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S20.E25: Power of Veto #8


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Actually, between last week's "Tyler's not really a surfer, he's a bowler" family visit and tonight's zing about being greasy with bad skin, it seems like TPTB are fighting the backlash that he's the favored one.  Honestly, I can't think of a good zing for Tyler...maybe something referencing the fight with Bayleigh?  I'm sure a wittier mind than mine can come up with some good ones.

3 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Actually, between last week's "Tyler's not really a surfer, he's a bowler" family visit and tonight's zing about being greasy with bad skin, it seems like TPTB are fighting the backlash that he's the favored one.  Honestly, I can't think of a good zing for Tyler...maybe something referencing the fight with Bayleigh?  I'm sure a wittier mind than mine can come up with some good ones.

Well, Tyler was definitely rolling goodwill gutterballs with Bae....  ;)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, backformore said:
5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Pouring liquid on the floor was just dumb.  Several people almost sprained their ankles slipping and sliding.

Yeah, maybe it's just me being an old crank, but pouring liquid on a floor where people are running is just plain reckless.  Serious injuries can happen from slipping and falling.  

Agreed. I thought it was clever when he initially put the milk on the bathroom floor to make it less appealing for people to want to check under the sink, but leaving the trail of liquid into the hallway and directly in front of the backyard door was dangerous. Brett took a big spill onto his knee with that first fall and certainly could've had a worse injury. Production should advise against that tactic in the future (lest they want another houseguest to spend the summer in a leg cast).

I was kinda hoping for some bromance flirting between Scottie and Brett during their scene with Sam plotting against Haleigh, especially after the Scottie crush zing.

7 hours ago, Mumbles said:

 And, there was something so mean and cruel in her pitch to Fessy. What has Hayleigh ever done to her?

Being with Faysal.  They could have done several flashbacks there from previous weeks, from her nomination speech, cuddling with Faysal, JC telling her that Hayleigh going would open up Faysal for her etc

7 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Brett’s strategy was brilliant! He didn’t even attempt to find one, just focused on keeping his hidden, in every round. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that before.

It has been done before, people piling stuff up over where they have hid it.  And I thought it just made it more obvious where something was hidden, he got lucky that people were too lazy to dismantle that pile.

I didn't understand Hayleigh's logic on hiding at all, it was like she was throwing it.  The hiding places were really not that great except for Scottie, it did look like he hid his best and would have won if people could have been arsed putting some mattresses aside.  I know they have only 3 minutes but I thought more than one would have realised that if the mattresses keep getting put back up in that area something was very suspicious.

7 hours ago, vb68 said:

They could have come up with something much better for JC-- he is so damn loud and he's slippery like a snake with his votes.


They were protecting JC, he could have been called a snake, two-faced or whatever.  Tyler I suppose could have had that kind of zing too.  The Scottie zing was more just to wind Faysal up.

Edited by amazingracefan
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3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

It’s been done before, people piling stuff up over where they have hid it.  And I thought it just made it more obvious where something was hidden, he got lucky that people were too lazy to dismantle that pile.

People have piled stuff on top of their hiding spot before, yes, but nobody else has played 100% defense like Brett did. There have been others who have quickly checked on their hiding spots and tried to cover them up more but then they also searched for tiles. Brett didn’t even attempt to find tiles, he focused solely on protecting his own.

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I laughed so hard when Fessy claimed that his goal with this HOH was to pick off the "weak floaters". Bahahaha! What have YOU done all summer, Fessy? Jack shit. You lucked into ONE HOH, because of your super long legs, and you immediately put up the two guys who have been talking to Haleigh. But you're targeting floaters so the big players can duke it out at the end? Sure. 

Zingbot was pretty lame this time. I feel like he gets worse and worse every year. The jokes are either too on the nose, too mean, or too weak. There is an art to roasting someone. You need to be a bit clever and subtle. Calling Brett a douche is just....blah. Boring. 

But I did love when Sam said, "Speak for yourself, I WAS a robot."

Aaaaand bring on my favorite/least favorite competition all rolled into one. Favorite because I always enjoy seeing who hides the envelope where and trying to guess whose will be found first. I was actually surprised that Brett won. I figured piling so much shit up in one place would be a dead give-away. But kudos to him. 

Least favorite because....the mess. I couldn't deal. I'd self-evict. I didn't judge Sam's reaction at all. It was awful. 

