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S20.E28: Power of Veto #9

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August 29, 2018

Fessy and Haleigh, the two BB star-crossed lovers, are awaiting their fate as the two nominees for eviction. Will either win the power of veto? If one of them does, will that house guest use the veto on him- or herself or in a bold move, save the other?

Wait and see!!

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So Rocket Scientist Angela says as she picks the veto players:  "It's important we stack this competition with as many Level 6 players as we can to keep Hayleigh and Fessy on the block".  I look around and all I see is Level 6 players except for Hayleigh and Fessy.

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22 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

So Rocket Scientist Angela says as she picks the veto players:  "It's important we stack this competition with as many Level 6 players as we can to keep Hayleigh and Fessy on the block".  I look around and all I see is Level 6 players except for Hayleigh and Fessy.

Rachel and Winston are gone.  Sam and JC were never officially Level 6.

Watching dooFes talk to JC while the shower is constantly running bugs the crap outta me.  Stop wasting water!  FUF!!

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That veto competition took up a huge chunk of the show.  I guess we're at the point in the season where there's no footage, so they have to actually show us the comps in detail.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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Words I never thought I would say, I feel bad that fessy didn't win that! Just ONE more squid!!!!! 

Eta why is Brett moving in on Hayleigh? Just so unnecessary. 

Edited by JD5166
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Ok, first of all Haleigh, you are not one of the worst Big Brother players in history. You’re an excellent Big Brother player. You just got saddled with one of the worst Big Brother players in history. Secondly, Fessy and his caveman attitude can stfu forever. Ugh! Seeing him lose to Kaycee by one point was so satisfying.

I’m a little baffled about the dynamics in the house this season. Not only did nobody know about L6, Brett didn’t know Haleigh and Fessy were in a showmance? Was he being serious? Do people in the house really not know? I don’t know if the houseguests this season are amazing at keeping things secret or if they’re all just really bad at noticing things.

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23 minutes ago, JD5166 said:

Words I never thought I would say, I feel bad that fessy didn't win that! Just ONE more squid!!!!! 

Eta why is Brett moving in on Hayleigh? Just so unnecessary. 

If he makes it to the end, she’s a potential vote 

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Why was everyone freaking out about the idea of Sam playing in Veto? Ain't like she's gonna win, c'mon.


I LOVED Fessy losing by one point...to a GIRL! (even if she's a pro football player.)


Fessy continues to be just such a...dick. God Forbid Haleigh talk to anyone but him. God forbid she actually PLAY the game. 

Although, I don't see why HE'S the target. Haleigh is much more of a strategic and social threat, IMO. 

25 minutes ago, JD5166 said:


Eta why is Brett moving in on Hayleigh? Just so unnecessary. 

Brett and Haleigh have had cuddle sessions like that before, so it's not completely out of left field. And, IMO, she always appears much more lively and flirtatious with him than she ever has wth Fessy. If Haleigh stays, she could win HOH next. Brett is just thinking ahead, as he should. 

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Thanks Mr.  BB for warning us of the impending Fayleigh drollery.  They have the same fight over and over again.

Nice recap of their road to perdition.

Not sure if they are the worst BB players ever, but up there.

Sam loves Fessy and she hates Hay. but they really don't need her vote this week.

I like evil Angela.  

I really want JC gone, but a week of him on the block will be hard to watch.  DE please!

Fessy actually made sense in the shower, but JC isn't going to buy it.

It doesn't matter if either one comes off the block, L6 has the votes to evict the other one.  Nobody is flipping this week.

Hay had no other choice but to pick Sam.  Tyler or Brett wouldn't use the Veto.

wth?  Did they get this challenge from a Fear Factor reject?

That was nasty.  

Well, the not-so-happy couple is doomed.

Fuck You Fessy!  Hay needs to try and win the game and not just hang out with you.  Idiot.  She needs to get as far away from you as possible.  She won't crack L6, but she has to at least try. 

Undercover Brett smells the desperation and moves right in.  This little hammock party could send Fessy over the edge.  heh heh.

