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S02.E10: The Passenger

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Almost missed the post credits scene!!!   MIB lives.  Sort of and what was that last word?   I played it back and still can’t figure it out

Edited by DEL901
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I always knew Stubbs was a good guy. LOL. But now I'm wondering, was he a host? He clearly knew Charlotte 2.0 was a host and let her go. Did he know about Bernard the whole time too? And seriously, what the hell with The Man in Black? Is this is all in his head? I'm so confused. 

Also this show better find a way to bring back Thandie Newton, Rodrigo Santoro, and Ingrid Berdol. Those three are my favs. I have a feeling they'll end up in bags thanks to the bumbling duo. 

Edited by ShellsandCheese
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Great redemption for Sizemore there, IMO.  Felix and Sylvester joined the dark side! YAAAY! And we have a way for Maeve et al to possibly come back!

Really happy with Stubbs there at the end, and sad about Elsie. Damn you, Hale. At least you got yours.

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10 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Ashley Stubbs, smarter than he looks.

So I guess Season 3 will take place in the "real" world. And I'm glad Hale's finally dead, but did she have to take Elsie with her?

I was wondering if Stubbs ended up being a host afterall.

Good lord I don't know if I'll be watching S3, they killed every character I loved and made a duplicate of the one I hated most. I'd almost consider it, if Tessa Thompson was playing Dolores (provided she dropped the ERW act) but, keeping the .ost wooden actress around to try and carry the storyline forward? Ugh.

I am devastated that almost ALL of Team Ma eve died. I'm holding out the tinest bit of hope that she survived and her loyal subjects will bring The Queen back. 

Ben Barnes is just so hot, seriously Billy Russo/Logan Deleos (sp?) Just pure sexy in a great actor.

MiB somehow madr it to next season and he's going to either get the Logan treatment from Charlotte/Dolores or he's going to team up with Bernard to be the Devil on his shoulder, now that Ford is truly gone.

ETA: apparently I missed an important post credit scene, will check tomorrow.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Last season finale I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.  This one, I'm only mildly interested in finding out 1) who is occupying RoboCharlotte now that Dolores has built herself a new body 2) who was in the other 1/2 dozen control units she smuggled out (I assume NOT Teddy since he went into the Valley Beyond) and 3 WTF is going on with MiB.

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Just now, mac123x said:

Last season finale I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.  This one, I'm only mildly interested in finding out 1) who is occupying RoboCharlotte now that Dolores has built herself a new body 2) who was in the other 1/2 dozen control units she smuggled out (I assume NOT Teddy since he went into the Valley Beyond) and 3 WTF is going on with MiB.

I'm hoping Maeve, Hector, and Armistice. 

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I cant make my mind up about Stubbs. It could be he is just smarter then he was given credit for,

I'm glad I kept it to see the post credit scene. Marvel taught me lol. 

Tessa Thompson has gotten better since Veronica Mars but after 2 seasons I didn't like her on the show at all and now she will an even bigger role in S3.

At least Felix and Sly are still around maybe they will bring Maeve, Hector, ect, back.

Lee went on like a champ so good for him. I finally started to like him this season and he gets killed.

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7 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Last season finale I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.  This one, I'm only mildly interested in finding out 1) who is occupying RoboCharlotte now that Dolores has built herself a new body 2) who was in the other 1/2 dozen control units she smuggled out (I assume NOT Teddy since he went into the Valley Beyond) and 3 WTF is going on with MiB.

The other question is where Dolores sent the hosts in the Valley Beyond when she redirected the transmission to Delos HQ.

Edited by jcin617
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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

they killed every character I loved and made a duplicate of the one I hated most.

But are they really dead?  The bodies that went through the gate (and thus fell off the cliff) are probably damaged beyond repair because their brains got wiped (remember how that one tech said a bunch of 'bot-brain-balls were "'virgin"?) but I presume the ones who didn't get through the gate can be rebuilt.  In fact I expect Felix to get right to work on Maeve.  And that means Hector survived!  Whoo hoo!  And so did Armistice and her Japanese doppelganger-bot.  Hey, for all we know, one of those brain balls in Char-lores' purse was Akecheta's.  It would be interesting to see him back again but . . . on the other hand no -- I 'm glad he was reunited with his lady love and I hope he is left in peace wherever he is.

BTW I assume that he's dead, along with everyone whose code was shot off into space.  I interpreted that scene as a mass burial at sea -- I can't fan-wank a way for those who went through the gate to still be "alive" in the flooded system.

I am SO confused about William.

