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These women were very obnoxious ugly Americans with the cocaine comments. Like seriously you stupid bitches thats offensive. Read a book.

Carole is a very unfortunate looking try hard. UGH. Have grown to despise her.

Dorinda shoes were horrible. The only ones who dressed well on this trip were Bethany, Luanne and suprisingly Sonia. Tinsley had a few cute pieces. Everyone else looked like shit. Both Carole and Ramona looked terrible in their dresses at the dinner.

Bethany. I feel for her because I been there with mean bitches attacking you that were your friends. But I was 15. When. It. Happened. 

And I didn't join in on an anorexic coworker in her moment of relapse. But I was on her side at dinner. Carole is a hypocrite. She talked so much about Luanne and Tom and Look at her defending this guy. Why didn't Bethany take out the receipts? 

Same reason she gets shit for Adam"Thats like Sonia young." Her words towards Luanne in pre Adam obsession seasons. Over her.

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Just now, WhoaWhoKnew said:

It felt like a performance because it was a performance. Anyone who has serious allergies and is 40+ years old knows to ask what is in something before they eat it. The chefs are right there to tell her.  Ramona's crazy ass figured out how to do that with her no butter request.

Seeing her on the floor like that resembled a little kid desperately wanting attention. 

Ramona told her it was chicken. 

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9 minutes ago, noveltylibrary said:

I really hate that B is so affected by not being friends with Carol.  Weak.

I think she’s freaking out that Carole will spill her secrets in her custody battle. I’ve been in this situation (friends falling out), it is uncomfortable and I am not on tv. While I have always disliked them both, I feel beth on this one. Carole knows what’s up and she’s using it to make Bethany uncomfortable. My opinion, of course! I just happen to like Carole less than Bethanny, red scarf made it clear why he was at that speed dating event, for fame-whoring!!!

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48 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Carole thinks she's a fashionista.

I know we've said it before that Carole thinks she's a real-life version of Carrie Bradshaw, but even Carrie wouldn't have been able to get away with that outfit....ridiculous!!  

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1 minute ago, Martinigirl said:

Mean girls isolating you can cause the crying and outbursts. I think they were terrible. 

I can understand why it led to her complaining about the house. She later apologized to Tins. You can’t tell Dorinda anything. 

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17 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Jesus, Bethenny. She was an asshole the ENTIRE episode. When Ramona is slightly less of a beast, then you know you're all the way fucked up. I can't stand when these women travel. These trips are wasted on them. For all their worldliness, they're so provincial.

Bethenny complaining about the house reminded me of the Atlanta women bitching about the place they stayed in Spain. There was nothing wrong with the Cartegena hotel. It was cozy. And once again, you're on vacation! As long as the place is clean, then who cares if it isn't five star?

Ok, to be fair, I don't have allergies, so perhaps I'm being insensitive, but I rolled my eyes when Bethenny was on the floor being extra after she ate the fish soup. It felt like a performance. She should've stayed her ass home since she's dealing with so much.

My son has an allergy to peanuts.   Every once in a while he eats something that came in contact with a peanut or peanut oil and it's not pretty.

The house was obviously not that clean.  Didn't you see LuAnn's feet?   They were black from walking barefoot in the house.  The HWs are not allowed to skip the "big trip"  and Bethenny was dealing with a custody battle at the time.   I'm sure she didn't want to be there.

Edited by AnnA
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2 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

I liked the wig but she looked like a linebacker walking down the street. 

I thought so too. The thing with me about the wig is that she doesn’t need one, she has beautiful natural hair. 

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29 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Does anyone else notice an odd change in Bethenny's voice in the pool scene with Tinsley?

She seemed very congested, either from her allergic reaction the night before, or from having some kind of off-camera crying jag.

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10 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

If Beth thought the place was so dirty why would she flop herself onto the bathroom floor?

She was sick and throwing up.

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11 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

I can’t believe some of them are bitching about not having bathtubs. Don’t they check these things out before they rent a place?

What, they can’t shower for the few days they are there?  Now, that is obnoxious spoiled bitches.