I also love this game because of the Shakespearean irony of alliance members torpedoing each other. Fessy found Haleigh's envelope and Haleigh found Scottie's! It's poetic. 

I'm super pissed that they left us hanging on the Veto ceremony. Have they ever done that before? I know they're trying to make us sweat, will Fessy put up his girl, Haleigh? But I don't believe for a second that he will. Sam's plea had all the tact of a Nazi Stormtrooper, and then Scottie jumps in making it look even more shady. I wouldn't be surprised if Fessy put Sam up there. 

P.S. Football, please don't cause tonight's episode to air at 12:29 am. I'm BEGGING you. 

Edited by ghoulina
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Although Zingbot makes me stabby, I did enjoy Tyler's reaction - "Zingbot!  Is standing! RIGHT! THERE!"  I suppose as a superfan, to get to the point in the game where Zingbot visits is pretty cool, even if Zingbot himself seriously needs new writers.  Lame sauce, except for Sam's zing - but I'm surprised she didn't rip off one of Zingbot's arms and use it to beat it into a pile of nuts and bolts.

I also kind of love whoever came up with the Hide the Veto comp in the first place, as it ends up being a sure-fire way to get these people to give their house a good cleaning.

*sigh*...once again, Scottie comes in second place.  How many comps has this happened to him now, at least five?

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8 hours ago, green said:

I'd say you got a pretty good read on the situation.

Not this time around because DEFENSE WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!  Strategy was actually involved this time and it worked brilliantly.  Props to Brett, who, like Tyler, is enjoying the hell out of his summer.

So I loved the veto competition because Brett came up with a unique and FUN and most excellent strategy that actually worked.  And because I love seeing the house completely trashed.


I think it helped that there were two superfans in the comp. Maybe 3 I forget if Brett is, but if he’s a super fan that makes it even better considering.

Edited by Skyfall
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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

From how I understood it (I don't speak moron very well), Fessy thought the zing was going to be Haleigh having a crush on Brett. So Fessy was going to take Brett out to the backyard to set him straight. Because of a crush that Haleigh could possibly have. He wouldn't talk to Haleigh about it, nope. But the guy she's "crushing" on.

Because it's the MAN'S fault if a girl has a crush on him. SHE'S just a helpless, little flower. 

Fessy sucks. 

7 hours ago, backformore said:

Yeah, maybe it's just me being an old crank, but pouring liquid on a floor where people are running is just plain reckless.  Serious injuries can happen from slipping and falling.

Yea, and Brett bit it. HARD, He was going on adrenaline at the time, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was quite sore after. 

5 hours ago, DrBriCa said:

Agreed. I thought it was clever when he initially put the milk on the bathroom floor to make it less appealing for people to want to check under the sink, but leaving the trail of liquid into the hallway and directly in front of the backyard door was dangerous. Brett took a big spill onto his knee with that first fall and certainly could've had a worse injury. Production should advise against that tactic in the future (lest they want another houseguest to spend the summer in a leg cast).

I agree - and I just posted about this above! LOL, but I do think the reason he left the long trail was because milk ONLY in front of the sink might have been too obvious. I needed to look more like it was just random chaos throughout the whole house. 

but I still hated it. 

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I HATE when a houseguest is extra and throws more shit down for no reason. James did this and now Fessy with the sugar all over the kitchen on his way out. I really hate that guy. And I can't imagine they were able to get all that up from the floor -- I wonder if the ants have increased. Though Scottie did do some serious scrubbing the minute he got back in the house.

  • Love 5
55 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Aaaaand bring on my favorite/least favorite competition all rolled into one. Favorite because I always enjoy seeing who hides the envelope where and trying to guess whose will be found first. I was actually surprised that Brett won. I figured piling so much shit up in one place would be a dead give-away. But kudos to him. 

Sure, its a giveaway, but in three minutes, moving all those mattresses AND finding the clue could be pretty difficult.  

Brett's brilliance was in knowing that he didn't have to find any clues - he could use each three minute turn to pile more stuff on his pile.  If someone moves half the stuff off the pile on their turn, Brett gets a turn to add on to the pile before that HG comes back. 

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Didn't they have 5 minutes in the house to search, in past seasons ? For some reason, that is the number that sticks in my head.


Scottie is getting screwed over for sure. But even Fessie isn't dumb enough to fall for putting Haleigh up, right ? Or is he ?? Either way, it probably won't matter-- if one of those 2 go, the other side will pick them off 1 by 1, unless some big move happens.


