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S03.E03: The Badger of Beaver Creek

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Kameron invites everyone to fly to Colorado on the Wescott's private jet to stay at their luxury home; D'Andra and Brandi put their squabble on ice for the weekend; Kameron shames Stephanie for the white lies she told at Brandi's baby reveal.

Airs August 29, 2018.

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26 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Yeah, Kam.  Forcing people to wear pink pjs = fun.  Mmmhmmm.

I like the idea of "pj's on the pj".  But let me choose my jammies please!

Bang a gong!  I can't get that song out of my head.  The sound is very soothing.  And?  LeeAnne?  She's working it.  I like crazy LeeAnne. I like calm LeeAnne.  It would be nice for her to have a "good" season and let someone else be the bad one.

Shots and Twats! BAH!

Shut up Kam.  I'm not fond of Brandi and you were wrong.  

Tequila. Yup.  It's all fun and games.  Until the Twats had too many shots. 

Edited by dosodog
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Kameron is such an over-enunciater with those really weird duck lips of hers.  She's incapable of hearing what other people are saying to her because she's so focused on being correct - she repeats herself at a loud volume to get her way.  So childish. It's pathetic that she made the party that Stephanie threw for Brandi and her family all about her.  I really don't see anything at all redeeming about her.

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Good on LeeAnne for avoiding alcohol if she knows it triggers the crazy.

Kameron is just beyond.  Does she really think this act is cute?  I am still waiting for the mask to drop and the Elle Woods voice to disappear and she’ll start growling like LeeAnne not needing knives, because she has her hands.  Pretty pretty please!!!!

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8 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

So in the preview for next week:

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Stephanie appears to leave, but Brandi doesn't go with her and continues to party? ...

stephanie already said she was leaving early because she and family going to italy.

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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Kameron is such an over-enunciater with those really weird duck lips of hers.  She's incapable of hearing what other people are saying to her because she's so focused on being correct - she repeats herself at a loud volume to get her way.  So childish. It's pathetic that she made the party that Stephanie threw for Brandi and her family all about her.  I really don't see anything at all redeeming about her.

She's the worst.  In addition to everything you say - she's so "klassy" and "klever" but can't, like, stop, like, saying "like" like, in every other like, word.

In season 1 I liked Brandi and Stephanie best in spite of their poop talk - I don't know why.  In season 2 I liked them best after their prank call to that ghoul/goblin Heidi.  I still like them best because I think they just seem nice and fun.  In person they would probably get on my nerves because I am not silly like they are, but for the show I like them.  Brandi throwing shade at D'Andra because "my squinty eyes can see she's ______ (I forget)" was awesome, as was this particular little joke on Kam.  

I have dark hair and fair skin and for all of my life my mother has been trying to get me to wear that tomato-soup red color and lipstick.  I have always refused because I thought it looked gross.  Seeing D'Andra in these last 2 episodes has confirmed that I was right and my mother was wrong, wrong, wrong.  And if she's going to wear that too bright stain, she should line her lips first so it's not bleeding into her face.

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Last year I thought Brandi took it to far with chasing Cam around with the dildo but Cam was making jokes and laughing about the T-shirt so Intjought she was absolutely ridiculous about going and talking to D’Andra and LeeAnne about the poster. And her being hurt over Stephanie “lying” to her was fucking ridiculous.

I also liked that Brandi didn’t sell Cary out to D’Andra and Cary than recognized that and went up and completely owned up to telling D’Andra it showed that they are actually good friends.

i thought it was funny that they shot Brandi and Stephanie from a distance but those to just have fun together even if they aren’t surrounded by cameras.

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Kam sucks. She’s so annoying and she had too many talking heads this episode. Also Stephanie did not say she was bashing adopted babies she said she was basically making the whole surprise party about her not knowing. She was bashing the surprise. She needs to shut the fuck up lol like you guys aren’t close get over it. She’s Buzz killington how can anyone stand to be around her. Her husband must be a total dud too.

