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S01.E07: Who Shaves the Barber?

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Well, it looks like Agent Key and Peele are about as competent as Bill, Gus, and the rest of the law enforcement on this show.  By that, I mean not too competent at all.  They would be the ones not to see Lorne waltz in the building, because they were too busy arguing about fast food.


Speaking of Lorne, he wasn't in this episode all that much, and yet his body-count tonight might have been his biggest yet.  Impressive! Only hearing the majority of the shoot-out and just showing the building's windows throughout it all, was certainly a different way to do it.  Plus, it saves on the budget!


Not surprised that Molly wasn't dead.  Am surprised that she's already forgiven Gus.  Man, just go for it, Gus.  If she forgives you for that and even the loss of a spleen, then you really don't have much to lose at this point.


Lester's plan seems to be working out so far.  Loved the the pre-credits interrogation and how he pretty much had Bill snowed and eating out of the palm of his hand.  Martin Freeman is just killing it.  I love how he can be his typical, bumbling self, but then just drop the facade and see the glimpses of what dark man he has become.  Loving it.  Oh, and that creepy image of him banging Hess' widow, while looking at that photo of Hess.  Oh, Lester: you crazy fucker!

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Of the obvious necessary suspensions of disbelief in this ep, the agents not hearing the "pop pop popopopop" of the weapons is the hardest.  I still love the audacity of Malvo, but nowhere near as much as at first.  


The tornado explanation for the fish is just stoopid.  And angering.


I got my answer as to who Malvo was calling for assignments and assistance.  I'm thinking he called from the second phone.  Now, I have to try to figure out what Malvo is.  By his actions and by the fear Rundle had, I believe he is the demon I've suspected all along.   At a minimum, he is the guy who is running the Reno syndicate.


After seeing enough scenes like the shooting tonight and the slit throat of Mr. Numbers, I long ago decided to accept my fate and not help my accoster with a truthful answer to questions like elevator codes or whereabouts of folks.  If I am well and truly screwed anyway, at least I didn't help out.


I very much enjoyed the cinematic style of the Fargo massacre.  I didn't need to see the gore.  My imagination handled that quite well.  Imagine that!


So...what about the King?  I can scarcely wait to see what Malvo has planned for him!



Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Sadly, unfortunately for me, this show blows.  I've tried, but it's such a comedown from the first episode.  I mean this show is just so stoopid.  I don't even care about any of the characters.  Colin Hanks, in particular, has been a disappointment; I've seen the role of bumbling boob cop played much better.


And Molly:  You're no Marge.  Not by a longshot.   


I'll watch the remaining episodes just to see the outcome, but if this show comes back, I won't be watching.

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So...what about the King?  I can scarcely wait to see what Malvo has planned for him!

I'm guessing he won't like that the King returned the money.


I'm liking the contrast between Lester and Gus -- both are (or started out as) incompetent doofuses, but Gus has the integrity to recognize his faults and to try to correct his mistakes.  Lester, on the other hand, has an undercurrent of darkness that has become, well, current.  In his mind, everything he does is justified.


How did Key and Peele not hear all that gunfire?

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That fish explanation was stupid and inconsistent.  Fish being lifted by a tornado and then raining down does happen occasionally... but not in the middle of a frigid winter when all the lakes are all frozen over!  Remember, the two guys from Fargo needed an auger to cut through the deep ice.

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Weird observation: Before Lorne does whatever he does to the man in Reno, he says, "When you heal up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." The line is almost straight from Kill Bill, Vol. 1. The conversation between Key's and Peele's characters reminded me of Jules' and Verne's fast food conversation from Pulp Fiction. So...a couple of Tarantino shout outs, or just the one and me totally reaching?

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Weird observation: Before Lorne does whatever he does to the man in Reno, he says, "When you heal up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." The line is almost straight from Kill Bill, Vol. 1. The conversation between Key's and Peele's characters reminded me of Jules' and Verne's fast food conversation from Pulp Fiction. So...a couple of Tarantino shout outs, or just the one and me totally reaching?

I thought that line was in the preview for next week and he was talking to the

the Deaf Fella. It also looked like he was dropping a handcuff key on his stomach so that he could escape, which is weird.

Not sure if promo talk is considered spoilers so I tagged it just in case!