I thought Brett's hiding place was dumb and obvious-- and then it worked !!


It could have been editing, but it looked like half the veto players just went off doing their own thing after the comp & only a couple people were cleaning up. All of them made the mess, all should have to clean it up.

There's something super charming about how Sam thinks this game works. She was so earnest with Fessy about putting Haleigh up, and I know in her heart of hearts she thought she was doing a bang up job of convincing him. Charming and bizarre. Mostly bizarre, though. 

I didn't think the zings were particularly hurtful. I assume that production is very familiar with each HG and knows which of their quirks are fair game and which might be legitimate triggers. I also imagine that production understands that certain HGs can take a joke (Brett) and some HGs cannot (Sam) and so tailors the zings accordingly. For example, I don't think that a HG that exhibits legitimate body image issues would have a weight-related zing aimed at them. At least I'd hope not. 

Edited by Stinger97
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41 minutes ago, backformore said:

Sure, its a giveaway, but in three minutes, moving all those mattresses AND finding the clue could be pretty difficult.  

Brett's brilliance was in knowing that he didn't have to find any clues - he could use each three minute turn to pile more stuff on his pile.  If someone moves half the stuff off the pile on their turn, Brett gets a turn to add on to the pile before that HG comes back. 

Oh, I agree. And that's why I was wrong in my initial summation of his choice. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Stinger97 said:

There's something super charming about how Sam thinks this game works. She was so earnest with Fessy about putting Haleigh up, and I know in her heart of hearts she thought she was doing a bang up job of convincing him. Charming and bizarre. Mostly bizarre, though. 

It's been most of the summer and STILL neither she nor Fessy have any idea how this game works. Sam thinks it's a nicest-person contest, and Fessy thinks whoever wins the most challenges gets the grand prize.

They're surrounded by people playing the game, hard, and yet both think nobody's playing the game. Haleigh has literally laid it out for her Giant Meathead and he just dismisses her completely, while believing every lie JC tells him (sexist much?).  They're both wrong about just about everything -- not only how the game works, but ALL the interpersonal dynamics in the house. How delusional (or in Fessy's case, how far up your ass can you stuff your giant head) do they have to be to STILL not know what the hell is going on??

And still Haleigh shares the control-freak-borderline-stalker's bed. I hope she wises up the minute the game is over and takes out the restraining order she will so desperately need.

  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, Gummo said:

It's been most of the summer and STILL neither she nor Fessy have any idea how this game works. Sam thinks it's a nicest-person contest, and Fessy thinks whoever wins the most challenges gets the grand prize.

They're surrounded by people playing the game, hard, and yet both think nobody's playing the game. Haleigh has literally laid it out for her Giant Meathead and he just dismisses her completely, while believing every lie JC tells him (sexist much?).  They're both wrong about just about everything -- not only how the game works, but ALL the interpersonal dynamics in the house. How delusional (or in Fessy's case, how far up your ass can you stuff your giant head) do they have to be to STILL not know what the hell is going on??

And still Haleigh shares the control-freak-borderline-stalker's bed. I hope she wises up the minute the game is over and takes out the restraining order she will so desperately need.

Fessy is totally sexist. He immediately bristles at any logic Haleigh throws his way. I get that this is frustrating, but I wish Haleigh would reevaluate and change tacks. For her own sake. 

She continues to come at him so hard and that just isn't going to work with Fessy. Giving an ego-driven man a rundown of why he's wrong is just going to hurt his pride and cause him to shut down. 

I wish she'd start whispering in his ear the way JC does. Be more subtle. Make him think that your plans are HIS idea. Cater to that fucking ridiculous ego. 

Just for the game. After it's over, tell him to kick rocks.

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Fessy, you Dum-Bass, it doesn't matter if you can't trust Scottie!  By putting up the two candidates that could be "on your side" (although how you'd believe that about Bratt for a second, I don't know) you give Tyler the choice of which one goes home!  If Scottie is loyal and Brett is plotting against you, Tyler will save Brett.  If Scottie is against you and Brett is a "lone wolf", then Brett goes extinct.  How can you not understand this, you brain-dead buffoon?

