Popular Post BooksAndTea October 24, 2018 Popular Post Share October 24, 2018 I really enjoyed this episode. To me its greatest focus was on Zoey. They've changed the way the episodes are produced, less background music, camera quietly lingering on Bill and Jen after they speak directly to the audience. Subtle but noticeable. The one thing I think is going to be talked about is Jen arranging to give Zoey's fish away without telling anyone. Its so sad to see Zoey trying to process that she's losing her fish at the same moment that she meets the family that will be taking them. Definitely a Mommy mistake. It must be so difficult to make your parenting mistakes while being filmed for millions to see. As a producer Jen and Bill could have easily have the scene removed so kudo's to Jen for allowing it to remain. Zoey is blossoming into an articulate, loving little girl. She is so imaginative - having a conversation with her stuffed horse while riding it, calling it 'Sister', wrapping her arm around her mother as they look out the window of their new home and sharing her thoughts - its obvious that Bill and Jen's little girl is thriving. When she began crying about her fish and her father lifted her up on a counter top to talk to her, it was then I realized what an incredible job Bill and Jen have done with their daughter. The little girl who could only cry when they first brought her home was now articulating her thoughts and emotions to her parents while trying to process the loss of her pet fish. Its quite remarkable. I was underwhelmed by their new home. While enormous, I couldn't get past the black wrought iron everywhere. Not a fan. I'm sure it will look beautifully coastal when they are done remodeling. I was actually surprised that they didn't look a little longer for a coastal home since that's all Jen has talked about for years. I suppose they hadn't the time. It really became apparent while watching this episode that Bill and Jen are terrific parents. Just a lovely, loving family. 32 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/
Calibabydolly October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I think Zoey was overly tired when they showed the fish going away scenes. She was caught off guard, as was Bill, and was not prepared for it. In comparison to the scene of her on her play horse. She was thinking they were "leaving" the horse for the next kids to play with who moved into their Houston house! Her surprise when the mover started to wrap up the horse was telling. She asked "you're moving him?" She wasn't selfish giving her horse away. I don't even think she'd have questioned the fish saga unless Jen's friends had not come over to get them. They could have just bought new fish when they got to FL, right? Would Zoey even notice or care? I think it was just the icing on the cake for her, hitting home showing her stress level as she was most likely tired. Other than that, both kids were actually great this episode. I am taking back what I said about them now! *Oh.…..Kate's HUSBAND!!!??? Anyone know if they stayed in Texas? Wow! 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778186
ehall1052 October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 It’s got to be at least a year ago, or maybe longer that someone on this forum showed a message from Jen that Will and Zoey were in Kate’s wedding. Now whether Kate still was a nanny for them after the wedding, that I don’t know. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778229
snarkish October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 Howdy, friends, from other previously tv threads! *waving* I was SO excited for this season to start after the train wrecks I was recently watching on TLC. But, I have to say, I'm underwhelmed so far. I just wanted to see a "normal" family without drama. A lot I have to say has already been said. Now that the kids are older, their behavior is no longer cute and downright wrong. My jaw was on the floor watching the previous episodes where they were running amok in the houses. That is not the behavior of a 7 and 5/6 year old, they are like preschoolers. I get that they are behind a bit due to their orphanage circumstances, but if that's the case, they have someone watch them at the hotel and don't bring them with you to look at houses. The closet scene and the eating of nuts at the counter was just ridiculous. I would have been mortified if they were my kids. Another thing that is getting to me is the flaunting of wealth this season. I mean, they have always gone on great vacations, and their Houston house was terrific, but these waterfront mansions (I felt like I was watching old episodes of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous") was just over the top. They didn't need to show us all of those places (or "palaces") they weren't going to buy. To me that was just shoving their wealth in our face. And I'm with the rest of you on the buy a ranch idea. There are MANY ranches in Florida. To me, flaunting wealth and elevators is worth more than walking comfort in their own home. And WTH is "coastal farmhouse"?? I watch tons of HGTV and never heard those terms combined! Jen's tone when she speaks to the kids is unnerving. I hate that "certain voice" that parents use where they stretch out every word and speak in a childish tone. Bill is way better at speaking to the kids. Kind of ironic since Jen is the neonatologist and spent so many years in children's hospitals and medicine. And...can they rent a vehicle that is kinder to short stature?? Why always the high-end SUV's? Did anyone notice Jen not using her seatbelt properly? (She had the shoulder belt behind her). I get that she technically needs a booster seat (Heck, I do, at 4'10"), but don't go on national tv with your shoulder belt behind you! (We have seatbelt laws in Georgia, anyhow). Lastly, I agree with other posters regarding Jen needing to get a firm grip of who's in charge now before the kids get any larger. My 11 year old has already passed me in height, and she's already trying to pull the dominant card with me because she can look down on me. Jen is in for a shit show once Will and Zoe get any taller, which even with their condition, I believe they will most likely be near the size of their father. (At least Will, anyway). And yes, it was cute how Will loved cake in the early seasons, but that kid is always eating and has no control around food. He's going to have some major weight issues I foresee. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778656