We don't need this Battle Back.  Whoever returns is not going to last.

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So Fessy is not only a big moron. He's a big baby too!

Waaa! Haleigh wants to go play the game and save herself and won't snuggle with me.

Grow the fuck up Moron!  Fessy would have saved us all a lot of aggravation if he had just gone on The Bachelor instead.

In other news, Brett is smooth. Peanut can catch balls in the rain, and I could tell production was proud of themselves with that elaborate veto setup. I thought it was a collective "meh" though.

And I have nothing in common with Sam except I would agree it's not smart to catch things with your mouth when you don't know where they've been.

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1 hour ago, GalvDuck said:

Rachel and Winston are gone.  Sam and JC were never officially Level 6.

Watching dooFes talk to JC while the shower is constantly running bugs the crap outta me.  Stop wasting water!  FUF!!

Maybe the water gives him magical powers, because he made more sense there than at any point in the game. He made JC truly ponder something he said. I don’t remember seeing that happen before. 


I liked Fessy and Haleigh the most I have yet in the scene when they’re laughing at themselves for how bad their gameplay has been. Although, Fessy, your gameplay has been actively bad. Haleigh’s HoH was torpedoed by the Hacker. Her biggest mistake, as others have said, was sticking with Fessy. 


My favorite moment was right at the beginning, when Mr Narrator referred to the Fessy/Haleigh showmance as “Fail-ey.” Okay, it probably would be spelled “Faleigh” but I prefer my version.

Edited by Kris117
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39 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Just one more tennis ball. Or even one more big 1 point ba would have tied.

I call BS on that. FuF had a way more full basket. 

He was the only one to catch a bunch of the first large balls so he had a lot of balls but not enough squids.

And of course this is the Faysal way... come as close to winning as possible before defeat comes and smacks you down into the mud one more time. You've got feel for the dude, can't get out of his own way.

And Hay, you didn't "screw up" your hacker or HoH you got screwed by "twists" Faysal screwed up of his own accord. It's not 'cute' that you are the biggest Big Brother screw-up ever and don't try to pull Hay down to your level. She's been doing the right things beside figuring out long ago she should have jettisoned your fat ass.

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Wow, that Veto comp was not nearly as interesting as they thought it was.

How is all of level 6 not thinking about sub-alliances at this point? When "the other side" gets so decimated, they don't become enemies, they become numbers, if you want to make a move. I mean, is nobody in there thinking what happens if JC or Sam wins HoH (other than Tyler)? Or do they think they'll all take shots at each other instead?

Level 6 is reminding me of the Friendship -- mindless moves to help "the herd" and nobody thinking about their own games except Tyler and maybe Brett. Somebody -- anybody -- please, make a move, take a shot, do something that shows me you're not all comfortable going out in fourth place. At least Paul had multiple options at this point in the game last year -- it wasn't nearly as cut-and-dried. They do realize only one of them can get the money, right? They can't split it four ways. I feel like that's passed Angela and Kaycee by.

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It is a tie tonight who is stupider.

The person who put together the preview that showed a fight...completely sapping any suspense for the Veto comp as if Hay or Fess would win because when the fight didn't happen by the time it started of course neither would win or there wouldn't be a fit.


Fessy...he was NOT thinking of the big picture by freezing out Haleigh. What he is too stupid to realize is they are both doomed and probably in a week time they are going to be in a semi-vacation mode in a house with NO cameras. If he really wants to get down with her he should have just bided his time until they are together in the jury house.

Fessy really is the most losingest loser who ever lost. Shout out to one of my favorite childhood Saturday cartoons...Fessy is the reincarnation of Bad Luck Schleprock from Pebbles and Bamm Bamm. He's yabba dabba dum.

Brett is such an F'ing scumbag....that was world class low trying to swoop in on Hay BEFORE Fessy is out of the house. That's the kind of thing in the real world that gets your ass kicked. 

