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S03.E08: Bizarre Love Triangle

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While the crew works hard to pull off a magical picnic for the guests on the island of Capri, Joao earns the praise of Captain Sandy for putting out all the water toys as the solo deckie; Brooke throws Hannah a fake 30th birthday dock party.

Airs July 10, 2018.

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I can’t stand Captain Sandy.  So much so that she’s ruined this show for me.

Between her and JWow, ugh.  Maybe Sandy should just fuck JWow and be done with it.

Time to head over and watch Deadliest Catch.

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I couldn't believe Jamie and the "little princess" were actually playing with the guests' masks like that in the stateroom! Don't they realize this will be seen on TV later? They really looked like juvenile delinquents! ;-)

9 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I can’t stand Captain Sandy.  So much so that she’s ruined this show for me.

Between her and JWow, ugh.  Maybe Sandy should just fuck JWow and be done with it.

Time to head over and watch Deadliest Catch.

She's on Conrad's arse of late; OMG! He has brought some of it on himself, but still she goes overboard with the b!tchin'! ;-)

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Overall, I like Adam.  Sure he has some bad behavior, but most people do.  Shrugs shoulders.....the guests really loved his food this charter.

Jaoa (hee!  It autocorrected Jaoa to haha) has a LOT of pictures with wild animals. Snakes, lions.  I'm curious. 

You go on with your BadAss chicken stealing self Dock Cat.  Oh yeah!  Cheered you on!

I also once stated adamantly that I would NEVER wear Crocs.  I have 2 flip flop Crocs.  I was wrong.  But I'm not going for the clogs.

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Adam is a dick and his food is pedestrian. He's also a complete liar. Brooke actually told him that 2 of the guests wouldn't be eating because they were sick. And Hannah told the guest that she'd see if Adam could make chicken soup. He's the person who broke his own rule by failing to go talk to the guest.

Sandy is as shitty a manager as she accuses Hannah of being--petty passive aggressive sniping and even still she really wasn't all that clear with what her problem was. And it's a legitimate complaint as to what's wrong with how Conrad is doing his job. He's so busy gossiping or bitching with Hannah that he's not doing his job all that well. That's legitimate. 

Brooke is so needy and desperate. Joao is only flirting with her because she's back up pussy. If he thought Kasey would actually fuck him, he wouldn't give Brooke the time of day. And Colin likes Brooke, but doesn't know how to tell her. This would be a French romantic farce or really dumb Douglas Sirk melodrama if these people weren't so awful.

I don't even know what those masks were about.

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1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Adam is a dick and his food is pedestrian. He's also a complete liar. Brooke actually told him that 2 of the guests wouldn't be eating because they were sick. And Hannah told the guest that she'd see if Adam could make chicken soup. He's the person who broke his own rule by failing to go talk to the guest.

Sandy is as shitty a manager as she accuses Hannah of being--petty passive aggressive sniping and even still she really wasn't all that clear with what her problem was. And it's a legitimate complaint as to what's wrong with how Conrad is doing his job. He's so busy gossiping or bitching with Hannah that he's not doing his job all that well. That's legitimate. 

Brooke is so needy and desperate. Joao is only flirting with her because she's back up pussy. If he thought Kasey would actually fuck him, he wouldn't give Brooke the time of day. And Colin likes Brooke, but doesn't know how to tell her. This would be a French romantic farce or really dumb Douglas Sirk melodrama if these people weren't so awful.

I don't even know what those masks were about.

Freaks; maybe wife swappers keeping it anonymous in their drunken stupors! ;-)

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Sandy is so easily won over by the tiniest and most transparent sucking up--I hope that (as well as her ridiculous passive aggressiveness and favorite-playing) is for the show and she's not actually that nasty/dumb/gullible.  

Adam comes across as a smug, smarmy bastard to me.   And when any measurable percentage of the food you serve as a luxury yacht chef, also appears on the menu at the local TGI Friday's, it's may be time to reevaluate.  

Did the hot tub water look super dodgy at the beginning of the ep, or was it just me?

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I'm only half way thru but my dislike of Adam Jo-wow  ( did you know he was from Zimbabwe) and Sandy grows stronger every minute. I agree with posters above- Sandy is so jealous of Hannah and Conrad and so wants to jump Jo-wows bones. And Adam's endless whining and criticism of Hannah makes for bad tv. He is insufferable. Really Adam- you make the menu and ignore guests requests? Great attitude ahole

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29 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

You think? Come on; she's as gay as the day is long! Didn't you know? ;-)

Yep, and she all but admitted to crushing on Hannah last season. I was cringing for her tonight, it obvious that's why she's been so rude to Conrad. 

