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S06.E06: Get Better or Go Home


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As Chandler’s decision making frustrates the deck crew, Rhylee and Ashton grow desperate for a change of bosun. The charter guests overcome their fears by swimming with some scary ocean predators. Later, as Ashton makes on move on Rhylee after a wild night, Kate tells Caroline her foot needs to heal or she’ll have to go home. When the mistakes keep piling up for Chandler, Captain Lee decides to confront him in a sit down.

Airs November 6, 2018.

  • Love 1

Chandler - what the WHAT?! I don't recall seeing him actually WORK. Like, AT ALL. He shows no hustle in his movements at all. I'm liking Rhylee more & more . I just wish she could articulate her points more besides saying "he's a fu**ing a**hole" and the like. Caroline makes me feel stressed just watching her. I have 3 kids and often am leaving the house alone with all of them- her movements are not unlike me doing that. I LOLd so much when Ross thought the fart was his name OMG! Kate and Josiah are so good at their jobs, I wish I was that good at ANYTHING. 

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Caroline, as she’s being tucked into a guest bed after a day of no work, is crying about how she’s being treated.  What the what now?!  

Could Chandler BE any worse?

Seriously - I didn't understand that at all!!  Kate is telling her to do EXACTLY what the doctor said, and she's staying in a guest quarters on top of it--why the fuck is she whining about it not being fair and she doesn't deserve to be treated this way???  

  • Love 21
1 minute ago, dosodog said:

Kate would be a pomeranian.  High maintenance, with lots of bark, beautiful, but a lot to handle.

I think Ashton is a golden retriever. Likable, funny, tries to get along with everyone. Enjoys fetch and farting.

Rylee is a standard poodle. Smart, great hunting dog, beautiful and highly underrated. 

Ross is a Mountain Bernese. Great working dog. Loyal, but a bit standoffish. Does what needs to be done. Also likes to fart.

Chandler is a goldfish. Doesn't do much, but hang around the castle. 

Chef.  Is a Unicorn.  

EXCELLENT.....and spot on!!   :-)

Any idea for Captain Lee?  

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Maybe Bull Mastiff...typically calm and cool but has a loud scary bark when necessary.

Maybe Rylee should be a breed that yaps a lot. She's like my Cairn Terrior...mouthy and feisty and stubborn...and hard working when he's hunting the little critters.


5 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Captain Lee should be a Rhodesian  Ridgeback. They are handsome, in charge, protective, friendly, loyal, affectionate, and not to be messed with.

I like both of those! 

I kind of want to change Kate to a cat.  

But I stand firm on Chandler the goldfish and Adrian the Unicorn. 

  • Love 6

I'm still team Rylee and Chandler is an asshole.  So, he blames Rhylee for not putting her tools away.  She says it wasn't her.  Check with the morning crew yet he still blames her.  That's such BS.  How many times does she have to tell this asshole that she put it away the night before.

Chandler has no idea of what he's doing.  It seems the guy it totally lazy.  Too lazy to organize his staff and be in charge.

Adrian's food continues to amaze me.  Every time I watch this season, I get hungry.  Unfortunately, I get to have some chips or pretzels.  Not his fabulous food.

Like I said last episode..  When I'm on antibiotics, I'm just in a crap mood so I give Caroline a little bit of slack but she's pushing it.

Ashton is a complete asshole when he drinks.

  • Love 16
12 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Adrian's food continues to amaze me.  Every time I watch this season, I get hungry.  Unfortunately, I get to have some chips or pretzels.  Not his fabulous food.

What was he making for the last breakfast, it looked like layers of phyllo dough but couldn’t tell what was inside.  Whatever it was, I want!

  • Love 5

I’m not even criticizing Caroline’s mood, she’s an adult, a professional. Understanding and patience can only go so far, if you simply can’t do the job because you are physically unable, it sucks, but you take that initiative. She seemed to get upset at Kate for shutting down her attempting to amble around still, for trying to put a positive spin on things, for continuing to discuss it. Kate doesn’t want to discuss it any longer and I wouldn’t either. Caroline is hurt, she’s seen the doctor twice, she needs to rest and do what the doctor said and if that doesn’t work, it’s time to be realistic. It’s unfortunate Caroline resents the realistic talk, but this is a job and her boss is more concerned with a good, well-covered job being done than sugar coating things for her. You know, as she got Caroline comfy in a guest room. 

Chandler is done. When he was bemoaning how overwhelmed he was when talking with the Captain, I don’t know how he wasn’t demoted on the spot. Especially after the Captain was forced to do deck work AND that Chandler went incommunicado AGAIN. He was literally being told how to supervise and how that’s the basic goal of his position and seemed utterly stumped. Also, what a shit show that fishing trip was. Chandler acting as if fishing is super easy proved the exact opposite. I’m glad Rhylee didn’t get so drunk that she went off on Chandler. I know it’s very hard for her, but she should just shut up and wait, because Chandler is hanging himself quite well.

Adrian remains such a breath of fresh air. His sushi looked absolutely decadent.

