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S13.E03: Leave It All on the Dance Floor

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Now that I’ve had a little sleep.. Rachel was sweet as can be and reminded me of the pageant girls I grew up with (I’m only 24, so I know girls still competing). 

I hate how CMT edits because I was under the impression that Sarah did better than Alanna. 

Alanna has an unique look to her also.

Hannah seemed to be a firecracker? 

Yuko is forgettable.. seriously.

Last, i loved the comparison edit! I actually enjoyed Tasha and Gina dancing (well I knew Gina was good, but have heard mix reviews on Tasha).

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3 minutes ago, Lmr29 said:

Is it me or did Kashara look heavy???

Yes she looked heavy. Her dancing, what was shown, also looked heavy.

I want to see more field dancing and kicking. Can really separate the ladies in that segment. 


Thank you CMT for the names and identifications on the field. 


I also want more vets practicing and judge discussions.

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Kitty, who looked thinner to me,  must be calming down in her old age.. she said in her TH - where in years past she would have said to the candidate.

Kitty: "We saved the best for last"

Miss America SC Rachel : "I don't think I am last and I certainly don't think I'm gonna be the best.."

Rachel - perfect time to practice saying "Yes, maam". You didn't need the comment esp. to Kitty.. She will NEVER forget you said that...

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11 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Oh bloody hell, tears during Victoria’s solo? Gimme a break. And barely any Lacey or any other vets. 


Oooh more solos after the break!

Yeah, made me cry to. But for a different reason.

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Selina was a class act in how she took her cut.  She knew she was heavier and knew she got out danced.

Keyra-------that's the same attitude that did not come across well last season.  She has a thicker body and shorter legs.  They could have told Keyra she was late and she did not care.  I did not like her taunting the rookies.  Not sad at all she is gone.

It's very upsetting to see the disparity in how the two legacies are being treated.  The Awww when VK fell out of her turn shows just how much they are rooting for her.  Kelli's comments about Dayton dancing on the field..............."I cannot watch her" is ridiculous and the comments on the preview sounded bad.  It seems Dayton is held to a higher standard and VK is given a lower standard.  Not fair.

Calling Kashara as the last vet ....really...........She saved them last year.  She will get the weight off.  She is a great asset to the team.  Recent pics on Instagram Kashara looks great.

I liked how JennK tells the vets to not be complacent.  They need to listen to her.  Vets get cut every year.........  JennK would be a great asset to the organization.  She is a good teacher and can tell it like it is.

I really liked Rachel (Miss South Carolina) until I heard her being namby pamby with Kitty.  There is a fine line between false modesty and being over cocky.  Rachel needs to own she is good.

Jessika should have been cut.  She's not a great dancer and that interview was so bad.  I understand looking at the whole package.  I am not sure what she has that makes up for the bad interview and so so dancing.

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1. I'm not great at makeup but I really want to give VK a new makeup look. She caked it on (not well) and made herself look wayyyy older then 18. I'm not a VK fan but Lord that makeup is rough. I also want to cut her hair short and thin it out a bit. 

2. Marshall's side eye was amazing

3. I think Sarah should've made it to camp over Jessika

4. The more I watch & rewatch the episode the more I dislike Keyra's attitude and the more I adore Selina and wish she had retired instead of getting cut

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Jenn K? Shut up. Is that supposed to be "motivating"? It wasn't . It was first class, grade A bitch. I never could stand her, and she keeps showing up on my screen. 

Selina was extremely gracious and poised even while being devastated. I have a feeling she may have expected it. She was called in twice (at least, that was what we saw anyhow) last year. 

Jessika...painful. IDK why she is on the team. she has never stood out, she's a blender, and she's not that great. 

Brenda,..she doesn't look well. Maybe it was the makeup, or lighting. But she didn't look healthy during interviews. 

Dayton..beautiful girl, but doesn't seem to have the necessary power when compared to a vet. 

I'm team Victoria, I love her bubbly exuberance! (and I love Tina, I've always looked forward to her on the show. We have a similar personality)

I hope they show the calendar shoot, I missed the last 2 minutes of the show, my DVR cut out. 

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10 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Petty comment ahead: Tina getting into the building to congratulate her daughter annoyed me. Everyone else had to wait outside. 

Thanks to the editors showing us the rookies vs. the vets on the field. Love it when they do that.

I really doubt Kashara was left until next to last to be called.

