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Season 2 Discussion

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5 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

I think there's a baby monitor, but since Lucy is in a crib, she could have been moved in their room.

While I have absolutely no proof, I think Rachel conceived Lucy on an earlier visit to Jon. I don't believe she's never been in England before since she was so calm at the airport/train stations. Jon seems very attached to Lucy. I guess the truth will come out at some point. I like them, but I always suspect producer manipulation in this show--for all these couples. 

Yes, there was a baby monitor, but I would NEVER have been able to sleep on an different floor from my baby even if it was my own home, let alone a .... strangers home. 

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37 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

Paul should have picked up some Portuguese by this point.  And if Karine intends to come to the USA, she should be studying English.

I don't believe Pole has any intention of learning Portuguese. If Kreeny moves to the US though, she will be learning English.

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3 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

MAGAMichael had a lot to say tonight! It looks like true love to me.

  • I need to make EmphysemAngela happy, I'm hoping to be with Angela in the States
  • I want her to be happy because I want to spend the rest of my life with her IN AMERICA
  • "What turns you on about Angela?" Angela is going to take care of me and make me comfortable
  • We have cultural differences, but when SHE loves someone, she takes care of the person
  • She'll take care of her man
  • I hope it works out and we spend the rest of our lives in Trumpamerica

He's between a rock and a hard place, he obsequiously flatirons her hair to please her and get that US visa, but curiously the Smoking Bulldozer is angling for a "strong man" who is going to try put her in her place with his strength and domination, so that she can rebelliously fight him for the dog food bowl at every meal.  A lot of her discourse is about who has the power in the relationship, and how the power is hers and hers alone. She weakly pays lip-service to "50-50" and "WE will be running OUR house" but it's easy to see the cogs turning in her head forcing her to mouth these notions she doesn't believe in, for appearances' sake. And yet; she wants her romantic partner to covet that same power, and try to wrestle it from her - unsuccessfully of course.

Angela is your typical abuser who hides behind a backstory from decades ago to cast themselves as a victim, and make excuses for their mean streak. She snaps... because he makes her! It's not her fault, the poor dear has had some sad relationships before. She'd be great with Jesse, who does like older women, after all.

Only Angela can say the age difference may bother her. But if Michael says it... there will be hell to pay! She asks him what to wear, he answers politely that she could maybe cover her sprawling tattooed mammaries, and she blows a gasket. Why, these clothes don't make her look like a Walmart parking lot hoochie where she comes from! Mmmmm... who will disabuse her of this fantasy?

I suffer second-hand embarrassment when she brays like a donkey at 150 dB. Why is she braying when she's braying? What does it mean? It's just a power play. After she asked Michael's friends if her wrinkled ass is the "only one he been chasin'" she threw her head back and brayed for an eternity. They were so dumbfounded they didn't know what to say. They were very polite saying nothing when she complained about the lack of outdoor electric fans in Nigeria.  When she left to take a huge piss and smoke half a pack in the back, his friends' facial expression went from dumbfounded by Angela, to deeply worried and concerned about their friend selling his soul to this nasty, lined and withered nicotine addict.

No one can 'make' you do something unless they say hit me and then put your hand on them to hit them.

Abusers come in many forms. Many go on about being a 'victim' and that nothing is their fault. Always someone else. Nope, someone triggered something in them, and they chose to react in the way they do. Most are very very weak and have no power. So it is a prop to get them to perceive themselves to have power.

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49 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

A note on steak.  "juice" is retained by letting it rest.  Cutting across the grain, whether or not at an angle, makes it more tender to eat.  

Darcy “worked in a restaurant “, she knows best. But I agree with you , resting keeps it juicy, across the grain makes it tender. It still looked nasty, grey instead of brown. Didn’t they buy several big thick steaks, they only cooked one. And some rice a roni crap.

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37 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Jon "Do you trust me." Rachel "Yes." I saw nothing but fear and doubt in her eyes.

Well, TBH, that was the best thing to say whether she trusted him or not.  If she was worried, she shouldn't be saying anything to upset him while she's in a vulnerable position.

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Just now, EllaDisco said:

Well, TBH, that was the best thing to say whether she trusted him or not.  If she was worried, she shouldn't be saying anything to upset him while she's in a vulnerable position.

Oh I agree but I think she was also trying not only to convince him but to convince herself.

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He said “I know steak”. You dont cook steak in a stone cold pan. She needed to cut it on a “bias”? What the fuck does that mean? An angle? Both these assholes are too much. I feel sorry for those girls.

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13 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Darcy “worked in a restaurant “, she knows best. But I agree with you , resting keeps it juicy, across the grain makes it tender. It still looked nasty, grey instead of brown. Didn’t they buy several big thick steaks, they only cooked one. And some rice a roni crap.

She was right about cutting the meat across the grain. However, no decent chef would send out steak sliced into sloppy, ragged, different sized pieces. Obviously, restauranting wasn't her future career. 

