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I am no fan of Nicki, but she is saying what a lot of people have thought, posted, or mentioned at some point:




Cause your a parent right? Your videos look like porn,” Farrah responds. “Horrible good luck being negative #Godbless busy making TV.” Minaj wasn’t having that and tweeted back, “Your mother didn’t open her legs and have that child. Be happy she’s helping! Stop talking to her like that on tv u lil c**t.” She then added in a follow-up tweet, “In your case #BigCUNT.”

Nicki continued to throw shade at Farrah including her grammar. She tweets, “Instead of dragging your mother, learn the difference between ’you’re’ & ’your’, ding bat. Abraham finally responded, “To be clear my mom doesn’t help me I help her. I love & care for my mom. Stop disgusting talk @NICKIMINAJ.” This is the last time the two directly tweeted at each other, but Nicki continues to retweet her followers who are also slamming Farrah.

Truth is being spoken. LOL at Nicki pointing out Farrah's bad spelling. 

  • Love 13

"To be clear my mom doesn't help me I help her"

Farrah, Farrah, Farrah.....I get that you're keeping Debra in liquid face lifts and probably paying her bills since she was catfished. But, girl.....we all watched the original TM series and your 16&P episode. Your parents bought you a car, you wrecked it, and they bought you another one. They watched Sophia and did the majority of the parenting when you went to school, went out, worked, etc. We've seen Michale basically be your nanny. We saw them take care of Sophia and you after your (first) boob job. Your mom let you live in her rental property. Maybe you're supporting them now, but they certainly supported you and your child for years....much of which you were an adult. And if you're paying Debra's bills, isn't that similar to paying her to stay with Sophia while you're gone (at least for that month)? So really, she's kind of an employee rather than a charity case. Anything you are doing for them now can just be seen as just paying them back for all they've done for your ungrateful ass for years and for what they do now for you and Sophia. So whatever, you can miss me with "I support my parents" stuff.

And newsflash - you're an adult and your parents are educated, able-bodied adults. If supporting them is so hard for you, tell them you're not doing it anymore and cut them off. No more cosmetic procedures for Deb on your dime. Just don't expect them to parent your kid, take care of you & her after you have your 200th plastic surgery, or drop everything to come across the country to watch your child for a month.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 20

Farrah and Nicki Minaj got into it in twitter. I'm honestly not sure who to root for.




This is absolutely hilarious. 10 days into 2016 and we've already got this ridiculous headline. Nicki Minaj, the grammy nominated and widely successful hiphop artist, decided to bash Farrah, who is "famous" for getting knocked up at 16 and being a porn star. I love everything about this. Of course, it's even better because everything Nicki said is 100% true.

  • Love 14

"To be clear my mom doesn't help me I help her"

Farrah, Farrah, Farrah.....I get that you're keeping Debra in liquid face lifts and probably paying her bills since she was catfished. But, girl.....we all watched the original TM series and your 16&P episode. Your parents bought you a car, you wrecked it, and they bought you another one. They watched Sophia and did the majority of the parenting when you went to school, went out, worked, etc. We've seen Michale basically be your nanny. We saw them take care of Sophia and you after your (first) boob job. Your mom let you live in her rental property. Maybe you're supporting them now, but they certainly supported you and your child for years....much of which you were an adult. And if you're paying Debra's bills, isn't that similar to paying her to stay with Sophia while you're gone (at least for that month)? So really, she's kind of an employee rather than a charity case. Anything you are doing for them now can just be seen as just paying them back for all they've done for your ungrateful ass for years and for what they do now for you and Sophia. So whatever, you can miss me with "I support my parents" stuff.

And newsflash - you're an adult and your parents are educated, able-bodied adults. If supporting them is so hard for you, tell them you're not doing it anymore and cut them off. No more cosmetic procedures for Deb on your dime. Just don't expect them to parent your kid, take care of you & her after you have your 200th plastic surgery, or drop everything to come across the country to watch your child for a month.



