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Season 2 Discussion

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5 hours ago, Kellyee said:

How is Jon going to be with Rachel when he can't even legally get into the country and she can't move to the UK because she has another kid? Am I the only one who thinks in practical terms?

There's a Visa Waiver Program he can apply for. Under the 212(h) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, the Attorney General for the US can authorize a waiver "in the case of an immigrant who is the spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if it is established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that the alien's denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to the United States citizen or lawfully resident spouse, parent, son, or daughter of such alien." It's worth noting that the AG's decision is not reviewable by any court. It's also allowable if he's been "rehabilitated" usually through proof of a changed life. The AG is also allowed to place any restrictions he chooses to on the waiver.


3 hours ago, Kangatush said:
3 hours ago, shockermolar said:

Don't know about where Paul lives but that's categorically untrue in Texas. A protection order is a legal service carried out by the state AGs office - essentially the state is suing on behalf of the victim. The proof criteria is extremely high, which is why violating the order is a criminal act.  Also, two parties cannot have orders out on each other. Again, wherever it is that Paul is from may be different, but just the fact that the order exists and he violated would keep me the hell away from him.

{I AM NOT A LAWYER}  In my (very limited) experience, getting a PO. is easy.  Say a couple is having a fight, verbal, but she somehow scratches him.  The police show up to remove the guy.  She can get a TPO if she says she feels threatened, he can get a TPO because he has marks.  Permanent orders can demand more proof, but since they are meant as protection, temporary ones are very quick and usually only rely on what you say happened.

Agreed. Here in Alabama, they are essentially civil proceedings where the state is suing for the victim. We call them Protection From Abuse claims. However, they are easily granted upon application. You receive what's called a temporary protection order. The defendant is then served and the court is supposed to hold the hearing 10 days after service. Currently, in my county, we're running at 4 months behind. During that time, the TPO is upheld as if it was permanent. In order to get the final order, the standard is pretty high but in a lot of cases, people agree to them just to get it over with.

We also have them granted in the criminal court without the application process. If a person makes an allegation against another person, the judge frequently orders the parties to stay apart. This may become part of the final order even without an application being filed. This can also be how you see mutual PFAs between couples.

2 hours ago, Mainer said:

I agree, I think if you use the word “threatened” bam there’s your protection order. My concern isn’t that she got one it’s the fact that he thought the rules didn’t apply to him and went against it anyways. And if it was simply one text message then was it a felony for him to break it? Because if the charge was a felony on why she got it then that makes it breaking it a felony. At least in my state which then makes it an arrestabke offense. I’m not a lawyer either but I think a simple misdemeanor I feel threatened order wouldn’t be enough that he’d be arrested over one text, the cops would probably call him and warn him if he contacted again he’d be arrested. And also he clearly is scared by his past charges which shows me it was pretty serious idk tho... we need to talk to the X! Lol

Far too often, the victim and the defendant make up and will start messaging each other again. This continues until the victim gets mad and presses charges, then boom, defendant is guilty. Depending on the judge and how it's presented, I've seen single messages become felonies. If the protective order has stemmed from a criminal charge (even if completely made up), the cops may arrest without talking to the defendant. I've also seen the state's attorney just add it as a charge without going through the police.

True story: my client is a disabled vet. He has some mental issues and so he was convinced by his girlfriend to have his pension checks deposited into her bank account and she would then give him money. Well, after a few months, he started asking questions about where his money was and she filed a PFA against him and had him arrested for "threatening" her, claiming they'd never dated and had no reason to be in contact. After he hired me and I started asking her job (she worked at a bank) for records and her personnel file, revealing among other things, that she was here on either a student visa or on an employee visa that the corporate bank didn't know about. She started freaking out, realizing that she might lose her job since the job wasn't available for those here on work visas and texted him offering to drop the criminal charges if he'd let her keep the $10k+ that she'd made off with. She started this by sending adult photos from his job to her. He told her no. She then turned around and showed the court that he was "violating" the PFA for texting her. I produced the rest of the messages, including some admissions from her and the judge threw her case out. However, had my client been on his own, I can see where he wouldn't have known how to get the evidence he needed to defeat her accusations.

This may or may not be the case with Paul, but it does happen.

