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Something Unexpected: Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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@Mrs. Hanson I DID get my daughter the Depo until she finished school. I am still a young Grandmother but my child is grown and self supporting. 

Now...These chicks. They have the so what who cares attitude. I feel for them all especially the one who's trash box mother walks back into her life pregnant and pissy. 

  • Love 4

Lily is obviously immature, but also seems emotionally needy. I agree she may end up with many children of many fathers. I'd like to know more about her older sibs & their lives. The brother seemed pretty mature.

I agree about both Shannon & Shelly being ridiculous. Their - I want to say argument but arguments are typically more mature - cat fight was annoying to watch. They're both clawing away at getting to MacKayla & that baby, it seems to me. Both have kids about to be teen parents - both.

Shelly seems like she's still got an addict brain - sort of like a dry drunk - she's not using but she's still got the attitude going of entitlement, playing the victim, using excuses etc. She's at risk to start using again unless she *really* gets herself together.

MacKayla is what I thought - a brat. Given a rough start her grandparents have over indulged her. And Shannon's son seemed to think it was amusing how his gf was imposing him on her grandfather & HIS home. That was awful.

Wonder when MacKayla will lose the necklace she was given; maybe it'll end up with the engagement ring or in someone else's back seat someday. And didn't she look so excited & appreciative of all the work done for her for the shower? Um, not so much... entitled brat. Her 'mother' is not a good influence either, both being cut from a similar cloth it seems.

I felt sorry for the baby, Scarlett, in previews, what with that baby himself Shaydon?, bouncing her around - on one arm I think it was- & not listening to Lexus' mom about what the baby really needed. He's a big baby himself & unfortunately they'd be better off if he stepped out of the picture.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

@Mrs. Hanson I DID get my daughter the Depo until she finished school. I am still a young Grandmother but my child is grown and self supporting. 

Now...These chicks. They have the so what who cares attitude. I feel for them all especially the one who's trash box mother walks back into her life pregnant and pissy. 

Nothing wrong with being a young grandma as long as everyone can support themselves.  And there is a big leap in having a baby at 15 with your sixteen year old boyfriend and being 19 and your husband is 22 or 23....big leap.

These chicks....just no no and more no.

  • Love 6

Why does Shelley keep accusing Shannon of having "gotten pregnant on purpose" when Shannon is due several weeks before Mykaela? For what? Even if Shannon had gotten pregnant after Mykaela, what good would that have done her?

Are Shelley and Shannon married?

Shannon is so immature. But Shelley is one of those high school mean girl types. She has to be Queen Bee. I bet if Shannon had offered to help w/ Mykaela's baby shower, Shelley would have declined her offer. She wanted to be the one in charge and the gatekeeper deciding if Shannon could attend. Shelley doesn't want Mykaela to have a mom; she wants to be the authority figure in both Mykaela and Caelen's lives.

5 hours ago, KBrownie said:


I'm not buying her sweet, dim, innocent act.  She looks positively angelic in comparison to the other girls, but as I mentioned in another post, I think she and Caelan (who apparently doesn't even work based on the grandfather in one of those commercials for the online extra content saying that he needs to get a job) will begin to show their true colors next week if the previews are any indication.  Her telling her grandfather in his own house that Caelan will be spending the night and that he needs to get used to it?  No, ma'am.



33 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

MacKayla is what I thought - a brat. Given a rough start her grandparents have over indulged her. And Shannon's son seemed to think it was amusing how his gf was imposing him on her grandfather & HIS home. That was awful.

Wonder when MacKayla will lose the necklace she was given; maybe it'll end up with the engagement ring or in someone else's back seat someday. And didn't she look so excited & appreciative of all the work done for her for the shower? Um, not so much... entitled brat. Her 'mother' is not a good influence either, both being cut from a similar cloth it seems.

Yup. No gratitude shown. The shower was awesome!

6 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Imagine that! James didn't want to hang around a festival where there wouldn't be any fun for him.  Sorry Lily, you're about to learn that 16yr old boys are all about the fun.  And there ain't nothing less fun than responsibility. That boy is GONE!