I have been wanting to post about the parents supposedly not working. If they are not working, and there isn't anything that proves they aren't, that doesn't necessarily mean they are living off of or sponging off of Farrah. They may have made investments throughout the years. We know Deb was conned out of money, but that was some major money she had saved up. That doesn't mean it was all she had. Deb has a few rental properties. She may have acquired more. As MyPeopleAreNordic has pointed out, those two put up with Farrah's shit over the years and they were there supporting their daughter in more ways than one. She also made a good point about Deb being there to care for Sophia. The least Farrah could do is give her mom the occasional skin peel or whatever other needs she wants. 


Nicki Minaj, THANK YOU! 



I'm tickled at the thought of Nicki Minaj with some downtime on her world tour watching Farrah and going "This Bitch!"

I'd love to see something go down at the next MTV event if Nicki and Farrah are both invited. 

  • Love 8

When did Sophia become another "Bew Bew"?. she's been Soph for years and now it's Bew Bew.


If I remember correctly, Farrah changes Sophia's nickname every sentence. I remember laughing at how many names Farrah's used for her.


And no opinion on Nicki Minaj, don't know anything about her, other than liking the song Starships. But damn it was hilarious that she just out right said that because it is what everyone is thinking. Unless Debra legitimately abused Farrah (I say legitimately to differentiate between the one-off things a lot of parents do, like smacking her arm or yelling at her or whatever.. maybe not the best behaviour but does not rise to the level of abuse), there is no excuse for Farrah's behaviour towards her mom. If she truly is abusive, why in the world is she watching Sophia? Why is Farrah supporting her? The relationship dynamic we see just doesn't give that impression. 


The only thing i can say in Farrah's defence is that she likely was pretty devastated when Derek died. She's carrying his child, they had a tough relationship, but that doesn't mean she would ever think that there would be as situation where he would never be around again. However, where this would humble a person and make them appreciate what they had, it was the beginning of Farrah being a total, well, bitch. Also, I have zero sympathy where she never ever mentions the guy until, I think, the second season? And it's obvious it's just a story line to make her look good / garner sympathy for her. 


But as long as we live in this celebrity obsessed culture, Farrah will always have some kind of publicity, even if its just from the worst of the worst tabloids. Plus, lets be real, we all love seeing the awful things that happen to her. Eventually, people may stop caring, but she'll find some pathetic rich guy to marry her.


Also, was it ever talked about why her parents wanted her to stay away from Derek? Was it just they figured that would stop them from having sex, or was there something that happened? I know his parents don't like her either (or at least his mom, who unless she has some crazy evil past we don't know about, I feel bad about her since Sophia is the only thing left of her child in this world -- can you imagine only knowing about your grandchild through Farrah's antics?)

  • Love 4


The only thing i can say in Farrah's defence is that she likely was pretty devastated when Derek died. She's carrying his child, they had a tough relationship, but that doesn't mean she would ever think that there would be as situation where he would never be around again... Also, I have zero sympathy where she never ever mentions the guy until, I think, the second season? And it's obvious it's just a story line to make her look good / garner sympathy for her. 




Also, was it ever talked about why her parents wanted her to stay away from Derek? Was it just they figured that would stop them from having sex, or was there something that happened? I know his parents don't like her either (or at least his mom, who unless she has some crazy evil past we don't know about, I feel bad about her since Sophia is the only thing left of her child in this world -- can you imagine only knowing about your grandchild through Farrah's antics?)



To answer your second question, Farrah said in her 16 and Pregnant that Derek was controlling and jealous. This was then underscored by him calling her at work (not on her cell phone where she could have screened the call, but on her work phone where she had to answer), asking if he could see her, and Farrah declining because she already had plans. Derek is like, with WHO, Farrah? Are there going to be guys there? When Farrah answers that the only guy going is her friend (who we see a few scenes later is very flamboyantly gay), Derek responds, if I find out Roberto is going, I will NEVER talk to you again. Farrah is like, okay, bye then. I am going to estimate this call took place around October of 2008 because Farrah mentions Halloween on the phone. When Farrah is getting ready to leave for the football game, Deb comes out and reminds her to not encourage Derek in any way, and to just ignore him if he tries to talk to her, and then goes on to say that they will be calling Farrah's cell provider to block Derek's calls.


