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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Hmm.. lets try some sample math


Leah is 21?

So, Dawn is 21+18=39. I can't recall if Leah is Dawn's oldest child. If true, it takes a few years off.

So, Sandy Kay must be at least 39+14, or 54 in a crude scenario.


Seems pretty likely that she was 20 or older when having Dawn but I wouldn't be other wised shocked. 

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Hmm.. lets try some sample math

Leah is 21?

So, Dawn is 21+18=39. I can't recall if Leah is Dawn's oldest child. If true, it takes a few years off.

So, Sandy Kay must be at least 39+14, or 54 in a crude scenario.

Seems pretty likely that she was 20 or older when having Dawn but I wouldn't be other wised shocked.

Dawn was married when she was 16, and got pregnant with Leah a few months later. IIRC.

Oh my God, seriously? Is it possible to be this stupid in a country where education is free for all? I think it's safe to say that little Ali is officially the smartest member of Leah's family.


I know. Crazy isn't it?  As for Ali, I wouldn't wish her condition on anyone but I've often wondered if she'll end up benefiting from the extra hands-on education in the long run. I hope so. Maybe she won't be a grandma by age 40, and she might even be able to form a coherent sentence by age 10. Wow! She's already a smart little girl but that might just make her the family genius.

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“Jeremy and Corey have met up and both really want to make sure the twins and Addy stay in each other’s lives, regardless of what happens in the custody hearing,” a source told The Ashleys, adding that Jeremy is using the same lawyer as Corey did when he divorced Leah.


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I am not 100 percent sure, but are Ali and Evll twin, fraternal twins? I know they look different, but I wasn't sure how much of that is because of Ali's condition.


I swear, Evil Twin is not a cute child at all.


I saw that photo of Katy Perry earlier today. Cute costume.


I can't help but think back to that tweet Germy posted about not covering up for Leah anymore. I really want someone to drop him a load of cash to spill the beans. Maybe he is saving it for court this December? I bet Leah is scrambling mad trying her best to get Germy to change his stance on their marriage. There is no way she is as happy as she is claiming to be. She is putting on some major front via her social media sites.


Brooklynista - I haven't stopped laughing at your King of Queen reference about Carrie being booted from every nail salon place because of her attitude. Leah not being able to score a proper hair-stylist because all the ones in town know all about her...OMG priceless.

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Hang on now Corey was supposed to have told Jeremy that he caught Robbie jumping out Leah's window, I can't keep the story straight so far Jeremy has been told by his friend at the gas station, his dad with the deer cam footage and now Corey.

I can not imagine Corey telling Jeremy as it

1. would cause too much upset to the girls to see the argument and resulting chaos

2. He has said Jeremy is good to the girls and he could not ask for a bettet step father why would he risk Leah settling for another loser

3. Cheating is not grounds for losing custody

4. Why the heck would he be spying on Leah

5. He would be the last person Jeremy would believe.

Didn't Cory not know for awhile about Robby cheating with Leah?  I could see him telling Jeremy because he doesn't want him to be in the dark like Cory was back when it was him Leah was cheating on. 

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I think Cory would benefit from Jeremy knowing about Leah and Robbie because if Jeremy wakes up and sees Leah's lies and manipulation he's less likely to create shit with Leah for Cory to deal with.   There seemed to be a lot of Jeremy and Leah bitching about Cory and talking about how he was the problem and how he was going to pay blah blah blah last season.   If Cory threw some info out there that would divide Leah an Jeremy he kind of nips that sort of thing in the bud.   I'm not sure I see Cory getting involved, although there was that one scene where he clearly pointed out to Jeremy's face that Leah couldn't keep Robbie's dick out of her, so he does have a history of calling it like it is when he's talking about Leah to Jeremy.

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I do actually think Leah came in between a potential bromance between the two.  Wait, weren't the 2 acquaintances before Leah came into the picture? 


I believe when Germy first hit Leah up on Facebook, he said that he had/did work with Cory and where Cory worked, so I think they were at least aware of each other's existence but I'm not sure if they actually knew each other.  


