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Sweet Home Sextuplets - General Discussion

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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On 7/6/2019 at 10:38 AM, SabineElisabeth said:

Funny how we all have such different perceptions (!), as I have never once sensed embarrassment from Eric regarding Courtney.  I've seen Eric look at her with love and affection; I've seen him be gentle to her and gently firm with her sometimes; and I've seen him laugh with her, cry with her, and comfort her.  Personally, I think he adores her.

Courtney also does not seem.flaky to me;  IMHO, she just seems exhausted, overwhelmed, and emotional. Granted, we only saw a tiny bit before the babies came, but she was calm and centered then.  To be honest, I'm sure I'd appear to be worse than flaky were I raising 9 kids!

My thoughts exactly.

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On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 2:53 AM, Honey said:

I hope they don't think it's okay to relieve themselves behind a tree while they're at school.  When Courtney told them to find a tree to use because there was no water, after doing "eeney meeny miney moe" to pick a tree, one of the twins mentioned doing Number 2!!! I REALLY HOPE HE WAS JUST JOKING!!!

He was choosing tree #2, not going number 2.

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The draft for the egg hunt was hilarious. Courtney and Eric’s commentary about who they would have chosen cracked me up. I hope they don’t do that once the “babies” can understand though! Poor Blu’s feelings would be hurt if he knew they didn’t think he should be the first round draft pick.

I also loved Courtney very frankly saying nobody is ever going to have their own room. Points to Saylor for asking though! He puts up with so much, and seems like a good kid overall.

I definitely teared up when they both teared up talking about how lucky they are that the sextuplets are healthy. 

Is the show definitely coming back? It ended on a cliffhanger!

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Disclaimer, I can't stand clutter and chaos, but my goodness, how can anyone live in that house during a remodel?!  First of all, the noise and the DUST.  I haven't gone through anything as extensive as they are, but have gone through smaller remodel projects and believe me, it is a mess.  And with NINE kids?!  And they are losing their bedroom.  Eric said maybe in six months or so they will be able to add on a bedroom and bathroom for themselves.  Meanwhile they will sleep on the living room floor.  For six months??!!

I don't know how much of this show to believe.  If it is as it appears, they are doing this so ass-backward.  If it's a matter of money, which it seems to be, they should have planned better and done it all at once.  Waited, and built into the budget another place to live during the remodel.  I get that Eric wanted to keep the farm, bought cattle, yada yada yada, but damn - Courtney is a LOT more patient than I would ever be.

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1 hour ago, debbie311 said:

Eric said maybe in six months or so they will be able to add on a bedroom and bathroom for themselves.  Meanwhile they will sleep on the living room floor.  For six months??!!

They said the sleeping-on-the-floor thing was only for a few weeks or a month, I think. The upstairs was supposed to be finished soon, at which point the older boys would move up there and C&E would take the boys' old room.

Even if it was short-term, though, it does seem a little crazy. I'm assuming (hoping) that the living room was not the room where they kept all the babies corralled? Because if so, they're going to be running over that mattress all day (ew).

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2 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

They said the sleeping-on-the-floor thing was only for a few weeks or a month, I think. The upstairs was supposed to be finished soon, at which point the older boys would move up there and C&E would take the boys' old room.

Even if it was short-term, though, it does seem a little crazy. I'm assuming (hoping) that the living room was not the room where they kept all the babies corralled? Because if so, they're going to be running over that mattress all day (ew).

It would be interesting to see a floorpan of the house and what their remodel plan is.  I heard her say that it will be a three-bedroom house with all the bedrooms upstairs, and they will build a master bedroom on the first floor.  So previously, no one had a bedroom upstairs, it was just a big open space?  I am so confused ...

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I know... seems like they have an awful lot of living room/ play room type rooms, and with even more space due to the addition, you'd think it wouldn't be so hard to give the older boys, or even just Saylor, their own rooms (even if they're small ones) rather than have so many different communal spaces. But I guess different families have different priorities.

They used to show the 3 older boys sitting on the steps for interviews and I assumed their bedroom was up there. They have shown all 3 boys in 1 bedroom before. I think Saylor should get his own room some day soon. They are making money from the show now and I recall the Gosselin older twins getting the remodeled attic when the babies were small. Saylor is even 1 extra kid than what Kate had. He has had to share with the twins AND now the sextuplets! He is such a great kid!