My take on it is this- and it's JUST my interpretation- after Deb and Michael found out she and Derek had been having sex (Farrah was about 4 months pregnant in the beginning of the episode), Deb blamed the whole situation on Derek, and Farrah went along with it. Derek was throwing up red flags on the phone with her (it sounded like textbook controlling jealous boyfriend), but I did not get the impression that Farrah was afraid of him, and was more than happy to let the blame rest with him.


In November of that year (I think) Derek found out via school gossip that Farrah was pregnant, and sends a text asking if it is his. Farrah was not shown answering him but told a friend she was not going to let him be involved. We found out on a later season of Teen Mom that Derek had told his mother and sister that he believed the baby to be his, and was planning on working out something with Farrah in regards to child support. Derek died a few weeks after asking Farrah if she was pregnant. At the point that he asked Farrah, she may have been undecided if she was keeping the baby as Deb was pushing adoption hard. I think Farrah was pretty far along before she told her mother she was keeping Sophia.


Farrah did not mention Derek even in passing after that text for the rest of her 16 and pregnant episode. She did end up planning a date with the aforementioned "Roberto", but it didn't happen as he stood her up. He was never mentioned again.


Honestly, while it's not surprising to me that the death of an old boyfriend (even one that ended on messy terms) would be devastating and would cause a teenage girl to romanticize the relationship, magnified with the fact that your child will never meet her father, I don't get the impression that is Farrah's bag. I think she was going for "Brave Victim of Abusive Boyfriend Overcomes Adversity and Raises Child Alone" and then saw the attention Emily Maynard from the Bachelorette got from being a single mother with a dead ex and decided that version sounded better, and ever since then, Derek has become her soul mate.


I'm not saying it's not possible she was legit devastated over Derek and has lashed out because of it- I'm saying I personally don't believe it. I get a very manipulative vibe every time she brings him up.

  • Love 10

I get the romanticizing on Farrah's part, I don't remember if I mentioned it before, I know I've come close but I don't know if I went through with posting about this, so I apologize it I am repeating myself, but I had an ex boyfriend whe passed away less than a year from when we broke up, there was absolutely no indication we would ever speak let alone get back together, we didn't end on good terms, but since he died I do catch myself wondering if we could've/would've worked things out. As much as I cannot stand Farrah, for a multitude of other reasons, this is one thing I don't hold against her.

That being said, I don't think it's healthy that she seems to be living out that fantasy, and seems 100% sure they would have still been together had he not died. And I also find it strange that he is referred to as "daddy Derek"

Did anyone see the US weekly teaser that Farrah texted Simon that she was pregnant? It is so weird and I don't know that I really understand the story... Apparently Farrah posted a screen shot of a conversation (and quickly removed it) with Simon where he threw out some comment about being pregnant. I'll try to find the link and add it, but it's really bizarre... It reminds me of a few years ago where she deliberately was photographed by paparazzi looking at pregnancy tests.

Oh, and the whole Nicki Minaj thing, on one hand I am thrilled that she was called out publically, but on the other hand I agree with the person who said it's just going to inflate her ego that Nicki Minaj even has an opinion about her.

The thing about engaging in an argument with Farrah, that she is so delusional that she truly believes she is always right. I know I've had my share of arguments in my life, and generally I fight for what I believe to be right, but I have had moments where I look back and realize I was wrong... Farrah doesn't seem capable of that kind of thinking and seems to believe that anyone who does not agree with anything she says or does is just a "jelluz hater".

  • Love 3

She's really the worst and Deborah and Michael are no better for enabling this psychopath for fear of losing that spotlight (NOT Sophia). She just served her kid up to the worst the internet has to offer - stans.



Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 4


s it ever talked about why her parents wanted her to stay away from Derek?


Deb said in a therapy session, in response to a question from the therapist, Farrah had told them about some alleged mental abuse going on. I am not sure, but I think there was a reference of Farrah being in some kind of physical abuse at the hands of Derek. Deb mentioned being worried for Farrah and the baby. 

  • Love 1

Oh my. This won't end well.



From: TMZ

Farrah Abraham has laid down the law with her daughter ... they now live in a Nicki Minaj-free zone.

Farrah tells us her 6-year-old daughter Sophia is no longer allowed to listen to or watch Nicki's videos because "they already have little girls asking for butt injections and wanting to color their hair crazy.