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17 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Darcy “worked in a restaurant “, she knows best. But I agree with you , resting keeps it juicy, across the grain makes it tender. It still looked nasty, grey instead of brown. Didn’t they buy several big thick steaks, they only cooked one. And some rice a roni crap.

Who goes to all the trouble to buy a beautiful steak, cook it poorly, tear it to shreds, then serve it with salty rice a roni? 

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If I fry or grill a steak on the stove, it's in my Le Creuset grill pan. The pan has to be seasoned properly, the steak needs to be seared on high heat. That steak looked like something that came out of my old George Foreman Grill.

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

If I fry or grill a steak on the stove, it's in my Le Creuset grill pan. The pan has to be seasoned properly, the steak needs to be seared on high heat. That steak looked like something that came out of my old George Foreman Grill.

Yes to all of this, I am a cast iron girl myself. I suspect even the George Foreman would have done a better job.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Dean just needs to accept the unholy alliance between Hazel and Tarik. She wants to get out of the country any way she can. He wants a smokin' hot chick who is half his age and way out of his league. Neither one of them is thinking about Tarik's autistic child. I'm wondering if they've given much thought to Hazel's son? Will he leave his father? Will his father even let him go? Will he stay in poverty in the Philippines? What will happen?

Smokin hot?  I cannot agree with you there.  I don’t find her good looking at all.  She does seem like a good person, and Dean was horrible to her, disgusting.

What the ever-loving fuck was Tariq wearing??  The black mesh with a white tank!! 

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I didn't get the expense of buying those beautiful and expensive steaks at the butcher (not a grocery store special) and then frying them up like that. My on-sale ribeyes I bought yesterday (long weekend special) got better treatment in my bbq. Darcey could just have bought some cheaper sirloins. I was impressed how much space was around the stove. Mine is jammed in with the cupboards.

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2 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Dramacey & AngryDutchman - They can't even discuss a grocery list without a hissing cat fight, so I was shocked they actually made it to the store and were able to pick Rice-A-Roni and colossal steaks from the "butt-cher," as Jesse puts it. There was even a touching, beautiful moment, worthy of an appreciation ring, where they came together sharing the joy of finding a $5 commercial carrot cake. In a comical variation of "look, a goat!" Jesse shouted out "look, diapers!" which immediately laser-guided Dramacey's focus on motherhood, and how this must have been a hint that he longed for fatherhood with her, right here and right now. I'm 43! You keep hinting you want babies! You gotta hurry! I'm pushing the limits! And here we go again.

One of the daughters, if not both, has a crush on Jesse and was giving him the googly eyes. All three are millenials, after all!

The steak fight was epic. I love this show.

Only Darcey can slice steak the perfect way. Her daughters like it that singular way, and no other way. No one should dare serve them pre-sliced steak that's not cut on the bias to retain the goddamn juices. Darcey. Must. Slice. The steaks. So sit down Jesse.  But then Jesse has a hissy fit because he was supposed to do the steaks, and she was supposed to do the Rice-A-Roni and this division of labor is as immutable as it is important. He walks out, because this kind of mutiny is not to be tolerated, and later gets fetched with a "Dinner's ready" which in his wisdom #caffemeester #psychologist #twinflames is cause to escalate this into the equivalent of a Jon bar fight. If only they'd thought of giving the girls their own knives and forks.

I must now comment on Darcey's meat carving technique. None of her high-falutin' theories are worth a nickel if she's slicing, or rather, ripping and shredding the meat with a knife so dull it can't cut through room temperature butter.

Can you imagine Darcy’s reaction when her 11/12 yr old daughters are 17/18 and    strutting around in front of 30 yr old stepdad Jesse while 50 yr old Darcy sits and stews. 

I did notice that she covered her leather   shorty shorts with her jacket in the store. I wonder if Jesse told her to.

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Jesse needs to learn a lot more about #twinflames. I have a soul connection. They are about healing and I have done a lot of work on myself - released and continue to release pain, deal with my triggers, my issues. Maybe he and Darcey just romanticize it. It's hard work. Jesse and Darcey still are very much in egoland.

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Darcey may as well have cut that steak with a chainsaw! Steak and Rice-a-Roni. Never thought to try that combo. 

Funny thing about kids. They can usually just sit back, watch the shitshow and know exactly what is going on. Mom, can we just eat the steak now? Something tells me this is not the first time they have seen dear old mom like this. They seem like really great girls, too. How did that happen? 

Hazel is very, very strange. I can't stop looking at that straggly clump of greasy hair in her face. Just tuck it in to your ponytail, girl. 

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Look at the ring finger on Darcey’s left hand.  It appears she is wearing a silver band with a diamond-ish emerald cut ring on top, which reeks of a high school level of desperation unbecoming a woman of her age. She probably pretends that Jesse has married her.  Grow up!