Interview section was the typical train wreck.

She was, actually.  They were punishing her for looking heavy. 

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1 hour ago, VintageJ said:

My thoughts on the episode:

Keyra, it does not matter how long ago it was or how close you came to not being “officially” late, the fact that you were DCC late TWICE, you’re history.  I’m sure Kelli addressed it both times as it doesn’t seem like her NOT to address it.  During the end of the year meeting, Kelli may have suggested she not come back but Keyra may not have heard it that way.  Maybe her arrogance got in the way of hearing it.  But she should have known better and her being cut over it does not surprise me at all.  I’m guessing her reasons or excuses for being late did not sit well with Kelli.  And I like Keyra and am glad that Judy stuck up for her.  It was about the only words Judy said the entire episode.

I’m sure it was addressed when it happened, but it wouldn’t shock me if it was glossed over at her end of the year meeting by Kelli with the reasoning of “I have a reason to cut you, but I don’t want you to not try out because I don’t know what the talent who shows up will look like.” Keyra is definitely cocky, but she doesnt strike me as stupid to flat out ignore a suggestion to not come back. Judy seeming to not be as upset about it (as the choreographer, it makes sense that she’s more concerned about dance ability), makes me lean in that direction. Regardless though, there was definitely justification for the cut.

Also, what was with the lack of commentary from Judy. I would much rather hear her opinion than Charlotte’s. Sorry. I’m just not a fan of Charlotte or the Jones family.

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4 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

I’m sure it was addressed when it happened, but it wouldn’t shock me if it was glossed over at her end of the year meeting by Kelli with the reasoning of “I have a reason to cut you, but I don’t want you to not try out because I don’t know what the talent who shows up will look like.” Keyra is definitely cocky, but she doesnt strike me as stupid to flat out ignore a suggestion to not come back. Judy seeming to not be as upset about it (as the choreographer, it makes sense that she’s more concerned about dance ability), makes me lean in that direction. Regardless though, there was definitely justification for the cut.

Also, what was with the lack of commentary from Judy. I would much rather hear her opinion than Charlotte’s. Sorry. I’m just not a fan of Charlotte or the Jones family.

Judy is probably thinking “screw this crap” and “thanks for being complete psychos so people appreciate how respectful i was about Cassie auditioning”

i would have liked the legacy story. It would have been super cute for both girls to get to dance together. Their personalities balance, their looks are polar opposites. There was no need for the comparison between the two. 

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18 hours ago, sATL said:

This is why I wish they would have a heart-to-heart conversion with the re-applicants-vets before the 1st round - shortly before they teach the new routine.  14 lbs gained and being late at a Christmas performance, should have been dealt with sooner - in a different setting.

I think these things probably were addressed. K & J don't hold back on their critiques, and we know that girls get feedback reports throughout the year and evaluations of home game performances (I really would love to get to see one of those evals!). We also saw last year and last episode that K & J do meet with the vets prior to auditions. This year showed them talking with vets who retired, but last year we saw them talking with vets who were reauditioning and telling them what they expected to see or were concerned about regarding each vet. I think there is no way that Keyra didn't know how much of a foul her two tardies were, but I think she blew that off and thought that her dance power would keep her on the squad. This summer, someone posted here an Insta thing Keyra did and she responded to a question about why she was cut. She said it was because she "missed" an appearance and was very flippant about it, like "no big deal." She should know it's a big deal and it should not have happened a second time. Now, missing an appearance and being late are not the same, so I don't know if she also missed an appearance on top of her two tardies. I think with lateness, you get one shot only with Kelli and then it's the ish list. Jordan Daigle comes to mind. She was late for the game day bus, but unlike Keyra, she was very contrite, talked about how to move forward and learn and not let herself or her team down again. So, to me, there's no way that Keyra has a pass for not knowing she was on their radar. And if she really didn't know, then that's not the kind of vet and attitude you want a) to rely on to be a professional and a solid team mate, or b) to model how to be a DCC for rookies.

Similar for Selina. She knew. She was warned repeatedly, and I think they gave her a serious grace period by not cutting her last year despite weight gain and sending her to Cowboys Fitness trainers for help. Then she showed up having gained 14 pounds from the year before. She probably gained nearly 20 pounds since her rookie year, since she was noticeably heavier last year from her rookie season. I've never heard of a DCC gaining that much and staying on the team, and honestly, she's probably been on weight warning for a whole year, if not since her rookie year. Maybe she thought she'd keep getting passes because they respected her full time job and she'd gained so much and hadn't been cut yet. As far as likability goes, I think Selina seems much sweeter and more of a team player than Keyra. I find Selina's cut more sad than Kerya's, but I understand both cuts perfectly. They both could have saved themselves the embarrassment and heartbreak if they'd looked at their situations honestly and retired on high notes.