"Farrah says Minaj took things too far when she insulted her publicly on Twitter -- calling her a c*** and a bitch -- and believes Nicki is being super disrespectful to single parents who are doing their best.Farrah's parting shot at Nicki ... "She's dead to me ... that mess."

Actually there's one more jab... Farrah says Nicki needs to focus on her "rapist brother."

Does Sophia even go to school? It seems like all the other kids on this show have a lot of scenes of them getting ready and going to school, but I've never seen that with Sophia. I wouldn't be surprised if Farrah has Sophia getting home schooled by scientologists, massage therapists or the MTV crew. Christ, even Jenelle has thrown birthday parties for Jace with a bunch of his classmates. I've literally never seen Sophia interact with someone her own age on this show. That kid has no hope and no future. She's going to be a raging maladjusted bitch just like her shitty mom. 

  • Love 10

See, I hate it because you know it just feeds Farrah's ego that Nicki knows who she is.

Ha!  At the strip club Tyler had his bachelor party at, even the stripper knew who Farrah is and was trashing her to Catelyn and Tyler.  It cracked me up. 



I have been wanting to post about the parents supposedly not working. If they are not working, and there isn't anything that proves they aren't, that doesn't necessarily mean they are living off of or sponging off of Farrah. They may have made investments throughout the years. We know Deb was conned out of money, but that was some major money she had saved up. That doesn't mean it was all she had. Deb has a few rental properties. She may have acquired more. As MyPeopleAreNordic has pointed out, those two put up with Farrah's shit over the years and they were there supporting their daughter in more ways than one. She also made a good point about Deb being there to care for Sophia. The least Farrah could do is give her mom the occasional skin peel or whatever other needs she wants.

I don't know about Debra's finances or what she's doing in Seattle,  but I used to live a block from the scene in tonight's show supposedly near her place.  That scene was on the Kirkland waterfront just east of Seattle and it's a very expensive area.  If she owns even one home there, she's doing okay.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3
She's really the worst and Deborah and Michael are no better for enabling this psychopath for fear of losing that spotlight (NOT Sophia). She just served her kid up to the worst the internet has to offer - stans.



Oh my word. You know, I tend to pretty lax on judging other parents. I'm not one to say CPS should be called over every little thing. But the fact that a 6-year-old not only has her own Twitter account, but is aware of a grown up fight between her mother and another woman and is being used as a pawn IN that fight.....I think that warrants looking into. I'm seriously scared as to how far Farrah would go to pimp out her daughter. 


Does Sophia even go to school? It seems like all the other kids on this show have a lot of scenes of them getting ready and going to school, but I've never seen that with Sophia. I wouldn't be surprised if Farrah has Sophia getting home schooled by scientologists, massage therapists or the MTV crew. Christ, even Jenelle has thrown birthday parties for Jace with a bunch of his classmates. I've literally never seen Sophia interact with someone her own age on this show. That kid has no hope and no future. She's going to be a raging maladjusted bitch just like her shitty mom.


No, this is a very good point. I can remember every single other kid on this show having a conversation or scene about school. I don't ever recall that with Sophia. And they travel a lot too. We NEVER see her with other kids. But she will certainly be there during negotiations over porn tapes and to watch her mother use her ass to sell cupcakes. This girl has NO childhood! 


I homeschool and I am pretty lax about how people educate their kids. I recognize that people can learn in many different ways and at different times, etc. But this is NOT something I would leave up to moronic Farrah. I really am curious now as to where Sophia attends school, if at all. 

  • Love 2

With the Power Ball being insanely high, I remember what someone said about money.


If you were unhappy without money, you will be unhappy with it.


If you were happy without money, you will be happier (money does give you security), but you were already pretty happy in the first place.


This made me think of Farrah.  I bet she has earned a small fortune for someone her age through all the reality shows and the porn (sorry sex tape), but I have never seen anyone so alone and miserable.


The money has only allowed her ego go out of control.  She has no one but her parents and the money allows her to spit in their faces.