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Just now, Annymin said:

Look at the ring finger on Darcey’s left hand.  It appears she is wearing a silver band with a diamond-ish emerald cut ring on top, which reeks of a high school level of desperation unbecoming a woman of her age

That's probably the promise ring Jesse gave her last season. Remember how disappointed she was when she thought he was going to propose to her? 

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Tarik in no way loves Hazel and vice versa. Hazel is a fetish to him. He’s probably graduated from a porn fetish, to a real life one. Because, “Asian girls are hot,” according to this doofus. So, if she doesn’t work out, he’ll just travel to the next Asian country and easily replace her with another, just like he did with the one before her. She’s trying to make sure her meal ticket is secured.

Dean is an ass, but I was hoping that he would mention his niece, Ari and how she’s being dragged into this foolishness. 

Angela took one look at Michael’s hot friend, David, and instantly declared that he was older than her. The look he gave the camera was epic. Michael sounded offended for him when he said, “He is also my friend.” 

I just realized Tarik’s outfit consisted of socks and black & white flip flops. This fool was actually trying to match this ugly assed outfit! He actually brought this combination in his luggage. You know you’re horrible when Ricky is not the worst dressed on this show. 

Tarik, go back to the 757. Shave your head and raise your daughter. Let’s start there.

Edited by charmed1
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Just now, bichonblitz said:

That's probably the promise ring Jesse gave her last season. Remember how disappointed she was when she thought he was going to propose to her? 

Could be! Or could it have been the engagement ring she bought for herself? 

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8 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Tarik in no way loves Hazel and vice versa. Hazel is a fetish to him. He’s probably graduated from a porn fetish, to a real life one. Because, “Asian girls are hot,” according to this doofus. So, if she doesn’t work out, he’ll just travel to the next Asian country and easily replace her with another, just like he did with the one before her. She’s trying to make sure her meal ticket is secured.

Dean is an ass, but I was hoping that he would mention his niece, Ari and how she’s being dragged into this foolishness. 

Angela took one look at Michael’s hot friend, David, and instantly declared that he was older than her. The look he gave the camera was epic. Michael sounded offended for him when he said, “He is also my friend.” 

Yeah, wasn't his "ex" from Thailand?

I'm rooting for Hazel. She seems genuine, honest, and hardworking, weird religious stuff notwithstanding.

That bit from Angela! In what world is that friend older than her?! Black don't crack indeed! He looked half her age if anything.

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19 minutes ago, Annymin said:

Look at the ring finger on Darcey’s left hand.  It appears she is wearing a silver band with a diamond-ish emerald cut ring on top, which reeks of a high school level of desperation unbecoming a woman of her age.

and what happened to the "appreciation ring" Jesse gave her in Amsterdam? 

Jesse has the longest torso on any man I have ever seen! 

In Darcey's defense, she was cooking in someone else's kitchen and probably had no idea what pots/pans/utensils, etc. she had at her disposal. 

17 minutes ago, TheRedQueen said:

Rickey’s fanny pack and cheesy “romantic” giant vanilla dollar store candles and bag of rose petals straight from a Harlequin romance novel. Btw I’ve never seen a bag of rose petals for sale. EVER. 

Maybe he saved a couple of Melissa's "I Love You" red roses? 

Hazel looks like she’d rather be doing anything other than giving Tarik “some lips.”


Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Ricky, you can get out of the Melissa thing with Ximena and tell the truth. You came to meet someone else, but that didn't work out, you didn't connect, yadda, yadda,  and thought you would call her since you were in the area, not expecting anything either.  

I’m sure in XXXimena’s line of work, she’s been called various names by mistake and probably couldn’t care less, as long the money is on the nightstand. 

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 They do sell bags of rose petals.  The first time I saw them was when I was a flower girl for a family wedding.  They opened up the bag and put them in a little basket so I could drop Rose petals on the ground in front of the bride.

Edited by PityFree
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14 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

Could be! Or could it have been the engagement ring she bought for herself? 

Could be either one.  It’s the addition of the fake wedding band that raises the desperation level.  

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4 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 They do sell bags of rose petals.  The first time I saw them was when I was a flower girl for a family wedding.  They opened up the bag and put them in a little basket so I could drop Rose petals on the ground in front of the bride.

Awww burst my bubble! I was really hoping that he was reusing Love of His Life’s roses like Magemaud said! 

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1 hour ago, JasonH said:

He said “I know steak”. You dont cook steak in a stone cold pan. She needed to cut it on a “bias”? What the fuck does that mean? An angle? Both these assholes are too much. I feel sorry for those girls.

Yes!  What the hell is a bias??

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7 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 They do sell bags of rose petals.  The first time I saw them was when I was a flower girl for a family wedding.  They opened up the bag and put them in a little basket so I could drop Rose petals on the ground in front of the bride.

They even sell them on Amazon, they come chilled.

I don't want to see Angela and Michael on the canopy walk. I want to see more of those trees, birds, turtles, that peacock scratching itself...Angela has no idea what she's missing out on!

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