He's a little asshole. But Lily's parents just need to stop. James doesn't care. Accept it and help Lily accept it. No 16 y/o boy w/ a shit attitude is going to hang out w/ Kim and Glenn (Lily's parents) all day at a festival. It doesn't matter that he got Lily pregnant. He's just not going to. And I really can't see a 16 y/o boy w/ a shit attitude going to Lamaze class. He's not going to be changing diapers, he's not going to be getting up at night, he's not going to marry her. So just stop creating all this drama and conflict. Your daughter (Lily) picked a dud and she will have to make this work without him. When he gets a job, petition for child support, and just keep it moving, Lily. You threw yourself at the "the cute guy" and this is what happened.


What is wrong w/ Kim's face (Lily's mother)? Did she have a stroke or something? Why is her face so misshapen, I wonder?

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 14

EDITED because based from what I'm reading in this thread I can see I'm going to be the unpopular opinion in Every. Single. Topic. from LLL to the "choice" to breastfeed (you do: good mother; you don't: bad mother who doesn't want to leak on her silk women's business suit, which was what I was told at one of my  LLL meetings, even though my "work clothes" consisted of pajamas and sweats most of the year since I worked from home ... she told me this while her four-year-old son was standing there nursing, though I'm not being judgmental, just explaining where the source of this critique came) to ... well, everything else being discussed. 

The good news is, I managed to raise a pretty awesome bottle-fed kid and apparently didn't ruin her too much despite weaning her after two months of failure and massive raging mastitis, 20-plus hours a day spent trying to nurse or trying to pump FRUITLESSLY ... I was lucky if I could produce an ounce in two hours ... and her losing a few pounds until my doctor basically BEGGED me to put her on the bottle before she starved and that it didn't make me a bad mother. (I wish someone had warned me that just because the boobs are HUGE doesn't mean the milk is free. In fact, as I was told later by the mom of one of the kids I covered who was a nurse ... yeah, they ALL knew me, the only pregnant sportswriter in captivity LOL ... the bigger you are to start with, the harder it may be to nurse) 

One possibility re: why the girls are not being encouraged to breastfeed: Maybe their parents/grandparents DO want them to go back to school and nursing might make that a much slower process. Just a thought. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 6
4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:


Shelly seems like she's still got an addict brain - sort of like a dry drunk - she's not using but she's still got the attitude going of entitlement, playing the victim, using excuses etc. She's at risk to start using again unless she *really* gets herself together.



I was thinking the exact same thing.  She still has those addict behaviors.  Wonder what drugs she was using.  I’m guessing meth.

The husband that died, did they say how he died?  He looked a bit meth-y, wonder if it was a drug overdose.  



4 hours ago, balisticnikki said:


What is wrong w/ Kim's face (Lily's mother)? Did she have a stroke or something? Why is her face so misshapen, I wonder?

I was trying to figure that out myself- something is off!

  • Love 13

I'm sorry you were judged like that. I don't think all breastfeeding moms or LLL people are that judgemental. One person can make a group look bad but it's not right, nor is pitting breastfeeding moms 'against' bottle feeding moms, or SAHMs 'against' working moms, etc.

Really in the end everyone has to do the best for their kids & families.

I agree they need to go back to school; I just hope they have good help with the babies while they do.

There are other concerns with them reg. how they will parent, given they're so young & immature, mostly, & a couple of the boys are very concerning as well - then there's breaking this cycle of teen pregnancy in their families, which would be great.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


6 hours ago, balisticnikki said:


What is wrong w/ Kim's face (Lily's mother)? Did she have a stroke or something? Why is her face so misshapen, I wonder?

I was trying to figure that out myself- something is off!

Ok, it isn't just me.  It's not just that her face is kind of misshapen, but her head is also very large for her body.  It was that way in the flash back picture of when she was a teen mom.  I'm wondering if it is some kind of skeletal genetic disorder, not Marfan's but something along those lines. The older two kids look proportional, but Lily favors her mother.  In any event, she needs to school Lily on the realities of James not sticking around.  Lily seems to have a maturity level far below 16.  Perhaps she's always been the ultra sheltered baby of the family.

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Why does Shelley keep accusing Shannon of having "gotten pregnant on purpose" when Shannon is due several weeks before Mykaela? For what? Even if Shannon had gotten pregnant after Mykaela, what good would that have done her?

Are Shelley and Shannon married?

