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  1. I’m stunned and nearly (not quite) speechless. First, what a boring season. Not much of a plot, characters wasted, repetitive, new characters with zero interest, and Maeve and her kantana. How many times did it get stuck in something and she continued to use it! I know it looks like Dolores is dead, but isn’t there still one copy? Anyway, even if there isn’t, they’ll just fix her up and put her back online. I couldn’t help but think of Tron every time they showed Rohoboooo. Charlotte has a copy of the data, I’m sure she’ll figure something out. I HATE the character Caleb. I had to go to IMDB to look up his character’s name that’s how boring he was. They could have used an existing character for this role. One that we have emotionally invested in. Instead, we only get cameo appearances from Hector, Clementine, Musashi, and Lawrence. Normally, I am all excited to see a shows finale, but this one was a total snooze fest. This whole season was a snooze fest. I find it hard to believe that Johnathan and Lisa even wrote this season. And, I’m sure they thought the music selection for the finale was profound, but I laughed out loud when they played Dark Side of the Moon.
  2. I thought the same thing. How could any spy completely trust any other spy when they repeatedly lied to each other. Suddenly, each thinks the other is trustworthy? Why did the Russians not consider that Carrie was a double agent?
  3. I loved this season and am totally sad the show has ended. The last two shows had my heart racing. Bye Carrie and Saul, I will miss you 💕
  4. Agree with everything except the Dolores Meave showdown. That small fragment was the only thing that caught my interest. Thandie was completely wasted this season. As usual, the Dolores centric episodes are boring.
  5. I could not agree more. The actor who plays Caleb is b-o-r-i-n-g. I already can’t stand Dolores’ breathy whisper and Caleb is no better. I want to see Maeve, not Caleb. This season has been a total snooze fest. With one show left, I doubt I’ll change my opinion. The fight with Dolores and Maeve was badass but lasted no time at all. Instead, we get so much time spent on Caleb’s backstory which is as boring as he is. Really writers? This was all you had for season 3 and we had to wait two years for that! It’s like a different writing team took over. Was excited to see Clementine, but again, a minute or two of screen time aint gonna cut it. Bernard is worthless. I don’t even understand why he’s in this season’s story at all. His character has contributed nothing. I am glad that they are out of Westworld, but I’d rather see them go back at this point.
  6. If the criteria for the female judges is to be “hot”, then Jenny should be kicked off. She is trying way too hard to be twenty something again. Her face is scary. It also looks like she’s worn the same butt ugly blouse for all the shows except one. I’m not really fond of any of the regular judges. I do like JB and think he’s funny as f, but the rest are just awful. Nick Cannon doesn’t bother me so much. I think he’s pretty funny. Are turbans popular again?
  7. I ❤️ Christian. He’s tha man. He gave Jeff a dose of his own medicine times 10. Takes a drag, THAT was satisfying....Exhales slowly.
  8. There isn’t an episode where I don’t scream at Jeff and his idiotic commentary. I’m waiting for the day when an angry contestant takes it out on him, verbally, that is. I want to wipe that smug smirk right off his face. TC was awesome. Didn’t see that coming at all. Freakin LOVE Davie. I’m assuming he was the mastermind of the blindside. I think this season should show that nice people can make for interesting television, too. Nearly everyone so far has been such a good sport. I thought Mike was a decent guy until tonight. Totally changed my opinion of him.
  9. Just finished the season. LOVED it! John Hader is brilliant, Steven Root is appropriately slimy, Fonzie is adorable, and I’m now in love with a short, bald, Chechen. Was John Hadar giving a nod to Dexter with his clothing? What a quirky show. Can’t wait for the next season.
  10. I didn’t get that Teddy’s death was days earlier. I thought it occurred the same day as her arrival at the forge.
  11. Gosh, a question that I think I can actually answer. Teddy’s physical body fell into the ravine when he crossed over to the valley beyond. Dolores flooded the Forge, I guess it was, which I am assuming then flooded the area where the Forge is, picking up the bodies of the hosts who crossed over. So, it wasn’t an actual lake per se, it was the flooded area created by Dolores’ sabotage. I could be way off the mark, so straighten me out anyone.
  12. My daughter guessed the MIB was a host, but I didn’t think so because he had aged. None of the other hosts have aged as far as I can tell, so that’s a mystery. All the talk of systems and programs reminded me a little of Tron. The only hosts who I think are truly dead are the ones who crossed into the valley beyond. I think all the rest that appeared to be dead are alive in those little black marbles. Clementine as the apocalypse, or virus, was so cool. I’m hoping because she didn’t cross over, that she will be rebuilt. Along with Maeve, of course ? Again, I’m in the minority, but I loved the finale and can’t wait till season 3, though I’m still very confused ?‍♀️
  13. I agree, bring Maeve back ASAP. It’s saying a lot with all these incredible performances that it feels she carries the show. Poor, dumb Teddy. That was rough, and silly me, I actually thought he was going to shoot Delores. I have absolutely no idea where this is going. I have to come here to have it explained to me. Saw an article in Vulture where Ed Harris said he didn’t understand what was going on plot wise, either. Can’t believe the season is one show away from done. I really enjoyed this season much, much more than season one. I understand that season one was laying the groundwork for what was to come, but damn if it wasn’t hard to slog through. So glad I stayed with it. Next week is going to be bittersweet.
  14. Wow. This episode actually made me tear up. What a gut punch. I had to freaking hold my hand up enough to cover Maeve’s gaping neck wound. Gross ? oh, and the Lakota men are h.o.t.
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