Please don't let Scotti win the Battle Back...anyone else would bring some spice back in the house but until his final week he was all but invisible and was as bland as a vanilla sandwich. It would be a waste of a slot  (even if its for a week because the person has no chance of staying barring a HOH win).

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3 hours ago, Lamima said:

Just one more tennis ball. Or even one more big 1 point ba would have tied.

I call BS on that. FuF had a way more full basket. 

He got some of those stupid big balls that only counted as 1 point.  Meanwhile Kaycee got more 3 point squishies.  She won fair and square though Fessy has a hard problem with a mere, lowly female beating him.


1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

How is all of level 6 not thinking about sub-alliances at this point? When "the other side" gets so decimated, they don't become enemies, they become numbers, if you want to make a move. I mean, is nobody in there thinking what happens if JC or Sam wins HoH (other than Tyler)? Or do they think they'll all take shots at each other instead?

Level 6 is reminding me of the Friendship -- mindless moves to help "the herd" and nobody thinking about their own games except Tyler and maybe Brett. Somebody -- anybody -- please, make a move, take a shot, do something that shows me you're not all comfortable going out in fourth place. At least Paul had multiple options at this point in the game last year -- it wasn't nearly as cut-and-dried. They do realize only one of them can get the money, right? They can't split it four ways. I feel like that's passed Angela and Kaycee by.

I am sure they all are thinking about when Level 6 breaks up.  But there is no need to show us that info until that times gets reached in the game. 

Also the last thing they should do is break apart too early.  We have seen strong alliances break apart too early in the past on Survivor say and it never works out well in the end.  You can NOT leave too many from the decimated side around to become powerful swing votes.  You have to wait until they are pretty much all out.  When it gets down to one Hive member left which -- if it isn't for this stupid battle-back they keep announcing -- would be this coming week when someone could have made the first move ... well that is soon enough or maybe still too soon. 

But I'm sure every single remaining person in the House right now knows a battle-back is coming up because in recent years there has always been a chance to return whether from the first 4 out (which didn't happen this season) OR the first 4 jury members.  Add in the fact that Kaitlyn screwed up the way to keep the numbers in the house up a few weeks ago on that simpleton puzzle she freaked out over so it is a no brainer this week is a battle-back.  They don't need to be told that like we have been told by Julie last week and reminded with by that idiotic BB voice this episode.

And Level 6 knows it will be an anti-L6 person returning by definition as in one of Bay/Rockstar/Scottie along with Fessy if the target remains on him or Hay otherwise.  So if they broke their alliance apart by "making a move" this week then both Fessy/Hay would still be in the House plus a 3 out of 4 possibility that a Hive player returns as well.  Level 6 would stand at Level 3 at that point and the Hive would have even numbers with the fate of the season falling into the grubby little hands of JC and the crazy little mind of Sam.

Edited by green
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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Brett is such an F'ing scumbag....that was world class low trying to swoop in on Hay BEFORE Fessy is out of the house. That's the kind of thing in the real world that gets your ass kicked.

Huh?  So Brett wants to play the game and Fessy wants to sulk (aka "make it") with his "woman folk."  So shot Brett already ... not.

Also Fessy put Brett on the block last week because he was already jealous that Hay likes to hang out with Brett a lot as well as Scottie.  Hay has the right to hang out with any male of her choosing and she really likes Brett a lot so no, Fessy can't chain up his "chattel" and control her.   Just no a thousand times over.

And if you look at that scene Brett saw Hay crying and asked what was wrong and even asked if he should leave but she said no and made room on the hammock for him.  She wanted him.  He is more than happy to be both a nice guy in comforting her and play the game at the same time.  Fessy should take lessons from Brett on how a male should behave on a national TV reality show.

Hay has not been a good player in the game at all.  She just looks better compared to the rest of the Hive.  But she could have probably hidden herself inside of Level 6 if she just had been a better judge of character early in the game.

Edited by green
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I really hope they do evict Fessie on Thurs. and not Haleigh. I know she has about a 1 % chance of going any more than one more week, but at least she will try something-- fessie will not or he will do something stupid or believe something stupid that's he's told,etc. The main word being "Stupid". I'm a little afraid that the house will be smart and evict her instead, the way they played it tonight seems like a fakeout. I hope I'm wrong !