She lives in a delusional world and is enabled by all those around her.  What is going to happen when her parent's pass away and Mtv no longer cares?  I guess she will latch on to Sophia, who will also be unbearable, by that point.

  • Love 6






I homeschool

Oh, God! Can you imagine Farrah homeschooling Sophia?


"If mommy has two dicks pointing at her, and two more show up, how many dicks does mommy have pointing at her?"


"If mommy has 320 cc's of silicone in her tits, and they put in 320 more, how much silicone is in mommy's tits?"


But that is a good point about school, I've never heard Farrah talk about it. I feel sorry for the future teachers who end up with Sophia; not only is she a terror on her own, but they'll have Deb and Farrah to deal with. I'm sure Farrah will launch a complaint anytime the teacher gives Sophia a bad grade, or tells her she can't rip some kid's face off and wear it as a mask.

Edited by WhitneyWhit
  • Love 15

Farrah posted a pic of Sophia on her first day of school last year I think, so unless somethings changed she's in school. I do remember Farrah talking about homeschooling, but she talks about a lot of things (adoption for one) with no follow through. I imagine Sophia is a handful in class. And lol, imagine Farrah at a parent teacher conference. She would explode the second the teacher even implied there was something wrong with her precious "baby goo" (or whatever they call her)

Edited by Spacecow
  • Love 3

Ok, i agree that Nicki Minaj may not be appropriate for children, I don't have kids, and I don't really know a whole lot about her, but I can see it...but I find it funny that Farrah had no issue until the spat between them... Now she is unsuitable and a bad influence.

For a public figure you would think Farrah would figure out how to put a coherent sentence together, 98% of the time I can tell when something is a statement from her by the fact that I doesn't make sense; doesn't answer the question asked; and has at least 2 references to the fact that she is a positive person, and negative people are just trying to bring her down.

Btw on the "positive person" thing, you know how everyone says that when Amber says she is a good mom, how actual good moms do not usually have to proclaim themselves good moms... I feel the same about Farrah always bringing up that she is positive... First of all she is the absolute most negative person I have ever seen. Second, I don't think truly positive people would have to constantly convince others that they are in fact positive.

Sorry...end rant.

  • Love 6

I'm sure Farrah will launch a complaint anytime the teacher gives Sophia a bad grade, or tells her she can't rip some kid's face off and wear it as a mask.

I have nothing to contribute to this conversation that hasn't already been said but I just had to chime in and say that I laughed for a good ten minutes regarding this comment. Omg lol!

  • Love 4

So I just caught this episode. Bitch is totally delusional that her negative reputation is from her association with Teen Mom. Oh, that's rich!  No, honey. It's the porn and the sex toys and the fact that you're a miserable, rotten person.


I'm not super impressed with ANY teen mom but it is laughable this is the story she thinks people will buy?

  • Love 4

I hadn't seen Farrah on my telly in a while, and I was MORTIFIED by the way she spoke to her Mother. Holy cow, She sounds like she has no emotion whatsoever.She actually argued with her Mom in the backseat with Sophia between them how she didn't want Sophia to grow up with irritation like she had to?! If she talks to her that way in front of the cameras, is she worse when there are no cameras? The same? My mind is just boggled.

  • Love 6

To answer your second question, Farrah said in her 16 and Pregnant that Derek was controlling and jealous. This was then underscored by him calling her at work (not on her cell phone where she could have screened the call, but on her work phone where she had to answer), asking if he could see her, and Farrah declining because she already had plans. Derek is like, with WHO, Farrah? Are there going to be guys there? When Farrah answers that the only guy going is her friend (who we see a few scenes later is very flamboyantly gay), Derek responds, if I find out Roberto is going, I will NEVER talk to you again. Farrah is like, okay, bye then. I am going to estimate this call took place around October of 2008 because Farrah mentions Halloween on the phone. When Farrah is getting ready to leave for the football game, Deb comes out and reminds her to not encourage Derek in any way, and to just ignore him if he tries to talk to her, and then goes on to say that they will be calling Farrah's cell provider to block Derek's calls.