D’amdra looks so pretty without all the makeup and giant eyelashes. I like her but she needed to tell Kam to chill.

Weirdly I’m liking Carey this season too.

Edited by Marley
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I want one of those Beaver Liquors t-shirts. 

Kameron is as annoying AF.  Can't stand to hear her talk.  She reminds me of Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde."  From seeing the Beaver Creek mansion, I can now see why she married her husband.  She needs to find a sense of humor.   And why be so upset about not knowing about Brandi's new baby?  Hate how she's making it all about her and nice way to ruin a fun evening.  Total bitch.

I love Brandi and Stephanie together.  Thought the scene of them going down the hill was hilarious.  And Brandi's a very fun drunk.  Would totally hang with them.

Nice to see Lee Anne act responsibly.  Would rather see her sober than become a bitch.

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I'm not sure what to think about the Brandi-D'Andra fight. D'Andra claims she didn't mention anyone by name in her interview. But then she makes a quip like, "Enjoy your baby and your Adderall". So obviously she thinks things. 

What I DO know is, I'm tired of it taking 7 different conversations to clear the air. They JUST talked at the baby party. Now they need to talk again? Exhausting. 


Speaking of...Kameron can calm down about her grand pj on the pj plan. D'Andra put them on once she was on the plane. Not everyone feels comfortable running around in jammies. 


Kameron's house in Beaver Creek? Just lovely. The inside was a bit dark and heavy, but it just felt so warm and cozy. Perfect for the mountains. And all the amenities. I'd stay there!


I thought the poster prank was actually kind of funny (even if I find the beaver jokes pretty distasteful); but I wish they'd been more discreet about it. Putting it on the footboard of the bed was too obvious. They should have taped it up somewhere more subtle, where it would have taken her longer to find it. 


Because it can't be said enough - Fuck mediation. 


I hate the way Brandi is when she's drunk. If there's thing I can't stand, it's pushy drunks. If LeAnn doesn't want to drink, let her be. And kissing Kameron, when she clearly didn't want to? So foul. 


But as far as adoption gate goes, I'm on Brandi's side. First, why does Kameron care so much? They're not really friends. Adoption is such a personal thing. I imagine they wanted to keep things under wraps until it was official. No matter the reason, it's their family. Their choice. I DID feel she was basically bashing the way Brandi handled her adoption. So yea, fuck off, Kameron. 

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8 hours ago, Pickles said:

I am envious of the private plane and the Beaver Creek house. LeeAnn does herself no favors with that long, stick straight hair hanging down almost in her face. 

I would love to see LeeAnn with a wavy lob!

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I want a Beaver Liquor T-shirt.

That home was beautiful.

In order for Kameron to have a good time, she needs to remove the stick and stop being so concerned about an adoption where she wasn't part of the process.  She's not close with Brandi so just stop with the drama and be happy for her.  OMG  Kameron is a lot.

Kameron's voice for me is like nails on a chalkboard.  Where is that accent from?  It's not California or Texas.

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First Deeandras (sp) husband still hot as hell.

Carey dont want to hear about where you are going to poop.

Brandi dont care to hear if you had sex or not.

Kameron she adopted the baby did not give birth you ditz.

Oh and Kameron had to order pajamas with a monogram OMG the work. Must have been so stressful fo you!

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I hate the way Brandi is when she's drunk. If there's thing I can't stand, it's pushy drunks. If LeAnn doesn't want to drink, let her be. And kissing Kameron, when she clearly didn't want to? So foul. 

Brandi is still 14. 

The problem with these women is that they are just not funny. They try but they fail. Crazy LeeAnne that we all love to hate needs to rear her crazy head stat! No more normal LeeAnne! The show needs her batshit antics because there is nothing else to entertain us. 

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Do we think that Kameron is ever able to relax and enjoy herself? Even in scenes with her husband and kids, she's whinging. It's no wonder her husband always looks annoyed with her. She seems like the type who is determined to find something to criticize and ruin the day. I couldn't be around her.

