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S13.E09 Field of Fears


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2 minutes ago, Stephieg84 said:

I have so much to say but what really got to me the most, out of everything, was Kitty acting like she didn’t know who Madeline was out on the field. This entire season has been the VK show but, the fact that adults (Kitty), are perpetuating it makes me so angry! 

I honestly think she genuinely couldn't tell and was for once not being shady. I didn't know it was her at first either. 

  • Love 4

I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria went into Training Camp too cocky and overly sure of herself because she thought she had a spot in the bag and that she didn't have to do much more than learn the dances because everything else was assured.  Then, when she saw how GOOD the other girls were in terms of both technique and style, she became worried that her spot wasn't as secure as she thought it was so started a stealth campaign of rumors, innuendo, backstabbing, and running to Kelli in order to either drive away the girls she saw as her main competition or to get Kelli to cut them.  We all do things we're not proud of in the moments when we're worried about our positions at work, in society, in our friendships and our relationships so this could be a period where Victoria does some things she isn't proud of in order to assure her dream.  Should she have done those things, if indeed she did do them?  No, she shouldn't have, but what's done is done and the past is the past.

If Victoria did even a small part of what we've heard she's done, then she REALLY needs to take all the criticism in, learn from it and become a better person.  If she ignores it, then, we'll see what happens. 

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, edie3 said:

What did Victoria do?

There's VOLUMES over in the "Finals, Training Camp and Social Media" thread that can't be discussed here due to the non-spoiler nature of the thread.  If you don't want to wade through page upon page of posts, feel free to PM me and I'll try to give you the highlights, the low-lights and everything in between (though I may miss something).

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

"Candidates hit the football field for the first time as Judy teaches them the DCC entrance.  If a candidate can't pick it up quickly, she will be cut."  I hope I did this right (and that I don't get yelled at for starting this thread).

Remember, this is a spoiler-free thread. 

Thank you for doing this.

  • Love 7

Oh snap.. Kelli is on a roll and is pissed with the Madeline in Locker Room antics . I missed her switching her stuff to another locker. And sounds like a little veteran birdie has been running back reporting to K&J.

"As a rookie its received better if within the locker room you listen more and talk less". And she was a little too talkative, almost sassy-like, during the conversation.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Kate2006 said:

Why haven't they cut Malena yet? 

Melissa Rycroft looked weird tonight. She was dressed like a 12 year old and looks a lot older than her age with her lip injections and her strange hair color.

Marshall is hot. 

To be honest, he really creeps me out.  I thought he was Chaz Dean at first with those horrid lip injections.

  • Love 16

Scooting over to talk football.. anyone catch the "plug" for grandson of Jerry Jones ? The QB who lead the HS team to 2 championships - who is now a true freshman at Arkansas ? And that is why we are here learning the field entrance when I thought the Star had a couple of marked football practice fields ?

"As a dual-threat quarterback (4.6 40 time), it’s important for Jones to constantly improve his speed and athleticism. The slippery scrambler said he’s seen improvements in all areas throughout his workouts this summer...undersized at 5-11 and 185 pounds, Jones’ ability to scramble has become a major asset.  ...  he racked up 674 rushing yards and 19 touchdowns in his high school career at Highland Park (Tex.) High School.... (  link ) "  

Oh Dak... Jr might declare in 3 years... keep your eyes open..

Edited by sATL
  • Love 12

- Kelli is old enough to know that she needs to trust her gut and not listen to everyone else. That Miranda exchange was odd. It was like Miranda knew that Kitty said something about her.

- Cianna is adorable.

- As is Ashley.

- The outtro of Kelli saying that Madeline was giving advice in the locker room that didn’t sit well with the vets? What the hell was that? She never mentioned that in her meeting with Madeline. At least not in the first meeting. But she wasn’t even specific in the second meeting.

- Next week...makes me happy.

  • Love 10
40 minutes ago, sATL said:


"As a rookie its received better if within the locker room you listen more and talk less". And she was a little too talkative, almost sassy-like, during the conversation.


16 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

- Kelli is old enough to know that she needs to trust her gut and not listen to everyone else. That Miranda exchange was odd. It was like Miranda knew that Kitty said something about her.

- The outtro of Kelli saying that Madeline was giving advice in the locker room that didn’t sit well with the vets? What the hell was that? She never mentioned that in her meeting with Madeline. At least not in the first meeting. But she wasn’t even specific in the second meeting.

