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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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1 minute ago, aliya said:

Isn't Kalani's family supposed to be Mormon? Obviously she's not observant if she fooled around before marriage (yeah, we take that seriously), but I wonder how she was raised. People do tease and make fun of each other, but the folks I know would be so much more pleasant, and understanding, and helpful than these people. They just seem rude.  Poor Aseulo needs to go back home. This chick hates him and to be fair, he does seem a little simple. I don't know what she saw in him, even for a vacation fling. 

Asuelo seems not so much simple as sheltered. He's never seen life as it is lived here. I imagine Kalani and her siblings would look equally helpless if given a machete and told to go harvest some fruit for breakfast as is done in Saaamwah.

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11 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Has anyone else noticed Leida putting on some little bit of a British accent depending on how snotty she wants to sound?  It's faint, but it's not consistent.  Maybe I need to pay attention to their actual storyline. 

She is from Indonesia.  Lots of Australians.  I think she sounds more American with Brit/Aussie words/grammar.  Like using the word proper a lot.  She is still a bit rough on English sentence structuring. 


I noticed that in Asia I have to use British English words or else they don’t always understand what I want. Like I had to use plaster, jumper, toilet, sweets, crisps, pudding, chips, trainers, etc. Mobile was a big one.

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I totally think we are being played by Coltee and Larissa. I can't stand the sight of him. He reminds me of the people in those commercials when the people lament that their spouses have turned into their parents. I think the shaved face/glasses/doofus look is all a plan to hoodwink us, so much so that I can't enjoy their segments anymore because I just think they are pure bullshit.

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1 minute ago, Dance4Life said:

She is from Indonesia.  Lots of Australians.  I think she sounds more American with Brit/Aussie words/grammar.  Like using the word proper a lot.  She is still a bit rough on English sentence structuring. 


I noticed that in Asia I have to use British English words or else they don’t always understand what I want. Like I had to use plaster, jumper, toilet, sweets, crisps, pudding, chips, trainers, etc. Mobile was a big one.

That makes a lot of sense, thank you!  :)

There was a scene in the "More To Love" epi that was really over the top with the accent - I had to look up to see who was talking and I was honestly surprised to see it was Leida.  But then some of the same words weren't said the same in later parts of the scene.   

Her accent is the most interesting part of her storyline to me.  That's what this show has become to me LOL

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38 minutes ago, TigerLily20 said:

How is he driving??? Don't you need like a special license or something??

Russia is among the many places in the world that a using a foreign drivers is acceptable for a limited amount of time.

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4 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

I think the shaved face/glasses/doofus look is all a plan to hoodwink us, so much so that I can't enjoy their segments anymore because I just think they are pure bullshit.

But don’t you think the tighty t-shirt shows off Colty’s titty-ees nicely-ee?

Finally. Sarah, the bespectacled hostess. Hopefully she got paid extra for having to talk to Colty.

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2 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Coltie has Brazilian Barbie on his arm and he's flirting with Four Eyes.

Larissa has boosted his manhood ego! Now he thinks he can get ANY girl.


When the friend said to send Larissa back.  I was like.  Yea, right!   

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