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Rachel is not bad looking.  I think she has a cute smile.  However, she really needs to make a little bit more effort with her appearance.  

Michael's friend David, reminds me of Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther).  

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At megD: we could give Paul the benefit of the doubt and think that it was just a bunch of BS because your right that does happen. We all make a bunch of assumptions on here, but he does give off the jealous insecure stalker vibe.. so who knows hopefully they continue filming and we get our answers?

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5 hours ago, Drogo said:

As a longtime appreciator of Rice-A-Roni (when you're away for a long time, it tastes like America) I do not appreciate the dissing of the Roni here.  Herb & Butter, Rice Pilaf, and Stir Fried Rice for the win. 

LOL @ Darcey and Jesse buying the red-label "Beef" flavored one to go with their steak.  Beef Rice-A-Roni is the clear loser of all the flavors, and only on the shelf for those who can't figure out an appropriate side for steak, a protein that can be paired with every side dish under the sun. 

The Roni was what sustained me during my 20's. Immediately after payday, it was a full meal, dressed up with chicken, mushrooms and other goodies. I'm 61 now and I still love it, especially the pilaf. Leave it to the bickering idiots to choose the least delicious flavor for their meal. I'm actually surprised either of them figured out how to make it a d they probably stirred it constantly so it was all gummy. Roni aficionados know you leave it alone to simmer after you add the liquid and flavor packet!

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3 hours ago, iwasish said:

I didn’t think Dean was all that loud or scary. He didn’t raise his hand or threaten her. Tarik  didn’t have to get up and protect her from him, nor did he go overboard defending her.

Men, especially big men, don't have to make threatening gestures to be threatening, even if they don't want to be.  I sometimes send my husband, who is gentle as a lamb but big, to meetings with women I'm in disagreement with (think teachers), not to threaten them, but to be threatened by his presence--the way a cloudy day threatens a thunderstorm.  It's a terrible thing, and I'm betraying the sisterhood every time I do this, but by god it's effective.  Women (and some men) who've given me a hard time fold almost as soon as he walks in the door.

I can't imagine that tiny little Hazel didn't feel threatened, not of bodily harm, but just generally ill at ease and weak, in the physical presence of someone so big who clearly wasn't on her side.

Edited by Mothra
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33 minutes ago, MegD said:

"in the case of an immigrant who is the spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if it is established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that the alien's denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to the United States citizen or lawfully resident spouse, parent, son, or daughter of such alien."

so this would explain the added advantage of Jon being listed as the father on Lucy's birth certificate

Edited by magemaud
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28 minutes ago, Horrified said:

I can't rewatch on demand where I live, so could someone please do me a favour?  I think Angela curtseyed when she met Michael's friends.  Need verification!!  thank you.

She did indeed.

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6 hours ago, Drogo said:

LOL @ Darcey and Jesse buying the red-label "Beef" flavored one to go with their steak.  Beef Rice-A-Roni is the clear loser of all the flavors, and only on the shelf for those who can't figure out an appropriate side for steak, a protein that can be paired with every side dish under the sun.

I don’t think Darcey knows how to cook. At all. Why not get some broccoli, carrots and make a nice sauce? Or bake some potatoes and load them up.

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59 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m sure you were and are lovely.

You may have “resting bitch face”(meaning your face looks upset when you’re not)  OR have been going out with male company which distracts from other men trying to pick you up. 

I didn’t get the impression that Hazel was holding out on sexual intimacy for religious or moral reasons. I cannot recall her saying that.

I took it that she was holding off on sex because she wanted marriage and a chance to come to the USA, and she didn’t want to have sex and get dumped by Tariq. Also I’m not sure how many contraceptive options are available to her, I’m sure she doesn’t want to get pregnant again. 

Also she is on TV.  It is one thing to be sexually active, even keep a mistress but to put it out in public and embarrass the family beyond being a unwed mother is a Filipino cultural no no

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15 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I didn’t think Dean was all that loud or scary. He didn’t raise his hand or threaten her. Tarik  didn’t have to get up and protect her from him, nor did he go overboard defending her.

I thought he came across as ghetto, which was probably shocking to her

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33 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

And if he bails on day 92, send him right down here to the dirty, dirty south.  I’ve got somethin’ that’ll hold him!  


