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S13.E05: Getting the DCC Look

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

IMO that's the problem, people are given hair styles based on what's popular and not on what looks good on them.

I thought it could be taken one of three ways: 1. as you said, that Brennan was the only one doing it right, 2. that they were happy Brennan was doing it right because, as Kelli said in episode one, she'd really like to see Brennan make it, or 3. they were happy she was doing it right so they don't look foolish bringing her into TC for a 3rd time.

any trained stylist can give you what's popular, a good stylist will take what you've asked for or a picture you've used as an example and take that as inspiration and make it work on your face shape and length.  Different face shapes suit slightly different cuts.  a good stylist can adapt it to suit you better. its no different to fashion. just because it's whats in style doesn't remotely mean it suits you or looks good on you. wearing something inspired by the trends can look so much better. Marshall really should do what suits the girls best not necessarily what Kelli pushes too hard for.

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I love Shelly after seeing this episode! I hadn't been a Dayton fan, but this episode helped, and it seems Shelly has a realistic perspective on where Dayton is. And Dayton is gorgeous.

I also really like Kelli a lot more after seeing this. I appreciated her words to Dayton and Victoria. She just seems a lot more genuine lately.

I don't care for Jaylyn's new hair. I think they should have just done a dark brown. 

I'm weird about eyeliner. I don't like when girls wear it under the water line on the bottom lashes, like Jaylyn and Kristin, but at the same time the way Judy wears it on her water line makes her eyes look too small. Other than that, Judy's really fashionable!

I also really liked Jaci (Sp?)

Taylor = boring. So happy for Malena.

I did disagree when Kelli said Kristin should have already fixed her light. THere's no way to know it's out when you're in the driver's seat until someone else points it out to you. 

Kind of surprised to see Amy as a captain. Is she a lot better than I realized? Her looks really don't thrill me, but good for her. 

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On 8/31/2018 at 9:25 AM, CaseyRe said:

I think a part of the issue is, that for a lot of girls (and boys) that are as into dance or any specialty, is that they get blinkered vision and it becomes their whole life and so they miss out on a lot of things other kids/teens do that kinda help them age a little. when I skated, so many of the late teens/early twenties skaters were, IMO, quite immature for their ages because they'd not had the life experiences that others had had that matured them. in some ways they could be very mature - super on the ball during travel and organisation, and then super immature emotionally and mentally. I can't quite get the words right to explain what I mean but i think par tof the issue is systemic in the sort of one track lives many of those in this level of dance/sport/etc can have.

Simone Biles is actually a pretty decent example of this right now. During the US Classic she got into a twitter thing with Morgan Hurd. If you just read the situation with no names you would never guess one of them was 21 years old. 

14 hours ago, Gigi88 said:

Well That is the style these days. Look on tv all the women doing the news, weather, actresses all seem to have that style now days. 

I truly believe she was abusing some type of drugs. She still seemed off to me in that interview . I seem to notice people that have abused a certain genre of narcotic seem to have that lost , dead in the eyes look about them. Britney Spears is an example. Her eyes are don’t have that sparkle anymore and haven’t since her meltdown . I’m not an expert or anything . It’s just my personal observation from seeing it in person with many people

There are some that would definitely help keep weight off. I agree that she seemed off. 

13 hours ago, healthnut said:

I always like seeing the group leader announcements. Good for Maddie. Interesting Heather O. was passed over since she was a second last year. Who are the seconds this year?  (I don’t think that’s a spoiler, aren’t they announced at the same time? They never show it.

We know from the spoiler thread that something happened last season but we don't know exactly what. I doubt it'll ever be addressed, but Heather O is in the doghouse for leadership.

11 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Although I'm not a dancer, normally I can parse Kelli's comments/critiques based on context, but there's something she said in this episode that I just don't understand.   When Brennan's group was performing, she comments to Judy something like "At least Brennan knows this dance" or "Thank God Brennan knows this dance."  I can't figure out if that meant Brennan wasn't doing something correctly or if the rest of the group was off and Brennan was the only one doing it right.  Anyone?

At this point, they should expect Brennan to know every dance they teacher except anything new for the season. Girl made it to the end of training camp and once she decided to try again, I bet continued to practice throughout the year. 

