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S27.E08: Week 6: Halloween Night

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The point is moot now but it seemed like Mary Lou had the most unflattering costume choices and the least compelling production value per dance.  Sasha is a popular pro so I'm quite confused.  Compared tonight to say....Cheryl's tut choreo and stage it was jarring in comparison.

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Random observances:

John Schneider could not let go of his phallic symbol sword. At all. 

That Worst Band on TV rendition of Candyman. What. The. Everloving. Fuck. 

Alexis and Alan's "epic" "Romeo and Juliet" "romance". HAHAHAHA. *breathes* HAHAHAHA. Ten points to Tom Bergeron for the crack about the cameras being in the room. Hee! Snarky Tom is the best Tom.

...where the hell are my Hallowe'en group dances? I wanted to see how they were going to hide Grocery Store Joe shambling around in the background. Ten points to Jenna for realizing Joe stumbles around like Frankenstein's monster and planning their choreography around that. Work with what you got, right? Also, Jenna, WE GET IT. YOU AND VAL MAKE THE BEAST WITH TWO BACKS ON THE REG. K COOL. Val's faked enthusiasm at Jenna's squealing "double date" bullshit was hilarious. Also also: Joe kept the beat through the whole song. For the first time. On week 6

Was that the Cookie Monster singing Roxanne? No seriously. What. The. Everloving. Fuck. Again.

Sasha continues to be the best thing about Hallowe'en Night now that Mark Ballas isn't here with some crazy ass choreo, costumes, and staging. Sasha is the most joyful, wonderful part of this show. I'm terrified that it's eventually going to come out that he has a secret life kicking puppies or something. 


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Evanna was just spectacular tonight. That was Keo’s best work ever, he really highlighted her in so many perfect ways, the choreography was spot on.

Len is such a bugger, that was a 10 considering the grading scale for this season that they’ve established. 

After last week I was so ready to hear their names called in danger, but oh so happy they weren’t so she can keep cruising on the high of tonight, all her hard work and effort paid off finally. 

I love how proud Keo is of her and how he encourages her every step of the way, they mesh so well.

Now if you wanted to tell me there’s a couple that I actually could buy crushing on each other it’s them frankly, heh. 

That Alexis girl is obviously not clicking with voters, not even two weeks of judges’ scores and one week viewers’ input could drag her out of the danger zone. 

If she had been paired with Mark or Derek something tells me she’d easily be cruising into the semis at least, but it’s just not working with Alan, I don’t mind him but really the supposed connection that they share suddenly is really just not appealing, it reeks of desperation imho. 

Edited by AnswersWanted
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I just hope Juan Pablo doesn't give up his day job to become a costume designer.  

Not sorry to see Mary Lou and her angst leave my screen, but there were other more deserving choices for elimination... 

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I enjoyed Juan Pablo's dance.  He looks like a professional to me. 

Demarcus is underwhelming over the last few weeks including this one.   At the end it looked like Brandon and Artem started "stepping" so as to not further call attention to what D wasn't doing well.  I'm not sure why she thought adding 2 male pros would be a benefit.  I disagree with the judges and I don't think he held his own.  My eyes kept picking up the obvious differences.   This is supposed to be a game of hiding contestant flaws and faking or enhancing what they naturally do well.

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So personally, the episode could have ended for me after Milo's performance. That was freaking AMAZING. Great choreography from Witney and great performance by Milo. I have to think he's doing great with the viewer votes because the fact that they would put him so early in the night, especially with the show stopping number like that, makes me think it has to be because they're not worried about him being eliminated. 

On the flipside, I feel like that may be a concern with Juan Pablo. They keep giving him pimp spots, the judges certainly love him but I just can't help shaking the feeling that the might be a surprise boot or Final Four exit. Of course that may be because I keep forgetting he's there. Every week, it happens. When he dances, I enjoy it but then the next week comes and I forget him until it's his turn to dance. 

And Joe lives to dance another day and another female casualty. I gotta say, I really thought this was finally it for him with how nice the judges were being and Carrie Ann even throwing in that pity 8. But that's because I was sure this was going to be a double elimination week. Oh well. 

Man, Alexa is not going to take her inevitable elimination well if her reaction tonight was anything to go by. And yet, for as much as she so desperately seems to want to stay on the show, she does very little to get her fans to vote. I checked her social media page again this weekend and she's still not posting much on her feed regarding the show and while she posts a lot more about it in her stories, she spends more time posting her hanging out with Milo than her and Alan. Like if Milo wasn't only 17, if they wanted a showmance this season, I'd say they have a better shot with them than this forced crap they tried to pull with her and Alan. 