4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I'll take a pass on Michael, but his BFF is a whole Snack.  He can get this visa!! I got his 90 days right here!!! 


Ok now wait just a dang minute here. I will not be Danielle’d!

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Jon may have a Napoleon complex, his friends implied his fights were caused by "pissing" (?drinking) & womanizing. Rachel sure made herself comfy with her shoes on the couch in an unflattering crotch forward-to-the friends (?yoga) pose. js.

Tarik's brother better not have any unwed baby mommas in his closet. js

Ok, now our gal Angela. They've been in the hotel for a week, obviously together 24/7. I think she's probably paying for everything, including 3 meals & snacks. I've not forgotten Michael's hints about matching outfits either. We've heard from the mother that Angela is "wealthy." Michael has told his friends "Angela will take care of me & keep me comfortable in America."

So of course she's irritable having to reach for the bra money all day long. She's taking out her frustration by being mean, because she either doesn't know how, or is embarrassed, to tell Michael that she's not the Bank of America. This is why she kinda went off at the meet & greet when presented with "African men are the boss" stuff. In her world real men pay their way. 

I don't think Angela is going to propose to anyone on this trip.

What do y'all think about my theory? 

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32 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

don't think Angela is going to propose to anyone on this trip.

Ehhh... that’s a tuff call. If she keeps barking orders and he keeps nodding his head in the yes direction then they could be a lifelong pair. If he starts nodding his head no, then there will be trouble in paradise and she won’t have any problem telling him right where to cram it. It’s too early for me to make that   Prediction  But you might be into something... ?

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


Wow.  I was a pre-menopausal chick with boobs in a bar for many years, dating back to the fern bars/singles bars days, and it was much more common for me not to get hit on than to be approached.  Maybe they were checking me out, but they sure weren't doing anything about it.

I always thought it was because I was plain, but it sounds like thinking of myself as plain was being overly generous.  Ouch.

I’m guessing you did not give off a strong enough aura of desperation. Most of their egos can’t take getting shot down by those who have standards, they go for the easy odds.

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59 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

Ok, now our gal Angela ......  having to reach for the bra money all day long.



Hey, thanks for saying that because you just reminded me of something.  How about how our gal Ang struts on into the "club" to meet Michael's friends with her cell phone hanging out of her bra.  Keep it classy, girl!

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

so this would explain the added advantage of Jon being listed as the father on Lucy's birth certificate


She’s put it out on TV that he is not her father. If Ella’s dad objects to his daughter being around him, all he needs to debunk the birth certificate is any clips of this show. I’m sure Rachel would have to have some DNA test to prove that he is. 

At the least she would have to prove that she had even met Jon in person prior to getting pregnant with Lucy.

Edited by iwasish
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5 hours ago, iwasish said:

I didn’t think Dean was all that loud or scary. He didn’t raise his hand or threaten her. Tarik  didn’t have to get up and protect her from him, nor did he go overboard defending her. IMO he may not have liked the way Dean asked the questions but he wasn’t upset that he asked. I wonder just what she has told him about the situation with her son. Tarik has expressed his concern about Hazel’s feelings for him. Yes he is hot for her, but he also wants her to feel the same about him. As stupid as we may feel these guys are, both Tarik and Ricky must have gotten the impression that the women WANTED THEM. If all Hazel wants is a ticket to the USA, I don’t think Tarik is  on board with that. He’s looking for a hot wife and decent stepmother for his child. I don’t think he wants someone he needs to prompt to kiss him, or who submits to his sexual advances as part of a deal she’s made in return for passage to the USA. His concern would be that once settled, green card in hand and possibly reunited with her child, she’d dump him. So while Dean was forceful and pointed in his demeanor, the questions were the same that Tarik has and probably doesn’t ask. 

It will be interesting to see if the confrontation pushes them apart or brings them closer.

I agree with you.  I don't think Hazel has told Tarik that she only is interested in him for a green card and a better standard of living.  I don't think she is being honest.

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

Men, especially big men, don't have to make threatening gestures to be threatening, even if they don't want to be.  I sometimes send my husband, who is gentle as a lamb but big, to meetings with women I'm in disagreement with (think teachers), not to threaten them, but to be threatened by his presence--the way a cloudy day threatens a thunderstorm.  It's a terrible thing, and I'm betraying the sisterhood every time I do this, but by god it's effective.  Women (and some men) who've given me a hard time fold almost as soon as he walks in the door.