Edited by WatchrTina
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18 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Good lord I don't know if I'll be watching S3, they killed every character I loved and made a duplicate of the one I hated most. I'd almost consider it, if Tessa Thompson was playing Dolores (provided she dropped the ERW act) but, keeping the .ost wooden actress around to try and carry the storyline forward? Ugh.

I am devastated that almost ALL of Team Ma eve died. I'm holding out the tinest bit of hope that she survived and her loyal subjects will bring The Queen back. 


I am not happy that Tessa Thompson will be hanging around for S3 as the lead actress. Ugh! They killed all of my favorites, too.

I can't even decide if I liked this finale or not. I'm still confused. Still don't why Bernard had to bounce around so much this season. I suppose that his disjointed narrative served a purpose in the end but I still believe there was a better way to tell it. Don't know why this story can't be a bit more straight forward.

It looks like S3 is a long way off and I don't know if I care to watch it. While I understand why a production like Westworld needs extended time off, a long break may just kill my interest in this show. 

At least Akecheta is happy.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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I think Stubbs is a host. He was speaking in 'code' about having a core drive. Through the mesh network, he found out that Hale was now a host.

I have to process the finale and watch it again. Some stuff I liked and some things were confusing, and I'm pretty good at following plots and explanations.

Bye Sizemore, glad we finally got to hear that speech. Can't wait for host Sizemore.

I don't believe Tessa Thompson will be playing Dolores now. They reprinted her body. The probably have another host mind in there.

Edited by Jenesis
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Charlores beamed the Valley Beyond to somewhere no one would ever be able to find it... what?  It's a virtual reality.  Whoever's servers it is running on will notice eventually.  Maybe it's like the Framework on Agents of SHIELD in that it's distributed across the internet.  Either that or she sent it to Alpha Centauri and season 4 will be Westworld IN SPACE!


Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't know if I'll be watching S3, they killed every character I loved and made a duplicate of the one I hated most.

At least Charlotte Hale is dead.  Tessa Thompson is a good actress so now she should be able to play something other than nasty and mean.

Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

Ben Barnes is just so hot,

Definitely.  When he was portraying the Architect in the Matrix, err, Forge, I think he had black contact lenses in -- his eyes looked creepy.  In an oddly sexy way.

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Ok.  Here is my guess about that insane post-credit sequence.  Somehow, someone (maybe Delores....it would feel like a Delores thing) made a copy of William and his punishment is to live out the fidelity test over and over and over again?  Everyone keeps saying that death is too good for him, and goodness knows, that seems like what worst looks like to me.  I'm sure there are a ton and a half plot holes in that, but it makes some sense to me.

I'm hoping we see Maeve, Teddy, and Maeve's gang again.  I really love those guys.  I want to see Teddy away from Delores.  That'd be cool. 

I'm a terrible person, but, yo, Prince Caspian can GET IT.  Ben Barnes is a good looking man. 

Akecheta is with Kohana.  I'm a happy girl. 

They need, IMO, to make these timelines flow a bit better.  Confusing is not better.  

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My guess is that the post-credit scene is yet another timeline jumble -- it takes place in the future, when the real William is dead and they are trying to place the algorithm of his consciousness in an android.

But that was his daughter, right? Older than when we saw her "die"? So was the version William killed a host after all?

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2 hours ago, Jenesis said:

I think Stubbs is a host. He was speaking in 'code' about having a core drive. Through the mesh network, he found out that Hale was now a host.

Oooh, I like this theory.  Because otherwise, yeah, his letting the Charlotte-bot through beggars belief.

2 hours ago, mac123x said:


2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Ben Barnes is just so hot,

Definitely.  When he was portraying the Architect in the Matrix, err, Forge, I think he had black contact lenses in -- his eyes looked creepy.  In an oddly sexy way.

I'm just glad they found a reason to put that actor back on my screen.  Because damn, he looked good.

Edited by WatchrTina
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On rewatch I noticed that Delores did take Teddy's brain ball thingy, I think she put Teddy's consciousness into Charlotte 2.0. Just a hunch. Plus it's HBO so some male exec is probably already foaming at the mouth at the prospect of a love scene between ERW and TT. LOL. 

I'm still confused as fuck when it comes to this season's timeline. Sooooooo confused. 

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3 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:


I'm just glad they found a reason to put that actor back on my screen.  Because, damn he looked good.

Logan yes and Hector too! So good looking.

Jimmi Simpson was easily the worst looking man on the show and I have No idea why anyone thought he resembled a young  Ed Harris.


parts of the finale were enjoyable but the timeline mishmash made this whole season and finale nearly impossible to understand.

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Basically, Season 1 took way too long to get to the Robot Rebellion and Season 2 took way too long to get to the Robots out in the Human World. A few episodes ago, I would have gotten all excited at the idea of Dolores and Bernard running around the outside world plotting and hacking stuff. But it took so long that the final revelation just feels like a drawn out sigh.

