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"I confus-ed Las Vegas with Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and New York." - Larissa

Her skirt is nasty. Probably even nastier in the heat. 

"It's no Christ Redeemer." - Colt

I almost feel like Colt could be a member of this board.

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1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

Las Vegas is not the movies. Dry desert, nice houses for the wealthy.

CSI got worldwide syndication, Maybe not as much as CSI Maimi but up there.

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9 minutes ago, PityFree said:

She’ll get a  speech from Colt about how she shouldn’t need air-conditioning because it’s a “dry heat.”

I lived in Oklahoma for a year in old WWII officer's housing that had been turned in to married student housing at OU. No A/C. In Oklahoma. Every time someone told me that it's a 'dry heat,' I wanted to shoot them through the head.

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4 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

"I confus-ed Las Vegas with Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and New York." - Larissa

Her skirt is nasty. Probably even nastier in the heat. 

"It's no Christ Redeemer." - Colt

I almost feel like Colt could be a member of this board.

For some reason I’m thinking Colt’s putting one over on us. 

But I felt bad for his mom when she cried.

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Just now, aliya said:

I lived in Oklahoma for a year in old WWII officer's housing that had been turned in to married student housing at OU. No A/C. In Oklahoma. Every time someone told me that it's a 'dry heat,' I wanted to shoot them through the head.

 People will lie to you if you move here  to Colorado, too, and say you don’t need air-conditioning but they are lying liars who lie. Dry heat is still hot.

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I'm rooting for Fernanda and Asuelo to come to their senses and go home.  They are too good for Jonathan and Kalani. 

Leida just wants to be free.  Eric will not be the key to her freedom. Like her sister says, she needs a Plan B and C stat!

Larissa, girl. You are not going to get what you want with Colt. 

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Just now, iwasish said:

But I felt bad for his mom when she cried.

I don't.  I have a kid on the spectrum and I am trying to teach him independence. Laundry, cooking, financial management, etc.  

Mrs. Colt isn't doing him any favours by cooking, cleaning, driving him around town and wiping  her little boy's ass.

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6 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

"I really hope Larissa and my mother get along". Famous last words!

I see a Forensic Files episode coming out of this. A single cat hair will convict Mother Colt.

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39 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Larissa really picked a winner. 

So did he. What a whiny, condescending brat she is, possibly the worst I've seen on 90DF. LV isn't Beverly Hills, but it's not Lagos, Nigeria, or East BumF, Amazon jungle. It's not Sandusky, Ohio. She can't find ONE nice thing to say to him? I'd have taken her hot-mess a** right back to the airport. Actually she'd never have gotten there in the first place with me, after her behavior on Skype about the tickets. Or I might have said, "So, let's fix the air conditioning of the car we all use. I make a little money. my Mom gets Social Security, what did you bring in the way of money? Oh, really? No problem, I know people who will pay for some babysitting or house cleaning." 

"It's no Christ Redeemer." - Colt. He is funny and I like him. His situation with his mother is unusual but I think he feels he is taking care of her and she needs it. Yah, sure, if he wants to marry he'd have to make some changes. But anyone deserves better than this nasty "fiancee." 

Edited by Tuneful
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Just now, iwasish said:

I see a Forensic Files episode coming out of this. A single cat hair will convict Mother Colt.

Ooh there was an episode of something on ID today where they matched dog hair DNA to a sample strand found in the rag stuffed in the woman’s mouth and that’s how they knew the boyfriend did it!

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9 minutes ago, tincansailor981 said:

She's nasty, probably even nastier when she's in heat

I don’t think you meant this the way it came out. 

Edited by iwasish
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2 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 People will lie to you if you move here  to Colorado, too, and say you don’t need air-conditioning but they are lying liars who lie. Dry heat is still hot.

Dry Vegas heat is brutal. Dry heat burns your skin.  Like the feeling of burning, stinging, hot skin.  You NEED to stay in the shade! 

When I go to  Vegas after the 2nd, 3rd day, I need to use chapstick and my hair starts to feel dry. 


Humid heat, makes you sweat and keeps you moist.  Like you can’t wear lotion or else you will feel slick. You also need A/C if there is no breeze.  If I don’t get enough cool air I feel nauseous and it kills my appetite. 

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Reina is not taking any BS and I am here for it. Eric is an angry, angry man. I would dub him this season's Hitler Youth, but he looks 20 years older than he is (I saw better- and younger-looking men in my Mom's dementia care unit), so maybe he's Hitler Geezer. His ex-wife (who seems nice and well-adjusted, thankfully for their kids) is well out of this, and his 19-year-old will be as well, although no one likes to be told to hunt for a new place and move. I can't wait for him to crash and burn. I hope her family works him over. I would love to know What He Did, because I believe he did something from inappropriate to criminal, to end up in the life situation he's in. 

Edited by Tuneful
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2 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Mrs. Colt isn't doing him any favours by cooking, cleaning, driving him around town and wiping  her little boy's ass.

I understand what you are saying, but as someone with 1 child and who lost her husband when that child was 14, I know how difficult it can be to see change coming. My son and I have worked at the same place, I moved to his uni for another degree when he went to school, and we currently live across the street from each other. I cook for him a few times a month and we enjoy each other's company. He lived with me until he got married.

That said, he's lived his own life with traveling and girl friends. Just because he is more independent than Colt, doesn't mean I don't have moments of sadness. I like us as a couple (probably the wrong word, that's all I can come up with now) and can understand why Colt's mom would be unhappy thinking their relationship may change. Of course, it doesn't have to be mom or wife, with nothing in the middle, but mom may not realize that yet. 

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In America, we have indoor plumbing, electricity, clean water, appliances like  dishwasher and washer/dryer, microwaves...etc.  Super Walmarts and Amazon! 


We are FIRST WORLD......we don’t need servants! 


Leida, welcome to America.  

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6 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Humid heat, makes you sweat and keeps you moist.  Like you can’t wear lotion or else you will feel slick.

I LOVED living in New Orleans because it was so good for my skin. I love humidity- yes I’m that weirdo. Now imagine how dry my skin is in Las Vegas heat! ??

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