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17 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Were people really speculating that Ramona purposely didn't mention it just to be petty and vindictive?

I don't think Ramona has any interest in seriously physically harming anyone.

My reasoning is based on the fact that she didn't set Simon on fire after he showed up at Jill's ladies night dinner.

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2 hours ago, Reality police said:

Anyone else notice Tinsley talking about the Tiffany necklaces being silver? Stated she wanted to get gold but they weren't in her budget. Formerly living in a 10k hotel suite ( paid by her) and now in a 30k suite. It's not only the fish that smells.???????

30k for an apartment.  That is appalling.  What a waste of money.  I’d be ashamed to tell anyone that Tinsley.  BTW, Tinsley .. have you ever worked in your lifetime?  Do you understand the value of money, or do you just go shopping for frilly dresses and order room service?  Pathetic.  Does Scott really want this spoiled little rich girl?  Is he desperate or what?

Edited by Gem 10
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3 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I just posted that it wasn't a serious enough allergy to kill her. That is why Bethany did not need an epi pen. But it wasn't pleasant. It was painful and uncomfortable. And yes, I think Ramona is lacking enough in morals to sit back and enjoy Bethany being sick from fish.

I guess that my worry about this would be, no one can tell when an allergic reaction can turn deadly. Ramona would not have known how serious the outcome may have been. It is not just a matter of someone becoming sick. 

A person's throat can swell up and prevent breathing within a matter of moments. I think that this is common knowledge. 

Anyhow, I think that is all I can say about this. I don't believe for a moment that Ramona would sit back and watch what could have ended in tragedy. 

I think that the smirk was coming from a different place. She of all people knows about Bethenny's antics.

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16 minutes ago, weaver said:

People waited for Sopranos and Homeland, never knowing when they were going to be on.   I don't think delays count for too much with these shows.   Ratings for all the HW shows have declined over the years, but the hierarchy has been pretty consistent.  I think an exception is New Jersey.   Jersey ranked very highly at one point and have dropped off the radar.  The low rated ones were cancelled in fairly short order.  I disagree that Lu has been the focal point of the show.  Wasn't she even a "friend of" one year?  

Andy admitted that the delay did cause the ratings to go south and never recover. These shows are a bit different than normal TV shows, it is hard to keep a continuity when you have large gaps because it isn't scripted, the others, Sopranos, ect. are scripted and can easily pick up where they left off, Docudramas (reality TV) can not. 

Yes, Luann was a FOH 1 season then became a full HW the following season. And, IMO, Luann has been THE focal HW for the last 3 - 4 seasons, starting when she stayed with Sonja up through this season because of her arrest/rehab. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if Tiffany's didn't comp the necklaces - either that or Tins could use them as a tax write off... OR... the show paid for them. But I doubt Tins actually paid for them - full cost.

Edited by BodhiGurl
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18 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Tiffany's didn't comp the necklaces - either that or Tins could use them as a tax write off... OR... the show paid for them. But I doubt Tins actually paid for them - full cost.

That is probably the case for pretty much any product, venue, restaurant, hotel, vacation, clothing line, etc. etc. etc.

SkinnyGirl, blah, blah blah. 

How many Sonja toaster ovens were given free? How many gallows of Ramona's Pinot Grigio?

Just sayin'...

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5 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

That is probably the case for pretty much any product, venue, restaurant, hotel, vacation, clothing line, etc. etc. etc.

SkinnyGirl, blah, blah blah. 

How many Sonja toaster ovens were given free? How many gallows of Ramona's Pinot Grigio?

Just sayin'...

not denying that - simply pointing out they probably cost Tins nothing - other than Tiffany's wasn't willing to pony up the gold ones. I assume any time a name brand is mentioned the product is free for the show.

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6 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:


How many gallons of Ramona's Pinot Grigio?

Just sayin'...

Is Ramona still hawking her Pinot Grigio?  I haven't heard her mention it in a long time.   I remember she used to carry it with her wherever she went.  

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Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement, @ShawnaLanne, because even though I don't think she intentionally watched Beth eat something she knew would make her sick, I can't say I'd be *that* surprised if she did. Which, I believe, was  your point, if I understood you correctly. :)

Edited by Jel
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Just now, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement, @ShawnaLanne, because even though I don't think she intentionally watched Beth eat something she knew would make her sick, I can't say I'd be *that* surprised if she did. Which, I believe, was what your point, if I understood you correctly. :)

Pin pushed @Jel :)

That was exactly my point. It's not even that I'm hating much on Ramona this year, for Ramona she's been pretty tame, it's just that she is so unpredictable.