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I thought that line was in the preview for next week and he was talking to the

the Deaf Fella. It also looked like he was dropping a handcuff key on his stomach so that he could escape, which is weird.

Not sure if promo talk is considered spoilers so I tagged it just in case!

Oh holy crap! You're right! I'm getting ahead of myself!

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Another reason to hate Lester - he sped up when the widow complained that he was hurting her during sex.


On a lighter note Key and Peele were awesome. They don't need to show up for the remaining episodes. This was enough.

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The conversation between Key's and Peele's characters reminded me of Jules' and Verne's fast food conversation from Pulp Fiction.

I thought that was definitely a throwback to Pulp Fiction.  Strangely, I didn't think Key & Peele were that funny this episode.  I guess there was too much buildup and anticipation on my part.

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Why did Molly look so panicked at the end, when she came out of the police station?  Did it click for her that fast that Lester set up Chaz? 


I love Kate Walsh's character....I assume Lester lied to her about "greasing the palms" just so he could get a revenge bang.   


And what does the title of the episode mean?  Maybe who do you send to take out a hit man?

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I thought that line was in the preview for next week and he was talking to the  Spoiler Not sure if promo talk is considered spoilers so I tagged it just in case!

I rather suspect that the person who goes to visit 

Mr. Wrench

is mild-mannered preacher Frank Peterson!

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That fish explanation was stupid and inconsistent.  Fish being lifted by a tornado and then raining down does happen occasionally... but not in the middle of a frigid winter when all the lakes are all frozen over!  Remember, the two guys from Fargo needed an auger to cut through the deep ice.



Pretty much this.  But at this point just gotta accept the show isn't concerned with being realistic.  I don't necessarily have a problem with this kind of stuff... I had no problem with the raining frogs in that movie that shall go unnamed for the benefit of those who haven't seen it.  But it's pretty difficult to accept all these things happening to cause an incident which happens to be perfect extension of an elaborate divine intervention ruse... eh whatever... best not to give this show much thought.


I didn't hate this episode as much as the last one.  More incredibly incompetent law men, this time FBI... And Malvo is super humanly able to shoot up an entire building of gangsters without a scratch.  At least the scene was cleverly shot so it's harder to tell how ridiculous it is.

Edited by Ronin Jackson
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 Malvo is super humanly able to shoot up an entire building of gangsters without a scratch. 

Just as he was missed by hundreds of rounds from point blank range last ep.


Or...he is extra-human and made of ultimate Kevlar when necessary.  And bleeds when needed.


ETA:  I replayed the shooting trying to ascertain if anyone had claimed to have hit Malvo.  None did.  I did, however, notice some new bad-assry from Malvo.  The final few he shot with only a handgun.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Wow Malvo going Terminator style killing, and those FBI agents were a new level of law enforcement stupidity (move over The Following)...


Wow Lester, he even ditched his stutter and became a ladies man and seemingly he not that "small" as portrayed by the now dead bully...


I wonder what the widow will do when she learns she's not getting paid? but maybe Lester will find some loophole or something to give her some money.

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Leighdear, someone posted in another thread a link to an interview where the producerss explain how every episode title is actually the name of a parable from a variety of cultures; each parable illustrates a particular point in that specific episode. I apologize I can't remember exactly where it is, but thank you to whomever posted it because it was a great read.

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Only hearing the majority of the shoot-out and just showing the building's windows throughout it all, was certainly a different way to do it.  Plus, it saves on the budget!


I was so impressed with that scene.  Sure they saved money filming it that way but who needs to see all the shooting and bodies falling all over the place to know that a number of folks were going down. Plus it was rather artsy as the camera panned back and forth alongside all the blank windows facing the street (and where we knew there were two law enforcement officers arguing over food, totally oblivious to the massacre taking place on the other side of those windows).  Loved it!

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That fish explanation was stupid and inconsistent.

I don't think that the tv explanation of the mysterious fish was intended to be "The Answer".  Rather, it was just a dig at tv news and news reporters, who often IRL jump on the first piece of information they hear and report it as fact.  I would'nt be surprised if we don't see another scene where the tv news guy or girl is babbling another theory. 

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Consider Martin "John Watson" Freeman as a William H. Macy type -- a grinning midwestern boob with hidden depths of depravity; 


@Tara Ariano: thanks for that absolutely, positively hilariously accurate description of Lester!  Thanks too for the huge guffaw I got out of reading that line.