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1 hour ago, abc123baby said:

why is no one discussing Cameron's condom earrings????? lol

They look like used condoms. 


1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Oh and Kameron had to order pajamas with a monogram OMG the work. Must have been so stressful fo you!

Especially when she has a monogrammer on call. 

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not sure what to think about the Brandi-D'Andra fight. D'Andra claims she didn't mention anyone by name in her interview. But then she makes a quip like, "Enjoy your baby and your Adderall". So obviously she thinks things. 

I 100% think she said it was about Brandi to Cary. Her reaction when Cary nonchalantly said she was the one who told Brandi it was about her and she had no real response to Cary coming back with the fact that they had talked about it twice  and then the baby and Adderall comment. Plus, in the car after the plane LeeAnn clearly wasn’t buying what D’Andra was selling. 

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15 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

stephanie already said she was leaving early because she and family going to italy.

Right?  Why show her saying that and then try to get all dramatic in the previews with the SUV speeding away.  We see you, editing monkeys.

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not sure what to think about the Brandi-D'Andra fight. D'Andra claims she didn't mention anyone by name in her interview. But then she makes a quip like, "Enjoy your baby and your Adderall". So obviously she thinks things. 


What I don't understand if it is a podcast why not just go listen to it and put this shit to bed.  Either names were mentioned or they were not and it is easy to prove.  Of course I'm not going to because ain't no one got time for that shit, but I'm also not one of the fools fighting over it.

25 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

Kameron never seems to have any fun.  EVER.  Not with her husband, not with her kids, not with the girls.  Even when she tries to joke around and laugh, it comes off as fake and forced, like she doesn't quite get what's so funny.  She takes herself waaaay too seriously.  I don't understand why she even signed up for this show!  

This is from her website: "My personality is Blonde. I am Blonde in every sense of the word.  I love having fun and not taking life too seriously. I am super girly, I value kindness over all other traits. I am extremely loyal and determined to never give up my dreams. I love my family and my friends and obviously obsessed with Pink and have never met an animal that I did not want to adopt."

Blonde is NOT a personality.  She just comes off like a moron.  And her temper tantrum over Brandi's adoption announcement was ridiculous.  Half the women in their group didn't know.  Most of the people at the party didn't know.  It's really not about you, Cameron.

She is a space alien approximating human emotion and personality from what she's learned from a pile of YA novels and some VHS tapes of 90s movies.

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2 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Right?  Why show her saying that and then try to get all dramatic in the previews with the SUV speeding away.  We see you, editing monkeys.

What I don't understand if it is a podcast why not just go listen to it and put this shit to bed.  Either names were mentioned or they were not and it is easy to prove.  Of course I'm not going to because ain't no one got time for that shit, but I'm also not one of the fools fighting over it.

She is a space alien approximating human emotion and personality from what she's learned from a pile of YA novels and some VHS tapes of 90s movies.

I'd forgotten that she had said that she was leaving early. The RHoNY reunion had left me exhausted!

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9 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

What I don't understand if it is a podcast why not just go listen to it and put this shit to bed.  Either names were mentioned or they were not and it is easy to prove. 

I think it was two fold, I think she was vague on the podcast but had talked to Cary about it being about Brandi.

Here is an article with the quotes from the podcast

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13 hours ago, princelina said:


In season 1 I liked Brandi and Stephanie best in spite of their poop talk - I don't know why.  In season 2 I liked them best after their prank call to that ghoul/goblin Heidi.  I still like them best because I think they just seem nice and fun.  In person they would probably get on my nerves because I am not silly like they are, but for the show I like them.  Brandi throwing shade at D'Andra because "my squinty eyes can see she's ______ (I forget)" was awesome, as was this particular little joke on Kam.  


I don't really like Brandi but OH MY GOD when she made that prank phone call I actually burst out laughing.  When they showed it again last night, I laughed again.  It was funny.  Also unexpected - I did not expect to hear that voice from her!!