Foghorn Leghorn October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 This episode was soooo much TH’s with a lot of Bill! Ad nauseum! The thing I noticed was how controlling he is, wow! He really was annoyed that Jen had the nerve to give the fish away without him being involved in the decision even stating she can do that at work but not at home! Who the hell does he think he is?? The other thing that gets to me about Bill is him constantly talking about how HE is paying for everything, how HE will have to dig into his riches to pay for Jen’s renovations....made me realize just how much control he wants and needs in their relationship. Takes me back to my ex being so controlling, money and decisions both tick them off! Did anyone notice Will pushing Jen away when she kissed him about the fish then he wiped his forehead off where she had kissed him...she noticed it. He glared at her the whole time. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778754
BitterApple October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I recorded the episode but haven't had a chance to watch it. Why did Jen give away the fish? I understand from a logic perspective you can get fish anywhere, but Zoe is such a huge animal lover, I'm not surprised she was upset. I guess it's hard to judge because I haven't watched the scene, but Will strikes me as very protective of Zoe. I wonder if he was mad at Jen not because he was necessarily attached to the fish, but because they meant a lot to his sister. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778796
Honey October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I'm sure a lot of people here know how I really can't stand children. That said, even I could see how cute Zoey was this episode. When looking at the new house, she was actually bouncing up and down, she was so excited. She is extremely smart and very articulate, and I don't ever see her whine and she's rarely naughty (not counting the producer shenanigans while looking at houses). She actually listens to her parents. I loved when she was looking out the window at the new house with Jen, and she remarked how everything was growing. Also, when they were on the way to the new house, and Jen said they would be seeing it, Zoey said "That's very exciting!" She comes out with a lot of statements that just floor me. Now Will on the other hand, you can have him. I don't like him, and I don't think he's cute at all. 17 minutes ago, BitterApple said: I recorded the episode but haven't had a chance to watch it. Why did Jen give away the fish? I understand from a logic perspective you can get fish anywhere, but Zoe is such a huge animal lover, I'm not surprised she was upset. I guess it's hard to judge because I haven't watched the scene, but Will strikes me as very protective of Zoe. I wonder if he was mad at Jen not because he was necessarily attached to the fish, but because they meant a lot to his sister. They had a 3 day drive to Florida and the fish wouldn't have survived the ride. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778841
bichonblitz October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 That house is going to need A LOT of renovations to get it to the coastal look Jen loves. I would never have thought they would choose that outdated Mediterranean style house. I will say I can't wait to see what they do with it because Jen does have superb taste. I predict next season we are going to be subjected to all the renovation issues and watching them live in the mess until it's completed. Oh, fun. I go back and forth over who irritates me more. It was Jen for a while, now after seeing her say her goodbye's to her co workers last week in Houston I really like her again. She was obviously very well respected and loved at her job. She was always so sweet and considerate to everybody any time she was shown at work. A real class act. I will forgive her annoying parenting skills for now (lol). But Bill...... he can be so cocky and a show off. I don't care for his attitude. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778851