Also, while there’s a little bit of justification for all the timeline jumps this season because Bernard scrambled his own memories, they really need to drop that gimmick in Season 3. 

I don’t think Tessa Thompson is actually playing Dolores for Season 3. I think what this episode showed is that Hale-bot went out to Arnold’s house and found a body-making machine. From there, she created the original Dolores body again as well as Bernard. She probably also rebuilt whichever orbs she brought along with her. Chronologically, the scene with Bernard walking out the door is the latest (because it begins with him asking, “Is this now?” And Dolores confirms, “Yes.”)

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They kept Charlotte and stuck Delores into her. She is going to be super annoying next season.

Elsie almost survived. Damn-it.

I hope that Bernard Robot Heaven is forever protected.

Somehow Felix and his partner are still alive.

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2 minutes ago, Xantar said:

I don’t think Tessa Thompson is actually playing Dolores for Season 3. I think what this episode showed is that Hale-bot went out to Arnold’s house and found a body-making machine. From there, she created the original Dolores body again as well as Bernard. She probably also rebuilt whichever orbs she brought along with her. Chronologically, the scene with Bernard walking out the door is the latest (because it begins with him asking, “Is this now?” And Dolores confirms, “Yes.”)

I hope that you are correct. This makes sense. What then happened to Hale-Bot?

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Thank God for the Hollywood Reporter because it helped me make sense of this messy finale.

1 minute ago, nilyank said:

They kept Charlotte and stuck Delores into her. She is going to be super annoying next season.

Elsie almost survived. Damn-it.

I hope that Bernard Robot Heaven is forever protected.

Somehow Felix and his partner are still alive.

Dolores is no longer inside the Charlotte body. 

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19 minutes ago, ShellsandCheese said:

On rewatch I noticed that Delores did take Teddy's brain ball thingy

Oh you are RIGHT!  So I guess the next body they whip up at Casa de Berarnold will be Teddy's  I wonder how he'll react to being resurrected, given that he committed suicide.  I'm thinking he won't be best pleased, even if they do have a brave new world to introduce him to.

19 minutes ago, ShellsandCheese said:

I think she put Teddy's consciousness into Charlotte 2.0. Just a hunch.

Hmmmm.  We know that the Charlotte 2.0 we see leave the park is carrying Dolores' consciousness.  Do you mean you think that somehow the brain ball in that body got swapped for Teddy's?  It's an interesting idea but who could have done it?  Arnold just woke up and that only leaves only two available 'bot bodies -- one of which is already carrying Dolores. I don't think that theory works but if Dolores' brain is still in the Charlotte body then whose brain is driving the Dolores body?  OMG is THAT where Teddy's brain went?  If that so, he's going to be one confused dude.

Edited by WatchrTina
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Before I read your comments my initial reaction--that was a hot mess. A well acted hot mess. What I want is for some YouTube genius to edit together the Maeve pieces in sequence and then I'd have a finale I could enjoy.

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2 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Oh you are RIGHT!  So I guess the next body they whip up at Casa de Berarnold will be Teddyj's  I wonder how he'll react to being resurrected, given they he committed suicide.  I'm thinking he won't be best pleased, even if they do have a brave new world to introduce him to.

But he went to Robot Heaven. We saw him on the plain after she put Teddy'ball in the machine thingie.

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1 minute ago, nilyank said:

But he went to Robot Heaven. We saw him on the plain after she put Teddy'ball in the machine thingie.

Oh you are RIGHT!  So . . . I guess he's not only merely dead he's also most sincerely dead.  RIP Teddy.

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1 minute ago, mac123x said:

Charlores said something like "I have one more soul to save".  Then we see Teddy smiling, standing in the Valley Beyond.  I don't think he's one of the balls she left the park with.

The only decent thing Dolores did all season was to let Teddy go to the Valley Beyond.

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My daughter guessed the MIB was a host, but I didn’t think so because he had aged.  None of the other hosts have aged as far as I can tell, so that’s a mystery.  All the talk of systems and programs reminded me a little of Tron. 

The only hosts who I think are truly dead are the ones who crossed into the valley beyond.  I think all the rest that appeared to be dead are alive in those little black marbles.  Clementine as the apocalypse, or virus, was so cool. I’m hoping because she didn’t cross over, that she will be rebuilt.  Along with Maeve, of course ?

Again, I’m in the minority, but I loved the finale and can’t wait till season 3, though I’m still very confused ?‍♀️ 

Edited by JustCrazy
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Ahhh! I love this show. Did not see the Delores twist coming. I don't even know where to begin.