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2 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

That veto competition took up a huge chunk of the show.  I guess we're at the point in the season where there's no footage, so they have to actually show us the comps in detail.

As per usual, there is plenty of interesting footage. TPTB just choose not to use it. #feedsjunkie

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2 hours ago, Lamima said:

Just one more tennis ball. Or even one more big 1 point ba would have tied.

I call BS on that. FuF had a way more full basket. 

Yeah, but Kaycee got more of the squids, which were worth 3 points each.  

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They might as well have just let Kaycee and Fessy play that veto comp. Kinda boring to me.

Do the houseguests officially know about the Battle Back or do they just suspect it at this point? It'd be funny if Fessy got back in. Hopefully it'll be some kind of mental challenge instead of a physical one.

This is the part of the season where I usually start telling myself I'm never going to watch another season of Big Brother. The smugness quotient is hitting my red zone. I'm ready for Level 6 to start going after each other.

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1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

They can't split it four ways. I feel like that's passed Angela and Kaycee by.

I don’t know about Angela but Kaycee & Tyler have a final 2 deal and, according to their DRs, both plan on being loyal to each other. Brett seems to be more hedging his bets, like he’ll switch up his strategy/alliance depending on who ends up in power. 


19 minutes ago, green said:

And if you look at that scene Brett saw Hay crying and asked what was wrong and even asked if he should leave but she said no and made room on the hammock for him.  She wanted him.  He is more than happy to be both a nice guy in comforting her and play the game at the same time. 

There have been quite a few times when Brett has shown genuine kindness when someone was upset. And he showed incredible patience and restraint that week when Rockstar did her pots & pans crap. There’s so much more to him than the Douche Bro he appeared to be when Winston was around. (Winston, on the hand, had no sense of humour and was a genuine Douche Bro.) 

The squid part of the Veto comp was nasty! I wonder if they even wiped those things off in between rounds or if they just went straight from mouth to floor to someone else’s mouth.

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27 minutes ago, green said:

Huh?  So Brett wants to play the game and Fessy wants to sulk (aka "make it") with his "woman folk."  So shot Brett already ... not.



Nah, there is gameplay and then there is being a scumbag. That's being a scumbag. Brett is right up there with those last season that did their damndest to destroy the REAL relationship that was forming between Jess and Cody as "game play" . Well there is a line that you don't cross and they crossed it and failed miserably (Congrats to JODY) and Brett is of the same lowclass ilk.

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17 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They might as well have just let Kaycee and Fessy play that veto comp. Kinda boring to me

Given the comedy of errors that is production this season, what are the chances that the veto was a set-up for semi (?) pro football player Fessy to win, only to have fellow football player Kaycee randomly picked for veto and taking the comp?  

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22 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Nah, there is gameplay and then there is being a scumbag. That's being a scumbag. Brett is right up there with those last season that did their damndest to destroy the REAL relationship that was forming between Jess and Cody as "game play" . Well there is a line that you don't cross and they crossed it and failed miserably (Congrats to JODY) and Brett is of the same lowclass ilk.

Huh???  So Hay couldn't invite Brett to join her in the hammock because she is already Fessy's property?  Hay can be with any damn person she wants to be with and it is none of Fessy's business.

Brett and Hay were together for 5 hours in the hammock a number of weeks ago while Fessy stewed and stalked and sputtered looking out the glass doors endlessly.  Fessy, slavery has been abolished in this country for some years and you do NOT own Hay.

It is not wrong for Hay wanting to stay in the game and play it or hang out with Brett who she always seems to be far more comfortable with since pretty much the beginning.  But Brett refused to play the showmance stuff and always stayed away from it.  He even said that you park "it" inside your pants for the hundred days when you come on BB.  Something the total opposite of where creepy Fessy has wanted to park his since day one.  Fessy is the scary, over the top predator.  Brett has remained the gentleman and has always kept it platonic.