I admit to getting teary eyed at the end of last episode too when they were counting their blessings about the gift of all 6 babies being healthy so far. I really like the whole family! So genuine as compared with some of the other families TLC shows.

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2 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

 Saylor is even 1 extra kid than what Kate had. He has had to share with the twins AND now the sextuplets! He is such a great kid!

Indeed!  I see examples of this over and over.  I noticed when one of the babies was in the dentist's chair and Courtney scooped him/her up when the dentist finished for a "mom hug" or whatever the dentist called it, Saylor got in close and looked at the baby with such a loving smile. 

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I know the "boys will be boys" that we always hear, I think that's just a pass for when kids act up, with that being said I am get disgusted at the one twin that is always picking his nose and apparently from the van ride scene is known for torturing the other with wiping it on him. He's also the one that burps loudly all the time, that is not just because he is a boy, that is because he has been allowed to do this with no reprimand at all. When Bridge was screaming at Courtney to make him stop...."Wales stop doing that please" no firmness in her voice, her voice actually never changed from the conversation she was having with her mom....I can't imagine what that van ride will look like in a few years.

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5 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I know the "boys will be boys" that we always hear, I think that's just a pass for when kids act up, with that being said I am get disgusted at the one twin that is always picking his nose and apparently from the van ride scene is known for torturing the other with wiping it on him. He's also the one that burps loudly all the time, that is not just because he is a boy, that is because he has been allowed to do this with no reprimand at all. When Bridge was screaming at Courtney to make him stop...."Wales stop doing that please" no firmness in her voice, her voice actually never changed from the conversation she was having with her mom....I can't imagine what that van ride will look like in a few years.

I never had kids but I always just assumed little boys were all about farting, belching, and toilet humor.  Like, it's their reason for living. 😄

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On 7/19/2019 at 8:29 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

I know the "boys will be boys" that we always hear, I think that's just a pass for when kids act up, with that being said I am get disgusted at the one twin that is always picking his nose and apparently from the van ride scene is known for torturing the other with wiping it on him. He's also the one that burps loudly all the time, that is not just because he is a boy, that is because he has been allowed to do this with no reprimand at all. When Bridge was screaming at Courtney to make him stop...."Wales stop doing that please" no firmness in her voice, her voice actually never changed from the conversation she was having with her mom....I can't imagine what that van ride will look like in a few years.

On 7/19/2019 at 1:54 PM, Gemma Violet said:

I never had kids but I always just assumed little boys were all about farting, belching, and toilet humor.  Like, it's their reason for living. 😄

And that they just grow out of it.  Not like you see lots of grown men riding along in the van with wives or friends screeching at them to stop wiping boogers everywhere.  (-;

Guessing that having 9 kids drives home  pretty hard the meaning of "Don't sweat the small stuff!"

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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I have never done any sort of remodel like that, and I don't think I could. I'd be crying and in a straight-jacket.

The easter-egg hunt was super-cute. What is the deal with using cool whip / whipped cream and food coloring to color easter eggs? TLC must provide laundry services and/or new clothes with all of the messy situations that they put the babies in.

I also think Saylor is a great kid, and the twins are loving with the babies as well. I would NOT, however, have left Saylor to watch the babies when they were playing outside in the pool, and the parents had to talk about the spiders.  I've read about too many drownings, and they say it only takes an inch or 2 of water.

The babies seems so happy and curious. They really are everywhere and seems to be yearning to be free! 

It did seem like a season finale, but I want to know where they are going to live! My hubby and son went to a science center exhibition on spiders, and apparently there are very few species of spiders that are actually poisonous. I didn't catch what kind they found in the house.

2 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

It did seem like a season finale, but I want to know where they are going to live! My hubby and son went to a science center exhibition on spiders, and apparently there are very few species of spiders that are actually poisonous. I didn't catch what kind they found in the house.

I'm pretty sure they said Brown Recluse, or maybe I just imagined they said that when they said 'poisonous spider.'

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2 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

I have never done any sort of remodel like that, and I don't think I could. I'd be crying and in a straight-jacket.

The easter-egg hunt was super-cute. What is the deal with using cool whip / whipped cream and food coloring to color easter eggs? TLC must provide laundry services and/or new clothes with all of the messy situations that they put the babies in.