I can't imagine that tiny little Hazel didn't feel threatened, not of bodily harm, but just generally ill at ease and weak, in the physical presence of someone so big who clearly wasn't on her side.

Blame that on Tarik, who most likely told her that Dean thought she was scamming and was there to determine whether or not she was. I still believe Tarik might have felt that Dean was a bit too forceful (probably fueled by a few too many) in his demeanor, but that  he was glad  the questions were asked. Questions he didn’t have the balls to ask himself.  Deans comment that he asked a straight up question and she should be able to give a straight up answer is true. 

Of course ultimately it is Tarik who has to decide if Hazels explanation about the situation with her child and her feelings towards Tarik with regard to their relationship are enough to assure him of her sincerity. My guess is that he  has his doubts now.

In some way isn’t what you and your husband do somewhat similar to the Dean situation?  Tarik is using his brother’s size and manner to get the upper hand. He wants answers but also wants to be the “gentleman”so he lets Dean be the bad guy.

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1 hour ago, Mainer said:

At megD: we could give Paul the benefit of the doubt and think that it was just a bunch of BS because your right that does happen. We all make a bunch of assumptions on here, but he does give off the jealous insecure stalker vibe.. so who knows hopefully they continue filming and we get our answers?

Oh I completely agree with you that he gives off the jealous insecure creeper vibe. But I can see how he ends up with charges because of that. I think he's someone that doesn't read signals well and once he's told "I'm just not that into you." any contact, even if it's just "hey, you got some mail at my house" is seen as "she wants me back."

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Just now, iwasish said:

Blame that on Tarik, who most likely told her that Dean thought she was scamming and was there to determine whether or not she was. I still believe Tarik might have felt that Dean was a bit too forceful (probably fueled by a few too many) in his demeanor, but that  he was glad  the questions were asked. Questions he didn’t have the balls to ask himself.  Deans comment that he asked a straight up question and she should be able to give a straight up answer is true. 

Of course ultimately it is Tarik who has to decide if Hazels explanation about the situation with her child and her feelings towards Tarik with regard to their relationship are enough to assure him of her sincerity. My guess is that he  has his doubts now.

In some way isn’t what you and your husband do somewhat similar to the Dean situation?  Tarik is using his brother’s size and manner to get the upper hand. He wants answers but also wants to be the “gentleman”so he lets Dean be the bad guy.

As I saw it, the "question" (as opposed to accusation) that upset her so much was when Dean lit into her for giving up custody of her son.  I don't remember if he actually gave her a chance to answer before he began berating her for being a bad mother, that there "must be something wrong" if the mother didn't retain custody (King of Irony there).  I don't hold a brief for Hazel other than sympathizing with her wish for a better life for her *and* her son, but I can certainly understand her not immediately going into the reason her son doesn't live with her.  It would be humiliating for her to tell Dean, whom she just met, the truth--that she kept her son until she could not afford to care for him any longer, and that she hoped to regain custody when she was in better circumstances.  I fault Tarik for many things but high among them is not immediately and forcefully leaping to her defense on that one, instead of sitting there looking miserable.  He may not have been explicitly told why Hazel's son didn't live with her--one would hope he would have asked about that, but I guess his dick got in the way--but even without that specific information, he should not have allowed Dean to go off on her like that.

Well, as I said, I'm not proud of using my husband's size to help me out, but I would never use him to ask questions I didn't dare ask.  I don't use him out of fear, but out of a desire to save time and effort.  I use my husband's bulk to cut through crap when I'm trying to solve a problem, but I don't hide behind him.  I send him in when I want to get things done. 

You may be right about Tarik, but I still think Dean was threatening, and I think he meant to be.

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1 minute ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Cementhead I don't understand all the accoutrements hanging from the bra when she always carries a purse. 

Lol!  And a ginormous one at that.  What the hell does she have in that thing if not her cell phone and boy toy money?  A carton of Marlboros?  A spare pair of cowboy boots?  Back-up hair extensions? 16 more cold shoulder tops? 

