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S20.E29: Live Eviction #9; Jury Battle Back; HOH #10


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I feel like I just saw this conversation with Haleigh and Fessy.

It would be ironic if Haleigh was the one eliminated and she lost the Battle Back.

Brent doesn't know he's really talking about Tyler.  Tyler sure is wearing weird leggings. They're kind of creepy looking.

And if Tyler doesn't win he's locking up AFP.

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Lol, Hay was out of vocabulary to describe Julie's beauty!

So I missed parts of recent episodes. Did they ever show Sam's Hair Salon?

The jury house is currently also known as the Hive and they're all wondering who was the stupidest one of them. They think it's Rockstar, but I say Faysal.

Edited by dizzyd
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Fessy gotta go.  

The music behind Brett's F2 pitch was hilarious.

Tyler eyes on the prize.  He sees JC's usefulness has about come to an end.

JC trying to work his troll magic on Brett.  With Sam being unpredictable, It really is too soon to make a move.

This Battle Back is such a lame idea.  Whoever wins is gone next week without an HoH or Veto win.

Fuck You Fessy!  That speech was lame.

Hay thankfully lost her thesaurus!  Bla. bla, bla, shut up already.

Sam went after the hussy.

Julie:  "Why were you so dumb?

Fess:   "I was loyal"  and dumb. 

Enough of the tears Hayseed!  That whole interview was cringeworthy.

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Those pre-vote speeches were a perfect example of how good a player Haleigh is and how terrible a player Fessy is. Haleigh: is incredibly articulate and gracious, doesn’t alienate anyone. Fessy: “exposes” Angela by telling her alliancemates things they already know. *facepalm*  

I hate the JBB but I can live with Scottie as a returnee. (Isn’t he also one of Tyler’s Final 2s? lmao) I’m just so grateful that Rockstar and her 17 different accents didn’t win.  I was actually rooting for Fessy  so the game would continue like nothing had happened, to be honest.

The jury house segment was hilarious though, watching them watch their own stupidity unfold before their eyes. And, judging by Scottie’s reaction, I guess Haleigh and Fessy really have done a great job of hiding the showmance.

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Fessie loses to Scottie ! He is a big dummy, but I kind of feel bad for Fessie, that probably hurt his ego more than anything. Sure, he wanted to go back in the house, but I bet he just wanted to win the comp more. At least he didn't lose to a GIRL !!


I'm glad Scottie pulled out the win, I still think it's a lost cause, but he has a better chance (maybe) to actually make something happen. I don't dislike Tyler in any way, and if he wins, good on him. But he's really had it easy so far and if the others could make him sweat a bit, it would be fun to watch. But at this point, especially with Brett thinking he's in good with Ty, I just think he has too many people in his corner to not make it all the way now. Or at least to Final 4.

Edited by willco
spelling counts
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50 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Those pre-vote speeches were a perfect example of how good a player Haleigh is and how terrible a player Fessy is. Haleigh: is incredibly articulate and gracious, doesn’t alienate anyone. Fessy: “exposes” Angela by telling her alliancemates things they already know. *facepalm*  

I hate the JBB but I can live with Scottie as a returnee. (Isn’t he also one of Tyler’s Final 2s? lmao) I’m just so grateful that Rockstar and her 17 different accents didn’t win.  I was actually rooting for Fessy  so the game would continue like nothing had happened, to be honest.

The jury house segment was hilarious though, watching them watch their own stupidity unfold before their eyes. And, judging by Scottie’s reaction, I guess Haleigh and Fessy really have done a great job of hiding the showmance.

It's kind of amazing how surprised Scottie was about the showmance. Other than the HOH, these rooms don't have locks on the doors, do they ?? They are all in 1 house, all the time, can't leave, have no real distractions like tv or internet, and you don't notice that 2 good looking people are together all the time, often in bed. I'm surprised there are any secrets at all in the house ! Then again, no one seems to be aware of the major alliance that has been going on since like the 1st day, even when they all seem to grin like Cheshire cats whenever someone is put on the block that suits them, or someone they want is picked ( or not) for the Veto. I guess that could be editing to make it look like that, but I've noticed it more than once. You'd think, in this game, people would pay attention to things like that !

