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S07.E22: Making Amends


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I knew it! I knew as soon as Kristina volunteered to watch the baby once it would open Pandora's box! Now it's parasailing, next week it'll be something else. 


Bristol and Dakota just dislike each other so much. I still can't believe they were ever happy enough to get married and conceive two kids. Also, news flash : not all couples separate and instantly move out. Life is messy. Your 10 year old isn't going to freak out because your bed is in a new place. 


Nothing new with Maci. Knew all the Ryan stuff already. But did he really PV over community service? 


I've always thought Cheyenne was more into Cory than Zack. Still do.




Nice of Catelynn to make sure everyone knew that the stuff they were talking about at Butch's treatment, she'd done too.

Rigorous honesty. That's all I got, y'all.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Maire said:

Gary and Kristina should know by now. A leopard doesn’t  change its spots. Amber is the selfish loser she has always been.

Yeah. I think Gary was aware of it but he knows Kristina is a nice person but I think he knew, his reaction to the text Andrew sent the morning that Kristina amber and Leah  were supposed to get mani pedis. He seemed really angry and I can’t blame him; Kristina had made plans for the day and amber changed everything. 

I mean.. that was the only thing that got a reaction out of me. I don’t watch Bristol or cheyannes scenes(thanks DVR! Forever love this invention!) and Maci and even Tyler and Cates stories all seem repetitive and like.. haven’t we been here before? These trees look familiar.

  • Love 12
On 10/22/2018 at 11:41 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

Why would Butch need to make amends to Catelynn? 

TBF, he did do/say some awful stuff to her when she was pregnant and talking about placing Carly for adoption (and for a while after Carly's birth).  Granted, he did the same to Tyler but Tyler at least had Kim to go home to, but Catelynn had to live with it everyday (until she moved in with Kim & Tyler).  He also beat the crap out of her mother and went to prison for it.  I doubt it was the first time he got physical with April.  Catelynn probably saw physical altercations between them when she was living with them as a teen.  

Granted, I think Cate wanted to be a part of it because she wanted the attention/poor-me-who-has-PTSD-from-this sympathy and I think it was appropriate that Tyler and his sister do this with Butch on their own for sure.  He has a lifetime of stuff to apologize to them about vs. a few years with Cate, but he probably should at a different point tell Cate he's sorry for how he treated her during the adoption stuff and how he treated her mother in front of her when she was still a child, etc. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 19

I hope the Shirley’s got MTV to pay for that trip to Cali because otherwise WTF? Cheyenne, honey, you are probably going to be a single Mom forever. That’s the decision you made when you didn’t take precautions to protect yourself from pregnancy.  MTV, I thought when you came up with this franchise 10 years ago, we were going to see the end of unplanned pregnancy ( by the way, neither Bristol or Cheyenne are teens).Once  the cameras are gone so will Famewhore Corey. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't Amber just buy a house?

Did she?  I hadn't heard that.  Last I heard she was renting and had the cars in Matt's name to avoid liens.  I also didn't have any proof that it was true, just figured it was because she's that dumb.  Does anyone know what's going on in the tax/renting vs owning saga?  I might have to delete the second paragraph of my post. 

12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

So a girls day of manicures and pedicures turned into a parasailing trip with Andrew. Amber has passed the point of being able to relate to Leah without a buffer.

Yeah, and didn't she actually say when she came in rearranging all their plans, "I wanna do something with Leah 1-on-1", then 2 seconds later said "so Andrew & I want to take her parasailing"...that's not only NOT 1-on-1, with Andrew's Hagrid-esque size, it's more like 4-on-1. 

Where was Nova during the "amends" (drink every time the word "amends" was said in the episode) trip? Don't tell me the giant mass formerly known as Catelynn left her child yet AGAIN to tag along on a trip she was obviously not even welcomed to. 

Jen & Larry are fucking ridiculous. 

  • Love 22

This episode sounds like a snooze fest and judging by your short posts (and them not being many), their time is up. I'm glad, so they can get a reality check and stop acting all high and mighty. The fact that you got knocked up at 16 is not something you should be proud of, let alone think you're important and a celebrity because of it.