I took the comment to mean that the group was a hot mess except for Brennan. 

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14 minutes ago, abracadabra said:

Kind of surprised to see Amy as a captain. Is she a lot better than I realized? Her looks really don't thrill me, but good for her. 

I watch with my daughter and I mentioned I know nothing about her.  She said she was the one who did jump split at the wrong time in previous season.  

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Finally got around to watching the episode and here are some of my thoughts:

Blonde Taylor is incredibly bland and boring.  She doesn't have any power or punch to her dancing.  In the office scene, she was incredibly quiet and retiring, but not in a confident "I don't need to be bold to be heard" way.  She doesn't seem to bring anything to the table in terms of confidence/personality or intensity.  I would forget her minutes after meeting her.  She needs to be more present, more assured and see that she is a unique, smart, beautiful young woman who is there because a lot of people believed in her enough to say they wanted to see her in Training Camp.  It's normal if she was scared witless in a new situation with a lot of information thrown at her in a short period of time, but she doesn't seem to have gotten over it and that could be impacting her absorption of material.

Oh, Victoria!  Stop being such a showboat.  It's great that she's got enthusiasm and energy, but she needs to rein it in some.  If it's brought up to her again, and she hasn't reined it in, says she's not interested in paying attention to critiques and making the necessary adjustments and changes.  I noticed that, during the alumni, class, she moved into someone else's space AGAIN.  It felt as if she wanted to be the person everyone was focusing on and couldn't trust her dancing (and personality) to draw them toward her.  There were only 5 girls set in a staggered pattern so it wasn't as if she was in a jammed studio fighting for attention.  The same thing happened at auditions (Victoria moving into another girl's space and it was the same situation, five girls in a staggered pattern) so, to me, it's showing that Victoria knows she doesn't have the skills or the confidence (in either her dancing or herself) to catch people's attention so she's determined to do so in other ways.  I'm not surprised that she isn't one of the top 36 girls in the room though it probably was to Kelli and certainly was to Victoria.  That should tell Kelli something.  It already looks like Victoria is gaining weight and Kelli knows it, though she tried to foist it off onto the other judges.  Victoria didn't look nearly as soft at auditions as she did in the episode.  Her shorts at the alumni class look like she knew she had to go up a size and accidentally went up two.

I hate the edit Dayton's getting.  While she may be struggling with some of the things, she's doing the best she can, but she's at least trying and putting her best effort into it.  The producers seem determined to compare Dayton and Victoria, all the while showing Dayton negatively (when she deserves so much better) and showing only positive things of Victoria.  That isn't cool and I'm really disliking the "legacy vs. legacy" competition.

I love the fact that Brennan is killing it out on the dance floor.  It looks like she worked on everything they mentioned last year and can now actually relax into performing, which can only help her.   GO BRENNAN!

I liked the fact that they showed Courtney Cook again and that she still had the bouncy curls.  She looks so good.  I love the fact that she's still dancing and has gone back to school (the University of Utah has an awesome dance program).  However, there was one other thing I noticed was that there was something off about her face, especially the eyes.  It makes me wonder if she had a medical reason (other than the rumored drug abuse or eating disorder) to leave camp.  Starting a new medicine or adjusting the routine could cause some of the symptoms we saw.  The nurses here could speculate on that better than I could, though.

Edited by EricaShadows
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I really like VK’s personality - she made me smile and laugh out loud almost every time she was shown in this episode.   She’s immature, but still very geniune and just bold and lighthearted.  Just how excited she was about Jason Garret, when I bet half the rookies had no idea who he even was until Kelli explained shows how much she wants the DCC.   She just needs reigned in a little, but she’s the opposite of boring and seems very fun to be around to me.

I’m sure there are some people that would find her annoying though, but oh well, I really like her.

Like I said above, I think her weight in her mid-section is her biggest issue as far as DCC goes.  Her dancing is a little wild, but that may improve w/ practice.

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9 hours ago, ByTor said:

IMO that's the problem, people are given hair styles based on what's popular and not on what looks good on them.

Amen, sister.