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8 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Pin pushed @Jel :)

That was exactly my point. It's not even that I'm hating much on Ramona this year, for Ramona she's been pretty tame, it's just that she is so unpredictable.

I should probably pick up an edible arrangements order form, just in case. ;)

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20 minutes ago, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement, @ShawnaLanne, because even though I don't think she intentionally watched Beth eat something she knew would make her sick, I can't say I'd be *that* surprised if she did. Which, I believe, was  your point, if I understood you correctly. :)

Shouldn’t we insert an “In all sincerity,” somewhere in there?

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47 minutes ago, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures


Jel.......that was hilarious!

Add shrugged shoulders and excessive blinking

Edited by AnnA
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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement, @ShawnaLanne, because even though I don't think she intentionally watched Beth eat something she knew would make her sick, I can't say I'd be *that* surprised if she did. Which, I believe, was  your point, if I understood you correctly. :)

Hahahaha! That is exactly what she would say. 

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I have an Epipen that I always carry with me. My food allergies can be life threatening. But, while I've had accidents many times, I've only used the Epipen 3 times. Essentially, you have a checklist and if you have more than 1 of certain symptoms you should use the Epipen. If not, you try Benadryl. The times I've dealt with it by using Benedryl have been nearly as terrible. It's scary, your stomach cramps, you feel nauseous, you're itchy and then you take the Benadryl and you're practically in a coma. It sucks. Even with the Epipen, you should go to the hospital for monitoring. Ugh, my kingdom for a cure!

I also don't believe that Ramona let Bethenny eat fish on purpose. But she sure made herself look guilty with that weird look on her face. But, again, typical Ramona. I don't think she's a sociopath, but I do think she's a major league weirdo.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement, @ShawnaLanne, because even though I don't think she intentionally watched Beth eat something she knew would make her sick, I can't say I'd be *that* surprised if she did. Which, I believe, was  your point, if I understood you correctly. :)

Truer words never spoken. So far, everyone except Sonja. So far.

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Well.  I'll say it again.  This was not a sit down meal that was to be served at a certain time.  The women came into the dining room at different times.  I don't know exactly what the wait staff was to do.  Yeah, some people think that every ingredient should be posted by the dish.  But, this is a meal for, what, six people.  If you have an allergy, then ask.  No one else had a problem.  Beth is responsible for herself.  Not Ro.

I don't think Ro withheld information.  Yeah, she was a bit smirky in her TH after the fact but I don't believe Ro purposely withheld information.  Beth didn't ask Ro about the food.  Ro just stated that the chicken wraps were good.

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If I'm in a villa with private chefs and wait staff, then I kind of would expect that the meal wouldn't just be sitting around for hours and then shoved into a microwave when we're sitting at a table.  I may be off base, but I can't imagine fish soup is like chili where people can just wander in and out and eat at their leisure.

Bethenny IS the one who is responsible for knowing what is in the food, no one has argued that.  But, I will say that I know one of my friends is allergic to nuts, another shellfish, one is allergic to dairy, etc.  So, if I'm out with them, I make sure that I point out something that they aren't able to eat (or if I'm unsure).  I've been known to break apart cookies to make sure there were no nuts, etc.  I don't think it's my job to police what they eat, but, if I'm eating something and realize it has nuts in it and I can give my friend a heads up before she takes a bite?  I'm going to.  

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18 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm really looking forward to the reunion and The Saga of the Red Scarf Man and His Texts.  

I agree that Carole seemed a little smitten by the doofus

Carole does that.  Gets smitten by the doofi.

That said, red scarf doofus seems less of a man-child than the other - employed and less dependent on an emotional support animal.

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16 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

30k for an apartment.  That is appalling.  What a waste of money.  I’d be ashamed to tell anyone that Tinsley.  BTW, Tinsley .. have you ever worked in your lifetime?  Do you understand the value of money, or do you just go shopping for frilly dresses and order room service?  Pathetic.  Does Scott really want this spoiled little rich girl?  Is he desperate or what?