2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


The problem with these women is that they are just not funny. They try but they fail. Crazy LeeAnne that we all love to hate needs to rear her crazy head stat! No more normal LeeAnne! The show needs her batshit antics because there is nothing else to entertain us. 

They are not funny, at all.  They really don't have much to offer.  They get into a hot tob and get out 5 min later... that was fun?

LeAnne brought the entertainment, but I like her chill now.  So, I guess they need to get rid of the boring (Cary) and bring in some fresh craziness.  How about that nut from season 1?


13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I think it was two fold, I think she was vague on the podcast but had talked to Cary about it being about Brandi.

Here is an article with the quotes from the podcast

I love Kate Casey - her podcast is the best.  

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I usually don't comment much on how the women look, though I do comment on clothing choices they might make, but Kameron was reminding me of someone/some character and I could not figure out who. Until this morning. This is who I've been picturing:




Edited by Pop Tart
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4 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

That's so funny!  I think last season sometime, I posted that whenever I see Kameron, I see the alien posing as a female human in Mars Attacks!  Something in the way she moves, maybe.  Obviously Tim Burton is a major influence on her style.

I see her has a stepford wife lol very robotic and appearances and manners must be followed at all time :) 

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I agree with Kameron being nicknamed the badger. She really doesn’t quit and it’s better than being called a dog. The terrier variety. (But she could get a cute little pink sweater with a Jack Russell terrier on it. Can’t find it in your upscale department store? Get your custom knitter on it stat.)

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Where does Cort’s  family money come from because the plane, the house, and a full time house manager at a vacation home puts them in a different class than most of these housewives. I mean it’s his family’s money not his (yet) but just curious if it’s been mentioned. Not curious enough to google his last name but curious.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

I think it was two fold, I think she was vague on the podcast but had talked to Cary about it being about Brandi.

Here is an article with the quotes from the podcast

Right. D'andra said that on the podcast she was just talking about a general issue in the Dallas area, of people abusing Adderall. I kind of figured Brandi just took it personally because she DOES use Adderall. But then Cary said that D'andra mentioned Brandi by name to her. I don't think that's AS big of a deal, though. It's clear D'andra has some feelings about that. But snarking about it to Cary wasn't going to affect an adoption. 

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28 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Where does Cort’s  family money come from because the plane, the house, and a full time house manager at a vacation home puts them in a different class than most of these housewives. I mean it’s his family’s money not his (yet) but just curious if it’s been mentioned. Not curious enough to google his last name but curious.

I did a quick google, Court's parents own Westcott private investor company.  Court's brother's name is Chartt.  I can't roll my eyes enough.  

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1 minute ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I did a quick google, Court's parents own Westcott private investor company.  Court's brother's name is Chartt.  I can't roll my eyes enough.  

Thank you! Imagine feeling lucky that you were named Court because your brother’s name was worse!

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Thank you! Imagine feeling lucky that you were named Court because your brother’s name was worse!

I keep saying out loud, to myself, at work "chartt" with all the disdain I can garner.  WTF is Chartt????? and like you said - all of a sudden "court" doesn't bother me as much.  LOL 

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7 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I did a quick google, Court's parents own Westcott private investor company.  Court's brother's name is Chartt.  I can't roll my eyes enough.  

Holy shit (pun intended), are you serious???? That poor kid. Like he didn't get called "Shart" every damn day of school. 

I feel like I need a spin-off on this family. There's got to be some good stuff there. Leave Kameron out of it, though.

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2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Leave Kameron out of it, though.

I now want to see how she interacts with her mother-in-law! It’s probably more cringeworthy than D’Andra and Dee!

Edited by biakbiak
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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

Holy shit (pun intended), are you serious???? That poor kid. Like he didn't get called "Shart" every damn day of school. 

I feel like I need a spin-off on this family. There's got to be some good stuff there. Leave Kameron out of it, though.

LOVE IT!!!  Court was nicknamed the "C word" and Chartt was nicknamed "Shart"

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