retiredviewer October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 7 hours ago, BooksAndTea said: I really enjoyed this episode. To me its greatest focus was on Zoey. They've changed the way the episodes are produced, less background music, camera quietly lingering on Bill and Jen after they speak directly to the audience. Subtle but noticeable. The one thing I think is going to be talked about is Jen arranging to give Zoey's fish away without telling anyone. Its so sad to see Zoey trying to process that she's losing her fish at the same moment that she meets the family that will be taking them. Definitely a Mommy mistake. It must be so difficult to make your parenting mistakes while being filmed for millions to see. As a producer Jen and Bill could have easily have the scene removed so kudo's to Jen for allowing it to remain. Zoey is blossoming into an articulate, loving little girl. She is so imaginative - having a conversation with her stuffed horse while riding it, calling it 'Sister', wrapping her arm around her mother as they look out the window of their new home and sharing her thoughts - its obvious that Bill and Jen's little girl is thriving. When she began crying about her fish and her father lifted her up on a counter top to talk to her, it was then I realized what an incredible job Bill and Jen have done with their daughter. The little girl who could only cry when they first brought her home was now articulating her thoughts and emotions to her parents while trying to process the loss of her pet fish. Its quite remarkable. I was underwhelmed by their new home. While enormous, I couldn't get past the black wrought iron everywhere. Not a fan. I'm sure it will look beautifully coastal when they are done remodeling. I was actually surprised that they didn't look a little longer for a coastal home since that's all Jen has talked about for years. I suppose they hadn't the time. It really became apparent while watching this episode that Bill and Jen are terrific parents. Just a lovely, loving family. I really like this show because you see their mistakes and that they are not perfect. I do think that sometimes Jen talks above the kids understanding. Talking to Will about an uncle that died is one example. Hopefully experience will help her learn how much each child can process. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4778853
gunderda October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I can't wait to see what that house looks like after it's styled for Jen's tastes. I loved their Houston house and am totally with Jen and her 'blues' - except the blue for the outside of their Houston house - that was yuck. I much preferred the original color. I feel like Jen tries to explain stuff to the kids too much - which maybe that helps with development, I have no idea, but listening to her go on and on about the stuff in the keepsake boxes I was kinda like 'omgg..... can we stop now....' and I do like Jen. Maybe it's part of her job that carries over? The need to instruct and explain things in great detail. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779109
BitterApple October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 (edited) All I have to say is damn, Will and Zoe are braver than me because I wouldn't have got within ten feet of that lion, even with the fence in between. The kids' enthusiasm over the new house was really cute. Having watched the first few episodes, I definitely think the kids acting up on the House Hunters tour was producer-driven. Will seems a little behind most seven year-olds, but I didn't see anything tonight I'd consider atrocious or unruly behavior. They did well at the zoo and I thought the meltdown over the move and the fish was understandable. Jen, I love you, but I don't think a stressful move is the right time to go into 9/11 and a relative's death. Edited October 24, 2018 by BitterApple 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779123
Mahamid Frauded Me October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I am trying to wrap my head around coastal farm house, are you rounding up sea shells ? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779218
Evagirl October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I don't dislike children, but I really dislike bad behavior. There's no excuse for it really. Will is totally out of control. He runs everywhere, screaming like a banshee. Why does he do that? He acts like he's not use to anything. I couple of years ago, I saw him hit Jen. I guess he was about 4 or 5. Anyway, she called herself punishing him by giving him a time out or something, talking the whole time with her arms folded - "We do not hit Mommy." I could tell she was upset. I'll be honest forum readers, if my 4 or 5 year had hit me after I'd told him no, I would have spanked his ass. THEN I would have said, "We do not hit Mommy - ever." I know spanking isn't acceptable these days, but when a child is that young sometimes a spanking is all they understand. Myself and about 20 family members were at dinner in a resturant not too long ago. My 4 year old great niece and her mother (my niece) were sitting across from me. When it was time to eat, my niece told her little girl to put away the tablet she had been playing games on to occupy her time. My great niece pretended like she didn't even hear her. My niece leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Do we need to go to the bathroom?" My little great niece shook her head and said "No 'mam," closed the tablet and began to eat her dinner. Bad behavior has to be nipped in the bud early. When they're old enough to understand yes and no, do not touch, stop running, stop screaming, no hitting etc. that's when the training should start, right when they start walking and getting into stuff. Not when they're ready to go into first grade! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779363
Calibabydolly October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said: I am trying to wrap my head around coastal farm house, are you rounding up sea shells ? Joanna Gaines' (farmhouse) ship lap walls, signs on walls, lots of white painted stuff with "shabby chic", distressed looked paint chipping...….in Jen's coastal aqua blue colors, basically their Houston house planted directly on the waterfront/coast? You can bet the redo will look like an episode of "Fixer Upper"! (wouldn't that be neat if Joanna featured the Little Couples new house in FL) 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779434