My take on it is this- and it's JUST my interpretation- after Deb and Michael found out she and Derek had been having sex (Farrah was about 4 months pregnant in the beginning of the episode), Deb blamed the whole situation on Derek, and Farrah went along with it. Derek was throwing up red flags on the phone with her (it sounded like textbook controlling jealous boyfriend), but I did not get the impression that Farrah was afraid of him, and was more than happy to let the blame rest with him.


In November of that year (I think) Derek found out via school gossip that Farrah was pregnant, and sends a text asking if it is his. Farrah was not shown answering him but told a friend she was not going to let him be involved. We found out on a later season of Teen Mom that Derek had told his mother and sister that he believed the baby to be his, and was planning on working out something with Farrah in regards to child support. Derek died a few weeks after asking Farrah if she was pregnant. At the point that he asked Farrah, she may have been undecided if she was keeping the baby as Deb was pushing adoption hard. I think Farrah was pretty far along before she told her mother she was keeping Sophia.


Farrah did not mention Derek even in passing after that text for the rest of her 16 and pregnant episode. She did end up planning a date with the aforementioned "Roberto", but it didn't happen as he stood her up. He was never mentioned again.


Honestly, while it's not surprising to me that the death of an old boyfriend (even one that ended on messy terms) would be devastating and would cause a teenage girl to romanticize the relationship, magnified with the fact that your child will never meet her father, I don't get the impression that is Farrah's bag. I think she was going for "Brave Victim of Abusive Boyfriend Overcomes Adversity and Raises Child Alone" and then saw the attention Emily Maynard from the Bachelorette got from being a single mother with a dead ex and decided that version sounded better, and ever since then, Derek has become her soul mate.


I'm not saying it's not possible she was legit devastated over Derek and has lashed out because of it- I'm saying I personally don't believe it. I get a very manipulative vibe every time she brings him up.

THIS! Exactly how it happened, and she quickly did the Emily-is-a-poor-helpless-Widow thing.

  • Love 1

I agree 100%... I said earlier I can understand and have been through and ex dying... But considering he was only vaguely mentioned in the 16 and pregnant episode and maybe even the first season of teen mom, I don't buy this whole "Derek showed me what love is" act she is now putting on. She wasn't even planning to allow him to have involvement is Sopia's life, but now he was the only one who ever truly loved her!? Give me a break. Sure, people fight, say things they don't mean, etc... But i just personally think if they were truly as in love as she is now trying to make it seem, we would have known more so at the time, before he died. If I remember correctly she went to great lengths to not have him shown on her 16 and pregnant before he died, that just doesn't match with her current description of their relationship. I'm a little unclear, he died before Sophia was born right? That is pretty impressive that Farrah was able to keep MTV from finding that out.

  • Love 2

I can't believe that anyone would think it was a good idea to sign up a 6 year old on Twitter. It is a magnet for all of the pedophiles to latch on to, doesn't Farrah care who will be looking at her kid, and why they will be looking at her kid? Creepy pics of flowers on Daddy Derek's Grave site, then she makes it public? This chick is worse then trailer trash, the only difference between Farrah & trailer trash is a big bank account, this is exactly how 'new money' acts, all the money in the world will not wipe that stench off of her.

If she has had so much plastics done to her face, then why is her nose so big and flat looking? And her lips are too big for her mouth, which has way too many big teeth in it. I always thought she was on the pretty side when she first joined up with 16 & Pregnant, what has happened to her?

I do feel really sorry for Sophia, because she is very bad looking, never saw a little girl so ugly,

wonder when she will start having 'procedures' done. I do feel sorry for Farrah, she is just so clueless about life, and if she doesn't change quickly, she will be miserable her entire life.

  • Love 2


can't believe that anyone would think it was a good idea to sign up a 6 year old on Twitter. It is a magnet for all of the pedophiles to latch on to, doesn't Farrah care who will be looking at her kid, and why they will be looking at her kid? Creepy pics of flowers on Daddy Derek's Grave site, then she makes it public? This chick is worse then trailer trash, the only difference between Farrah & trailer trash is a big bank account, this is exactly how 'new money' acts, all the money in the world will not wipe that stench off of her.


If she has had so much plastics done to her face, then why is her nose so big and flat looking? And her lips are too big for her mouth, which has way too many big teeth in it. I always thought she was on the pretty side when she first joined up with 16 & Pregnant, what has happened to her?



