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S27.E07: Week 5: Disney Night

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Jordan Fisher, Ariana Greenblatt and Jason Maybaum of "Dancing With the Stars: Juniors" open the show with a performance; Andrea Bocelli and Matteo Bocelli perform; the remaining celebrities transform into their favorite Disney characters.

Airs October 22, 2018.

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I will admit to feeling a smidge of sympathy - a small smidge, mind you - for Joe for having to dance to that particular song of all songs but he looked and acted miserable the whole time, which is hard to do on Disney week. After seeing Jenna's reaction to the judges commenting on the lack of specific dance content in all of their dances - look, everyone knows Joe isn't the best dancer, but when you compare it to what Emma has been able to do with John and even what Sharna has done with Bobby, I can't help but think that Joe would look respectable by now if he was paired with Emma or at least any pro that wasn't Jenna. (Not Cheryl. Cheryl would have eaten Joe alive.)

Alexis got overscored and she's getting the romance edit with Alan. She isn't getting the votes, is she? I'm sure she was really in the bottom two if not the one eliminated.

Man, they are REALLY trying to promote DWTS Juniors!

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Time for the seasonal 2 hour promotion for Disney.  How's ratings for the Juniors show?  They're certainly pushing promotion of the kids show.  (Still pushing Emma/Sasha too I see.)  

Alexis/Alan:  I saw on IG that some were already complaining about "cultural appropriation".  Disney already did that so I can't really blame the couples for doing what they're assigned.  When I see all that fog, I really look closer. In that first spin, it looked like both feet came off the floor. Will CAI notice?  Anyway, Alexis is a very pretty dancer, very light on her feet and this week I think it worked for her.  Is there something going on between these two? There were so many double-entendres in the judges' comments.  High scores for the first couple. 

Juan Pablo/Cheryl:  Ha! Cheryl seems a little over the whole Disney thing.  A few too many theatrics (and too many troupe dancers) for my taste but it was entertaining.  I had to double-check what the style was supposed to be. Oh yes, a Viennese Waltz. Okay. At least Cheryl wasn't selling sex this week.  When he gets down to straight-up dancing, he's quite good.  He doesn't have to be Christian or William or Gilles.  Same score as Alexis? Is this going to be a 10s-fest tonight?

DeMarcus/Lindsay:  Usually he looks light on his feet but tonight his footwork looked very heavy and labored.  Sure, there were lots of lifts. Lindsay loves being lifted. But considering the dislocated finger, she could have eased up a little.  The scores don't really reflect the gushing at the judges table. What's up with that!

Evanna/Keo:  Gosh! Who's "singing" - this is horrible!  This is one of the problems with theme weeks - trying to shoehorn a dance style into music that just doesn't fit.  That was jam-packed choreography and she executed very well, but the song just didn't work...and the judges aren't acknowledging that.  They're talking around in circles making it seem she did something wrong, and she didn't.  But of course, they can't criticize the music selection or dance style, so they blame Evanna. Not fair!  And the 8s do not reflect all she did.  Her dance quality is up in the 9s category, compared to the scores others are getting.

Joe/Jenna:  He really loved going to Disneyland...Not!  He put some effort into that and it wasn't completely bad.  He was out of sync most of the time and I didn't see much jive.  That middle section where he just stood there while the troupe ladies walked around him...that confused me.  Of course, I never saw the movie so maybe that has some significance?  Anyway, he perseveres.

Andrea Bocelli and Matteo Bocelli - interrupted by a weekly test of the emergency broadcast system.  Way to go Time Warner/Spectrum!

Mary Lou/Sasha:  I did not care for this choreography - it seemed like this stunt, now that stunt, now another stunt.  Nothing seemed connected.  I didn't notice this great revelation during the dance.  Sasha's flying tumblesault just seemed strange. Ah well, I'm sure she's good for another week.

Jordan really struggling with that song - too low for him perhaps?

John/Emma:  Amazing how every.single.star who's ever been on this show and made it to Disney week just looooves Disney. Uh huh.  But good job with a tough dance.  His arms kept dropping (fatigue maybe?) but he'd remember and pull them back up again (or Emma yelling at him during the dance?)

Bobby/Sharna:  Very nice. A sweet dance.  I can see the effort he's making.  Sometimes he hits, sometimes he misses. But he seems to be having the time of his life.  And that, to me, counts alot.

Milo/Witney:  A little out of sync at the beginning, way, way too much space between them, long break in hold in the middle.  Will any of this be mentioned for the featured movie/dance?  Well, at least Len mentioned the spacing.  The 10 is ridiculous!