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3 minutes ago, Mothra said:

As I saw it, the "question" (as opposed to accusation) that upset her so much was when Dean lit into her for giving up custody of her son.  I don't remember if he actually gave her a chance to answer before he began berating her for being a bad mother, that there "must be something wrong" if the mother didn't retain custody (King of Irony there).  I don't hold a brief for Hazel other than sympathizing with her wish for a better life for her *and* her son, but I can certainly understand her not immediately going into the reason her son doesn't live with her.  It would be humiliating for her to tell Dean, whom she just met, the truth--that she kept her son until she could not afford to care for him any longer, and that she hoped to regain custody when she was in better circumstances.  I fault Tarik for many things but high among them is not immediately and forcefully leaping to her defense on that one, instead of sitting there looking miserable.  He may not have been explicitly told why Hazel's son didn't live with her--one would hope he would have asked about that, but I guess his dick got in the way--but even without that specific information, he should not have allowed Dean to go off on her like that.

Well, as I said, I'm not proud of using my husband's size to help me out, but I would never use him to ask questions I didn't dare ask.  I don't use him out of fear, but out of a desire to save time and effort.  I use my husband's bulk to cut through crap when I'm trying to solve a problem, but I don't hide behind him.  I send him in when I want to get things done. 

You may be right about Tarik, but I still think Dean was threatening, and I think he meant to be.

I  might not have made it clear but I do get why you make use of your husband’s physical presence and I would probably do the same, if I had a husband! I make use of my brothers at times for the same reasons. 

I will agree that Dean could have been less “intimidating” and blame it on an excess of alcohol and a long day of travel (with a pinch of being “ on camera)Perhaps he should have taken the night off to rest and meet with Tarik alone  first prior to getting together with Hazel. See the sights, chat a bit before getting down to brass tacks. 

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On 9/3/2018 at 12:59 AM, charmed1 said:

You would know if you worked in a restaurant. Like Darcy. Did you know she worked in a restaurant? Spoiler alert: she worked in a restaurant.

Does anyone know if Darcey ever worked in a restaurant?

On 9/3/2018 at 11:52 AM, Pondlass1 said:

The thing with Jon and Rachel is that he's not going to get into the States with that record.  So it's the other way around in this instance.  Rachel will be applying to emigrate to the UK if they do decide to get married.  How does she feel about that? 

More importantly, how will her daughter in America feel about that?

On 9/3/2018 at 12:43 PM, ladle said:

*small voice* I strangely like and enjoy Angela. 

She seems like she'd be a fun person to hang with in a saloon. She also strikes me as the type that would help anyone out if they needed it. But once you invite or bring her outside of her element, she is unappreciative of the need to adapt to where you are going. You cannot simply say, "I yam what I yam and will wear shredded tops and be overbearing if I feel like it." It's embarrassing to watch. It's uncouth. Ignorant. 

On 9/3/2018 at 2:34 PM, Madding crowd said:

I’ve said from the beginning I think Angela and Michael are acting and their whole story is fake. Michael would have found out way more about her and her situation if he truly wanted to come to the US and start a business. He speaks and understands English well so it can’t be chalked up to miscommunications.

I think Angela has an angle and that is to get on television and be out of control to get attention. Anyone who goes on Springer knows what they are getting into and she seems to have brought that vibe to this show. 

On 9/3/2018 at 6:03 PM, Meowwww said:

I have steak as my dinner entree all the time.  And I live in Wisconsin.  I thought it was normal to have steak as the main entree?

It is. I think the poster meant that he was a psycho because he didn't choose something a bit more kid friendly like pasta and meatballs or chicken tenders or something.

On 9/3/2018 at 6:56 PM, Deafening Roar said:

I'm having a hard time coming up with 50-60 ARGUMENTS I've ever been involved in, much less actual fist fights! He's scary to me, or the possiblity of his temper would scare me. But not Rachel, nope, she goes right on along with him as if he's a saint.

Me too! I thought the same thing.

20 hours ago, Spike said:

I doubt Rachel gets checked out in bars.  She is plain bordering on homely.

Everyone is gorgeous as closing time approaches. I wouldn't call her homely. She is a bit overweight and doesn't seem to wear much, if any, make up but that doesn't make someone homely.