I'll have to dig that episode from the Hulu Graveyard of Teen Mom 2 Episodes and watch it again to be sure but I'm reasonably certain they knew of one another through work because at the time I figured with Leah's reputation around Cory's workplace for being a cheating twit that Germy was just looking for The Sure Thing.  Boy, she suckered him right in, hook, line and sinker, if that was his initial intent.  

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I just now watched the Unseen Moments episode, and was riveted near the end when Leah was talking about how much shit she got from people for cheating on Corey to this very day, they won't let it go, and Drew said, "You were what, sixteen?"  and she said yes, and he went all commiserating sad panda on her and she was eating it up. 

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I think Cory would benefit from Jeremy knowing about Leah and Robbie because if Jeremy wakes up and sees Leah's lies and manipulation he's less likely to create shit with Leah for Cory to deal with.   There seemed to be a lot of Jeremy and Leah bitching about Cory and talking about how he was the problem and how he was going to pay blah blah blah last season.   If Cory threw some info out there that would divide Leah an Jeremy he kind of nips that sort of thing in the bud.   I'm not sure I see Cory getting involved, although there was that one scene where he clearly pointed out to Jeremy's face that Leah couldn't keep Robbie's dick out of her, so he does have a history of calling it like it is when he's talking about Leah to Jeremy.


I also didn't think of this earlier but Cory may benefit custody wise if Jeremy and Leah divorce and Jeremy is eager to get back at Leah.  If the rumors are true and Leah is abusing pain pills then Jeremy could be a valuable witness in Cory's custody case stating that Leah drove the girlses around while under the influence or had them in her care while she was passed out or something.   Cory may not have the same direct evidence if the pill abuse didn't begin until after Adderall.

I also didn't think of this earlier but Cory may benefit custody wise if Jeremy and Leah divorce and Jeremy is eager to get back at Leah. If the rumors are true and Leah is abusing pain pills then Jeremy could be a valuable witness in Cory's custody case stating that Leah drove the girlses around while under the influence or had them in her care while she was passed out or something. Cory may not have the same direct evidence if the pill abuse didn't begin until after Adderall.

It's like a soap opera.

Is anxiety necessarily a gateway to opiates? It seems incongruous to me. I'll wait and see, of course, because that's what MTV wants me to do. Groan. We do know that Jeremy tends to freak out about shit. I'm sort of expecting whatever it is to be not as bad as we hoped.


I don't think so. Pain killers to opiates to heroin though... yes.  I'm kind of confused as to where her problem started. I just remember her 'nodding off' in that one episode which I think is a pain pill issue. At the time I wondered if those were really anxiety drugs.


I agree with you that I hope it's not too bad, but it seems like it must be pretty bad for Corey to be seeking custody.

Opiates relieve anxiety as well.  It's possible that she wasn't getting enough tranquilizers from her doctor (when I was on them for panic disorder I could only have so many at a time, to prevent overdose/selling extras/addictions) and so she tried opiates, which when not used for pain give a floaty euphoric feeling (and which are probably lots easier to acquire illegally in WV).  Then it could be a quick transition to heroin.


Wasn't she on opiates for some sort of back pain or something?  That also might have been the gateway.

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Their is nothing more important in my life than my husband and my girls! I love you all so much ! #AAA
— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) November 3, 2014


Germy has deleted all reference to his wife on his social media page and he is even planning to ditch the reality starlet on New Years Eve to go to Las Vegas with a buddy.  A friend asked him on the site, "Vegas for New Years?" to which Jeremy replied, "that's right new year it is."


Pictures of the girlses dressed up for Halloween with Corey and Miranda: 



Jeremy is not planning on doing the next season, at least at this point. (This can change of course, especially if MTV throws more money at him.)


Edited by JerseyGirl
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Their is nothing more important in my life than my husband and my girls! I love you all so much ! #AAA

— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) November 3, 2014


Germy has deleted all reference to his wife on his social media page and he is even planning to ditch the reality starlet on New Years Eve to go to Las Vegas with a buddy.  A friend asked him on the site, "Vegas for New Years?" to which Jeremy replied, "that's right new year it is."