Well that was quite a fake-out for no elimination.  I'm sure it'll give DeMarcus and Alexis fans a little scare to vote harder.

Edited by Uke
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I find it awfully coincidental that the show started the showmance edit with Alexis/Alan the week after it was announced she broke up with her boyfriend.  Ugh to any and all showmance edits.

This show was certainly better than trios night.

Cheryl needs to create acting roles for Juan in his numbers that he can sink his teeth into.  I think he's much more comfortable when he has a part to act.  Though Gaston is like the perfect role for him.  His Fuller House character is quite Gaston like, so it's a type of role I think he's used to doing.

Annoyed by the lets feel sorry for Joe edit, but he still got 5 and 6's.  Have we ever had celebs getting 5's in week 5?  I do think in a backhanded compliment way that was his best dance, but it's only because it's the first time he was given actual dance steps so even if it wasn't jive, he was actually expected to move and not stand in one place.

Seeing the Jr. kids just made me want to watch Jrs.

I say it every week but Milo is winning this thing.  There isn't a doubt in my mind.

I think Sharna and Jenna could have a never-ending contest about which of their celebs is having the biggest journey/arc this season.  Because don't you know, they are what this show is really about.  That said for annoying as Bobby is, even he is worlds better than Joe. 

Since it was mentioned above, for Disney week they usually forgive breaks in hold and that sort of thing for sake of production.  So I didn't expect them to call that for Miles.  But the spandex did leave nothing hidden so the gapping was impossible to ignore.

I fear Evanna is going to be toast next week as she's had two weeks of middling scores and just sort of okay dances.  I think she would be doing better with a different pro.

Edited by spanana
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9 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I will admit to feeling a smidge of sympathy - a small smidge, mind you - for Joe for having to dance to that particular song of all songs but he looked and acted miserable the whole time, which is hard to do on Disney week. After seeing Jenna's reaction to the judges commenting on the lack of specific dance content in all of their dances - look, everyone knows Joe isn't the best dancer, but when you compare it to what Emma has been able to do with John and even what Sharna has done with Bobby, I can't help but think that Joe would look respectable by now if he was paired with Emma or at least any pro that wasn't Jenna. (Not Cheryl. Cheryl would have eaten Joe alive.)

Alexis got overscored and she's getting the romance edit with Alan. She isn't getting the votes, is she? I'm sure she was really in the bottom two if not the one eliminated.

Man, they are REALLY trying to promote DWTS Juniors!

Yes, she even got her boyfriend stop following her. Someone on instagram is spilling tea. Her boyfriend and her r not broken up but the producers want create a showmance. She is not getting the votes. She needs to start promoting her team more. She doesnt really post anything about them, only alan promotes.

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I really liked Alexis and Alan’s dance but hate the focus on the romance. Can’t they just dance? I did think it was overscored though.

for me, Bobby was nearly Joe levels of bad. Plus he constantly opens his mouth when dancing and I find it irritating. 

I have been enjoying Evanna and Keo this season, but I positively hated the choreography of this dance tonight, starting from the first “look at me” moment with Keo to the overall disjointed feel of it. Just no.

im feeling cynical tonight but I felt like Mary Lou was playing with people and trying to get votes. It rubbed me the wrong way.

enjoyed the heck out of Johns quickstep too. He’s really surprised me. But I really loved Juan Paulo dance. I’m completely biased becuase I adore Beauty and the Beast and know all the words to that song. So I cannot be impartial about the dance. Lol

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Welcome to Disney Week - where everyone* gets at least 8s for their dance. 

Even Jenna looked confused and a little disappointed when they weren't announced as being part of the "bottom two". She looked dead behind the eyes during the judging, too. I never thought I'd say it but #freeJenna.

Sharna made a beautiful Ariel. 

*everyone except Grocery Store Joe because they could pull out the 2 paddles and he would still survive. 

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I was wondering if we'd have a fake-out with the results, given they were just finishing up Milo's scores, like, 3 minutes before the show ended. Thank god that was the case, 'cause otherwise, hell, no with those kinds of results again.

7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I will admit to feeling a smidge of sympathy - a small smidge, mind you - for Joe for having to dance to that particular song of all songs but he looked and acted miserable the whole time, which is hard to do on Disney week. 

The thing that got me was how the judges and Erin and even that little kid were all going to great pains to reassure Joe that he had fans and all that. They may have meant well, but it came off really patronizing and probably didn't help Joe's mood as much as they thought it would. 