And not only did Brett NOT push himself on Hay ... a part of my post I see you chose to ignore here even though it is on record right in the video.   But Brett even asked it she was in a "showmance" and Hay said no. 

Also showmances are stupid, idiotic, immature exhibitionist stuff anyway.  Hay is right in her DR sessions to worry about how stupid she looks on national TV and how she doesn't want her father to see this stuff.  This summer's videos will follow her around for the rest of her life and I think she already deeply regrets it to a point.

Edited by green
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8 minutes ago, green said:


And not only did Brett NOT push himself on Hay ... a part of my post I see you chose to ignore here even though it is on record right in the video.   But Brett even asked it she was in a "showmance" and Hay said no. 



You don't seriously believe that he was genuine when asking about her being in a showmance. It's a small house with a limited number of people in it. How would he not know...the guy lies like a rug. (see all his speeches on eviction night) Clearly, he was feigning not knowing so he could "look like a good guy" and not a jerk moving in knowing Fessy will be out of the picture. I'll give you that Hay shouldn't encourage  him but the bottom line is Fessy and Hay clearly have some ill-defined thing going (also see the video of her kissing him in bed) and its low to try and make a move like that...especially when you have other women who don't have the murky ties like Fess and Hay that are available like Samantha if he's just looking to get busy. He's loathsome. Sorry, guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

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1 minute ago, North of Eden said:

You don't seriously believe that he was genuine when asking about her being in a showmance. It's a small house with a limited number of people in it. How would he not know...the guy lies like a rug. (see all his speeches on eviction night) Clearly, he was feigning not knowing so he could "look like a good guy" and not a jerk moving in knowing Fessy will be out of the picture. I'll give you that Hay shouldn't encourage  him but the bottom line is Fessy and Hay clearly have some ill-defined thing going (also see the video of her kissing him in bed) and its low to try and make a move like that...especially when you have other women who don't have the murky ties like Fess and Hay that are available like Samantha if he's just looking to get busy. He's loathsome. Sorry, guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

That is just it.  Brett is NOT looking to "get busy."  He is here to play BB.  Only Fessy is looking to "get busy" and keeps ignoring Hay's "no."

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3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ok, first of all Haleigh, you are not one of the worst Big Brother players in history. You’re an excellent Big Brother player. You just got saddled with one of the worst Big Brother players in history.

She saddled herself with one of the worst BB players in history. That's all on her, as far as I'm concerned. 

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47 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yeah, but Kaycee got more of the squids, which were worth 3 points each.  

Plus Kaycee appeared to be pretty damn close to 100% on the 2-point tennis balls, where Fessy let at least a few slip by.

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42 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They might as well have just let Kaycee and Fessy play that veto comp. Kinda boring to me.

But duuuuude this super slow-mo we have set up for this comp will be eppppppppic!! People are going to talk about this being the coolest comp evar!

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Fessy may be a big barrel of stupid, but I appreciated his not forgetting how big a mistake Hacker Haleigh made by putting Kaycee in that Veto instead of him.  I mean, it made sense that the Hacker, whoever they are, would want to defend their nomination by putting the strongest possible player in the comp; trying to "hide" by choosing Kaycee was just dumb.

It would be nice if they didn't edit the show so severely that the comps aren't shown properly.  In the aired footage, Fessy outscored Kaycee, 23-22:

Kaycee:  0 big balls (@1) + 5 tennis balls (@2) + 4 squid (@3) =22

Fessy: 3 big balls (@1) + 7 tennis balls (@2) + 2 squid (@3) =23

Except that's not all there was to the comp.  Lying liars.  Grrr.

I hope Haleigh has the sense to use her hammock snuggle time with Brett to plant the seeds about how Tyler and Angela consider him and Kaycee disposable.  Even if "Tangela" (oh, barf) never had any intention of honoring their deal with "Fayleigh" and even if they told Brett this so they could all laugh at Fessy behind his back (did they actually do this, though?  I don't remember seeing anything like this), the practical effect is still that if Haleigh had won HoH (and remember, she only missed by 3 points), she would have protected her "allies" by going after Brett/Kaycee (and maybe Sam).  Tyler and Angela threw Brett and Kaycee under the bus, to save their own asses. 