Wow, that's kinda harsh.  I've always like Tinsley.  She seems to be a good hearted person who generally cares about all the other HW.  She graciously accepted Betthany's apology and I do believe she will let it go and not bring it up again like some of the other HW would do.

IDK yeah she's a spoiled debutante but who isn't on this show in one way or another.  She seems to have a good heart and is generally a likeable person so she's ok in my book.


As far as Romona goes I too don't believe she meant to poison B on purpose.  It was a simple mistake--you're on vacation, everyone is excited to be there taking in their surroundings and unpacking it's easy to let something like someone else being allergic to a certain food slip your mind.  Her "Ramona" smile in her confessional isn't doing her any favors but enh, simple mistake.

Red Scarf Guy sets the record straight.  Interesting stuff!!


Edited by Dirtybubble
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17 hours ago, Mozelle said:

I could buy that the gold was in Tinsley's budget, but she didn't want to spend on these women who, with the exception of Carole, are just film buddies. Especially when you consider how ungrateful Sonja was even though Tinsley had gifted her nice amount to Barney's or Saks or Bergdorfs (I forget where), it would make sense that Tinsley wasn't going to shell out $500 (or however much each necklace and engraved pendant cost) for each woman. Imagine gifting Bethenny a $500 necklace only to learn that she disliked your vacation planning choices?

I agree.  Almost $1000 for the monogrammed necklace in gold, $200 for the sterling silver. 

$6000 vs. $1200 for this group?  Yeah, I would've picked the silver, too.

But also, silver jewelry, to me, is more tropical vacation-y than gold.  Silver is less heavy and pairs better with turquoise and coral.  Whereas gold is more Christmas in the Berkshires. 

Either metal beats a bag full of Skinny Girl crap.  All day, every day.

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I read this in Ben and Ronnie's voices from Watch What Crappens and inserted a few of their  "I'm sorry okaaay, I'm sorry, I get it!" So Ramona... the apologizer.


14 hours ago, Jel said:

 "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" 


14 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Shouldn’t we insert an “In all sincerity,” somewhere in there?


14 hours ago, AnnA said:

Jel.......that was hilarious!

Add shrugged shoulders and excessive blinking


13 hours ago, link417 said:

LOL, yes! Excessive blinking, paired with ever-widening eyes! 

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14 hours ago, Jel said:

Let's put a pin in this one, and if Ramona ever comes back and says something like, "I let her eat the fish, okay. I was mad. She was annoying me. It's Bethenny. She drives everyone away. Whatever. I shouldn't have done it. Whatever. It's over. She didn't die. I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes" complete with dismissive hand gestures, I'll send you an edible arrangement

Raise your hand if you read that in Ramona's voice and your eyes bulged out just a little.

Bravo, @Jel.

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13 hours ago, Otherkate said:

I have an Epipen that I always carry with me. My food allergies can be life threatening. But, while I've had accidents many times, I've only used the Epipen 3 times. Essentially, you have a checklist and if you have more than 1 of certain symptoms you should use the Epipen. If not, you try Benadryl. The times I've dealt with it by using Benedryl have been nearly as terrible. It's scary, your stomach cramps, you feel nauseous, you're itchy and then you take the Benadryl and you're practically in a coma. It sucks. Even with the Epipen, you should go to the hospital for monitoring. Ugh, my kingdom for a cure!

I also don't believe that Ramona let Bethenny eat fish on purpose. But she sure made herself look guilty with that weird look on her face. But, again, typical Ramona. I don't think she's a sociopath, but I do think she's a major league weirdo.

I think she didn't remember at the time, but in her talking head months later she is like meh not a big deal she was fine to go out later that night. no biggie. That makes her look bad when you forget how far away the incident happened

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1 hour ago, Dirtybubble said:

Wow, that's kinda harsh.  I've always like Tinsley.  She seems to be a good hearted person who generally cares about all the other HW.  She graciously accepted Betthany's apology and I do believe she will let it go and not bring it up again like some of the other HW would do.

IDK yeah she's a spoiled debutante but who isn't on this show in one way or another.  She seems to have a good heart and is generally a likeable person so she's ok in my book.


As far as Romona goes I too don't believe she meant to poison B on purpose.  It was a simple mistake--you're on vacation, everyone is excited to be there taking in their surroundings and unpacking it's easy to let something like someone else being allergic to a certain food slip your mind.  Her "Ramona" smile in her confessional isn't doing her any favors but enh, simple mistake.