Anywho, as for the dances in general, Evanna and Alexis' dances were probably my favorites tonight. And I don't know if it was just the lyrics of the song or what, but Mary Lou's got me a little emotional, too. The rest were generally quite cute and fun to watch, but I think a lot of them had stronger dances overall. 

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Oh, and because I never miss an opportunity to talk shit about the Dancing with the Stars band (fire them!): thanks for ruining one of my favourite songs from when I was a pre-teen/teenager. Christina Aguilera killed Reflection and that was a poor, sad imitation. 

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1 minute ago, Annber03 said:

The thing that got me was how the judges and Erin and even that little kid were all going to great pains to reassure Joe that he had fans and all that. They may have meant well, but it came off really patronizing and probably didn't help Joe's mood as much as they thought it would. 

I'm sure that kid is one of the DWTS Junior celeb kids and I'm equally sure he is perfectly charming over there, but he annoyed me tonight. And yes, I wouldn't want to be talked at or "cheered up" by a ten year old.

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I wasn't wowed by the dances until John's dance...as he was doing that dance, all I could think of was Bill Engvall's comments about "run here...run there..and try to keep up with the young"...John was amazing in that..I stood up for him...everyone else was good..but only John wowed me...

..and Tom's dancing into the segments made me smile!

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This was the worse disney episode I have seen in dwts history, I wasnt even going to watch but my daughter made me. It wasnt one dance that stood out to me and everyone was either overscored or underscored(evanna).  They can stop with the fake showmance with Alexis and Alan, they should have done that in the beginning because aint noone buying it.

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12 minutes ago, Uke said:

Evanna/Keo:  Gosh! Who's "singing" - this is horrible!  This is one of the problems with theme weeks - trying to shoehorn a dance style into music that just doesn't fit.  That was jam-packed choreography and she executed very well, but the song just didn't work...and the judges aren't acknowledging that.  They're talking around in circles making it seem she did something wrong, and she didn't.  But of course, they can't criticize the music selection or dance style, so they blame Evanna. Not fair!  And the 8s do not reflect all she did.  Her dance quality is up in the 9s category, compared to the scores others are getting.


I love, flove, all of what you said here, it is 1,000,000% spot on. 

Keo managed to take a character that I would not necessarily associate with dancing personally and he transformed Evanna into a bubbly, gorgeous version of Rapunzel dancing the night away, having the time of her life with her guy, it was adorable, sweet, and so well performed. 

The judges seemed spiteful and downright cruel for how they tried to lay blame on Keo’s shoulders (looking at you Len) when it was the fault of that horrendous singer butchering their song, and imho nothing more, I was actually disgusted by their antics. 

Evanna deserved a lot more credit than they bothered to give her, but I am sure the Keo will award her the necessary praise as he always seems to have to do.

I get the feeling she goes into each week happy and excited and often the judging just sucks the wind from her sails.

Maybe the judges are sick of having to find something good to say about those like Joe who seems hardly accomplished at walking let alone dancing, but they could do a lot more to praise her when she is doing very well for a novice dancer and not just skating by on pity or fan votes. 

Edited by AnswersWanted
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3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I'm sure that kid is one of the DWTS Junior celeb kids and I'm equally sure he is perfectly charming over there, but he annoyed me tonight. And yes, I wouldn't want to be talked at or "cheered up" by a ten year old.

I kept having to remind myself he wasn't the kid from "Young Sheldon". I actually thought it was that kid when the show began and I was briefly like, "What's somebody from CBS doing on an ABC show?" :p. 

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12 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I'm sure that kid is one of the DWTS Junior celeb kids and I'm equally sure he is perfectly charming over there, but he annoyed me tonight. And yes, I wouldn't want to be talked at or "cheered up" by a ten year old.

I don't blame Jason though. He's a very precocious kid, but this show put him in the position to give Joe a pep talk for some unknown reason.  

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Enough of the kids already! If I wanted to see the kids, I'd be watching Juniors. I'm not and there's a reason for that. I don't want to see them dance, I don't want to see them ham it up. I wanted to smack that one kid upside the head every time he appeared on my screen.

I was excited in the opening number to see Val dancing with Cheryl. But by the time they hit the stage he and Jenna were front and center. I'm so tired of her constantly getting the spotlight she so desperately craves because of who she's sleeping with. I'd rather watch any of the other females dance over her and I'd rather see Val dance with anyone other than her.

Kudos to Alan. Just the two of them on the floor, doing the assigned dance. No troupe, no props, no nonsense. I miss those days.