7 hours ago, Tarode said:

I thought the editing of her being late was overdone.

YES!!!  The makeovers became all about who was late. Not the makeovers.

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VK looks more than just soft in the tummy.  She has gained a lot of weight since auditions.  Anyone else would have had a tougher talk from Kelli.  I am always mystified how they can gain weight when they are dancing 3-4 hours a night.  Lends some credence to a medical issue but then there is probably the ladies eating after practice and not necessarily healthy.   Uniform fittings should be interesting.

Blonde Taylor is boring.........Kristin is asleep.

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4 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

VK looks more than just soft in the tummy.  She has gained a lot of weight since auditions.  Anyone else would have had a tougher talk from Kelli.  I am always mystified how they can gain weight when they are dancing 3-4 hours a night.  Lends some credence to a medical issue but then there is probably the ladies eating after practice and not necessarily healthy.   Uniform fittings should be interesting.

Blonde Taylor is boring.........Kristin is asleep.

For some, in terms of weight gain, its because the weight/size that the DCC expects/demands is not a natural weight for the girl's body.  your body will pretty much fight you against an unnaturally low weight, hence why many of the girls gain weight after leaving. still very slim, still fit, but a weight their body actually wants to be.  but yes, some of it, esp for those working or living further from the star, theyre going to be having less sleep, they're stressed by the process, their cortisol level rise which cause you to gain weight, they're probably eating late when they get home before bed because they're hungry after such a workout, again a risk for weight gain, there have been times in the past that girls that are working and driving a lot end up eating on the road, whatever they can pack that won't go bad int he car during the day and they cn easily eat while driving which caused at least one girl to go 'soft' in previous years and she was called into the office on it and told to eat better. and yeah, some are just young, and aren't used to having to have a good and strict diet routine

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2 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

VK looks more than just soft in the tummy.  She has gained a lot of weight since auditions.  Anyone else would have had a tougher talk from Kelli.  I am always mystified how they can gain weight when they are dancing 3-4 hours a night.  Lends some credence to a medical issue but then there is probably the ladies eating after practice and not necessarily healthy.   Uniform fittings should be interesting.

It's all about what she eats and in what amounts.  I doubt many of these girls are used to dancing so much every night.  They might dance just as long elsewhere, but not so much every night five days a week.  If there's truly a nutritionist at the Star (and if that person is available to the girls), the girls should really be taking advantage of that, but it doesn't seem that they do.  As for Victoria, she's probably not used to working out like that and is eating not only the wrong foods, but the wrong amounts.  If she was eating even the same as she was before, she would either maintain or lose, but she probably didn't eat much in the hours before practice and then ate a lot (and a lot of the wrong foods) afterwards, which would cause her to gain weight.

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8 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

It's all about what she eats and in what amounts.  I doubt many of these girls are used to dancing so much every night.  They might dance just as long elsewhere, but not so much every night five days a week.  If there's truly a nutritionist at the Star (and if that person is available to the girls), the girls should really be taking advantage of that, but it doesn't seem that they do.  As for Victoria, she's probably not used to working out like that and is eating not only the wrong foods, but the wrong amounts.  If she was eating even the same as she was before, she would either maintain or lose, but she probably didn't eat much in the hours before practice and then ate a lot (and a lot of the wrong foods) afterwards, which would cause her to gain weight.

Are we even sure she’s gained weight? I don’t remember her looking like she was in great shape at auditions. Maybe she was more covered up before? Again, honestly, I don’t know why this season is devoting so much time and energy (and excuses) to someone who seems wholly unqualified for her job. Except for nepotism. 

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I remember Judy saying something about the girls stopping at the drive through after rehearsals. I can see how that would be really easy to do. It sounds like they are focusing more on overall health this season. Hypothetical - why don't they do a workshop on prepping and have the girls prep their post-rehearsal snack/mini meal? If they all did it together, it would be fun. I know I'd follow that hashtag on Instagram ?

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17 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Are we even sure she’s gained weight? I don’t remember her looking like she was in great shape at auditions. Maybe she was more covered up before? Again, honestly, I don’t know why this season is devoting so much time and energy (and excuses) to someone who seems wholly unqualified for her job. Except for nepotism. 