After a strong start, Demarcus seems to be losing steam. But I wouldn't underestimate Lindsay and I'm sure he has a huge voting base behind him so he should be okay for a few more weeks. On another note, thrilled that my fear of Evanna being eliminated after the judges screwed her over last week with the scores, did not come true. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I think I would like Alexis to go now before Joe.  That's right.  I said it LOL!

Val is going on the DWTS tour.   One two three......yay?   That was quite an announcement over something that could have been done on twitter.

Bring Tinashe back.

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I find myself muting this show more and more frequently. I can't handle the showmance crap.

Joe is atrocious. That double date would be an embarrassment if they were 17 let alone grown adults getting married at some point. Can we just get back to the dancing business? 

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Halloween Week

Milo/Witney:  Creepy.  I wonder if she choreographed it. (Did she choreo the I'll Be Watching You dance with Frankie?)   Unfortunately with Witney, I think there's always the question because she's generally not forthcoming about when she gets help.  Oh well. That's her choice.  As for the perfect score?  A little surprised Len liked it.  I guess it was technically good for what passes for contemporary on this show.

John/Emma:  John's moves seemed too small and too soft, especially when in hold. Numerous small goofs but the 6s seemed a bit low.

DeMarcus/Lindsay:  That did not look like a salsa! (Granted, there is more leeway for Halloween, but all weeks are some kind of theme so I do expect the assigned dance to be done.)  He really is stiff in the hips.  Even in his little demo for Len, he was moving his knees, not his hips.  He spent way too much time just standing in one place, and of course Lindsay compensates with lifts.  All this is ignored by the "judges".  His votes must have fallen off after being compared to Rashad.  8s were extremely generous, the 9 was ridiculous.

Evanna/Keo:  It seems Evanna has spent the whole season so far getting 'less than' judges comments and 'less than' scores so maybe if she just stops caring what they think, it'll turn things around.  A very sharp tango and the comments certainly sound different.  The scores are up where I think she should be. Just hoping these are just not parting gifts.

Bobby/Sharna:  Sorry Bobby, no sympathy for your schedule.  You knew what your schedule was before signing up for this.  As for the dance, another creepy one!  They're really into cracking necks tonight.   I wish Sharna could straighten out his posture.  Very simple choreography but executed well (except for the posture).

Mary Lou/Sasha:  something looks wrong with her walking in hold, at one point looking like she was falling foward.  I wonder if she's got some kind of torso injury going on.  Her shoulders were up around her ears.  Not a good dance.  Hate to say it but I think the 8s were overscores.

Alexis/Alan:  Wow she's really going the full-on showmance route!  I hope Alan does do some serious thinking before he follows her (any farther) down this route, like about his career and his future on this show.  A showmance once becomes a showmance every time.  The producers will try their best to make it so!  The dance was cute.  She's very pretty but that doesn't mean she has to dance soft and pretty, but she does, every dance!  Why is she dressed like Mrs. Santa Claus? Why is she all giggly like a 12 year old at the mention of her showmance package? Argggh! These two are giving me a headache!

Some good pro dances tonight. I like this hallway one.  So Val is...dramatic drumroll...going on tour. Of course he is.

Joe/Jenna:  Well, it wasn't awful.  So I guess that's an improvement.  His rear was hanging out a mile or so and his posture is attrocious.  Why is he out of breath?  He was mostly just standing while Jenna used him as a jungle gym.  Except the last lift where he dropped her into his crotch.  But I'm sure he'll live on as his fans persist in torturing him.

Juan/Cheryl:  Very enjoyable. And it was a clean jive.   I hadn't been connecting with Juan but he's starting to grow on me.  I wouldn't mind seeing Cheryl getting another MBT. 

Oh Mary Lou. It was time.

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That's what happens when you go first....I forgot about Milo's performance!  He was awesome and I loved the whole vibe of the dance.  His costume was cool.   Her makeup was restrained.

Showmance.  Bah.

I thought Evanna danced really well tonight.  Begging for the 10s was a little pathetic though.  She's so slender that she never seems powerful enough to me to counteract Keo's massive frame.  The strongest that she can bring just doesn't match his intensity and he tends to drown her out IMO.   It's not her fault and I enjoyed her this week the most compared to other weeks.  