Absolom October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 11 hours ago, BooksAndTea said: As a producer Jen and Bill could have easily have the scene removed so kudo's to Jen for allowing it to remain. Not really. The producer credit is a bit of vanity and a bit of cash and not a lot of say in how things are done. However, they aren't listed in the credits of the show as producers (or I need new glasses) so no. 1.362 M viewers and a .26 rating for this week. 16th cable show of the day. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779488
Mahamid Frauded Me October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said: Joanna Gaines' (farmhouse) ship lap walls, signs on walls, lots of white painted stuff with "shabby chic", distressed looked paint chipping...….in Jen's coastal aqua blue colors, basically their Houston house planted directly on the waterfront/coast? You can bet the redo will look like an episode of "Fixer Upper"! (wouldn't that be neat if Joanna featured the Little Couples new house in FL) I wonder what Joanna would do if someone asked her for desert coastal ? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779614
Libby October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I loved the idea of the memory boxes (or whatever Jen calls them). I think that they will mean a lot to the children when they are older. Who the heck decides to go through the boxes on moving day though? We keep hearing how much stress Jen and Bill are under. Yet, Jen decides to take a leisurely walk down memory lane with the children on that hectic day. The lying gets very annoying. Jen was walking down memory lane for the show and the show money, not for the children. She was right on the fish. They would have died. Better to let Zoey think that other people were "watching" their fish, than to have fish funerals on the road. More importantly, the little fish lived and have a new home. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779624
calpurnia99 October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 I googled and it is a thing. This is coastal farmhouse, he coastal farmhouse style is an exciting blend of two current home decor trends: farmhouse and coastal. The farmhouse style mixes elements of the old and new, using wood, metal and distressing to give your home a clean, traditional look. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779678
SMama October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 27 minutes ago, Libby said: I loved the idea of the memory boxes (or whatever Jen calls them). I think that they will mean a lot to the children when they are older. I think Will and Zoey will appreciate it as much as SGirl does. We have our plane tickets, seating arrangements, ticket stubs for every attraction, J&J products with Chinese labels, baby food, and my prized possession (JK), the wrapper from the pea popsicle we shared before leaving Kunming Airport. SGirl gets a kick out of watching the video and pictures of that adventure. She loves peas but can’t believe she ate an actual pea popsicle. There’s a lot in our girl’s box and we can’t wait for her heritage tour, then she can make her own. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779704
Libby October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 The more that I watch this show, the more that I realize that Bill isn't in Jen's league. I think that she feels insecure and puts up with his nonsense because she found someone that loved her, married her, and put up with her OCD tendencies. He's a dedicated family man, and at the end of the day, gives into whatever she wants. However, he likes to pretend that he's equal to Jen. He's not. He plays on her insecurities so that she pretends that he's a big shot when he's not. She's more intelligent and much classier than him. He thinks that he's funny, but I don't find him funny at all. It's a shame that Jen doesn't realize her worth. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779747
readheaded October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 3 hours ago, Evagirl said: I don't dislike children, but I really dislike bad behavior. There's no excuse for it really. Will is totally out of control. He runs everywhere, screaming like a banshee. Why does he do that? He acts like he's not use to anything. I couple of years ago, I saw him hit Jen. I guess he was about 4 or 5. Anyway, she called herself punishing him by giving him a time out or something, talking the whole time with her arms folded - "We do not hit Mommy." I could tell she was upset. I'll be honest forum readers, if my 4 or 5 year had hit me after I'd told him no, I would have spanked his ass. THEN I would have said, "We do not hit Mommy - ever." I know spanking isn't acceptable these days, but when a child is that young sometimes a spanking is all they understand. Myself and about 20 family members were at dinner in a resturant not too long ago. My 4 year old great niece and her mother (my niece) were sitting across from me. When it was time to eat, my niece told her little girl to put away the tablet she had been playing games on to occupy her time. My great niece pretended like she didn't even hear her. My niece leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Do we need to go to the bathroom?" My little great niece shook her head and said "No 'mam," closed the tablet and began to eat her dinner. Bad behavior has to be nipped in the bud early. When they're old enough to understand yes and no, do not touch, stop running, stop screaming, no hitting etc. that's when the training should start, right when they start walking and getting into stuff. Not when they're ready to go into first grade! I have to be honest that I don't understand the logic of hitting a child as a way to teach them not to hit. I raised three sons and never spanked them. Somehow, they were able to understand pretty well when their behavior was unacceptable. 1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said: I wonder what Joanna would do if someone asked her for desert coastal ? Put up a bunch of ship lap like she always does. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779834