Two things I'll say about Jessika's awful interview, now that I've seen it. As a vet, she should have been prepared to spout the company policy and not have to wait for this training camp's media/public appearance seminar(s) to be told what to say about this. Also, although she was pretty incoherent with her stumbly answer, I found it interesting that she tried to say it depends on the personal cause. This was interesting and correct to me, since they also showed Maddie's interview, where she talked about the My Cause My Boots thing last year, where each DCC chose the cause that they PERSONALLY wanted to promote ON THE FIELD AT THE GAME. So, basically, the answer is, if you want to promote a cause like Alzheimer's research or Downs Syndrome (not sure exactly what the cause is there, research or supporting individuals with Downs or what, tbh), or pancreatic cancer awareness or something that doesn't offend the Jones family or hurt their profits, go for it--but if you want to promote social justice for black folks or protest police brutality, get the hell out. And, yes, I get it that they are a business and are entitled to focus on their money over all else. Just saying, it doesn't seem to me that the Cowboys frown upon all personal causes being promoted on the field or through their organization, so in that sense, Jessika was very unimpressive but not wrong with her answer and Kelli was too vague with her question.

Edited by M1977G
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This seems to be an unpopular opinion but I really liked Rachel. I thought she was articulate, she's definitely beautiful, loved the slight southern drawl, and she'll be a great ambassador. I loved her comeback to Kitty's comment. "We aren't going to go there." Her and Gabby are my new favorite rookies.

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DId anyone else think find Rachel reminding them a lot of Erica, looks wise? During the Kitty segment when she was mocking Rachel being all 'Im not last and Im not best blah blah' Rachel reminded me so much of Erica in the face. maybe the makeup but they looked so similar to me.


I always find it funny that they send these girls out (proudly) in uniforms of less than a yard of fabric, dancing to songs like Talking Body by Tove Lo (a song entirely about sex, seduction and even more sex) and then tell the world its a family orgaisation and the girls aren't sexy or 'raunchy' and can't and don't dance that way.

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The question posed to Jessika stumped me too, my first thought was well if it's wearing pink cleats for breast cancer awareness then yes, but kneeling during anthem is a no. 

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

I make Guinness chocolate cake too!  It's a recipe from my great grand-apple and it is BOMB.  I do brown sugar cream cheese frosting to make it look like a real Guinness :)

ETA: Her original recipe called for a cup of hot coffee and I replaced it with Guinness :))

OMG so good!!!  And I have never tried brown sugar cream cheese frosting but I need that in my life ?

Also, "great grand-apple" ???

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28 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

She was, actually.  They were punishing her for looking heavy. 

Just think if last year's point would have gotten cut... that would be have been some good drama to watch play out..

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38 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

She was, actually.  They were punishing her for looking heavy. 

With last year's mess in TC and the way Kashara stepped up, it's surprising that they did something like this. Weight can come off easily. You can't replace a leader like her. Not saying she shouldn't be held to the same standards as everyone else, but knowing it happened makes me sad for her. 

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41 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

She was, actually.  They were punishing her for looking heavy. 

Do we know that they were really punishing her? If so that makes me so angry.

Someone always has to be called last, and is glad they were at least called. 

8 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

Dear Moderator,

Can we please have the Social Media Thread back?  We’ll behave, we promise.  There is a lot of good social medial posted now after this last episode and I have no one to discuss it with because I’m too embarrassed to let anyone know I watch this show ???????????

Thank you



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1 hour ago, GBPackersfan said:

Jenn K? Shut up. Is that supposed to be "motivating"? It wasn't . It was first class, grade A bitch. I never could stand her, and she keeps showing up on my screen. 

Disagree. I can understand if you've never been a fan of Jennifer, to each his/her own, but I think her speech was spot on. It was easy to see that some of the vets could stand to step it up a notch, especially compared to some of the girls trying out, and I think she was just trying to give them fair warning. I've been in competitive dance for a while, so maybe I'm just used to instructors/choreographers and their firm criticism and feedback, but I didn't think it came off as bitchy.