Every time I saw Lindsay I thought she was Jenna in that dark wig. On the other hand, I thought Sharna made a gorgeous Ariel.

I'm enjoying John so much more than I ever expected to. It makes me wonder why he's appealing to so many people while Nancy, who's of the same generation and was paired with the most popular male pro, was such a non-entity and went home so early.

Ugh, screw the showmance nonsense. I knew they were going to pull that crap when I read Alexis had broken up with her boyfriend. I wish they'd stop it already. It was one thing to ship in the earlier seasons, before it became crystal clear that a lot of the pros were using it as a way to garner votes and that with the exception of Robert and Kym, most of those showmances aren't real...and the few that are don't usually last more than a couple of months after the season is over.

I know a lot of people find Bobby annoying and want him gone, but I love his absolute joy at being there.

My favorite line was Erin ragging on Keo about being afraid of Thunder Mountain LOL.

Lack of content, Jenna. That's on you, not Joe. I never liked Jenna, but my dislike for her grows stronger every week. I think she's a lousy teacher and it annoys me that the show was planning on dumping her until she hooked up with Val.

Did anyone notice a small blip at the very beginning of Milo's dance and then suddenly everyone was off the stage and the big jail cell was gone? Then it was back near the end of the dance. I'm guessing the intro was taped ahead of time?

I'm really surprised there was no elimination tonight since the season is already a week shorter than normal. Haven't they eliminated in past years on Disney night?

No dance really wowwed me. My favorite Disney night dance is still Charlie White's "Supercalifragilistic........."

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I don't understand why everyone doesn't like Keo. I saw most of the Juniors last night and I cannot  help thinking that the songs were terrible for the dances that they had and I feel the same way about the few I saw tonight. Overall on both shows they had horrible songs for the style of music that they were given and the terrible songs just kind of took you out of the dancing.

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17 minutes ago, Uke said:

Well that was quite a fake-out for no elimination.  I'm sure it'll give DeMarcus and Alexis fans a little scare to vote harder.

That's what people thought was going to happen with Tinashe. It doesn't always happen..and the other problem is too many people are quick to assume "in jeopardy" means nothing and shrug it off. 

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4 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I don't understand why everyone doesn't like Keo. 

Only speaking for myself, I quite like Keo as a person.  I want him to do well.  I want to root for him.  But I just find there is a difference between being a likeable, rootable person in life and being a good pro.  I don't like his choreography most of the time and I think another male pro might find a way to better showcase Evanna that what I'm seeing.   

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Well, here comes the showmance. I guess Alexis/Alan aren't getting the votes based on dancing, so they throw in the showmance. To me it is ridiculous and boring. I had the impression that Alan is gay, but I don't know why. Nothing wrong with that, but I can't remember him ever having a girlfriend, because he has never shared it publicly. Of course he doesn't have to, but Alan seems a bit of an attention whore, so it seems odd to me that he is not very vocal about his private life.

Edited by BeeBop88
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3 minutes ago, BeeBop88 said:

Well, here comes the showmance. I guess Alexis/Alan aren't getting the votes based on dancing, so they throw in the showmance. To me it is ridiculous and boring. I had the impression that Alan is gay, but I don't know why. Nothing wrong with that, but I can't remember him ever having a girlfriend, because he has never shared it publicly. Of course he doesn't have to, but Alan seems a bit of an attention whore, so it seems odd to me that he is not very vocal about his private life.

They r just doing this for votes, That article is fake and she got her boyfriend not following her. It was someone on instagram exposing the truth. Its ashame they arent getting votes but u cant just go into a showmance in the middle of the season, it dont work that way. I guarantee they be back on their bro and sis relationship next week.

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Well I know Keo is good friends with Oti  on Strictly Come Dancing and oh my goodness if you want to talk about someone screwed out of winning she and Danny were amazing 2 years ago. Maybe he can work with Oti and she can help him with his choreography. I keep hoping they'll do some kind of crossover and she could dance on Dancing With the Stars at least once. I think he would do better on the British version but they too are behind on minorities. I believe she might be the first minority Pro dancer. 

I still Google Oti and Danny dances. They're the best. In general. I think they dance better on Strictly but in all fairness I don't watch Dancing with the Stars on a regular basis

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5 minutes ago, spanana said:

Only speaking for myself, I quite like Keo as a person.  I want him to do well.  I want to root for him.  But I just find there is a difference between being a likeable, rootable person in life and being a good pro.  I don't like his choreography most of the time and I think another male pro might find a way to better showcase Evanna that what I'm seeing.   