Adam needs to get his stories straight. He was told before dinner service that one of the couples wasn't coming due to seasickness.

Edited by snarts
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21 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Sandy is so jealous of Hannah and Conrad and so wants to jump Jo-wows bones.

The only person she wants to have sex with is probably Hannah since she identifies as as lesbian not bi.

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I don’t think Sandy wants to have sex with any of the crew, though I could practically draw heart eyes on her talking heads about Joao. It’s honestly embarrassing how easy she is to manipulate and if she’s all bitter about Hannah from last season, I’d hope she’s extra bitter about being made a fool of by Joao and others this season. Though, judging by her twitter behavior, not so much.

Sandy’s pettiness and vindictiveness with Hannah (and by extension, Conrad) is palpable and bizarre. Hannah is far from perfect, but by the way Sandy reacts to anything Hannah does or is in the vicinity of, you’d think Hannah takes her daily shit on Sandy’s chair. I understand editing is a part of this, but her talking heads are completely Sandy.

Adam is a miserable person, basically, and hates the confines and demands of this job. He prefers hisvan and travel life because he directs it all. Adam’s easiest mark is Hannah, so all that goes wrong is her fault. Every crew member must hop from foot to foot for the guests, but ask that of Adam? Pfft, damn that Hannah.

Also, french onion soup and lobster risotto is luxurious? Ha, okay. 

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Sandy is really doing herself no favors being on this show as she’s just coming across as  really bitter and unnecessarily catty.  Why doesn’t she ever have any issues with Kasey and Brooke talking with her kiss-ass JWow.

Nice to see decent guests for once.

There was definitely something going on in the hot tub in the beginning.

Colin seems so sweet and normal.  He’s doomed with Brooke for sure.

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43 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The only person she wants to have sex with is probably Hannah since she identifies as as lesbian not bi.

...and she's been harder on Hannah; later we hear her say "I want to fire her!" ;-)

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I like Hannah but even I have to admit that she's been preoccupied with Conrad.  The same can be said for Conrad.

Adam is ridiculous.  What is a stew supposed to do when a guest makes a request?  Tell them no?  Oh, tell him so he would handle the guest?  Yeah.  Mr. big talk made the chicken soup.  He just likes to bitch.  Come to think of it.  All these chefs seem to bitch....a lot.

Jwow is playing a game with Sandy and she's fallen for it.  Just like he's playing a game with Brooke and Kasey and they're falling for it. 

Next week looks interesting.  Onion guy is back and Sandy is comforting Hannah?

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48 minutes ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

Also, french onion soup and lobster risotto is luxurious? Ha, okay. 

I literally just made a big pot of French onion soup and made some saffron and shrimp risotto a couple of weeks ago. I should be yacht chef.

I honestly think Adam has issues with women too. He's never liked Hannah, but he loves to pit the women against each other. And his whole deal with Malia was beyond weird considering that they only made out, but he was declaring his love for her. He has such negative energy.

Andy just admitted that Brooke had stewed on a yacht that Andy had been a guest on. I know that Andy has been a guest on Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg's yacht multiple times, which means Brooke worked a real deal yacht--Eos. It makes Kasey's lies and bullshit even more appalling.


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9 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

And his whole deal with Malia was beyond weird considering that they only made out, but he was declaring his love for her. He has such negative energy.

I thought they eventually admitted to sex when they were at the training and traveling together. Not that his reaction wasn’t weird either way.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I thought they eventually admitted to sex when they were at the training and traveling together. Not that his reaction wasn’t weird either way.

No! Andy asked about it during the reunion. It was only a heavy makeout session or at least that's what they're admitting to. It was completely bonkers. Andy even asked a follow-up question about Adam saying he thought Malia was the one after a makeout during yacht certification. The whole thing was so bizarre.

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23 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

No! Andy asked about it during the reunion. It was only a heavy makeout session or at least that's what they're admitting to. It was completely bonkers. Andy even asked a follow-up question about Adam saying he thought Malia was the one after a makeout during yacht certification. The whole thing was so bizarre.