  • Love 13

I can see Bravo getting Adrian to come out with a Below Deck cookbook (you heard the idea here first, folks:)).  He's turned out the best dishes of any of the chefs. Can't taste them but aesthetically, they look amazing.  

I sincerely want to punch Chandler in his throat.  What a pompous asshole.  Think he's gotten through life being cute and acting like he knows shit when he doesn't.  So many like him in the world.

Didn't like Rhylee at first but am totally on her side with the Chandler mess.  She calls him out on his shit when the others in the deck crew do little to confront him and he can't stand it.

Caroline needs to go home.  She's not tough enough to deal with Kate and Josiah and is overly sensitive.  She was added to the cast to play that role I think but I'm over it.

Love Captain Lee.  Surprised that he hasn't sent Chandler home yet but I feel it coming.  He's been able to get away with murder and it's only Episode 4.

Edited by Jets4274
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm still team Rylee and Chandler is an asshole.  So, he blames Rhylee for not putting her tools away.  She says it wasn't her.  Check with the morning crew yet he still blames her.  That's such BS.  How many times does she have to tell this asshole that she put it away the night before.

Chandler has no idea of what he's doing.  It seems the guy it totally lazy.  Too lazy to organize his staff and be in charge.

He's so determined to blame and oust Rhylee that he's shooting himself in the foot. Had he bothered to check with Ross and Ashton and they denied leaving the tools out, he'd be fully justified in chewing Rhylee out. He's one of those idiots who would get dinged for firing an employee from a protected class because he never bothered to document any of the alternate reasons why the person should be fired so you could only conclude that he fired them because they were Jewish, a woman, older, or Asian. His arrogance, laziness, incompetence, animosity, and pettiness are the reason he keeps fucking up and the reason he'll almost certainly get demoted.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

Chandler is done. When he was bemoaning how overwhelmed he was when talking with the Captain, I don’t know how he wasn’t demoted on the spot. Especially after the Captain was forced to do deck work AND that Chandler went incommunicado AGAIN. He was literally being told how to supervise and how that’s the basic goal of his position and seemed utterly stumped

The only answer Chandler could and should have given was the military one "sir, no excuse, sir." He had no excuse , should have admitted there's no excuse, move on & be better. But no. He got his lashing in a cringe inducing scene and walked off mumbling "fn a**hole!" This guy...

  • Love 14

But if RHYLEE had walked away from Chandler muttering 'fn a##hole', imagine his response: that's it! she's LOST control, she's insubordinate and she can't take direction. No respect for the chain of command!'. 

I'm still Team Ginger. So Kate and Josiah broke Caroline. The foot is the catalyst, without it, she possibly could have seen out the season. Maybe it's for the best, given the way she's been acting since. She rolled the dice in a difficult life situation and it hasn't worked out for her. She has my sympathy, but if she's going, I just want to meet the new stew. Or maybe they don't get one at all. Kate and Josiah could negotiate for a larger percentage of the tips, since they are doing Caroline's job anyway. Reminds me of Casey the spewin stew from BDMed last season. Not only was she seasick to the point of not being able to fulfil her duties for the first couple of charters, she also lied on her resume and couldn't actually DO the work. Kate is certainly a lot quicker off the mark to decide that her 3rd stew gets 2 days to recover or she's off, because it just isn't fair to the other stews. Hannah didn't even go there with Casey, even though we all wished she did. 

  • Love 9

she seems awfully eager to throw herself a pity party every time she turns around

Borrowing from the expression "lean in," Caroline's really leaning in to being the victim - she's obsessed with approval and hypersensitive to the vibes from snarky Kate and Josiah. No fun to watch on TV. Despite some snarking, Kate is handling it very well - accommodating Caroline's pain while giving her firm instructions on how to try to get better. Kind of boxing off the options.

Chandler is beginning to obsess about Rhylee, to the point of losing any good judgment and emitting scary vibes. Also no fun to watch on TV. Hope they send him packing, but I worry the teaser scenes are about Caroline instead.

So, no reactions so far to the "breast massage." Adrian is a creep; I have zero tolerance for that kind of thing and neither should Kate. Her "it's a compliment" set metoo back 10 years.

Interesting that Ross protected his skin with scarves while they were out all day. Some of the others were quite sunburned.

Have we ever seen Kate eat at the staff mess?

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Blindfox said:


I couldn’t despise Chandler more. I actually gasped when he walked away from his talk with Captain Lee calling him a “fucking asshole.” Everything the captain said went in one ear and out the other.


Ummmm how did I miss that!!!!  I was over Chandler but now he needs to go!!!!  No way do you disrespect our Captain Lee like that!!!!!  ??

  • Love 4

I love how Captain Lee is always observing and is able to call b.s. when he hears it.  His approach is so much more professional than Captain Sandy’s approach.  He didn’t give Chandler an inch of wiggle room despite Chandler’s best efforts.  And his relationship with Kate is just the best.  