onatrek October 24, 2018 Share October 24, 2018 1 hour ago, Libby said: I loved the idea of the memory boxes (or whatever Jen calls them). I think that they will mean a lot to the children when they are older. Who the heck decides to go through the boxes on moving day though? We keep hearing how much stress Jen and Bill are under. Yet, Jen decides to take a leisurely walk down memory lane with the children on that hectic day. The lying gets very annoying. Jen was walking down memory lane for the show and the show money, not for the children. She was right on the fish. They would have died. Better to let Zoey think that other people were "watching" their fish, than to have fish funerals on the road. More importantly, the little fish lived and have a new home. Production - who wanted them to do it to tie into the upcoming China trip I suspect. Then they can probably reference something from the box and/or bring something home and specifically mention them again. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4779891
lookeyloo October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 2 hours ago, readheaded said: 5 hours ago, Evagirl said: I have to be honest that I don't understand the logic of hitting a child as a way to teach them not to hit. I agree with this - I didn’t spank mine either. They are around 50 years old -good men. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4780174
UsernameFatigue October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 This is the first episode this season that I have enjoyed. I am not a big kid person, but I have always liked Will and Zoey. Zoey in particular has cracked me up in past seasons, and she did again tonight. Hot diggity dog? Where does she come up with this stuff? Lol. She said several things that I thought were adorable. I also have always loved how much of an animal lover she is, as I have been for as long as I can remember. I don't enjoy Will as much as I used to, but I didn't mind him in this episode. I thought this was a great episode both with Bill and Jen as partners, and as parents. I think they are well suited to each other, and are the classic case of opposites attract. I loved it when Bill choked up a few times, and laughed when he was imitating Zoey running to her room. I think they both have their strengths as parents, and that Zoey and Will are very lucky to have two parents who love them to bits, and have a solid relationship themselves. One final comment - I would have been in heaven as a kid to have had a horse like Zoey's! 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4780426
BooksAndTea October 25, 2018 Author Share October 25, 2018 6 hours ago, Absolom said: Not really. The producer credit is a bit of vanity and a bit of cash and not a lot of say in how things are done. However, they aren't listed in the credits of the show as producers (or I need new glasses) so no. 1.362 M viewers and a .26 rating for this week. 16th cable show of the day. Lol, I'm sure you don't need new glasses. They are listed as consulting producers on a few episodes but perhaps I was referring more to their assertions that they can and will veto any scenes they aren't comfortable with. In the episode where Jen is trying on Colonial dresses with her mom she says she doesn't want to be filmed and the camera man immediately says "Are you serious? Do you not want me to film you?" and Jen replies "No, no go ahead." I've always gotten the impression that they have a healthy amount of control over what is included in each episode. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4780527
CousinAmy October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 6 hours ago, calpurnia99 said: I googled and it is a thing. This is coastal farmhouse, he coastal farmhouse style is an exciting blend of two current home decor trends: farmhouse and coastal. The farmhouse style mixes elements of the old and new, using wood, metal and distressing to give your home a clean, traditional look. That certainly looks coastal (I can see the ocean out the window) but doesn't look like a farmhouse at all. I think of farmhouses as practical and robust - not bleached white wood and upholstery! My dream is to have a farmhouse kitchen with a green Hoosier cabinet with shelves for my vintage dishes and pots and pans; a deep sink and a rustic table and chairs. I was glad we got to see the empty house with no furniture - it's huge! I'm still wondering how they will keep track of those fast-moving kids. Maybe by tracking devices? Three floors worth of hiding places. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4780669
dorcastrilling October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 5 hours ago, CousinAmy said: That certainly looks coastal (I can see the ocean out the window) but doesn't look like a farmhouse at all. I think of farmhouses as practical and robust - not bleached white wood and upholstery! My dream is to have a farmhouse kitchen with a green Hoosier cabinet with shelves for my vintage dishes and pots and pans; a deep sink and a rustic table and chairs. I was glad we got to see the empty house with no furniture - it's huge! I'm still wondering how they will keep track of those fast-moving kids. Maybe by tracking devices? Three floors worth of hiding places. I have the green and crwam hoosier cabinet...it came from a general store on a lake near me. Same old story: by the time it passes to the third generation they would rather have the money and sell what was vital to their grandparents and parents. Mine holds a lot of my vintage fiesta collection. I am always thrilled to come across a fellow enthusiast. To get back to the show, I could watch a Zoey channel 24 hours a day. That girl is just the cutest kid and I love everything that comes out of her mouth. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4780874