Shannon is so immature. But Shelley is one of those high school mean girl types. She has to be Queen Bee. I bet if Shannon had offered to help w/ Mykaela's baby shower, Shelley would have declined her offer. She wanted to be the one in charge and the gatekeeper deciding if Shannon could attend. Shelley doesn't want Mykaela to have a mom; she wants to be the authority figure in both Mykaela and Caelen's lives.

I was wondering that too & why does this pregnancy of Shannon's bother Shelley so much? It's Shannon's business & her baby to care for - there was no shower for Shannon which is fine but now there's no reason for Shelley's attitude about the baby.  I also wondered if Shannon is married or with the father of her newest child. The younger sister was in the back seat on their way to the shower so is she living with Shannon?

Lots of questions.

I agree about Shelly too. I thought her son (is it "Caelan?") said his father wasn't involved in his life & he doesn't want his son to have to 'go through what' he 'went through', but he didn't elaborate & I wonder what his back story is as well.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I was wondering that too & why does this pregnancy of Shannon's bother Shelley so much? It's Shannon's business & her baby to care for - there was no shower for Shannon which is fine but now there's no reason for Shelley's attitude about the baby.  I also wondered if Shannon is married or with the father of her newest child. The younger sister was in the back seat on their way to the shower so is she living with Shannon?

Lots of questions.

I agree about Shelly too. I thought her son (is it "Caelan?") said his father wasn't involved in his life & he doesn't want his son to have to 'go through what' he 'went through', but he didn't elaborate & I wonder what his back story is as well.

The only part I remember them talking about  is that Shannon already has three born children. The grandparents are raising he older two (Mykaela and brother). And then the third one is in Shannon's care.

That's right; they said Caelen's father is not in the picture. hmmmm that woman is big mad about something. And super controlling. Maybe jealousy? That Shannon gets to be "irresponsible"? That Shannon got to have several kids?

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

The only part I remember them talking about  is that Shannon already has three born children. The grandparents are raising he older two (Mykaela and brother). And then the third one is in Shannon's care.

That's right; they said Caelen's father is not in the picture. hmmmm that woman is big mad about something. And super controlling. Maybe jealousy? That Shannon gets to be "irresponsible"? That Shannon got to have several kids?

Probably because she is not just talking... she did - and is doing - the actual work of raising a child, not simply giving birth.  (Ironic, isn't it, that labor is actually the easiest part of motherhood, when you get right down to it.)  

I doubt Shelly is envious that Shannon got to have several kids.  Can't she still have children of her own? Maybe I missed something.  

In any case, I like Shelly and can appreciate her resentment towards Shannon.  On the other hand, I feel sympathy towards Shannon, too, in a way.  She's admitted she messed up.  What I don't understand is Shannon's bringing another child into the world.  Her years of drug use have hindered her maturity; she has the emotional maturity of a fifteen year old.

  • Love 6
On ‎11‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 11:31 PM, PugMum said:

I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but here goes. Why the hell do none of these girls/and their families EVER consider adoption?!?!? I realize this particular show wouldn't exist if they did choose adoption, but I've just had enough of these immature, unskilled nitwits giving birth when they are just children. Do their parents not tell them ANYTHING about safe sex? STD's are a very real and scary possibility if you have unprotected sex. Planned Parenthood exists to provide great information and birth control. Those moms who are now going to be young grandmothers should be ashamed of themselves! It's not enough to lecture your daughters on how difficult it was. Taking them to the freaking doctor and get them on Norplant or an IUD to avoid this situation. And to all those who want to cut Mckayla's (?) birth mom some slack: stop it! That woman is 30-somehing going on 13. The kindest thing she could do for her daughter is go away.

I doubt I'd put Norplant in a 15 y/o but I agree w/ you on all other counts.

Apparently it (teen pregnancy) is not that big a deal in certain circles. NO ONE had a baby in my high school of 4000 in the late 80s. NO ONE. Yes, a few had abortions (I don't agree with that) but only one person was ever visibly pregnant during my 4 yrs there and she transferred out before the ever had the baby. Just saying, it wasn't something that we ever saw or that was ever normalized. If these girls see a bunch of other girls and women walking around pregnant, while not having finished school, still dependent on parents, etc., there won't be much effort put into preventing pregnancies of there own. And really, what can the mothers say if they've been having babies w/ random guys since they were 15 and 16 also? They see it all kinda worked out and verbalizing anything too negative about it will just be putting their own mothers and fathers down.