Red Scarf Guy sets the record straight.  Interesting stuff!!



I wish I were repsonding to this on my iPhone lol. I'd use the eyeball emoji because, wooo, boy!, does the Red Scarf Baron give a different idea than what happened. He says that the texts Bethenny was reading were from when they first met in Miami, and he pointed out something I noticed in the episode: she only mentioned his texts and not her responses. Red Scarf Baron even came with receipts!

Per Red Scarf Baron:



Bethenny has an odd habit of making up stories where she looks good at the expense of others. This tale is no exception. I bet those texts she was reading gave you the impression they were all from me after we re-connected at speed dating. False. They weren’t. They were cobbled together from months earlier when she first swiped right on The League, a dating app, to match with me.

She conveniently left out all her replies. There were so many.


These texts came the next morning after the speed dating event. Bethenny claims that he was after her and that she had no interest, yet she hit him up to set up a date. 



Four days later:




The piece ends with this:



Brian says he remains in touch with Carole and I try to gauge if there’s romantic interest there, but I’m mainly unsuccessful. He says that he finds her fascinating, brilliant and accomplished and is still getting to know her.

As for Bethenny? “Oh no, I’m not in touch and I won’t text her. I would NOT want that to get misconstrued!”


Edited by Mozelle
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1 hour ago, Mozelle said:

I wish I were repsonding to this on my iPhone lol. I'd use the eyeball emoji because, wooo, boy!, does the Red Scarf Baron give a different idea than what happened. He says that the texts Bethenny was reading were from when they first met in Miami, and he pointed out something I noticed in the episode: she only mentioned his texts and not her responses. Red Scarf Baron even came with receipts!

Per Red Scarf Baron:

These texts came after the speed dating event the next morning. Bethenny claims that he was after her and that she had no interest, yet she hit him up to set up a date. 



Four days later:




The piece ends with this:

I knew that Beth exaggerated. Everything is the WORST. TORTURE. 

But to read out loud a string of texts - - without reading your own replies - -is extremely misleading. She is more wannabe manipulative than I previously thought.

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Those Red Baron texts are meaningless. 

There's no way of knowing if they're even real.

And if the "big deal" is the possible lunch date - so what?

Edited by AnnA
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22 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Those Red Baron texts prove nothing - show nothing - say nothing - mean nothing and are a big nothing burger.  [Yawn]


Hmmm. They say nothing? Interesting. The texts show that early the next morning she was trying to set up a date with him, but to the ladies she acted as though he couldn't stop texting her after the speed dating event, to the point that she was supposedly annoyed by it. Apparently the earlier texts she read were from conversations they had after matching on The League dating app that Bethenny was trying to get Sonja on. Those texts she read, of course, did not include what her responses were. Convenient.

The texts that this guy shared also show that Bethenny was full of it in her blog from the speed dating event when she wrote, "From what little I know, I thought he was a super nice guy who I texted later that PM to set up with Carole." What in those texts show that Bethenny was hitting up Red Scarf Baron to set him up with Carole?

"And Carole is under the impression that you are interested in her" after Bethenny had been trying for several days to pin down a day to get together with him realllllyyyyy doesn't read as though she's trying to set up her friend with the guy lol. 

Bethenny got caught exaggerating and lying, but, yeah, a nothing burger lol.


Edited by Mozelle
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3 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

Hmmm. They say nothing? Interesting. The texts show that early the next

The screen shots of some of the texts that may be true or may be mick ups show nothing.  Don’t be fooled. This is very easy to do. 

And I agree Bethenny exaggerates. Just don’t use some reality wanna be’s attempt at fame for fact. 

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10 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The screen shots of some of the texts that may be true or may be mick ups show nothing.  Don’t be fooled. This is very easy to do. 

And I agree Bethenny exaggerates. Just don’t use some reality wanna be’s attempt at fame for fact. 

Or he's trying to clear up some things since Bethenny was making claims about him hitting her up repeatedly and acting as though she had no interest? I don't think he's looking for fame as he's already a pretty successful man in his own right. 

From where I stand, though, Bethenny got caught out in lies.