winsomeone October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 Did Bill actually say he would put his kid's behavior and manners against anyone's, and that they would come out on top? 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781159
Absolom October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 11 hours ago, BooksAndTea said: I was referring more to their assertions that they can and will veto any scenes they aren't comfortable with. In the episode where Jen is trying on Colonial dresses with her mom she says she doesn't want to be filmed and the camera man immediately says "Are you serious? Do you not want me to film you?" and Jen replies "No, no go ahead." I've always gotten the impression that they have a healthy amount of control over what is included in each episode. They have far more control over what gets filmed than in the editing. I thought the person was referring to allowing the fish scene to stay in. They aren't there during editing to influence what stays and what goes. If Jen had wanted to avoid the possibility of the fish problem, she could simply have scheduled pick up of the fish outside the filming schedule. They can control what gets filmed as simply as that. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781299
retiredviewer October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 15 hours ago, readheaded said: I have to be honest that I don't understand the logic of hitting a child as a way to teach them not to hit. I raised three sons and never spanked them. Somehow, they were able to understand pretty well when their behavior was unacceptable. My thoughts exactly. I never hit my kids. I explained what they did wrong and why they were being punished. And they are now responsible adults. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781350
bichonblitz October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 1 hour ago, winsomeone said: Did Bill actually say he would put his kid's behavior and manners against anyone's, and that they would come out on top? Yes, he did. That's pompous Bill for you. Delusional Bill, too. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781423
DkNNy79 October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 In a perfect world all kids would be well behaved and you would never have to raise your voice at them or spank them. They would understand when you explained to them what they were doing was wrong and would stop that behavior. I think you should try to talk to a child and reason with them first but if they still act out or repeat their bad behavior I have no problems with spanking. Spanking - not beating a kid. Every child is different and responds to punishment differently. Some you can talk till you're blue in the face and they won't change their behavior. Some will stop when they are threatened with a spanking or time out. And vice versa. Both my sister and I received beatings when we were kids. We both turned out different. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781442
Twopper October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 Quote he coastal farmhouse style is an exciting blend of two current home decor trends: farmhouse and coastal. The farmhouse style mixes elements of the old and new, using wood, metal and distressing to give your home a clean, traditional look. So if I understand this, coastal farmhouse is more descriptive of interior decor than the outside. My idea of coastal farmhouse would be something that looked more like a farmhouse but was painted in colors often seen at the beach. Think Jefferson Davis house in Biloxi and the haunted Martin house in Panama City as the outside farmhouse look and the exterior paint in same pastel shade of pink, green, yellow as in Seaside. Now that I think of it, the exterior of their house in Houston was a bit farmhouse. I hated the color but it did have the large porch which I think of as farmhouse plus it had some kind of siding that made it look more like a frame house than brick or stucco. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781777
Popular Post EarlGreyTea October 25, 2018 Popular Post Share October 25, 2018 This episode has cemented my status as a full-on stan for Jen. She is clearly the rock star of the family professionally. I love that it’s her career they’re moving for. It was a once in a lifetime chance, and it came from her hard work. And she is clearly beloved by her coworkers, and that says a lot. Sometimes her logical and detail-heavy mind doesn’t always translate well to kids, but I think once they get older they’ll appreciate it. It’s also endearing to me that she is not a natural with little kids. It must be hard for her to see the kids naturally gravitate toward Bill, but that doesn’t stop her trying, and I do think when the kids get older they'll appreciate her mind. I can just see her helping then with school projects. The kids are unruly but they are good-hearted at their cores and I think they’ll be just fine. I love the solid foundation of total stability she and Bill have created for the kids. Kids crave a routine and a stable household, and it’s clear Will and Zoey are thriving. Zoey is a real treat to listen to. And finally, I love Jen’s wardrobe. She has great taste. 30 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781798