I also think Saylor is a great kid, and the twins are loving with the babies as well. I would NOT, however, have left Saylor to watch the babies when they were playing outside in the pool, and the parents had to talk about the spiders.  I've read about too many drownings, and they say it only takes an inch or 2 of water.

The babies seems so happy and curious. They really are everywhere and seems to be yearning to be free! 

It did seem like a season finale, but I want to know where they are going to live! My hubby and son went to a science center exhibition on spiders, and apparently there are very few species of spiders that are actually poisonous. I didn't catch what kind they found in the house.

They were brown recluse spiders.

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I was so curious about the house remodel that I checked their family Facebook page and they have a bunch of pictures and videos posted there if you want a sneak peek too!


What I notice so much is the babies look so different. Just wait until they get more hair and grow up some more. Their eyes are all different, yet at least 1 of the babies looks like a twin or mom or dad to me. (I think Saylor looks a lot like Eric) As compared to the Gosselins, who all have dark eyes and hair since their father is Korean. The Waldrops have a very nice looking family!

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2 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

I was so curious about the house remodel that I checked their family Facebook page and they have a bunch of pictures and videos posted there if you want a sneak peek too!

Thanks for the reminder.  I hadn't checked it out in quite a while.  Here's the babies exploring the rebuilt upstairs:

  • Love 5

Courtney isn't necessarily flaky but she is "that southern mother."  I see them every Sunday marching their kids into church in smocking/monograms/big hair bows/button-on rompers/John-John suits.  Give those girls some time and more hair and they'll have hair bows that weigh more than they do.   Don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with it, but it's very typically southern, especially for a town like Albertville.

Southern Childrens' Clothes

And there has to be money somewhere despite all their talk about not having enough for the remodel.  Look at what those kids wear - matching outfits for the babies including pajamas with their names on them, lots of UnderArmor  and Vineyard Vines for the older boys (and a button-down VV boys shirt runs around $50 and they buy 3 of them), the one-time 80's gym garb to name a few.  And have you ever seen those babies with a bib?  I've wondered why not.  Maybe the clothes are donated by sponsors or other companies who feel for a family suddenly going from 3 kids to 9.   The Duggars do thrift store shopping to keep down the cost of clothing, and I do that a lot myself. (Latest great find was Life is Good t-shirts for $2 each and  Lands End fleece pullover for $4.)  But you don't find 6 matching outfits in a thrift shop.  

P.S.  Checked their Facebook page, and my hairbow prediction has come to pass.  


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7 hours ago, BamaGramma said:

Look at what those kids wear - matching outfits for the babies including pajamas with their names on them, lots of UnderArmor  and Vineyard Vines for the older boys (and a button-down VV boys shirt runs around $50 and they buy 3 of them), the one-time 80's gym garb to name a few.  And have you ever seen those babies with a bib?  I've wondered why not.  Maybe the clothes are donated by sponsors or other companies who feel for a family suddenly going from 3 kids to 9.   

I think those clothes are definitely gifts. The pajamas had Blu’s name spelled wrong, so I doubt Courtney and Eric ordered them. Whoever donated them reasonably assumed it was Blue, but they managed to get Layke right. Go figure.

7 hours ago, BamaGramma said:

Courtney isn't necessarily flaky but she is "that southern mother."  I see them every Sunday marching their kids into church in smocking/monograms/big hair bows/button-on rompers/John-John suits.  Give those girls some time and more hair and they'll have hair bows that weigh more than they do.   Don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with it, but it's very typically southern, especially for a town like Albertville.

 I definitely think there are regional differences. I am Southern, and while that’s not my style, I get it. Half the people I went to high school with dress their kids like that. It’s not uncommon. Half the people I went to high school with sound like her too. Having a Southern accent doesn’t mean Courtney is flaky. A Southern accent doesn’t mean someone is stupid, but I get the feeling some people on this board think it does. Bless their hearts.

However even I misunderstood their accents and thought the kid’s name was Wells before I realized they were saying Wales!