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Tonight on a very special episode of BIG BROTHER: The Spectacular Waste of a Battle Back.

You almost see Julie deflating at the rampent stupidity of Scottie wanting to blow his second chance at the game to be YET ANOTHER of Tyler's final 2. Instead of getting someone like Baileigh back who would actively be trying to shake things up looks like Scottie will just roll over and play dead.

Fessy may have given one of the worst interviews ever!

I hope Fessy never speaks to JC again when he gets out and sees all the mean nasty things he was saying about him being his big dumb puppet. JC is a tool.

Fessy made me like him again just for the firing all torpedoes at Angela on the way out. She was PISSED because she had to sit there an silence and take it. She had a permanent bitch face on the rest of the episode. Fake engagement ring...I love it! And Fess was right...she isn't all that.

The Jury House segement easily was the best segment they've had since way back in the episode where Sam's hypocracy was called out by her fawning all over Fessy not long after she dissed the other women for doing the same thing! The reactions were great...especially Bay...she was like one of us reactiong to Rockstar's epic stupidy. Great segment!

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I was shocked -- like jaw dropped open shocked -- when Tyler straight-up told JC he wasn't targeting anyone before Hayleigh. It seemingly violated the Big Brother rules of "say yes to anything anyone else suggests and worry about the consequences later." And instead of that "sketching" JC out [/tm Fessy] and making him remotely suspicious that maybe his "final 2 deal" Tyler is closer with other people than with him, he goes to Brett with a continued focus on ... Angela and Kaycee.

Hey JC, who's the shorter, dumb puppet now?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Fessy made me like him again just for the firing all torpedoes at Angela on the way out. She was PISSED because she had to sit there an silence and take it. She had a permanent bitch face on the rest of the episode.

Actually she had a pretty amused look on her face the whole time as Fessy fired blank torpedoes at people who are in an alliance and know what is really going on.  Fessy was clueless to the very end.

1 hour ago, SHD said:

I can't believe Fessy didn't win. With his long reach and him practically hanging totally over the railing, he had the least margin of error.

If he reached down a little with his long arms he could have dropped the balls straight in.  But no he had to half crawl over the railing to get a few inches closer to the opening thus throwing him off at a cockeyed angle instead of a straight drop so he then had to "shoot" the balls at that angle into the "basket" which ended up giving him clanging rim shots instead.

Jury House segment was good.  Bay's one positive highlight in BB this whole season was her reacting to Rockstar's tape and Scottie's total cluelessness about a jealous Fessy.  But better than that, now that she is completely out for good maybe Swaggy will stop with his endless attempts at extending his 15 minutes seconds of "fame" through his endless Bay's gonna come back crap on twitter.  Oh who am I kidding.  Swaggy can't shut up for more than 2 seconds.  (Reason #4,328 why I don't have a twitter account).

Julie:  "So Scottie, what is your strategy in returning to the House?"

Scottie:  "I'm going to try to get in real tight with Tyler."

Flash forward to the next episode of BB.  Tyler (happily smiling in the diary room): "So now I apparently have FIVE Final Twos in place thanks to Scottie."

Edited by green
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I also hope that Fessy finds out all the mean things JC has been saying about him, and I wish we could see the confrontation afterwards. JC is the personification of a double standard. He wouldn't want people attacking/criticizing him (size, sexuality, accent, etc.), but yet he does it to someone else. Being mean and mocking isn't good game play, its just mean. Please BB "gods", let us see Fessy, and any/everyone else, tell JC off. 

  • Love 15

Thank you @Nashville for maintaining the Live Feed summary. Due to stupid football, BB aired here in the middle of the night. And, even then, crap ran late and I missed the last 15 minutes of the show. So glad to see Scottie won BB. I will delight myself, picturing Fessy in jury, imagining Scottie stealing his woman. 