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RE: weight gain... there's a question burning in the back of my mind... how does the TCC/DCC prevent bloating, and menstrual weight gain -esp in the lower ab area? Take all kind of OTC pills?

I know I can be another 1/2 inch waist/breast size for a couple of days...

I am glad for Brenda for speaking up about it is ok for a women to have a little something...

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1 hour ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

I can’t stand Keyra this episode, the over the top kicks and woos at finals. The eye rolls at Gina making it back. Gina can outdance you in a heartbeat. 

Keyra is not a hater; I'm sure how it looked wasn't how it was meant. 

18 minutes ago, Jennv said:

The question posed to Jessika stumped me too, my first thought was well if it's wearing pink cleats for breast cancer awareness then yes, but kneeling during anthem is a no. 

That, to me, was a no brainer question..especially in Dallas. She knows how they feel about kneeling, so she could have just said "don't do it" to let them know what they wanted to hear..whether or not that's how she really feels.

1 minute ago, Jesslyn said:

Do we know that they were really punishing her? If so that makes me so angry.

Someone always has to be called last, and is glad they were at least called. 

I always thought it was just random order (with the exception of the very last name called).

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That bullshit they pulled calling Kashara last because they were punishing her for being heavy is the kind of shit Kelli does that makes me really not like her. They did that to Melissa a few years ago. It’s petty, it’s passive aggressive, it’s childish, and it reeks of mean girl. Grow up, Kelli. 


You could see she’d been crying and Kashara has always looked like this. She’s never gonna look like Lacey.  Seems like Kelli is too in love with these new girls sometimes and forgets about the girls who saved her squad last year when Holly P was out fraternizing with Jenna and Zeke, Erica was drinking beer being a lazy ass, Alexandria checked out before the first game, and Kalyssa went playboy wannabe.

2 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

Keyra is not a hater; I'm sure how it looked wasn't how it was meant. 

That, to me, was a no brainer question..especially in Dallas. She knows how they feel about kneeling, so she could have just said "don't do it" to let them know what they wanted to hear..whether or not that's how she really feels.

I always thought it was just random order (with the exception of the very last name called).

No. It was intentional. Multiple inside sources have confirmed this. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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15 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

Dear Moderator,

Can we please have the Social Media Thread back?  We’ll behave, we promise.  There is a lot of good social medial posted now after this last episode and I have no one to discuss it with because I’m too embarrassed to let anyone know I watch this show ???????????

Thank you


are we allowed to start a new thread ?

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11 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I don't understand it at all. It's like Dayton kicked her dog when she was 5 and Kelli is holding onto some resentment from all this time. It's ridiculous. 

Whether consciously or subconsciously, Kelli is probably resentful that Shelly’s daughter is naturally gorgeous, while her own daughter... well it doesn’t really need to be spelled out does it? 


Also I stand by my prior statement that Kelli is a sociopath. To clarify, NOT a psychopath (the violent kind), just a sociopath. Y’all should listen to the book “The Sociopath Next Door” and it will all make sense. 

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4 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

That bullshit they pulled calling Kashara last because they were punishing her for being heavy is the kind of shit Kelli does that makes me really not like her. They did that to Melissa a few years ago. It’s petty, it’s passive aggressive, it’s childish, and it reeks of mean girl. Grow up, Kelli. 


You could see she’d been crying and Kashara has always looked like this. She’s never gonna look like Lacey.  Seems like Kelli is too in love with these new girls sometimes and forgets about the girls who saved her squad last year when Holly P was out fraternizing with Jenna and Zelda, Erica was drinking beer being a lazy ass, Alexandria checked out before the first game, and Kalyssa went playboy wannabe.

Ok so we said almost the same thing ILY!! yes to all this!! 

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8 minutes ago, sATL said:

RE: weight gain... there's a question burning in the back of my mind... how does the TCC/DCC prevent bloating, and menstrual weight gain -esp in the lower ab area? Take all kind of OTC pills?

I know I can be another 1/2 inch waist/breast size for a couple of days...

I am glad for Brenda for speaking up about it is ok for a women to have a little something...

Generally they allow a leeway of a couple pounds but often no more than that.

the ridiculous thing is, someone can gain weight, a considerable amount, and be slimmer and look 'better' thn before because of muscle gain, so basing it all off weight is ridiculous anyway!