Please forgive me as I re-live my work experiences from this past year.  I had a toxic employee who loved to cause issues between my boss and myself.  She would lie to him, exaggerate, embellish, whatever it took.  Then she would boohoo that I would get revenge on her if I knew she was the one to say anything.  Needless to say, she had my boss wrapped around her finger.  So I was sassy like Madeleine when I got called into the office cause I knew that I was going to be confronted about a lie and couldn't do a darn thing about it.  And it's really not sassy, it's more of a I'm not going to let the other person win.  We both know who said it and we both know you're lying about who/what/where/when/how to protect your source.

As for specifics, there can't be any because then Madeline (and I) would put two and two together and figure out who was the real tattletale.  It's all vague.  And if you did do something and had a good reason for it, you are told that reasons don't matter, like when Kelli told Madeleine she didn't care to hear why she switched lockers.  Cause deep down, the boss knows there is probable cause for what you did, but if they knew it could be explained, then they would have to confront the tattletale and that won't happen.

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:
6 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Miranda-Girl, your reaction told the entire story of the summer. We have suspected that the morale hasn't been great and this basically confirmed it. She was so scared of Kitty changing their opinion she cried over hair. Hair y'all. That spoke volumes and Miranda you're gorgeous! 

I really felt for Miranda!  They are all under a microscope and Kelli was so suprised by M being so upset. But honestly Kelli, these dancers have no idea what is being talked about behind closed doors.   In a way I am glad this happened because Kelli was able to assure her and say, there is no problem here just curl up the ends!

  • Love 13

They need to cut more efficiently. If you'd asked me to send home four girls tonight I could have done it.

Having said that - this was the first time in all my DCC obsession where I was SHOCKED by Kelli's rudeness. She was firing Kristen there was no need to be so rude. The fact she changed her mind is by the by - she had no reason to snap and say "we're done talking". My jaw was on the floor. Unprofessional, unkind and arrogant.

I don't think Madeline is a beauty and she is FULL of excuses - leave your excuses at the door when you come into work.

I enjoyed the Melissa session and Judy teaching, I agree with everyone saying Kitty is bringing a toxicity to this season. 

I am PSYCHED for the VK/Jinelle showdown. TEAM JINELLE ALL THE WAY. It feels like Kelli cut Dayton so no one could say she was soft on legacies (pardon the pun) and she could give VK an easy ride. 

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, sATL said:

Scooting over to talk football.. anyone catch the "plug" for grandson of Jerry Jones ? The QB who lead the HS team to 2 championships - who is now a true freshman at Arkansas ? And that is why we are here learning the field entrance when I thought the Star had a couple of marked football practice fields 

It was a shameless plug. Not only does the  Star have a marked practice field, Ford stadium is part of the Star complex as well. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria went into Training Camp too cocky and overly sure of herself because she thought she had a spot in the bag and that she didn't have to do much more than learn the dances because everything else was assured.  Then, when she saw how GOOD the other girls were in terms of both technique and style, she became worried that her spot wasn't as secure as she thought it was so started a stealth campaign of rumors, innuendo, backstabbing, and running to Kelli in order to either drive away the girls she saw as her main competition or to get Kelli to cut them.  We all do things we're not proud of in the moments when we're worried about our positions at work, in society, in our friendships and our relationships so this could be a period where Victoria does some things she isn't proud of in order to assure her dream.  Should she have done those things, if indeed she did do them?  No, she shouldn't have, but what's done is done and the past is the past.

If Victoria did even a small part of what we've heard she's done, then she REALLY needs to take all the criticism in, learn from it and become a better person.  If she ignores it, then, we'll see what happens. 

This explanation and theory of yours is pure genius. No....I am not being sarcastic. :)

6 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Yeah, she’s hilarious...not in the least.

When dogs get that excited, they usually pee. I am not saying VK is a dog, but if the shoe fits.......

  • Love 4

Wow, I am normally in the minority about liking Mellisa R segments.  But her cutting Rachael off and being catty was not great.  I agree Rachael needs to work on her facials and performance and can not "rely" on her beauty but there is a way to critiique in a kind/supportive way and Melissa R used to do that!  I guess you have to keep your pageant responses on all the time at The Star no mater who you are talking to!  

  • Love 8

Kelli attacked a candidate's character, on TV, two episodes in a row. This should have been a private conversation. What a jerk.

And Kitty snitting to another candidate "Don't think that because you're pretty you will be on this team."

Who is the vet snitch?

This is middle-school mean girl behavior.

Plus, Kelli looked a mess on the field (the hair), which is unusual for her.

At least we saw some more dancing.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 13

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