We lost a lot of characters, but nothing is forever in this show. I thing it was strongly implied Maeve, Hector and the rest of the hosts with intact heads and no valley transfer were going to be restored. So, we really lost Elsie and Sizemore (who finally got his speech). I am assuming next season will center on the outside world, but it isn't clear how that will actually play out. We shall see.

Loved Maeve. Loved her escape (and the partially completed animals. Loved her getting her daughter to the valley. Hector continues to give Teddy a run for his money in the best boyfriend department. 

The Delores/Charlotte twist was masterful. As with last season, I now want to rewatch it to look for tells. I also loved that at least some of the Bernard fidelity testing was a flash forward and not a flashback. I am a puzzle/mystery fan and the twisty nature of this show is one of my favorite things about it. 

Poor Clem. She really couldn't catch a break. The actress is so incredible. She makes Clem feel like a broken doll, and the contrast in the saloon scene was heartbreaking. 

I love that Teddy finally did get away from this place. Will he make a place for himself without the woman he loves? I hope so. He has certainly suffered enough. I still don't understand how his body got in the lake. It felt like an unanswered question. Dolores took his orb but not his body. Perhaps the place he killed himself was close enough and on low enough ground? 

Those little spheres are tougher than they look, since we saw two survive headshots. I guess they are nonfunctional but still hold the data without the cupcake.

The Bernard/Ford scene felt final. I wonder if it will be. I feel like Ford's story is done, but who knows. You can never quite write of a cast member on a Sci Fi show.

Loved Akechata's ending. Didn't understand how his love got there, but I am fine handwaving it for the happy ending. 

That post-credit scene, though. Where is it going? At least Emily/Grace may not be done. 

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35 minutes ago, capt planet said:

Bernard: Is this now?

Us: You tell me! Shit

Bernard: But...I don't understand

Us: Join the club, motherfucker

Captain, O my Captain ... You said exactly what I am thinking.

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41 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Well, I didn’t understand a bit of that and am going to need the internet to explain it to me. Bring on Big Brother. It’s shit but at least I can follow it.

OMG I was going to post something exactly like that about Big Brother! I hated this season of Westworld. I am glad The Affair is back and I look forward to the new season of Ray Donovan. 

I loved season 1 of Westworld but this season just went too far off the beaten path and became a sci fi verson of Mulholland Drive. The finale went down the rabbit hole and was laughable with all the guests (or hosts?) fighting with each other. And so much gun violence. It was just sickening. 

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2 minutes ago, The Companion said:


Loved Akechata's ending. Didn't understand how his love got there, but I am fine handwaving it for the happy ending. 

Robot Heaven is a server farm which stores the data of all hosts and guests. Ever since she was decommissioned, Kohana’s mind has been sitting there on that server. 

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GAH! What did I just watch?


it was almost parodic how every scene would end and then we’d see some character in a change of clothes and someone asking what is going on. Couldn’t tell what was time jump what was real what wasn’t. I think the virtual reality is way too complicated for my poor brain. Robots wanting to go to regular earth: I can get.


robots who live after they’re killed or sort of?


ford is real or not real?


im totally confused.

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Oh, I forgot to mention my favorite part:

On one side we have four guards with fully automatic rifles on the ground and behind cover.

On the other side we have two people on horseback (bouncing up and down) armed with revolvers, one of whom has taken several gunshots to the torso and was recently digging around with a knife in his gun-holding hand.

Guess who wins!

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Lisa Joy has given some clues about the timeframe of the post-credits sequence (spoiler-tagged), via The Hollywood Reporter:


What we see in the end recontextualizes a little bit of that. All of that did happen in that timeline, but something else has occurred, too. In the far, far future, the world is dramatically different. Quite destroyed, as it were. A figure in the image of his daughter — his daughter is of course now long dead — has come back to talk to him. He realizes that he's been living this loop again and again and again. The primal loop that we've seen this season, they've been repeating, testing every time for what they call "fidelity," or perhaps a deviation. You get the sense that the testing will continue. It's teasing for us another temporal realm that one day we're working toward, and one day will see a little bit more of, and how they get to that place, and what they're testing for.

Edited by QuantumMechanic
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38 minutes ago, Kid said:

I hate to tell you, I read the recaps and STILL do not understand it.  In my opinion, the season had only 2 good episodes worth watching:  the one featuring the James Delos project and the one featuring the Ghost Nation leader.

I liked the Shogun episode because we got to visit a fascinating culture. And yes, I loved "Kiksuya" - that episode was the emotional highlight of the entire season for me. 

2 out of 10 episodes and another very long wait for a third season - not exactly the way to entice me for more.

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