I remember looking back at some of her auditions pictures when pictures of this episode came out and she HAS gained some weight.  I don't know how many pounds she's gained, but it's something.  She looked fluffy at auditions, not bad, but not as thin as the DCC would like her to be.  In this episode (and from some of the stills of her), her midsection has filled out as has her face (well, more than it already was).  I suspect Victoria was hungrier due to the increased cardio and upped her caloric intake (most of it was probably eating the wrong food in the wrong amounts) which caused her to gain weight.  If she was eating the same things in the same amounts as she was before Training Camp, she would be either maintaining the weight or losing it, not gaining weight.

Edited by EricaShadows
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On 8/31/2018 at 5:24 PM, PBSLover said:

I believe Rachel (Miss America) just isn’t that strong of a dancer...yet. She doesn’t have the self confidence or power...yet. But I like her. It’s surprising that she is a bit shy/quiet considering she must have been doing the pageant circuit for a long time. All the other girls that have come in from the pageant world have been pretty sure of themselves. Maybe she knows she’s not a great dancer so she comes across as a bit dull because she doesn’t want to bring attention to herself. It will be interesting to see if she flourishes.

Also, I love that TPTB listened to us and are featuring alumni on the show. 

I think Rachel is just very careful with her words.  For whatever people here think about the Miss America pageant lol, Rachel is a Big Deal in that world.  Like, if Savvy Shields hadn't been able to finish her duties, RACHEL was next up!! Like, next in line to be Miss America, not Miss Little Hickory Tractor Show 2017.  Her accomplishments in the pageant circuit are pretty amazing. So I don't think she has issues with confidence or being sure of herself, I think she realizes that what she says and does is still a reflection of more than just her and her family.  She is more aware than a lot of girls her age how important your words are and even how things can be edited out of context.  My impression is that she figures if she comes across boring on MTT, that's the least offensive way to be misconstrued by viewers lol  Because I'm a creeper I've read a lot of her comments on the other girls' SM and she seems to have a great sense of humor.  Sorry to stan so hard, I just have really 'researched' her and I adore her.  I can only dream of being that accomplished and well rounded. 

I'm ONLY surprised by her posture thing because that is so odd for someone as technically proficient as her.  While she def needs the 'Kashara power' yet, she IS an incredible dancer.  Need to find the full clip of her solo on youtube, the big I saw on IG is beautiful.  Oh and I agree with some others that she DOES resemble Megan B in looks.  Megan B was beautiful too. 

Also, I know you weren't the only one talking about Rachel, I just saw your comment most recently so replied to it lol. 

 Oh and someone mentioned Malena being short, I actually think she is pretty tall? 

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1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

I remember looking back at some of her auditions pictures when pictures of this episode came out and she HAS gained some weight.  I don't know if it's up to 15 pounds of weight, but it's something.  She looked fluffy at auditions, not bad, but not as thin as the DCC would like her to be.  In this episode (and from some of the stills of her), her midsection has filled out as has her face (well, more than it already was).  I suspect Victoria was hungrier due to the increased cardio and upped her caloric intake (most of it was probably eating the wrong food in the wrong amounts) which caused her to gain weight.  If she was eating the same things in the same amounts as she was before Training Camp, she would be either maintaining the weight or losing it, not gaining weight.

Back when I skated, we had it drummed into us 'you cannot run away from a bad diet' which basically meant its super easy to say 'hey, I'll have a burger, I can just do five miles more on the treadmill' but in the end, that's not going to be enough, no matter how much exercise you do, if your diet isn't in line with it, you'll never get the results you want/even end up gaining weight because its so easy to fall into trap of thinking just a little more exercise will burn it off/justify it, esp if its a regular thing

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I’m super late to the party, but after watching this episode for the 3rd time, I am so underwhelmed by Dayton.  She is seriously a baby in a 18/19? year old’s body.  A total little girl.  Not mature enough to be punctual and too many tears and dependence on mommy.  She MAY make it in a couple years.  Maybe when she’s around 20 or 21.  For now, absolutely not.  I’m willing to bet she is not a DCC this year.