Chandler’s “fucking asshole” comment is going to follow him for some time.  I think he’s long felt entitled to unearned respect because his daddy is a boat captain.  And you know he pulled that “fishing trip” move just to hurt Rylee.  I wish Ashton had spoken up to him.

  • Love 21
9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Based on the social media comments by Captain Lee, I sense there continues to be no love lost b/t him and Chandler.

I'm not surprised....after the way Chandler called him a "fucking asshole" after Captain spoke to him (I thought) in a pretty chill way. It could have been much worse. Chandler is a fragile, little man who cannot handle ANY criticism. 


9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm still team Rylee and Chandler is an asshole.  So, he blames Rhylee for not putting her tools away.  She says it wasn't her.  Check with the morning crew yet he still blames her.  That's such BS.  How many times does she have to tell this asshole that she put it away the night before.

He pretty much said she hadn't put her tools away one time before so now he's just going to assume it's her every time, no matter what. He is such a fucking prick. We all know he comes down on her because he doesn't feel super comfortable lecturing Ross or Ashton.


1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

So, no reactions so far to the "breast massage." Adrian is a creep; I have zero tolerance for that kind of thing and neither should Kate. Her "it's a compliment" set metoo back 10 years.

I had forgotten about that line; but it did stand out to me when he said it. I have no issue with however Kate chooses to receive what he said. Maybe it genuinely doesn't bother her. That's okay. But I did find it gross and creepy. He's an amazing cook and I love that he never gets flustered. But he needs to keep his little sexual commentary to himself. 

  • Love 17

I loved the lunch with the sharks and stingrays. What a wonderful and unique experience!!

I just started watching this season and from the first episode was so intrigued that I had to go back to the first season and catch up! This is the only Bravo show that my husband will watch with me and he is just as addicted.

The housewives shows have really begun to bore me to the point where I could not care less about them or if I miss episodes. They might interest me if they replaced most of the women with fabulous new ones who had a story line that didn't revolve around petty bickering. That formula is no longer working.

This is one show that I can say, I hate when it ends and can't wait for the next one.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:


I loved the lunch with the sharks and stingrays. What a wonderful and unique experience!!


Especially with the floating bar and sushi boat. Too bad these people didn’t get off of their social media long enough to stop and smell the tropical flower. Captain Lee should have turned their WiFi access off and forced them to enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the taste of the Unicorn’s food. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Interesting that Ross protected his skin with scarves while they were out all day. Some of the others were quite sunburned.


We were in the Galapagos earlier this year (right on the equator) and all of the staff wore those "neck gaiters." We had them but didn't end up using them. But a good idea if you are constantly in the sun. Less sunscreen to deal with.

3 hours ago, queenjen said:

Kate is certainly a lot quicker off the mark to decide that her 3rd stew gets 2 days to recover or she's off, because it just isn't fair to the other stews. Hannah didn't even go there with Casey, even though we all wished she did. 

Assuming that this was a call that Kate actually made, and not something Captain Lee had already told Caroline and Kate about and it didn't make the edit, I'd say the key difference is Kate has Lee's complete support and trust. Even if Hannah and Sandy's relationship had been typical - which it wasn't, Sandy came into the season with a major axe to grind and Hannah was well aware of it - that wouldn't have been Hannah's call to make, chief stews and bosuns seem to be managers, but ones without hiring or firing power. I think this is the first time we've ever seen Kate relay a message like that to a stew, and maybe that's because Lee had already made that decision and she was just repeating it, or he's fine with her taking that liberty since he has full confidence in her.

I think Caroline and Kate just have a fundamental difference in personalities. I think she isn't reading Kate as being caring or sympathetic because she's not smiling, or hugging her, or talking to her overly sweetly. Kate's basically the opposite of a maternal figure. But I don't think we've ever actually seen her being so fair and compassionate to a stew before, and she seems to kinda see what we all see - that Caroline's in a fragile way mentally/emotionally in general - and she's clearly trying, but it isn't what Caroline wants. She seems to want a lot of attention and affection, which you're not often going to find from a boss, let alone Kate. She's a naturally cold, abrasive person (aka one of my people), but she's not being an asshole. We've seen that, we know what it looks like.

I'm guessing it's just wanting to be on the show for longer, but it's pretty crazy she wants to stay. If I had an infected foot, and the doctor didn't know what it was, I'd be back to the US in a hurry. I've seen way too many disgusting articles about flesh-eating viruses and all kinds of fucked up parasites; if I'm traveling abroad and get an infection that can't be diagnosed, byeeeee.

  • Love 24
11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

What was he making for the last breakfast, it looked like layers of phyllo dough but couldn’t tell what was inside.  Whatever it was, I want!

I'm becoming very annoyed with this season's editing and not showing us more of the food. It seemed to me in previous season's we'd hear details about just about every dish. I want to know what the puff pastry (or phyllo) breakfast things were! I want to know if he really served fois gras as a main course? There were no additional courses shown after that one. Fois gras is so rich, I heard of it as a main for lunch with a salad but can't imagine it being my primary meal. 

  • Love 2

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