I didn't think John's Paso was that bad.  For him.  Kinda.

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9 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I think I would like Alexis to go now before Joe.  That's right.  I said it LOL!

Val is going on the DWTS tour.   One two three......yay?   That was quite an announcement over something that could have been done on twitter.

Bring Tinashe back.

Yeah Alexis can go, she is getting on my nerves. Alan and her dont have any chemistry. Yes, bring back Tinashe.

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I just dropped in to see the general opinion. The show has lost its touch for me and I've managed to not tune in 2 weeks in a row to learn the likes of grocer Joe, Bobby and John Schneider are still there as well as the eye roll worthy showmance. I haven't found anyone to root for on this cast besides EL, so I'll pass ?

Edited by dizzyd
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I thought the judges were being hideously unfair to John....How could knocking points off for John getting caught in his partner's dress and Joe getting a BONUS point for nearly dropping his pro be right? Someone explain that to me?

I swear whatever the judges were on..smh...very infuriating judging....and weird ass arrangements of songs....when Shazaam says "I got nothin", you know the music sucks donkey shit....

..and thanks to Tom...I was counting neck cracks...

My favorite dances were the Candyman Jive...Milo contemporary..John's Paso...and Juan's jive....

One more thing, I was so disappointed that John's song wasn't The Kingston Trio's old song "With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm" but that's not really a paso song..perhaps a tango...

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I'm glad to see someone with the life or death level job of "social media influencer" is finally able to relax and is taking herself less seriously. *eye roll*

Alexis can go at any time. Any. Time.

Oh, and way to ruin "Dead Man's Party," show.

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Joe looked surprisingly good tonight.   Did Jenna finally decide to teach him some steps?   She seems irritated with him, which is odd considering his voting base and his surprising longevity on the show.   

I liked John Schneider's confusion about his Henry VIII role.  He is kind of adorable.   

Evanna seems to expect great scores.   Her acting success may have gone to her head.   

I like Bobby.   I couldn't dance with that little sleep.    

Milo is an enthused and talented dancer.  I think he could win, though I always forget to vote for him since he seems like a shoo-in.    

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Milo, Evanna, and Juan Pablo were the definite highlights tonight. I also liked Bobby's dance-the storyline was really creepy, and the version of the song they used for it was interesting, too. 

(Also, on the note of song choices, yay, "Dead Man's Party" :). Though I agree that I might've gone with a different version, or just the original itself. And now, thanks to the song for John's dance, I want to go watch 'Beetlejuice'.)

Joe's dance tonight was indeed probably his strongest one, but it is amazing that he's still there. 

Seriously, what the hell was with all the neck snapping? I loved Tom keeping count of that throughout. 

Edited by Annber03
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I wonder how much they had to pay Val to join the tour? WIthout him and Sharna, it was probably the weakest tour lineup they've ever thrown out there. I couldn't see them selling many tickets. I also wonder if it was part of a negotiation to get the show to allow Jenna to tour with the fam next summer.

As a Halloween show, I was a bit disappointed. Usually there's a lot ore fun and antics going on during the show and in the skybox. Tonight was pretty tame in that regard.

Boring as I find Mary Lou, I wish it was Alexis who had gone home. I could not even watch the Alexis/Alan package. I know this show has become highly produced over the past few years but I have never seen a lamer, more forced phony showmance in all my years of watching. It was painful and while I was pretty indifferent towards her, she can go any time now. 

John's dance may not have been great but there is NO WAY IN HELL it was worse than Joe's dance. None. How he got a higher score baffles me.

I always love the football players and I really like DeMarcus, but I'm just not feeling the win for him anymore. Another loss for Jimmy Kimmel.

Erin's dress was one of the most beautiful she's ever worn. I don't get why she and Tom don't dress up like the judges do?

I know it's not a popular opinion, but I like Bobby and I did enjoy their dance tonight.

My two favorite dances of the night were Milo and Juan Pablo. This season is getting really predictable.

I feel like a broken records but I'll say it again. I'm tired of Jenna getting the spotlight in all the group dances because of who she's sleeping with. I'd rather see Val dance with any other pro than her. Hell, I enjoyed him dancing with Erin at the start of the opening number more than I do watching him and Jenna. And I really don't need to see their camera-ready double dates with the other reality show fame whores, thank you very much.

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I was thinking.

As dumb as that double date was....and it was DUMB.

If Joe learned what it took in terms of energy and effort to "perform" on a national stage then I think it was very clever.  