  • Love 4
On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 4:27 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I always found this hilarious. Caitlin, pronounced Kochleen, is basically the Gaelic spelling of the Anglicized Kathleen. And the wheel turns.... 

I like Irish names very much...I get that the American translation doesn't quite get there, though.  I have a very good friend who said she'd name a baby girl Ceara (pronounced "Kira"), and I'm like, "aren't you afraid she's gonna be correcting people her whole life?"

I had a neighbor named "Aine" (pronounced "Anya") and then years and years later I had a business contact with that name.  I had to call her and I'm like, "hi, is it "Anya"?" and she said "HOW ON EARTH DO YOU KNOW THAT?"

  • Love 5

I like Irish names too. And if I used one I would be very tempted to use the Gaelic spelling I have a friend who named her daughter Mhoire, pronounced "Maura". I think its lovely. But people are so lazy--even if you tell them how your name's pronounced for some reason they don't retain. Years ago I worked with a woman named "Taina", pronounced "TIE-na". How many times a day did she get called "Tanya"? A LOT.

  • Love 3

LOL, this is why my husband talked my down from names like Saoirse and Aibhlinn. I'm half Irish, just went there for the first time this year. I love traditional Gaelic names! But he didn't want the kids to be plagued with a lifetime of mispronunciation. Well, guess what? Two of them still have this issue anyhow!!!! People are lazy, I agree. 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

LOL, this is why my husband talked my down from names like Saoirse and Aibhlinn. I'm half Irish, just went there for the first time this year. I love traditional Gaelic names! But he didn't want the kids to be plagued with a lifetime of mispronunciation. Well, guess what? Two of them still have this issue anyhow!!!! People are lazy, I agree. 

this has nothing to do w/anything.  but that reminds me of Saiorse (Seer-sha, right?)  Ronan, one of my favorite actresses.  Lady Bird is a fucking awesome movie.  sorry, mods!

  • Love 2

I just got around to watching this show. I am always intrigued by shows about teen pregnancy, maybe because I was a teen mom myself. I had my son a month after graduating high school. I, like a lot of you am also shocked at these people throwing baby showers for the teen mom to be and paying for the teens to attend fancy dances. I admit, I went to prom, but it was before baby was born and I was very frugal about it.  I did not want a baby shower, simply because I was a bit embarassed that I had made a poor decision by getting pregnant. I love my son, but of course I wish I had had him a bit later in life so I could have given him more. Because of this, I cant imagine how these girls and their families seem so nonchalant.about their pregnancies. My family helped, but ultimately I was responsible for my son's care and as a result I strived to work, graduate college and I did not have anymore children until 9 years later after I got married. I suffered and missed out on things and I think I am beyyer because of it. These girls will end up pregnant again within a couple of years because their parents will enable them to keep making poor decisions.

  • Love 22

I fully believe Shannon's mother (I think that's who it was?) who said that Shannon was upset that McKayla was getting so much attention. The idea of her being included in the shower because she was also having a baby was ludicrous and it's really messed up to me that it was so hard for her to just let her daughter have her day and it was such a visible struggle. Especially since she hasn't been much of a mother to her anyway. It's great that she's sober now but nobody's gonna roll out a party because you're supposedly straight now, she needs to let go of that idea. And you can tell that Shelly likes being able to lord over her that SHE is the one who was never on drugs and raised her kids and is now taking care of Shannon's kid and eventually the grandkid. She was just letting Shannon have a meltdown in front of her and enjoying it because it "proves" Shannon is still off her rocker and everyone can see it.

Those two need to sort their crap out because their kids are having a baby together and that's enough of a mess. If that means "we literally never speak", so be it, but those teenagers having a baby don't need their mothers arguing with each other.

James is going to bail. He can't handle spending a few dollars to get into a festival, no way is he gonna be forking over diaper and formula money. He's gonna be in the wind. Shayden's awe at the birth was very sweet and it was nice to see a teen father who actually seemed to care about the baby that was born, I just hope he actually grows up.