8 hours ago, Drogo said:

As a longtime appreciator of Rice-A-Roni (when you're away for a long time, it tastes like America) I do not appreciate the dissing of the Roni here.  Herb & Butter, Rice Pilaf, and Stir Fried Rice for the win. 

LOL @ Darcey and Jesse buying the red-label "Beef" flavored one to go with their steak.  Beef Rice-A-Roni is the clear loser of all the flavors, and only on the shelf for those who can't figure out an appropriate side for steak, a protein that can be paired with every side dish under the sun. 

The only flavor RR I ever liked was the beef one. Same with Hamburger Helper. I always LOVED the beef pasta one as a kid and hated all the others.

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6 hours ago, iwasish said:

I didn’t think Dean was all that loud or scary. He didn’t raise his hand or threaten her. Tarik  didn’t have to get up and protect her from him, nor did he go overboard defending her. IMO he may not have liked the way Dean asked the questions but he wasn’t upset that he asked. I wonder just what she has told him about the situation with her son. Tarik has expressed his concern about Hazel’s feelings for him. Yes he is hot for her, but he also wants her to feel the same about him. As stupid as we may feel these guys are, both Tarik and Ricky must have gotten the impression that the women WANTED THEM. If all Hazel wants is a ticket to the USA, I don’t think Tarik is  on board with that. He’s looking for a hot wife and decent stepmother for his child. I don’t think he wants someone he needs to prompt to kiss him, or who submits to his sexual advances as part of a deal she’s made in return for passage to the USA. His concern would be that once settled, green card in hand and possibly reunited with her child, she’d dump him. So while Dean was forceful and pointed in his demeanor, the questions were the same that Tarik has and probably doesn’t ask. 

It will be interesting to see if the confrontation pushes them apart or brings them closer.

I agree that he would not be on board with that. He keeps saying that he wants to make sure that Hazel really loves him.  That being said, my guess would be that Tarik is every bit as delusional as Ricky. While we see her body language as that of a woman who is obviously repulsed, he sees her as being totally into him and just "shy" or "taking her time" or "waiting until marriage."

Hazel didn't have any answers, but Tarik didn't have any answers for Dean, either. I thought that was very interesting.

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35 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Lol!  And a ginormous one at that.  What the hell does she have in that thing if not her cell phone and boy toy money?  A carton of Marlboros?  A spare pair of cowboy boots?  Back-up hair extensions? 16 more cold shoulder tops? 

A few jars of pigs feet and hog jowls.

What is not in her purse: deodorant, hair brush, or her dignity.

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33 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Mothra, do you remember Josh & Aika? His friend did the same thing to Aika, and Josh just sat there. Larry & Jenny, skyping w his cousin; mother Fernando; family Chantel... now that I'm thinking about it, TLC scripts this line of conflict. 

I absolutely remember them, and you're right.  To some degree every single pair on this show exposes the "foreigner" to the scorn and suspicion of various best friends and family members--which is reasonable because it *is* crazy what they're doing.  Duh.  The only pair that I think is a little different is Roos and Pow; he was working in Colombia and met her there, face to face.  The rest of them, men and women, found The Love of My Life and My Soulmate via internet.*  How the US partner reacts to the attacks is telling, whether they know their spouses-to-be well enough to answer questions and fend off insults.  Josh and Seabiscuit are among the worst.  Josh, of course, was on total dick drive, but Seabiscuit was too immature to risk upsetting her family by standing up for her husband.  What she was was a worm.

*Forgot about the Mormon guy and the Russian Dancing Queen--I think they met while he was on his mission, in ?Berlin?

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28 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

She seems like she'd be a fun person to hang with in a saloon. She also strikes me as the type that would help anyone out if they needed it. But once you invite or bring her outside of her element, she is unappreciative of the need to adapt to where you are going. You cannot simply say, "I yam what I yam and will wear shredded tops and be overbearing if I feel like it." It's embarrassing to watch. It's uncouth. Ignorant.