  • She said (in a TH) they had lunch, but then said to the women that they didn't go out.
  • She claimed in her Bravo blog that she reached out to him to set him up with Carole, but she was actually trying to set up a date for several days.
  • She went on a "fishing" expedition by mentioning Carole, saying that Carole thinks he's interested in her (i.e., looking for him to deny liking her the way he would go on to deny having zero interest in Ramona).
  • She made claims at dinner that she had no interest, but trying to pin down a date says otherwise.
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53 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Those Red Baron texts are meaningless. 

There's no way of knowing if they're even real.

And if the "big deal" is the possible lunch date - so what?


Yeah - not that BF wasn't leaving out some info (or it was edited out on the show) but Rico Scarf-A was sharing his side of his story - not necessarily telling the truth. Probably encouraged by Carole to go to the press to defend her honor (LOL - I kid, I kid. Sort of. Because I could honestly see her encouraging him to get out an alternate story to what BF said on the show). The truth lies somewhere between BF and RS stories, and honestly, it's all a nothing burger. And how odd he is still hanging in there with Carole allegedly to see if there is any interest... like 6 months later... meh. And now I'm re-igniting the commentary about him. Pin back in. LOL


ETA: BTW, what happened to Carole publishing blogs all lit up about BF? Has she eased off after some of the backlash of her prior ones that were out of control compared to what had been shown on the show - that viewers would be privy to - up until then (and honestly - even now I think they were over the top. Note. IMO that is...)? I would have expected one on this exact tale of two women, swept up by the dashing middle-aged lad in his red scarf, and how BF is a lying liar that lies because Rico Scarf-A is clearly pining away for Ms. Radziwell... Admittedly I don't seek out their weekly blogs on the bravo site so just going off the fact I've heard nothing on the boards about another Carole blog... anywho....

Edited by BodhiGurl
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Yeah - not that BF wasn't leaving out some info (or it was edited out on the show) but Rico Scarf-A was sharing his side of his story - not necessarily telling the truth. Probably encouraged by Carole to go to the press to defend her honor (LOL - I kid, I kid. Sort of. Because I could honestly see her encouraging him to get out an alternate story to what BF said on the show). The truth lies somewhere between BF and RS stories, and honestly, it's all a nothing burger. And how odd he is still hanging in there with Carole allegedly to see if there is any interest... like 6 months later... meh. And now I'm re-igniting the commentary about him. Pin back in. LOL

Yeah and wasn't Rico Scarf-A an innocent lil babe at 52 who ain't never seen a Real HouseWife, and had NO IDEA what he was walking into but managed to get screen time with three wives AND managed to "save the receipts" and get those receipts together so he can get himself interviewed AFTER? 

But he's the trustworthy one who unwittingly fell into the nest of vipers! Just an innocent man who is so unsophisticated he had NO IDEA  about the show and yet... oh wait, scoring an interview with receipts attached is actually pretty famewhorey and sophisticated and attention seeking.... but we all better trust his word since he's a babe in the woods, wide eyed and pure!

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52 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

Hmmm. They say nothing? Interesting. The texts show that early the next morning she was trying to set up a date with him, but to the ladies she acted as though he couldn't stop texting her after the speed dating event, to the point that she was supposedly annoyed by it. Apparently the earlier texts she read were from conversations they had after matching on The League dating app that Bethenny was trying to get Sonja on. Those texts she read, of course, did not include what her responses were. Convenient.

The texts that this guy shared also show that Bethenny was full of it in her blog from the speed dating event when she wrote, "From what little I know, I thought he was a super nice guy who I texted later that PM to set up with Carole." What in those texts show that Bethenny was hitting up Red Scarf Baron to set him up with Carole?

"And Carole is under the impression that you are interested in her" after Bethenny had been trying for several days to pin down a day to get together with him realllllyyyyy doesn't read as though she's trying to set up her friend with the guy lol. 

Bethenny got caught exaggerating and lying, but, yeah, a nothing burger lol.



If Bethenny hadn't read the texts from him and talked about him in the car, he would have had no reason to expose those texts.  This all begins with Bethenny reading her version of his texts. 

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8 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yeah and wasn't Rico Scarf-A an innocent lil babe at 52 who ain't never seen a Real HouseWife, and had NO IDEA what he was walking into but managed to get screen time with three wives AND managed to "save the receipts" and get those receipts together so he can get himself interviewed AFTER? 

But he's the trustworthy one who unwittingly fell into the nest of vipers! Just an innocent man who is so unsophisticated he had NO IDEA  about the show and yet... oh wait, scoring an interview with receipts attached is actually pretty famewhorey and sophisticated and attention seeking.... but we all better trust his word since he's a babe in the woods, wide eyed and pure!

