his fault.  I really am hoping he faces his due comeuppance next episode.

It's not that they didn't bring the dry bags, it's that they didn't leave them.  The bags were loaded up with the guests, but not unloaded.

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On 11/13/2018 at 9:31 PM, pieinmyeye said:

Just because some people, such as I, wouldn’t take our children on a yacht like the one on Below Deck, doesn’t mean we don’t love them. 

Exactly.  I love my children a lot, but I also realized when they were younger that not every situation would be enjoyable for them.  I love them enough to be aware of that, and to look at it from their point of view.  Lots of adult activities are simply boring to children.  (That's why some kids act up in nice restaurants - Listening to adult conversation is not interesting, especially for long periods of time, and it's not the children's fault if they get antsy.)

I might or might not take my children along on a yacht.  It would depend on several factors.  But in any case, it's certainly possible to love our children madly and still not feel it's a good idea to take them everywhere.  When I make a decision based on what would be enjoyable for them, I most definitely make that decision as a loving parent.

On 11/13/2018 at 9:44 PM, ihartcoffee said:

Make french fries and sliders or something like that.  He's not trying at all with this bunch. 

I thought the father - or someone - had said that they don't eat kid-type food.  I thought he said something along the lines of, "They've always eaten what we eat."

15 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:


Kate is pure gold.  She just the right mix of beautiful, bitchy, and funny, which makes her great TV,  and she is amazing at her job. 

I would not have agreed with this prior to this season, but I wholeheartedly agree now.  She always showed a bit of bitchy and funny, but something about her was unlikable, IMO.  This time around she seems to have struck the perfect balance.  She's completely professional, clearly very good at her job, calm, patient, and unruffled - and her funny/bitchy is really entertaining.  

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