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I feel great for those who thought it was a good episode. I must have just missed it. I kept whispering to myself "Com'on,com'on, com'on....." "So slow" and so on. it was just too slow. Not a problem with any scene - just seemed to be too long. They could have cut the hospital bed scenes by half and gotten the message across.

Best scenes? Lester verses police chief in explaining Lester's story and the police just adding to it. The scene where Malvo wipes out the local syndicate - unrealistic but good.

Lester's sex scene - stupid. Follow the character profile. Lester would have been weeping in the corner of the room with the Hess widow, in hip high black boots, with a whip and a chain standing over him.

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Why did Molly look so panicked at the end, when she came out of the police station?  Did it click for her that fast that Lester set up Chaz?

I assumed it was because her world was rocked -- she staked much on Lester being guilty, and the spiderweb of connections, only to apparently find out was someone else entirely and Lester was innocent.  I think this is new to her (investigating a major crime), and although she is quite sharp and on the ball, she is also inexperienced and impulsive (witness her running off into white-out conditions without her partner).  Hearing that Chaz was responsible has shaken her confidence deeply.

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Since I don't care much about this show or the characters anyway, I hope Lester gets away with it.  Sure, Chaz wouldn't deserve to go down for the crimes, but I just don't care about him and I think it would be kinda funny as hell.  Lester should team up with Lorne.  Lester could play the milquetoast who lets the victim think they're in control, and Lorne whacks 'em in the end.  Lester is such a convincing liar, and so non-threatening looking, I think he could be a great asset to Lorne.

Edited by Ohwell
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Lester's sex scene - stupid. Follow the character profile. Lester would have been weeping in the corner of the room with the Hess widow, in hip high black boots, with a whip and a chain standing over him.


Agreed.  Lester turning into Mr. Suave (able to get the Widow Hess into bed) just doesn't fit the character we've been following since Episode One.

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    Lester's sex scene - stupid. Follow the character profile. Lester would have been weeping in the corner of the room with the Hess widow, in hip high black boots, with a whip and a chain standing over him.




Agreed.  Lester turning into Mr. Suave (able to get the Widow Hess into bed) just doesn't fit the character we've been following since Episode One.

I don't think Lester had to be "Mr. Suave" in that situation.  The Widow Hess was so blinded by her greed that any doofus bearing a check or a promise of a check was "in".  Lester was able to be bold in his lechery because he knew that she would do anything to get that insurance money...  It might have been the first time in his sad life that he KNEW he was going to close the deal.

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IMO Lester just got a HUGE shot of confidence when he was able to pull off the frame-up of his brother to the point of making the Sheriff weepy. I think this is the turning point and I really hope that Lester and Malvo team up in the future!

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I don't think Lester had to be "Mr. Suave" in that situation.  The Widow Hess was so blinded by her greed that any doofus bearing a check or a promise of a check was "in".  Lester was able to be bold in his lechery because he knew that she would do anything to get that insurance money...



Oh, he definitely knew, and not because he is such a judge of character or anything. She already came on to him when he visited her the first time. That caused one of her stupid boys to shoot the other, remember? Speaking of the sons, I liked her line about drinking herself to numbness by the time they'd get home.


Question - does nobody in Bemiji know that Lester stayed with his brother for some time after his wife and Verne were killed? Does that really square with his story that he was so afraid of Chaz?

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IRL, the brother would be able to prove he was elsewhere for any timeline that suggests he killed these folks.  


Did anyone notice all the FBI, ATF, and state cops crawling all around town?  The increased security which would never in a million years have allowed Molly anywhere near Mr. Wrench (nor Gus and Molly being allowed to be together for that matter)?


Do tornadoes from miles and miles away scoop up dead ice scrapers with red handles?

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Leighdear, someone posted in another thread a link to an interview where the producerss explain how every episode title is actually the name of a parable from a variety of cultures; each parable illustrates a particular point in that specific episode. I apologize I can't remember exactly where it is, but thank you to whomever posted it because it was a great read.

Hi Boston Girl. That was me. Here's the post:

The episode titles sounded like parables to me. So a search found the site below. No spoilers, just an explanation of the titles.