I have actually enjoyed Keo this season more than any other season. I think he has improved with his choreography and teaching. However, he still has a ways to go before he can be considered a topnotch pro. I will say this, I think he so much better than Gleb.

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25 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I don't understand why everyone doesn't like Keo. I saw most of the Juniors last night and I cannot  help thinking that the songs were terrible for the dances that they had and I feel the same way about the few I saw tonight. Overall on both shows they had horrible songs for the style of music that they were given and the terrible songs just kind of took you out of the dancing.

If this is about my comment about shoehorning a dance style into music that doesn't fit, that was not a criticism of Keo.  Just the opposite actually.  He did the best he could with what he was given.  Production chooses the dance style and music.  It used to be that the pro would submit a list of songs they would like that would be fitting for all the various dances that might be assigned.  I don't know if the pros still do that. But just for the record, I like Keo just fine.

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13 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

I have actually enjoyed Keo this season more than any other season. I think he has improved with his choreography and teaching. However, he still has a ways to go before he can be considered a topnotch pro. I will say this, I think he so much better than Gleb.

I 100% agree Keo is better than Gleb. In just about every capacity. I am not a Gleb fan, either personality wise or as a pro.

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29 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I don't understand why everyone doesn't like Keo. I saw most of the Juniors last night and I cannot  help thinking that the songs were terrible for the dances that they had and I feel the same way about the few I saw tonight. Overall on both shows they had horrible songs for the style of music that they were given and the terrible songs just kind of took you out of the dancing.

I like Keo. He makes me laugh and entertains me. I don't like his constant need to overdance his partners (Gleb also has a habit of it). I realize he's the pro but he's supposed to be showcasing his partner, not his own dancing ability. 

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I think Keo just needs a partner to match his energy. He is a beast when he dances. Evanna has been a good partner for him but he needs just that one partner he can be in the zone  with on the dancefloor. Im just ready for keo to have that one partner that just set him on fire choreography and teaching wise.

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I think Keo just needs a partner to match his energy. He is a beast when he dances.

But this is not the right show for that. Honestly, I would say pro-am in general isn't right for that. As the pro, Keo is the one who's supposed to be able to adjust.

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9 minutes ago, Uke said:

It used to be that the pro would submit a list of songs they would like that would be fitting for all the various dances that might be assigned.  I don't know if the pros still do that. 

It seems like these days, the celebs are picking a lot of the songs they dance to. I think in the past the only one they could pick was their freestyle song and the rest were assigned to them.

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He also needs to tix the duck walk and the weird pointiness about his feet.  (Even though I think Gleb is a prettier dancer than Keo -- but if given the choice, it'd be Keo all the way).  I guess the thing I don't understand about Keo is why it's taking him so long to learn the DWTS game and the pro game... he doesn't seem stupid but he's been given chance after chance after chance and surely to goodness he's been around the show long enough.  I really want to know what goes on behind the scenes on this damn show, because many aspects of it are so mystifying and Keo's tenure is one of those aspects (as is Gleb's).

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Just now, Zuleikha said:

But this is not the right show for that. Honestly, I would say pro-am in general isn't right for that. As the pro, Keo is the one who's supposed to be able to adjust.

I guess but it seems like keo is always the one we blame when it comes to his parnterships but I just feel like he hasnt had the one, yet but again I agree that keo is still working on being the best pro he can be and he still has a ways to go. but he is improving.

2 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

He also needs to tix the duck walk and the weird pointiness about his feet.  (Even though I think Gleb is a prettier dancer than Keo -- but if given the choice, it'd be Keo all the way).  I guess the thing I don't understand about Keo is why it's taking him so long to learn the DWTS game and the pro game... he doesn't seem stupid but he's been given chance after chance after chance and surely to goodness he's been around the show long enough.  I really want to know what goes on behind the scenes on this damn show, because many aspects of it are so mystifying and Keo's tenure is one of those aspects (as is Gleb's).

I honestly think keo would do better on strictly than he is doing on dwts but thats just me

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I haven't watched much SCD, but I suspect you may be right that Keo would fare better there.

Just watching John Schneider (he was good) and wondering if he's pulling any of the older Derek Hough fans.  They aren't twins or anything, but there's a distinct similarity to their appearance and a few times while dancing and striking poses (mostly with his chin downwards a bit) he looked quite Derek-like.

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1 minute ago, crowceilidh said:

I haven't watched much SCD, but I suspect you may be right that Keo would fare better there.

