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The Mysteries Of Laura - General Discussion

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Wow, this was just tired and bad all the way through. I really think Enrico C. got script changes or something while shooting this pilot and was like "screw this, make me the bad guy and get me off this show."


Colantoni's a regular on Remedy, a Canadian medical/family drama show, so it was clear to me he wouldn't be sticking around for long.

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It's clear that the people writing this mess have no idea about kids. These kids are in pre-k, all day. That means they are in a preschool/daycare. A place where parents PAY someone to supervise kids. If kids are shitting where they shouldn't, are playing with GALLONS of paint , that points to inadequate supervision of the daycare workers. A parent picking up 4 year olds drenched with paint would be furious -at the daycare not providing supervision.

That's only one thing that stood out to me, but it really irked me. 4 year old kids need constant supervision. That's why parents put them in daycare instead of leaving them home.

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Those kids weren't rambunctious, they were fucking hellions. It wasn't cute or funny in the least.


This bothered me the most in the pilot.  I can't stand kids who have no discipline in their lives and putting them front and center in a show turns me off.  I might catch one more episode, but if something else is on, that won't happen.

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. I like DM, but I am not going to watch this unless there is a great deal of tweaking.


Ok, I am blaming my new transition lenses, but I read this as "unless there is a great deal of TWERKING" and wondered if that would make it better or worse.

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Ok, I am blaming my new transition lenses, but I read this as "unless there is a great deal of TWERKING" and wondered if that would make it better or worse.

LOL! That's why I have lined trifocals. For ten years they kept telling me the part for reading the computer had gotten wider, but it was never more than a pencil's width.

I am going to watch one more episode, but twerking will not be the fix I am looking for. ;>)

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They lost me at Laura blackmailing the teacher. It was repulsive. I cannot support a supposedly good protag who is that corrupt of a cop. Will not watch again. All I got out of it was that I happen to love the Legend song at the end.

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This was breathtakingly bad.  Absolutely dreadful.  The whole plot was so contrived it felt like it was knitted out of cliches.  The pre-K kids -- who look at least 8 years old -- are shooting her coworkers with piss, and she never even apologizes to the coworkers, let alone says no to the kids.  The only times Mr Washables and I weren't laughing were the times when the show was going for comedy.  Awful, awful, awful.  And not in a good way.


camom, I just realized you'd already made the point about those kids looking like they're 8 and not 4.  (Sorry to step on your post.)  I wonder why casting directors don't even try to match the age of young child actors with the ages of the characters they play.  Don't they realize that the audience actually knows what kids look like?

Edited by FineWashables
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I didn't buy Debra Messing's character at all. What is it with shows making female cops have junk food addictions? She looks incredibly fit for someone who eats so horribly. I know you can be thin and unhealthy, but her looks didn't match her being a slob, dressing the way she did, or her diet. It just didn't work for me.


And those freaking kids? I don't have kids, but I have lots of nieces and nephews. I'm sure there are obnoxious, precocious kids out there, but I am not tuning into a TV show to watch them. I watch TV to relax, not to have my blood pressure boil over as I watch two hellions running around while the parents largely ignore it. No thanks.

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Colantoni's a regular on Remedy, a Canadian medical/family drama show, so it was clear to me he wouldn't be sticking around for long.


Oh, that show was renewed? I had thought it was canceled. Well then, yay! I loved that show.

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I just finished this yesterday. That fact that it took me 3 tries to watch it says it all. This was just awful. My least favorite of the pilots so far. Most of my gripes have already been mentioned so I won't re-hash them.   I'll just say that I really like Debra Messing but her character here is just a hot mess, and not in a good way.  Her husband in annoying, and I want to expel the children completely from the show.  I normally try to give new shows at least 3 episodes so I'll stick around another week or so but, at this point, I don't see how I can pick up this new show. There are so many others that are good, or that I hope will be good. I also feel like this one will be on the early cancellation list. 

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Looks like "Laura" will be in sexy outfits once per show, but at least she fights.


The ex-hubby could be funny if they cut down on making him such an ass, he has good timing. The secretary also could be very funny.


The standard black partner and standard semi-Hispanic rival cop need to be something other than backgrounds.


Not terrible, but no Brooklyn-99.

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I went in with no expectations so I'm glad my reaction isn't like the majority of the posters on the board. LOL

No expectations here either since I hadn't even heard of the show.  I also missed the pilot, thought this was the first episode.  MrTrey and I liked it well enough and will probably continue to watch it as long as it doesn't interfere with any other shows we already watch. 