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3 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

Ok so we said almost the same thing ILY!! yes to all this!! 

Ha! We are totally on the same page... my post had expletives, yours was more eloquent. This kind of thing just really gets me going.... I value loyalty and what they did to Kashara, while it may seem little, is just not loyal.

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9 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

I wonder if Kelli suggested she not tryout again but Keyra's arrogance and ego couldn't take a hint

This. Charlotte, Kelli and Judy did not put a gun to her head and made her try out again. She knew she was late twice. It is on her and no one else. In the case of Selina, she knew she was on the DCC cut rope due to her weight last year. There are other girls who have full time jobs and were able to keep their weight under control. I absolutely positively do not agree with the weight requirements for the girls, but it not like Selina did not get warnings and chances to get her weight down and tone up. Other girls did not get the same chances and opportunity to work on their weight before getting cut.

I think Rachel is becoming the new Kalyssa. I love what Miss Kitty said about her. Marshall's expression when Brenda was crying over Victoria's solo cracks me up. I love the look on Brennan's face when Rachel was doing her solo. She has Rachel's number. And go Scott and Jay for what they said about Victoria. They seem to be over her.

And please for the love of Pete, stop trying to convince the viewers and fans Dayton and Victoria made it on their own merit to TC instead of favoritism. I have nothing against them, but enough is enough. It only makes Kelli, Charlotte and the DCC Organization look bad in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, sugarplum said:

I think they are tear jerkers simply because most people are going to choose a cause they have personally been affected by. I think many times we are sort of complacent about so many issues/causes until it affects our life somehow. At that point, we are kind of jerked back into reality that it is a problem that needs to be addressed, needs more attention, and needs help to find a change. My cause would be organ donation. It was never on my radar until my sister got sick and needed a heart transplant. She would have died in a matter of days without one. Not enough people donate. Because I was so personally affected (twice), one of my missions in life is to tell as many people as possible her story and educate people on organ donation. Before she got sick, it was just an issue I never gave any thought to. Now, there aren’t many days that go by that I’m not talking about it. So, I think it becomes a tear jerker thing just because the girls have personally been affected by the cause they choose, and that drives a different kind of passion. 

My husband was given two weeks to live a week before Thanksgiving in 2000 after he was diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure. He was given two options: go home and you will die within two weeks. or be admitted into the hospital, start treatment, get him started on dialysis and get on the transplant list as soon as possible. He was on dialysis for a little over three years and receive a new kidney on April 27, 2004 from an amazing young woman (Krista.) You may have noticed I have discussed it on here before, and I always try to educate people about kidney disease and organ donation. I never thought about dialysis and transplants until my husband was diagnosed. Breaks my heart to know someone will die today because they cannot get a much needed organ or other type of transplant.

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Oh my, so many thoughts during this episode. Love love love rookies Hannah, Titans Briana and Malena. Also really like Jalyn to be fair but didn’t see much of her. Brennan always gets my vote! Maddie’s solo was amazing. 

I know there’s been so much back and forth on VK I don’t particularly want to add to it, but watching the judges “aww” about her falling out of her turns, I just can’t. It makes them look so biased. 

I thought it was interesting that they were forever saying how strong the rookies were yet only cut two vets. I’m sad for Selina, but she took it like a class act. Keyra just came across as obnoxious during this episode. I have no idea how Jessika made it through finals. 

Gina’s reactions and just Marshall in general are my new favourite things. Marshall in particular, his face when Brenda was sobbing over VK made the whole episode! 

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1 minute ago, DocBrown said:

Oh my, so many thoughts during this episode. Love love love rookies Hannah, Titans Briana and Malena. Also really like Jalyn to be fair but didn’t see much of her. Brennan always gets my vote! Maddie’s solo was amazing. 

I know there’s been so much back and forth on VK I don’t particularly want to add to it, but watching the judges “aww” about her falling out of her turns, I just can’t. It makes them look so biased. 

I thought it was interesting that they were forever saying how strong the rookies were yet only cut two vets. I’m sad for Selina, but she took it like a class act. Keyra just came across as obnoxious during this episode. I have no idea how Jessika made it through finals. 

Gina’s reactions and just Marshall in general are my new favourite things. Marshall in particular, his face when Brenda was sobbing over VK made the whole episode! 