Just watching John Schneider (he was good) and wondering if he's pulling any of the older Derek Hough fans.  They aren't twins or anything, but there's a distinct similarity to their appearance and a few times while dancing and striking poses (mostly with his chin downwards a bit) he looked quite Derek-like.

I wasnt expecting John Schneider to be on as long as he is but when u got Bobby and Joe still in the competition, then why not keep John around, he is way better and likable anyway. 

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I think Alexis and Evanna are both lovely dancers. I like Alexis just a little more, I don't know why. I enjoyed John's dance tonight and I liked Juan Pablo. But I have to say that red spandex is not flattering on anyone. On Milo, it just emphasized how skinny his 17 yr old self is and it gave Witney thighs - Witney does not have thighs or a butt. Now, I think they are both absolutely adorable, but the red spandex...And I have a 20 yr old great nephew that has a similar body shape to Milo, I don't want to see him in red spandex either. I know, it was their movie and their characters. 

Overall, I just don't care much for Disney night, I'm not a particular Disney fan and I was at Disneyland in August of 1955, it opened in July of 1955, I loved it as a 5 yr old, but I'm no longer 5.

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Just now, DietCokeJunkie said:

On a shallow note: Sharna’s skirt was a work of art! As she glided around the floor that skirt moved like an actual mermaid tail swimming in the ocean. I loved it!  

She looked the best as for as females and Juan was best male dressed.

1 minute ago, friendperidot said:

I think Alexis and Evanna are both lovely dancers. I like Alexis just a little more, I don't know why. I enjoyed John's dance tonight and I liked Juan Pablo. But I have to say that red spandex is not flattering on anyone. On Milo, it just emphasized how skinny his 17 yr old self is and it gave Witney thighs - Witney does not have thighs or a butt. Now, I think they are both absolutely adorable, but the red spandex...And I have a 20 yr old great nephew that has a similar body shape to Milo, I don't want to see him in red spandex either. I know, it was their movie and their characters. 

Overall, I just don't care much for Disney night, I'm not a particular Disney fan and I was at Disneyland in August of 1955, it opened in July of 1955, I loved it as a 5 yr old, but I'm no longer 5.

The vibe of the disney episode was off and maybe its because of all the backlash and bickering that went on this week with pros and fans on sm about eliminations and stuff but it just didnt feel like a normal disney night on dwts which I always seem to enjoy but it was a quite boring night.

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Of course they do a non-elimination the week after Tinashe, just freaking lovely.

Alexis really did an amazing dance, so the score didn't seem overscored for me.

Evanna's dance was odd because it was not anywhere near all 8's. I was expecting 9's. It was fun, and cute, and everything about the movie and packed with content. The throwdown seemed odd cause surely with Tinashe gone, they wanna have another talented female besides just Alexis? Maybe she's killing the votes and they need to frame some kind of growth or breakthrough arc with her soon. Who knows?

DeMarcus has not at all lived up to his potential, I feel like he got a lot of pre-season hype for only two reasons 1) Lindsay, 2) NFL player, that's it cause he's so not at all what Rashad brought in his season.

JP might be hurting for votes too, his Samba was good but not 30 in Week 3 good, and his dance positions have been fairly early in the show mostly. I'm seeing quite a bit of posting of people forgetting him or not connecting to him.

Milo was better last week, the 10 from Bruno was ridiculous. If he was more well known, i'd say he was a shoe in to win, but I do wonder if no matter how he dances eventually the older crowd not knowing him much will do him in.

With the female bloodbath this season, I would personally LOVE a shock Evanna win. She's just lovely and adorable and truly a great dancer.

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22 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

It seems like these days, the celebs are picking a lot of the songs they dance to. I think in the past the only one they could pick was their freestyle song and the rest were assigned to them.

Maybe that's why so many of the songs don't match the dances in timing

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7 minutes ago, PBGamer89 said:

Of course they do a non-elimination the week after Tinashe, just freaking lovely.

Alexis really did an amazing dance, so the score didn't seem overscored for me.

Evanna's dance was odd because it was not anywhere near all 8's. I was expecting 9's. It was fun, and cute, and everything about the movie and packed with content. The throwdown seemed odd cause surely with Tinashe gone, they wanna have another talented female besides just Alexis? Maybe she's killing the votes and they need to frame some kind of growth or breakthrough arc with her soon. Who knows?

DeMarcus has not at all lived up to his potential, I feel like he got a lot of pre-season hype for only two reasons 1) Lindsay, 2) NFL player, that's it cause he's so not at all what Rashad brought in his season.