As a "regular" dude whose job it was to hang out on a beach, drink and makeout with girls,  his notoriety wasn't in this realm at all.  His hangout level of energy was always a brotastic "2" in chill mode.

He never correlated energy level of a performance because he felt awkward and stupid.  I get it.  I mean I don't know why he is on the show but that's a whole other discussion LOL.  And yet guys like John and Bobby were far less horrible on the dance floor so he needed to find that output to at least put together a serviceable amateur attempt.   He needed to move from a 2 energy level to a 9 for him to make this work.

To me he looked like the other 2 guys now.  Except the other 2 guys are still better since they've been doing this for 3 months now so they are ahead but if he would have figured this out earlier he could have spared himself the totally terrible performances that made us all just cringe.

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So this year's victim of the "showmance" is Alan?  Dude deserves better.   I was telling my sister at least with Robert and Kym it went from the standard flirting to something more organic that I feel I needed to spike a football when Tom called them out on it in the nicest and polite way possible.  This one?  Already over it.


I have missed a lot of this season overall, and missed some of this episode but I think Juan Pablo is destined to win it all which I am ok with.  

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So we are stuck with Joe and Bobby until the end aren’t we? Yikes. There are seriously no words. Joe reeks of misery and Bobby....he just reeks. 

That singer tonight completely lost the words when Alexis and Alan were dancing. That person should never be allowed to sing in this show again, I mean you’re a singer on Dancing with the Stars and you flub you’re words? It’s not that hard. And speaking of these two, I’d prefer they go immediately then to be tortured by a fake showmance. Painful.

poor John he was screwed. First with his Vanilla Ice hair, then his scores. 

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So Val is joining the DWTS tour...didn't see that happening. I wonder if Jenna talked him into it, or DWTS offered him some big bucks to do it. Maybe a combo of both. The Alan and Alexis fake showmance I saw coming a million miles away. Alexis says it is awkward to talk about it, but does so anyway in front of the cameras. I don't like showmances of any kind because it insults the viewers intelligence. 

Best dance of the night for me was the first one of the night....Witney and Milo. That kid is loaded with talent. Such a great contemporary. The Cheryl and Juan Pablo dance deserved those 10's too, but as good looking as Juan Pablo is, he really does not move me at all in his dances. I don't even remember what they did last week.  DeMarcus andLindsay did well, but I feel they need to up their game to be more competitive. Milo, Juan Pablo, Alexis and Evanna danced better than him tonight. 

Evanna is really growing on me. Keo is very happy he actually has a partner that can dance for a change. I feel both of them were lowballed last week in scores but the scores this week were good. 

Sigh. Grocery Joe, what can I say. I really didn't see much improvement, still clunky and no rhythm. That last lift at the end was scary. It looked very uncomfortable and Grocery Joe nearly broke Jenna's neck/back.  I laughed early this season who said they would not be surprised if Grocery Joe made it to the finals. Now I am not laughing but will find it to be very sad if that happens.

Edited by BeeBop88
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This season is sucks. The eliminations make no sense and the overthetop showmance that noone is buying needs to end soon. I just think Alan doesnt care for showmances and this all Alexis.

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53 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

On the flipside, I feel like that may be a concern with Juan Pablo. They keep giving him pimp spots, the judges certainly love him but I just can't help shaking the feeling that the might be a surprise boot or Final Four exit. Of course that may be because I keep forgetting he's there. Every week, it happens. When he dances, I enjoy it but then the next week comes and I forget him until it's his turn to dance. 


Every time someone here refers to him as "JP" it takes me a minute to figure out who they're talking about.

Why is Joe still here? My friend and I snark-text while we watch (we used to be roommates and this is how we still watch together) and she said, "He makes a good Frankenstein." I don't think it was a compliment. (Though the costume itself was pretty good.)

Milo was my favorite, but the eyes were freaking me out (doesn't help that I stopped at the eye doctor on my way home to get a very irritated dry eye looked at). 

Took me till halfway through the show to notice the judges were wearing costumes. I don't tend to actually watch them talk. I saw Bruno at one point but, well, that outfit didn't seem so costumey for him. Then I noticed Len's cape.

Edited by ams1001
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55 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

The point is moot now but it seemed like Mary Lou had the most unflattering costume choices and the least compelling production value per dance.  Sasha is a popular pro so I'm quite confused.  Compared tonight to say....Cheryl's tut choreo and stage it was jarring in comparison.