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I shamelessly am enjoying this show. Malvo is getting to be a bit much but I can roll with it. Molly is adorbs and Gus is annoying but also adorable. Lester is turning into a great character and I'm so glad he's not remaining the lame dude from the beginning. It's refreshing to see Martin Freeman get to be badass and suave as hell. Not to mention I never thought it was possible to instill acting in a scene of a brutal vengeance fuck but dang Freeman was awesome in how angry and bitter he was. 

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So glad Molly survived (minus a spleen). Loved the scene with her dad where the first thing he does is to turn on the TV and ask about the sports channels! He obviously loves & cares about her, but that was such a great comic moment.


Leighdear I assume Lester lied to her about "greasing the palms" just so he could get a revenge bang.


Oh For shure, yep – it’s another step on his path to becoming a complete monster. Or possibly just a criminal mastermind.


Ronin Jackson More incredibly incompetent law men, this time FBI

Particularly incompetent when they (apparently) completely failed to spot a shoot out taking place in the building they were watching and failed to spot the hit man leaving the building! You start to wonder if Molly is the only competent cop in the state.

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I think that Lester is taking to heart the conversation he had with Malvo early on in which Malvo said, "Your problem is you've spent your whole life thinking there are rules. There aren't. We used to be gorillas." As soon as Lester stopped adhering to rules, his life has gotten "better." He has no wife, no bully, and the brother he resents is now in jail. He even had a revenge bang.


I have a theory about where his character is going, but I'm not sure if it belongs in this thread, since it's not related to this episode and is pure speculation on my part.

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(I'm way behind on this show, but:) The thing that struck me the most about this episode was that Lester finally tries to get the blood cleaned up off his floor only after he's framed his brother and thinks he's scot free. But he can't get it cleaned up, and (paralleling that) there's no way he's out of the whole deal with his frame so far, either.

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That fish explanation was stupid and inconsistent.  Fish being lifted by a tornado and then raining down does happen occasionally... but not in the middle of a frigid winter when all the lakes are all frozen over!  Remember, the two guys from Fargo needed an auger to cut through the deep ice.

Perhaps the tornado started in a very localized spot, say, right over the recently drilled ice-hole?

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Pretty much this.  But at this point just gotta accept the show isn't concerned with being realistic.  I don't necessarily have a problem with this kind of stuff... I had no problem with the raining frogs in that movie that shall go unnamed for the benefit of those who haven't seen it.  But it's pretty difficult to accept all these things happening to cause an incident which happens to be perfect extension of an elaborate divine intervention ruse... eh whatever... best not to give this show much thought.


I didn't hate this episode as much as the last one.  More incredibly incompetent law men, this time FBI... And Malvo is super humanly able to shoot up an entire building of gangsters without a scratch.  At least the scene was cleverly shot so it's harder to tell how ridiculous it is.



That's the thing. They emphatically emphasize before each show how only the names have changed but everything else happened exactly as portrayed.  I just have a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy hard time buying that.

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i thought Molly was channeling Marge when she went to the hospital room of the deaf guy.  He was crying over his dead partner.  She said was it all worth it, the greed and violence?  He is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. 

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Lester thinking it's revenge against his bully to fuck and/or inflict pain on the bully's widow shows he thinks of the woman as an object. She didn't bully him. She was actually quite friendly to him. He could have had the fuck either way. And he didn't have to hurt her or lie to her in the process.

But he's not the bumbling idiot he wants people to think he is. He's quite evil and quite clever. You don't go from bumbling innocent to evil mastermind overnight. So he was that all along, unless they are saying his brush with Malvo caused a supenatural transformation. Honestly, I think they might be saying that-- with the magical escaping and the fish plague, it does seem like Malvo either has plot armor or they are actually saying he's "more than human".


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5 minutes ago, possibilities said:

But he's not the bumbling idiot he wants people to think he is. He's quite evil and quite clever. You don't go from bumbling innocent to evil mastermind overnight. So he was that all along, unless they are saying his brush with Malvo caused a supenatural transformation. Honestly, I think they might be saying that-- with the magical escaping and the fish plague, it does seem like Malvo either has plot armor or they are actually saying he's "more than human".

I’m in the “he was like that all along” camp. He just never had the guts to do anything about it. His encounter with Malvo was something of an empowering moment for him where he saw what taking a stand could look like.

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