JP might be hurting for votes too, his Samba was good but not 30 in Week 3 good, and his dance positions have been fairly early in the show mostly. I'm seeing quite a bit of posting of people forgetting him or not connecting to him.

Milo was better last week, the 10 from Bruno was ridiculous. If he was more well known, i'd say he was a shoe in to win, but I do wonder if no matter how he dances eventually the older crowd not knowing him much will do him in.

With the female bloodbath this season, I would personally LOVE a shock Evanna win. She's just lovely and adorable and truly a great dancer.

I love Evanna, now that my girl Tinashe is gone, Im rooting on Evanna or Milo but mostly Evanna, I want a female to win so badly and what better way than with a pro that has never won and u would never imagining winning and that is keo.

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When she gets an older, more mature contestant like Bill Engvall, or John....Emma's ability as a teacher/choreographer really stands out in a positive way. Not that it didn't when she won with Rashad, but when you have less natural ability to work with it stands out even more...


Yes, Joe made some microscopic improvement. There, I said it. Jenna gave him (for him) a packed routine and he remembered most of the steps.

Honestly, I'm of the mindset "whatever works to stay in the competition" when it comes to Alan & Alexis's showmance (which surprisingly didn't show up to whatever week this is. 4th?). It doesn't really affect my ability to enjoy their packages/dances that much...and this was for the first time all season, a really complete dance by Alexis. In the one style above all other styles (minus contemporary) that I thought she should be able to knock out of the park.

I thought, Milo and DeMarcus both had set backs. That was Milo's weakest dance easily. The first pass just looked way off, and the gap in their hold compared to the better quicksteps on DWTS was really noticeable. DeMarcus, minus the lifts wasn't great either. It still looks odd to me, when Lindsay and him get into a basic hold. The beginning footwork section didn't have any energy either.

Bobby still gets to dance next to last? Okay then. For "Contained Bobby" this wasn't too bad, but it's more and more clear that he is the second least natural dancer left (he's got Joe by a mile though) and I think that is going to get more and more jarring as the weeks go on when he's not able to play sort of spastic/goofy characters.

...and Keo starts his dance with Evanna, by doing a 10 second solo of himself dancing. Very on brand.

Again, not really paying attention to MLR, and Juan Pablo and Cheryl (outside of the dance they got the 30 on) just melts into the visual wallpaper of the show by the end of two hours.

Why did Jason (the "annoying" kid mentioned multiple times upthread) and Arianna get chosen to represent all of the kid stars? Seems a little bit odd.

I really enjoyed the dance that Hayley and Artem and other members of the troupe did to the Andrea Bocelli and his son song from the Nutcracker movie. I'm still hopeful that maybe Hayley will get a shot as a full pro in the spring so anytime she stands out in a troupe bumper or various other roles....it's a good sign.

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DeMarcus, minus the lifts wasn't great either. It still looks odd to me, when Lindsay and him get into a basic hold. The beginning footwork section didn't have any energy either.

But those lifts were sensational. That spinning star lift they did...

But I agree--he's not really a great dancer. He's charismatic and strong and Lindsay's developed into a strong enough choreographer to make that work.

Evanna's dance was odd because it was not anywhere near all 8's. I was expecting 9's. It was fun, and cute, and everything about the movie and packed with content.

This wasn't Evanna's fault, but the dance didn't mesh well with the music. Also, her song had the same problem as when Heather/Alan had to dance to "For the First Time in Forever." Both songs are about being isolated, so make no sense as duets. It was jarring to see Evanna all smiley with Keo while Rapunzel's singing about how bored she is doing the same things over and over. When the dance and music fight, it can't help but affect the judging.

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1 hour ago, Toonces464 said:

Did anyone notice a small blip at the very beginning of Milo's dance and then suddenly everyone was off the stage and the big jail cell was gone? Then it was back near the end of the dance. I'm guessing the intro was taped ahead of time?

I don't think they can do any part of the dance ahead of time. What I think happened, and I felt the same for a second, was that we saw the other side of the ballroom and it had the same kind of stage, but with no jail cell. Then the camera angle turned back around and the jail cell was still there where it was in the beginning. 

On another note, I didn't mind Tom coming out of the jail, but he should have done something other than stand there in a stupor afterwards. 