Edited by EuropeanGirl
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, eskimo said:

Did she?  I hadn't heard that.  Last I heard she was renting and had the cars in Matt's name to avoid liens.  I also didn't have any proof that it was true, just figured it was because she's that dumb.  Does anyone know what's going on in the tax/renting vs owning saga?  I might have to delete the second paragraph of my post. 

I thought she had purchased her rental she occupies.  I have not had the time or energy to look up the county records to confirm that.  If she did in fact buy out the previous owner, she certainly had to pay cash.  She would never be able to obtain mortgage financing with her tax debt.

@CaliforniaLove you’re killing me here with the 4 on 1 parasailing.  Like literally dead.  Nailed it!  Let me add that Andrew looks like a total mouth breather.  I bet he caught a lot of flies on their excursion.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't Amber just buy a house?

2 hours ago, eskimo said:

Did she?  I hadn't heard that.  Last I heard she was renting and had the cars in Matt's name to avoid liens.  I also didn't have any proof that it was true, just figured it was because she's that dumb.  Does anyone know what's going on in the tax/renting vs owning saga?  I might have to delete the second paragraph of my post. 

Yes. She purchased the house (she was renting) in May 2018. Her federal tax lien is still outstanding and a lien on the property will most likely soon follow.

Her clothing empire failed to pay their LLC fees in September. I would think that a millionaire could afford the $140 fee.

I'm surprised Amber isn't cursing people out on Twitter. People are leaving comments under post she retweeted.

ETA- it's confirmed that she paid cash for the house.

Edited by druzy
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh, Gary was HOT. He's a better person than I am. He sat there and kept quiet. But you could tell the whole thing was ridiculous. Not only did Amber rearrange the existing plans (leaving Kristina, and possibly Emily, out); but she also seemed to pick something that was more HER/ANDREW'S choice than Leah's. Gary can sense that Kristina is being used and he does not like it. 

Amber never asks what Leah wants to do. Typical grandiose narcissist behavior. Everyone exists to provide something for Amber and they don't exist as individuals with individual needs. Her whole I'm-a-fancy-lady schtick is part of that too.

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh, Gary was HOT. He's a better person than I am. He sat there and kept quiet. But you could tell the whole thing was ridiculous. Not only did Amber rearrange the existing plans (leaving Kristina, and possibly Emily, out); but she also seemed to pick something that was more HER/ANDREW'S choice than Leah's. Gary can sense that Kristina is being used and he does not like it. 

He is definitely a better person than I am because I absolutely would have spoken up when Amber first tried to take advantage by turning an offer to babysit for the evening into an overnight gig and then again when she hijacked the girls day. Felt a bit sorry for Emilee, but she's too little to para-sail. Leah seemed to have fun while they were doing it, but wasn't too impressed after returning home. If Kristina is smart she will never make that offer again and I bet Gary will tell her to not do that. Amber seriously sucks.

I fast forward through a lot of Maci and all of Cheyenne and the Palin chick. Poor John McCain is rolling in his grave if he knows that his running mate is on this shit show.

Caitlyn is a selfish bitch cow. She better get ready for couples counseling before she finds herself a singleton. Tyler isn't even trying to hide his disgust! But why is he knocking her up? 

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, ginger90 said:



Catelynn wants us to know, though:


Cate needs to stop with the wing-ed clothing.  She thinks it hides the problems but it just makes her look like a large bird.

She needs to spend a little money on herself, not a lot!  She can go to jcrew or something, and get a cute mint green 3/4 length cardigan, in her proper side, or a boatneck top, and some well-made, sturdy jeans - they can be skinny! - but they need to be well-made.  She would look nice, and young.  The cheap flimsy, tight stuff is so bad!


15 hours ago, druzy said:

Should baby James be naked in chlorine?

And why is he grayish in color?


15 hours ago, druzy said:

I love Kristina. Amber is a sneaky bitch and has no problem taking advantage of Kristina.