libgirl2 October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 10 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said: This episode has cemented my status as a full-on stan for Jen. She is clearly the rock star of the family professionally. I love that it’s her career they’re moving for. It was a once in a lifetime chance, and it came from her hard work. And she is clearly beloved by her coworkers, and that says a lot. Sometimes her logical and detail-heavy mind doesn’t always translate well to kids, but I think once they get older they’ll appreciate it. It’s also endearing to me that she is not a natural with little kids. It must be hard for her to see the kids naturally gravitate toward Bill, but that doesn’t stop her trying, and I do think when the kids get older they'll appreciate her mind. I can just see her helping then with school projects. The kids are unruly but they are good-hearted at their cores and I think they’ll be just fine. I love the solid foundation of total stability she and Bill have created for the kids. Kids crave a routine and a stable household, and it’s clear Will and Zoey are thriving. Zoey is a real treat to listen to. And finally, I love Jen’s wardrobe. She has great taste. I have to say, she has some really cute clothes. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4781830
readheaded October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 1 hour ago, EarlGreyTea said: This episode has cemented my status as a full-on stan for Jen. She is clearly the rock star of the family professionally. I love that it’s her career they’re moving for. It was a once in a lifetime chance, and it came from her hard work. And she is clearly beloved by her coworkers, and that says a lot. Sometimes her logical and detail-heavy mind doesn’t always translate well to kids, but I think once they get older they’ll appreciate it. It’s also endearing to me that she is not a natural with little kids. It must be hard for her to see the kids naturally gravitate toward Bill, but that doesn’t stop her trying, and I do think when the kids get older they'll appreciate her mind. I can just see her helping then with school projects. The kids are unruly but they are good-hearted at their cores and I think they’ll be just fine. I love the solid foundation of total stability she and Bill have created for the kids. Kids crave a routine and a stable household, and it’s clear Will and Zoey are thriving. Zoey is a real treat to listen to. And finally, I love Jen’s wardrobe. She has great taste. I'd love to know where she gets her clothes! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782073
Foghorn Leghorn October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 40 minutes ago, readheaded said: I'd love to know where she gets her clothes! Chloe!! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782200
Sew Sumi October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 I wonder if Jen will continue to use Chloe for her clothes or if she'll find another designer in Florida? I have loved Chloe since Project Runway, so I hope they find a way to make it work (see what I did there?) ? 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782297
Libby October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 One thing that I will never understand is why they order so much food. Wheather taking out or ordering in a restaurant, they don't eat a small fraction of the amount of food that they get. I know that they are rich, however, ordering 10 times the amount of food that the family will eat seems like a waste. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782338
SabineElisabeth October 25, 2018 Share October 25, 2018 (edited) 7 hours ago, DkNNy79 said: I think you should try to talk to a child and reason with them first but if they still act out or repeat their bad behavior I have no problems with spanking. Spanking - not beating a kid. Both my sister and I received beatings when we were kids. We both turned out different. I know this is off topic, but I can't help a quick note to say that I am sincerely sorry that happened to you and your sister. And while I generally don't find spanking very appropriate either, it's asinine, IMHO, to not acknowledge there is a different between spanking and beating a child. You have clearly delineated between the two, and good on you for stopping something completely unacceptable and awful from being further perpetuated in your family. Edited October 25, 2018 by SabineElisabeth 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782490
BitterApple October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 2 hours ago, Libby said: One thing that I will never understand is why they order so much food. Wheather taking out or ordering in a restaurant, they don't eat a small fraction of the amount of food that they get. I know that they are rich, however, ordering 10 times the amount of food that the family will eat seems like a waste. It drives me crazy as well, especially at restaurants where they don't take the leftovers home and whatever they don't eat gets thrown in the trash. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4782643
MusicFan85 October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 8 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said: And finally, I love Jen’s wardrobe. She has great taste. Yes. Jen has great style. I'm always noticing her dresses, glasses, and shoes. Zoey is just too adorable. With her big eyes and long eyelashes, I just melt. She's so full of love and her excitement over the new house was a joy to watch. Look at that! Even her little pouts are cute. Sorry Will, but Zoey shines brighter. I love how Zoey and Will are so close. They clearly get along very well and look after one another. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4783273