Damn, when Haleigh says that Angela and Kaycee are actively coming after her and we get that shot of Angela hugging the emoji pillow and laughing, you can really see the ladystache coming in nicely.  If I were her, I might just as well embrace it and start accenting it with the eyebrow pencil…

"I'm not 'questioning' you, Fessy…I'm flat-out saying you fucked up!" —Me, as Haleigh.

Damn, now I almost want Fessy to pick the "loyal" JC to play Veto, have JC win it, and watch him get fucked right in public by that little Yatus.

Scottie is so over this shit.  Not even a smile when he gets Houseguest's Choice and gets to pick Haleigh.  Can't blame the kid.

"The only people in this game who I feel have done stuff, won comps, made moves, are like me, you, Angela, Haleigh." —Faysal to Tyler.  Um, who was the Week 3 HoH and Veto winner again?  You know, the one who broke up the Bros when it would have been an easier (and arguably smarter) play to through Bayleigh to the wolves, have an easy week and make lots of friends?  (Or take out Kaitlyn in revenge for Week 2.)  I can't think of his name…pale kid, geeky, wears a big-ass cross all the time…you know who I mean, Dum-Bass.  Seriously, if he can't treat Scottie fairly, he could at least give him credit.  What a fucking asshole.

I guess Rachel wrote Angela's zing, huh?  Good for her.

JFC, even Zingbot is calling out Scottie's gay.  But Dum-Bass Fessy is still "jealous" about Scottie possibly "liking" Haleigh. Dum-BASS!

Kaycee, spectacularly boring and a ratings-killer, check.  I'm assuming that one came straight from Allison Grodner.  She must be on the phone threatening to fire Kassting every time Kaycee is on screen.

Idk about the "Brett…you're a giant douche" zing, though.  I mean, accurate, sure…but a bit lowbrow.

And Scottie with the "want me to clean you off?" to Tyler after Zingbot makes the skin-care shot.  (Which I, like Sam, thought was headed Shammie's way.)  Yeah, he's totally not gay!  Seriously, Fess.  You moron.*

Haleigh's reaction to the "full-time moron!" zing was EVERYTHING!  I haven't seen such wonderful-ness since Danielle Murphree went into shock over her zing in BB14. ("Every child left behind!")

*-I swear, I typed this before I saw the Fessy zing."

My bet on winning the Veto:  Brett.  I think the "behind the drawers" strategy is too well-known, Sam's clothes won't protect Tyler, and Angela and Haleigh's folders are in too-high-trafficked areas.  But what do I know?

That fucking pile of mattresses should be a giant red flag, shouldn't it?  I mean, nobody took them into the Have-Not room just to search the beds in the other room, right? So clearly they're trying to bury something under them.  Come on, folks!  Just because I picked Brett to win this, it doesn't mean I want him to!

Ah, Haleigh's game is ruined by Faysal.  How meta can you get?

Scottie gets revenge on Fessy, unknowingly.  So now it's the slippery bathroom versus the mattress fort.  Either way, Fessy will have to make a renom.  Thinking hard! Thinking hurts!

Called it!  Shit!  But at least I'm smart, lol!

Kaycee waves good-bye to Zingbot and blows him a kiss…over Scottie's shoulder.  Yeah, there's that meta thing again.  Sigh.

Can we get Fessy to put JC up as a "pawn"?  I mean, Scottie would still get evicted…but let me dream for a day.  (Well, less than that, since I'm watching on delay, but you know what I mean.)

Wait, what?  Sam wants to save both boys and get rid of Haleigh the Harlot?  Gee, who could have seen THAT coming?  What a fucking misogynist loon.  I swear, she makes Angela look like a feminist, by comparison.

"This is exciting.  I like playing now."  Sure, think about backdooring a more-attractive woman and NOW Sam's all a-twitter.  Simply vile.

If Fessy has two brain cells firing, this convo should be his reason to throw Sam on the block.  I mean, she just declared that she was coming for your top ally, whom she's already nommed once.  What more do you need?  Plus, you can probably score big points with Haleigh if there's a chance to boot the loon.

They don't show the Veto Meeting? WTF, show?  In the immortal words of Justin Duncan (BBOTT), "Daz bullsheet."   I mean, honestly.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

People have piled stuff on top of their hiding spot before, yes, but nobody else has played 100% defense like Brett did. There have been others who have quickly checked on their hiding spots and tried to cover them up more but then they also searched for tiles. Brett didn’t even attempt to find tiles, he focused solely on protecting his own.