And Gary knows that, and could not hide his feelings.  I love how Gary doesn't even have to say anything, we all knew what was going on in his head by the way he adjusted himself on the chair!


14 hours ago, Linny said:


Call me cynical, but Maci 100% staged that scene where she discovered Ryan's arrest. Helping Bentley with homework to showcase what an amazing mother she is, and then *gasp* finds a The Ashley article about Bentley's deadbeat dad. Look, Ryan's always been a ne're-do-well even before the drug problem, we all know it, but I definitely think Maci exacerbates the disparity between her and Ryan by manipulating what we see on the show. It's not enough to just talk about Ryan's arrest, she has to make it clear that she's a superior parent in every way. But Ryan's struggling with a heavy burden right now, and Maci's dispassionate response rubs me the wrong way. There's a middle ground between Jen and Larry's coddling of Ryan and Maci's coldness, and I wish she'd find it.

Oh my god absolutely!!  Maci, we all see you! 

"Oh, hey MTV, just film me working with Bentley on his homework... outside, on the steps (??) oh, a text!  what could that be??"

When she said that everyone knows there is a problem but no one is doing a damn thing about it - WHAT THE F DO YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DO????  He is an adult, his mom and dad cannot do anything.  They are heartbroken, they would do anything to help him get better, and she knows that.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 15
11 hours ago, eskimo said:

In my experience, when we'd ask if someone would watch our kids on a Saturday night (or whatever), it meant we'd be home that night (or 1 or 2 Sunday morning).  It was only overnight when specifically stated it would be overnight.  Is it just me?  Because I thought Kristina was offering an evening when she said that and then Amber was like 'Yes!  Now we can sleep all night'.  But Kristina was too nice to say anything and ended up keeping him all night.  Then the bitch Amber, after agreeing to plans with Kristina, just changes them without any notice and has the balls to ask her to keep the baby even longer?  I would have loved to hear the convo between Gary and Kristina when the cameras left.  Kristina and family didn't go all the way to Cali to blow a whole day babysitting an infant.  They could have done that in Indiana when they're not on vacation.  Even if Leah had spent the day with Amber, the Shirley's surely (for any fellow Airplane fans, lol) would have spent the day enjoying themselves doing something fun. 

It also occurred to me recently that she's going to probably be the most screwed financially when this show is over.  She has no assets and a huge tax debt.  The other girls will at least break even I think, if not come out slightly ahead when their new income balances out with what they don't have to sell to get rid of payments, but she's going to be worse off than if she'd never had any money.  Much, much worse off.  How do you pay a six-figure tax debt on minimum wage?  I know Maci owed taxes at one time, but did she pay them?  Do any of the other girls owe back-taxes at this time?  If so, I think they own enough houses and cars to sell to satisfy it, and they'd break even.  Jenelle can even walk away from the swamp and leave everything to rot and not owe the IRS.  Unless I'm incorrect about the debt/assets of the other girls.  Yep, Amber really stepped in it. 

Jenelle has 5 kids between her and David to support.  I’d like to know how that’s going to go after TM checks go away.  She’s burned through her money about as fast as Ambers. Plus she will have to split all her assets with David once they break up.  Amber is screwed for sure, but I think out of all of them Jenelle will be the worst off with all those mouths to feed.

@druzy as always thanks for the research.  Unreal that she opted to throw down cash on that house.  Did it list the acquisition amount sales price on the county records? Now she is liable for paying her property taxes.  These debts and liens are just going to keep piling up and compounding. 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, politichick said:


Caitlyn is a selfish bitch cow. She better get ready for couples counseling before she finds herself a singleton. Tyler isn't even trying to hide his disgust! But why is he knocking her up? 

do we think that the new Tierra Reign heiress is a trap baby?  Maybe Cate felt Ty pulling away (she's not that perceptive, but WE ALL FEEL IT THROUGH OUR TVs!) and knew that he's not the type of guy to leave a wife & two kids?

  • Love 9

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