nutella fitzgerald October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 I loved how pleased Jen was with her “cloffice” joke. It was so endearing. Equally awkward but much more horrifying was her explanation of 9/11. “A building fell on him, but that doesn’t happen very often.” I can see what she was going for, but I felt so bad for poor Will, imagining a fear of falling buildings germinating in his little brain :( 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4783316
Twopper October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 Quote One thing that I will never understand is why they order so much food. Wheather taking out or ordering in a restaurant, they don't eat a small fraction of the amount of food that they get. I know that they are rich, however, ordering 10 times the amount of food that the family will eat seems like a waste. I thought when they ordered so much at home they got extra for the TLC crew or maybe leftovers for the next day's lunches. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4783756
Honey October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 I'm confused. They are at the old house and Jen says that they have to leave to go close on the new house. It's supposed to be a 3 day drive, yet they all arrive in the same clothes and it seems only a few minutes have passed. When Zoe asked if they are staying i the new house, Bill says they are going back to get their cars, then they will be living there. How are they driving back and forth so many times, so quickly? I must be missing something. Oh and, "Hot DIggity dog" 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4783769
DkNNy79 October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 16 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said: I know this is off topic, but I can't help a quick note to say that I am sincerely sorry that happened to you and your sister. And while I generally don't find spanking very appropriate either, it's asinine, IMHO, to not acknowledge there is a different between spanking and beating a child. You have clearly delineated between the two, and good on you for stopping something completely unacceptable and awful from being further perpetuated in your family. Thank you. It was a cultural thing (Asian) so while at the time I had some hard feelings towards my mother for it I've gotten over it. My generation (my cousins...etc) has moved away from that. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4784214
walnutqueen October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 4 hours ago, Honey said: I'm confused. They are at the old house and Jen says that they have to leave to go close on the new house. It's supposed to be a 3 day drive, yet they all arrive in the same clothes and it seems only a few minutes have passed. When Zoe asked if they are staying i the new house, Bill says they are going back to get their cars, then they will be living there. How are they driving back and forth so many times, so quickly? I must be missing something. Oh and, "Hot DIggity dog" Maybe they flew in for the house hunting and the escrow closing? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4784413
TRUSAG October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 Like Jen i also am a fan of a coastal farmhouse, id LOVE to LIVE in Maine except for the weather. I also Live here in Florida very near to ST Petersburg. Im shocked how BAD their kids are. they are too old to act the way they do even when there was company present and not 1 word was said or guidance given. I can not IMAGINE what those 2 children will grow to be. its a good thing they saved on the purchase of their home & that its so large, im sure their children will FINANCIALLY depend on them throughout their life. I cant see them being successful adults with the lack of foundation being taught during these most important years of a childs life 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4785083
jcbrown October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 Did they previously discuss that they had a relative who was killed in 9/11? Was it Bill's brother? I was surprised by that. Add me to the Zoey fan club. That girl is adorable, imaginative, and intelligent. I loved her conversation with her horse. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4785119
TRUSAG October 26, 2018 Share October 26, 2018 Bill let Will walk around with HUGE scissors cutting the packing supplies, its an exact example of my opinion of his POOR PARENTING! Bill even encourages misbehavior in the kids by telling them how that ( being bad) is the fun part of misbehaving! out of the 2 ZOE seems to have had better guidance from her orphanage then Will, its also seemed to last, she has much better behavior then WILL is, she is adorable & so imaginative, its great to give children freedom BUT it needs to have boundaries to be productive & not neglect. Will is just a constant challenge of defiance, misbehavior demanding attention-grabbing in a negative way. i get giving kids room to be confident independent etc but with these kids its gone beyond that. They NEED consequences of time out or take away but most important THEY NEED ROUNDED PARENTING. the kids Know they are LOVED, Jen & bill have done gr8 there but Guidance i only see it coming from Jen & it takes BOTH parents LOVING enough to DO THE HARD STUFF of DISCIPLINE 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/75279-s13e05-time-to-leave/#findComment-4785132
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