Adam is truly bonkers! It was bad enough making up a relationship with Malia to people, but then he went behind her to undermine what she had with Wesley! I understand jealousy, but he went deep trying to make friends with Wes and at the same time talk smack about his girl! It was so bizarre; such a b!tch move by a guy! Normally a person just moves on; HE COULDN'T! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
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I get the feeling that Captain Sandy is still salty about her first season on Below Deck Med. I think she feels Adam and Hannah made her look foolish and not Captain like. She vowed to make up for it this season by being into everything and keeping a handle on everything.

Brooke also said, on WWHL tonight, that there have been far worse charter guests.

Edited by missyb
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I know it was a fake-birthday, but it was also a fake age, right? Otherwise Hannah looks rough for a 30 year old. The cigarettes probably don't help. 

Brooke, why are you so desperate? I remember being only somewhat like that when I was a teenager maybe and hadn't even had a relationship yet. "Oh well, he's a dick when he's drunk, but I find that funny!" Oy vey. I just don't understand how anyone doesn't see Jwow's true colors. 

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4 hours ago, snarts said:

Yep, and she all but admitted to crushing on Hannah last season. I was cringing for her tonight, it obvious that's why she's been so rude to Conrad. 

Adam needs to get his stories straight. He was told before dinner service that one of the couples wasn't coming due to seasickness.

Or she's just fed up because Conrad and Hannah are both doing a shitty job and every time she looks up they are together either gossiping or slacking while things fall through the cracks.

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One of the guests was sucking on his wife’s boob in the jacuzzi while everyone else was in there. Ew. The water looked like a radioactive STD soup. 

Sandy is extremely bitchy this season. I don’t like it. Lee can be a crusty old fart but at least he lets his staff have breathing room. Sandy is always watching, and waiting to find fault. 

Adam is a sloppy negative mediocre chef. 

Joao is a player and a creep. His manical laugh drives me crazy. 

Brooke likes the bad boy, and Kasey likes to tease. Perhaps that is why they are attracted to  Mr. Mindfucker 2018. He needs to be neutered. 

Hannah and Conrad look like they could be brother and sister. 

Pet Peeve: People who use the ocean as a garbage bin. Hannah could have left the crocs on the dock and some grateful person with bunions would snatch them up. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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21 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Or she's just fed up because Conrad and Hannah are both doing a shitty job and every time she looks up they are together either gossiping or slacking while things fall through the cracks.

I actually agree about that, but Sandy needs to be clear about it and not reduce herself pettiness. Just sit them both down and say what the problem is. And the fact of the matter is, neither of them would think it's professional to be on What's App or a group text with friends in the middle of a charter. This is the real life equivalent of that. She needs to explain that they need to save their couple time to when they are off duty. And they need to confine their on duty conversations to whatever is the immediate issue. Sandy told Conrad to get her food. Conrad tells Hannah. Hannah starts bitching about serving soup on rough waters. That last bit had really nothing to do with the immediate request. If Sandy has all of this experience being a captain and managing a crew, then fucking show us how it's done. Don't be a petty passive aggressive snot. Lee is much better at this kind of thing.

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why was Sandy so bitchy about the fenders being out when they were still a good 10 minutes away from the dock (and she wanted them out even before the anchor was pulled up!).

I cracked up at the cat stealing the raw chicken. I have a black and white cat that looks exactly like him and he would so do that too!

Edited by dleighg
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Adam is a complete and total shit heel of a human and a chef. What the fuckety fuck is he on about bitching because an unwell guest requested some fucking chicken soup. It's not like he had to make the broth form scratch (actually quite easy, but time consuming). It takes like 10 minutes to dice some  carrot, celery, ONION chicken  and let that boil for 20 on the stove. He literally spent more time bitching about making it that it took to actually, ya know, make it. And what a miserable bastard for saying that chicken soup was the wrong thing for the guest, that ginger and whatever would actually help. Yes, we know, asshole, ginger is good for nausea. But here's the thing, let the fucking guest decide what sounds good when she is not feeling well.  

Adan needs to take his subpar cooking skills, his stank attitude, his camp stove and drive off in his van forever and ever. Ugh. 

And what the fuckety fuck were those two doing putting on those masks. I mean, I threw up in my mouth watching that. Those masks cover the whole face - mouth and nose. Talk about getting up close and personal with some stranger's leftover germs and DNA. And then there is the fact that we don't know and probably don't ever want to know what the group gets up when wearing those things. 

And I am surprised there were no complaints, comments, discussion about how truly shitty the tip was. I guess fawning praise is enough now. 

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6 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

And I am surprised there were no complaints, comments, discussion about how truly shitty the tip was

was it (roughly) a thousand total? because $1000 each is more or less the usual isn't it?