Glad to see the back of Fessy. His chauvinism continued to the end. Even his eviction night speech reeked of it. "Hey, boys, Angela is trying to lead you around on a leash. Tighten up and put her in her place!"

Also, I HATED the way he sat in his interview chair with Julie, just completely slouched to the side, as if his spine was broken. Ugh, he's so gross. 


Count me in as being surprised that Tyler didn't just nod sms agree during the conversation with JC. I've been rooting for Tyler since early on; but, I'll admit, it would be entertaining to see someone wise up and challenge him. 


Bayleigh played a shitty game herself, But damn if I wasn't living for her "you dumbass" face when watching NonStar completely tank that Veto. So glad the latter didn't wind up back in the house. 

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I was shocked -- like jaw dropped open shocked -- when Tyler straight-up told JC he wasn't targeting anyone before Hayleigh. It seemingly violated the Big Brother rules of "say yes to anything anyone else suggests and worry about the consequences later." And instead of that "sketching" JC out [/tm Fessy] and making him remotely suspicious that maybe his "final 2 deal" Tyler is closer with other people than with him, he goes to Brett with a continued focus on ... Angela and Kaycee.

Hey JC, who's the shorter, dumb puppet now?

JC only comes off as a powerful mastermind when he's controlling Fessy. But even a drunken two-year-old could control Fessy. 


6 hours ago, green said:

Actually she had a pretty amused look on her face the whole time as Fessy fired blank torpedoes at people who are in an alliance and know what is really going on.  Fessy was clueless to the very end.

People have tried to cause dissention among L6 before; and it's never worked. Fessy, once again, displays his arrogance/ ignorance. 

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Thank you @Nashville for maintaining the Live Feed summary. Due to stupid football, BB aired here in the middle of the night. And, even then, crap ran late and I missed the last 15 minutes of the show. So glad to see Scottie won BB. I will delight myself, picturing Fessy in jury, imagining Scottie stealing his woman. 


Glad to see the back of Fessy. His chauvinism continued to the end. Even his eviction night speech reeked of it. "Hey, boys, Angela is trying to lead you around on a leash. Tighten up and put her in her place!"

Also, I HATED the way he sat in his interview chair with Julie, just completely slouched to the side, as if his spine was broken. Ugh, he's so gross. 


Count me in as being surprised that Tyler didn't just nod sms agree during the conversation with JC. I've been rooting for Tyler since early on; but, I'll admit, it would be entertaining to see someone wise up and challenge him. 


Bayleigh played a shitty game herself, But damn if I wasn't living for her "you dumbass" face when watching NonStar completely tank that Veto. So glad the latter didn't wind up back in the house. 

If I was Rockstar I would have said, "Wait! Didn't you tell Rachel you had the Power App?". Drop mic.

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I only watch the pleas after I've seen the rest of the episode as I know they spoil who goes, a tradition that's kept in the show even though it doesn't actually help the suspense of the outcome at all.

So I watched them later and surprisingly Faysal actually started to play the game, he only did it though as he was walking out the door.  I did enjoy his attempt to undermine Angela at least.

Edited by amazingracefan
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I'm glad the first words out of Fessy's mouth after he walked into the backyard were, "I'm sorry, Scotty!" At least there's an ember of self-awareness there.

Love that Bay pulled no punches with Angie when they watched her video. Her blurting out the answer to Tyler really was one of the dumbest moves in this show's history. Though Angie & Bay explaining to Scotty just how dumb HE was re Fessy & Haleigh was pretty priceless too.

Bay doing her yoga -- damn, she's gorgeous.

Was really looking forward to Scotty returning to the house until he said he's going right back to being Tyler's sidekick. *sigh* Why do I keep thinking Scotty is any good at this game??

JC really has a special bitchface he puts on when anyone disagrees with him about anything. Hope to see it more & more....

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