When people do just pile stuff though they predictably put the tile right at the bottom of it all, so just try and get the stuff from underneath and search it.

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Pouring milk is also suspicious.  Why pour milk on the bathroom floor?  Pouring it on the kitchen floor, I get that.  But why the bathroom floor?  To me, that would be a sign that a houseguest hid a folder in the bathroom, near the spill.


He would probably argue that some people in the past have spilled stuff all over the house, so it might not seem so strange in this situation.  If people were even aware what it actually was.

Edited by amazingracefan
1 hour ago, GeorgiaRai said:

I usually read the live feed threads only on Wednesday night & Thursday, leading up to the live eviction - I don't like to be spoiled, but do like to read up on the drama & scheming (or lack thereof) that lead up to voting.  Not showing the veto ceremony last night has thrown a wrench into my mid-week entertainment.  

I waited the four long days because I like this hiding competition, I hate the scheduling of the show and how the audience just accept it, the highlights so out of synch with the house.

2 hours ago, Stinger97 said:

There's something super charming about how Sam thinks this game works. She was so earnest with Fessy about putting Haleigh up, and I know in her heart of hearts she thought she was doing a bang up job of convincing him. Charming and bizarre. Mostly bizarre, though.


Seemed more desperate than anything, Scottie seems destined to go.  I suppose they had all been told that Faysal is a moron too.

Edited by amazingracefan
12 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

but Fessie gonna Fess

This is now the new saying at our house.    Invariably some kid (ages 2 - 35) will do some stupid thing and we are now saying, "Fessie gonna Fess".  Is it sad that only us oldsters and my son know what is up?

10 hours ago, Nashville said:

Am I correct in thinking 1st and 2nd place winners do not get stipend?

If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, I thought that making jury and winning AFP was better than 2nd place.  I thought that 1st and 2nd only win the money and not the stipend.  Here is a link.

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Zingbot was pretty lame this time. I feel like he gets worse and worse every year.

It seems like we're waiting longer and longer for a lamer payoff. The pauses have gotten long enough to be really annoying.

4 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

When people do just pile stuff though they predictably putting the tile right at the bottom of it all, so just try and get the stuff from underneath and search it.

When it was revealed, one the the HG's claimed to have checked that pillow. I think the key was in how well Brett hid his piece inside the pillow. It seems like most HG's will  just shove their piece in  and figure that as long as they face that side of the pillow down and throw a few things on top, that's good enough. I think you'd have had to open up the pillow and poke inside or tried to flex it to catch what Brett did.

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As much as I think Sam's a misogynist and has iss-yews about women, I suppose it does make a certain sense for her to target Haleigh now.  She did nominate Haleigh, and it's likely Hay still bears a grudge.  And this is the first male HoH since Sam's own week, so she can hope that Fessy will be responsive in ways that Bayleigh or Angela wouldn't have been.

As for the Othello comparisons, one part of that story is that Othello is a Moor (Spanish and black) and feels out of place in a predominately white Italian culture.  And here Fessy is Egyptian and the other players (Brett, Haleigh, and Scottie) are white, whiter, and positively pale.  I would hope this isn't factoring into Faysal's emotions, but I guess we don't know for certain.

How cute was it that Superfan Tyler was literally squeeing with excitement for Zingbot?  That was so cute.  He really has been playing it cool with all the Superfan stuff, making it like he knows nothing about the game and is a mere recruit, but he totally lost that cool with Zingbot's arrival.  His fellow housemates, however, failed to notice....  No surprise there....

Those camera shots of Sam's quiet despair after surveying the disaster that is the house after a "Hide and Go Veto" comp were amazing.  Say what you want about how crazy she is, but she does have an expressive face.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, alihart41 said:

Everyone's reaction after Sam's zing was the best part.

I wondered if it was set up at that point, as I don't think they would suddenly hide behind the couch like that.  Or behind a door.  The cameras perfectly positioned to capture them there.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

I wondered if it was set up at that point, as I don't think they would suddenly hide behind the couch like that.  Or behind a door.  The cameras perfectly positioned to capture them there.

Totally edited.   When it appeared they were running off to hide from Sam, I think it was actually when Zingbot told them to go get dressed for the POV comp.  I think they may have edited it to look like it happened before.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

And Scottie with the "want me to clean you off?" to Tyler after Zingbot makes the skin-care shot.  (Which I, like Sam, thought was headed Shammie's way.)  Yeah, he's totally not gay!  Seriously, Fess.  You moron.*

Was it Scottie who said that? For some reason, I thought it was Brett offering to clean him, since he’d just been labeled a giant douche lol.