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This crew makes the Mediterranean as toxic as Love Canal.

I wonder if the European Union declares it their version of a Superfund site after each season is finished filming? 

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5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I actually agree about that, but Sandy needs to be clear about it and not reduce herself pettiness. Just sit them both down and say what the problem is. And the fact of the matter is, neither of them would think it's professional to be on What's App or a group text with friends in the middle of a charter. This is the real life equivalent of that. She needs to explain that they need to save their couple time to when they are off duty. And they need to confine their on duty conversations to whatever is the immediate issue. Sandy told Conrad to get her food. Conrad tells Hannah. Hannah starts bitching about serving soup on rough waters. That last bit had really nothing to do with the immediate request. If Sandy has all of this experience being a captain and managing a crew, then fucking show us how it's done. Don't be a petty passive aggressive snot. Lee is much better at this kind of thing.

This...exactly!  While I agree that both Hannah and Conrad seem to be neglecting some of their duties in order to sneak cigs and kisses and spend time complaining to each other in somewhat hidden parts of the yacht (at least hidden from the guests - not the cameras), Sandy is handling it all wrong.  We see her eavesdropping and hiding from them, while watching them.  So, in essence, Sandy isn't doing her job, either, because she seems to constantly secretly monitoring/spying on Hannah and Conrad.  

When Conrad spoke with Sandy to ask her what changed in their relationship, Sandy wasn't professional or clear.  All she had to say was "Conrad - I know things happen on board during the season, but let's keep it professional while on board.  Keep your mind on your job."  Instead, she sounded petty and jealous (I still think Sandy has an unrequited crush on Hannah).  

I feel that we are being set up for a promotion/demotion episode - where Sandy promotes Joao (or however you spell his name) to bosun and demotes Conrad.  Joao is definitely an ass-kisser when it comes to Sandy, and will throw anyone who gets in his way under the bus.  

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13 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Wow Sandy, your jealously of Conrad being with Hannah is showing. 

Sandy has been ham handed and bitchy about it, but she's not actually wrong.  Conrad and Hannah have been sneaking off together a lot and Conrad hasn't been responsive to radio calls.   He's there to be Sandy's right hand man.   

Hannah's looking better now that her staff is at full capacity for the most part, but she's having an off season, too.  She's not a fraction as sharp and on the ball as she's been in the past.  Adam, as always, is a s$%t but he's also not wrong about Hannah.  In past season, she provided superior service and insisted her staff do the same.  She's slacking a bit this season.  

I think Conrad is a bit over his head.  He can do most of the required tasks but he's not good at managing people.  He and Hannah sneaking off is bad for both of them.  He's not facing his issues and not making sure Sandy is happy.  Hannah sneaking off is costing her her edge in performance.

I've said this in past seasons but it bears repeating.  Most of the deck and interior staff would be pretty much unemployable in any other industry.   They range from nitwits to slackers to people who probably could use some therapy.  I know that on other boats (a couple of friends have managed charter yachts and sailboats for years) that the crap these people get up to on the show, particularly the fraternization on board,  wouldn't be tolerated.  Their bags would be deposited on the dock and they're over.

Edited by terrymct
fixed two typos
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13 hours ago, dosodog said:

You go on with your BadAss chicken stealing self Dock Cat.  Oh yeah!  Cheered you on!

I keep falling asleep during this show now. I am thinking that Dock Cat might be a more interesting show at this point.

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1 hour ago, terrymct said:

I think Conrad is a bit over his head.  He can do most of the required tasks but he's not good at managing people.  He and Hannah sneaking off is bad for both of them.  He's not facing his issues and not making sure Sandy is happy.  Hannah sneaking off is costing her her edge in performance.

I don't know if he's bad at managing people, but he's definitely bad at managing the work.  He doesn't anticipate what needs to be done, he waits to be told, and then once told he takes his sweet ass time getting it done because he's preoccupied with Hannah.  Without even kissing ass, Joao is upstaging him in that regard -- he's constantly thinking about what needs to be done and does it.