Victoria (Tina Kolina(sp?)) daughter.  Very cute and bubbly.  I love her personality and bright smile but I also doubt she makes it this year.  She looks messy.  She also needs a little time to mature and she need to get serious about being an athlete.  No more whataburgers and late night milkshakes. 

Edited by ReneeK
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14 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

Dayton just turned 21 a few days ago.

Oh wow.  Well, 21 is still very young.  I didn’t really become somewhat mature or personally responsible until I was 25.  Dayton is a late bloomer as well.

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2 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

Back when I skated, we had it drummed into us 'you cannot run away from a bad diet' which basically meant its super easy to say 'hey, I'll have a burger, I can just do five miles more on the treadmill' but in the end, that's not going to be enough, no matter how much exercise you do, if your diet isn't in line with it, you'll never get the results you want/even end up gaining weight because its so easy to fall into trap of thinking just a little more exercise will burn it off/justify it, esp if its a regular thing

this is going up on my fridge, along with "don't cheat when you eat!" ?

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3 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

 Like, next in line to be Miss America, not Miss Little Hickory Tractor Show 2017. 

You may not have intended that to be hilarious when you wrote it, but I'm alone in my house right now and let out a huge bark of laughter. That's a title I just might be able to compete for!

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19 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

any trained stylist can give you what's popular, a good stylist will take what you've asked for or a picture you've used as an example and take that as inspiration and make it work on your face shape and length. 


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11 hours ago, ReneeK said:

I’m super late to the party, but after watching this episode for the 3rd time, I am so underwhelmed by Dayton.  She is seriously a baby in a 18/19? year old’s body.  A total little girl.  Not mature enough to be punctual and too many tears and dependence on mommy.  She MAY make it in a couple years.  Maybe when she’s around 20 or 21.  For now, absolutely not.  I’m willing to bet she is not a DCC this year.

Victoria (Tina Kolina(sp?)) daughter.  Very cute and bubbly.  I love her personality and bright smile but I also doubt she makes it this year.  She looks messy.  She also needs a little time to mature and she need to get serious about being an athlete.  No more whataburgers and late night milkshakes. 


If anyone is dependent on mommy, I would say Victoria falls under the category more than Dayton does. She is a lot more mature than a few people I know.

Edited by bigskygirl
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Finally saw this week's episode. My thoughts:

  • Such a pretty group of rookie candidates. Briana has a really bright, pretty smile. Lily and Lindsey are both adorable.
  • Jasmine's tights are always a weird color. I thought they all wore suntan. They don't look weird on Malena, Briana, or Ashlee. Just Jasmine.
  • Jalyn's hair is the same too-bright too-orange color they did on Claire. It didn't work for Claire and it works even less on Jalyn. I don't understand how that's any better than her prior red. At least the other color made her eyes pop. I'm glad they didn't do anything drastic to Hannah.
  • Rachel Wyatt doesn't seem stiff or expressionless to me. She seems composed and speaks well which I would expect from someone with her training. I like her very much. She does need more punch in her dancing though.
  • When the group leaders where announced and Maddie did her talking head, she looked really pretty
  • I thought Bridgette was about to flash her knickers when she was walking into the salon. That wrap skirt parted and almost showed us something.
  • When they brought Taylor Tauss into the office, the only thing I could focus on was how much black eyeliner everyone in that room was wearing.
  • I would like to see a segment where they show everyone how to do makeup for game day, appearances, and everyday. I always assumed they did that around the same time as the hair salon, but it must not have happened yet because Taylor T and Victoria's eye makeup is still way too heavy. Malena's makeup doesn't suit her at all. Too-light concealer under the eyes and too-light lipstick.
  • I agreed with everything Kelli said to Dayton. But I hope what we saw of her conversation with Victoria was a small excerpt that didn't represent the overall content of that conversation, because her critique came off as mild suggestions, not the dead serious "you need to fix this. now." tone that she uses with everyone else.
Edited by sleepyjean
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23 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I watch with my daughter and I mentioned I know nothing about her.  She said she was the one who did jump split at the wrong time in previous season.  

She doesn’t have the DCC look at all.  There are actually 2 non-DCC look GLs this year between her and Maddie/Madeline.