Wow. Who has called this man an innocent who fell in accidentally with vipers? Lol. This is a lot. 

Bethenny got caught out in lies--and this isn't the first time--so why not just say, as someone above said, that the truth is somewhere in between? He showed interest after they matched on an app, but it clearly didn't go anywhere after that. However, after the speed dating, Bethenny showed interest in him but tried to play like he was a nuisance. Bethenny, too, has saved texts, which is clear since she was reading them right there on the show lol, but that's not odd, I suppose? That he has texts to reference (like a lot of people do, mind you) is odd? 

This is sooooo much. All because this dude might've had a bit more interest in Carole over Bethenny? I'm cracking up right now. 

Edited by Mozelle
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1 hour ago, BodhiGurl said:

Yeah - not that BF wasn't leaving out some info (or it was edited out on the show) but Rico Scarf-A was sharing his side of his story - not necessarily telling the truth. Probably encouraged by Carole to go to the press to defend her honor (LOL - I kid, I kid. Sort of. Because I could honestly see her encouraging him to get out an alternate story to what BF said on the show). The truth lies somewhere between BF and RS stories, and honestly, it's all a nothing burger. And how odd he is still hanging in there with Carole allegedly to see if there is any interest... like 6 months later... meh. And now I'm re-igniting the commentary about him. Pin back in. LOL


ETA: BTW, what happened to Carole publishing blogs all lit up about BF? Has she eased off after some of the backlash of her prior ones that were out of control compared to what had been shown on the show - that viewers would be privy to - up until then (and honestly - even now I think they were over the top. Note. IMO that is...)? I would have expected one on this exact tale of two women, swept up by the dashing middle-aged lad in his red scarf, and how BF is a lying liar that lies because Rico Scarf-A is clearly pining away for Ms. Radziwell... Admittedly I don't seek out their weekly blogs on the bravo site so just going off the fact I've heard nothing on the boards about another Carole blog... anywho....

It seems that none of them write blogs after the reunion films, none of them. Carole and Luann blogged the most this season with 11 blogs each, then Tinsley with 6, Dorinda/Ramona each wrote 5 blogs with Bethenny writing only 3 and Sonja eeking out 2. As for Carole writing blogs "all lit up about BF", she was writing about what was going on in the show that she didn't know about and Bethenny smack talking her behind her back was a big surprise as she thought they were still friends.

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Wow. Who has called this man an innocent who fell in accidentally with vipers? Lol. This is a lot.


Frankel lied (as she always does about everything, large or small) but got caught redhanded this time, and now she looks even more unstable than usual. She turned a guy pleasantly interested in her (at best) into a dude supposedly chasing her & peppering her with texts (hey...wait a minute) but in the end, he hung with Carole, not Frankel, and that's scorched earth time to Bethy the bully.

eta: He's got some gorgeous kids:

Edited by film noire
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5 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

Wow, that's kinda harsh.  I've always like Tinsley.  She seems to be a good hearted person who generally cares about all the other HW.  She graciously accepted Betthany's apology and I do believe she will let it go and not bring it up again like some of the other HW would do.

IDK yeah she's a spoiled debutante but who isn't on this show in one way or another.  She seems to have a good heart and is generally a likeable person so she's ok in my book.


As far as Romona goes I too don't believe she meant to poison B on purpose.  It was a simple mistake--you're on vacation, everyone is excited to be there taking in their surroundings and unpacking it's easy to let something like someone else being allergic to a certain food slip your mind.  Her "Ramona" smile in her confessional isn't doing her any favors but enh, simple mistake.

Red Scarf Guy sets the record straight.  Interesting stuff!!



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37 minutes ago, film noire said:


Frankel lied (as she always does about everything, large or small) but got caught redhanded this time, and now she looks even more unstable than usual. She turned a guy pleasantly interested in her (at best) into a dude supposedly chasing her & peppering her with texts (hey...wait a minute) but in the end, he hung with Carole, not Frankel, and that's scorched earth time to Bethy the bully.

eta: He's got some gorgeous kids:

I don't blame the guy for wanting to set the record straight. Bethenny made him out to be some sort of HW stocker along the lines of Tom/Harry and it seems that isn't even close to the truth. Why does Bethenny feel the need to destroy someone she barely knows on national TV? Seriously, what is her problem? 