Her make-up...to do that to a woman who already looks older than she is was just mean. 

55 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

...where the hell are my Hallowe'en group dances? I wanted to see how they were going to hide Grocery Store Joe shambling around in the background. Ten points to Jenna for realizing Joe stumbles around like Frankenstein's monster and planning their choreography around that. Work with what you got, right?

I had to go watch Foxing Awesome as a palate cleanser after tonight's show! Missed the group dances :(

Bobby looked decent dancing and somehow his stubble made him look hot?? What is going on? 

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2 minutes ago, tessaforever said:

Bobby looked decent dancing and somehow his stubble made him look hot?? What is going on? 

I thought he looked like George Michael with the beard.

I'll admit he's grown on me a bit.

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For me Milo had the best dance. It’s too bad that it was first because a lot of people forget the first dance of the night. I feel like John was underscored. But, I also feel like the theme from Beetlejuice wasn’t a great song choice for a Paso. To me it seems like Juan Pablo could just sit in a chair and get a good score. (I’m not saying that his jive was bad because it was really good.) but, the show is really pimping him to win. I was excited to see Alison back on the DWTS dance floor but, I was underwhelmed by her and Twitch’s performance. I guess that I just expected more from them. I don’t like showmances. It’s funny that Alexis doesn’t want to talk about it with Erin but had the whole pre-dance package about it. The whole “Oh there was a camera on us” thing was just so stupid. If the feelings are there that’s great but, a lot of times these feelings are because you spend so much time with your partner that you develop false feelings for them. Only time will tell after they are eliminated if the feelings were real or not. 

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I was expecting a double elimination, fine with me Mary Lou left.  

Glad to read DeMarcus made it.  I have a little crush, he is a beautiful man!   Jesus. 

Edited by Wings
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I don't think the vocalist got confused or flubbed the words during "Candyman," because the lines they consistently went silent over were "Makes my panties drop" and "Makes my cherry pop." These are also partially muted in at least one general audience-friendly version I've heard.

I'm thrilled I didn't have to get that visual during Alexis and Alan's dance, for the record, but I wish there were some better way around it than a phony audio drop.

Edited by lavenderblue
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2 minutes ago, lavenderblue said:

I don't think the vocalist got confused or flubbed the words during "Candyman," because the lines they consistently went silent over were "Makes my panties drop" and "Makes my cherry pop." These are also partially muted in at least one general audience-friendly version I've heard.

Y'know, I can accept that (though not the fact that they butchered Christina twice in two weeks) but can anyone explain Roxanne?

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18 minutes ago, TroopinFairy said:

If the feelings are there that’s great but, a lot of times these feelings are because you spend so much time with your partner that you develop false feelings for them. Only time will tell after they are eliminated if the feelings were real or not. 

I was rolling my eyes at the "I'm still processing my feelings" or whatever she said. When I'm processing things like that, I don't announce it on facebook, let alone on national television.


3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Y'know, I can accept that (though not the fact that they butchered Christina twice in two weeks) but can anyone explain Roxanne?

Poor Roxanne... ?

Edited by ams1001
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Loved,loved, loved Milo tonight. That was a "fun" contemporary! One thing for me...even if it went first, I am not going to forget it!

I really wish that they didn't use "extras" in the dances. My thought in Demarcus's dance was that he didn't keep up with the pros, unlike what the judges said. When all of  those dancers are added to the mix, it is hard to tell who is who....just dance with your partner!


Edited to add that I voted for the first time tonight since James' year. I just wish there was a way to vote against Joe...you know, minus 9 votes!

Edited by suebee12
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Evanna's Tango was the dance of the night.

I wonder if both Evanna and Alexis go in next week's probable double elim.

With the female star slaughter this season I wonder if something will be done next time to try to prevent that. Weaker male stars? Inviting back Mark or Derek or Maks? More relatable females stars?

This has NEVER happened before where 5 women get cut before any of the men. I thought the female ringer slaughter of season 24 was bad but at least a few guys got cut in the first half of the season. It's unreal, and DeMarcus last week was the first guy in the "traditional" in jeopardy; not counting week 1's bottom 6.

I get that the male pros aren't as strong or popular this season compared to the females, but 5 women in a row, insane, the voters really do hate female stars.

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3 minutes ago, suebee12 said:

I really wish that they didn't use "extras" in the dances. My thought in Demarcus's dance was that he didn't keep up with the pros, unlike what the judges said. When all of  those dancers are added to the mix, it is hard to tell who is who....just dance with your partner!