See this is my favorite thing about her, I wish I had the courage to have that trait, she doesn’t care if she’s at the grocery store in Georgia or Nigeria she is who she is! And has no fucks to give! It cracks me up, and I’ve known a few like her and I just laugh... at them and with them at the same time

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On 9/3/2018 at 6:07 PM, iwasish said:

Me too!! 50-60 fights is nuts!! How many came after the one he was charged with? He must be pretty good with his hands cause otherwise he’s a masochist that likes to get beat on. I can only imagine what would happen if Rachel’s ex “ disrespected” her and Jon felt compelled to defend her honor.  

I hope she’s mentally done with the relationship but being cool about things     til she and Lucy are on the plane home to the USA. 

I do get the sense that Rachel is pretty much over this and is just biding her time until she's back home. There was a lot of disappointment and some fear in her eyes. My guess is she does not like confrontation, especially after what she's learned, and prefers to deal with this at a distance, which is not a bad idea.

Edited by renatae
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4 minutes ago, Mothra said:

The only pair that I think is a little different is Roos and Pow; he was working in Colombia and met her there, face to face.  The rest of them, men and women, found The Love of My Life and My Soulmate via internet

I think that’s the major difference between the original “90 Day Fiancé” and this “Before the 90 Days” spin off. Some of the couples from 90DF met online, but many met in person when the American traveled abroad like Russ and Paola, Loren and Aleksei, Elizabeth and Andrei, Alan and Kirylam, David and Annie, Molly and Luis, and others I can’t think of right now and they started the K1 process. This show is about couples who ALL met online and are now meeting each other in person for the first time (in a foreign country) and there’s no guarantee that it will ever lead to a committed relationship. 

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27 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I absolutely remember them, and you're right.  To some degree every single pair on this show exposes the "foreigner" to the scorn and suspicion of various best friends and family members--which is reasonable because it *is* crazy what they're doing.  Duh.  The only pair that I think is a little different is Roos and Pow; he was working in Colombia and met her there, face to face.  The rest of them, men and women, found The Love of My Life and My Soulmate via internet.*  How the US partner reacts to the attacks is telling, whether they know their spouses-to-be well enough to answer questions and fend off insults.  Josh and Seabiscuit are among the worst.  Josh, of course, was on total dick drive, but Seabiscuit was too immature to risk upsetting her family by standing up for her husband.  What she was was a worm.

*Forgot about the Mormon guy and the Russian Dancing Queen--I think they met while he was on his mission, in ?Berlin?

Josh and Aleksandra met in Prague.

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I think that’s the major difference between the original “90 Day Fiancé” and this “Before the 90 Days” spin off. Some of the couples from 90DF met online, but many met in person when the American traveled abroad like Russ and Paola, Loren and Aleksei, Elizabeth and Andrei, Alan and Kirylam, David and Annie, Molly and Luis, and others I can’t think of right now and they started the K1 process. This show is about couples who ALL met online and are now meeting each other in person for the first time (in a foreign country) and there’s no guarantee that it will ever lead to a committed relationship. 

Oh my god, Magemaud, you know all this shit about this shit show.  I don't know whether I envy you or pity you.  You've approached it in a scholarly manner, which I envy, and you remember a lot of it, which I pity.  Think of all the stuff you could be remembering in those brain cells--how to make poutine, for instance, or how to pronounce chalcedony.  Seriously, thanks for this clarification--it does make a difference.

I was only half-kidding about the scholarly approach.  I think sociologists could grind out a couple of PhD theses from this wealth of material.  I think it's telling that the people who post in these forums are literate, intelligent, humorous and generally very, very civilized, yet expend time and thought on what the rest of the world finds useless folderol.  Yay us.

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3 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Jon may have a Napoleon complex, his friends implied his fights were caused by "pissing" (?drinking) & womanizing. Rachel sure made herself comfy with her shoes on the couch in an unflattering crotch forward-to-the friends (?yoga) pose. js.

Tarik's brother better not have any unwed baby mommas in his closet. js

Ok, now our gal Angela. They've been in the hotel for a week, obviously together 24/7. I think she's probably paying for everything, including 3 meals & snacks. I've not forgotten Michael's hints about matching outfits either. We've heard from the mother that Angela is "wealthy." Michael has told his friends "Angela will take care of me & keep me comfortable in America."

So of course she's irritable having to reach for the bra money all day long. She's taking out her frustration by being mean, because she either doesn't know how, or is embarrassed, to tell Michael that she's not the Bank of America. This is why she kinda went off at the meet & greet when presented with "African men are the boss" stuff. In her world real men pay their way. 