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Maybe it's in the editing, but I think I see what brought Hanna and Conrad together, other than the lustbunnies -- they both loathe Captain Sandy. I've gotten the vibe that since day one of filming this season, Sandy was being incredibly unsubtle about wanting to come down hard on Hanna and probably find a solid excuse to fire her. If it's the same as Below Deck Mothership, Sandy has no say in who the casting team hires, but she does get to fire. It's probably a mixture of professional dislike and resentment from the charter-guest-makeout session last season and the fact that those two are basically rivals for carrying this franchise. Hanna's been around since Season 1 with that one captain whose name I've forgotten and has been the only constant fixture all along. And Sandy is clearly all about that cameratime, branding, and catchphrase bullshit. It was painful when she showed up on WWHL with some sadass tshirt about dry toast. And in the storyline about Jaoa and Conrad, Sandy's preferences are also equally unsubtle. I totally get why both would despise her as a boss, and that's always the strongest sort of bond be it in romance or friendship -- shared hatred.

And to that end, yeah they're not doing themselves any favors by pairing off to vent or make out a lot, but also I get it. I really, really do. 

I've always disliked Hanna, and there's still a lot to not like there, but this season I've gotten the vibe that she is well aware of the bullshit going on - Sandy's axe to grind, Adam's glee in finding a way to blame her for literally anything even if the guests aren't really complaining yet - and is trying her level best to keep her head down and not flip out on anyone. She's been doing a lot more walking away from the bullshit than she's ever done before. It doesn't look like that's what happens next week, though, and that's a bummer.

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57 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

Maybe it's in the editing, but I think I see what brought Hanna and Conrad together, other than the lustbunnies -- they both loathe Captain Sandy. I've gotten the vibe that since day one of filming this season, Sandy was being incredibly unsubtle about wanting to come down hard on Hanna and probably find a solid excuse to fire her. If it's the same as Below Deck Mothership, Sandy has no say in who the casting team hires, but she does get to fire. It's probably a mixture of professional dislike and resentment from the charter-guest-makeout session last season and the fact that those two are basically rivals for carrying this franchise. Hanna's been around since Season 1 with that one captain whose name I've forgotten and has been the only constant fixture all along. And Sandy is clearly all about that cameratime, branding, and catchphrase bullshit. It was painful when she showed up on WWHL with some sadass tshirt about dry toast. And in the storyline about Jaoa and Conrad, Sandy's preferences are also equally unsubtle. I totally get why both would despise her as a boss, and that's always the strongest sort of bond be it in romance or friendship -- shared hatred.

And to that end, yeah they're not doing themselves any favors by pairing off to vent or make out a lot, but also I get it. I really, really do. 

I've always disliked Hanna, and there's still a lot to not like there, but this season I've gotten the vibe that she is well aware of the bullshit going on - Sandy's axe to grind, Adam's glee in finding a way to blame her for literally anything even if the guests aren't really complaining yet - and is trying her level best to keep her head down and not flip out on anyone. She's been doing a lot more walking away from the bullshit than she's ever done before. It doesn't look like that's what happens next week, though, and that's a bummer.

I never thought Hannah was lazy, but it was telling that her girl Brooke labeled her so when asked "who worked the least" by Andy on WWHL last week! Conrad and Hannah do look bad when taking breaks together when things are happening! He's missed several calls from Sandy which in turn has given Joao opportunity because Conrad's off snuggling with Hannah! He's doing it to himself; Sandy has little to nothing to do with that! He's making himself look bad IMO! Hannah's doing her job, but she's so distracted by "the resume" situation with Kasey she can't move on! It's affecting her entire season! With a love interest you'd think she'd be more distracted with that! Now she just has a bud to "rag" on Sandy for being a rotten boss! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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Hannah's discussion with Conrad after his conversation with Sandy was ridiculous; "Ok so the chief stew and the bosun just won't communicate anymore. Let's see how well that works out." Talk about passive aggressive and completely missing the point. 

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2 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Hannah's discussion with Conrad after his conversation with Sandy was ridiculous; "Ok so the chief stew and the bosun just won't communicate anymore. Let's see how well that works out." Talk about passive aggressive and completely missing the point. 

And it makes NO SENSE at all! It's her rapport with Adam that's her serious problem when it comes to communication! He talks about it all the time! ;-)

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10 hours ago, missyb said:

I get the feeling that Captain Sandy is still salty about her first season on Below Deck Med. I think she feels Adam and Hannah made her look foolish and not Captain like. She vowed to make up for it this season by being into everything and keeping a handle on everything.

I think this is absolutely right.  Hannah and Adam both straight up lied to her last season after she gave them both the benefit of the doubt and I think she's still salty.  I can't say as I blame her.  I am pretty sure she stated something of that nature on the first episode.  I think when she sees Hannah again being unprofessional and sloppily engaging with Conrad after what happened last season with the charter guest, it just infuriates the Captain and she may (or may not) over react. 