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I think the DCC look starts at "very pretty" and goes up from there. It isn't and has never been a team of only gorgeous glam girls. There have always been Maddies, the girls who are peppy and cute as a button. The very first one was the girl famous in the 70s for wearing her hair in two pony tails tied with perky blue bows, and every year since they have had girls fill that niche. That, along with attractive/wholesome/approachable pretty, which is how I'd categorize Amy, IS in my opinion, very much part of the DCC look.

It's the whole "a girl for every fan" thing that has been referenced here before. It's not meant for any one individual fan to think every person on the team is drop dead gorgeous. It's for every fan to think (a) overall this is a team of very attractive women, and (b) a few of them are amazing-looking. But what looks "amazing" is different for each of us, as these boards have proven. I think they hit that nail on the head every single  year.

It has taken me YEARS on these boards to finally "get it" that just because a cheerleader doesn't appeal to MY definition of beautiful, it doesn't mean she isn't beautiful in the eyes of many others. And vice versa. Every single person on the team has tons of fans who think she's gorgeous and fits right in. Every single one.

Edited by sleepyjean
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On 9/1/2018 at 1:30 PM, Mardo2044 said:

I watch with my daughter and I mentioned I know nothing about her.  She said she was the one who did jump split at the wrong time in previous season.  

Do you remember when that was? Or does anyone else? 

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Although I have a bias loyalty to last year's rookies, I think this year's rookies are much stronger in many ways. A lot of them (except for a couple) are full packages - beauty, pose, and powerful dancers.

But I would also note that there was, to say the least, A LOT of drama and chaos last season - Holly, Jenna, DCC exits, HOF, The Star,  Christmas ... And last year's rookies who remained handle everything flawlessly and professionally. I applaud their strength and resilience.

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3 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Finally saw this week's episode. My thoughts:

  • Such a pretty group of rookie candidates. Briana has a really bright, pretty smile. Lily and Lindsey are both adorable.
  • Jasmine's tights are always a weird color. I thought they all wore suntan. They don't look weird on Malena, Briana, or Ashlee. Just Jasmine.
  • Jalyn's hair is the same too-bright too-orange color they did on Claire. It didn't work for Claire and it works even less on Jalyn. I don't understand how that's any better than her prior red. At least the other color made her eyes pop. I'm glad they didn't do anything drastic to Hannah.
  • Rachel Wyatt doesn't seem stiff or expressionless to me. She seems composed and speaks well which I would expect from someone with her training. I like her very much. She does need more punch in her dancing though.
  • When the group leaders where announced and Maddie did her talking head, she looked really pretty
  • I thought Bridgette was about to flash her knickers when she was walking into the salon. That wrap skirt parted and almost showed us something.
  • When they brought Taylor Tauss into the office, the only thing I could focus on was how much black eyeliner everyone in that room was wearing.
  • I would like to see a segment where they show everyone how to do makeup for game day, appearances, and everyday. I always assumed they did that around the same time as the hair salon, but it must not have happened yet because Taylor T and Victoria's eye makeup is still way too heavy. Malena's makeup doesn't suit her at all. Too-light concealer under the eyes and too-light lipstick.
  • I agreed with everything Kelli said to Dayton. But I hope what we saw of her conversation with Victoria was a small excerpt that didn't represent the overall content of that conversation, because her critique came off as mild suggestions, not the dead serious "you need to fix this. now." tone that she uses with everyone else.

I was just going to post about how VK and Malena's makeup just doesn't look good on them. I'm no makeup expert but if it doesn't enhance what you are working with and doesn't hide what you want it too then you aren't doing it right IMO

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37 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I think Kelli meant Dayton's irresponsibility is a burden because she is a legacy. In that context I didn't think it was harsh because other girls would have been cut for being late to makeovers. 

I agree. She didn't mean Dayton herself is a burden, but that a legacy will always come with certain kinds of baggage such as the weight of expectations, the relationship between her mother and the DCC leadership, the additional scrutiny from those on the lookout for favoritism, the difficulty of setting personal feelings aside, personal relationships with the candidates themselves, etc. And if the legacy is being sloppy in whatever way, that makes all of that a lot more difficult to contend with.