If any other girl, any other one of those vets or rookies had fallen out of turns like that, it would have been an instant 'no'. it would have been grimaces all around and no end of going on about poor placement or training, about how she should, at this level, manage the turns. If VK makes the team, she will always be followed by whispers of favouritism, both by fans and likely other teammates alike. they aren't winning VK any friends among TC with this blatant favouritism

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I was always a Madeline cheer leader.  But I didn't care one bit for her hip hop routine.   Obviously the panel loved it.

Oh, I am so happy to hear this, I thought I was out there on my own planet with that opinion.  IMO she looks silly doing hip hop.

1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

With last year's mess in TC and the way Kashara stepped up, it's surprising that they did something like this. Weight can come off easily. You can't replace a leader like her. Not saying she shouldn't be held to the same standards as everyone else, but knowing it happened makes me sad for her. 

Don't be too sad, I'm sure she'll be front & center again (rather than the one who really deserves it IMO).

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5 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

If any other girl, any other one of those vets or rookies had fallen out of turns like that, it would have been an instant 'no'. it would have been grimaces all around and no end of going on about poor placement or training, about how she should, at this level, manage the turns. If VK makes the team, she will always be followed by whispers of favouritism, both by fans and likely other teammates alike. they aren't winning VK any friends among TC with this blatant favouritism

 Yes, my thoughts exactly! They’re doing her no favours at all by letting things like that go. 

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

This. Charlotte, Kelli and Judy did not put a gun to her head and made her try out again. She knew she was late twice. It is on her and no one else. In the case of Selina, she knew she was on the DCC cut rope due to her weight last year. There are other girls who have full time jobs and were able to keep their weight under control. I absolutely positively do not agree with the weight requirements for the girls, but it not like Selina did not get warnings and chances to get her weight down and tone up. Other girls did not get the same chances and opportunity to work on their weight before getting cut.

I think Rachel is becoming the new Kalyssa. I love what Miss Kitty said about her. Marshall's expression when Brenda was crying over Victoria's solo cracks me up. I love the look on Brennan's face when Rachel was doing her solo. She has Rachel's number. And go Scott and Jay for what they said about Victoria. They seem to be over her.

And please for the love of Pete, stop trying to convince the viewers and fans Dayton and Victoria made it on their own merit to TC instead of favoritism. I have nothing against them, but enough is enough. It only makes Kelli, Charlotte and the DCC Organization look bad in my opinion.

(Joking tone) Shut your mouth! I LOVE Rachel Wyatt. She brings the class back into DCC after all the drama from last year.

Edited by HateWatcher
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14 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Oh, I am so happy to hear this, I thought I was out there on my own planet with that opinion.  IMO she looks silly doing hip hop.

Don't be too sad, I'm sure she'll be front & center again (rather than the one who really deserves it IMO).

Me three.  I think Maddie is a sweet girl, and she's a great dancer, but I've always found something about her...lacking. i think part of it is is what, to me, feels like forced sexiness because she looks aobut 16 to me, and so seeing her dancing in a 'sexy' manner, just looks weird (and sometimes even borderline uncomfortable) to me, and unlike some of the dancers that really can pull off any style, while they constantly seem to go to Maddie for hip hop, I just think she looks ridiculous, like she's trying too hard, like the effort is obvious. but thats just my opinion.  I think she''s a pretty girl, and a ggreat dancer, but for some reason I've never been on board the Maddie train

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1 hour ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said:

Whether consciously or subconsciously, Kelli is probably resentful that Shelly’s daughter is naturally gorgeous, while her own daughter... well it doesn’t really need to be spelled out does it? 


Also I stand by my prior statement that Kelli is a sociopath. To clarify, NOT a psychopath (the violent kind), just a sociopath. Y’all should listen to the book “The Sociopath Next Door” and it will all make sense. 

I mean, I'm harsh but okay....

On the first part, that is a possibility though I do think Sam is pretty in her own way. Maybe not by DCC standards, but pretty. 

And yeah, I can see that. 

10 hours ago, DBAAT said:

I agree, but if I were Shelly, I would be so upset with the comments that they made about Dayton, and how ridiculously over the top they are about everything VK!!!

Crying over her solo??? Seriously??? How about Tina being there in studio after the TC announcement? Such clear bias. It would be so hard to be Shelly and have to

work with these people knowing all of this. I have to give her credit.

Shelly is a better woman than me, I would have already burned The Star down and we're on what preview of episode 4? 