1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

When people do just pile stuff though they predictably put the tile right at the bottom of it all, so just try and get the stuff from underneath and search i

Yes but that was the entire point of Brett piling so much heavy stuff on it each turn. Even if someone suspected it was hidden under the pile, they wouldn’t have enough time to physically get to it.

35 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

I wondered if it was set up at that point, as I don't think they would suddenly hide behind the couch like that.  Or behind a door.  The cameras perfectly positioned to capture them there.

There are cameras literally everywhere so they are always perfectly positioned to capture everything. And the other HGs hiding behind the counter after Sam’s zing definitely wasn’t edited.

Speaking of Sam, it’s pretty obvious by now that she’s a recruit but I’m curious how the heck she got recruited. Doesn’t she live in a little trailer in her mom’s backyard? It’s not like she’s hanging out at bars in L.A.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Was it Scottie who said that? For some reason, I thought it was Brett offering to clean him, since he’d just been labeled a giant douche lol.

Damn, you're so much better at "who said what?" than I am.  That was Brett, then Tyler (still laughing) said "Yeah, please" and then Scottie turns and goes "Yes?"  So Scottie might be into watching some Brett/Tyler action, but he didn't actually volunteer his own services. My bad.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

that was the entire point of Brett piling so much heavy stuff on it each turn. Even if someone suspected it was hidden under the pile, they wouldn’t have enough time to physically get to it.

I have to say, I'd be half-tempted to build the pile and just put the actual file in a drawer or something.  Have everyone digging through the mountain of distraction while hiding under a molehill of cover.  This probably wouldn't work as well as Brett's actual strategy did, though; probably somebody would be too lazy to attack the pile and would check my place instead.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

I’m curious how the heck [Sam] got recruited. Doesn’t she live in a little trailer in her mom’s backyard?

As mikewho says, Sam was found on Instagram.  Various adorable pics from her account can be found in her thread.

  • Love 1

In any other season they wouldn't have even bothered to use the Sam/Fessy footage or do a cliffhanger episode because

a) no HG would even try to push for the HOH to put up his showmance partner and

b) there would be zero possibility the the HOH might actually do it. 

But this season, we have delusional Sam and dooFes and anything can and will happen.  I guess casting took up the expect the unexpected mantra this year.  Good Times!  

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Damn, you're so much better at "who said what?" than I am. 

Ha! Honestly, it's only because I've lost most of the hearing in my left ear so I end up missing stuff and have to rewind it.  So I end up watching a lot of scenes twice, whether I want to or not.

I can't believe they now recruit people from Instagram! Famewhores don't even have to leave their couches to get "discovered" anymore. I know that's just how it is but I miss the salad days of reality tv when "real" people would apply to be on shows, do their time, then go back to their lives.  Once people realized you could make an actual career out of reality tv, it all became so formulaic. (Is that even a word? I'm too lazy to go check.)

6 hours ago, willco said:

I thought Brett's hiding place was dumb and obvious-- and then it worked !!

I think everyone figured as it mounted that they only had three minutes and there were other clues to search after still and couldn't clear that mess in time.

3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

When it was revealed, one the the HG's claimed to have checked that pillow.

Guess who?? Yup, it was Faysal. But then there were several times people were all "where or where can they be?" while they highlighted that the folder was actually so close it could have bit them were it an animal.

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Quick question (without going *too* far off topic), but what does "recruiting" entail? Is it simply DM'ing the person on Instagram and encouraging them to apply? Or is it something like a Golden Ticket to the BB house? Because for years I thought that it was the latter... that they found all these hot models that had never heard of the show and basically casted them in a very streamlined audition process ("you're pretty, you're relatively sane... move on in!").

But then I started a business Instagram related to baking and was DM'd on Instagram by a reality show casting company looking to cast for a Food Network reality show. The casting company basically said, "We like what you've done on your Instagram and think you could be good for this show. Here's how you can apply!" I'd believe that that's how Sam was "recruited," which seems less egregious than what I used to think was considered "recruiting." 