Which makes a certain amount of sense, given that Haleigh had targeted T/A previously, but if I were Brett, I wouldn't be happy about it, even so.  So it definitely behooves Haleigh to get Brett thinking about this, about how disposable the "lone shark" may be to the rest of L4.

Heck, did Tangela even tell Brett about the "showmance alliance" at all?  Or did they just keep that up their sleeves, what Brett doesn't know won't hurt him, etc?  Curious to know.

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

But duuuuude this super slow-mo we have set up for this comp will be eppppppppic!! People are going to talk about this being the coolest comp evar!

I have to say that the effect made it hard for me to tell what the first set of day-glo green balls really looked like. Until Fessy caught one and I could see it, it looked as if the veto players were trying to grab some kind of glowing miasma from out of the sky. 


Fessy seems to think that any hope of having a relationship with Haleigh after the game is heavily dependent upon her glueing herself to his hip for their final two days together. I hope his pouting shows her once and for all that when the game is over she should run very far away. 

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16 minutes ago, Kris117 said:

I have to say that the effect made it hard for me to tell what the first set of day-glo green balls really looked like. Until Fessy caught one and I could see it, it looked as if the veto players were trying to grab some kind of glowing miasma from out of the sky. 

Yeah, Production was overdoing it with the CGI tonight.  Same with the spaceships firing the 3-point “Calamartians” at the HGs - the spaceships were just more post-production-added CGI.  If you look at one of the camera shots right before Hay starts Phase 3, you can see the clear plastic tube Production was using to deliver the little Squidworths.

Have to admit, though - I did get a kick out of “Globba the Gut”.  ;)

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I guess Kaycee thinks she's hilarious with her "psych!" DR.  I'm glad there's one person who finds her interesting, even if it's only herself. She's still a walking cure for insomnia, from my POV.

And how far does Grodner have her tongue up Tyler's ass, anyway?  He was completely irrelevant to the episode (did he even get a DR before the very end?) and then all of a sudden he gets the final DR of the show, cackling and gloating about literally doing nothing (ie, not using his power).  Wow, drama!  Honestly, there would have been more point in spotlighting Sam, ffs.

Wow, all that App Store voting really made a difference, didn't it?  Sam didn't want to use her power, and when it defaulted to someone else, Kaitlyn blew the puzzle.  Tyler never used his App, and Bayleigh was evicted before she could use hers.  Game-changers, indeed.

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Haleigh got a lot of DR sessions this episode and her frequent eyerolls were getting on my nerves. It's what she does when she tells Julie how iconic she is. Guess she's uncomfortable one-on-one with the camera.

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I must admit I side with Fess on this one. If it's their last week together, i expect them to make the most of it TOGETHER. That's why FOUTTE sucked they didn't know the definition of 'alliance' or 'loyalty.' What is Haleigh doing saddling up with Level 6? Didn't she hear Angela's speech...its a little too late.

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8 hours ago, green said:

Fessy should take lessons from Brett on how a male should behave on a national TV reality show. 


Fixed that for ya.

8 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

There have been quite a few times when Brett has shown genuine kindness when someone was upset. [..]  There’s so much more to him than the Douche Bro 

 We talk a lot about Sam playing a persona. I think Brett is too. I think he's playing a douche bro and sometimes his real, more compassionate self peeks out.

8 hours ago, North of Eden said:

........with those last season that did their damndest to destroy the REAL relationship that was forming between Jess and Cody as "game play" .

"REAL"  relationships don't belong in the house. This is a competition show, not a dating show. "Destroying"  relationships IS gameplay.


7 hours ago, North of Eden said:

(Brett) He's loathsome. Sorry, guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

 Absolutely. I completely agree to disagree with you.