I at first thought Farrah was attractive, though her features were not naturally photogenic. Now I think both her and Debra look horrible.  Farrah looks like a cheap stripper and Deb looks like a shiny balloon faced version of the Grinch.  They are both classic examples of  bad plastic surgery. 


It is almost as the ugly in Farrah is creeping on to the outside.


Even if Sophia was the prettiest girl in the world, I can see Farrah encouraging her to have plastic surgery at a young age.


I love how in the article she said that she was happy that she had her daughter in the "young part of her life" because it has given her many "opportunities".  Yeah, Farrah that is the reason people have children...to make money in porn, uh, sex tapes.

  • Love 2

Farrah reached new levels of low involving Sophia in her stupid twitter fight. No one could be a worse influence on her child than Farrah herself. Plus, was Minaj ever trying to be kid-friendly? Don't think so. Unlike Miley she never had a Disney show... It's funny Farrah mentions girls wanting butt implants because of Nicki...does she think we can't tell Farrah has butt implants herself? I'm not aware that Nicki even HAS butt implants, unlike Farrah who clearly got them. I never had an opinion on Minaj but now I like her more. She said what we all have wanted to. It's a shame Farrah just uses it to fuel her delusions. A deeper person might sit and consider why a legit celebrity felt the need to comment on her awfulness but Farrah will just say she's a hater and use it to fuel more self-importance.

Sophia is absolutely hideous in all ways and I don't even feel bad saying it. This whole family brings new meaning to the word dysfunction.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 6

There are photos out there of Nicki Minaj when she had a way smaller butt. 


This twitter war was mentioned on Wendy Williams. Wendy said Farrah was the winner in this war. Okay. Not sure her reasons for saying Farrah was the winner make sense, but whatever. Something about an "A-list celeb" sitting around watching Teen Mom, a tv show Wendy said she has never watched. 


Sophia may be a child, but that doesn't change how I feel about her. Both she and her mother can just go away for good. Sophia will be worse than Farrah. 

  • Love 1

There are photos out there of Nicki Minaj when she had a way smaller butt. 


This twitter war was mentioned on Wendy Williams. Wendy said Farrah was the winner in this war. Okay. Not sure her reasons for saying Farrah was the winner make sense, but whatever. Something about an "A-list celeb" sitting around watching Teen Mom, a tv show Wendy said she has never watched. 


Sophia may be a child, but that doesn't change how I feel about her. Both she and her mother can just go away for good. Sophia will be worse than Farrah. 


I would argue with the A-list part, but she has a point. I do agree any celeb (one who is famous for an actual talent, not another reality "star") immediately loses points for engaging with someone like Farrah. I mean, you wouldn't see Reese Witherspoon admitting in public that Farrah was even on her radar, and she sure as shit wouldn't dignify anything Farrah said with a response.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 1

Ok, I googled Nicki and learned more..she probably does have an ass implant but whatever...bigger point..she's 33?!?! I thought she was in her early to mid-20s... Yeah, she's losing points now in my mind but still the winner over Farrah. I don't see the embarrassment that apparently Wendy thinks should be had in a celebrity watching a show and having an opinion, like we all do.

Edited by Rebecca
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I love how in the article she said that she was happy that she had her daughter in the "young part of her life" because it has given her many "opportunities". Yeah, Farrah that is the reason people have children...to make money in porn, uh, sex tapes.

I guess she considers selling molds of her vagina and asshole and getting assaulted on Big Brother "opportunities"

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I agree with the point that Farrah wins to a slight degree, only because it's true (in my opinion) that it inflated Farrah's already big head that Nicki even knew who she was... But overall I would say Nicki won the battle because at least her tweets were coherent thoughts, I don't even understand what Farrah is trying to say half the time.

My favorite argument from Farrah was (to Nicki) "your video looks like a porno". Umm... Yes, Nicki's video is a little more graphic than what I like... But coming from the girl who has an ACTUAL porn video...???...seriously!?!?

I can't wait until Soohia rebels, and puts up a Nicki Minaj poster up in her room and blasts her music, he'll... I'll send Sophia a poster just to get under Farrah's skin.

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