The troupe ruined several dances tonight...not because they aren't good, but because it detracted so much from the pro/celeb. For example, Evanna (bless her heart) looked good with Keo (he's still over-dancing) but she was out of sync with the female pros. I wouldn't have noticed if she had been dancing by herself. They completely detracted from DeMarcus' dance as well. 

I was surprised to see Allison - she seemed to have some sour grapes after leaving DWTS under criticism for her choreography and lack of ballroom training. Weird offering from her and Twitch, whom I normally like to see together. 

DeMarcus' daughter is adorable. But sadly I think he and his wife have split. 

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Demarcus was hyped so much in the beginning, that he has slowly taken a dive in his dancing. I mean he is nowhere as bad as Joe, Bobby and John put all together but he has declined a good bit. I just know if he has a comeback then everyone is going to have to watch out because if its one thing dwts GP love is football players with any kind of rhythmn, so Demarcus can still win this. I wasnt rooting for him but he still can win this. Im not really watching this season, so whoever wins doesnt bother me really bother me at this point because Im just over this season and the show all together. This season has been a huge disappointment not because of the talent because this is one of the most talented cast ever but because of how the eliminations are going and heavy produced content and Judges bias which is every season tbh, but this season seem like they really were on a different level of bias.

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1 hour ago, BeeBop88 said:


Entering into week 6, and not a single male celeb/female pro has been eliminated. What does that tell you???? Evanna and Alexis are the only 2 remaining female celebs left.

Edited by BeeBop88
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8 minutes ago, BeeBop88 said:

Entering into week 6, and not a single male celeb/female pro has been eliminated. What does that tell you???? Evanna and Alexis are the only 2 remaining female celebs left.

It tells me that mediocre men always win over talented or mediocre women.

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23 minutes ago, PBGamer89 said:

I get that the male pros aren't as strong or popular this season compared to the females, but 5 women in a row, insane, the voters really do hate female stars.

Why the generalization that "voters really do hate female stars"? The same voters you claim hate female stars are the same voters that voted Laurie Hernandez, Bindi Irwin, Rumer Willis and plenty of other women to wins. It's already been said over and over and over by numerous people that the female pros are very strong, the male pros are very weak and the female stars this season are unrelatable. I don't see why this needs to be made into a generalized gender thing when there are three very valid reasons for why all the females are going home before the males this season.

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8 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

Why the generalization that "voters really do hate female stars"? The same voters you claim hate female stars are the same voters that voted Laurie Hernandez, Bindi Irwin, Rumer Willis and plenty of other women to wins. It's already been said over and over and over by numerous people that the female pros are very strong, the male pros are very weak and the female stars this season are unrelatable. I don't see why this needs to be made into a generalized gender thing when there are three very valid reasons for why all the females are going home before the males this season.

That is what I am hinting at. The female pros are just better than the male pros this season. I think Brandon has lots of potential to give good choreo, but this is his 1st season. Yes he had a ringer, but the main DWTS viewers were not familiar at all with Tinashe. I think Alan has lots of potential too, but he has a partner who posts nude to near nude pics of herself on IG for a living and also not well known.  But in the future, I can see Brandon and Alan doing really well. And it is not over for Alan yet. But I think the showmance hurts them more than helps them. That showmance angle has burned too many DWTS viewers and are not falling for it anymore.

Edited by BeeBop88
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They had to be low-balling John tonight to try and desperately keep it from being a Top 7 made up of every single guy and either Evanna/Alexis. Probably Evanna.

Sure, can you rationalize why all 6 guys who started are left and not one has been eliminated? Absolutely. Nikki G. was yet another comedian/comedienne who didn't really "fit" DWTS (she had Gleb too), Tinashe had let's say "baggage" and a brand new pro, Nancy was a very reserved personality, Danelle was extremely limited as a dancer and didn't have a Derek to boost her like he did Amy Purdy, and Mary Lou brought some baggage and advanced age to the competition too. But at the end of the day, the optics are kind of terrible. It says there is a much, much, much narrower range of acceptable types of women contestants that the voting public is willing to go on a journey with than men. Because they are more than happy to vote like crazy for an absolute trainwreck, a Disney quote unquote "ringer", an NFL-er with superhuman strength and questional dance ability (as the season has gone on), a spastic radio dj with legions of fans, a nostalgia actor guy, and however you classify Juan Pablo.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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