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23 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I know the "boys will be boys" that we always hear, I think that's just a pass for when kids act up, with that being said I am get disgusted at the one twin that is always picking his nose and apparently from the van ride scene is known for torturing the other with wiping it on him. He's also the one that burps loudly all the time, that is not just because he is a boy, that is because he has been allowed to do this with no reprimand at all. When Bridge was screaming at Courtney to make him stop...."Wales stop doing that please" no firmness in her voice, her voice actually never changed from the conversation she was having with her mom....I can't imagine what that van ride will look like in a few years.

Agreed.  I have 3 sons and don’t buy the idea that because they each have a penis that they should get a pass for being assholes.  Parents need to expect more and be better than that.  

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On 7/19/2019 at 7:10 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Thanks for the reminder.  I hadn't checked it out in quite a while.  Here's the babies exploring the rebuilt upstairs:

thanks for the video which I didn't mean to re-post; I was just trying to quote your last sentence.   I must have lost my feeble mind as I went and liked their FB page.  There is also a video which shows the laundry/closet area.  

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On 7/18/2019 at 6:02 PM, debbie311 said:

It would be interesting to see a floorpan of the house and what their remodel plan is.  I heard her say that it will be a three-bedroom house with all the bedrooms upstairs, and they will build a master bedroom on the first floor.  So previously, no one had a bedroom upstairs, it was just a big open space?  I am so confused ...

yeah - I wished they showed a before and after floor plan of the remodel. Technology does exist to make this possible to a viewing audience. Wouldn't a permit have to be filed at the county office - which would make the building plans public record...

And as a bonus , state how much the remodel costs. But I guess that would make it too close to a HGTV show and TLC didn't want to compete with that. Maybe that is TLC's gimmick on house-redo shows - not building from the ground up, after they probably lost money/time on the deal after the Duggars. 

The new laundry room (former master & bath)  is on a different floor than the rest bedrooms/bathrooms , right? With 11 people inputting to the dirty clothes - I would want the laundry room on the same floor as the bedrooms/their bathrooms.

one has to wonder - isn't it better to build from the ground up - esp. when you own acres of land. New homes are built every day..

Maybe one day the Waldrops will write a book and put the floor plan in it, like the Duggars did. When Courtney kept mentioning the family closet , I had a vision of the Duggars (& Bates) laundry room ; an endless nightmare of clothes/shoes, in all sizes/sex/seasons with a few pairs of laundry machines- RIP Grandma Duggar.

while no house is perfect - I do suspect the current house was a little too small, had minor construction issues  and not-as-functional (for their needs) before the babies - like the small kitchen and the lack of closet space. 

I do hope one day Saylor gets his own room (ie John Boy Walton), or at least a quiet space to call his own. Hang in their Saylor - 8 years 'til college....

I thought the main room where they show the babies was an add-on - kinda like it was the pool house to the outdoor pool/yard area.

Kuddos to Eric (and his unseen helpers) for finally building an outside enclosed play area for the babies. Made no damm sense to own acres of land and you can't let the babies run,play and roam free outside.

Edited by sATL
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14 hours ago, sATL said:

When Courtney kept mentioning the family closet , I had a vision of the Duggars (& Bates) laundry room ; an endless nightmare of clothes/shoes, in all sizes/sex/seasons with a few pairs of laundry machines- RIP Grandma Duggar.

It is on the ground floor;  I hope they had the foresight to put in a laundry shoot.  From what I saw on the video they put on FB the laundry room/family closet looks extremely well organized, but maybe that was because it is so new.  It would be a lot easier to organize for the Waldrops than the Duggars, because you have only 4 categories---Saylor's clothes, clothing for the twins,  clothing for the 3 boy babies, clothing for the 3 baby girls.   Duggars and Bates had children of so many various ages and sizes that the best way for them to organize would have been by clothing sizes like on the racks in clothing stores.  I probably didn't explain that well.

14 hours ago, sATL said:

I do hope one day Saylor gets his own room (ie John Boy Walton), or at least a quiet space to call his own. Hang in their Saylor - 8 years 'til college....

I love this comparison.

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On one of the FB posts she explains how she picked out the names.  She would hear unusual names that she liked and write them in her Bible (I guess on a blank page or inside cover, I can't remember if she said which).   I think Rawlings is named for baseball equipment.   The story is sweet, but it didn't make me like the names. 