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Are the time stamps for real? Did she text this guy at 6 in the morning? Who does that?  Those texts seem like a big nothing to me. Just a bunch of text tag. If he really was interested he would have made it happen.

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RSG can't be all that bad. Takes time to lunch with his parents and chatted about them at speed dating. That was kind of sweet.

Also, this:


The comments are fun. Here is what he has to say about Bethenny:

briankrauss@alifethatyoulove Hi. Appreciate the comment :) All I can say is that I have zero interest in Bethenny. The more I got to know her, the less interesting and attractive she became.

Edited by Happy Camper
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OMG!   Bethenny exaggerated?

Is it possible that she wasn't 100% honest and forthcoming?

Stop the presses.  

 ? This has to be a first in HW history!   ?

Should Bravo fire her or have her arrested?  ?

Edited by AnnA
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5 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

Wow, that's kinda harsh.  I've always like Tinsley.  She seems to be a good hearted person who generally cares about all the other HW.  She graciously accepted Betthany's apology and I do believe she will let it go and not bring it up again like some of the other HW would do.

IDK yeah she's a spoiled debutante but who isn't on this show in one way or another.  She seems to have a good heart and is generally a likeable person so she's ok in my book.


As far as Romona goes I too don't believe she meant to poison B on purpose.  It was a simple mistake--you're on vacation, everyone is excited to be there taking in their surroundings and unpacking it's easy to let something like someone else being allergic to a certain food slip your mind.  Her "Ramona" smile in her confessional isn't doing her any favors but enh, simple mistake.

Red Scarf Guy sets the record straight.  Interesting stuff!!


Hell, Ramona wasn't the only to forget Bethenny's fish allergy, the rest, except Tinsley, seemed to forget as well. LOL

I love that this guy is setting the record straight/getting his side out after Bethenny tried to make him out to be THE next Tom/Harry. LOL

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1 minute ago, AnnA said:

OMG!   Bethenny exaggerated?   

She wasnt 100% honest and forthcoming? 

Bravo must fire her immediately!  

Stop the presses.    ? This has to be a first in HW history!   ?

IMO, she didn't exaggerate, she flat out lied! Big difference and I have to ask why she felt the need to lie about a guy she keeps saying she has zero interest in. And as far as I am concerned, this is a pattern we see often in Bethenny, her need to destroy/humiliate someone when she doesn't get her way, even in simple things, it's her way or else. 

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8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:


I love that this guy is setting the record straight/getting his side out after Bethenny tried to make him out to be THE next Tom/Harry. LOL

Yes we heard his side but as with most tales, there's three sides to every story and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.  

2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

IMO, she didn't exaggerate, she flat out lied! Big difference and I have to ask why she felt the need to lie about a guy she keeps saying she has zero interest in. And as far as I am concerned, this is a pattern we see often in Bethenny, her need to destroy/humiliate someone when she doesn't get her way, even in simple things, it's her way or else. 

Maybe she did and maybe she didn't.  You say that based on HIS story and we don't know if that's true.

Edited by AnnA
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2 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Yes we heard his side but as with most tales, there's three sides so every story and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.  

The truth is that Bethenny lied and this guy stepped up to clear the air and defend himself after she tried to make him look like he was chasing her. She read her version of the texts on camera and it came back to bite her in the ass. 

Good for him. 

Bonus points, he will never have trouble finding dates now. 

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13 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Yes we heard his side but as with most tales, there's three sides to every story and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.  

Maybe she did and maybe she didn't.  You say that based on HIS story and we don't know if that's true.

I say this based on HER history of lying, exaggerating to the point of lying and placing blame on others when it lies squarely on her. Heck, she even contradicted herself/her own story during the episode. LOL

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8 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

The truth is that Bethenny lied and this guy stepped up to clear the air and defend himself after she tried to make him look like he was chasing her. She read her version of the texts on camera and it came back to bite her in the ass. 

Good for him. 

Bonus points, he will never have trouble finding dates now. 

We think we know what happened but we can't be sure.   I get where you're coming from regarding Bethenny.   She exaggerates.  She lies.   She's a Bravo HW. I also think Red Scarf is an attention whore wanna be Bravolebrity and  will say anything in an attempt to make himself look better than he did at speed dating.   

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