Edited by sleepyjean
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9 minutes ago, Stephieg84 said:

Both Amy’s were rookies the same year. I’m assuming the OP is referring to Amy L. I just don’t remember her messing up the jump split 

When they rehearse before the game, they aren't supposed to do full splits and she just about jumped into them, probably out of habit.

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10 minutes ago, mmm said:

I would rather someone be too loud then be like 95% of DCC with ZERO personality. 

To me too loud is as bad as too timid or quiet, which they have cut girls for. Either extreme is not beneficial to the team, the girls need to be within the same range to look like a team when performing.

Too loud also seems immature and unprofessional in this job context.

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1 hour ago, Stephieg84 said:

Both Amy’s were rookies the same year. I’m assuming the OP is referring to Amy L. I just don’t remember her messing up the jump split 

Amy L last year on the field during practice   I don't recall if it was before or after the team was announced.

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On 8/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, Mardo2044 said:

It's been discussed.  Some are former vets that the show either does not want to display/advertise or can't due to pending legal issues.  Those big full picture shots are expensive and take a while to replace. They'll probably do it After cameos for this season.  ( After the whole Ryan Lochte debockle at the Olympics, my daughter's swim club took 4 months to replace his full body pose on our building.)

Is it 100% confirmed that those are former vets? Seems silly that you have literally thousands and thousands of photos and you can’t find ANY that doesn’t feature someone on your shit list? No, not likely. They are blurred either because the photos were taken with a short depth of field, and were naturally blurry, or two giant faces is already distracting and weird, and adding partial faces feels really odd. 

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1 hour ago, Collette1104 said:

Is it 100% confirmed that those are former vets? Seems silly that you have literally thousands and thousands of photos and you can’t find ANY that doesn’t feature someone on your shit list? No, not likely. They are blurred either because the photos were taken with a short depth of field, and were naturally blurry, or two giant faces is already distracting and weird, and adding partial faces feels really odd. 

I think you are right. Screen shots from episode 4:




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Of the three photos in my post above, first photo is Maddie. Second does not have any randomly blurred out cheerleaders. Third photo looks like Jessica maybe. I haven't found that one. I'm not sure who is blurred out in front of her, but it's a depth of field issue, as you noted, same as the photo below, with whoever is behind Maddie.



UPDATE: This photo is from July 2017...before everything went down last year.  It was blurry then and it's still blurry now. It isn't a matter of certain cheerleaders being deliberately obscured this season.  Like Collette said, it's shallow depth of field - the subject of the photo (Kinzie) is in focus, but the people in the foreground and background are blurred, which is to be expected in this type of photography.


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10 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

I agree. She didn't mean Dayton herself is a burden, but that a legacy will always come with certain kinds of baggage such as the weight of expectations, the relationship between her mother and the DCC leadership, the additional scrutiny from those on the lookout for favoritism, the difficulty of setting personal feelings aside, personal relationships with the candidates themselves, etc.

yet she never mentions the burden of VK and her not brushing her hair or being soft and getting softer&therefore ignoring what she was told at auditions, or interrupting all the time (judy's little headshake was interesting when VK just interruted Kelli to ask which vet to go to) or how completely differently Kelli acts with VK int he office than any other girl, or the fact she was basically trying to hold back tears about having to call VK on a few things...the favouritism is already there and it is way too blatant that Dayton is getting her share of Kelli trying not to be biased AND Vk's. Seriously comes across to me like Kelli is overdoing being hard on Dayton to make up for being way too light on VK

9 hours ago, rose711 said:

To me too loud is as bad as too timid or quiet, which they have cut girls for. Either extreme is not beneficial to the team, the girls need to be within the same range to look like a team when performing.

Too loud also seems immature and unprofessional in this job context.

agree. to me, too loud feels immature in a 'look at me look at me look at me'' kind of way. feels desperate for attention and thats not something I find remotely attractive in any context especially a work environment.  Being loud and outgoing is not the same as having personality. you can be quiet and shy and still have a gret and interesting personality.  being loud is just being loud

Edited by CaseyRe
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