8 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I must admit I side with Fess on this one. If it's their last week together, i expect them to make the most of it TOGETHER.

 What is Haleigh doing saddling up with Level 6? .

See comments above re: game show Vs. dating show. Hay is trying to survive in a GAME show.

Edited by Skycatcher
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My favorite part of this episode?

Picturing the entire Production staff struggling to stifle gales of laughter at JC’s unexpected audition for a Darwin Award - as the result of a deliberate decision JC made all on his own.

That was funny.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

My favorite part of this episode?

Picturing the entire Production staff struggling to stifle gales of laughter at JC’s unexpected audition for a Darwin Award - as the result of a deliberate decision JC made all on his own.

That was funny.

Musta missed it. Can you recap?

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8 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't watch the feeds, so I have no clue what this means.  Could you put it in a spoiler tag for me?   I would appreciate it.  Thank you in advance.

@Halting Hex‘s post wasn’t a spoiler, but a commentary on how good a job Production did with misleading us on the edit.  The individual PoV comp performances shown on-screen were carefully edited to give the impression Fessy was doing better than anybody else.  The final score (also shown on-screen), however, indicates what we were shown was only about 2/3 of the comp action - and the “missing” 1/3 was where the comp was really decided in Kaycee’s favor.


5 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Musta missed it. Can you recap?

Referring to JC’s conscious decision to move closer to the monster’s mouth, to maximize his chances of catching one of the monster’s balls.

And the monster’s immediate “response” - catching JC’s balls instead.

i can hear the crew’s collective “Oooooosh!!!” even now....  :D

Liked that little leg shake at the end, JC.  Anything fall out?  :D :D :D

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Fessy is a giant moron, but I just cannot get behind Hayleigh, either.  Her eye-rolling DR's have always been and remain very annoying, but what's worse is that she seems to constantly talk about the fact that she knows her game is doomed as long as she sticks with Fessy, but continues to do nothing about it.  I went back and re-watched a few of the early episodes that I missed...and the first time she admits to liking him, she's acting as if she likes him because he is the type of guy a pretty snowflake such as herself is "supposed" to like.  She capped off that DR with "I like him.  Whatever."  Meanwhile, she seems to have closer bonds with both Brett and Scottie, but continues to wander into Fessy's possessive orbit whenever she's not being paid enough attention by the other guys...I guess?  I can't figure her out.  She seems smart enough to see that Fess is a one-way ticket to the jury house, but then talks herself out of doing anything about it.

Also - please come back, Scottie, and leave Fessy in the jury house to mope and pout.  I just need a little bit of excitement before Level 6 finishes taking you all out for the last time.

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33 minutes ago, Nashville said:


And the monster’s immediate “response” - catching JC’s balls instead.

i can hear the crew’s collective “Oooooosh!!!” even now....  :D

 I will never forget in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when Paul Newman was about to fight one of the bad guys.  Newman said something about setting up the rules. The bad guy opened himself wide up and said "What rules?"at which point Newman nailed him in the nuggets.  Every guy in the theater groaned.

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11 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 I will never forget in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when Paul Newman was about to fight one of the bad guys.  Newman said something about setting up the rules. The bad guy opened himself wide up and said "What rules?"at which point Newman nailed him in the nuggets.  Every guy in the theater groaned.

Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas reprised that bit in “Tough Guys” as well.  :)

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9 hours ago, Nashville said:

Plus Kaycee appeared to be pretty damn close to 100% on the 2-point tennis balls, where Fessy let at least a few slip by.

Kaycee actually had several tennis balls behind her, so she dropped a bunch, too.

I find Kaycee insufferable like at least 99% of the time, but it was fun to watch her catch those balls.

I liked the comp. Good thing since it took up over half the ep with them having literally no other footage because this week is boring as hell lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kaycee actually had several tennis balls behind her, so she dropped a bunch, too.

Yup!  But since we have no idea how many total projectiles were being launched in each phase of the comp - or what the maximum overall possible attainable score was, even - we have no basis for judging the actual quality of individual performances.  So, we guess.  ;)

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