  • Love 10

I don't know how to post a picture here for 'proof' but...

Did anyone besides my 15 year old daughter notice Shayden's(sp) willy outline through his sweatpants during his TH's? Blech! I didn't notice it but my daughter cried out in disgust and rewound it to show me. He was laying back, all casual like, and it was so obvious once I saw it. I loved how my girlie, who ISN'T making me a 47 year old grandmother LOL, was disgusted by it and said, 'you know he realizes what he's doing and that's just plain nasty!' They must've shown him in that position 4-5 times, ugh! We already thought pizza face, we make babies gangsta boy is horrible and this just furthered his ick factor! 

  • Love 8

you're very welcome! lt really baffles me to see how none of these kids or parents/grandparents are worried at all. Especially Lexus' mother, as a teen mom it has been so important to me for my son to not become a teen father. I talk to him and he knows about birth control and how important condoms are. He also knows that he does not want a baby, right now he says he does not want children at all because he wants to travel and be free to just focus on himself. I just cant imagine being happy at your teenager becoming a parent.

  • Love 5

Ashamed to say I did see that & was wondering why someone in production didn't tell him to at least sit up straighter, but what do they care about anything I guess.

That kid's got issues & I'm concerned about how difficult he's going to make it on Lexus & her mom, because they seem like enablers.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

I don't know how to post a picture here for 'proof' but...

Did anyone besides my 15 year old daughter notice Shayden's(sp) willy outline through his sweatpants during his TH's? Blech! I didn't notice it but my daughter cried out in disgust and rewound it to show me. He was laying back, all casual like, and it was so obvious once I saw it. I loved how my girlie, who ISN'T making me a 47 year old grandmother LOL, was disgusted by it and said, 'you know he realizes what he's doing and that's just plain nasty!' They must've shown him in that position 4-5 times, ugh! We already thought pizza face, we make babies gangsta boy is horrible and this just furthered his ick factor! 

Yes!!! And he totally knows it!,,,,

  • Love 3

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed his junk, lol. I was feeling kind of skeevy that I even noticed, but it was just so obvious! 

Shannon is so immature. I get her point about some things, but I also get Shellie's points. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong about certain details, they both need to put the pettiness aside.

Shellie  does seem kind of mean-girlish in some ways, but Shannon is so dramatic and so "me me me me". She seems incredibly stunted, angry, and combative. 

Lily "I'm married in my head" is dumb as fuck. All the talking in the world isn't going t change that; she's just going to have to learn the hard way.

That is the only way ANY of these young moms and dads are going to learn anything . 

Do any of them have jobs? I was dying to work as soon as I could, same with my brothers and sister. I don't understand not wanting your own money -- even before a baby was involved! 

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 8
On 11/22/2017 at 3:27 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I always found this hilarious. Caitlin, pronounced Kochleen, is basically the Gaelic spelling of the Anglicized Kathleen. And the wheel turns.... 

Lol. My mother-in-law immigrated to the U.S. from Italy just after WWII ended and always spoke English with a strong accent. Her youngest grandchild is named Caitlin, and until the day my mil died, she called Caitlin Kathleen. But adding in the extra Italian syllable, so it came out Kath-a-leen (with the emphasis on the last syllable).


Shellie can be kind of extra sometimes, but I think she's the only person willing to put Shannon in her place. Shannon comes off as super manipulative to me, and the people who are raising McKayla are Shannon's parents! So they can be easily manipulated as well. I kind of think McKayla needs a Shellie, to stand firm; because if it weren't for her, I bet everyone else would have caved and done the joint shower. Which McKayla didn't want. 

there's so much family disease of addiction in the Shelly/Shannon grouping, it's actually kind of frightening. I kept wondering why it was Shelly's "place" to invite Shannon (according to Shannon) to help with the shower --- when it was Shannon's parents who were co-hosting with Shelly. Why wouldn't Shannon be yelling at her parents that she wanted to be involved?? And then, I remembered:  ADDICT and FAMILIES OF ADDICTS. Don't go looking for normal behavior out of abnormal people. None of them seem to have any sense of recovery, they can't give what they don't have.  Still....  it's sad.