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

On one of the FB posts she explains how she picked out the names.  She would hear unusual names that she liked and write them in her Bible (I guess on a blank page or inside cover, I can't remember if she said which).   I think Rawlings is named for baseball equipment.   The story is sweet, but it didn't make me like the names. 

Off to her Facebook page to read why she wanted to name her kid after baseball equipment.


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I just rewatched the episode where they sold the sheep. Along with the sheep they loaded their beautiful white dog on the trailer, and sent the dog away too!  Wtf???  No emotion, no mention of the dog leaving.  Just the dog sitting there in the trailer with the sheep looking out of the bars.

I don't understand how someone could do this.  Those boys had to form some type of attachment to the dog.  It makes me sad, and makes me differently about Eric and Courtney.

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2 hours ago, Honey said:

I just rewatched the episode where they sold the sheep. Along with the sheep they loaded their beautiful white dog on the trailer, and sent the dog away too!  Wtf???  No emotion, no mention of the dog leaving.  Just the dog sitting there in the trailer with the sheep looking out of the bars.

I don't understand how someone could do this.  Those boys had to form some type of attachment to the dog.  It makes me sad, and makes me differently about Eric and Courtney.

I'm sure they did but those dogs were used to work the sheep, they still have several of the great Pyrenees. I know it looked like they just discarded a pet but I don't think that's the case.

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6 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I'm sure they did but those dogs were used to work the sheep, they still have several of the great Pyrenees. I know it looked like they just discarded a pet but I don't think that's the case.

I know this in my head, but in my heart I can't imagine not getting attached to a dog.  I'm sure the dog got attached to them as well. 😞

Edited by Honey
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On 11/30/2019 at 9:10 AM, HahYallDoin said:

State-wide paper reported yesterday that Season 3 is currently filming and will air late Spring or early Summer. 

"state-wide"??.. fiiming the show made the newspaper??? Did Auburn declare a student holiday?

Please TLC - no potty training..we get it.. toddlers will have accidents... it was so easy to train the older ones..Courtney can't do anything else b/c she is taking "six " to the bathroom all of the time..

I am interested in how the house remodel came out..and what else type of farming did the hubby get into...

Edited by sATL
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Holy Shitballs!! I have watched every episode of this horrible show. Not sure why. Sort of like watching the car accident because you cant look away. What a Miserable existence these people live and they drag her poor parents and relatives and neighbors into the mix. If you cant take care of your kids without the help of the community then you should put half of them up for adoption. I live in Georgia and I can hardly understand Courtney and her renceck trucker voice. What a Redneck she is!!!! Now she is walking them around on a leash like friggin dogs. Let the kids go free. WTF!! What is with their names? How about Joe and David and Mike and Bob and Eric. Not sailor Rain Blu. These kids have some major in school asskickings coming their way.

I dont get it. They obviously made a mistake and had too many kids. Give 3 or 4 up for adoption. There are plenty of loving families that would take a pain in the ass named Blu or Rain in a minute.

How much does the mom get paid to say YA'LL each episode. She needs to go back to school and take English as a second language because it sure as hell isnt her primary language. 

If you have to put your out of control kids on a leash then it is time to leave them at home til they can be trusted to not get themselves killed. And with Mom driving the van out of their driveway with the big side door open she is going to dump a couple of those kids on the road at 60mph. That will lighten the load a bit.

They get all bent out of shape when a woman says does she have those kids on leashes. If they dont like people commenting on their kids on leashes like dogs then get rid of them. The leashes or the kids. Either will work. Why do all of these fanily members have to take pictures all of the time. you have a friggin hour long show on the life of your kids in High Definition and you still have to run around taking pictures.


Its never too late, put a few up for adoption and start to live a semi normal life. They seem like a totally miserable out of control family. Rename the kids while your at it. And how many times is she going to say When you have 9 kids. You're the only moron with 9 kids. Everybody else has enough sense to get rid of a few instead of holding them all back. They are all mentally slow and look like the inbred kids down the street from me. How much was that hospital bill for 6 premature kids. you know they didnt pay all of that.

They should also be embarrassed that someone else had to buy them a van since they cant handle their bills on their own. Once again get rid of a few kids. preferably the most inbred looking ones. And that dad is miserable and is getting fatter by the episode. He will be that 400 pound coach by the time they hit high school. When you live in a redneck paradise like Alabama you do not name your kids Blu and rain and sailor and Bridges. WTF kinds of names are those. Ass kickin names.