They would be well advised to drop the ex-husband as cheating asshole and just have him be her boss. That really grated - him bragging about how his wandering ways were finally under control - too little, too late and we are not interested.

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I think this show would work better if she was a robbery cop not homicide. The humor is hard to take when they are investigating a murder/rape. It's like they stuck SVU with Brooklyn 9-9 and it just doesn't work. I hate all of the supporting cast except her partner. Overall, this show's tone is so weird that I am having problems enjoying the show.

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pivot said : 

Overall, this show's tone is so weird that I am having problems enjoying the show.


Great way to put it.  I liked this episode a little more than the pilot, but truthfully I think it's because we saw/heard very little about the twin boys.  I might tape one more before making the decision of keeping/letting it go.


As for the ex - too little, too late buddy.  It really comes across that he really doesn't think cheating is wrong and can't understand her reaction and why she doesn't believe he's changed.  Initially I thought he'd cheated with one person, but it sounds like he's a serial cheater.  I've never known a serial cheater to not cheat so I'm happy that she's moved on.

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Better than the pilot. I'm in until something better is on. The actor playing the ex is likable enough that the smarmy references to his past indiscretions just fizzle. It would have been better had they had something else in between them, such as working too much to connect, etc. I called her hiring the protestor as a babysitter, so there are still some too obvious plotlines.

Edited by LVmom
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The protester-soon-to-be-babysitter was my favorite part of the show.


I like Debra Messing, but I'm not sure I like this character.  Maybe this show is intended as more of a dramedy, because it seems like it's trying to be funny, which would normally be inappropriate in a homicide kind of setting.

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I know this was commented on with the first episode, but she needs to stop doing illegal things to make her case.  I would think the phone being lifted from the rapist's pocket wouldn't be admissible as it was obtained without a warrant etc.  Could this be a problem in court or would it just not be brought up?  She's a very good pickpocket too which strikes me as odd.


BTW - why is this show called "The Mysteries" of Laura?  I feel as if I've missed the reason for the title.  What kind of mysteries and what's mysterious about her?  Nothing in my books except possibly her parenting style.

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I agree about the serial cheater. Dear show-runners: Do not set up a will they won't they with a scenario that makes viewers hope they won't.

Yes, this week was better, and the least evil on network TV for me. The choices were all bad and I was too lazy to figure out what was on cable. So I watched. And put my attention on my computer when the show made me cringe. But it's certainly not must-see and I hope it's cancelled with a decent replacement.

Edited by TVWithPity
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I really want to like this show, and it's not terrible, but I don't know . . . I guess I wish they'd spread the "awesomeness" around a bit.  It's gotten old real quick that Laura can shoot a guy's ear while he's got a gun pointed at a hostage, and she can drive a car to an inch and not crush the guy against the wall, and she can pick pockets like a professional, etc. etc. etc.  Everyone else is just window dressing.  I know it's called the Mysteries of *Laura* and not the whole precinct, but it just seems like it would be a much better show if they spread some of that "amazingness" to the others.  Then they would really seem like a well-oiled machine instead of the diva and her back-up singers.  I really like Debra Messing and most of the supporting cast is fine and the show is decent, but I just think it could be much better.  It's fairly predictable, although they did catch us off guard last night.  We half expected the killer to turn out to be that first "date" she just blew off immediately.  Actually, I think it might have been better if it had been him.

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BTW - why is this show called "The Mysteries" of Laura?  I feel as if I've missed the reason for the title.  What kind of mysteries and what's mysterious about her?  Nothing in my books except possibly her parenting style.


Because it is a direct translation of Los misterios de Laura. Why TPTB not translated it to the more appropriate in English Laura's Mysteries is a mystery by itself.

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I missed the first episode because I hadn't heard much about this show, just saw the preview a couple times. That said, I did catch the first ep on Hulu, and I enjoyed it enough to catch it live this week.

I didn't have a problem with the crime, and since I didn't have any expectations about this show, I'm okay with Laura blackmailing the cheer coach, pick pocketing the rapist/murder's cell phone. Someone said they are viewing this like Psych, and that's the vibe I got for the show too. It's not as good as Psych, but I think they can get there one they have everything ironed out.