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I really only half watch this show anymore because the drunken antics from these guys are just too childish for me to enjoy. I missed most of the beginning so I'm not sure what was up with the masks and who was wearing them but was the one girl from the deck crew wearing one? And next week she's got some serious illness that could infect the whole boat? I'm glad I missed the hot tub water and nipple sucking. 

Hannah is probably my age- not just turning 30- I wish. Either way she's far too old to be carrying on that way with Conrad. Sandy does send mixed messages- "I'm not hungry. I can't eat right now" and then 10 seconds later- "Conrad get me food NOW!" but Hannah asks for it by being such a dumb ass with Conrad. In a real world situation they'd take their breaks at different times and only a few people would even know they had a relationship. They are both dropping the ball on their ship duties which gives Sandy an "in" to nit pick and be a bitch. She's the boss- she can do that. Right or not. 

The weird shit with Jwow and the two chicks is stupid. All three of them can go ride off in the sunset for all I care. I do feel badly for the other deckhand who likes the brunette chick. He seems really sweet and should realize they are all pretty trashy and not worth his time. 

Obviously I should stop watching completely since I watch in bed while reading a book now. I think I'm over it. 

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42 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

I never thought Hannah was lazy, but it was telling that her girl Brooke labeled her so when asked "who worked the least" by Andy on WWHL last week! Conrad and Hannah do look back when taking breaks together when things are happening! He's missed several calls from Sandy which in turn has given Joae opportunity because Conrad's off snuggling with Hannah! He's doing it to himself; Sandy has little to nothing to do with that! He's making himself look bad IMO! Hannah's doing her job, but she's so distracted by "the resume" situation with Kasey she can't move on! It's affecting her entire season! With a love interest you'd think she'd be more distracted with that! Now she just has a bud to "rag" on Sandy for being a rotten boss! ;-)

Edited 39 minutes ago by Fiero425.

Conrad looked particularly bad going off boat to shop for Hannahs birthday present and supplies while the rest of his crew worked their asses off cleaning and scrubbing down the yacht. Unless this was some editing, that is almost unforgivable.

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14 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

I couldn't believe Jamie and the "little princess" were actually playing with the guests' masks like that in the stateroom! Don't they realize this will be seen on TV later? They really looked like juvenile delinquents! ;-)

Who knows where those have been!

13 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

Adam is a miserable person, basically,

All cooks are.  I was a waiter from high school graduation through grad school.  It is commonly known that cooks are dicks.  I get it that it is hot but they are not the only ones who have to work.  They can complain and bitch in the kitchen while the other staff have to deal with the public and them.

40 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

Either way she's far too old to be carrying on that way with Conrad. Sandy does send mixed messages- "I'm not hungry. I can't eat right now" and then 10 seconds later- "Conrad get me food NOW!" but Hannah asks for it by being such a dumb ass with Conrad. In a real world situation they'd take their breaks at different times and only a few people would even know they had a relationship. They are both dropping the ball on their ship duties which gives Sandy an "in" to nit pick and be a bitch. She's the boss- she can do that. Right or not. 

So true.  I keep thinking they are already campaigning for the spot on the next season.  They can't be for real.  Right?

I too was wondering about the small tip.  They didn't look enthused.

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Come on Brooke...have some self respect. Do you think all you deserve is leftover attention from a mysoginist? I have no idea what she thinks she sees in him. But then I sit there in stunned awe when the Sister Wives dawn all over Cody’s brown as if they don’t realize they are enough to deserve a man’s full attention. ?‍♀️

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16 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

You think? Come on; she's as gay as the day is long! Didn't you know? ;-)

I believe @Fostersmom meant that Sandy is jealous of Conrad because he has Hannah's attention and Sandy has a crush on Hannah.

Ok,  J'Wowwww I'm sure all of Zimbabwe knows you and your reputation! You are such a stud muffin. Narcissistic a'hole. 

Adam making sandwiches on toast for the beach picnic. Then they go in the refrige. Sandwiches on cold, wilted toast. Great job, chef!

I see nothing Bizarre about this love triangle. Boring love triangle, yes. Bizarre, no.

Edited by bichonblitz
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15 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

That was Hannah's fault. 

Could be. I just don't think making sandwiches on toast, then loading them on the boat to take to a beach picnic is a good idea, regardless of whether they had to be put in the refrige or not because of Hannah's bad timing. Sammy's on toast need to be eaten right away or they will taste like leftover crap. 

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