I give up. Good luck to them in their horrible world. It is NO way to Live.


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  i watch this b/c I enjoy the parents’ accents...and they’re so ridiculously good-natured and kind to each other, like a Bizarro Jon and Kate. Eric clearly adores Courtney and it’s just so sweet to watch.

     At this point in my life, I don’t find babies cute or amusing. They just fucking annoy me. So I’m certainly not watching it for them. Agreed, the kids’ names are ridiculous, but...whatever. I definitely agree with the previous poster that  it’s not fair to enlist all your friends and relatives to help take care of your litter of children. Sorry but 9 is just too damn many. That said, the kids are here now and they’re clearly loved and well-cared for. But I do find myself thinking, “if that were my sister or neighbor, they’d better not ask me to help care for all those screaming brats. Not my fault they decided to have so damn many a time!”

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9 hours ago, Waldopepper said:

WTF!! What is with their names? How about Joe and David and Mike and Bob and Eric. Not sailor Rain Blu. These kids have some major in school asskickings coming their way.

As I've said before, they totally set their kids up for it. If Wales is overweight he will inevitably be called "Whale," and Tag is going to spend his whole life with people hitting him and screaming "You're it." How could these dimwits not have realized things like that when they came up with such stupid names for their kids?

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Does anyone feel sad for Eric when Courtney asks him on the recent commercial if he's tired and he says, "I'm always tired."  I'm kind of past finding these families of multiples interesting or entertaining.  At this point, it isn't surprising that having 6 babies at once is a lot of work, especially when there were already 3 older kids in the family.  

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Every time Courtney talks about being tired or how much work having 9 kids is, I want to sit her down and remind her that she CHOSE to have 9 kids.  I know she loves them, but I worry about all of them because it simply isn't possible to give 9 kids much time.  And put down the camera, honey!  Also, when she says something like "She don't this or that" I remember that she was a school teacher using poor grammar around her students. 

Wonder how they've managed the pandemic and shutdown and if that will be part of this season?


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I love this family. I love how much the parents love their kids. I love how much the older boys love their little siblings. I love how the grandparents help out. 

I don’t love some of the antics of the 7 year old boys, but, they’re 7 year old boys. I think they’re good kids at heart. 

There’s a lot of love and kindness on this show and I am here for it. Kids with manners. An involved father who coaches 3 kids in multiple sports. A kind hearted mom loving on her kids. I am here for all of this. 

  • Love 12

I was annoyed by Courtney’s BFF saying Eric was lucky to have his wife because she wouldn’t tolerate having to wait to have three bathrooms. The man is a fucking saint in how many hours he works, how he coaches all sports, how he has to leave his business to come watch a first haircut, how he’s 100% involved in all childcare when he’s not at work, and how he completely indulges Courtney’s silliness about how every.single.second of those children’s lives must be cheered for, photographed, and have every person in their lives present while this happens.  And he does it with a smile and enthusiasm, even if the poor man can barely hold his eyes open. 

I do notice that, like Outdaughtered, they can’t do a thing without more help than the children number. There’s the parents, the grandparents, the BFF, the aunt, the former nanny.  That’s seven adults to corral five toddlers. That’s a better ratio than most people with only children enjoy.

I like Courtney’s parents, particularly Popsie who sounds just like Leslie Jordan. 

2 hours ago, eel21788 said:

She also makes up words the way Kate used to do. It is hard to believe she even finished high school because her grammar is so bad. That doesn't say much for the school systems in Alabama.

Isn’t Alabama rated last in all fifty states?

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I can enjoy this show as it's easy and fluffy and doesn't require a lot of thought.

That having said, it does grate how Courtney is always talking about how tired she is as if Eric isn't thoroughly exhausted and as if she doesn't have a small army of help at her constant disposal.

9 kids, especially 6 toddlers, would exhaust anyone, but she does have help, a lot of help, and also, maybe, just maybe, if she slowed her roll on the constant photo-ops and matching outfits and bows and other accessories, she might be just a little less tired. I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough at the haircuts when some of them barely have any hair, she could have cut Tag's (blech to typing that or any of their insipid names) little tail. Add in the ginormous hair bows when they were just going to be taken off anyway and I just...don't...get...it.

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