Hate the ex-husband. Hate him being her boss. I didn't like him in the first ep because he just comes off as a horrible dad and partner. And then this episode they told us he's a serial cheater, so he is dead to me. It wasn't bad enough he took the job, kissed her, took her partner out for drinks and then tried to get him to mess around with some girls, but he wants to throw money at her about the babysitting thing so he could go out? I don't care if he says he loves Laura and says all this stuff about how wonderful she is, all his actions prove otherwise. I really hope they don't try to get them back together. Does this plot remind anyone else about Women's Murder Club? Will Estes comes back and is Angie Harmon's boss and ex. That show didn't last very long for a bunch of reasons, but it was the plot that made me quit watching.

Love Laura's partner, he actually seems sincere when he compliments her- and they've shown us him joking around like he respects her. If there has to be a romantic pairing, I would prefer it be between Laura and him. 

I'm not even going to get started on the too old kids, but at least they weren't in as much of the second episode.

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Thought I'd give it one more chance, but when the suspect declared that he'd spent the previous evening shoving a firecracker up a squirrel's ass I turned off the tv.  Josh Lucas is dead to me now.  

I watched the pilot last week and was horrified. So I just came to see if that was just the curse of pilots, or if this show just might be a stinker. I barely made it through your squirrel sentence and was already rolling my eyes.

Watched last week b/c of Messing, Lucas, and liked Alsonso on that catching fugitives show from awhile back on A&E. But holy hell the pilot was bad. Josh Lucas may be dead, but dammit if he isn't still fine, lol.


So you're saying the shit sandwich still contains shit?

This made me do a spit take. Thank you thank you for the laugh. And thank you for confirmation that it doesn't always get better.

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My favorite part was the protester/babysitter. I was really hoping they would keep her because the snark is lovely.


 I also liked the anacronym DWARF.


Other than that, not much. Debra Messing is gorgrous and tries, and i wish they would do more with her crew and less with her ex-husband/boss. Why was he even there on the stakeout except that he's her ex and jealous?  I fear the show will have them end up together and that's just wrong.

Does this plot remind anyone else about Women's Murder Club? Will Estes comes back and is Angie Harmon's boss and ex. That show didn't last very long for a bunch of reasons, but it was the plot that made me quit watching.

Yes, now that you mention it. I liked that show a lot but the ex-husband = boss is something that i always hate.  Gee, isn't it fun that now he's justified in telling her what to do?  And any time she wants something, she has to justify it to him?  Not.

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That was really disappointing.  I didn't like anything about it.  I've always enjoyed Josh Lucas, but his presence didn't help at all.  I  have the second episode on dvr, so I'll go ahead and watch that in case it's a big improvement over the pilot, but I find it difficult to believe that they can make it watchable enough for me.

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Thank you TV Anonymous - I haven't figured out how to tag people on here yet.


One more nitpick ... I always want to slap someone when a parent talks about "babysitting" their own kids.  I know this usually happens with the fathers being called babysitters, but it never ceases to piss me off to no end.  Having it show up on this show gives it another strike against continuing to watch it. 

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The humor is hard to take when they are investigating a murder/rape. It's like they stuck SVU with Brooklyn 9-9 and it just doesn't work. I hate all of the supporting cast except her partner. Overall, this show's tone is so weird that I am having problems enjoying the show.

I suppose I didn't have a problem with the tone because I'm a long-term fan of "Castle" and "Psych." Both of those paired humor with murder or other crimes (I'm not sure about rape).


I also missed the pilot, but it sounds like I didn't miss much. I won't bother to look for it online.


I'm not sure if the quick moment of subtle racism was supposed to be tragically funny, but that's how I took it. I'm talking about the scene where Laz jumps out of the pushes, and Kevin yells "take my wallet, please don't kill us." I laughed, but it was also sad. Black men are often viewed as criminals by default.

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I'm talking about the scene where Laz jumps out of the pushes, and Kevin yells "take my wallet, please don't kill us." I laughed, but it was also sad. Black men are often viewed as criminals by default.

Didn't Laz have a gun pointed at them? In which case he should have identified himself as a policeman right away.

Edited by Trey
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Eh, I'm pretty easy to please I guess because I think this show is pretty cute. I like Debra Messing and Josh Lucas and I'm OK with the light tone of the show. It's not the greatest show in the world but it's cute and entirely watchable. 



I would think the phone being lifted from the rapist's pocket wouldn't be admissible as it was obtained without a warrant etc.


It wouldn't be - that's why they returned it to his pocket instead of keeping it as evidence. They were just checking to confirm he'd been on a date with the murder victim.


One thing that really stuck out as unrealistic (I know, among a plethora of things, this is what bugged me) - Laura makes a reference to Sex and the City and neither of the two guys with her have any idea what she's talking about. Then, two seconds later, her partner makes a reference to 50 Shades of Grey. How unlikely is that? The former is a famous TV show that was on for years and had two movie spin-offs, fairly recently. The latter is a book this has not yet been made into a movie and which her partner would be even less likely to know about.