Pictures of the girlses dressed up for Halloween with Corey and Miranda: 



Jeremy is not planning on doing the next season, at least at this point. (This can change of course, especially if MTV throws more money at him.)



For the girls' (girlses... girlseses?) sake I hope they can work it out but man, not looking too hopeful at this point. I do hope he stays off of TV. I think he has realized he needs to if things are going to work.

From the wetpaint link above, Ali looks so pretty in the picture were she is dressed up as a princess and Gracie is a vampire.  Her hair is down and combed and she doesn't have her glasses covering her eyes.   I hope she had a great Halloween with her Dad. 


Oh wow that's Ali? I didn't even recognize her! You're right, she looks beautiful. Gracie does too, in a creepy vampire kinda way of course since that what she was going for. It's amazing what brushing their hair can do.

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IMO The Girles always looked well groomed when they are with Daddy. And dressed! Leah can't even manage that but dam if her her nails "ain't  did." She's a damn mess all the way around.She needs to get her shit together. Not only does she has THREE children, Ali needs extra help. She needs her Mother to Mother her. Does Leah not get the outlook on her life expectancy is, sadly unknown? Quit with the hair and spend time with your children! She farms them out and sits on her damn couch. Looking like Janelle!  

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I noticed that not only do they look better groomed and less messy with their dad, they also have a healthier color to their skin (well Ali does and I'll assume Gracie does to). They really do look beautiful and radiant, even. I guess the are getting a more balanced diet with Corey and Miranda. I always noticed the pallor to their skin during the show. Leah really doesn't seem to know what is important, does she? If I was making the kind of money she was, the ONLY thing I wouldn't be skimping on is good food for my family. As Ali would say, lunchables aren't food, Leah.

“Sup puta,” Jeremy asked Javi Marroquin on Twitter on November 3. When Javi didn’t immediately respond, Jeremy tweeted to him again, asking he send him a text message. A short time later, he tweeted to fans, telling them he had been doing tons of blocking throughout the evening.



Why is that article even news? Not that a lot of what the Teen Mom cast do falls under news-worthy, but what is the point of that article?  It mentions Javi and Jeremy have been close friends for a while. Okay. Why then is it news that he reached out to Javi via Twitter? Is it news because he used that forum to reach out to him rather than texting him? I don't get it. I do get the part of the story where it mentions Jeremy getting in a heated debate with "fans".  Big fucking boo hoo. When doesn't someone on this show get into a heated debate with the "jellus haterz"? So stupid

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A baby voice wouldn't be a deal breaker for any decent man.



I don't know about that? I'm not a man, but watching two or three episodes a night has made me want to shove her in a bag and drown her (and not just because she continuously whines, about Adam, GED, her job, house, dog, Aubree, whatever),  because her speaking voice is so horrifically annoying. If that's how I feel listen to her for less than two hours a night, I can't begin to imagine how I'd feel after listen to her for an entire evening?...


**for the record, she didn't bother me too much before, just watching multiple episodes per night, is when she began to bug the living crap out of me.***

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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Jeremy is not 17.


I have a set of really good friends that are in their mid-30s and early 40s and they shoot out those types of words to each other like it's nothing.  I don't do it because I'm not that comfortable just yelling/typing out those words but it doesn't offend me.   One of said friend actually had me make a card for her cousin that had a certain negative word in it along with being pregnant and her cousin loved it. 

I have a set of really good friends that are in their mid-30s and early 40s and they shoot out those types of words to each other like it's nothing. 

Ditto. In fact some of those same friends and I just go back and forth thinking up horrible insults for each other until someone gives in and asks how it's going. It doesn't make sense, but it's good for a laugh. we can be total assholes to each other (or what sounds like it to other people) but to us that's just endearment.

  • Love 3

Ditto. In fact some of those same friends and I just go back and forth thinking up horrible insults for each other until someone gives in and asks how it's going. It doesn't make sense, but it's good for a laugh. we can be total assholes to each other (or what sounds like it to other people) but to us that's just endearment.


we have an on-going facebook chat  (we're all in different states) and i probably shouldn't list what the two of them will come up for names of the chat - they just randomly change it lol 

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