33 minutes ago, friendperidot said:

I think Alexis and Evanna are both lovely dancers. I like Alexis just a little more, I don't know why. I enjoyed John's dance tonight and I liked Juan Pablo. But I have to say that red spandex is not flattering on anyone. On Milo, it just emphasized how skinny his 17 yr old self is and it gave Witney thighs - Witney does not have thighs or a butt. Now, I think they are both absolutely adorable, but the red spandex...And I have a 20 yr old great nephew that has a similar body shape to Milo, I don't want to see him in red spandex either. I know, it was their movie and their characters. 

Their costumes were horrible for the quickstep! My daughter suggested, what if Milo had been in black pants and black blazer, with a t-shirt with the Incredibles logo on it, and Witney in a red bodysuit with a long black skirt over it. But I guess everyone has to BE their characters. Wrong choice of dance for the song. 

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I find myself smiling away at the dancing and music on Disney night. Most of it, anyway. I thought Alexis & Alan were really lovely, and thought Juan Pablo did great.

I thought something about DeMarcus’s feet was weird. I think it was his footwear styling making his feet look really stiff. Poor choice if that’s what it was.

Evanna and Keo had a tough song to dance to. I thought Keo’s solo near the beginning was odd, then I realized the camera had to be off Evanna while she got out of her tower and started down the stairs.

Edited by Electruck
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I know Disney owns ABC, but I can’t stand Disney Night.

I still roll my eyes every single time the pros/celebs profess with such sincere exuberance how much they love Disney and are obsessed with Disney movies, characters or the music.


It is so fake and contrived that it’s my least favorite night. The costumes always look ridiculous to me as well, which I find to be even more odd given the show’s ability to use all images and likenesses from the Disney Company. However, I think we can all agree Sharna looked amazing! (I just wish she’d dye her eyebrows to match her hair.) My least favorite holiday is Halloween, but I’d much rather watch ridiculous dancing zombies and mummies dancing to songs with “ghost” in the title than Disney Night.

I will eat my hat if a 58 year old man can show us he’s got any music from The Jungle Book in his musical library. I’m sure he had the book, but does John Schneider really “still love that song”? Hmmmm......

Alexis & Alan’s “showmance”? I can’t even believe TPTB think we are dumb enough to believe that storyline, especially after the comment about being like siblings last week. Also, every time I watch Alexis dance, all I can see are her boobs. 

Yup. I said it.

She’s incredibly thin to begin with and her costumes highlight that as well. No one I know who is that thin is also that well endowed. Are her boobs fake?

I think Keo gets heat (rightfully so) because he’s not fun to watch and he really needs to slow down while dancing, even with the pros. I like watching him dance with Cheryl, but that’s it. I know they both have strong Latin dance backgrounds, so that’s why it works, but I’m surprised that he has lasted this long as a pro. I am seriously surprised that he’s not worked on his timing at this point in his career. Doesn’t anyone love him enough to tell him to slow down?


Evanna’s been his best partner to date, and she’s got both dance experience and youth on her side. Sadly, Keo is blowing both of their chances to go as far as possible this season. I can’t remember his & Jodie’s routines specifically, so I will have to watch it again online. Evanna’s killing it though, even with the awful combos of music and style of dance she’s been getting each week.

Even if he had a ringer for a partner, I don’t think we’d see stronger dancing, partnered or not. He also doesn’t seem to be able to connect with his partners on a person to person basis and that is a huge part of how successful each pair ends up doing throughout the season.

It’s sad that Keo doesn’t realize what an amazing partner he has in Evanna.  I know not everyone is BFFs with their colleagues at work, but spending so much time tgthr shouid create a naturally organic friendship, but Keo seems socially stunted. The more successful couples seem to be happy and have built a sincere friendship that stems from spending 8 hours a day together. I don’t see Keo as being happy at all when I watch him on TV, especially during rehearsals. I do know we only see a snippet of what really happens during the week, so I shouldn’t judge...but I do!

Not sure if it’s a cultural thing or if his girlfriend has him on lock, but Keo doesn’t seem to reciprocate Evanna’s natural friendly nature. Poor Sharna can fake it with her trash bag of a partner, but Keo can’t be bothered to make a new friend? Something is weird about that.


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4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

'm sure that kid is one of the DWTS Junior celeb kids and I'm equally sure he is perfectly charming over there, but he annoyed me tonight.

He's annoying over there, too.

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4 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

and Keo starts his dance with Evanna, by doing a 10 second solo of himself dancing.

And there is the reason a lot of people dont like him.


Even if he had a ringer for a partner, I don’t think we’d see stronger dancing, partnered or not. He also doesn’t seem to be able to connect with his partners on a person to person basis and that is a huge part of how successful each pair ends up doing throughout the season.

He has no personality.

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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