Edited by iMonrey
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I like the show.   Ding ding ding to whoever mentioned Castle.  That's what it reminds me of but she's the "Castle" character.  I'll definitely continue to watch.  I think giving those brats cough syrup hooked me last week. And I like that she's just generally messy.

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I watched the 2nd episode and I still think it's cute. I have always enjoyed the cop/detective show mixed with humor. It's not perfect and I could do without her ex-husband as her boss but I'm in. Also wanted to say that less time spent dealing with her out of control kids was a huge improvement from the pilot.

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I thought 5-second rule applied only for indoor floor. To pick up food falls on the ground or on the street... ew...

Years ago I heard that sidewalks have a fraction of the germs found in carpets because of the sanitizing effects of the elements.

It was better than the pilot, but that's not saying much, and it wasn't much better.

It seemed like they decided to go more for funny that drama, so congrats on deciding what you want the show to be (this summer's Taxi Brooklyn couldn't decide), but I never laughed at any of the jokes--which I did watching this week's episode of the supernatural drama, Saving Hope.

Actually, I couldn't find the jokes on MoL--unless: Was Laura causing the woman at the yoga class to break her nose supposed to be funny?

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I thought this was the pilot too!!  It could be such a good show if it were tweaked a bit (ok, maybe a lot.) 


The absolute best part of this episode for me is when DM spotted the Madonna CD's and talked about seeing her in the 8th grade on the Virgin Tour and mentioning that the Beastie Boys opened for her because I did the exact same thing!!  It was the highlight of my 8th grade year!!!  It was my first concert and I still have the ticket stub 29 years later!!   I went with all of my girlfriends from Catholic school so no boy grabbed my boob though!! 

Edited by crgirl412
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Guest Accused Dingo

Finally got around to watching this.  (Love you Hulu).  


Yes the scene at the school with the red paint was obvious but it was an elegant way to introduce her children.  Having Laura be upset and telling the twins that their father was going to upset and have him.......not be went a long way in explaining their relationship in a couple of scenes.  While they were married Laura was always the "bad guy" and dad was the "fun parent".   After five minutes I wanted to divorce the guy.....but I can see how when he wants to be he could be charming.


I don't really care if the schools expelling the boys  isn't realistic.  I don't watch dramas for realism.....more for heightened realism and I can see a snooty pk finally having enough with a couple of overly rambunctious kids.  


I am sad that Enrico Colantoni is probably going to be a one off unless they pull a revenge plot.


The only thing that really grates is the Ex-husband "my new boss."  Not one of my favorite tropes.  


Since episode 2 is also on Hulu right now I will watch it but not sure after that.....or maybe this will be strictly a Saturday Hulu show.  Haven't decided yet.  

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I just watched both shows on demand... boy, I think they're counting on Debra Messing's fans to bring in the numbers. Because that's the only reason I'll watch this. (Although that assistant is great, and by that I mean the actor's doing a good job.)

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Shoot me if you must, but I gotta say I don't hate this show.  And I totally expected to.  I'd heard nothing but negative reviews, and I've never been a Debra Messing lover in particular (I don't hate her either; she's just "meh" to me).  I only sat down to watch the first ep because I got strong-armed into it by my mom (long story).  But I just watched episode 2 on my own with no coercion.


I mean, is it a brilliant show?  No.  Clearly not.  Does it have tone problems?  Absolutely.  And the "she's a career woman AND a mom" setup (the "CopMom, MomCop scenario) should have been put to sleep 20 years ago, at least.


But, that said, I appreciate what it's trying to do.   I think there is a place on TV for a show that mixes elements of broad farce in with a procedural.  I mean, Brooklyn 99 does it with a half-hour comedy and gets away with it (although that's not necessarily a procedural).  And as several have mentioned here, it worked for Psych and Castle.  So I don't think the concept is bad.  The execution just needs more tweaking.  It seems to have promise to me and is by far NOT the worst thing I've seen this fall.  


Just sayin' it's a decent laundry-folding show and I could see myself watching it every week for a while.

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Agreed, this isn't appointment tv for me, but it's the perfect "the kid is in bed, we need something to watch and it can't involve any heavy stories or be rerun #10,000 of the Big Bang Theory". 


Also, Debra Messing went to Brandeis, and even though she's too embarrassed to admit it anymore, I still feel like I should support her as a fellow alum. 

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