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Just now, Fiero425 said:

I wish I cared, but Bethenny's such a horrible person, I can't issue even a modicum of sympathy! She's just one rotten human being! She eviscerate b!tches for the smallest "slight," now people are feeling she's being bullied by mean girls? The delusion is real! ;-)

Well, that is your opinion.  Did you ever have an allergic reaction?  Throwing up and your throat closing up is not pretty. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

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Wtf did I just watch?  Seriously...  I thought everyone was having a great time....and then there's Beth. 

I wouldn't take Ro's word on anything especially if you have a serious allergy.  She's rolling on the floor but then she can go out. 

Ro in the elevator was priceless.  In the wheelchair?  Wth but priceless.  Along with Lu in the wig.  Lu looked fabulous.

Beth is upset because she doesn't have her faithful blind backup.  Heck Beth, just leave because you're raining all over this trip.  What a buzz killer.  Yeah, not feeling Carole's ensemble but at the same time, she's having fun.  Beth is not. 

I really liked Tins gift of the necklaces.  Yeah, the roses looked liked something for a funeral but it's the gift that counts.  Who else got a gift?  

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18 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Ramona told her it was chicken. 

I think she told her that Sandwich thing empanada was chicken, not the soup. 


18 hours ago, lamujerdecente said:

These women were very obnoxious ugly Americans with the cocaine comments. Like seriously you stupid bitches thats offensive. Read a book.

Carole is a very unfortunate looking try hard. UGH. Have grown to despise her.

Dorinda shoes were horrible. The only ones who dressed well on this trip were Bethany, Luanne and suprisingly Sonia. Tinsley had a few cute pieces. Everyone else looked like shit. Both Carole and Ramona looked terrible in their dresses at the dinner.

Bethany. I feel for her because I been there with mean bitches attacking you that were your friends. But I was 15. When. It. Happened. 

And I didn't join in on an anorexic coworker in her moment of relapse. But I was on her side at dinner. Carole is a hypocrite. She talked so much about Luanne and Tom and Look at her defending this guy. Why didn't Bethany take out the receipts? 

Same reason she gets shit for Adam"Thats like Sonia young." Her words towards Luanne in pre Adam obsession seasons. Over her.

How is Carole a hypocrite, though, if she didn’t know that this guy was texting Bethenny and asking her out? 


17 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Carol's was was pissed  when she found out the guy she was trying WAY TOO HARD to brag about was a loser and everyone knew but her

And yet somehow she didn’t turn into a pouting child and try to ruin everybody’s trip. Imagine that! 

Edited by Duke2801
an empanada is not a sandwich
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9 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

I wish I cared, but Bethenny's such a horrible person, I can't issue even a modicum of sympathy! She's just one rotten human being! She eviscerate b!tches for the smallest "slight," now people are feeling she's being bullied by mean girls? The delusion is real! ;-)

That's OK. I'm sure she's not worried about it and  I care enough for both of us.    Bethenny is a smart ass and she can be a bitch but so are all the HWs  and that's what I enjoy about her.    She does it better than the rest.    She managed to crack me up early in the episode with her "it's a miracle,   I can walk" poking fun at Ramona.    

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3 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I think she told her that Sandwich thing was chicken, not the soup. 


How is Carole a hypocrite, though, if she didn’t know that this guy was texting Bethenny and asking her out? 


And yet somehow she didn’t turn into a pouting child and try to ruin everybody’s trip. Imagine that! 

The same way Luann at first didn't know about Tom stuff but Carole enjoyed throwing those digs.

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2 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I understand Bethenny.  She's the girl that has to be the center of attention, and when that's not happening, she makes it about herself.  It is extremely exhausting just to watch her go through this on TV.  I can't imagine being there in person!  IMO, she ruined the trip already.  Everything was about her.  Woe is me.  She thinks her problems trump everybody else's issues.  LuAnn is facing an effing FELONY!  Do you see her in constant crybaby mode?  No!  

Dear Bethenny:  How dare you think that your brand of suffering is worse than anybody else's (got that from a scene in M*A*S*H*.)

Being sued for custody of your child is a big fucking deal.