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My guess is that a lot of people fell out of turns, but notice the most film time was on VK?    My bet is that the film crew, and editors are sick of VK, and showed every flaw.     A rule on reality TV is don't irritate the TV people, or you'll be sorry.   


Keyra's taunting of the rookies was just over the top, and mean.     


I really love Marshall.    I wish they had an entire hour or more of the makeovers, and I hope he did something with Brennan's hair color.     Her hair looked too blonde, at least on my TV, and I think a little change could make a huge difference.   


Overall, I liked the solos, but I think a few moments must have been added after Kitty saw the routines.   I don't think twerking is on her list of favorite dance moves for America's Sweethearts.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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13 hours ago, pizzaislife said:

I’m sorry but the Dayton hate from Kelli is strong. Especially coupled with the blinders she has of VK and it honestly makes me seriously dislike Victoria and that’s not VKs fault, it’s Kelli’s. I wasn’t there for camp (obviously) but I’ve watched this show from the beginning and I’ve never seen someone be talked about or talked to quite so rudely. I hope Dayton goes on to amazing things and rubs it Kelli’s face one day. That office visit was just rude. 

And honestly, I hope Shelli forgets to mail her a Christmas card or something else tiny and petty because that was bull crap. 

I agree. Kelli better give it to VK just as hard in the next episodes, if not she's a hypocrite.

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4 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I don't think twerking is on her list of favorite dance moves for America's Sweethearts.  

Yet last year Kashara was praised for it & even was given a Kastupid nickname.

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5 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I mean, I'm harsh but okay....

On the first part, that is a possibility though I do think Sam is pretty in her own way. Maybe not by DCC standards, but pretty. 

And yeah, I can see that. 

Shelly is a better woman than me, I would have already burned The Star down and we're on what preview of episode 4? 

Maybe she loves the Cowboys and her job. And she might need to work? IDK?

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58 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

I have a lot of respect for Kelli, Judy and Charlotte but the mind games I can do without.  Kashara stepped up when no one else would last year - even 'gold standard Lacey' - and they embarrass her by calling her as last vet. get out of here with that childishness.  NO one can be shocked that she's made it VERY clear this is her last year.  I believe they did the same thing to Melissa (the year she didn't even get a barbie) and she hung it up after that.  Kashara has never ever been skinny, she looked exactly the same to me as she did at finals the year before - maybe a matter of a few pounds but STILL thinner than when she started so she can't be outside her contract weight??? were they just expecting her to come into this year magically 20 pounds lighter just because she was point?  She probably thought she was doing them a favor coming back one more year.  She should know by now you don't get to be a favorite more than one year at a time.  I know Kash gets a ton of hate here because of her CMT edit last year, but I don't care, I will continue to stan.  I will miss her so much next year.  

I really don't get why Sarah didn't make it.  They are usually not shy about saying someone doesn't have an HD look or is too fluffy and I don't remember hearing them say anything like that about her? What did I miss? I thought she was awesome. 

The bit we saw of Victoria's solo looked good to me.  I wasn't crying over it lmao but it looked well executed.  when we were hearing it was a trainwreck i was half expecting her to be out there doing the hokey pokey. I couldn't stop laughing at Marshall's look to Brenda when she was crying.  He is my spirit animal and Scott is my King. 

Same!! I loved her response to Kitty's comment but maybe because I would say the same thing.  If Rachel had said "heck yeah you did!" she'd be putting a target on her back from the get go.  I didn't take her reply as not being confident in herself but rather realizing how talented the other girls are.  I do worry they'll find her a little pageant-y but I don't think it's a put on or a wall up.  Some people are just that nice lol  I would be the most stuck up chick in the state if I looked like like her, NGL. 

Hannah is the new Kelli Q!! This is at least her fourth year trying out, she is a KILLER dancer, and she only just now made it to camp!! I feel like she's going to be another one where Kelli says "how am i just now noticing you?' and a beautiful red head!! 

Gina and Heather O are the best hype girls ever, loved watching them in the back during solos.  I so wish Gina would post her whole solo, it looked gorgeous.  

Briana came back and killllllledddd it!! Malena is the prettiest thing omg, so is Gabby.  I'm excited about so many of these girls! ! 


I would go line by line on what I agree with, but it’d be e’rything. But mainly, I heart Marshall so much. Not sure if anyone noticed the little shoulder shake he did at one point before he sat down. That plus the side eye, whether intentional or not, made me solidly a Marshall fan. 

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