I don't think Angela is going to propose to anyone on this trip.

What do y'all think about my theory? 


All your theories are solid.

I have unfortunately known a LOT of guys with Short Man Syndrome over the years and pegged that on GardenGnome right away.   He gets a few in him and the insecurity kicks in.  EVERYTHING is a slight or disrespect, so he's always on alert for the opportunity to bow up and prove his manhood.   He won't change.

And, my theory on controlling dicks also goes here:  if Herr LifeCouch were to become Fodder to a couple of teenage girls....  How's that gonna play when teenage rebellion kicks in?   He won't even be able to cope when a young girl DARE question his All Seeing, All Knowing self.  He'll implode.

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27 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Oh my god, Magemaud, you know all this shit about this shit show

Actually my memory isn’t that good, but I’m well known among my friends as a relentless internet researcher. I’m probably wasting too many brain cells on this shit show, but for me it’s a great escape from what’s going on in the world nowadays. I look forward to the new Sunday night episode and even more so to reading and commenting on this forum. It’s almost a letdown by later in the week when the discussion lags. So many of you are people I would love to hang out with in real life! And poutine, isn’t that the Canadian dish where they put gravy on French fries? I think I’ll pass...

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5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I didn’t get the impression that Hazel was holding out on sexual intimacy for religious or moral reasons. I cannot recall her saying that.

I took it that she was holding off on sex because she wanted marriage and a chance to come to the USA, and she didn’t want to have sex and get dumped by Tariq. Also I’m not sure how many contraceptive options are available to her, I’m sure she doesn’t want to get pregnant again. 

She said it was for religious reasons.  But those are just words.  Difficult to take a moral high ground on that when you were already a teen mom.  I'm sure the actual reason is wanting to really have him hooked before putting out.

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@Mothra, I know my 90-dayers, but cannot place Seabiscuit. Even with clues that she's immature & weak. Maybe this is a nickname before my PTV time. 

Well, Russ' mom did throw a little shade towards Pao their first morning when she came down to breakfast in a short nighty & knee socks.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

I've seen rice or baked potatoes paired with steak on menus, but nobody has ever offered me BOTH! 

Believe it or not, there is a place here which automatically pairs rice with many of their meat dishes, and one is supposed to choose two other sides, one set which is mostly potatoes prepared in different ways, and the other is vegetables. There is also a choice to have more rice instead of potatoes. Then their default is to cover the rice with gravy!

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6 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Mothra, I know my 90-dayers, but cannot place Seabiscuit. Even with clues that she's immature & weak. Maybe this is a nickname before my PTV time. 

Well, Russ' mom did throw a little shade towards Pao their first morning when she came down to breakfast in a short nighty & knee socks.

Was "Seabiscuit" Evelyn from last year? The one who thinks she has a singing career? If not, I'm lost, too.

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I have a giant urge to shop for this rice a roni product that you speak of.  I feel like I’m missing out!  Is this regional?  I can boil my own rib eye steak in a non stick pan and get the char grills on them with the seasonings.  Lol 

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11 hours ago, Kangatush said:

The issue is that right now it doesn't look like Hazel has been so honest with Tarik about her motives, just the cameras.  He's still talking love.  If she's straight up with him, like Alla was with Matt on a previous season, about her expectations, go for it.


Tarik hasn't been so honest about his motives -- using the promise of a green card to sexually exploit a desperate young woman from a third world country.   He no more "loves" Hazel than Ricky "loves" Melissa    Tarik expected to fuck her the very first night.   He is a pig.  In a stupid hat.

Edited by millennium
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1 hour ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:
1 hour ago, Rt66vintage said:

@Mothra, I know my 90-dayers, but cannot place Seabiscuit. Even with clues that she's immature & weak. Maybe this is a nickname before my PTV time. 

Well, Russ' mom did throw a little shade towards Pao their first morning when she came down to breakfast in a short nighty & knee socks.

Was "Seabiscuit" Evelyn from last year? The one who thinks she has a singing career? If not, I'm lost, too.

Chantel, Ceair, Seabiscuit, any of those will suffice.

As to Pao - you're forgetting the hat!

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