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11 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Well, that is your opinion.  Did you ever have an allergic reaction?  Throwing up and your throat closing up is not pretty. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I'm speaking about Bethenny's entire act of being attacked on all sides; Jason, the girls, business, and what other drama she has produced! She shouldn't be in straights; she's wealthy and can buy her way out of anything! Her problem is she's so damn cheap she couldn't stand letting JASON get anything out of her! That's fine, but don't cry the blues when everything doesn't go as planned trying to hoard whatever earned while they were married! Women can make all kinds of demands when the guy's rich; why Bethenny couldn't give up that apartment she actually ended up selling tells you all you need to know about her! Pathetic and she won't get a shed tear from me! ;-(

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3 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

I have food allergies. Watching Bethenny's reaction almost gave me a sympathy anxiety attack. It's no joke and it's fucking awful. That said, I don't eat a single thing made by someone else without asking the person who made it exactly what is in it and explaining my allergy. 

I understand that Bethenny was under stress, but she really needs to figure out better ways to deal with it. Extremely unpleasant, I wouldn't want to be with her on that trip either.

Carole looked utterly ridiculous, but she is drinking her own Kool Aid and she is guzzling it hard. The person I slowly grew to dislike on Instagram over the last year and a half is the person who is showing up on the show at this point. Try hard is right. And I don't think Bethenny was poking fun at Carole's actual age, she was poking fun at the fact that Carole is in her 50s and trying to pretend that she's a younger, less experienced, laid back, who cares what happens, man, devil-may-care hipster. Kind of like..oh, I don't know...Adam. It's pathetic and I wish she would go back to being herself - the person who actually WAS laid back, but not completely full of shit. I think what Bethenny is having the big reaction to is whoever this new, completely BS person is who has shown up in Carole's skin. I think Carole is going through some weird breakdown of her own brought on by the Adam situation and I just hope it ends soon.

The whole Brian situation is so pathetic, I can hardly take it. The guy is clearly an operator and not worth the time of day from any of these women. If he's texting Bethenny as she told Lu and Sonja, I don't blame her for thinking he's full of it. 

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Carol pretends to be something / someone she's not. 

Bethenny crying over a lost friendship is more real than Carol will ever be.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Mmmmm...maybe Ramona went dancing on Tom's friends yacht again.

I could see her spraining her ankle this way


Why don't I remember this? What is this from? Luann's engagement on the yacht?

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7 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I understand Bethenny.  She's the girl that has to be the center of attention, and when that's not happening, she makes it about herself.  It is extremely exhausting just to watch her go through this on TV.  I can't imagine being there in person!  IMO, she ruined the trip already.  Everything was about her.  Woe is me.  She thinks her problems trump everybody else's issues.  LuAnn is facing an effing FELONY!  Do you see her in constant crybaby mode?  No!  

Dear Bethenny:  How dare you think that your brand of suffering is worse than anybody else's (got that from a scene in M*A*S*H*.)

Amen and hallelujah to it all! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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If anyone's trip was "ruined" by Bethenny's behavior that's on the individual - not Bethenny. If they choose to let her mood swings impact them, they have no one to blame but themselves. They can choose to ignore her. Besides, Luann and Sonja didn't seem bothered at all. Seems like Dorinda and Carole are having the most issues with it which is no surprise given they've been snarky about Bethenny all season.

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7 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

She thinks her problems trump everybody else's issues.  LuAnn is facing an effing FELONY!  Do you see her in constant crybaby mode?  No!  

Dear Bethenny:  How dare you think that your brand of suffering is worse than anybody else's (got that from a scene in M*A*S*H*.)

She acknowledged what Luann was going through when they were walking the streets. She’s definitely shown she cares about another’s problems from all the talking they did at the Mayflower. Luann is just super good at showing an “everything is fine” face while B’s problems are written all over hers...

Edited by chewycandy
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8 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I love seeing the fur babies lounging in the suitcases.

Maybe it's already been done,  but I think a line of cat trees and cat beds made out of luggage material would be very popular. My cats love my suitcases. 

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1 minute ago, AnnA said:

Being sued for custody of your child is a big fucking deal.

I understand that, but if she's that upset, maybe she should've stayed in NYC to deal with her move and all of the other stuff she has going on.  I do sympathize with her, but she never shuts up about her problems!  I had some major shit go down years ago, and I had not a soul to confide in.  I put on a brave face, went to work each day, dealt with my crap on my own time, and eventually things worked out.  I'm just not the kind of person who can go on and on about my problems.  Bethenny is lucky to have so many people who will listen to her.  There comes a point though when people get tired of it, no matter how much they sympathize. 

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