Edited by Stinger97
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7 minutes ago, Stinger97 said:

The casting company basically said, "We like what you've done on your Instagram and think you could be good for this show. Here's how you can apply!" I'd believe that that's how Sam was "recruited," which seems less egregious than what I used to think was considered "recruiting."

I believe that's how Angela described her experience with BB17 in a print interview; she made it into the early stages that way, but then had to start all over again this year.  Different from Rachel and Faysal, who reached the final stages last season.

4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, I thought that making jury and winning AFP was better than 2nd place.  I thought that 1st and 2nd only win the money and not the stipend.  Here is a link.

Thank you; that confirms what I was thinking.  

Also wondering, though; once Jury placement is in effect, are the stipend rates different for HGs still in the House vs. ex-HGs chilling in the JH?  Purely MHO, but it seems like staying in the House and continuing to work the game should be worth more.  If not, it might be something Production wants to consider; it would at least be some degree of extra motivation to keep certain HGs from going into “coast” mode once Jury is in play.


(P. S. to mods: looked around for a “Fix the Show” thread or something similar to move this to, but couldn’t find one.)

Edited by Nashville

Don't forget - the stipend structure changed this year. The HGs make more the longer they last in the house. It's no longer the flat amount for making it to the jury phase. You actually lose money by making it to just jury in the first few weeks than you do if you last longer. We haven't gotten any real details on how it works out this year but there was definitely a change.

Maybe it'll stop the "I just want to make juuuury" whines from the HGs that go out in the early and mid-weeks. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, leocadia said:

In any other season they wouldn't have even bothered to use the Sam/Fessy footage or do a cliffhanger episode because

a) no HG would even try to push for the HOH to put up his showmance partner and

b) there would be zero possibility the the HOH might actually do it. 

Without being spoiler-y (and it's water under the bridge anyway), I was glad they showed that footage and skipped the Veto meeting because that's typical of the kind of footage that feed watchers often see, but episode watchers don't. It was so crazy, it was downright interesting. I felt it gave a better representation of how Sam is Sam and Fessy is...that.

I don't have the feeds, but I peruse the thread, and I was glad they showed that part. I'd read about it. Besides, we'll see the Veto meeting tonight anyway. Or, I'll see it tomorrow since I watch the episodes the following day on CBS.

One thing I thought was funny:

Apparently the runs into the house to look for the cards went on so long that at one point when someone came out with one, Kaycee sounded like, 'Good for you Whoeveryouare you found one NEXT!' Then when that person came out the shot of the people in the yard were just kicking back, hands behind their heads, looking bored as hell.

I half expected a subtitle. Meanwhile, the next day...

  • Love 5

This comp always takes forever and a day.  When they did it as a reward comp in the F4 of Season 12, production basically ended up telling them the general areas to search ("nothing beyond the front door", etc.), they got so bored waiting for someone to find the medallions.

If you're not playing and you've been missing out on nap time, this is your comp.

So I vote Fessy the dumbest player ever.  I mean even Sam is taking bets on Fessy listening to HER.  Sure he is making faces but he's really a dumb bunny.  Surely Haleigh doesn't like him???

Will Brett remove himself and if yes who will he put up?  JC surely is wiggling through this game.  I wonder if Tyler has noticed his moves.

Haleigh has to be losing her mind with dumb Fessy on her side and now Scottie leaving the last of the three.  Yipes.  Is there anybody sitting next to Scottie that would go home instead of Scottie.  I like him.  He's a smart player.  Just aligned himself with the wrong group.

  • Love 1
Just now, Brian Cronin said:

I think what worked best for brett is that at first it looked like he was just searching in the mattresses, which made sense. Once people figured out that he was barricading, there wasn't enough time to dig through it. 

I agree and it sure was clever of him or was it?  I know they explain the game well in advance of when we see it.  Think Fessy who probably has to have it explained over and over again.  But I kind of wonder if the show tells them where to hide them.  I vote yes they do.

2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Also wondering, though; once Jury placement is in effect, are the stipend rates different for HGs still in the House vs. ex-HGs chilling in the JH?

From the link it sounds like they all get the same compensation.  Right now the Jury House must be pretty boring though I recall the PhD candidate, Brendon,  received his school work to study with while there.  He married Rachel.

@amazingracefan - interestingly TAR does decrease the stipend when racers are eliminated but are put in resorts and do excursion, shopping and such.

1 hour ago, mikewho said:

I half expected a subtitle. Meanwhile, the next day...


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