  • Love 3
On 11/27/2017 at 4:02 PM, balisticnikki said:



What is wrong w/ Kim's face (Lily's mother)? Did she have a stroke or something? Why is her face so misshapen, I wonder?

It looks like a face transplant or something, the chin area looks different and gray. Not making fun of her, that's what it looks like. 

  • Love 3

That Shaedyn kid is annoying as hell.  Spoiling a 12 day old?  Read a parenting book.  If my teenager was pregnant I would insist they both take a parenting class or not stay in my home because next thing you know they will be sleep training a 2 week old.  I don’t know why they didn’t try feeding earlier just because it was an hour before doesn’t mean it isn’t possible the baby is 12 days old.

I have to give Lexus’ mom credit as she handled it well.  I would have blown my shit and kicked dipshit out.

  • Love 16

I love how all these teenage boys think they are experts in infant care.  Lucky for them, they can feel free to leave whenever they like. This show is much more realistic than Teen Mom was because TLC isn't giving them MTV money and making them into mini- celebs (I hope).  Hopefully, young girls are paying attention, but I have my doubts.

  • Love 8

Mckayla was sure bratty, but her but I don't see why Caden couldn't sleep over.  It's not like she's gonna get MORE pregnant.  If he is so old fashioned maybe that's why they find themselves in the situation they are in.  I'm not saying that he should have been given free rein in the house or with McKayla, but the damage is done, so to speak.    

Lexus's dog is cute!!

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

James likes the baby name Lilly picked b/c it will go with the tattoo he picked out.  That's a great way to choose a name.  Sigh.

A situation that just highlights the absolute immaturity of these dolts. Maybe investing in the next chapter of his sleeve isn't where James' money (what little he has?) should be going. Does his mom buy him those tattoos? What parent thinks that putting tons of ink on one's body at his age is okay? 

I'm totally hate-watching this.

  • Love 17
11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

What town is Kim from? I thought i heard them say Whoville.

They are from Riverhead.  It's on Long Island (NY).  Kind of a working class area not far from the Hamptons and North Fork wine country.  I have noticed that her lips and chin area are very swollen.  Could be some medical issue.

  • Love 1

Shaedon/Shayden/Whatever with the made up names is a piece of shit. I was getting dizzy from all the red flags popping up all over my TV. If he hasn't been  physically abusive to Lexus, I'll buy everyone here a new TV. She completely shuts down when he's telling her what to do. Eyes downcast, silent, completely submissive. That baby is 12 days old. Sometimes they want to eat every half hour, they love their pacifier, they want to be snuggled. He seems to think because he looked at a couple websites, he's an expert on infant care and Lexus better not have an opinion because he's in charge. I couldn't believe she went along with his great idea of laying that baby on the floor and letting her scream. The preview for next week has him threatening to take the baby away. Run, Lexus, run to the nearest courthouse and get legal custody of your daughter and a parenting plan in place. That pimply faced asshhole is going to make your life hell if you don't follow his ridiculous rules and he's going to treat your daughter just like he treats you. I'm hoping that as soon as he realizes how expensive diapers and formula are and gets tired of the baby crying, he'll bounce. His part time job isn't going to cover much in the way of baby supplies and he's going to get sick of every penny he earns going to support the child he foolishly helped make and he'll go back to being a selfish teenager. Lexus's mom will surely put a stop to his controlling ways, too. I don't think she'll be the submissive thing her daughter is when the punk tries to tell her how to raise a baby.

I was wondering if Shannon's baby's father doesn't want to be filmed or if he's not in the picture? I also wondered how many fathers made her four kids? Does she work? So many questions. McKayla is  looking to be on the brattish side. I think she's been indulged because of her mother's screw ups and is pretty used to calling all the shots. I wish grandpa would stand up for himself more. McKayla was sure enjoying pushing his buttons about her boyfriend spending the night. I know she's already pregnant, but it's grandpa's house. He makes the rules and she needs to have a little respect for him. Grandma needs to stop undermining grandpa's authority, too.

Lilly is just soooooo dense. I sure hope her mom will be around 24/7 after the baby comes home because I don't think Lilly is capable of figuring out how to care for a newborn. Once she figures out it's a whole lot more than changing the baby's clothes half a dozen times to see how cute the outfits with matching headbands are, she'll be stumped.

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